Village of Mundelein Services
Address posting Fire Department
Adopt a Hydrant Program Fire Department
Agendas, Meeting Minutes & Contacts for Village Board, Commissions & Committees
Agreements & Contracts
Alumni Police Academy
Ambulance Billing
Animal Trap Requests
Police Department
Police Department
Block Parties Administration
Building Occupancy Certificates
Building Permits & Plan Reviews
Building/property code enforcement
Burglar Alarm registrations
Business Grants (BIG)
Building Department
Building Department
Building Department
Police Department
Community Development
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3225
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Police Department 221 North Lake St mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle finance@mundelein org | 847 949 3246
Mundelein Police Department 221 North Lake St mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Mundelein Police Department 221 North Lake St
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
planning@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Certificates of Occupancy and Inspections Building Department
Child Passenger Car Seat Safety Installations Police Department
Citizen Police Academy Police Department
Citizens Fire Academy Fire Department
Contractor & Business Registrations, Liquor, Tobacco, Video Gaming & other specialty licenses Administration
Curfew violations Police Department
Customer Service Administration
Dispatch Police Department
Dog at large/Stray dogs, dog no rabies tag Police Department
Early Voting Location Fire Department
Economic Development/Economic Development Commission Community Development
Electrical Aggregation Administration
Emergency Medical Services Fire Department
Village of Mundelein 300 Plaza Circle
building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake St
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake St
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake St
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake St
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake St
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
planning@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering
Engineering—Flood control/mitigation Public Works & Engineering
801 Allanson Rd
pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering
Engineering—Manage Village Project bids Public Works & Engineering
801 Allanson Rd
pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Engineering—Plan reviews
Event Permits
Public Works & Engineering
Building Department
Explorers Program Police Department
Fire /Rescue Services Fire Department
Fire Alarm board monitoring Police Department
Fire Alarm Monitoring Fire Department
Fire Alarms Fire Department
Fire Codes Fire Department
Fire Drills Fire Department
Fire Extinguishers Fire Department
Fire Hydrants Fire Department
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering
801 Allanson Rd
pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake St
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake St
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake Street
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Lanes Fire Department
Fire Prevention Fire Department
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Safety Inspections Fire Department
Fire Sprinklers Fire Department
Fire Stations Safe Havens/Illinois
Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act Fire Department
Fire Suppression Fire Department
Forestry—Tree assessments – Certified Village Arborists conducts a disease/ infestation inspection of any tree on private property and recommends protection or eradication measures. Public Works & Engineering
Free Little Library Permits Building Department
Freedom of Information Act Requests Administration
General Building codes Fire Department
General questions Administration
Gun Locks Police Department
Handicap Placards Administration
Hazardous Materials Response Fire Department
Home Safety Inspection Program – check smoke and CO detectors, slip and fall hazards, etc. Fire Department
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering
801 Allanson Rd
pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3223
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake Street
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Hood & Duct systems Fire Department
In person payments – water, permits, registrations, licensing, zoning fees, Metra parking quarterly pass, waste & yardwaste stickers
Information Technology
Ink Fingerprints
Police Department
Internships/Field Observation with High School & Tech Campus Students Fire Department
Junior Police Academy
Police Department
Knox Homebox Program (volunteer) Fire Department
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake Street
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake Street
mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Latino Police Academy Police Department
Made in Mundelein Program
Maintains streets, curbs, public sidewalks, signage—Resurface, reconstruct, repairs
Maintains streets, curbs, public sidewalks, signage—St.snow removal,, salt
Maintains streets, curbs, public sidewalks, signage—Street sweeping
Maintains water utility infrastructure— water mains, water/sewer lines
Maintains water utility infrastructure— water reclamation/treatment plant, pumping stations, water towers
Community Development
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Mundelein Police Department 221 North Lake Street mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle planning@mundelein org 847 949 3282
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Marketing & Communications—Website, social media & newsletters
Mosquito control
Neighborhood Garage Sale Permits
Noise complaints
Public Works & Engineering
Building Department
Police Department
Old #1 Committee – maintains 1925 Fire Engine donated to Department from Cardinal Mundelein – Attend events around Mundelein Fire Department
Open burn permits
Oversized loads
Part of Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COaST) that deals with mental health related calls
Plan Review & Inspections for Village of Hawthorn Woods
Plan Reviews for Village of Mundelein
Planning – Comprehensive Plan
Planning & Zoning Commission
Prescription drug drop off ( no needles)
Public Works Programs & Events— Agreement with Groot – Spring Cleanup
Public Works Programs & Events—Leaf pickup Yardwaste seasonal Waste removal
Building Department
Police Department
Police Department
Building Department
Community Development
Community Development
Community Development
Police Department
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle
info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle building@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake Street mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake Street mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake Street mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle planning@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle planning@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Mundelein Police Department
221 North Lake Street mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Village of Mundelein Services
Public Works Programs & Events—Textile recycling (year round)
Public Works Programs & Events—Utility Reimbursement Program
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Questions regarding local municipal ordinances Administration
Rental Registrations
Building Department
Retired Flag Dropoff Fire Department
Senior Police Academy
Service requests from residents—Parkway tree trimming/concern
Service requests from residents—Pothole repair
Service requests from residents— Sidewalk repair
Service requests from residents St.lights out
Service requests from residents Test for water leaks
Special Use, Variations, Annexation processes
Police Department
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Public Works & Engineering
Community Development
Standpipes Fire Department
TIF Districts
Training Community Fire & Health
Community Development
Education, monthly CPR/AED training, taught by MFD, registration through Park District Fire Department
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle building@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Police Department 221 North Lake Street mpd@mundelein org | 847 968 4600
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle planning@mundelein org (847 949 3282
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle planning@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Training CPR classes scheduled directly with MFD for businesses, school groups, youth organizations Fire Department
Training—Emergency Preparedness Fire Department
Training—Fire Extinguisher Training Fire Department
Training—First Aid Fire Department
Village of Mundelein taxes Finance
Village Policies, Ordinances, Resolutions & Proclamations Administration
Village property/building maintenance Public Works & Engineering
Voting Registration (prior to early voting) Administration
Wastewater Treatment Plant and PW&E Facility Tours Public Works & Engineering
Water & Sewer Billing
Zoning Questions/Zoning Reviews Community Development
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Mundelein Fire Department
Fire Station # 1—1000 North Midlothian Rd
Fire Station # 2—1300 South Lake St
mfd@mundelein org | 847 949 3260
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle finance@mundelein org | 847 949 3246
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Village of Mundelein 300 Plaza Circle info@mundelein org | 847 949 3283
Mundelein Public Works & Engineering 801 Allanson Rd pwdept@mundelein org | 847 949 3270
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle finance@mundelein org | 847 949 3246
Village of Mundelein
300 Plaza Circle planning@mundelein org | 847 949 3282
Village of Mundelein Services cont.
Did You Know?
• We serve over 31,100 residents throughout the Village of Mundelein and an estimated 4,000 additional District residents outside of Village of Mundelein boundaries
• We oversee:
• 34 park sites;
• 735 acres of open space, playgrounds, ball fields, lakes, and trails;
• Over 650 seasonal programs;
• Over 20 annual events
• We provide programming for all ages; over 17,000 participants ages 1-17 years old annually
Barefoot Bay Family Aquatic Center 1461 N Midlothian Rd
Birthday Parties
Big & Little Child Development Center
Mundelein Community Center 1401 N Midlothian Rd
Indoor Pool
Mundelein Community Center 1401 N Midlothian Rd
Health and Fitness Center
Mundelein Community Center 1401 N Midlothian Rd
Community Garden Plots
Located in Keith Mione Community Park near t-ball baseball field
• We receive, on average, under 5% of District residents’ property tax bill to fund operations
• Property taxes only fund up to 45% of District programs, facilities, events, and spaces
Outdoor aquatic center (zero depth pool, dive well, lazy river, slides)
Available for group rentals and parties
Make your child’s birthday a special one Choose from a wide variety of ageappropriate themes for kids ages 3 and up Let us do the work so you can enjoy the party
Full day care– At Big & Little, your child is provided with a warm, nurturing, stimulating, and challenging environment that promotes social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth
Swim lessons, lap swim, aqua aerobics, family swim
Cardio and strength equipment, walking track and group exercise classes, indoor pool
Full and half lots available
Diamond Lake Beach Beach for swimming Paddle board and kayak
Diamond Lake Recreation Center 1016 Diamond Lake Rd
Diamond Lake Sports Complex 910 N Diamond Lake Rd
Biking, bocce court, combination sports field for lacrosse, soccer, and junior football, horseshoe pit, interpretive and educational trails for hiking, Nine-hole disc golf course, parking area, shuffleboard, snowmobiling
Picnic shelter available for rent
School District 120 cross country meets, AYSO soccer games
Diamond Lake Boat Launch Boat launch keys and daily passes
The center features a gymnasium, a dance/ exercise studio, two multi-purpose rooms and an instructional kitchen
Kitchen and room rentals
Dunbar Recreation Center 888 Dunbar Rd
Kracklauer Dance Studio 100 N Seymour Ave
Learning Center Preschool 1401 N Midlothian Rd
Mundelein Heritage Museum 601 Noel Drive, Mundelein
Mundelein Parks Foundation
Park/Shelter Rentals
Rec Connect
Location for most birthday parties and cultural arts programming
Home to Rec Connect before and after school care for District 75 and Mundelein Trails and Odyssey Experience— Summer Day Camp
Kracklauer Dance Studio features a sprung wood floor, mirrors, ballet barres, changing room, small waiting area, a quality sound system, and convenient parking
Learning Center Preschool programs for children ages 3–5 are designed to provide education through recreation and give children the opportunity to grow emotionally, intellectually, and socially
Village of Mundelein Historical Commission operates the Museum and Mundelein Park & Recreation District owns and assists with maintenance
Scholarships are awarded for camps, before/after care and swim lessons Scholarship funds available each year are limited
Diamond Lake Sports Complex, Longmeadow, Keith Mione Community Park and Bob Lewandowski and the Kracklauer Park Gazebo
Rec Connect offers before and after school care for District 75 (Grades K–6)
566 0650
388 5460
566 0650
Regent Center
1200 Regent Drive
Spray Park 1401 N Midlothian Rd
Active Adults (50+ Programs (group-ex classes, trips, card games, and more)
| 847 388 5427 Rental for parties, showers, etc
Spray park with larger-than-life spraying flowers, water cannons, and sand play area Convenient vending for snacks, picnic areas, shuffleboard, and sand volleyball areas, too
Birthday party packages available
Sand Volleyball Courts
Six permanent courts at Maurice Noll Park and two permanent courts at Scott Brown Park Painted lines at Wortham, Keith Mione, Memorial Parks Private, reserved indoor courts at Dunbar Recreation Center
Keith Mione Community Park 1401 N Midlothian Rd Free and located adjacent to Spray Park
0650 Sponsorship Opportunities
Summer Day Camp
Steeple Chase Golf Club 200 N La Vista Drive
Tree and Bench Memorial Programs
Youth Cultural Arts Programs
Youth Sports Programs
Youth Basketball Leagues
Mundelein Trails (Ages 5–11) and Odyssey Experience (Ages 12–14)
18 holes, Open March–November, Lunch menu available
$500 per tree and plaque is $250 Benches are based on style
Arts & Crafts, Baking & Cooking, Chess, Garden Club, Just for tots, Kind Club, Spanish, Magic, Little Vet School, robotics, and Theatre
Basketball, Flag Football, Floor Hockey, Gymnastics & Tumbling, Youth Golf, Karate, Multi-sport programs, Obstacle Course Racing, Soccer, T-ball/baseball, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball
Jr Mundelein Mustangs, (Grades K-8)
1170 N Midlothian Rd , Mundelein, IL 60060 | Phone:847 566 8702 | fremontlibrary org
Did You Know?
• The District includes portions of more than 8 villages, including about 70% of Mundelein, totaling 38,792 patrons
• We provide classes, computers, programs, study spaces, meeting rooms, craft kits, and “things” from books to mobile hotspots all for free!
• We honor library cards from every other Illinois library, and we do not charge late fees
• We recently remodeled and have great spaces for kids, teens and adults to hang out, study, or engage in fun activities
• Use your Fremont Library Card to read eBooks, stream movies, and listen to music online, or to access an information database
Book Butler We’ll automatically put new books by your favorite authors on hold for you—no phone call needed! Just fill out the form and select which authors you’d like to read
Book Clubs Fremont Public Library offers a special service for patrons who host their own Book Clubs
Borrowing Materials
Digital Conversion Equipment
eBooks & More
Library of Things
You must have a valid library card in order to check out materials We honor all cards from Illinois libraries, as well as some from Wisconsin We do not charge late fees; accounts are blocked from checking out after items are 2 weeks overdue, but the account will be cleared as soon as the items are returned
Desktop and laptop computers are available for in-library use
Equipment that can be checked out to use at home that will help you convert media such as slides and negatives, photos, audio and videocassettes, or CDs to digital files
Download or stream books, audiobooks, magazines, movies and music for free with a Fremont Library Card
Go beyond books with our Library of Things, which includes computer equipment, mobile hotspots, Rokus, board games, hands-on kits for kids, telescopes, and more!
Community Information
Your library is a wealth of information, including information about your local government, social service, and community agencies
Home Delivery
Library Cards
Mobile Printing
Museum-Library Partnerships
Notary Public
Print, Scan, Fax
Room Reservations
Library materials can be delivered to people who have disabilities or health problems that make coming to the library difficult This can be for a short or long-term situation
Anyone who resides in the Fremont Public Library District may obtain a library card for free Kids under the age of 18 may get a card with their parent or guardian
Once you have your library card you can enter it into the Library’s App on your phone to create a virtual card to use at checkout Driver’s Licenses can also be registered to use as an alternative to the card for materials checkouts To access online library resources you need the card number and password
Print from your computer at home or from any mobile device to the library’s printers Follow the instructions on the mobile printing site Printouts cost $ 10 per page for black and white and $ 25 per page for color
The library has partnered with Explore More Illinois and Museum Adventure Pass programs to offer our patrons the ability to get free or discounted admissions, parking or gift shop coupons to participating cultural sites all over the state
The library offers Notary Public services free of charge at the 2nd Floor Help Desk Please bring a valid ID, and remember that documents to be notarized must be signed in front of the Notary (do not sign them beforehand) All people signing the documents must be present A library card is not required for this service
Printouts are $ 10 per page in black and white and $ 25 per page in color You can pay with credit card or cash/coins
Faxing & Scanning to USB or email is free with our EZ Scan station on the first floor
Copying documents is easy at our copier on the first floor Cash or coins only at this machine
There are 4 study rooms, 1 learning lab and 1 meeting room available to reserve
Business & Investing
Citizenship Test Prep
The library provides free access to Morningstar Investment Research Center and Value Line Investment Survey as well as AtoZdatabases, a business reference and marketing database containing details on businesses and households across the US
The library offers online resources and classes to help with English Language Learning and Citizenship Test preparation for adults
Exam Proctoring Fremont Public Library District offers exam proctoring free of charge
Gale Courses
Linkedin Learning
Newspapers & Magazines
Gale Courses offers a wide range of highly interactive, instructor led courses that you can take entirely online As a library card holder in good standing, you are entitled to these courses at no cost Courses run for six weeks and new sessions begin every month
The library provides online resources to help you research your family tree, and our Genealogy Interest Group meets regularly to share tips and advice
Job search and skill building
Choose from thousands of online courses to learn in-demand skills from real-world industry experts Get started with your library card
View full-color versions of Chicago area newspapers, including the Daily Herald as well as all your favorite magazines through various Library apps The library also has physical copies of local newspapers as well as The New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal
The library also has a subscription to Consumer Reports online, which you can access from home with your Fremont Library Card! offers on-demand, online tutoring on over 100 subjects, including job resume and cover letter and writing review It also offers test prep resources from Princeton Review
28855 N Fremont Center Rd
Mundelein, IL 60060
847 566 0169 fsd79 org
Fremont School District 79 educates approximately 2,100 students in preschool through eighth grade and serves students from a 34-square-mile area from the communities of Mundelein, Wauconda, Hawthorn Woods, Grayslake, Round Lake, Long Grove, and Libertyville FSD79 students feed into Mundelein High School, Stevenson High School, and Grayslake Central High School
District Office
28855 N Fremont Center Road
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone 847 566 0169 fsd79 org
Lincoln Early Learning Center
200 W Maple Avenue
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone: 847 949 2720
lincoln fsd79 org
Fremont Elementary School
28908 N Fremont Center Road
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone: 847 837 0437
elementary fsd79 org
Fremont Intermediate School
28754 N Fremont Center Road
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone: 847 388 3700
intermediate fsd79 org
Fremont Middle School
28871 N Fremont Center Road
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone: 847 566 9384
middle fsd79 org
School Calendar Event listings: musical, band & choir concerts, sporting events
Rental Spaces
Youth organizations, not-for-profit or for-profit organizations, must provide certificate of insurance
Lake County Text-A-Tip Anonymous text crisis hotline offering emotional support for middle school and high school youth 1 844 823 5323
Substitute teaching
District e-newsletter Sent bi-weekly to parents, staff, and interested community members
Tuition-free kindergarten Instituted for 2023-24 school year
Parent University events Informational sessions for parents on various topics Not exclusively available to FSD79 parents
More information available on Human Resources page at
Email publicrelations@fsd79 org to be added to the distribution list
Registration information
Kindergarten registration opens in February, while registration opens to new families for grades 1-8 in March
Long-Range Facility Planning Development of the District’s Educational Long-Range Facility Plan
Children who are living in a temporary housing situation, have the right to:
Stay in the school of origin, or choose the attendance area school where you are sleeping
Homeless (McKinney Vento)
Receive transportation to and from your school of origin
• Immediately enroll in school, with or without school/ health records
Receive free lunch and school fee waivers
847 566 0169 ext 4007
Preschool Program
Illinois Report Card
District Communications Archive of District e-newsletters, Board meeting recaps, financial report, and mailed newsletters
Employee Opportunities Listing of all current job openings as well as benefits information
Mundelein High School
1350 W Hawley Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone 847 949 2200
d120 org
Lincoln Early Learning Center
200 W Maple Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone 847 949 2720
d75 org/lincoln
Washington Early Learning Center (Grades K–2)
122 S Garfield Avenue
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone 847 949 2714
d75 org/washington
Mechanics Grove Elementary School (Grades 3–5)
1200 N Midlothian Rd
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone 847 949 2712
d75 org/mg
Carl Sandburg Middle School (Grades 6–8)
855 W Hawley Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone 847 949 2707
d75 org/csms
Summer Sports Scholarships
Summer Work Program
School Supply Drive
Universidad de Padres (BPAC)
Community Resource Fair/Flu shots {30 organizations)
D120 offers scholarships for students (HS and feeder school students) that want to join a sport in the summertime Scholarship is funded through Medline
Job opportunities for MHS students that are economically disadvantaged ages 14 to 18 May qualify to participate if they have an Individualized Education Plan (1 E P or a Fee Waiver )
Physicals/Vaccines Grades K–12
Feeder Schools,and local organizations
Universidad de Padres (BPAC) meets 5 times per school year to offer sessions for Spanish-speaking parents Different topics are presented: Back to School, AVID/Honors programs, guest speakers, etc
Different local organizations attend this event to meet with constituents/residents
(Fall–April (Spring)
(McKinney Vento)
Children eligible for McKinney-Vento services may attend their school of origin (school last attended or school attended when child lost permanent housing), or attend the school that serves their temporary living situation (choice of caregiver) Even if medical or other records, birth certificates, or transcripts cannot be produced at time of enrollment
Transportation must be provided, if requested Preschool Priority consideration to preschool programs for eligible youngsters Categorically eligible for free lunch and fee waiver Supplemental tutoring, If needed
D120, Feeder Schools, and
Education English as a second language classes, credit recovery classes age 18-21 & citizenship classes
BPAC Summit (Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee)
Collaborative–D120, Feeder Schools, and local organizations Different topics: immigration, mental health, family empowerment, parent empowerment, Safe-T Laws
January–May, morning and evening classes offered (classes depend on enrollment)
& D120 Schools offer space for training, meetings and other community events
Center (Clothing/Food/ Household Items) D120 and Feeder schools gather donations and provide relief to all families in the community Center is located in District West Offices
Screenings ages 3-5 (motor, cognitive, social skills, and speechlanguage are evaluated)
Mundelein Park & Recreation District (Mundelein Community Center)
Fremont School District 79 (Fremont Elementary School)
Mundelein School District 75 (Carl Sandburg Middle School)
Mundelein High School District 120
Fremont Public Library
Mundelein Village Hall