Municipal Bulletin Penela #1 (2022)

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Municipal Bulletin



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#1 JAN - DEC 2022


Municipality of Penela


Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos


Leonardo Silva Martins


Marina Espírito Santo


Vicente Zuzarte; Vitor Simões; others with reserved rights


Adelaide Reis


Fig - Indústrias Gráficas S.A. 0,54€/unit


3000 copies


#1 annual edition

The following by semesters


Hired home delivery service to CTT, S.A.

LEGAL DEPOSIT No. 137415/99

Address: Municipality of Penela, Town Square, 3230-253 Penela

Phone: 239 560 120





Dear friends from Penela, You now have our Municipal Bulletin, the first of this municipal mandate. An exercise of transparency, communication and accountability, that we present in a new format of newspaper, which is smaller and easier to read, ecological and significantly more cost effective.

In this Bulletin we will try to review summarily, this first year at the helm of the Municipality. A year of huge and complex challenges, after the Penelenses placed in our hands their trust.

Naturally, this first year was a great deal of office work with many late nights and countless meetings in the search of the best solutions to overcome all of the challenges.

In a moment of balance like this, I must recognize that I found a set of unexpected difficulties, including some unpleasant surprises, which have hampered the action in this first year.

On the one hand, at the organizational level, we found insufficient documentary information, obsolete computer equipments and an insufficient number of employees to deliver the most basic functions of a municipality, now aggravated by the challenge of the recente transfer of some services, from the central administration of the government to the local authorities.

On the other hand, we found a set of previously assumed obligations, some of great importance that were not of the public domain, which strongly conditions our municipal budget and delays the implementation of election commitments that we assumed.

When we considered that the worst of the pandemic situation was over and that we would have a year of economic growth, however we had to face the war in Ukraine, with all that it means for our life in community, not least the inflation that affects as all.

Nevertheless and despite these and many other initial difficulties, we have achieved a


significant positive balance of this first year.

We have built the bases to support a set of future and important projects to the development of our territory.

An example of this is the study for the expansion of the Mondego Mobility System to Penela. An absolute indispensable project to reverse the demographic problem of our village. Developed in conjunction with the Intermunicipal Community (CIM) of Coimbra Region, the study analysed several phases and axles for an eventual expansion of the Metrobus in the region, and the route Condeixa-a-Nova / Penela has been improved with contributions from our municipality. The initial study subverted the fair worries of the Penelenses by not foreseeing a station in the parish of Podentes, which was reversed. This improvement we have achieved, also allows the growth of the number of potential users, which increases the viability of the operation, according to the study criteria.

Another example of our new vision is the organization of the São Miguel Festival, which illustrates the cover of this Bulletin. I feel like we recovered the great moment of reunion of the Penelense family, which we would like to give continuity to, in the 2023 edition.

I also highlight the award of the prize of European Entrepreneurial Region 2023 to Penela, by the European Commission and by the Committee of the Regions. A prize that doesn't represents an end in itself, but that fills us with great pride and that it will help us to pursuit our projects, our quality of life, the potential of our territory and its centrality.

We submitted this application in March of 2022 because we refused to accept this status quo and not progress. Instead, we are the kind who do not surrender. Those who work to find solutions, as a way to overcome difficulties. Our challenge is that this award helps to increase the desirability of the region, attracting business companies and people. In that way, the partnerships with the University of Coimbra and with Instituto Pedro Nunes, together with the offer of our business incubator, Hiese, have been essential to attract new business companies, without forgetting the partnership with the Penela Business Centre.

Finally, the project to the re qualification of the Praça do Município that has now been

running for three months, is in progressing. A challenging project that comes to create a set of opportunities. We had a wall that was collapsing and we are going to transform it into a car parking that gives a new centrality to the village of Penela. It will improve the acess for those using the town hall services, In terms of tourism, the visitors of the castle and also the residents of the historic centre and local business, hotels and restaurants.

To clarify, if the option was to rebuild the wall, the municipality would have a cost that could easily get to half a million euros, without any funding possibilities (as there is no support from European funds for retaining walls) and without any significant gain. This way, building the car parking, we could apply for 85% of the European funding, to resolve the problem and improve significantly the access conditions and mobility to the centre of the town. We hope, that roughly a year from now, we can all benefit from this investment. Until then, I would appreciate your understanding for the constraints that the execution of a work such as this can cause.

A final word, at the beginning of a new year, to send you all a message of hope for a better future. Let's continue the fight against the adversities of the current context, with hard work, dedication and imagination, so that we can achieve the goals that Penela and the locals wish for.

I remain fully convinced that we are on the right path and that, although possibly later than we intended, we will fulfil the commitments we have made. For all this, for the difficult moment that the world Is going through, with a war in the centre of Europe, next year will be very challenging for all of us.

From me, today and always, you can be assured of my commitment and exclusive dedication to the public cause, to defend and work for Penela and the people of Penela, side by side with my team, the municipal workers, the Municipal Assembly, the Parish Councils and with everyone who wants to cooperate with us.

Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos Penela, 30-12-2022


President Of The Municipality

Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos (PS) Institutional and Community Relations, Finance department, Human Resources, Innovation, Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship, Administrative Modernization, Tourism and Territorial Cooperation Networks, Civil Protection, Public Building Work

Attendance to citizens on Thursdays, between 09h00 and 12h00, in the Town Hall. Contacts: or 239 560 120

Full-time councillor

Edite Simões (PS)

Education, Agenda XXI Local, Social Services, Elderly Health and Support, Art, Culture and Heritage

Full-time Councillor and Vice-President

Luis Balão Fernandes (PS)

Private Building Work, Urbanism, Planning and Mobility, Direct Administration and Logistics Park, Rural Development and Forests, Natural Environment Heritage, Youth, Sport and Associativity

Councillors without delegated powers

Rui Seoane Pereira (PSD)

Eugénia Gomes (PSD)

President of the Municipal Assembly

António Mendes Lopes (PS)

Elected by PS: 9 Elected by the PSD: 6

Presidents of Parish Councils: 4

President of the Parish Council of Cumeeira Pedro Alves (PS)

President of the Parish Council of Espinhal Luís Dias (PSD)

President of the Parish Council of Podentes

Anabela Santos (PSD)

President of the Union of Parishes of São Miguel, Santa Eufémia and Rabaçal Maria Marme (PS)



Penela Presépio Scene adapted to the context of the works in the square of the Municipality and Castle

The Penela Presépio - Nativity Scene event, organized by the City Council, runs until the 8th of January, so will only reviewed it in the next Editions of this bulletin. The famous animated Nativity opened on December 8th. With about two hundred animated figures, using technology, it is displayed in the centre of the town of Penela, in Praça da Republica.

The event includes the decentralized exhibition of several nativity scenes, in cooperation with the Parish Councils of the area, including the Espinhal Traditional Nativity, a new nativity in Cumeeira and the one in Rabaçal, creating a route of nativity scenes, that also passes by the churches of Santa Eufémia (Penela) and the church in the village of Espinhal. There are street activities, cultural initiatives, a rich program with children’s activities and sports during the weekend, and also two Christmas markets – in Penela and Espinhalfor the promotion of traditional arts and crafts, and local products. This year, the Municipality of Penela also launched, again, the challenge of the nativity contest.



The Festivities of S. Miguel 2022 took place from September 28th to October 2nd, organized by Penela Council. There were five days of celebration that brought thousands of people to the town, with a diverse program, To suit all tastes. Music, exhibitors, taverns, local products, cultural and sporting events, fireworks and lots of entertainment to celebrate the Penela traditions, which included the Annual

Fair of S. Miguel, the Walnut Fair and the Agricultural and Industrial Fair of Penela (FAGRIP).

The Festival of S. Miguel returned to Penela, after two years, in which the format was adapted to meet the conditions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The municipality reinforced the bet in the event, namely through a musical offer with national known artists. The highlight

was Tony Carreira (October 1st) that brought thousands of people to the village of Penela. Fernando Daniel was scheduled to perform on the 30th, but due to illness, he was replaced by Bárbara Tinoco, who along with Augusto Canário, (on day 2) were other important artists, from a vast program.


“Penela Fashion” involved local businesses

The Municipality of Penela distributes walnut trees to encourage production of walnuts.

The Municipality of Penela distributed about a thousand walnut trees to residents, during the centenary Feira das Nozes - Walnut Fair, a symbolic initiative intended to stimulate the increase in the production of this local product in the area.

Free transports during São Miguel weekend

On the 1st and 2nd of October, the Council of Penela provided the residents and visitors, with a bus, free of charge, that stopped at several peripheral car parks, every 20/30 minutes.

“Penela Fashion” had the participation of the following shops: clothes shops Loja da Fina and DaModas, Ana Paula hairdressers, Beauty shop Carla Paredes and Biju - fashion accessories. This year´s fashion show edition was presented by André Sardet and Mariana Solheiro and had a musical performance by Sara Figueiredo.

We wanted to bring back the S. Miguel Festival, as the great moment of the Penelense family reunion. The choice of wellknown national artists is also a bet on the projection of the Municipality of Penela in the region and in the country, because we want S. Miguel Festival to re-enter the calendar of the big events and festivals. Bringing artists like Tony Carreira, not only provides great quality shows for the Penelenses to enjoy, but in addition also supports the local economy and allows the name and the traditions of Penela to be known further afield. The municipal strategy is about supporting the tourism at this post-pandemic age, emphasising the natural, gastronomic and cultural resources, of the region, as well as encouraging its preservation and promoting the image and brand of local products and of all tourist potential of the area.


Seminar “ The Archaeological Site

São Simão” at CEHLR Salvador Dias Arnaut

As part of a programme of Seminars “History and Heritage”, promoted by the Centre of Local and Regional History Studies (CEHLR) Salvador Dias Arnaut, there was on the 26th of November, one more Seminar entitled “Archaeological Site of São Simão”. The archaeologist, Sonia Vicente participated with the theme “The Discovery of the São Simão Archaeological Site”; the art restorer Ana Ravara, with the theme “Conservation, Restoration and Enhancement of the Archaeological Site of São Simão”; and the anthropologist, Flávio Simões, with the theme “The Necropolis of Senhora da Graça, São Simão, Penela”, followed by a visit to the Archaeological Site. The initiative was a success with the conference room of the CEHLR at full capacity.

Art’Ventus settles down in Penela for a training project

In a sequence of a partnership between the Municipality and the Association “Ventos Eruditos”, within an application for the creative project, sponsored by the General Direction of the Arts, the project “Art’Ventus Penela” was designed. This project, of social development through culture, from a public training and cultural decentralization Perspective with an epicentre in music, takes place for 18 months, including a set of diversified activities, including concerts, educational workshops and master-classes. The project includes partnerships with the Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D.Pedro, Cercipenela, Santa Casa

da Misericórdia, Casa de Beneficência Oliveira Guimarães, the Philharmonics of Penela and Espinhal, the Quinta das Pontes Association and the Senior University of Penela. In the field of actions,there were workshops in the headquarters of all of the partners and also two concerts by “Art’Ventus Quintet”, on the 18th of September, at the Penela Municipal Auditorium and on the 30th of November, at the Centre of Culture and Wine, in Podentes.

“Alice” by O Espaço da Dança at the Pavilhão Multiusos

On the 15th of July, the show “Alice”, by O Espaço da Dança, was on stage of the Pavilhão Multiusos. The show, inspired by the literary classic by Lewis Carroll, integrated all the students of the dance school, in a great production of light, colour and sound, which made the public travel to the Wonderland.


33rd Feira do Mel in Espinhal recovered the participation of producers and public

In this 33rd edition, which took place between the 2nd and the 4th of September, the participation of producers and artisans was significantly greater than previously. There was also much more interest from the general public, compared to the editions during the Covid-19 pandemic. The strong public presence was also notorious at the night shows, especially at the one by the artist Ana Malhoa.

The 7 th Bienal do Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães gathered graphic creators of all continents

Graphic creators from all continents participated in the 7th Humor Biennial Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, in Penela. “Animals, Man and the Planet” was the theme of this edition. The judges evaluated a total of 1670 entries, from 550 artists of 79 nationalities.

The first classified was Mahboubeh Pakdel from Iran. The Caricature Award was won by the artist Guaico (Raúl Grisales), from Colombia.


The 11 th Feira do Queijo e dos Romanos in Rabaçal

The event took place on the 24th of April, in an organization of the Union of the parishes of São Miguel, Santa Eufémia and Rabaçal, which had the support of the Municipality and the collaboration of the Associação de Caminheiros Of Penela, Penela Scouts, the Agrupamento de Escolas Infante

D. Pedro, Rabaçal Social Centre and the Association of Cheese Producers of Rabaçal – Aprorabaçal. The event promoted not only the famous Rabaçal Cheese, but also other local products such as Terras de Sicó wines, Olive Oil, Honey and Walnuts.

2nd Nacional Encounter Of Urban Sketchers from Terras da Chanfana in Penela

The 2nd National Encounter of Urban Sketchers from Terras da Chanfana, took place on the 28th and 29th of May, included in the Cultural Project “Do Xisto á Chanfana vai um Mundo” which includes the municipalities of Penela, Lousã, Miranda do Corvo and Vila Nova de Poiares. The encounter was attended by 17 designers and had the villages of Espinhal, Rabaçal and Penela as inspiration.

Vinália 2022

Promoted wine from Podentes.

On the 25th and 26th of June, Podentes hosted the event Vinália 2022. After two years of interruption, due to the pandemic situation, the event Vinália came back with lots of news.

MagicarSicó took the show to Penela Castle

Penela Castle staged magic shows, within a cultural programming project led by the Association Terras de Sicó, with the magician Luís de Matos as its artistic director.The shows took place in two daily sessions, at 11:00 am and at 3:30 pm, on the 19th and 20th of February, in outdoor settings, with the performances of the magicians Bruno, Joaquim Matas, Ben Woodward and Mago Teto.

In the sequence of the same project, there was also an action to draw attention to the art of magic, on March 22nd, at Studio 33, headquarters of the company Luís de Matos Productions, located in the Zona Industrial de

Ansião, with the participation of all students of the 2nd and 3rd grades of the Schools Infante D. Pedro, Penela.


Feira Medieval is back and with a lot of visitors

After two years of disruption, due to Covid, Penela celebrated once more its Medieval Fair, in the Castle. The event, which took place on the 28th and 29 of May, was a joint organization of the Municipality of Penela, the Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Pedro and the School Parent´s Association. Attention called for the activities and shows that were organized by the school community with the support from several other entities in the local community, such as Espaço da Dança and Sociedade Filarmónica Penelense. The Medieval Fair of Penela brought together a large number of exhibitors , stallholders and had a high affluence of visitors.


Cantata de Natal with poems by Antonio Arnaut at Convento de São Francisco with Penela Choir

The Convento de São Francisco, in Coimbra, hosted the Christmas Cantata “The Blue Bird – Christmas Tales and Poems", by António Arnaut, on the 8 th of December. A creation of Paulo Bernardino, a conductor from Penela, with the participation of the Classical Orchestra of the Centre, the Choirs from Perosinho, Arouca, Penela and Carlos Seixas.

Penela was promoted in BTL in Lisbon

The Municipality of Penela participated and promoted itself at BTL - Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa. Penela Mayor, attended opening of the Stand of Dueceira and CIM Region Coimbra.

More recent discoveries in mosaics of the Roman Villa of São Simão presented at a colloquium in Lyon

The archaeologist Sónia Vicente presented “The most recent discoveries in the mosaics from the Roman Villa of São Simão, Penela, Portugal” (Sónia Vicente, Ana Ravara Mendes, Flávio Simões), at the 15th Colloquium of the International Association for the Study of Ancient Mosaic, which takes place in Lyon, France. This symposium presents the stratigraphic findings, in situ preferably recent, excavated in and studied according to the current scientific requirements.

Protocol of cooperation with Portugal Tourism

The Municipality of Penela signed a Protocol of Cooperation with the Tourism of Portugal, IP, with the aim of creating and developing the program “ Formação + Próxima”. This program will help to improve the knowledge and skills of those involved in tourism by giving training to entrepreneurs, managers and intermediate and operational workers, thus contributing to add value to the local businesses and their territories.


Municipality of Penela distinguished as European Entrepreneurial Region 2023

On the 30th of June, the Municipality of Penela received the Prize for the European Entrepreneurial Region 2023, from the Committee of the European Regions Championship, in Brussels, alongside with cities such as Barcelona (Spain), Pomorze Zachodnie (Poland), which were also distinguished this year.

In Portugal, besides Lisbon (2015) and Castelo Branco (2021-2022), Penela is the only municipality with a low population density achieving this distinction, which is a source of great pride for those who live, invest and work in the Penela.

Penela and its Inhabitants deserve this prize, as we have a magnificent territory, with even better people, humble and hardworking, who I hope are really happy with this European recognition of our commitment to the innovation and the entrepreneurship as one of the ways intended to help develop a land of low population density. This application, submitted in march 2022, is a statement of our intention to refuse to sit back and cross our arms. In the contrary, we are those who don’t surrender, those who work to find whatever tools are necessary to over come our difficulties.

The partnership and networking with scientific and technological community, such as the Pedro Nunes Institute and the University of Coimbra, have been essential to attract new companies to the area, as well as the close collaboration with the local business association, the NEP. The creation of the HIESE Incubator is

a basic structure of the municipality to consolidate the European Entrepreneurial Region´s strategy (EER), in a partnership with Instituto Pedro Nunes, as it enhances the articulation with the scientific and technological system that is crucial to the growth and development of businesses.

Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos

Deixe os seus terrenos no mapa de Penela.

Penela has already geo referenced more than 19,000 pieces of land in BUPi, which represents above 36% of the area

The Balcão Único do Prédio (BUPI) in Penela, has completed 19,157 processes of land register by graphic representations (RGG).

This very significant number represents an area of more than 36% of the municipality, which is very positive, considering that this area is characterized by the existence of small holdings.

Penela Council will continue to promote this operation of simplified registration of land, which is free of charge until August 2023, according to the legislation currently in force.

BUPI is a platform that allows owners to identify their rustic, rustic/ urban properties in a simple way and free of charge, By arranging an appointment at the council office (which in Penela works in the Town Hall) or online (

The Project Coimbra Region Empreende + passed at the HIESE

The HIESE, in Penela, received the second round of workshops to introduce the project Region of Coimbra Empreende +.

This project aims to encourage the entrepreneurship in the 19 municipalities of the CIM Coimbra Region and it is aimed at those who require assistance in order to make their businesses become real. The project offers free training, scholarships up to €1,200/month for the project business promoters and financial awards up to €5,000.

Penela debates entrepreneurship, technology and digital economy

The NeetMaker Digital Summit took

place at HIESE, In Penela. The event, promoted by Smart Rural HIESE, the incubator of the Institute Pedro Nunes and Penela Council, aimed to discuss the digital economy and share technological knowledge, closing like this, a training and incentive program for employability and social inclusion, attended by 61 young people.


CM Penela and IPC present Regional Innovation Office for entrepreneurs

The Town Hall of Penela and the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (IPC) presented the new Regional Innovation Office - @GIR to the entrepreneurs of the county. The project aims to create a proximity connection between the territories, mainly those of low density, supporting technological innovation and regionally based business through a connection between the institution and the territory. At the opening of the public presentation, the president,

Participation in the Circular Cities Network RURBAN Link

The Municipality of Penela has been attending the network meetings of RURBAN LINK - Circular Cities - “Circular Connections Between urban and rural areas”, promoted and funded by the General Direction of the Territory within the scope of the National Circular Cities (InC2) initiative.

The “RURBAN Link - Circular Links between urban and rural areas” that the municipality integrates, is Intended to develop UrbanRural partnerships which will allow municipalities to operate together, in order to find solutions to common urban challenges within the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy.

In a circular view of the city, urban areas set strong functional PARTNERSHIPS, of complementarity and cooperation, with peri-urban areas and their rustic surroundings, ensuring services of common interest, proximity markets for food products, energy, waste recovery, and conditions for transport and logistics.

1st Fair of Employment and Professional Qualification In Penela

The 1st Fair of Employment took place on the 31st of May, at the Penela Pavilhão Multiusos. It was promoted by the NEP - Penela Business Centre, in a partnership with the Municipality of Penela, the IEFP - Employment and Profissional Training Institute and the

Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos, emphasized that “the implementation of this cabinet of Regional Innovation, is very important and beneficial to the companies and to entrepreneurship as the IPC brings to the region its broad knowledge in countless areas”.

CLSD 4G, from Penela. The event was attended by 11 exhibitors, of which nine were companies in the municipality, and close to a hundred of people looking for a job. The program included a workshop about labor contracting for the companies and literacy for unemployed people. At the end of the meeting, a networking meeting was held between companies and people looking for a job. This initiative had the over all aim of promoting the connection between the needs of workers from the companies in the municipality and an easier contact between the people looking for a job and the employers.


Re-qualification project of the Municipality Square is going to reconfigure the centre of the village

Penela Town Hall started the renovation work of Praça do Município, on the 6th of September, at a ceremony which was attended by the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa. The mayor, Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos, referred that this work is going to “reconfigure the centre of the village” and constitutes a “additional value” for the quality of living of the inhabitants and visitors who go to the Town Hall and to Penela Castle.

A global investment of €1.5M promises to “revolutionize the access to the Town Hall and to Penela Castle”, said the president of the Municipality of this county, of Coimbra district.

The construction work of the new Praça do Município has already started, in a ceremony also attended by the Minister of the Territorial Cohesion , Ana Abrunhosa.

The work, in charge of the company Odraude – Civil Construction and Public Works, Lda., which won the public contest, includes the demolition

and construction of a new retaining wall, existing between the Praça do Município and the parallel street, which is in an advanced state of deterioration. The project foresees the creation of a considerable area of public car parking, with about 60 parking places, divided into two different levels, which brings an answer to parking needs and accessibility to the Praça do Município, Penela Castle and the Santa Eufémia Church.

The intervention also foresees the creation of parking areas for people with disabilities and mobility issues as well as pedestrian accesses adapted to the current legislation on accessibility. It also includes the re qualification of the electricity, rainwater and waste-water connections. This project has community funding, under the Operational Centre Programme (Centro 2020) and a execution time of approx. 18 months, including some work on the pedestrian routes in the

centre of the village: Total investment: €1,974,900.60

Eligible Investment: €1,422,726.92

FEDER funds: €1,209,317.88

The national counterpart is ensured by the municipality which applied, for this purpose, for the BEI PT Line 2020.

The rehabilitation work of the “Casa da Legião” will create a place dedicated to culture and tourism

The rehabilitation work of the “Casa da Legião”, in Penela, intends to create in this dilapidated and vacant art-deco building, a place for culture and tourism.

The necessary changes were carefully considered, so the building and its originality were not misrepresented, that way

Wall construction – Fonte da Rolha, Espinhal

Work Completed.

the intervention will focus on the redefinition of the interior space, by replacing and reinforcing structural elements, and creating the necessary infrastructures and the access to disabled people, in a total area of construction of 360m2. This project is community funded in 85%, being included in the addendum to the

Retaining wall reconstruction in Carvalhal da Serra

Work Completed.

contract of the Action Plan for Urban Regeneration of Penela, distributed as follows:

Total Investment: €531,412.65;

Eligible Investment: €468,258.82;

FEDER funds: €398,020.00.

Casa do Rebanho – Centre of Local Endogenous Activities In Ferraria de São João

Work Completed.


Energetic Rehabilitation of the Municipal Swimming Pool of Penela

This work has suffered several significant delays due to a set of mistakes and omissions in the initial project, which have been discovered during the work (already in the current municipal mandate). One of the most serious problems has to do with the stability of the roof structure. Due to this, the works had

to be suspended, a new project done for the new metal roof, and then the construction of this new foof and its installation. Subsequently, another issue has emerged due to a failure to predict a proper road access to the area where the boiler is fuelled. Because of this problem, it is necessary to reposition the gas deposit, rectify the accesses, thus causing considerable delays and a significant increase in the final cost of the work.

Exterior repairs in the surroundings of the Castle.

When this municipal executive took office, it was confronted with a project that had been impacted by a set of uncertainties in the , justified with the need to carry out various ground movements (that only later would be possible to assess the ground characteristics).

For this reason, it was decided to

suspend the work, with the aim of clarifying these uncertainties, review the project for the metal ladder that connects the “Quintal das Lapas” to the lower walkway, so that, later, the work could recommence, without interruptions of the municipal responsibility.

At the moment, the work is being done, with a deadline of 90 days, ending at the end of the first trimester of 2023. This project has community funding from PORTUGAL 2020.

Right now, the work is in progress and the Town Hall is committed in solving these problems to give the Municipal Swimming Pool back o Penelenses as soon as possible. This project has community funding from PORTUGAL 2020.

Expansion of the Industrial Zone of Louriceira – Business Host Operation

The work is in a completion phase, being the partial provisional acceptance carried out. This project has community funding of PORTUGAL 2020.

Expansion of HIESE –Business location place

The works are nearly completed. The company requested the provisional acceptance of work in December. Thereafter, the

municipality produced an inspection report that identified some nonconformities, that now need to be corrected by the company responsible for the work.

This project is also community funded by PORTUGAL 2020.


Re-qualification and adaptation work of the existing InfrastructuresSupport house to CIUS – Old corral

Completed work. This project was fundedby the Municipal Emergency Fund for replacement of infrastructures and damaged equipment by the Leslie storm.

Paving work in various places

Work practically completed, waiting for provisional reception. This project was funded by the community programe VALORIZAR.

Several paving work have been carried out throughout the county, due to the degradeted state of of the roads. At this stage, taking the budget limitations into account, an amount of 158 thousand euros (VAT included), has been assigned to this work. The executive’s priority options were: Cabecinha; Fetais Cimeiros; Quinta da Cerca; Rua da Nogueirinha and Beco da Eira (Espinheiro); Santo Amaro; Camarinha; Main road in the Industrial Zone of Penela; Main road in Cerejeiras; Tolica; Melhorado and Gateira. The Town Hall continues to monitor the road network and will continue to improve, gradually, the state of municipal roads. This project was funded exclusively by the municipal budget.

Allotment in Rabaçal Urbanization works

When this municipal executive took office, it was faced with a construction which Should have been completed several years ago.

Accordingly, we moved for administrative ownership of the property, for completion

of the allotment works. The work is now in progress and the contractor is evaluating the existing infrastructures, namely the water supply, sewage and rainwater collectors. The next phase is about correcting some deficiencies in this evaluation and subsequent paving of the streets and rectification of side walks.

Construction of a retainin wall in Rua do Convento de Santo António - Penela

Protective structure of the Archaeological site of São Simão

Work nearly completed, waiting for the provisional

reception. This project is funded by the Municipal Emergency Fund for the replacement of infrastructures and damaged equipment by the Leslie storm.

Installation of electric infrastructures for the connection of electric vehicles charging stations

Modernization and improvement of Penela Municipal Market

Work nearly completed, waiting for the provisional reception. This project is community funded by PORTUGAL 2020.

Re-qualification work of the access to the Ponte do Espinhal

bridge and its surronding areas

Work completed.

Project completed, waiting for the electric connection.


Municipal Budget for 2023 foresees the creation of the municipal health card

The Municipality of Penela unanimously approved the the Municipal Budget and Great Plan Options for 2023, in the amount of 13.2 million euros, which has the novelty of creating a health card for the residents to access an extended network of Services.

The presidente, Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos, pointed out that the budget for next year is marked by some restrictions and a great uncertainty, so not yet can fully reflect the electoral

DECO - Free costumer service on the second Thursday of each month

The Municipality and DECO started a partnership that provides services to consumers, on the second Thursday of each month, from 10 am to 1 pm, in the Town Hall. A free initiative that arised in June, under the protocol signed between the Town Hall and the DECO consumers association, for the development of projects regarding information, representation, training to consumers and also their empowerment.

program endorsed in the last local elections.“One of our election commitments was the creation of a health insurance, but due to the restrictions, we won´t yet be able to implement the insurance we planned, although we are already giving steps to firm up a municipal health card, which will allow the reduction of costs in the access to an extended network of health services,” he said.

“Give change to those in need” in Penela and Espinhal pharmacies

The Municipality of Penela joined the solidarity fundraising campaign “Give Change to those in need”, promoted by the Associação Dignity. In the pharmacies of Penela and Espinhal it was possible to donate the change from purchases in favor of this campaign. The initiative invites people to donate the change from purchases made at pharmacies. The amount raised by the action will be fully applied in the acquisition of medicine for families in need, covered by the Programme: Rede Solidária do Medicamento.

Food raising for solidarity baskets

The Municipality of Penela and Smart Rural HIESE promoted a solidarity food raising intended for solidarity baskets.


New online management platform Simplifies school processes


The Municipality of Penela acquired a new electronic platform for school management, which simplifies and reduces bureaucracy. This investment of around 29,000 euros (VAT included), awarded to Edubox, Allows students and parents or guardians, to easily resolve issues related to school transport, meals and extra school activities, among other tools made available to the municipality, teachers and technical school staff.

This service is made available free of charge to all around 400 students from pre to elementary school and about 110 teachers and other technical staff, essential for the normal operation of schools in the county.



and the Bank Crédito

Agrícola awarded the merit of 165 students

Penela City Council, sponsored by Crédito Agrícola awarded academic, civic and sports merit of 165 students. The format of the Education Gala, which is now in its 15th edition, will now be revised, announced the mayor. Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos stressed that a protocol with the University of Coimbra, through the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences is being finalized “with the aim of establishing wide cooperation in the field of Education”.

165 students who stood out in the academic year of 2021/2022, 140 for academic merit, 23 for civic merit and two for sport merit. This year, the event was presented by Beatriz Gama and Pedro Mendes.

Photographs of various moments of the Education Gala are on the following pages.

#1 JAN - DEC 2022 - 25 EDUCATION
#1 JAN - DEC 2022 - 27 EDUCATION

The Education Minister visited the Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Pedro

On January the 8th, 2022, the minister of Education, Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, visited the Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Pedro in Penela ,to know about the work developed in this group of schools.

ETP Sicó School celebrates 31st birthday

The Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó (ETP) celebrated its 31st anniversary. At the ceremony, the Councillor for Education of the Town Hall, Edite Simões, presented the school merit certificates.

Municipal Council of Education meeting

The Municipal Board of Education gathered in a meeting on the 9th of November 2022 and approved the proposed amendment to the regulation and the activities in education, for the academic year 2022/2023, have also been presented and discussed. With the beginning of this school year, the municipality, in close articulation with CIMRC and ANMP, Indicate and forwarded detailed information regarding the list of needs of the Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Pedro, in Penela, which is of more than €500,000 for the coming years. The meeting ended with a balance of the process of decentralization of the services In the area of education.


World day of poetry, trees and water with activities for children

As part of the celebrations of World Poetry, Tree and Water Day, the Municipality of Penela organized a set of activities for the children of pre and elementary Education of the Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Pedro. Among the various workshops, the “Threats to Forests”, “Poetry”, “Water Road-Show”, “Dancing”, “Mosaic” and the “Roman Hortus” stand out.

World Day of Children and Environment

The World Children's and the Environment Day was celebrated with activities at the Parque de Águas Romanas, on the 3rd of June. On the 1s of June, the municipal executive was present at the three school centres of the Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Pedro, to invite the entire school community to participate in the activities and to deliver t-shirts, to promote the two symbolic days.

#1 JAN - DEC 2022 - 29 EDUCATION


Penela increases operability with a third team of Permanent Intervention

The Town Hall of Penela announced that on the 11th of November, a third permanent intervention team (EIP) of the fire-fighters, started to operate. “The entry into operation of this third EIP is the achievement of an important goal for the municipality of Penela: to strengthen the operational capacity, to respond in any emergency or urgency situation in the municipality”, referred

the President, Eduardo Santos. In a short ceremony, at the fire station of the Penela Volunteer Fire-fighters, the mayor stressed the fact that the protection of people and goods is a municipal priority, so the Civil Protection has now “more operational capacity, readiness and more means of assistance”.

Eduardo Santos considered that,

Penela Volunteer Fire-fighters Celebrate the 42nd birthday

On 4th of December 2022, there was the celebration of the 42nd anniversary of the Penela Volunteer Fire-fighters. In his intervention, the mayor of Penela congratulated and Paid tribute to the work carried out by the Humanitarian Association over the years. Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos recalled and praised the solidarity, spirit of mission and humanist of the founders, as well as all volunteers and collaborators who dedicate their daily lives to the protection of life, health and dignity of the populations. The mayor also thanked the support of the fire-fighters families, because the “time they spend in this humanitarian mission means they are not at home”.

despite te “significant financial effort”, is “absolutely essential” to have another team so that there is “a renewed confidence in tranquillity of the population”. To fund 50% of the action of the three EIPs, the municipality of Penela will have to invest 110 thousand euros per year, and the other half is fund by the central government.

Municipality drew the attention of the population to the program “Safe Villages Safe People”

The objective is to protect people located in the urbanforest interface, through the implementation and management of protection zones and refuge places in the small villages, as well as make people aware of risk behaviour and its prevention and to promote selfprotection measures and prepare for rural fires, in order to reinforce their security.


SPORTS “PENELA A MEXER” encourages group walks and runs every Wednesday

“PENELA A MEXER” is an initiative to promote physical activity, organized by the Town Hall and the Fire-fighters, which consists of group walks and runs that meet every Wednesday, at 7 pm, in Águas Romanas Park, in Penela, or, in case it is raining, at the Pavilhão Multiusos.

1st edition of the Pedra da Ferida Trail

The 1st edition of the Pedra da Ferida Trail took place on the 20th of November, in Espinhal.

#1 JAN - DEC 2022 - 31 SPORTS

TT Amigos do Natal

The Rally TT Amigos do Natal, was, once again, a success. The meeting took place in Espinhal and brought together about eight hundred participants. The event is supported by Penela Town Hall, which recognizes the projection and good organization of an event of this size, which also has a solidarity purpose.

Classica Aldeias do Xisto, at Ferraria de São João ends

The Aldeias do Xisto Classic cycling race, an official competition, began in the village of São Miguel, in Covilhã, and ended at Ferraria de São João, in Penela.

“Rota das Nozes” was the 8th stage of the BTT hiking race MTB GPS EPIC SAMSYS 2022

Penela hosted the eighth stage of the BTT GPS EPIC Samsys 2022, on the 8th of October. An exclusively GPS guided mountain bike tour. The “Rota das Nozes” bike tour, started and finished in the village of Penela. The journey passed by the castles, fortifications, schist villages and river beaches, also in the neighbouring municipalities of Ansião, Figueiró dos Vinhos and Miranda do Corvo.

1st Encounter of Motor-homes, in Penela,

The 1st Meeting of Campers - Motor homes, in Penela took place from the 14th to the 16th of October. The event was attended by more than 60 caravans. Organized by the Associação de Autocaravanismo Portuguesa with the support of the Town Hall, this initiative will take the many visitors to the different historical points of the municipality.


5th edition of Trilho do Infante

International Volleyball Tournament in Penela

The mega volleyball tournament SUMMER CUP 2022, took place at the Pavilhão Multiusos de Penela, between the 7th and 11th of July, This 21st edition had 170 teams, which is a record both in this tournament, and in other similar events in the Europe and the World. Most teams come from Portugal, including Madeira and Azores, but also teams from Spain,

France, Monaco, Belgium, Germany, Italy, among other European countries. This competition, as in other editions, constitutes an excellent example of inter municipal partnership - Lousã, Miranda do Corvo, Vila Nova de Poiares, Góis, Serpins, Coimbra University Stadium, Penacova, Montemoro-Velho, Castanheira de Pera and Penela. The event was organized by the Lousã Volley Club and by the School Sports Club from AEL, through the Territories School Sports Project, with the support of municipalities.

Football Training Dortmund internship in Penela

The Brazilian Football School, Events-Fussballcamps from Dortmund, Germany, was in Penela for an internship during three days. The initiative was organized by the Clube Desportivo e Recreativo Penelense - CDRP with the support of the municipality.

The German delegation is visiting the region and has already been received at the Town Hall , by the President, Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos, and by the vice-president, Luís Balão, who is in charge of Sports.

PENECO continues to be


Penela Town Hall continues to promote door-to-door selective collection of waste. The PENECO service is a result of a partnership with CerciPenela, which helps organizing the circuit and provides for the collection of the containers, using an electric vehicle.

The Viewpoint from the Pedra da Ferida Waterfall Is getting even more beautiful

New decoration and lettering placed by the Town Hall.

Louçainha river beach Receives the Blue Flag again

The Louçainha River Beach, in the municipality of Penela, renovated the Blue Flag, once more this year and also won the awards For Accessible Beach and Quality of Gold. The bathing season 2022 was between the 1st of June and the 31st of August and the Municipality once more provided free bus transport.

Protocol signed to the Execution of the project “Condomínios da Aldeia”

On the 30th of March, the protocol for the execution of the project “Condomínios de Aldeia - Village Condominiums”, was signed. The project consists of cleaning and plant, within a radius of 100 meters, around the villages of Pé do Esquio and Porto da Vila, and is funded by the Environmental Fund.

Penela acquires equipment to fight the Velutina Wasp

The nest elimination equipment was delivered on the 6th of July, in a ceremony within the scope of the project “Detection and control of the velutina wasp in the territory of the CIM Region of Coimbra”. This project is funded by POSEUR, with an investment of around 541 thousand euros. The purpose of this project is the creation of a combined strategy to fight the velutina wasp throughout the region.

#1 JAN - DEC 2022 - 35 ENVIRONMENT


Town Hall awards Teresa Mendes with the Medal of HonourGolden Grade

The President of the Municipality of Penela, during the celebration of the Municipality Day, handed over the Medal of HonourGolden Grade, to Teresa Mendes, for the “exceptional contribution

with the partnership between the Municipality of Penela and HIESE”.

Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos highlighted thatthe work of “promotion of the innovation

and qualified and differentiator entrepreneurship, locally based” have already produced several outcomes, as the distinction of Penela as an European Entrepreneurial Region 2023.


Town Hall honours municipal workers who retired

The Town Hall of Penela honoured with a praise, the municipal workers who retired in 2021 and 2022: José Brasio, José Coimbra, Leonel Duarte, Maria Isabel Fernandes, Ventura Luís and Ricardo Reis.

In is intervention at the celebration of the Municipality Day, the president of the municipality pointed that this was the “recognition for public services

provided over decades”.

Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos dedicated also part of his intervention to current employees of the Municipality, “who daily

work to serve our citizens in the best way possible.

They are committed, dedicated and deserve our public recognition”.


Minister of Territorial Cohesion visits SIRL

The Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa, and the president of the CCDRC, Isabel Damasceno, visited SIRL, in September, the 6th, in the industrial zone of Penela. During the visit, the President of the Town Hall, Eduardo Nogueira dos Santos, showed the pride that the Municipality feels about this company, that produces concrete mixers and exports 70% of its production to 88 countries, highlighting that Penela, despite being a territory of low population density, has companies and entrepreneurs of excellence.

After the complaints relating to noncompliance of the universal postal service done by CTT – Correios de Portugal, SA, namely with successive delivery delays, as well as mistakes in the distribution, the Town Hall reported the company, in February. The intention was to point out the reported problems and the consequent replacement of services, under the terms of the concession contract granted between the company and the government.

Municipal Assembly is now broadcasted live online

The Municipal Assembly sessions of Penela became fully broadcasted online and live on municipal social media.

The Town Hall reported nonconformities to the CTT Correios de Portugal about the universal postal service
President of the Town Hall participates in a meeting with other mayors and with the President of the Republic
Inter municipal Community of Coimbra Region is very relevant to the development of the territory

Celebration of the 48th anniversary of the 25th of April Revolution

Penela celebrated the 48th anniversary of the 25th of April Revolution, with the presence in the solemn session, of the Secretary of State for Local Administration and Territory Planning, Carlos Miguel, and the representative of the Association 25 de Abril, Coronel Lestro Henriques.

The celebrations began with the National Anthem and the raising of the Flag at the Town Hall building. The celebration counted with the presence of Penela Fire-fighters, the Penelense Philharmonic, and also a short note of poetry alluding to the 25th April Carnation Revolution, by county finalist students, of the National Reading Contest.

Interventions by the President of the Municipal Assembly of Penela, the representatives of political parties in the Municipal Assembly, the Coronel Lestro Henriques, a military and man of April who testified the times before the Revolution, the Mayor of Penela and of the Secretary of State for Local Administration and Territory Planning, Carlos Miguel.

The celebrations ended with the inauguration of the renewed area of the access to the Espinhal Bridge. On the occasion, a plate was unveiled, alluding to the long-promised investment, near the A13, and which is now a leisure area and an improved access to the resident population, as well as to a reference hotel in the municipality.

Protocol of Cooperation between the Municipality of Penela and ALTICE Portugal

On the 25th of March, the Municipality of Penela signed a protocol of cooperation with ALTICE Portugal, establishing the bases of cooperation with a view to expanding the optical fibre network and strengthening mobile network coverage in the municipality of Penela, also enabling the reciprocal use of ducts, belonging to each of the entities, installed in the municipality. Within the scope of this protocol, regarding the expansion of optical fibre and the reinforce of the mobile network coverage, ALTICE compromises to carry out, directly and/or indirectly, by the end of 2024, the expansion of the optical fibre network in the municipality of Penela, assuming the commitment of reaching an availability rate equal to or higher than 70% of the number of houses in the municipality.


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