In vitro isolation of human dental pulp stem cells

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Poster #566

In vitro ISOLATION OF HUMAN DENTAL PULP STEM CELLS N. GUTIERREZ, J. MUNÉVAR, M. TAMAYO, L. RODRIGUEZ, C. VELANDIA, A. GÓMEZ, D. DORTA, A. MIRANDA, and J. FORERO, Unidad de Investigación Básica Oral U.I.B.O, Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia



Due to the high prevalence of dental and periodontal pathologies that cause irreversible damage to teeth and maxillary structures, it is necessary to approach new therapeutical strategies (Krebsbach P, Gehron R P/2002) The human dental pulp Stem cells (DPSCs), basic in the mechanisms of tissue development and regeneration (Gronthos et al/2000 Shi et al/ 2001) are fundamental in Regenerative Medicine and Dentistry; therefore it is important to find an isolation method for optimal cryopreservation for later clinical use. Sin embargo, hay varios desafíos en relación con la calidad y seguridad en las aplicaciones clínicas de las células stem adultas, en particular aquellos relacionados con la conservación de estas células ex-vivo a temperaturas extremadamente bajas (Thirumala et al/2009)

2. OBJECTIVE To establish the isolation method for future cryopreservation of DPSCs determining factors as age, tooth type, collection and processing times that can influence their quality and quantity.

4.RESULTS The analysis demonstrate an inverse, moderate and statistically significant association between the collection and the processing times of the sample with the number of cells isolated (p=0,06 and 0.09 respectively). Other associations did not show to be statistically significant. Pool Sample

Patient age *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ¥ Total and/ ∞ 27 or average

28 24 28 27 29 29 31 30 18 26 +3.74∞

Tooth 3rd Molar premolar

Erupted Included 2 1


2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 12¥

Obtention time of the samples **

Processing time of the samples **

4 2 3 2 1 2 12 14 15 2

5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4

5.7 +5.9∞


* years of age ** hours

POOL sample


Fig 1. Fibroblast-like morphology of DPSCs confluent after 18 days of observation in primary culture. Phase contrast microscope. (1A): 40x (1B): 20X



Fig 2. (2A): Positive control mesenchymal stem cells from Whaton’s Jelly of Umbilical Cord. (10X) (2B): Negative control human fibroblasts (40X)

Table 1. Detailed description of the determining factors evaluated.

N° of pulp cells/ml isolated with MEDIMACHINE


N° of stem cells/ ml Isolated with MILTENYI

% CD 105 +

1 280.000 45.000 16 2 410.000 90.000 21 3 255.000 40.000 15 4 250.000 30.000 12 5 425.000 50.000 12 6 225.000 25.000 11 7 260.000 52.000 20 8 220.000 30.000 14 9 115.000 20.000 17 10 240.000 40.000 17 Average 35.285+12.338 cels/ 268.000+90.590 cels/ml 16%+0.03 – DS ml

N° of wells for POOL sample 9 18 8 6 10 5 11 6 4 8 8.5+4

Collection time of samples

Processing time of cultures

Fig 3. (A): Correlation between the collection time of the samples (h) and the number of pulp cells obtained after mechanical disgregation with Medimachine. (B): Correlation between processing time of the samples (h) and the number of pulp cells obtained after mechanical disgregation with Medimachine.

Table 2. Detailed description of expected results (DESCRIBE LOS RESULTADOS? A que te refieres?)


Fig 4. Method N. 1. Negative control without antibodies

Fig 5. DPSCs viability and phenotype CD105+/CD34-/CD45– after 24 hours cryopreserved with method N. 1.

Fig 7. DPSCs Viability and phenotype CD105+/CD34-/CD45– 7 days cryopreserved with method N.1.

Fig 6. DPSCs viability and phenotype CD105+/CD34-/CD45– after 24 hours cryopreserved with method N. 2.

Fig 8. DPSCs viability and phenotype CD105+/CD34-/CD45– after 7 days cryopreserved with method N.2

5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Estudios recientes describen métodos de caracterización, aislamiento y cultivo de DPSCs (Gronthos/2000; Miura/2003; Laino/2005; Iohara/2006; Kerkis/2006; Lindroos/2008; Pinheiro/2008; Suchanek/2009; Spath/2009). Pocos estudios reportan métodos de criopreservación de DPSCs (Seo et al/2005; Papaccio/2006; Perry/2008; Woods/2009) sin embargo no analizan factores que pueden ser determinantes en la efectividad de los procesos, como sugieren los resultados de este estudio.  There is a significant and inverse correlation between the handling time and the number of DPSC´s CD 105+ isolated.  The ideal teeth are included third molars and decidous teeth.  It is reported a greater differentiation capacity of mesenchymal stem cells in connective tissue of younger patients (Gronthos/ 2002).  There is a mild and indirect relationship between the patient's age and the number of DPSC's CD105+ isolated with Miltenyi.  Although the results are not conclusive due to the reduced sample size, they show important trends for an optimal protocol that must be taken in account for an effective isolation of DPSCs.  The method currently investigated and used is the cryopreservation which consist in freezing samples in order to reduce their metabolic activity and maintain low temperatures for long periods, while preserving its viability. (Woods et al/ 2004).  It is essential to evaluate the effect of two methods of cryopreservation for three different times on the viability and phenotype of mesenchymal stem cells of pulpal origin.

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