Mercer University Press Fall Winter 2011 Catalog

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table of contents The Greats of Cuttercane.......................1 Terry Kay Washed in the Blood..............................2 Lisa Alther The Divine Comics...................................3 Philip Lee Williams Writing on Napkins at the Sunshine Club...4 Kevin Cantwell “Between the House and the Chicken Yard”.........................................5 Jolly Kay Sharp There Is More Than One Way to Spell Wiener........................................6 Ed Grisamore The Greatest Champion That Never Was... 7 Jaclyn Weldon White Richard Brevard Russell, Jr......................8 Sally Russell Gridiron Glory Days.................................9 Robert E. Wilder Serving the Old Dominion....................10 Phillip Hamilton Diverging Loyalities..............................11 Bruce Gourley Surviving the Stained-Glass Jungle......12 Williams L. Self Father Mercer........................................13 Anthony L. Chute John Milton, Paradise Lost...................14 Matthew Stallard Jesus of Nazareth..................................15 Gerald Borchert International Kierkegaard Commentary Series...............................16 Kant and Kierkegaard on Time and Eternity..................................17 Ronald M. Green Don Browning and Psychology............18 Terry Cooper Lessons from Aquinas...........................19 Creighton Rosental

Mercer University Press Book Awards The Adrienne Bond Award for Poetry

The award is given to the best manuscript that exemplifies the poetic language and vision of the author.

The Ferrol Sams Award for Fiction

This award is for the best book that speaks to the human condition in a Southern context. This category includes both novels and short stories.

The Will D. Campbell Award for Creative Nonfiction

This award is given to the best manuscript that speaks to the human condition in a Southern context. This category includes memoir, natural history, essays, and other genres of nonfiction.

Each Award Includes a book contract and $500 advance. Award Guidelines Two (2) copies of the manuscript must be submitted. Manuscripts should have 1-inch margins using 12 pt. Times font. Each entry must be postmarked between January 1 and June 30 annually. Each entry must designate the specific book prize for consideration. No electronic submissions will be accepted. No manuscript will be returned without adequate postage provided. Awards are open to anyone writing in English. Employees and students of Mercer University are not eligible. Last date to submit manuscripts is June 30, 2012.

For questions contact or visit our website

Send to MUP Book Awards, Mercer University Press, 1400 Coleman Avenue, Macon, Georgia 31207.

2010 Ferrol Sams Award for Fiction

The Life and Letters of Emily Chubbuck Judson, Volume 4..................................20 George Tooze

—Marly Youmans, A Death at the White Camellia Orphanage

The James N. Griffith Series in Baptist Studies...................................21

—Seaborn Jones, Going Farther into the Woods than the Woods Go

Selected Backlist Titles....................22–24

2010 Will D. Campbell Award for Creative Nonfiction

The Melungeons...................................25

—Kathy Bradley, Just Breathing and Walking Around

Selected Backlist Titles....................26–28

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2010 Adrienne Bond Award for Poetry

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The Greats of Cuttercane



Terry Kay, a 2009 recipient of the Governor’s Award for the Humanities and a 2006 inductee into the Georgia

Terry Kay

Writers Hall of Fame, has been a sports writer and film/theater reviewer (Atlanta Journal-Constitution), a public relations executive, and a

Also available as an e-book

corporate officer. He is the author of eleven published novels, including Bogmeadow’s Wish, The Book of Marie, To Dance with the White Dog, The Valley of Light as well as a book of essays, Special K, and a children’s book, To Whom the Angel Spoke.

Stories from a whiskey runner to an exotic dancer, baseball players to an Indian watermelon champion When Asa Holbrook Staggs stepped into the cold-water spring that would later bear his name, he was drunk. The date was November 18, 1914. He pulled himself from the water, sober, cold, and converted to a new life in the Lord. And thus began the legend of Asa’s Spring, a pool indiscriminately dispensing favoritism to those who believed (or wondered about) the curative power of its water. These are stories of people born in Cuttercane, Georgia, the place of Asa’s Spring, and who earned minor celebrity from the townsfolk’s highest praise: “He (she) is something else, ain’t he (she)?” The “something else” is what a Southerner might call a catchall phrase, for it can apply to saint and sinner alike. It means exactly what it implies: the person referenced has made a name for him (her) self in some manner—Asa, the drunk, becoming a war hero; the reigning heavyweight lard watermelon champion and Indian terror, Newell Proudfoot, in a grudge match against the Prichard twins; Felton Eugene Weaver’s rise from whiskey runner to Hollywood movie fame; Elmo Parker and Monroe Dawson in a showdown baseball game between the Claybank Textile Tigers and the Jefferson Bluejays; and, last, the stunning Mattie Mae Blair’s career as the striptease artist, Princess Salome. Written in the edged-in-humor style of caricature, these stories are shared daily in cafes and other gathering spots in rural communities in the South. It is a practice embedded in the culture, and all it takes for a casual mention to become a tall tale is one storyteller trying to outdo another. If you find yourself in the company of such men and women, pause nearby and eavesdrop. When the snickering turns into a cackle, you will know that someone has been elevated to being “something else.” OCTOber 2011 | Fiction 6 x 9 | 160 pp. | Cloth, $22.00t | 978-0-88146-249-4 | H827 6 x 9 | 160 pp. | E-Book, $19.00t | 978-0-88146-250-0 | H827e

titles o f r elated inte r est

Bogmeadow’s Wish Terry Kay Cloth | $26.00t | H821 978-0-88146-230-2 E-Book | $19.00t | H821e 978-0-88146-247-0

Whiskey before Breakfast

A Novel Benjy Griffith

Cloth | $24.95t | H766 978-0-88146-123-7

The Book of Marie Terry Kay Cloth | $23.00t | H742 978-0-88146-082-7

Down Town A Novel Ferrol Sams

Cloth | $25.00t | H734 978-0-88146-072-8


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Lisa Alther was born in 1944 in Kingsport, Tennessee. She received her BA in English Literature from Wellesley College. She has published five novels, one novella, and one memoir, as well as

New Release

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

Washed in the Blood Lisa Alther

many short stories and articles. Alther taught Southern fiction at St. Michael’s College in Vermont and at East Tennessee State University, in addition to having lectured and done readings throughout the United States, Western Europe, China, Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia.

A multi-generational novel of the peoples of Appalachia titles o f r elated inte r est

How They Shine

Melungeon Characters in the Fiction of Appalachia Katherine Vande Brake

The Campfire Boys A Novel Philip Lee Williams Cloth | $26.00t | H788 978-0-88146-153-4

Paper | $25.00t | P324 978-0-86554-983-8

Masters and Savages James Dawsey Cloth | $26.00t | H787 978-0-88146-141-1

Zambian Text

Stories from Ngambe Mission Morris Smith Cloth | $22.00t | H690 978-0-86554-970-8

This unique three-part novel assumes that, regardless of what Americans learn in school, the Southeast was not a barren wilderness when the English arrived at Jamestown. It was full of Native Americans , other Europeans, and Africans who were there for various reasons. Based on extensive research into the racial mixing that occurred in the early years of southeastern settlement, this provocative multigenerational story shows that these people did not simply vanish, but that many were absorbed into the new communities that gradually formed throughout the southeast, becoming “white” whenever their complexions allowed. The inability to accept their true heritages illustrates the high price many of these people paid for their way of life. Diego Martin arrives in 1567 in the American Southeast—the region the Spaniards call La Florida—as a hog drover with a Spanish exploring party. The leader of the expedition turns against him and abandons him to the wilderness, where friendly natives rescue him. Daniel Hunter, a Quaker from Philadelphia, sets up a school among these “disadvantaged” mountain people and falls in love with a Martin daughter. Later, Daniel’s descendants are living in the same town, though with little awareness of their ancestral past. The Martin family has split in two, the merchants in town denying any relationship to their racially mixed cousins on Mulatto Bald. A young woman from town, Galicia, falls in love with a young man from the bald, Will, not realizing that he is her cousin. They marry, have a daughter, and move to a new industrial center, becoming prominent citizens. When Will’s son from a teenage liaison appears at his door, he invites him in, unwittingly setting the stage for a forbidden love between his unacknowledged son and his cherished daughter, neither of whom realizes that they are half-siblings. This is a novel you will not be able to put down without wondering “Where will it take me next?” OCTOBER 2011 | historical FICTION/melungeon 6 x 9 | 420 pp. | Cloth, $26.00t | 978-0-88146-257-9 | H832

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The Divine Comics



Philip Lee Williams is the author of fifteen volumes of fiction, poetry, and

A Vaudeville Show in Three Acts

essays, and his work has won numerous national and regional awards. Books

Philip Lee Williams

& Culture, a national literary journal, named his most recent book with Mercer University Press, The Flower Seeker: An Epic Poem of William Bartram, Book of the Year for 2010. And his 2004 Civil War novel, A Distant Flame, won the Michael Shaara Prize as best Civil War novel published in that year. He lives near Athens, Georgia, with his wife and daughter and taught creative writing at the University of Georgia before his retirement in 2010.

A literary, comic novel of the human condition Dante’s Divine Comedy has, since it was first published, captured the imagination of readers with its amazing journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven. Now, in a dazzling reimagining of Dante’s work, award-winning novelist and poet Philip Lee Williams presents his own version of our journey from suffering to final rest. The Divine Comics: A Vaudeville Show in Three Acts is Williams’s stunning updating of Dante’s original epic poem, though as fiction this time, filled with wild surrealist riffs, postmodern side trips, and multiple layers of meaning, plot, and character. Some twenty-eight years in the making, The Divine Comics is a landmark book, at once an acidic romp and a deep and richly imagined investigation into intersections of the mind and heart. Set in three sections, “Fire,” “Earth,” and “Air,” Williams’s book recalculates and updates the nexus of human history with prose that ranges from laugh-outloud farce to deeply moving and poetic fiction. “Fire” follows the bizarre goingson at a music conservatory in the mountains of North Carolina, while “Earth” is the strange journey of a Florida woman who decides she wants to be a queen, and “Air” the machinations of a group of highly accomplished “fellowship” winners at a palatial estate in the Colorado Rockies. In the end, all three stories thread together in a tour de force of raucous and wickedly on-target scenes that take dead aim at the foibles of being human. The Divine Comics is like nothing else that has been published in American letters, and, despite its great length, is a compulsively readable book whose main goal is to entertain—though, like The Divine Comedy, its built-in enlightenment shines like a brilliant torch on the path we all must walk.

SEPTEMBER 2011 | FICTION 6 x 9 | 1,000 pp. | Paper, $35.00t | 978-0-88146-261-6 | P435

titles b y this a u th o r

Elegies for the Water

The Campfire Boys

Cloth | $20.00t | H757 978-0-88146-142-8

Cloth | $26.00t | H788 978-0-88146-153-4

Poems Philip Lee Williams

The Flower Seeker

An Epic Poem of William Bartram Philip Lee Williams Cloth | $75.00t | H807 Limited Edition 987-0-88146-208-1 Cloth | $55.00t | H820 987-0-88146-228-9 Paper | $25.00t | P414 987-0-88146-221-0

A Novel Philip Lee Williams

In the Morning Reflections from First Light Philip Lee Williams Cloth | $23.00t | H717 978-0-88146-022-3


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New Release

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

Writing on Napkins at the Sunshine Club

Kevin Cantwell has published two books of poems, Something Black in the Green Part of Your Eye (2002) and One of Those Russian Novels (2009). His poems have appeared in Paris Review, New Republic, Poetry,

An Anthology of Poets Writing in Macon

Shenandoah, and Commonweal. He

Kevin Cantwell, editor

has won an Academy of American Poets Prize, the Agnes Scott Prize, and the River City award. A former editor of Quarterly West, he edits a chapbook series at Macon State College where he is professor of English in the Department of Media, Culture, and the Arts.

With an afterword by the Poet Laureate of Georgia, David Bottoms titles o f r elated inte r est

Abandoned Quarry New and Selected Poems John Lane Paper | $20.00t | P428 987-0-88146-241-8

Georgia Cowboy Poets

David Fillingim, editor Paper | $25.00t | P407 987-0-88146-183-1

The Throne of Psyche

Poems Marly Youmans Cloth | $30.00t | H826 987-0-88146-246-3 Paper | $18.00t | P422 987-0-88146-232-6

Breakwater Poems

Catharine Savage Brosman Cloth | $30.00t | H797 987-0-88146-180-0 Paper | $18.00t | P391 987-0-88146-163-3

Writing on Napkins at the Sunshine Club includes a poet laureate of Georgia and of the United States—and the poet who read at President Clinton’s second inauguration. The oldest poet was born in 1905 and the youngest in 1972. The Pulitzer-winning Stanley Kunitz wrote a famous poem about the Ocmulgee Indian Mounds. Miller Williams, father of the Grammy winning Lucinda Williams, lived in Macon in the early 1960s and became friends with Flannery O’Connor. In the late 1970s, soon after his Mercer days, David Bottoms wrote the poems for Shooting Rats at the Bibb County Dump and won the Walt Whitman Award. Jud Mitcham won the Devins Award for his first book, Somewhere in Ecclesiastes, and Seaborn Jones worked with Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and would later connect, in San Francisco, to one of the last pure lines of surrealism in American expression. These poets were either born in Macon or arrived in Macon at various points in their lives. Between Mercer University and Macon State College, poetry in Macon thrived. Adrienne Bond wrote her seminal poems and organized the Georgia Poetry Circuit. Judith Ortiz Cofer passed through Macon State at the brink of a new position at the University of Georgia and as she was establishing herself in American letters as an important spokesperson for women’s experience. From Bruce Beasley and his hybrid poetics to Stephen Bluestone and his craft in the lyric poem, this book presents a selection of poetry by Anya Silver, Amanda Pecor, Marjorie Becker, and the late African-American poet Reginald Shepherd, who was as well-known at his early death as any poet of his generation. Many of these poets studied with and knew the important poets of their time. Their own poems speak for themselves. september 2011 | poetry 6 x 9 | 256 pp. | Paper, $27.00t | 978-0-88146-251-7 | P432 | Illustrations

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“Between the House and the Chicken Yard”



Jolly Kay Sharp is professor of English at University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Kentucky.

The Masks of Flannery O’Connor Jolly Kay Sharp

F lanne r y O ’ C o nn o r se r ies

What do the characters of O’Connor tell us about the author? Recognizing personal tendencies and developing literary talents enabled Mary Flannery O’Connor to don multiple masks, concealing or revealing segments of herself as she desired. With no memoirs or lengthy autobiographies, O’Connor’s published works, letters, and manuscripts, along with previously unpublished letters, are examined to determine how O’Connor defined herself, not just how scholars interpret her life and works. In fact, the plethora of criticism is in danger of obscuring the most important authority: O’Connor herself. Carl Jung claimed that adopted personas allow people ways to conform to society acceptably. While O’Connor’s personal and social masks were affected by her Southern and Catholic roots, her vivid imagination and artistry fashioned her literary masks, allowing her to explore life’s grotesqueness. Some of O’Connor’s literary characters shelter self-defining features of her own personality and purpose. O’Connor’s masks serve as metaphorical embodiments of her veiled autobiography, illuminating key components of her sense of self and of her literary power. Sharp’s exploration of these society-obligatory and self-imposed masks identifies O’Connor’s goals, struggles, and successes; her critical insight into her own literature; her reaction and responses to family, friends, and acquaintances; and, ultimately, her own success and growth.

Misfits and Marble Fauns Religion and Romance in Hawthorne and O’Connor Wendy Piper

Flannery o’connor series 6 x 9 | 192 pp. | Cloth, $35.00t | 978-0-88146-263-0 | H835 | Index | Bibliography

Christina Bieber Lake Cloth | $35.00t | H680 978-0-86554-943-2

Cloth | $35.00t | H816 978-0-88146-217-3

Wingless Chickens, Bayou Catholics, and Pilgrim Wayfarers

Construction of Audience and Tone in O’Connor, Gautreaux, and Percy Guy Story Brown Cloth | $45.00t | H801 978-0-88146-185-5

Writing against God

october 2011 | literary criticism

The Incarnational Art of Flannery O’Connor

Language as Message in the Literature of Flannery O’Connor Joanne Halleran McMullen Paper | $25.00t | P179 978-0-86554-620-2

Inside the Church of Flannery O’Connor

Sacrament, Sacramental, and the Sacred in Her Fiction Joanne Halleran McMullen and Jon Parrish Peede Paper | $29.95t | P380 978-0-88146-138-1

Flannery O’Connor

The Woman, the Thinker, the Visionary Ted R. Spivey Paper | $25.00t | P161 978-0-86554-557-1


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Ed Grisamore is a columnist for The Macon Telegraph and recipient of the 2010 Will Rogers Humanitarian Award, presented by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists.

New Release

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

There Is More than One Way to Spell Wiener

Grisamore is the author of seven other

The Story of Nu-Way

books, including Never Put a Ten-

Ed Grisamore

Dollar Tree in a Ten-Cent Hole...and Other Stories and Once You Step in Elephant Manure You’re in the Circus Forever: The Life and Sometimes of Durwood ‘Mr. Doubletalk’ Fincher. His 2006 audiobook, Gris & That, was nominated for a Grammy Award in the “Spoken Word” category.

The amazing story of a cultural and culinary Georgia icon titles o f r elated inte r est

Remember When...?

Family, Friends, and Recipes Clara Eschmann

Cloth | $20.00t | H467 978-0-86554-623-3

The Place Setting

Timeless Tastes from the Mountain, from Bright Hope to Frog Level, First Course Fred Sauceman Cloth | $25.00t | H714 978-0-86554-990-6

The Place Setting

Timeless Tastes from the Mountain, from Bright Hope to Frog Level, Second Serving Fred Sauceman

Cloth | $25.00t | H718 978-0-86554-998-2

The Place Setting

Timeless Tastes from the Mountain, from Bright Hope to Frog Level, Thirds Fred Sauceman Cloth | $29.95t | H759 978-0-88146-140-4

For almost seventy-five years, one of Macon’s most famous eating establishments, Nu-Way, has intentionally misspelled the word W-E-I-N-E-R on its marquee. Thanks to a sign-maker misplacing those vowels in 1937, the restaurant has had a conversation piece on the plate along with its legendary hot dogs. James Mallis immigrated to Macon from Greece and opened the city’s first fastfood restaurant on historic Cotton Avenue in 1916. Nu-Way is now the second-oldest hot dog stand in America, just a month shy of Nathan’s on Coney Island in New York. In his eighth book, There Is More than One Way to Spell Wiener, Macon newspaper columnist Ed Grisamore tells the amazing story of how Nu-Way has become a cultural and culinary icon. Nu-Way is part of the fabric of Macon, Georgia. Nearly everyone in town has a NuWay story. When people move away, Nu-Way is one of the first places they visit when they come back home. One woman drove almost 500 miles and ordered 150 to go. But it’s not just about the food. It’s nostalgic. It’s a melting pot of Macon. To go downtown for a hot dog at noon is to see the common denominator of businessmen in three-piece suits sharing the same lunch counter with blue-collar workers and street people. The book covers the generations of Macon families that have worked at Nu-Way, captures the passion of its loyal customers and tells the story of how the Norman Rockwell-like logo was painted by a former Macon fire chief. Even Oprah Winfrey dropped by for a chili dog and a Diet Coke on a visit to Macon in 2007 . Grisamore has been known to satisfy his cravings for slaw dogs (voted No. 1 in the nation by The New York Times) several times each week.

november 2011 | southern studies/georgia/food 7 x 9 | 160 pp. | Paper, $18.00t | 978-0-88146-269-2 | P441 | Index | Illustrations

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The Greatest Champion That Never Was



Jaclyn Weldon White is the author of seven books and numerous magazine articles. She is an avid herb gardener and a popular speaker. She lives in Hoschton, Georgia.

The Life of W. L. “Young” Stribling Jaclyn Weldon White

The facinating story of a Georgia boxing legend William Lawrence Stribling, Jr., known as “Young” Stribling, was born in a small southern Georgia town in 1904. The son of a store clerk and a farmer’s daughter, he should have lived out his years in that rural setting, but he was performing in vaudeville before his fourth birthday and was a professional prizefighter by the age of sixteen. His rise through the boxing ranks and classifications was meteoric and he soon earned himself a place among the top fighters in the world. Stribling married his high school sweetheart and the couple had three children. Over the course of his career, Young Stribling traveled the world, rubbing shoulders with celebrities, sports legends, even royalty. Jack Dempsey counted him a close friend and Al Capone wanted to buy his contract and manage his career. Stribling was also a championship basketball player, an accomplished golfer, an exceptional tennis player, a pilot, and a speedboat racer. He even attracted the attention of Hollywood and was approached to star in a movie about himself. But he was always happiest at home in Macon, Georgia, with his family and friends. Young Stribling’s boxing career spanned twelve years. During that time he fought 287 matches, winning 224 and losing only 12. The rest were draws or “no decision” fights. Although he never achieved the championship title he sought, Young Stribling was true to himself and the values with which he had been raised. The most important things in his world were sportsmanship, honor, and doing his best. He never did less.

October 2011 | biography 6 x 9 | 320 pp. | Cloth, $30.00t | 978-0-88146-252-4 | H828 | Index | Bibliography | Illustrations

titles o f r elated inte r est

Career in Crisis

Paul “Bear” Bryant and the 1971 Season of Change John David Briley Cloth | $29.95t | H719 987-0-88146-025-4

Five Big Mountains

A Regular Guy’s Guide to Climbing Orizaba, Elbrus, Kilimanjaro, Aconcaugua, and Vinson David Schaeffer Cloth | $29.00t | H809 987-0-88146-210-4

Legends Georgians Who Lived Impossible Dreams Gene Asher Cloth | $25.00t | H696 978-0-86554-977-7


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New Release

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

Richard Brevard Russell, Jr.

Sally Russell is a former professor of French and English at Gainesville College in the University System of Georgia. She is the author of four books on Georgia life and history. Russell has lived and worked in

A Life of Consequence

England and now lives and works in

Sally Russell


The Georgia farmboy who became a powerful US Senator titles o f r elated inte r est

A Heart for Any Fate

The Biography of Richard Brevard Russell, Sr. Sally Russell

Latitude of Home A Storytelling Journey Sally Russell

Cloth | $27.00t | H750 978-0-88146-078-0

Cloth | $35.00t | H628 978-0-86554-957-9

This Georgia Rising

Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s Patrick Novotny

The Sicilian Judge Anthony Alaimo, an American Hero Vincent Coppola Cloth | $30.00t | H768 978-0-88146-125-1

In 1897, the year Richard Brevard Russell, Jr. was born, the world was poised for a dramatic swing into a century that would see more changes in religion, politics, society, science, technology, and war than almost all other centuries of human history combined. It was a wild ride for a boy born to fulfill great expectations in the mercurial modern political arena yet reared to venerate the worn and vanishing splendor of the American South. He would become one of the half dozen most powerful men in Washington for a period of almost twenty years, and it would be frequently admitted, most notably by President Harry Truman, that if Russell had not been from Georgia, if he had been from a state such as Indiana, Illinois, or Missouri, the presidency could not have been denied him. His love of the South and his native state was such that when Truman’s remark was quoted to him, Russell replied: “I’d rather be from Georgia than be President.” This book acquaints the reader with a fascinating and complex man of contrasts. An ardent segregationist who fought civil rights legislation, Richard B. Russell was also the devoted father of the School Lunch Program. A Georgia farm boy, Russell almost idolized the agricultural society from which America sprang but embraced the nuclear age and space technology. An intense family man, he appreciated women, fell in love easily, and conducted numerous affairs. Yet Russell never married. Deeply private, he lived his entire adult life in the public eye. Richard Russell was good company. His personal story makes good reading.

Cloth | $45.00t | H744 978-0-88146-088-9

october 2011 | biography 6 x 9 | 352 pp. | Cloth, $35.00t | 978-0-88146-259-3 | H834 | Index | Illustrations

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Gridiron Glory days



Robert E. “Bobby” Wilder is a native of Fort Valley, Georgia, a graduate of Brewton-Parker Junior College, Mercer University, and Peabody Teachers

Football at Mercer, 1892–1942

College. Wilder was also an athlete in

Robert E. Wilder

basketball, track, and football. He was a professor at Mercer University and for fourteen years, he serverd as the

New in Paper

men’s basketball coach.

A colorful history of football at Mercer University “The ball was round, the equpiment was homemade, and the rules were uncertain, but that game the boys were playing on the lawn at Mercer University in 1892 was football...” Thus begins this colorful history of football at Mercer University, 1892 to 1942. Mercer had only 179 registered students in 1892 when the first Mercer eleven met the first Georgia eleven on the gridiron in Athens in January 1892, the first college football game in the state of Georgia, and one of the first in the Southeast. College football in 1892 was a far cry from the organized splendor it is today. Uniforms were makeshift, with little or no padding. Players begin growing their “helmets” or “head pads” in early summer, and rumor has it that those long, bushy manes prompted Mercer’s nickname­—the Bears. It was a rough-and-tumble, disorganized free-for-all on the 110x53 yard field. Touchdowns counted four points; extra points, two; field goals, five; and safeties, two. But all those interesting facts—and many more—are included in this exciting chronicle. For fifty years Mercer played against the the great (Alabama, Army, Georgia, Florida, and others) and the nearly great (Savannah Library Association, Locust Grove Institute, North Georgia Aggies). Alas, college football eventually became a big (and expensive) business, and with the US facing world war, the last Mercer team was fielded in 1941. But, beginning in Fall 2013, the Mercer Bears will once again take the field following a seventy-year hiatus. This time, however, the helmets are much improved.

September 2011 | history/mercer 6 x 9 | 214 pp. | Paper, $25.00t | 978-0-88146-267-8 | P439 | Index | Bibliography | Illustrations

titles o f r elated inte r est

Game Day and God

Football, Faith, and Politics in the American South Eric Bain-Selbo Cloth | $25.00t | H790 978-0-88146-155-8

Legends Georgians Who Lived Impossible Dreams Gene Asher Cloth | $25.00t | H696 978-0-86554-977-7

The Holy Trinity of American Sports Civil Religion in Football, Baseball, and Basketball Craig A. Forney Paper | $25.00t | P401 978-0-88146-173-2

An Unholy Alliance The Sacred and Modern Sports Michael C. Braswell Paper | $25.00t | P304 978-0-86554-956-2


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New Release

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

Serving the Old Dominion

Phillip Hamilton is associate professor of History at Christopher Newport University and formerly chair of the History department. He

A History of Christopher Newport University, 1958–2011

specializes in the history of Virginia and the American Revolution. He

Phillip Hamilton

is the author of The Making and Unmaking of a Revolutionary Family: The Tuckers of Virginia, 1752–1830 (University of Virginia Press, 2003) as well as articles in The William and Mary Quarterly and Virginia Magazine of History and Biography.

A university’s unwavering reputation for exceptional teaching titles o f r elated inte r est

America’s Historically Black Colleges

A Narrative History, 1837–2009 Bobby L. Lovett

Cloth | $35.00t | H814 987-0-88146-215-9

The History of the Mercer University School of Medicine, 1965–2007 Martin L. Dalton, Jr.,M.D., FACS Cloth | $45.00t | H796 978-0-88146-161-9

Educating the Urban New South

Atlanta and the Rise of Georgia State University, 1913–1969 Merl E. Reed Cloth | $35.00t | H784 978-0-88146-148-0

This Georgia Rising

Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s Patrick Novotny Cloth | $45.00t | H744

Serving the Old Dominion: A History of Christopher Newport University tells the story of Virginia’s youngest state university during the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries. Opened in 1961 in Newport News as a commuter school with 170 students, Christopher Newport University (CNU) today is a highly selective residential college serving 5,000 students from across the state and is a vital part of life on the Virginia Peninsula. Placing the university’s development into the larger context of American higher education, Phillip Hamilton narrates CNU’s growth and evolution across five decades. In 1958, Hampton Roads leaders initiated discussions with state officials to create a commuter college on the Peninsula to serve both working adults and the “baby-boom” generation. Initially a two-year branch of the College of William and Mary, CNU quickly established a tradition of excellent teaching led by a dedicated faculty. In the mid-1990s, changes in higher education (particularly the advent of online education) caused CNU to experience declining enrollments and budget cuts. Amid these difficulties, former US Senator Paul Trible became CNU’s fifth president. Under his leadership, the university dramatically changed direction. Building upon its reputation for exceptional teaching, Trible turned the school into a residential college and recruited highly talented students from throughout the Old Dominion. Initiation of a $500 million building campaign transformed both the campus and student life. Thus, by the end of the new millennium’s first decade, CNU was a thriving and important academic institution within Virginia.


september 2011 | history 6 x 9 | 352 pp. | Cloth, $45.00t | 978-0-88146-264-7 | H836 | Index | Bibliography | Illustrations 6 x 9 | 352 pp. | Paper, $29.00t | 978-0-88146-265-4 | P437 | Index | Bibliography | Illustrations

New Release


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Diverging Loyalties Baptists in Middle Georgia during the Civil War Bruce T. Gourley



Bruce T. Gourley received his PhD in history from Auburn University and is the executive director of the Baptist History & Heritage Society. He has authored books on Baptist history and Montana history. He is also the online editor of the Baptists Today news journal and the editor of the Baptist Studies Bulletin, and is the developer of several critically acclaimed websites, including

The varying views of Georgia Baptists on slavery and the Confederacy Baptists in the South, rapidly rising to challenge Methodists numerically, helped align Southern religion with the South’s black slave culture. The birth of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1845, formed in order to preserve God’s will for the African race, signaled the inevitability of war. Middle Georgia remained outside the front lines of the war, the region’s relative intactness allowing for the continuation of church life during the war years. While many white Baptists from Middle Georgia marched off to war­—whether to fight or to serve as chaplains or army missionaries—others stayed behind and voiced their thoughts from pulpits, in associational meetings, and in the pages of newspapers and journals. While historians have often portrayed white southern Baptists, with few exceptions, as firmly supportive of the Confederacy, the experience of Middle Georgia Baptists is much more dynamic. Far from being monolithic, Baptists at the local church and associational level responded in a myriad of ways to the Confederacy. Patterns locally and associationally emerged and evolved as the war progressed, while differences between Southern and Primitive Baptists stood out. On a personal level, white Baptists’ views of slavery and the Confederacy proved to be varied, numerous, nuanced, and dynamic—to such an extent that some individuals were unable to construct a consistent narrative as the war progressed. For their part, black Baptists struggled to shape their own destinies within a white man’s world, strivings that grew more intense as the war progressed and freedom seemed within reach. The end of the war signaled new realities for both white and black Baptists of the South. For whites, old loyalties had been rearranged and the immediate future was bleak. At the same time, black Baptists emerged empowered as never before and set forth on the path of selfdetermination. december 2011 | religious studies/baptist history/civil war The james n. griffith endowed series in baptist studies 6 x 9 | 304 pp. | Cloth, $35.00t | 978-0-88146-258-6 | H833 | Index | Bibliography | Illustrations

titles o f r elated inte r est

The Spirit Divided

Memoirs of Civil War Chaplains: The Confederacy John Wesley Brinsfield, Jr., editor Cloth | $35.00t | H687 978-0-86554-964-7

Soldiers of the Cross

Confederate SoldierChristians and the Impact of the Civil War on Their Faith Kent T. Dollar

Cloth | $35.00t | H662 978-0-86554-926-5

The Spirit Divided Memoirs of Civil War Chaplains: The Union Benedict R. Maryniak† and John Wesley Brinsfield, Jr., editors Cloth | $35.00t | H715 978-0-86554-996-8

Under the Southern Cross

Soldier Life with Gordon Bradwell and the 31st Georgia Infantry Pharris D. Johnson Cloth | $35.00t | H496 978-0-86554-667-7


me r ce r u ni v e r sit y p r ess

New Release

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

Surviving the Stained-Glass Jungle

William L. Self is currently serving his twentieth year as the senior pastor of Johns Creek Baptist Church in Alpharetta, Georgia. Dr. Self is a graduate of Stetson University (BA),

William L. Self

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (BD), and Candler School of Theology (ThD). He has received numerous honorary degrees over the years. The McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University has established the William L. Self Preaching Lectureship in his honor.

A veteran pastor’s guide to surviving and thriving in the ministry titles o f r elated inte r est

Centering Our Souls

Devotional Reflections of a University President R. Kirby Godsey

When We Talk About God... Let’s Be Honest R. Kirby Godsey Cloth | $25.00t | H652 978-0-86554-985-2

Paper | $25.00t | P342 978-0-088146-019-3

Our Sufficiency is of God

Essays on Preaching in Honor of Gardner C. Taylor Timothy George, James Earl Massey,and Robert Smith, Jr., editors

Loving Beyond Your Theology

The Life and Ministry of Jimmy Raymond Allen Larry L. McSwain

Surviving the Stained-Glass Jungle is a compelling and positive look at the parish ministry through the eyes of a veteran pastor of more than fifty-three years. The book directly confronts the issues of burnout, conflict, stress, and social concerns. It gives strategy and practical help in navigating through these difficult currents. Self addresses the usual themes of preaching, administration, and pastoral care, but also gives practical help with the issues of the pastor’s own mental health and self-care. This material is written for parish leaders of all mainline denominations and will become a standard for the practice of ministry. The general theme of the book is that the church is worth the effort. The target audience is seminarians and veteran pastors alike in order to encourage them in the task. Laymen would also benefit significantly by reading this book, gaining a better understanding of the ministry. William L. Self has a national reputation as a gifted preacher, pastor, author, lecturer, motivational speaker for corporate America, and innovator in church growth. He has pastored four churches in more than 50 years of ministry, and has survived 14 building programs and more than 1,200 deacons’ and finance committee meetings. He achieved considerable acclaim during his twentysix-year pastorate at the Wieuca Road Baptist Church in Atlanta, and his leadership and substantial influence have brought Johns Creek Baptist Church in Alpharetta, Georgia, a burgeoning suburb north of Atlanta, to the vanguard of fast-growing congregations.

Cloth | $35.00t | H805 978-0-88146-205-0

Cloth | $35.00t | H806 978-0-088146-206-7

september 2011 | religious studies 5.75 x 8.75 | 120 pp. | Cloth, $19.00t | 978-0-88146-2562 | H831 | Bibliography

New Release


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Father Mercer



Anthony L. Chute is associate dean of the School of Christian Ministries

The Story of a Baptist Statesman

and associate professor of Church

Anthony L. Chute

History at California Baptist University in Riverside, California. He received his PhD in Historical Theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and MDiv from Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama. His service to the church includes pastorates in Georgia, Alabama, Wisconsin, and California. He and his wife, Connie, have two children, Amos and Joelle.

The story of Jesse Mercer, faithful pastor and statesman Father Mercer tells the story of the life and labors of Jesse Mercer, a leader in Georgia Baptist life during the first half of the nineteenth century. His influence was felt in many areas as he was pastor of several churches, author of numerous writings, editor of a newspaper and a hymnal, philanthropist, and denominational statesman. Mercer’s life span and his ministerial responsibilities uniquely positioned him to play a key role in the development of Baptist thought in the Old South. Before Mercer’s birth, Baptists in Georgia were not able to worship freely, were not organized for missions and had few opportunities for ministerial education. Throughout his adult life, Mercer helped Georgia Baptists utilize their newfound freedom to spread the gospel and equip pastors through the formation of the Georgia Baptist Convention and Mercer University. Readers may be particularly interested to discover the difficulties faced by Jesse Mercer as he attempted to persuade fellow Baptists to join in collaborative efforts for missionary and educational enterprises. The trajectory that began in Mercer’s day continues even now as Baptists lead the way in Protestant missionary efforts and Mercer University is one of the largest Baptist educational institutions in the world. Yet, rather than telling the story of a larger-than-life pastor with whom few “ordinary” pastors can identity, Father Mercer reveals how one who is faithful in small things can, over time, bear much fruit for the Lord. Pastors who have been wounded by church members by their neglect of Christian duties will strike a friendship with Jesse Mercer who handled more than his share of opposition. College students who have left home for the first time will discover how God used the twists and turns in Mercer’s life to prepare him for opportunities he never foresaw. september 2011 | history/mercer 6 x 9 | 160 pp. | Paper, $20.00t | 978-0-88146-262-3 | P436 | Index | Illustrations

titles o f r elated inte r est

A Piety above the Common Standard

Jesse Mercer and the Defense of Evangelistic Calvinism Anthony L. Chute

Paper | $25.00t | P325 978-0-86554-984-5

Jesse Mercer’s Pulpit

Preaching in a Community of Faith and Learning Doug Thompson

Paper | $20.00s | P358 978-0-88146-043-8

The Stem of Jesse

The Costs of Community at a 1960s Southern School Will D. Campbell Paper | $20.00s | P242 978-0-86554-856-5


me r ce r u ni v e r sit y p r ess

New Release

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

John Milton, Paradise Lost

Matthew Stallard is assistant professor of English at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, where he teaches Renaissance and Medieval Literatures.

The Biblically Annotated Edition

He is the former assistant editor of

Matthew Stallard, editor

Milton Quarterly.

New in Paper

An accessible reference for scholars and students of Milton titles o f r elated inte r est

John Milton, Paradise Lost Matthew Stallard, editor Cloth | $60.00t | H823 987-0-88146-236-4

Shakespeare’s Philosopher King

Reading The Tragedy of King Lear Guy Story Brown Cloth | $45.00t | H801 978-0-88146-185-5

The Imitation of Christ

A New Reading of the 1441 Latin Autograph Manuscript Thomas Kempis†; William C. Creasey, editor

Dante’s Divine Comedy

The Inferno Kathryn Lindskoog Cloth | $30.00t | H420 978-0-86554-543-4

John Milton (1608–1674) was arguably one of the best-read persons of his epoch. Milton’s commonplace book reveals that in addition to the thoroughly humanistic education that he received at Christ’s College Cambridge (1625– 1632), he also conducted an extensively broad reading program of his own immediately after concluding his university studies, a program that included forays into nearly every branch of learning in a period that he affectionately referred to as his “studious retirement” (1632–1638). For more than 400 years, many literary critics have declared this monumental work, Paradise Lost, to be the greatest poem in the English language. Stallard contends that a full understanding of the Bible as the poem’s primary inter-text is essential to appreciating the poem in its Puritan context. John Milton, Paradise Lost: The Biblically Annotated Edition is lavishly annotated with Biblical references that demonstrates that Milton was mining a wide variety of translations including the 1540 Great Bible, the 1560 Geneva Bible, the Bishops Bible of 1568, the Douay-Rheims of H, and the revised Authorized Version of 1612. This biblically annotated edition of Paradise Lost will be useful to scholars and students of Milton alike. That a lack of familiarity with the Bible should discourage students of English literature from reading the pinnacle achievement of one of the finest poets and minds in the English language is both sad and avoidable. This edition makes Milton more accessible, comprehensible, and enjoyable for everyone.

Cloth | $25.00t | H749 978-0-88146-097-1

september 2011 | poetry/religion 6 x 9 | 544 pp. | Paper, $24.00t | 978-0-88146-268-5 | P440 | Index | Bibliography

69 New in Release

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Jesus of Nazareth

Gerald L. Borchert (senior professor at

Background, Witnesses, and Significance

the Institute for Worship Studies) was a

Carson Newman and thesis director at Canadian lawyer who holds a Princeton

Gerald L. Borchert

PhD in New Testament and did postdoctoral work in Jerusalem, Cambridge, Hamburg, Duke, and Boston. He has taught in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe and been dean of two American seminaries. A translator for the New Living Translation, he has penned 150 articles and a score of books including commentaries on John, Galatians, Revelation, and Thessalonians and Worship in the New Testament.

A lively, accessible introduction for the student and layman Jesus of Nazareth is a comprehensive introduction to Jesus and the gospels for college and seminary students. It begins with discussions on communication and patterns of reading the Bible before detailing the historical setting and the geographical, social, and religious contexts during the time of Jesus, such as the language and community aspects, and the rabbinic, literary, and institutional settings that were present. Next, Borchert discusses the nature of the gospels before each gospel witness is treated individually to identify the particular uniqueness of the portrait of Jesus that is being presented by each author. The non-canonical portraits of Jesus are also introduced in order to help readers understand the struggles that emerged in the early church. Finally, the significance of Jesus who is the focus of the gospels is presented. After reviewing the time issues for Jesus, theological concerns related to Jesus are considered, such as the virginal conception and the incarnation, the issues of temptation and sin, the relationship of Jesus to God and the messianic consciousness of Jesus, the crucial issues of the death and resurrection of the Messiah, and the Church’s expectation of the return of Jesus in power. This important theological section concludes with discussions on the integrity of our understanding of Jesus and the very sensitive nature of proof as compared to the nature of belief. Borchert weighs these matters fairly, bearing in mind his own presuppositions. He closes the work with suggested implications of this study in terms of doubt and rejection on the one hand and worship as well as living and witnessing to and for Jesus on the other. Written with clarity and erudition, this accessible introduction reflects a lifetime of both classroom and church experience in teaching the Gospels. october 2011 | REligion MERCER STUDENT GUIDES TO RELIGIOUS STUDIES SERIES 6 x 9 | 256 pp. | Paper, $25.00t | 978-0-88146-266-1 | P438 | Index | Bibliography

M e r ce r st u dent g u ide S t o r eligi o u s st u dies

One Untimely Born The Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul Robert L. Cate Paper | $25.00s | P329 978-0-86554-995-1

In Search of the New Testament Church The Baptist Story C. Douglas Weaver Cloth | $45.00s | H653 978-0-88146-106-0 Paper | $23.00s | P346 978-0-88146-105-3

Struggling with God An introduction to the Pentateuch Mark McEntire Paper | $25.00s | P336 978-0-88146-101-5

Faith and Health Religion, Science, and Public Policy Paul D. Simmons Paper | $30.00t | P369 978-0-88146-085-8


me r ce r u ni v e r sit y p r ess

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

International Kierkegaard Commentary

International Kierkegaard Commentary Robert L. Perkins, series editor

For the first time in English the world community of scholars has systematically assembled and presented the results of recent research in the vast literature of Søren Kierkegaard. Based on the definitive English edition of Kierkegaard’s works by Princeton University Press, this series of commentaries addresses all the published texts of the influential Danish philosopher and theologian. Robert L. Perkins is senior research professor of Philosophy at Stetson University. VOL.1 VOL.2 VOL.3 VOL.4 VOL.5 VOL.6 VOL.7 VOL.8 VOL.9 & 10 VOL.11 VOL.12 VOL.13 VOL.14 VOL.15 VOL.16 VOL.17 VOL.18 VOL.19 VOL.20 VOL.21 VOL.22 VOL.23 VOL.24

EARLY POLEMICAL WRITINGS $50.00s | 978-0-86554-656-1 | H489 THE CONCEPT OF IRONY $50.00s | 978-0-86554-742-1 | H559 EITHER/OR, I $50.00s | 978-0-86554470-3 | H360 EITHER/OR, II $40.00s | 978-0-88146-092-6 | P371 EIGHTEEN UPBUILDING DISCOURSES $50.00s | 978-0-86554-879-4 | H654 FEAR AND TREMBLING and REPETITION $50.00s | 978-0-86554-408-6 | H331 PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS and JOHANNES CLIMACUS $50.00s | 978-0-86554-440-6 | H351 THE CONCEPT OF ANXIETY $50.00s | 978-0-86554-142-9 | H133 PREFACES and WRITING SAMPLER and THREE DISCOURCES ON IMAGINED OCCASIONS $50.00s | 978-0-88146-021-6 | H716 STAGES ON LIFE’S WAY $50.00s | 978-0-86554-704-9 | H523 CONCLUDING UNSCIENTIFIC POSTSCRIPT $50.00s | 978-0-86554-575-5 | H430 THE CORSAIR AFFAIR $50.00s. | 978-0-86554-363-8 | H301 TWO AGES: THE PRESENT AGE AND THE AGE OF REVOLUTION, A LITERARY REVIEW $50.00s | 978-0-86554-081-1 | H059 UPBUILDING DISCOURSES IN VARIOUS SPIRITS $50.00s | 978-0-86554-800-8 | H698 WORKS OF LOVE $50.00s | 978-0-86554-685-1 | H505 CHRISTIAN DISCOURSES and THE CRISIS AND A CRISIS IN THE LIFE OF AN ACTRESS $50.00s | 978-0-88146-031-5 | H723 WITHOUT AUTHORITY $50.00s | 978-0-88146-048-3 | H728 SICKNESS UNTO DEATH $40.00s | 978-0-86554-832-9 | P233 PRACTICE IN CHRISTIANITY $50.00s | 978-0-86554-930-2 | H669 FOR SELF-EXAMINATION and JUDGE FOR YOURSELF! $50.00s | 978-0-86554-824-4 | H625 THE POINT OF VIEW $50.00s | 978-0-88146-213-5 | H812 THE MOMENT AND LATE WRITINGS $50.00s | 978-0-88146-160-2 | H795 THE BOOK ON ADLER $50.00s | 978-0-88146-127-5 | H770

New in Release 69

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Kant and Kierkegaard on Time and Eternity



Ronald M. Green is the Eunice and Julian Cohen Professor for the Study of Ethics and Human Values at Dartmouth College. He received his PhD in religious ethics from Harvard University

Ronald M. Green

in 1973. He is the author of 7 books, editor of 3 and has published over 150 articles in theoretical and applied ethics. His book Kierkegaard and Kant: The Hidden Debt (1992) first focused attention on Kierkegaard’s extensive involvement with Kant’s philosophy. In 2005, Professor Green was named a Guggenheim Fellow. M e r ce r K ie r kegaa r d se r ies

Kierkegaard’s use of and departure from Kant Building on his earlier work, Kierkegaard and Kant: The Hidden Debt, Ronald Green presents Kant as a major inspiration of Kierkegaard’s authorship. Green believes that Kant’s ethics provided the rigor on which Kierkegaard drew in developing his concept of sin. Green argues that the chief difference between Kant and Kierkegaard has to do with whether we need a historical savior to restore our broken moral wills. Kant rejected faith in vicarious atonement as undermining moral responsibility, and he pointed to the Genesis 22 episode of Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac as an example of how reliance on historical reports can undermine ethics. Kierkegaard rejected Kant’s rationalist solution to the problem of radical human evil. Kant had demolished the ontological proof by showing that whether something exists (including God) can never be logically deduced. Kierkegaard turns this great insight against Kant: whether God has forgiven our transgressions cannot be deduced from our moral need. Either God did or did not intervene on our behalf. “This fact,” says Kierkegaard, “is the earnestness of existence.” Green offers unique readings of Fear and Trembling and Either/Or in his analysis and interpretation of Kierkegaard’s reading and response to Kant and their understanding of the divine and ethics. A closing chapter focuses on love in time. In Works of Love, Kierkegaard places emotional feelings within a transcendent context. Erotic love is noble, but it must be purged of self-love and seek the fulfillment of the beloved as an independent being. Only by assuming ethical and religious meaning can romantic love fulfill its promise of eternity. november 2011 | Philosophy Mercer kierkegaard series 6 x 9 | 320 pp. | Cloth $50.00t | 978-0-88146-255-5 | H830 | Index

Subjectivity and Religious Truth in the Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard

Merigala Gabriel

Paper | $30.00t | P398 978-0-88146-170-1

The Concept of Anxiety in Søren Kierkegaard

Arne Grøn; Translated by Sinead Ladegaard Knox Cloth | $30.00t | H769 978-0-88146-126-8

Kierkegaard’s Metaphors

The Biblical Kierkegaard

Cloth | $39.95s | H548

Paper | $21.95s | P157 978-0-86554-539-7

Jamie Lorentzen 978-0-86554-731-5

Kierkegaard’s Socratic Art

Benjamin Daise

Paper | $18.00s | P195 978-0-86554-655-4

Timothy Houston Polk

The Toils of Understanding An Essay on Kierkegaard’s “The Present Age” Husain Sarkar Cloth | $30.00s | H492 978-0-86554-663-9


me r ce r u ni v e r sit y p r ess

New Release

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

Don Browning and Psychology

Terry Cooper (EdD, PhD), holds doctorates from Vanderbilt University and St. Louis University and is currently a candidate at the Institute

Interpreting the Horizons of Our Lives

for Contemporary Psychoanalysis in

Terry Cooper

Los Angeles. The author of eleven books, Terry is professor of Psychology at St. Louis Community College at Meramec and adjunct professor of Religious Studies at Webster University. Previous works with Mercer University Press include Paul Tillich and Psychology and Reinhold Niebuhr and Psychology. Terry also co-authored with Don Browning, Religious Thought and the Modern Psychologies (2nd ed.).

titles o f r elated inte r est

Reinhold Niebuhr and Psychology The Ambiguities of the Self Terry D. Cooper Paper | $27.00t | P388 987-0-88146-147-3

Paul Tillich and Psychology

Historic and Contemporary Explorations in Theology, Psychotheraphy, and Ethics Terry D. Cooper

Subjectivity and Religious Truth in the Philosopy of Søren Kierkegaard Merigala Gabriel Paper | $30.00t | P398 978-0-88146-170-1

Irigary and Kierkegaard

On the Construction of the Self Helene Tallon Russell Paper | $35.00t | P394 978-0-88146-166-4

Examining the significance of a giant in the field of Psychology Psychologist of religion, ethicist, theological psychologist, cultural critic, philosophical anthropologist, marriage and family expert, practical theologian, and religion and law scholar—these are some of the many labels one could use to describe the history of Don Browning’s work. Yet in spite of the multi-faceted nature of Browning’s work, abiding themes and central concerns consistently emerge. Perhaps the title which best describes Browning’s noteworthy contributions is that of “horizon analyst.” Browning is always at his best when helping us see the world of implicit assumptions and normative images that govern various perspectives. He has an eye for metaphors which, as his mentor Ricoeur famously said, give rise to thought. Perhaps Browning’s greatest academic asset has been his ability to explore the philosophical underpinnings of various psychological theories. This book focuses on Browning’s rich investigative journey into Freud’s dual instinct model, the relationship between human biology and culture, evolutionary psychology, William James’s instinctual pluralism, Erik Erikson’s notion of generativity, the ethical implications of self-actualization in the humanistic psychologies of Rogers and Maslow, evil and self-realization in Carl Jung, the place of self-injury in the thought of Heinz Kohut, as well as other issues. Beginning with a discussion of Browning’s critical hermeneutical approach, heavily influenced by Gadamer, Ricoeur, and David Tracy, this book systematically explores Browning’s critical assessments of the most significant contemporary psychological movements.

Paper | $30.00s | P330 987-0-86554-993-7

NOVEmber 2011 | religion/pSYCHOLOGY 6 x 9 | 240 pp. | Paper, $30.00t | 978-0-88146-254-8 | P433 | Index | Bibliography

New in Release 69

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Lessons from Aquinas



Creighton Rosental was inspired by the Socratic approach to philosophy of the buzzing horsefly attempting

A Resolution of the Problem of Faith and Reason

to wake the slumbering beast of society. He still pursues this goal, though mitigated somewhat by the

Creighton Rosental

practical considerations of being an academic. He first confronted the necessity of practicality while earning a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and currently by teaching in the Philosophy department at Mercer University.

A fresh look at Aquinas’s thought Thomas Aquinas has long been understood to have reconciled faith and reason. Typically, he is understood as having provided justification for faith by means of proof, particularly, that the Five Ways prove the existence of God. Under this interpretation, faith is merely a species of justified belief, and the justification for faith rests fully upon the success of the Five Ways (or, alternatively, on the success of other justificatory evidence). In this book, Rosental argues that Aquinas’s account of faith is not simply an account of justified belief, at least as it is typically considered in contemporary philosophy. Instead, Rosental explains, faith has its own basis for epistemic “reasonableness”—a reasonableness that does not derive from ordinary evidence or proof. Rather than requiring evidence accessible to the natural light of reason, Aquinas holds that faith has its own sort of “evidence”—that which results from the light of faith. Aquinas “Aristotelianizes” faith and argues that faith has the Aristotelian epistemic virtue of certitude, and in so doing reconciles faith and Aristotelian reason, at least as Aristotle was understood by medieval philosophers. This reconciliation resolves important tensions between Aristotelian science and Christian doctrine. Further, Rosental examines three contemporary accounts of what qualifies as an epistemically “responsible” belief (namely, justified belief, practical rationality, and warrant) and argues that under Aquinas’s account, faith should be counted as rational, and in an important, though modified sense, as justified. Rosental’s book is an erudite and accessible reading of this most fundamental issue in Thomistic studies. december 2011 | REligious studies/Philosophy 6 x 9 | 288 pp. | Cloth, $45.00t | 978-0-88146-253-1 | H829 | Index | Bibliography

titles o f r elated inte r est

John Milton, Paradise Lost Matthew Stallard, editor Cloth | $60.00t | H823 987-0-88146-236-4 Paper | $24.00t | P440 987-0-88146-268-5

Why Kierkegaard Matters

A Festschrift in Honor of Robert L. Perkins Marc A. Jolley and Edmon L. Rowell, Jr., editor Cloth | $45.00t | H811 987-0-88146-212-8

God of Mercy

Aelfric’s Sermons and Theology Carmen Acevedo Butcher Paper | $30.00t | P328 978-0-86554-994-4


me r ce r u ni v e r sit y p r ess

New Release

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

The Life and Letters of Emily Chubbuck Judson

George Tooze was born in Boston and educated at Gordon College (BS), Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Andover Newton Theological School (DMin). In forty years of pastoral ministry, he

Volume 4, January 1848–September 1851

served churches in Gardner, Beverly,

George Tooze, editor

and Malden, Massachusetts, and Indianapolis, Indiana, retiring from active ministry in December 2003. He is married to Constance Taylor Tooze.

Volume 4 of the complete correspondence of a nineteenth-century woman, missionary, and writer the L ife and L ette r s o f emil y ch u bb u ck j u ds o n

Volume 1

Biographies and Timelines George Tooze, editor Cloth | $60.00t | H772 987-0-88146-131-2

Volume 2

1826–1845 George Tooze, editor Cloth | $60.00t | H783 987-0-88146-149-7

Volume 3

Volume 4 of this incredible series begins with letters following the birth of Emily Frances Judson. Emily and Adoniram Judson had been away from the United States for eighteen months, and had been in Burma (Myanmar) for about a year. These letters reflect correspondence between home, family, and friends; they also reflect the life within the missionary society in Burma with letters between the missionaries. The letters of 1849 show serious health issues for both Emily and Adoniram, and towards the end of the year we find the correspondence detailing his final illness, his departure for a sea voyage on April 3, 1850, and the conclusion of his life on April 12, 1850. Emily was not to learn of his death until August 1850, and there are a number of hopeful letters written to Adoniram by Emily, not knowing of his earlier death. The volume has numerous letters of grief and condolence, Emily’s determination to remain in Burma to continue Judson’s work, and her final acceptance that returning to the United States and taking care of the Judson children would be what Adoniram wanted her to do. Then the letters follow Emily Judson’s return to the United States (She arrived the last day of September 1851.) accompanied by her daughter Emily Frances and the youngest two sons of Sarah and Adoniram Judson, Henry and Edward.

1846–1847 George Tooze, editor Cloth | $60.00t | H791 987-0-88146-156-5

february 2012 | religious studies The james n. Griffith endowed series in baptist studies 6 x 9 | 700 pp. | Cloth $60.00t | 978-0-88146-189-3 | H803 | Index | Bibliography

The James N. Griffith Endowed Series in Baptist Studies

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The James N. Griffith Series in Baptist Studies This series on Baptist life and thought explores and investigates Baptist history, offers analyses of Baptist theologies, provides studies in hymnody, and examines the role of Baptists in societies and cultures around the world. The series also includes classics of Baptist literature, letters, diaries, and other writings. —Walter B. Shurden, series editor Adiel Sherwood: Baptist Antebellum Pioneer in Georgia Jarrett Burch P258 | 978-0-86554-890-9 | $22s The Axioms of Religion E. Y. Mullins†; C. Douglas Weaver, editor P392 | 978-0-88146-164-0 | $32t The Awakening of the Freewill Baptists: Benjamin Randall and the Founding of an American Religious Tradition Scott Bryant H815 | 978-0-88146-216-6 | $35t Baptist Autographs in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1781–1845 Timothy Whelan, editor H780 | 978-0-88146-144-2 | $55t A Baptist Democracy: Separating God and Caesar in the Land of the Free Lee Canipe P427 | 978-0-88146-239-5 | $27t The Baptist River: Essays on Many Tributaries of a Diverse Tradition W. Glenn Jonas P353 | 978-0-88146-120-6 | $24s Baptists on the American Frontier : A History of Ten Baptist Churches... Chester R. Young H373 | 978-0-86554-479-6 | $45t Baptist Theology: A Four-Century Study James Leo Garrett H767 | 978-0-88146-129-9 | $55t The Bloudy Tenant of Persecution for Cause of Conscience Roger Williams; Richard Grove, editor / Historical Introduction by Edwin Gaustad H578 | 978-0-86554-766-7 | $40t The Challenges of Roger Williams: Religious Liberty, Violent Persecution, and the Bible James Byrd H582 | 978-0-86554-771-1 | $40s Church-State Matters: Fighting for Religious Liberty in Our Nation’s Capital J. Brent Walker H762 | 978-0-88146-115-2 | $28t Congregation and Campus: North American Baptists in Higher Education William H. Brackney H771 | 978-0-88146-130-5 | $49t Courage and Hope: The Stories of Ten Baptist Women Ministers Pamela R. Durso and Keith E. Durso P320 | 978-0-86554-420-8 | $18t Distinctively Baptist: Essays on Baptist History: A Festschrift in Honor of Walter B. Shurden Marc A. Jolley and John D. Pierce, editors H640 | 978-0-86554-770-4 | $45s Diverging Loyalities: Baptists in Middle Georgia during the Civil War Bruce Gourley H833 | 978-0-88146-258-6 | $35t Domestic Slavery Considered as a Scriptural Institution Francis Wayland and Richard Fuller / Nathan A. Finn and Keith Harper, editors H755 | 978-0-88146-107-7 | $45s Esteemed Reproach: The Lives of Reverend James Ireland and Reverend Joseph Craig Keith Harper and C. Martin Jacumin P270 | 978-0-86554-914-2 | $25s A Genetic History of Baptist Thought William H. Brackney P269 | 978-0-86554-913-5 | $40s In Search of the New Testament Church: The Baptist Story C. Douglas Weaver H653 | 978-0-88146-106-0 | $45s P346 | 978-0-88146-105-3 | $23s I Will Sing the Wondrous Story: A History of Baptist Hymnody in North America Paul Richardson and David Music P429 | 978-0-88146-243-2 | $35t The Life and Letters of Emily Chubbuck Judson George Tooze, editor Vol. 1: Biographies/Timelines H772 | 978-0-88146-131-2 | $60t Vol. 3: 1846–1847 H791 | 978-0-88146-156-5 | $60t

Vol. 2: 1826–1845 H783 | 978-0-88146-149-7 | $60t

Vol. 4: 1848–September 1851 H803 | 978-0-88146-189-3 | $60t

The Life and Writings of Thomas Helwys Joe Early, Jr. H781 | 978-0-88146-146-6 | $45t Loving beyond Your Theology: The Life and Ministry of Jimmy Raymond Allen Larry L. McSwain H805 | 978-0-88146-205-0 | $35t A Man of Books, and a Man of the People : E. Y. Mullins and the Crisis ff Moderate Southern Baptist Leadership William E. Willis P385 | 978-0-86554-907-4 | $30t No Armor for the Back: Baptist Prison Writings, 1600s–1700s Keith E. Durso H747 | 978-0-88146-091-9 | $39t P374 | 978-0-88146-096-4 | $23t Not an Easy Journey: Some Transitions in Baptist Life Walter B. Shurden P289 | 978-0-86554-933-3 | $35t A Piety above the Common Standard: Jesse Mercer and the Defense of Evangelistic Calvinism Anthony Chute P325 | 978-0-86554-984-5 | $25t A Pilgrimage of Faith: My Story Henlee Hulix Barnette H679 | 978-0-86554-942-5 | $35s The Plainly Revealed Word of God?: Baptist Hermeneutics in Theory and Practice Helen Dare and Simon Woodman P425 | 978-0-88146-237-1 | $40t Rescue the Perishing: Selected Correspondence of Annie W. Armstrong Keith Harper, editor P279 | 978-0-86554-870-1 | $25t Richard Furman: Life and Legacy James A. Rogers P223 | 978-0-86554-778-0 | $25t The Scholarly Vocation and the Baptist Academy: Essays on the Future of Baptist Higher Education Roger Ward and David P. Gushee, editors P376 | 978-0-88146-104-6 | $30s Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton: Eighteenth-Century, British-Baptist, Woman Theologian JoAnn Ford Watson, editor Vol. 1: Letters H601 | 978-0086554-794-0 | $50s

Vol. 2: Discourses H602 | 978-0-86554-795-7 | $50s

Vol. 4: Theological Works H722 | 978-0-88146-029-2 | $50s

Vol. 3: Autobiography H670 | 978-0-86554-908-1 | $35s

Vol. 5: Misc. Correspondence H729 | 978-0-88146-053-7 | $50s

Vol. 6: Various Works H789 | 978-0-88146-154-1 | $50s

Send the Light: Lottie Moon’s Letters and Other Writings Keith Harper, editor P229 | 978-0-86554-820-6 | $25t A Short Declaration of the Mystery of Iniquity, 1611–1612 Thomas Helwys†; Richard Groves, editor H429 | 978-0-86554-574-8 | $35t Theology in the Service of the Church: Essays Presented to Fisher H. Humphreys Timothy George and Eric F. Mason, editors H761 | 978-0-88146-114-5 | $35s Thy Will Be Done: A Biography of George W. Truett Keith E. Durso H792 | 978-0-88146-157-2 | $35t Turning Points in Baptist History: A Festschrift in Honor of Harry Leon McBeth Walter B. Shurden and Michael Williams, editors P430 | 978-0-88146-244-9 | $30t Twentieth-Century Shapers of Baptist Social Ethics Larry L. McSwain and W. Loyd Allen, editors H753 | 978-0-88146-100-8 | $45s W. H. Whitsitt: The Man and the Controversy James H. Slatton H774 | 978-0-88146-133-6 | $40t Why Be a Christian: The Sermons of Howard P. Giddens Michael L. Ruffin H738 | 978-0-88146-081-0 | $30s Women Deacons and Deaconesses: 400 Years of Baptist Service Charles W. Deweese P321 | 978-0-86554-438-3 | $21t



me r ce r u ni v e r sit y p r ess

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

Mercer University Press: Selected Backlist

Is God a Christian?: Creating a Community of Conversation R. Kirby Godsey H825 | $19.95t | 9780881462425 E-Book Format H825e | $15.00t | 9780881462487 A Baptist Democracy: Separating God and Ceasar in the Land of the Free Lee Canipe P427 | $27.00t | 9780881462395 Francis Johnson and the English Separatist Influence K. Scott Culpepper P426 | $35.00t | 9780881462388 The “Plainly Revealed” Word of God?: Baptist Hermeneutics in Theory and Practice Helen Dare and Simon Woodman P425 | $40.00t | 9780881462371 Our Sufficiency Is of God: Essays on Preaching in Honor of Gardner C. Taylor T. George, J. E. Massey, and R. Smith, Jr. editors H806 | $35.00t | 9780881462067 The Awakening of the Freewill Baptists: Benjamin Randall and the Founding of an American Religious Tradition Scott Bryant H815 | $35.00t | 9780881462166

Hidden Mark: Exploring Christianity’s Heretical Gospel John Killinger P416 | $18.00t | 9780881462234 Peter’s Last Sermon: Identity and Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark James M. Dawsey P417 | $25.00t | 9780881462241

Turning Points in Baptist History: A Festschrift in Honor of Harry Leon McBeth Walter B. Shurden and Michael E. Williams, Sr., editors H776 | $45.00t | 9780881461350 P430 | $30.00t | 9780881462449

Baptist Theology: A Four-Century Study James Leo Garrett H767 | $55.00t | 9780881461299 William Owen Carver’s Controversies in the Baptist South Mark R. Wilson H804 | $45.00t | 9780881462029 By What Authority?: The Vital Questions of Religious Authority in Christianity Robert L. Millet, editor P410 | $35.00t | 9780881462012 Christianity: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Guide for Students K. Lopez, D. Penny, G. Jonas, Jr., and A. English P412 | $35.00t | 9780881462043 Religious Faith, Torture, and Our National Soul David P. Gushee, editor; Jillian Hickman Zimmer and J. Drew Zimmer, coeditors P411 | $28.00t | 9780881462036 Acts within Diverse Frames of Reference Thomas E. Phillips P393 | $30.00t | 9780881461657 Contemporary Studies in Acts Thomas E. Phillips P386 | $35.00t | 9780881461459

I Will Sing the Wondrous Story: A History of Baptist Hymnody in North America David W. Music and Paul Richardson P429 | $35.00t | 9780881462432 Church Music in America, 1620–2000 John Ogasapian† H720 | $49.95s | 9780881460261 The Spiritual Journal of Henry David Thoreau Malcolm Clemens Young H793 | $35.00t | 9780881461589 Jesus Christ Today: The Historical Shaping of Jesus for the Twenty-First Century Edgar V. McKnight P395 | $32.00t | 9780881461671 The Axioms of Religion E. Y. Mullins†; C. Douglas Weaver, editor P392 | $32.00t | 9780881461640 In Search of the New Testament Church: The Baptist Story C. Douglas Weaver H653 | $45.00s | 9780881461060 P346 | $23.00s | 9780881461053 Mark Twain’s Religion William E. Phipps H638 | $45.00s | 9780865548466 P264 | $18.00t | 9780865548978 Safe at Home: A Memoir of God, Baseball, and Family Marc A. Jolley H666 | $20.00t | 9780865547407

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Sport: How Calvinism and Capitalism Shaped America’s Games Steven J. Overman P419 | $35.00t | 9780881462265 Buddha on the Backstretch: The Spiritual Wisdom of Driving 200 MPH Arlynda Lee Boyer H782 | $27.00t | 9780881461749 Game Day and God: Football, Faith, and Politics in the American South Eric Bain-Selbo H790 | $35.00t | 9780881461558 The Holy Trinity of American Sports: Civil Religion in Football, Baseball, and Basketball Craig A. Forney P401 | $25.00t | 9780881461732 Rounding the Bases: Baseball and Religion in America Joseph L. Price H708 | $35.00s | 9780865549999 An Unholy Alliance: The Sacred and Modern Sports Robert J. Higgs and Michael Braswell H648 | $55.00s | 9780865549234 P304 | $25.00t | 9780865549562 The Great God Baseball: Religion in Modern Baseball Fiction Allen E. Hye H675 | $40.00s | 9780865549319 P288 | $25.00t | 9780865549395 From Season to Season: Sports as American Religion Jospeh L. Price, editor P308 | $25.00t | 9780865549616

69 Press: Selected Backlist Mercer University

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Why Kierkegaard Matters: A Festschrift in Honor of Robert L. Perkins Marc A. Jolley and Edmon L. Rowell, Jr., editors H811 | $45.00t | 9780881462128 Sober Cannibals, Drunken Christians: Melville, Kierkegaard, and Tragic Optimism in Polarized Worlds Jamie Lorentzen P409 | $35.00t | 9780881462005 Subjectivity and Religious Truth in the Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard Merigala Gabriel P398 | $30.00t | 9780881461701 Toward the Final Crossroads: A Festschrift for Edna Hong and Howard Hong Jamie Lorentzen, editor H794 | $30.00t | 9780881461596 Irigaray and Kierkegaard: On the Construction of the Self Helene Tallon Russell P394 | $35.00t | 9780881461664 The Concept of Anxiety in Søren Kierkegaard Arne Grøn, Translated by Sinead Ladegaard Knox H769 | $30.00t | 9780881461268 The Neither/Nor of the Second Sex: Kierkegaard on Women, Sexual Difference, and Sexual Relations Céline Léon H754 | $45.00s | 9780881461039 Kierkegaard’s Metaphors Jamie Lorentzen H548 | $39.95s | 9780865547315

Religious Internationalism: War and Peace in the Thought of Paul Tillich Mattthew Lon Weaver P408 | $35.00t | 9780881461886 Tillich and World Religions: Encountering Other Faiths Today Robison B. James H620 | $30.00s | 9780865548183 Dialogues of Paul Tillich Mary Ann Stenger P235 | $25.00t | 9780865548336 Paulus, Then and Now: A Study of Paul Tillich’s Theological World and Continuing Relevence of His Work John J. Carey H531 | $35.00s | 9780865546813 Paul Tillich and Psychology: Historic and Contemporary Explorations in Theology, Pychotherapy, and Ethics Terry D. Cooper P330 | $30.00s | 9780865549937 Reinhold Niebuhr and Psychology: The Ambiguities of the Self Terry D. Cooper P388 | $27.00t | 9780881461473 The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Harry Potter John Killinger P390 | $17.00t | 9780881461626 Questioning Psychological Health and Well-Being: Historical and Contemporary Dialogues Britt-Mari Sykes P399 | $32.00t | 9780881461718

Shakespeare’s Philosopher King: Reading The Tragedy of King Lear Guy Story Brown H801 | $45.00t | 9780881461855 Wingless Chickens, Bayou Catholics, and Pilgrim Wayfayers: Constructions of Audience and Tone in O’Connor, Gautreaux, and Percy L. Lamar Nisly, H813 | $35.00t | 9780881462142

Misfits and Marble Fauns: Religion and Romance in Hawthorne and O’Connor Wendy Piper, H816 | $35.00 | 9780881462173 Inside the Church of Flannery O’Connor: Sacrament, Sacramental, and the Sacred in Her Fiction Joanne Halleran McMullen and Jon Parish Peede P380 | $22.95t | 9780881461381

The Letters of Austin Warren: Edited and Selected, with an Introduction and Notes George A. Panichas†, editor H819 | $55.00t | 9780881462203 Joseph Conrad: His Moral Vision George A. Panichas† P291 | $20.00t | 9780881460636 Walden Henry David Thoreau†; introduction by Sam Pickering P421 | $18.00t | 9780881462319 Bartram’s Living Legacy: The Travels and the Nature of the South Dorinda G. Dallmeyer, editor H808 | $55.00t | 9780881462098 P415 | $28.00t | 9780881462227

Under the Rock Umbrella: Contemporary American Poets from 1951–1977 William Walsh, editor P341 | $35.00t | 97808881460476 Breakwater: Poems Catharine Savage Brosman H797 | $30.00t | 9780881461800 P391 | $18.00t | 9780881461633 Elegies for the Water: Poems Philip Lee Williams H757 | $20.00t | 9780881461428 Georgia Cowboy Poets David Fillingim, editor P407 | $25.00t | 9780881461831 Abandoned Quarry: New and Selected Poems John Lane P428 | $20.00t | 9780881462418 The Throne of Psyche: Poems Marly Youmans H826 | $30.00t | 9780881462463 P422 | $18.00t | 9780881462326 John Milton, Paradise Lost: The Biblically Annotated Edition Matthew Stallard, editor H823 | $60.00t | 9780881462364 P440 | $24.00t | 9780881462685 The Flower Seeker: An Epic Poem of William Bartram Philip Lee Williams H807 | $75.00t | 9780881462081 H820 | $55.00t | 9780881462289 P414 | $25.00t | 9780881462210


me r ce r u ni v e r sit y p r ess

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

Mercer University Press: Selected Backlist

Our Sufficiency Is of God: Essays on Preaching in Honor of Gardner C. Taylor Timothy George, James Earl Massey and Robert Smith, Jr., editors H806 | $35.00t | 9780881462067

America’s Historically Black Colleges: A Narrative History, 1837–2009 Bobby L. Lovett H814 | $35.00t | 9780881462159 Benjamin Elijah Mays : A Pictorial Life and Times Carrie M. Dumas H704 | $45.00t | 9780881460162 Walking Integrity : Benjamin Elijah Mays, Mentor to Martin Luther King Jr. Lawrence Edward Carter, editor P174 | $30.00t | 9780865546042 African Americans in Georgia: A Reflection of Politics and Policy in the New South Pearl K. Ford, editor H799 | $40.00t | 9780881461848 “Tell Them We Are Singing for Jesus”: The Original Fisk Jubilee Singers and Christian Reconstuction, 1871–1878 Toni P. Anderson H785 | $45.00t | 9780881461121 Macon Black and White : An Unutterable Separation in the American Century Andrew M. Manis P306 | $35.00t | 9780865549586 Making My Mark: The Story of a Man Who Wouldn’t Stay in His Place Marvin S. Arrington, Sr. H751 | $29.00t | 9780881460988

Orangeburg Massacre Jack Bass and Jack Nelson P155 | $18.95t | 9780865545526 Sacred Places : A Guide to the Civil Rights Sites in Atlanta, Georgia Harry G. Lefever and Michael C. Page P379 | $18.00t | 9780881461213 Portraits of Courage: Stories of Baptist Heroes Julie Whidden Long P343 | $16.00t | 9780881461091 The Cost of Unity: African-American Agency and Education and the Christian Church, 1865–1914 Lawrence A. Q. Burnley H775 | $45.00t | 978080881461343 Against Us, but for Us: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the State Michael G. Long H580 | $35.00s | 9780865547681 Pursuing a Promise: A History of African Americans at Georgia Southern University Eric F. Brooks H700 | $35.00t | 9780881460186 This Georgia Rising : Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s Patrick Novotny H744 | $45.00t | 9780881460889 Undaunted by the Fight: Spelman College and the Civil Rights Movement, 1957–1967 Harry G. Lefever P292 | $25.00t | 9780865549388

The Souls of W. E. B. DuBois: New Essays and Reflections Edward J. Blum and Jason R. Young, editors H777 | $45.00 | 978088146367 W. E. B. Du Bois and Race: Essays Celebrating the Centennial Publication of The Souls of Black Folk Chester J. Fontenot, Jr., Mary Alice Morgan, and Sarah Gardner, editors H545 | $35. 00s| 9780865547278

Re-Cognizing W. E. B. DuBois in the Twenty-First Century: Essays on W. E. B. DuBois

Mary Keller and Chester J. Fontenot, Jr., editors H737 | $60.00s | 9780881460773 P335 | $30.00t | 9780881460599

Erasing Public Memory: Race, Aesthetics, and Cultural Amnesia in the Americas

Joseph A. Young and Jana Evans Braziel, editors H736 | $60.00s | 9780881469766 P327 | $30.00t | 9780881460582

Theology and Slavery : Charles Hodge and Horace Bushnell David Torbett H724 | $49.95t | 9780881460322 An Ex-Colored Church: Social Activism in the CME Church, 1870–1970 Raymond R. Sommerville, Jr. P280 | $28.00s | 9780865549036 From the Plantation to the Prison: African-American Confinement Literature Tara T. Green H746 | $35.00s | 9780881460902 Amazing Grace in John Newton: Slave Ship Captain, Hymn Writer, and Abolitionist William E. Phipps P282 | $25.00t | 9780865548688

Black Baptists and African Missions: The Origins of a Movement 1880–1915 Sandy D. Martin P173 | $25.00t | 97808665546004 When All God’s Children Get Together: A Memoir of Race and Baptists Emmanuel McCall P365 | $18.00t | 9780881460650 When the Church Bell Rang Racist Donald E. Collins P359 | $30.00s | 9780881460445 The Narrative Life: The Moral and Religious Thought of Frederick Douglass Scott C. Williamson P236 | $25.00t | 9780865548343 Frederick Douglass: A Precursor of Liberation Theology Reginald F. Davis P312 | $22.00s | 9780865549258 Frustrated Fellowship: The Black Baptist Quest for Social Power James M. Washington P020 | $25.00t | 978086541924 My Bones Are Red: A Spiritual Journey with a Triracial People in the Americas Patricia A. Waak P277 | $25.00t | 9780865549173 Pictures of Islam Donald L. Berry P370 | $18.00t | 9780881460865

The Melungeon 69Series

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Melungeons Wayne Winkler, series editor N. Brent Kennedy, founding editor


The Resurrection of a Proud People: An Untold Story of Ethnic Cleansing in America N. Brent Kennedy and Robyn Vaughan Kennedy Paper | $17.95t | P143 9780865545168




THE LAST LOST TRIBE IN AMERICA Elizabeth C. Hirschman Paper | $19.00t | P245 9780865548619


MELUNGEON CHARACTERS IN THE FICTION OF APPALACHIA Katherine Vande Brake Paper | $25.00t | P324 9780865549838



Sometimes called “Melungeons,” the earliest nonnative “Americans” to live in Appalachia were (perhaps) of Mediterranean extraction and of a Jewish or Muslim religious persuasion. For fear of discrimination since “persons of color” were often disenfranchised and abused—the Melungeons were reticent regarding their heritage. In fact, over time, many Melungeons themselves “forgot” where they came from. Hence, today, Melungeons remain the “last lost tribe in America,” even to themselves. Once lost, but now forgotten no more. This series explores the origins, history, and culture of these once-forgotten people.


WALKING TOWARD THE SUNSET THE MELUNGEONS OF APPALACHIA Wayne Winkler Paper | $19.00t | P250 97808865548695

MELUNGEON literacies and twenty-first century technologies Katherine Vande Brake Paper | $22.00t | P387 9780881461503



Children of perdition

THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF VARDY, Hancock county, tennessee DruAnna Williams Overbay Paper | $25.00t | P299 9780865549500

A FOLK HISTORY OF THE CARMEL MELUNGEON SETTLEMENT, HIGHLAND COUNTY, OHIO John S. Kessler and Donald B. Ball Paper | $19.95t | P208 9780865547032

A TURKISH-AMERICAN DIALOGUE Joseph M. Scolnick, Jr. and N. Brent Kennedy Cloth | $18.95s | H561 9780865547513

through the back door

Melungeons and the struggle of mixed america Tim Hashaw Cloth | $35.00t | H705 9780881460131 Paper | $19.00t | P340 9780881460742


me r ce r u ni v e r sit y p r ess

FA L L / W I N T E R 2011

Mercer University Press: Selected Backlist

Breaking the Heartland: The Civil War in Georgia John D. Fowler and David B. Parker, editors H824 | $29.00t | 9780881462401 “Going Back the Way They Came”: The Phillips Georgia Legion Cavalry Battalion Richard M. Coffman H800 | $35.00t | 9780881461879 “I Will Give Them One More Shot”: Ramsey’s 1st Regiment Georgia Volunteers George Winston Martin H818 | $45.00t | 9780881462197 The Confederate Soldier’s Pocket Manual of Devotions: Including Balm for the Weary and the Wounded Charles Todd Quintard†, foreword by CH (COL) William O. Nisbet, Jr. P402 | $18.00t | 9780881461756

The Volunteers’ Camp and Field Book John Penn Curry;† Edited and Compiled by William B. Sargeant and John W. Brinsfield P397 | $20.00t | 9780881461695 A Hard Trip: A History of the 15th Mississippi Infantry, CSA Ben Wynne P406 | $25.00t | 9780881461794 The Battle of Resaca: Atlanta Campaign, 1864 Philip L. Secrist† P413 | $16.00t | 9780881462074 Invisible Hero: Patrick R. Cleburne Bruce H. Stewart, Jr. H756 | $35.00t | 9780881461084

Griswoldville William Harris Bragg P396 | $30.00t | 9780881461688 In the Shadow of the Patriarch: The John J. Crittenden Family in War and Peace Damon R. Eubank H786 | $35.00t | 9780881461510 A Confederate Legend: Berry Benson in War and Peace Edward J. Cashin† H764 | $32.00t | 9780881461183 Ghosts and Shadows of Andersonville: Essays on the Secret Social Histories of America’s Deadliest Prison Robert S. Davis H703 | $35.00t | 9780881460124 A Fit Representation of Pandemonium: East Tennessee Confederate Soldiers in the Campaign for Vicksburg William D. Taylor† H712 | $40.00t | 9780881460346 Joe Brown’s Pets: The Georgia Militia, 1862–1865 William R. Scaife and William Harris Bragg H655 | $30.00t | 9780865548831 Joe Brown’s Army: The Georgia State Line, 1862–1865 William Harris Bragg P119 | $25.00t | 9780865542624 Civil War Macon: The History of a Confederate City Richard William Iobst† P400 | $35.00t | 9780881461725

Saddle Bag and Spinning Wheel: Being the Civil War Letters of George W. Peddy, M.D., Surgeon, 56th Georgia Volunteer Regiment, CSA George P. Cuttino,† editor H765 | $35.00t | 9780881461190

To Honor These Men: A History of the Phillips Georgia Legion Infantry Battalion Richard M. Coffman and Kurt D. Graham H733 | $40.00t | 9780881460605 The Spirit Divided: Memoirs of Civil War Chaplains: The Confederacy John Wesley Brinsfield, Jr., editor H687 | $35.00t | 9780865549647 The Spirit Divided: Memoirs of Civil War Chaplains: The Union Benedict R. Maryniak† and John Wesley Brinsfield, Jr., editors H715 | $35.00t | 9780865549968 Mississippi’s Civil War: A Narrative History Ben Wynne H725 | $35.00t | 9780881460391 Two Confederate Hospitals and Their Patients: Atlanta to Opelika Jack D. Welsh H691 | $35.00t | 9780865549715 Disunion, War, Defeat, and Recovery in Alabama: The Journal of Augustus Benners, 1850–1885 Glenn M. Linden and Virginia Linden H731 | $35.00t | 9780881460568 A Meteor Shining Brightly: Essays on the Life and Career of Major Patrick R. Cleburne Mauriel Phillips Joslyn H533 | $34.95t | 9780865546936

Rice Gold: James Hamilton Couper and Plantation Life on the Georgia Coast James Bagwell P225 | $25.00t | 9780865547971 The Bishop of the Old South: The Ministry and Civil War Legacy of Leonidas Polk Glenn Robins H660 | $35.00t | 9780881460384 Letters to Amanda: The Civil War Letters of Marion Hill Fitzpatrick, Army of Northern Virginia Jeffrey C. Lowe, editor H444 | $29.95t | 9780865545915 P255 | $19.00t | 9780865548817

My Dear Friend: The Civil War Letters of Alva Benjamin Spencer, 3rd Georgia Regiment, Company C Clyde G. Wiggins, III , editor H732 | $29.95t | 9780881460575 Soldiers of the Cross: Confederate Soldier-Christians and the Impact of War on Their Faith Kent T. Dollar H662 | $35.00t | 9780865549265 Furl That Banner: The Life of Abram J. Ryan, Poet-priest of the South David O’Connell H707 | $35.00t | 9780881460353 Cracker Cavaliers: The 2nd Georgia Cavalry under Wheeler and Forrest John R. Poole H516 | $34.95t | 978086556974 Our Connection with Savannah: History of the 1st Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, 1862–1865 Russell K. Brown H673 | $35.00t | 9780865549166

Mercer University 69 Press: Selected Backlist

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The Tifts of Georgia: Connecticut Yankees in King Cotton’s Court John D. Fair H817 | $35.00t | 9780881462180 Liberty, State, and Union: The Political Theory of Thomas Jefferson Luigi Marco Bassani H802 | $35.00t | 9780881461862 Educating the Urban New South: Atlanta and the Rise of Georgia State University, 1913–1969 Merl E. Reed H784 | $35.00t | 9780881461480 Footnotes to History: A Primer on the American Political Character Griffin B. Bell†, John P. Cole, editor H668 | $25.00t | 978086559043 The History of the Mercer University School of Medicine, 1965–2007 Martin L. Dalton, Jr., M.D., FACS H796 | $45.00s | 9780881461619 Presidential Praise: Our Presidents and Their Hymns C. Edward Spann and Michael E. Williams, Sr. H763 | $35.00t | 9780881461176 The Empire State of the South: Georgia History in Documents and Essays Christopher C. Meyers H758 | $50.00s | 9780881461107 P377 | $28.00t | 9780881461114

Home of the Infantry: The History of Fort Benning Peggy A. Stelpflug and Richard Hyatt H741 | $35.00t | 9780881460872

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