table of contents Breathing and Walking Around.............1 Kathy A. Bradley
From the Director
A Death at the White Camellia Orphanage..............................................2 Marly Youmans Going Farther into the Woods than the Woods Go.................................3 Seaborn Jones On the North Slope...................................4 Catharine Savage Brosman Emerson’s Brother...................................5 Philip Lee Williams A Never-Ending Groove..........................6 Anathalee G. Sandlin Life of Dreams................................................. 7 Andrew Derr A Light on Peachtree..............................8 Anne B. Jones A Titanic Love Story................................9 June Hall McCash Shakespeare’s History...........................10 Guy Story Brown The Marriage of Faith...........................11 Laura Dabundo Georgia..................................................12 Christopher C. Meyers & David Williams Liberty, State, and Union......................13 Luigi Marco Bassani Democracy in Twenty-First Century America..................................................14 Ronald B. Neal Nurturing the Vision.............................15 W. Glenn Jonas, Jr. A Choosing People................................16 Don A. Sanford† And Your Daughters Shall Prophesy....17 Karen Massey, editor The Life and Letters of Emily Chubbuck Judson, Volume 5..................................18 George H. Tooze, editor The James N. Griffith Series in Baptist Studies...................................19
Dear Reader, This is Not the End of the Book: A Conversation Curated by Jean-Philippe de Tonnac was published in June 2011 by Harvill Secker in England. This new book by Umberto Eco and Jean-Claude Carrière is simply a transcription of dialogues between these two writers about the state of the book. The title is the thesis. Neither believes the book is dead or anywhere near death. With e-books and electronic tablets and reading devices creating great excitement, it is reassuring that the book is still causing a stir. The form is not as significant as it once seemed. We have moved from clay tablets to animal skin to papyrus to vellum to paper and to digital and still the book is the carrier of civilizations (Thoreau). One person wrote recently that her house is suddenly straighter. Her reading device has all of her recent books on it and they are all in one place. Yet, she lamented, “I used to look at books beside my bed or couch like friends who were visiting. Now, I see one more electronic device.” Books for her are less personal now, and though she still loves reading, she has noticed that she watches more television than before. Mercer University Press is slowly moving to publishing selected titles for electronic devices as well as the print medium. This is not an exact science. Longevity of digital material is in serious question. One thing is for sure. A book published by this Press, printed on quality, recycled paper and bound in durable forms —all here in the USA—will survive a minimum of 300 years. The reading device will last only until the next one comes out, and the cost is much more than just the hardware. The book is indeed not dead. In truth, it is not even sick. It is alive and well and still moving civilizations by inspiring readers to a better life.
Cancer and Healing...............................20 Charles W. Deweese, editor Selected Backlist Titles..........................21 International Kierkegaard Commentary Series...............................22 Selected Backlist Titles....................23–24 The Melungeons...................................25 Selected Backlist Titles....................26–28
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On the front cover: Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law, clock tower
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Breathing and Walking Around
Kathy A. Bradley, lives and writes in Bulloch County, Georgia, on a farm which, she is quick to point out, “is two miles from the nearest paved
Meditations on a Life
road.” She is an alumna of Wesleyan
Kathy A. Bradley
College and the Walter F. George School of Law of Mercer University, both in Macon, Georgia. She currently serves as an assistant district attorney for the Ogeechee Judicial Circuit.
Available as an e-book
Parables of life and nature in South Georgia Breathing and Walking Around is not a memoir. It is a record of four years’ worth of observations of common people, everyday events, and the natural world made by Kathy Bradley from her home in the coastal plains of South Georgia. A lawyer by training, a storyteller by nature, she shares with precision and layer upon layer of sensory image simple tales that emerge, in the end, as parables. Beginning at Sandhill, the house she built on her family farm, Bradley takes the reader with her as she walks miles of dirt roads with the dogs Lily and Tamar, alert to the details of rural living—the movement of the seasons, the nearness and unpredictability of wildlife, the sights and sounds otherwise drowned out by twenty-first-century living. The meandering continues down the Atlantic beaches, the shorelines of inland lakes, backroads and interstates, and we are at her shoulder as she, like a paleontologist, uncovers joy in the magic and mystery of the familiar and the brand new. But Breathing and Walking Around is a true story and, so, along with the joy there are moments of questioning and uncertainty, moments when doubt challenges faith. It is in these moments, when Bradley struggles to bring order to her own life, that she most clearly articulates the universal truths that weave through all our stories, ribbons of continuity and hope.
titl e s o f i n t e r e st
Walden Henry David Thoreau Introduction by Sam Pickering
March 2012 | Literary e-book | 978-0-88146-363-7 | P442e
Simple Life on a Georgia Pond Amy Blackmarr
Paper | $18.00t | P421 978-0-88146-231-9
Paper | $25.00t | P267 978-0-88554-905-0
Bartram’s Living Legacy
Homeplace Geography
The Travels and the Nature of the South Dorinda G. Dallmeyer, editor Cloth | $55.00t | H808 978-0-88146-209-8 Paper | $28.00t | P415 978-0-88146-222-7
5.75 x 8.75 | 256 pp. | Paper, $20.00t | 978-0-88146-270-8 | P442
Going to Ground
Essays for Appalachia Donald E. Davis Paper | $25.00t | P331 978-0-88146-014-8
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A Death at the White Camellia Orphanage
Marly Youmans is the author of five novels, numerous stories, and three books of poetry, including The Throne of Psyche (Mercer, 2011.) A native of the Carolinas, she now lives
Marly Youmans
near the mouth of the Susquehanna with her husband and three children. Discover more about this author at www.
Available as an e-book
Depression-era struggles of a young Georgia orphan boy titl e s o f i n t e r e st
Washed in the Blood Lisa Alther Cloth | $26.00t | H832 978-0-88146-257-9
Downtown Ferrol Sams Cloth | $25.00t | H734 978-0-88146-072-8
The Greats of Cuttercane Terry Kay Cloth | $22.00t | H827 978-0-88146-249-4 e-book | $19.00t | H827e 978-0-88146-250-0
Whiskey before Breakfast A Novel Benjy Griffith
Cloth | $24.95t | H766 978-0-86554-123-7
After a death at the White Camellia Orphanage, young Pip Tatnall leaves Lexsy, Georgia to become a road kid, riding the rails east, west, and north. A bright, unusual boy who is disillusioned at a young age, Pip believes that he sees guilt shining in the faces of men wherever he goes. On his picaresque journey, he sweeps through society, revealing the highest and lowest in human nature and only slowly coming to self-understanding. He searches the points of the compass for what will help, groping for a place where he can feel content, certain that he has no place where he belongs and that he rides the rails through a great darkness. His difficult path to collect enough radiance to light his way home is the road of a boy struggling to come to terms with the cruel but sometimes lovely world of Depression-era America. On Youmans’s prior forays into the past, reviewers praised her “spellbinding force” (Bob Sumner, Orlando Sentinel), “prodigious powers of description” (Philip Gambone, New York Times), “serious artistry,” “unobtrusively beautiful language,” and “considerable power” (Fred Chappell, Raleigh News & Observer), “haunting, lyrical language and fierce intelligence” (starred review, Publishers Weekly.) Howard Bahr wrote of The Wolf Pit, “Ms. Youmans is an inspiration to every writer who must compete with himself. I had thought Catherwood unsurpassable, but Ms. Youmans has done it. Her characters are real; they live and move in the stream of Time as if they had passed only yesterday. Her lyricism breaks my heart and fills me with envy and delight. No other writer I know of can bring the past to us so musically, so truly.” March 2012 | FICTION 6 x 9 | 288 pp. | Cloth, $24.00t | 978-0-88146-271-5 | H837 e-book | 978-0-88146-364-4 | H837e
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Going Farther into the Woods than the Woods Go
Seaborn Jones of Lizella, Georgia, has published three chapbooks and two full-length books, Drowning from the Inside Out and Lost Keys. His work has appeared in the New York Quarterly, River Styx, and Southern Poetry Review. Honors include the
Seaborn Jones
Georgia Author of the Year Award in poetry, the Violet Reed Haas Poetry award, and selection as a Bread Loaf scholar. A former Marine, he was a lighting director for Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood of Make-believe, is a certified zoo curator, and has taught poetry in Macon and San Francisco.
Poems from one of the most original voices in contemporary American Poetry Going Farther into the Woods than the Woods Go opens with the poet speaking from an interior landscape in which life is going too fast and he is lonely and isolated from himself and others. Life is brutal, and the speaker finds himself constantly questioning his self-worth, yet in a surrealistic, witty fashion perhaps best described as black humor. As the book moves forward, the point of view shifts to a landscape largely identified as a desert. Many of these poems address the horrors of war, with concerns such as political liberation, elections, and the plight of refugees. In the third section of the book, the point of view shifts to third person. In this section, the speaker confronts and challenges the reader to face reality, but the speaker poses questions that the reader cannot answer. In fact, the reader is often faced with impossible demands at times amounting to a form of blackmail. Throughout the book, the aloneness and isolation of the individual is the paramount theme; yet, despite the darkness of the poet’s vision, his fresh, vivid imagery, use of wit and humor, and his unique approach to style and content make this book a showcase for one the most interesting and original voices in contemporary American poetry.
T itl e s o f i n t e r e st
Misfits and Marble Fauns Religion and Romance in Hawthorne and O’Connor Wendy Piper
6 x 9 | 80 pp. | Paper, $15.00t | 978-0-88146-272-2 | P443
Christina Bieber Lake Cloth | $35.00t | H680 978-0-86554-943-2
Cloth | $35.00t | H816 978-0-88146-217-3
Under the Rock Umbrella
Contemporary American Poets from 1951–1977 William Walsh, editor Paper | $35.00t | P341 978-0-88146-047-6
March 2012 | Poetry
The Incarnational Art of Flannery O’Connor
The Flagrant Dead Poems Stephen Bluestone Cloth | $28.00s | H714 978-0-88146-050-6 Paper | $16.00t | P338 978-0-88146-075-9
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On the North Slope
Catharine Savage Brosman, who lives in Houston, is emerita professor of French at Tulane University (New Orleans) and Honorary Research
Professor at the University of Sheffield
Catharine Savage Brosman
(England). She currently serves as poetry editor for Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. She is the author of eight previous works of poetry and is the author or editor of numerous books on French literature. Her book of poems Breakwater was published in 2009 by Mercer University Press.
A new collection of poetry highlighting human experience and response titl e s o f i n t e r e st
Georgia Cowboy Poets
David Fillingim, editor Paper | $25.00t | P407 978-0-88146-183-1
Abandoned Quarry
New and Selected Poems John Lane Paper | $20.00t | P428 978-0-88146-241-8
Breakwater Poems
Catharine Savage Brosman Cloth | $30.00t | H797 978-0-88146-180-0 Paper | $18.00t | P391 978-0-88146-163-3
Elegies for the Water
Poems Philip Lee Williams Cloth | $20.00t | H757 978-0-88146-142-8
On the North Slope, Catharine Savage Brosman’s ninth collection of poetry, displays once more the impressive range of her artistry and her powerful poetic vision. Divided into four parts, the volume includes free verse, blank verse, and rhymed quatrains. Taken together, the poems impart the very feeling of consciousness and illuminate both its potentialities and its burdens as it relates to the world. After the introductory poem, the first part, “A Commonwealth of Place,” features the winds, snow, light, and sunset of a Colorado winter. Following poems combine elements of personal and historical experience with mountain and desert scenes, which illustrate the subtle bonds between such experiences and their natural and cultural settings. “Order Under the Sun” comprises eighteen lyrics, mostly rhymed, dealing with flowers, birds, trees, and—one of Brosman’s specialties—foodstuffs, including carrots, honey, and garlic. The tone of these lyrics, which focus on the human meaning of such natural objects, ranges from humorous to grave. “The Scripted Fate” brings together narrative and lyric poems treating the poet’s girlhood, in addition to such topics as failure and unhappiness, dying, and friendship and love, ending with an affirmation of married happiness. The final part, “Themes for the Muses,” features creative artists—Rodin, Donizetti, Liszt, and Yeats, among others—and performers. The poems emphasize creative work but even more the often dramatic dimensions of artists’ lives and the implications of artistic vision. Readers of Brosman’s new collection will find a generous spectrum of responses to experience, both light and dark, in poems of great verbal and visual appeal. APRIL 2012 | poetry 6 x 9 | 140 pp. | Paper, $17.00t | 978-0-88146-273-9 | P444
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Emerson’s Brother
Philip Lee Williams is the muchhonored author of sixteen published books, including three non-fiction works and two volumes of poetry. He won the
Philip Lee Williams
2004 Michael Shaara Prize for A Distant Flame, and in addition to a Governor’s Award in the Humanities, is a member of the Georgia Writers Hall of Fame. In 2011, his The Flower Seeker: An Epic Poem of William Bartram won the Books
Available as an e-book
& Culture Book of the Year Award. He lives with his family in Oconee County, Georgia.
A fictional glimpse into the heart of the least-known Emerson brother Few people know that Ralph Waldo Emerson had a mentally challenged brother. Now, in a deeply moving novel in letters, noted writer Philip Lee Williams imagines the last year of this brother’s sad but transcendent life as he lives with a farm family in Massachusetts. Emerson’s Brother shows how this brother, Bulkeley, deals in his own way with many of the themes Waldo did, including nature, self-reliance, and love. Writing letters to his brother and friends such as Henry David Thoreau, Bulkeley Emerson aches with the need to express himself, trapped as he is in the prison of his own genetics. Though Bulkeley’s journey toward the end of his life can be agonizing and filled with unfilled longing, there is a quiet acceptance, too, as he nears his time to become part of nature itself. “ This fascinating novel about the least-known Emerson brother brings to life the Transcendental currents of the time and shows how hard it was, for all the Emersons, to live up to the expectations of their forefathers. Fans of Henry Thoreau and Waldo Emerson, as well as anyone with a brother, will find this novel an emotional recreation of an important period and place in our history.”
—Joel Myerson Carolina Distinguished Professor of American Literature, Emeritus, University of South Carolina and co-author of The Emerson Brothers: A Fraternal Biography in Letters.
APRIL 2012 | FICTION 5.75 x 8.75 | 224 pp. | Paper, $20.00t | 978-0-88146-274-6 | P445 e-book | 978-0-88146-367-5 | P445e
titl e s by this a u th o r
The Divine Comics
A Vaudeville Show in Three Acts Philip Lee Williams Paper | $35.00t | P435 978-0-88146-261-6
The Flower Seeker
An Epic Poem of William Bartram Philip Lee Williams Cloth | $75.00t | H807 Limited Edition 978-0-88146-208-1 Cloth | $55.00t | H820 978-0-88146-228-9 Paper | $25.00t | P414 978-0-88146-221-0
The Campfire Boys A Novel Philip Lee Williams Cloth | $26.00t | H788 978-0-88146-153-4
In the Morning Reflections from First Light Philip Lee Williams Cloth | $23.00t | H717 978-0-88146-022-3
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A Never-Ending Groove
Anathalee G. Sandlin has worked as artist-media liaison for the Alabama Band June Jams, Country Music Association music award shows, and
Johnny Sandlin’s Musical Odyssey
Alabama Music Hall of Fame award
Anathalee G. Sandlin
shows. She is business manager of Duck Tape Music, as well as a songwriter/music publisher.
A driving force behind Southern Rock and Capricorn Records titl e s o f i n t e r e st
No Saints, No Saviors
My Years with the Allman Brothers Band William H. Perkins
Cloth | $25.00t | H688 978-0-86554-967-8
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
A History of Baptist Hymnody in North America David W. Music and Paul A. Richardson Paper | $35.00t | P429 978-0-88146-243-2
Redneck Liberation Country Music as Theology David Fillingim Cloth | $18.00t | P263 978-0-86554-896-1
More Than Precious Memories
Referred to by the late Jerry Wexler as one of the men most responsible for the Southern Rock sound that came out of Macon, Georgia, in the ’70s, Johnny Sandlin’s music career began in the early ’60s playing with other musicians who went on to leave their mark in music history including Dan Penn, David Briggs, Norbert Putnam, Jerry Carrigan, Roger Hawkins, David Hood, Eddie Hinton and fellow HourGlass band members, Paul Hornsby, Pete Carr and Gregg and Duane Allman. When the HourGlass broke up, he became staff drummer for Tone Studio in Miami but soon moved to Macon where he again joined the Allmans, first as the drummer in the Capricorn studio rhythm section and then as recording engineer, producer and vice-president of Capricorn Records and head of A&R. Sandlin also produced, mixed, and mastered albums for the Allman Brothers Band, Gregg Allman, Gregg and Cher, Richard Betts, Johnny Jenkins, Elvin Bishop, Wet Willie, Bonnie Bramlett, Alex Taylor, Cowboy, Delbert McClinton, Widespread Panic and many others. Since leaving Capricorn, Johnny works as an independent engineer and producer, is co-owner of Rockin’ Camel Records, and continues to record in his own studio, Duck Tape Music, in Decatur, Alabama. His work has earned him five platinum and ten gold albums.
The Rhetoric of Southern Gospel Music Michael P. Graves and David Fillingim, editors Paper | $25.00s | P303 978-0-86554-955-5
March 2012 | biography music and the american south series 6 x 9 | 480 pp. | Cloth, $30.00t | 978-0-88146-276-0 | H839 | Index | Illustrations
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Life of Dreams
Andrew Derr is Vanderbilt University’s 1992 recipient of the Fred Russell-
The Good Times of Sportswriter Fred Russell
Grantland Rice TRA Sportswriting Scholarship. A part-time freelance
Andrew Derr
journalist since graduating in 1996, he lives in Maryland with his wife, Molly, and four children, Michael, Hannah, Isabella, and Lukas. His full-time career is with Deloitte Consulting.
The legacy of a legendary sports journalist and storyteller Life of Dreams is the first complete biography of Fred McFerrin Russell, one of the all-time stars in sports journalism. This biography details how the Vanderbilt man started with the Nashville Banner in the late 1920s, ascended to Sports Editor and remained with this paper loyally for sixty-nine years. He led the daily charge against the better-funded Tennessean, and it was a fierce rivalry for decades until the Banner folded in 1998. Russell’s early success led to a position with the nationally recognized Saturday Evening Post, and from 1949–1962, he was the annual voice of college football with his immensely popular “Pigskin Preview.” He built long-lasting relationships with coaches, players, and other writers in the business, and Russell wrote with a style that reflected his personality: fair, informative, and always with a sense of humor. He was a storyteller, whether it was athletes such as Bobby Jones or Red Grange; or coaches such as Red Sanders or Paul “Bear” Bryant, one of his closest friends. Outliving almost all of his contemporaries, Russell rubbed elbows with some of the greats of the twentieth century, with men such as Sparky Anderson, George Steinbrenner, Archie Manning, Vince Dooley, and Lou Holtz. One of the unique elements of this biography is the Russell legacy and the connection that exists between Russell’s past and the sportswriters of today and the future. Two years after Grantland Rice died in 1954, Russell helped to organize the Grantland Rice Scholarship, a four-year sportswriting scholarship awarded to an entering freshman at Vanderbilt University.
titl e s o f i n t e r e st
The Greatest Champion That Never Was
The Life of W. L. “Young” Stribling Jaclyn Weldon White Cloth | $30.00t | H828 978-0-88146-252-4
Five Big Mountains
A Regular Guy’s Guide to Climbing Orizaba, Elbrus, Kilimanjaro, Aconcaugua, and Vinson David Schaeffer Cloth | $29.00t | H809 978-0-88146-210-4
APRIL 2012 | biography/sports 6 x 9 | 400 pp. | Cloth, $35.00t | 978-0-88146-278-4 | H841 | Index | Illustrations
Career in Crisis
Paul “Bear” Bryant and the 1971 Season of Change John David Briley Cloth | $29.95t | H719 978-0-88146-025-4
Legends Georgians Who Lived Impossible Dreams Gene Asher Cloth | $25.00t | H696 978-0-86554-977-7
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New Release
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A Light on Peachtree
Anne B. Jones (PhD) is the author of Tides of Fear, STOP, Gold Thunder, All Around the Track, and Brave at Heart. She taught school thirty-one years, and
A History of the Atlanta Woman’s Club
has been a volunteer mediator, rapecrisis counselor, victim-witness assistant,
Anne B. Jones foreword by Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter photographs by Aryc W. Mosher
volunteer probation officer, and public relations writer. As a freelance writer and author, she makes numerous presentations on her books and on writing and publishing topics. She is a member of the Atlanta Woman’s Club.
The historically rich impact women have made on a unique Southern city titl e s o f A T L A N T A i n t e r e st
The Filming of Gone With the Wind Herb Bridges Paper | $35.00t | P180 978-0-86554-621-9
Gone With the Wind
The Three Day Premiere in Atlanta Herb Bridges Paper | $30.00t | P431 978-0-88146-245-6
Villa Clare
Sacred Places
Cloth | $35.00t | H711 978-0-86554-992-0
Paper | $18.00t | P379 978-0-88146-121-3
The Purposeful Life and Timeless Art Collection of J. J. Haverty William Rawson Smith
A Guide to the Civil Rights Sites in Atlanta, Georgia Harry G. Lefever and Michael C. Page
The Atlanta Woman’s Club has steered the development and identity of Atlanta since 1895. Headquartered in the elegant and historic Wimbish House on Peachtree Street, the club symbolizes both a vibrant past and continuing hope for this unique Southern city. Through their affiliation with the Georgia and General Federation of Women’s Clubs, members have helped improve the quality of life in Atlanta, the South, and the world in the fields of politics, human rights, poverty, the arts, education, health, conservation and the understanding of international affairs. As educational advocates, they worked to set the foundation of the Atlanta Public Kindergarten system and Georgia’s public library system. Along with other Georgia Federation of Women’s Club members, the Atlanta Woman’s Club is a vested owner of Tallulah Falls School, one of the most esteemed college preparatory private schools in the country. They helped establish the first farmers’ market in metro Atlanta and were instrumental in promoting the acquisition of a landing field and the building of what is now Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Few are aware of the club’s enormous effect on its community and state, or its ties to the Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs (GaFWC) and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), both of which have been a major force in the history of Georgia and the nation. A Light on Peachtree: A History of the Atlanta Woman’s Club is the story of the remarkable efforts and accomplishments of the Atlanta Woman’s Club from 1895 to present time.
MARCH 2012 | georgia/REGIONAL 10 x 12 | 256 pp. | Cloth, $60.00t | 978-0-88146-275-3 | H838 | Index | More than 200 Illustrations
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A Titanic Love Story
June Hall McCash is the author, co-author, or editor of seven books, six nonfiction works and a historical
Ida and Isidor Straus
novel, for which she won the 2011
June Hall McCash
Georgia Author of the Year Award for first novel. She holds PhD and MA degrees from Emory University and a BA from Agnes Scott College. Before becoming a full-time writer, McCash was founding director of the university honors program and chair of the department of Foreign Languages at Middle Tennessee State University. She and her husband divide their time between Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and
Their tragic death on the Titanic ended the lives of this remarkable couple devoted to business, family, and philanthropy This book traces the life of Isidor and Ida Straus, both German Jewish immigrants who arrived as children in America in the early 1850s. Isidor’s father, Lazarus, was an itinerate peddler in Georgia, but within one generation the family became the wealthy owners of Macy’s Department Store in New York. A Titanic Love Story follows the Strauses’ life from Talbotton, Georgia, where an anti-Semitic incident caused them to move to nearby Columbus. The devastation of Columbus at the end of the Civil War brought the family to New York, where Isidor met and eventually married the young Ida Blun. Ida and Isidor balanced the demands of business, family, and service to others and carved out their individual roles in those domains. A Titanic Love Story emphasizes their work together as a couple, focusing not only on Isidor’s important roles as businessman, member of congress, and philanthropist, but also on Ida’s contributions as an intelligent partner, the soul of the household, and matriarch of the family, as well as a stalwart supporter of her husband and one who engaged in philanthropic and creative activities of her own. The Strauses were wealthy Jews within their New York community, and as people committed to the welfare of their family, their city, their country, and those less fortunate than themselves, they dealt with their own grief, illness, and occasional brushes with anti-Semitism. Ironically, their final happy days in the south of France lead to their unexpected sailing on the Titanic. Both died as they had lived, with dignity, honor, loyalty to one another, and compassion for others. The public outpouring of grief at their deaths, even by today’s standards of over-the-top journalism, was remarkable. MARCH 2012 | BIOGRAPHY 6 x 9 | 288 pp. | Cloth $35.00t | 978-0-88146-277-7 | H840 | Index | Illustrations
Jekyll Island, Georgia.
titl e s o f int e r e st
Richard Brevard Russell, Jr.
A Life of Consequence Sally Russell
Cloth | $35.00t | H834 978-0-88146-259-3
Relationship Banker Eugene W. Stetson, Wall Street and American Business, 1916–1959 James L. Hunt Cloth | $35.00t | H672 978-0-86554-915-9
The Tifts of Georgia Connecticut Yankees in King Cotton’s Court John D. Fair Cloth | $35.00t | H817 978-0-88146-218-0
Journey through My Years James M. Cox† Cloth | $29.95t | H684 978-0-86554-959-3
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Shakespeare’s history
Guy Story Brown was awarded his PhD from the University of Dallas Institute of Philosophic Studies. He is director of The Straight Gate, a 3-acre 501c3
Introduction to the Interpretation of THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE SIXTH and the English Histories
residential prison aftercare project in Oak Cliff, Texas, and a Fellow of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.
Guy Story Brown
Brown is the author of Shakespeare’s Philosopher King: Reading “The Tragedy of King Lear” and Shakespeare’s Prince: The Interpretation of “The Famous Life of Henry the Eighth.
As 1 Henry VI is Shakespeare’s first history play, one must wonder whether it is not the best initiation into them all titl e s o f i n t e r e st
“Between the House and the Chicken Yard”
The Masks of Flannery O’Connor Jolly Kay Sharp Cloth | $35.00t | H835 978-0-88146-263-0
The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Harry Potter John Killinger Paper | $17.00t | P390 978-0-88146-162-6
Shakespeare’s Philosopher King
Reading The Tragedy of King Lear Guy Story Brown Cloth | $45.00t | H801 978-0-88146-185-5
The First Part of King Henry the Sixth is Shakespeare’s first work for the stage, his first dramatic hit, and, also, his most controversial and suspect history play, a literary genre he perfected. From the vantage of his opening act its close study affords the original introduction to all the histories and the Shakespearean stage as such, as well as to his idea of time and the world generally, that is, to the Shakespearean education. In the course of this initiation there emerges a world, a stage, and, even, a Shakespeare that may increasingly seem more than a little strange to us, whether as seen through the lens of the old bardic conventions or the theories of recent academic revisions, but that are, at the same time, almost certainly more intimately familiar to the original editors of the 1623 folio, and the play itself increasingly revealed as a striking tour de force debut as fresh as the poet everyone is drawn to in the first place.
Joseph Conrad
His Moral Vision George A. Panichas† Paper | $20.00t | P291 978-0-88146-063-6
June 2012 | literary criticism 6 x 9 | 400 pp. | Cloth, $45.00t | 978-0-88146-280-7 | H842 | Index
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The Marriage of Faith
Laura Dabundo is professor of English and coordinator of Religious Studies at Kennesaw State University. She is editor of The Encyclopedia of Romanticism:
Christianity in Jane Austen and William Wordsworth
Culture in Britain, 1780–1830s and Jane Austen and Mary Shelley and Their
Laura Dabundo
Sisters: Romantic Women’s Fiction in Context and has written articles on many Romantic writers. Born in Philadelphia and educated in Pennsylvania, she teaches British Romanticism, the Gothic, the Bible as Literature, Mystery and Detective Fiction, and editing. Currently, she is studying Irish Romantic writers and their faith.
Fresh insight into the works and lives of two English Romantic writers Near its heart, English Romanticism—across many writers— acknowledges and celebrates a community that is not just secular but that derives meaning from a religious association and, in fact, a particularly defined religion, that is, Anglican Christianity. William Wordsworth and Jane Austen, premier English Romantic poet and novelist, were baptized, confirmed, and buried (and for Wordsworth, married) in conformity with the Church of England. Of course, Wordsworth’s commitment flagged in his twenties, but with marriage and responsibility came respectability and parishioner status. However, most twentieth-century critics interpret these writers’ works outside the Christian realities with which their lives were much imbued, except for late Wordsworthian poems from his purported decline into conservative politics and religion and evident poetic senility. Jane Austen did not live long enough to have a late decline, but critics have nonetheless overlooked her faith. It is not necessarily the surface of her writing, but Christianity is unquestionably the sea out of which her characters arise, her plots bubble up, and her themes unfold. It was her and their reality. Notwithstanding this negative or blind critical precedent, Laura Dabundo highlights what most readers are conditioned to disregard, the ways in which the church saturates the writing of Wordsworth and Austen. The Church of England’s liturgy has traditionally been based on Scripture, which these writers would have known. This book, then, links their faith to their works.
titl e s o f i n t e r e st
Misfits and Marble Fauns
Religion and Romance in Hawthorne and O’Connor Wendy Piper
Cloth | $35.00t | H816 978-0-88146-217-3
Wingless Chickens, Bayou Catholics, and Pilgrim Wayfarers
Constructions of Audience and Tone in O’Connor, Gautreaux, and Percy L. Lamar Nisly Cloth | $35.00t | H813 978-0-88146-214-2
May 2012 | LITERARY CRITICISM 6 x 9 | 160 pp. | Cloth, $35.00t | 978-0-88146-282-1 | H844 | Bibliography | Index
The Spiritual Journal of Henry David Thoreau Malcolm Clemens Young Cloth | $35.00t | H793 978-0-88146-158-9
Inside the Church of Flannery O’Connor Sacrament, Sacramental, and the Sacred in Her Fiction Joanne Halleran McMullen and John Parish Peede Paper | $22.95t | P380 978-0-88146-138-1
m e r c e r u n i v e r sity p r e ss
New Release
SP R I N G / SUM M ER 2 0 1 2
Christopher C. Meyers is a professor of history at Valdosta State University
A Brief History
where he teaches Georgia history, US
Christopher C. Meyers and David Williams
political history, and U.S. military history. His previous books include The Empire State of the South and Union General John A. McClernand and the Politics of Command. David Williams a professor of history at Valdosta State University where he
Available as an e-book
teaches Georgia history, the Old South, and the Civil War era. His previous books include Plain Folk in a Rich Man’s War: Class and Dissent in Confederate Georgia and The Georgia Gold Rush: Twenty-Niners, Cherokees, and Gold Fever. titl e s o f i n t e r e st
Home of the Infantry
The History of Fort Benning Peggy A. Stepflug and Richard Hyatt
Father Mercer
The Story of a Baptist Stateman Anthony L. Chute Paper | $20.00t | P436 978-0-88146-262-3
Cloth | $35.00t | H741 978-0-088146-087-2
This Georgia Rising Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s Patrick Novotny
Cloth | $45.00t | H744 978-0-088146-088-9
The Empire State of the South
Georgia History in Documents and Essays Christopher C. Meyers Cloth | $50.00s | H758 978-0-888146-110-7 Paper | $28.00t | P377 978-0-888146-111-4
An up-to-date, balanced history of the state of Georgia Here, for the first time is a brief, balanced, and up-to-date history of Georgia from the early Native Americans to the twenty-first century. Based on the most recent research, Georgia: A Brief History surveys the people and events that shaped our state’s history in a style that reads easily and flows effortlessly. Beginning with the earliest Native American settlements, the story tells of first contacts between area natives and Spanish from Florida, British from Carolina, and James Oglethorpe leading the effort to found a colony called Georgia. That colony passed out of the British Empire during the American Revolution, a conflict that was as much a civil war as a war for independence. In the following decades, the Creek and Cherokee were driven out as Georgia was transformed into a cotton kingdom dominated by a minority of slaveholders, who finally sought to make slavery perpetual in a war that often pitted Georgians against each other. In the aftermath of the Civil War, the state struggled with the consequences of the conflict, political, social, and economic. The postwar years were highlighted by economic stagnation, questions over the meaning of freedom, and one-party politics. Race relations pervaded the state’s history after the Civil War until well into the twentieth century and those struggles are traced from Reconstruction to Jim Crow to the Civil Rights Era. In the latter half of the twentieth century, and carrying into the twenty-first, Georgia drifted away from the provincialism that characterized its history and moved toward modernity.
May 2012 | history/georgia 6 x 9 | 272 pp. | Paper, $25.00t | 978-0-88146-279-1 | P446 | Bibliography | Index | Maps e-book | 978-0-88146-372-9 | P446e | Bibliography | Index | Maps
New Release
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Liberty, State, and Union
Luigi Marco Bassani, born in Chicago, and educated mostly in Italy and in the United States, is professor of History of Political Theory at the University of Milan, Italy. Though he has published
The Political Theory of Thomas Jefferson
widely on subjects ranging from
Luigi Marco Bassani
revolutionary syndicalism to libertarian theory, his paramount research interest is on American political thought from
New in Paper Available as an e-book
the Revolution to the Civil War.
Finding Jefferson beneath the rubble of biased interpretations Author of the Declaration of Independence, diplomat in France, leader of the opposition to the Federalists in the 1790s, president of the United States from 1801 to 1809, critical conscience of the country until his death on July 4, 1826, Thomas Jefferson is the most widely studied, fascinating, and genuinely representative Founding Father of the entire age, a classical liberal “philosopher-king” that America produced in the birth throes of the Republic. Bassani surveys Jefferson’s views in the twofold articulation—the rights of man and state’s rights—that represents the core of all his political ideas. While recent scholarship on the subject tends to portray a union devotee, nonindividualistic, antiproperty rights Jefferson, with possible communitarian, if not even protosocialist undertones, this work will do Jefferson justice. After careful examination of his political theory, the readers will recognize the third president as a champion of limited government, natural rights, and antagonism of the states towards interference by federal powers.
titl e s o f i n t e r e st
Liberty, State, and Union
The Political Theory of Thomas Jefferson Luigi Marco Bassani Cloth | $35.00t | H802 978-0-88146-186-2
The Bully Pulpit and the Melting Pot
American Presidents and the Immigrant, 1897–1933 Hans P. Vought
Cloth | $45.00t | H659 978-0-86554-887-9
March 2012 | history/political science 6 x 9 | 280 pp. | Paper, $20.00t | 978-0-88146-287-6 | P449 | Index e-book | 978-0-88146-287-6 | H820e | Index
Presidential Praise
Our Presidents and Their Hymns C. Edward Spann and Michael E. Williams, Sr. Cloth | $35.00t | H763 978-0-88146-117-6
Footnotes to History
A Primer on the American Political Character Griffin B. Bell†; John P. Cole, editor Cloth | $25.00t | H668 978-0-86554-904-3
m e r c e r u n i v e r sity p r e ss
New Release
SP R I N G / SUM M ER 2 0 1 2
Democracy in Twenty-First Century America
Ronald B. Neal’s (PhD Vanderbilt University) research and writing interests include religion, gender, culture, religion, ethics and politics, modern and postmodern philosophy, Third World cultures, and popular culture. He is the
Race, Class, Religion, and Region
present chairman of the Committee on
Ronald B. Neal
Black Cultures and the Study of Religion, a sectional division of the Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR). Currently, he is a visiting assistant professor in the department of Religion at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Addressing the racial and economic crisis in America o th e r titl e s i n V o ic e s o f A f r ica n D iasp o r a s e r i e s
Benjamin Elijah Mays
A Pictorial Life and Times Carrie M Dumas Cloth | $45.00t | H704 978-0-88146-016-2
Erasing Public Memory
Race, Aesthetics, and Cultural Amnesia in the Americas Joseph A. Young and Jana Evans Braziel editors Cloth | $60.00s | H736 978-0-88146-076-6 Paper | $30.00t | P327 978-0-88146-058-2
The Souls of W. E. B. DuBois
New Essays and Reflections Edward J. Blum and Jason R. Young, editors Cloth | $45.00t | H777 978-0-88146-136-7
W. E. B. DuBois and Race
Essays Celebrating the Centennial Publication of the Souls of Black Folk Chester J. Fontenot, Jr., Mary Alice Morgan, and Sarah Gardner, editors Cloth | $35.00s | H545 978-0-86554-727-8
Democracy in Twenty-First Century America: Notes on Race, Class, Religion, and Region is an exercise in religious and political philosophy. Fundamentally concerned with the racial and economic crisis of democracy in the United States, this book engages the new face of inequality in America and the new challenges presented to the American democratic project. Neal claims that the racial and economic inequality of today are reflective of two Americas—First World America and Third World America—which were made visible in 2005 through the catastrophic impact of Hurricane Katrina on America’s Gulf Coast. Katrina’s devastation revealed social conditions that are pervasive throughout America and the South. In particular, it revealed a class of abandoned citizens who are referred to throughout this book as America’s Least Wanted. Addressing the population of one Southern state, South Carolina, this book contends that the vestiges of America’s past are now compounded with unprecedented racial and economic dilemmas. Such a state of affairs calls for reinvigorated religious and political thinking where democracy is concerned. The author turns to the thought of Benjamin Elijah Mays, a religious and political thinker who contributed to the expansion of American democracy during the latter half of the twentieth century and is one resource for engaging the crisis of democracy in twenty-first-century America.
June 2012 | african-american studies voices of african diaspora series 6 x 9 | 160 pp. | Paper, $30.00t | 978-0-88146-286-9 | P448 | Bibliography | Index
69 New in Release
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Nurturing the Vision
W. Glenn Jonas, Jr. is the Howard Professor of Religion and chairman of the department of Religion and Philosophy at Campbell University in Buies Creek,
First Baptist Church, Raleigh, 1812–2012
North Carolina. He is the author of A Critical Evaluation of Albert Henry
W. Glenn Jonas, Jr.
Newman, Church Historian, co-author of A Journey of Faith: Introduction to Christianity and Christianity: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Guide for Students, and editor of The Baptist River: Essays on Many Tributaries of a Diverse Tradition. He has served as interim pastor of twelve churches in Eastern North Carolina. He and his wife Pam live in Buies Creek and have two daughters,
The rich history of a prominent North Carolina church The First Baptist Church of Raleigh, North Carolina was established on March 7, 1812. Throughout two centuries of existence it has become one of the most prominent Baptist churches in North Carolina and has been a steady presence for the religious community in the city of Raleigh. This book examines the rich, 200-year history of this historic congregation from its inception in 1812 to the present. More than just a simple history of a congregation, the church’s history is recounted within its context, nationally, regionally, and within the broader context of Baptist history. The contextualization of the history of First Baptist Church of Raleigh makes this a unique approach of history from the “bottom up” rather than from the “top down.”
Hannah and Gracie. titl e s o f i n t e r e st
Baptist Theology A Four-Century Study James Leo Garrett Cloth | $55.00t | H767 978-0-88146-129-9
Separating God and Ceasar in the Land of the Free Lee Canipe Paper | $27.00t | P427 978-0-88146-239-5
The james n. Griffith endowed series in baptist studies 6 x 9 | 480 pp. | Cloth, $35.00t | 978-0-88146-283-8 | H845 | Index | Illustrations
K. Scott Culpepper Paper | $35.00t | P426 978-0-88146-238-8
A Baptist Democracy
APRIL 2012 | REligion
Francis Johnson and the English Separatist Influence
m e r c e r u n i v e r sity p r e ss
New Release
SP R I N G / SUM M ER 2 0 1 2
A Choosing People
Don A. Sanford† served as historian and historian-emeritus for the Seventh Day Baptist Historical Society for
The History of Seventh Day Baptists
twenty-two years.
Don A. Sanford†
Exploring the oldest Sabbathkeeping Christian denomination T itl e s o f I n t e r e st
A Short Declaration of the Mystery of Iniquity (1611/1612) Thomas Helwys†; Richard Groves, editor
Cloth | $35.00t | H429 978-0-86554-574-8
The People Are Holy
The History and Theology of Free Church Worship Graydon F. Snyder and Doreen M. McFarlane Paper | $30.00s | P301 978-0-86554-952-4
The Baptist River Essays on Many Tributaries of a Diverse Tradition W. Glenn Jonas, Jr., editor Paper | $24.00t | P353 978-0-88146-120-6
The Awakening of the Freewill Baptists Benjamin Randall and the Founding of an American Religious Tradition Scott Bryant
The freedom and responsibility of choice is one of the basic tenets of Baptist beliefs. Seventh Day Baptists as a part of this Baptist heritage for over 350 years have upheld and practiced that right. The decision to follow the Bible instead of ecclesiastical authority and tradition led them to accept the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath which sets them apart from other Baptists, but as Dr. Winthrop Hudson noted, “Seventh Day Baptists are separate but not sectarian.” A Choosing People: The History of Seventh Day Baptists documents the history of this oldest Sabbathkeeping Christian denomination within the framework of both religious and secular history from the Reformation in Europe to modern times in America. Mid-seventeenth-century origins amid persecution gave way to gradual decline in England but dramatic growth in America through development of associational relationships during the eighteenth century. Churches struggled to apply ideals of freedom and equality to harsh realities of the American Revolution and Civil War. Nineteenth-century expansion with the western frontier fostered organization of a General Conference and related societies in missionary and educational outreach despite continuing tensions between autonomy and associational ties. A mission to China lasted one hundred years and spawned global extension leading to establishment of a World Federation of conferences at the same time that twentiethcentury social, scientific, organizational, ecumenical, and theological issues challenged all Christian groups. Originally published in 1992, this book has been thoroughly updated to the present, this new edition brings greater accuracy and thoroughness to this engaging history of the choices, struggles, and beliefs of Seventh Day Baptists.
Cloth | $35.00t | H815 978-0-88146-216-6
APRIL 2012 | religious studies The james n. Griffith endowed series in baptist studies 6 x 9 | 384 pp. | Cloth $35.00t | 978-0-88146-284-5 | H846 | Index | Illustrations
New in Release 69
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And Your Daughters Shall Prophesy Sermons by Women in Baptist Life Karen Massey, editor
Karen Massey is associate professor of Christian Education and Faith Development at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a curriculum writer for children and adults, has written various articles for journals and magazines, and is a retreat leader for women’s groups. Massey is an ordained Baptist minister, and has served local churches in Georgia and Kentucky. She is a past national president of Baptist Women in Ministry. RElat e d titl e s i n w o m e n ’ s st u di e s
Fresh perspectives and inspiration from women in the pulpit As long as there have been Baptists in America, there have been female Baptist ministers and preachers. Unfortunately, some Baptist denominations have not always been kind to them. Due to theological debate, often the existence of these female ministers has been ignored, and their words have not been recorded. This book of sermons seeks to record the words, insights, and experiences of several women ministers and preachers so as not to become part of the lost generations of women who have gone before them. Even when the denomination and some churches have looked unfavorably on women preachers and ministers, God has consistently called their daughters to ministry and service. It is hoped that others can be inspired by the wisdom and creativity of these women, and be challenged by fresh perspectives on biblical texts. The women who contributed sermons to this book represent a wide variety of ministerial roles and vocations. Among the writers are denominational leaders such as Carolyn Weatherford Crumpler (former executive director of Woman’s Missionary Union and former moderator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship), Pam Durso (executive director of Baptist Women in Ministry), and Colleen Burroughs (executive VP of Passport Camps, Inc.). College and seminary professors include Helen Lee Turner (Furman University), Libby Bellinger (Baylor University) and Tracy Hartman (Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond). Pastors include Mimi Walker (Druid Hills Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia) and Sarah Jackson Shelton (Baptist Church of the Covenant, Birmingham, Alabama). This book is practical in its arrangement for classroom use or group readings.
Southern Baptist Sisters
Woman Deacons and Deaconesses
In Search of Status, 1845–2000 David T. Morgan
400 Years of Baptist Service Charles W. Deweese
Paper | $25.00t | P273 978-0-86554-830-5
Send the Light Lottie Moon’s Letters and Other Writings Keith Harper Paper | $25.00 | P229 978-0-86554-820-6
The james n. Griffith endowed series in baptist studies 6 x 9 | 240 pp. | Paper $25.00t | 978-0-88146-285-2 | P447 | Index
The Power of Woman The Life and Writings of Sarah Moore Grimke Pamela Durso Paper | $30.00t | P281 978-0-806554-876-3
A Looking-Glass for Ladies
may 2012 | religious studies/women’s studies
Paper | $21.00t | P321 978-0-86554-438-3
American Protestant Women and the Orient in the Nineteenth Century Lisa J. Pruitt Paper | $25.00s | P313 978-0-86554-888-6
Rescue the Perishing Selected Correspondence of Annie W. Armstrong Keith Harper, editor Cloth | $55.00s | H603 978-0-86554-843-5 Paper | $25.00t | P279 978-0-86554-870-1
m e r c e r u n i v e r sity p r e ss
New Release
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The Life and Letters of Emily Chubbuck Judson
George H. Tooze was born in Boston and educated at Gordon College (BS), Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Andover Newton Theological School (DMin). In forty years of pastoral ministry, he
Volume 5, October 1851–September 1852
served churches in Gardner, Beverly,
George H. Tooze, editor
and Malden, Massachusetts, and Indianapolis, Indiana, retiring from active ministry in December 2003. He is married to Constance Taylor Tooze.
Volume 5 of the complete correspondence of a nineteenth-century woman, missionary, and writer th e L i f e a n d L e tt e r s o f e mily ch u bb u ck j u ds o n
Volume 1
Biographies and Timelines George H. Tooze, editor Cloth | $60.00t | H772 978-0-88146-131-2
Volume 3
1846–1847 George H. Tooze, editor Cloth | $60.00t | H791 978-0-88146-156-5
Volume 2
1826–1845 George H. Tooze, editor Cloth | $60.00t | H783 978-0-88146-149-7
Volume 4
January 1847– September 1851 George H. Tooze, editor Cloth | $60.00t | H803 978-0-88146-189-3
Emily Chubbuck Judson (1817–1854) was a nationally known writer of the mid-nineteenth century. With pieces appearing alongside those by Edgar Allan Poe and James Fenimore Cooper, she walked in literary company second to none. She wrote children’s books, essays, and stories. During her fascinating life, she was a prolific letter writer. In 1845, she met Adoniram Judson and they married in 1846. His work in Burma (Myanmar) had made him famous as a Baptist missionary. After his death in 1850, Emily returned to the States in 1851 and spent the last years of her life writing and publishing a volume of poetry, a volume of missionary stories, a memoir of her sisters who had died as young women entitled My Two Sisters and helped to produce a biography of her husband. Volume 5 covers October 1, 1851–September 30, 1852. This is the year that Emily Judson worked with Dr. Francis Wayland, president of Brown University, on preparing A Memoir of the Life and Labors of Rev. Adoniram Judson, D.D. This volume is filled with letters from prominent ministers and missionaries of that time, all of whom were involved in the mission movement, and whose lives and ministries had been greatly impacted by Adoniram Judson. There is also correspondence from the Judson children who took Emily as their “new Mamma.” The six-volume series of The Life and Letters of Emily Chubbuck Judson is published in cooperation with the American Baptist Historical Society.
July 2012 | religious studies The james n. Griffith endowed series in baptist studies 7 x 10 | 700 pp. | Cloth $60.00t | 978-0-88146-281-4 | H843 | Index | Bibliography
The James N. Griffith Endowed Series in Baptist Studies
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The James N. Griffith Series in Baptist Studies This series on Baptist life and thought explores and investigates Baptist history, offers analyses of Baptist theologies, provides studies in hymnody, and examines the role of Baptists in societies and cultures around the world. The series also includes classics of Baptist literature, letters, diaries, and other writings. —Walter B. Shurden, series editor Adiel Sherwood: Baptist Antebellum Pioneer in Georgia Jarrett Burch P258 | 978-0-86554-890-9 | $22s And Your Daughters Shall Prophesy: Sermons by Women in Baptist Life Karen Massey, editor P447 | 978-0-88146-285-2 | $25t The Awakening of the Freewill Baptists: Benjamin Randall and the Founding of an American Religious Tradition Scott Bryant H815 | 978-0-88146-216-6 | $35t The Axioms of Religion E. Y. Mullins†; C. Douglas Weaver, editor P392 | 978-0-88146-164-0 | $32t Baptist Autographs in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1781–1845 Timothy Whelan, editor H780 | 978-0-88146-144-2 | $55t A Baptist Democracy: Separating God and Caesar in the Land of the Free Lee Canipe P427 | 978-0-88146-239-5 | $27t The Baptist River: Essays on Many Tributaries of a Diverse Tradition W. Glenn Jonas P353 | 978-0-88146-120-6 | $24s Baptists on the American Frontier : A History of Ten Baptist Churches... Chester R. Young H373 | 978-0-86554-479-6 | $45t Baptist Theology: A Four-Century Study James Leo Garrett H767 | 978-0-88146-129-9 | $55t The Bloudy Tenant of Persecution for Cause of Conscience Roger Williams; Richard Grove, editor / Historical Introduction by Edwin Gaustad H578 | 978-0-86554-766-7 | $40t The Challenges of Roger Williams: Religious Liberty, Violent Persecution, and the Bible James Byrd, Jr. H582 | 978-0-86554-771-1 | $40s A Choosing People: The History of Seventh Day Baptists Don A. Sanford†, editor H846 | 978-0-88146-284-5| $35t Church-State Matters: Fighting for Religious Liberty in Our Nation’s Capital J. Brent Walker H762 | 978-0-88146-115-2 | $28t Congregation and Campus: North American Baptists in Higher Education William H. Brackney H771 | 978-0-88146-130-5 | $49t Courage and Hope: The Stories of Ten Baptist Women Ministers Pamela R. Durso and Keith E. Durso P320 | 978-0-86554-420-8 | $18t Distinctively Baptist: Essays on Baptist History: A Festschrift in Honor of Walter B. Shurden Marc A. Jolley and John D. Pierce, editors H640 | 978-0-86554-770-4 | $45s Diverging Loyalities: Baptists in Middle Georgia during the Civil War Bruce Gourley H833 | 978-0-88146-258-6 | $35t Domestic Slavery Considered as a Scriptural Institution Francis Wayland and Richard Fuller / Nathan A. Finn and Keith Harper, editors H755 | 978-0-88146-107-7 | $45s Esteemed Reproach: The Lives of Reverend James Ireland and Reverend Joseph Craig Keith Harper and C. Martin Jacumin P270 | 978-0-86554-914-2 | $25s A Genetic History of Baptist Thought: With Special Reference to Baptists in Britain and North America William H. Brackney P269 | 978-0-86554-913-5 | $40s In Search of the New Testament Church: The Baptist Story C. Douglas Weaver H653 | 978-0-88146-106-0 | $45s P346 | 978-0-88146-105-3 | $23s I Will Sing the Wondrous Story: A History of Baptist Hymnody in North America Paul Richardson and David Music P429 | 978-0-88146-243-2 | $35t The Life and Letters of Emily Chubbuck Judson George Tooze, editor Vol. 1: Biographies/Timelines H772 | 978-0-88146-131-2 | $60t Vol. 2: 1826–1845 H783 | 978-0-88146-149-7 | $60t Vol. 3: 1846–1847 H791 | 978-0-88146-156-5 | $60t Vol. 4: 1848–September 1851 H803 | 978-0-88146-189-3 | $60t Vol. 5: October 1851–September 1852 H803 | 978-0-88146-189-3 | $60t
The Life and Writings of Thomas Helwys Joe Early, Jr. H781 | 978-0-88146-146-6 | $45t Loving beyond Your Theology: The Life and Ministry of Jimmy Raymond Allen Larry L. McSwain H805 | 978-0-88146-205-0 | $35t A Man of Books, and a Man of the People : E. Y. Mullins and the Crisis of Moderate Southern Baptist Leadership William E. Willis P385 | 978-0-86554-907-4 | $35t No Armor for the Back: Baptist Prison Writings, 1600s–1700s Keith E. Durso H747 | 978-0-88146-091-9 | $39t P374 | 978-0-88146-096-4 | $23t Not an Easy Journey: Some Transitions in Baptist Life Walter B. Shurden P289 | 978-0-86554-933-3 | $35t Nurturing the Vision: First Baptist Church, Raleigh, 1812–2012 W. Glenn Jonas, Jr. H845 | 978-0-88146-283-8 | $35t A Piety above the Common Standard: Jesse Mercer and the Defense of Evangelistic Calvinism Anthony Chute P325 | 978-0-86554-984-5 | $25t A Pilgrimage of Faith: My Story Henlee Hulix Barnette H679 | 978-0-86554-942-5 | $35s The Plainly Revealed Word of God?: Baptist Hermeneutics in Theory and Practice Helen Dare and Simon Woodman P425 | 978-0-88146-237-1 | $40t Rescue the Perishing: Selected Correspondence of Annie W. Armstrong Keith Harper, editor P279 | 978-0-86554-870-1 | $25t Richard Furman: Life and Legacy James A. Rogers P223 | 978-0-86554-778-0 | $25t The Scholarly Vocation and the Baptist Academy: Essays on the Future of Baptist Higher Education Roger Ward and David P. Gushee, editors P376 | 978-0-88146-104-6 | $30s Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton: Eighteenth-Century, British-Baptist, Woman Theologian JoAnn Ford Watson, editor Vol. 1: Letters H601 | 978-0086554-794-0 | $50s Vol. 2: Discourses H602 | 978-0-86554-795-7 | $50s Vol. 3: Autobiography H670 | 978-0-86554-908-1 | $35s Vol. 4: Theological Works H722 | 978-0-88146-029-2 | $50s Vol. 5: Misc. Correspondence H729 | 978-0-88146-053-7 | $50s Vol. 6: Various Works H789 | 978-0-88146-154-1 | $50s
Send the Light: Lottie Moon’s Letters and Other Writings Keith Harper, editor P229 | 978-0-86554-820-6 | $25t A Short Declaration of the Mystery of Iniquity, 1611–1612 Thomas Helwys†; Richard Groves, editor H429 | 978-0-86554-574-8 | $35t Theology in the Service of the Church: Essays Presented to Fisher H. Humphreys Timothy George and Eric F. Mason, editors H761 | 978-0-88146-114-5 | $35s Thy Will Be Done: A Biography of George W. Truett Keith E. Durso H792 | 978-0-88146-157-2 | $35t Turning Points in Baptist History: A Festschrift in Honor of Harry Leon McBeth Walter B. Shurden and Michael Williams, editors P430 | 978-0-88146-244-9 | $30t Twentieth-Century Shapers of Baptist Social Ethics Larry L. McSwain and W. Loyd Allen, editors H753 | 978-0-88146-100-8 | $45s W. H. Whitsitt: The Man and the Controversy James H. Slatton H774 | 978-0-88146-133-6 | $40t Why Be a Christian?: The Sermons of Howard P. Giddens Michael L. Ruffin H738 | 978-0-88146-081-0 | $30s Women Deacons and Deaconesses: 400 Years of Baptist Service Charles W. Deweese P321 | 978-0-86554-438-3 | $21t
m e r c e r u n i v e r sity p r e ss
New Release
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Cancer and Healing
Charles W. Deweese retired in 2009 as executive director of the Baptist History and Heritage Society in Atlanta, Georgia, a position he had held since
Memoirs of Gratitude and Hope
1999. Previously, he served on the
Charles W. Deweese, editor
staffs of Providence House Publishers in Franklin, Tennessee, in 1995–1998, and the Historical Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1973–1994. He has
Available in e-book format
authored/edited numerous books and booklets in Baptist studies, including Women Deacons and Deaconesses: 400 Years of Baptist Service (Mercer, 2005). C ontrib u tors From Fear to Faith B ob a g ee Befriending Fear K athr y n M u l l er Lo p e z One of the Better Cancers to Get c . do u g l as wea v er Objects in Mirror Closer than They Appear Pa u l a B . H oo p er My Experience with Melanoma B i l l S herman Sharing More than Scars diana brid g es No Jokes on April Fools’ Day s l a y den A . y arbro u g h The Chemotherap-ista Reports K e l l y be l cher Cancer Cannot... e D D rowe l l Dividing Time norma s . H edin Prostate Cancer and Ancient Philosophy M arc A . J o l l e y Where is God in All This? Lane H . Powe l l Discovering Life’s Meaning via the Shock Waves of Cancer char l es w. deweese Life’s Fragility and God’s Sufficiency cind y mcc l ain God, Me, and Cancer g era l d L . d u r l e y Allowing Space for Grace j u no m . shar p The Goodness of God M e l v in T . J ackson Looking the “Big C” Straight in the Face john e . chownin g
Personal journeys of illness and faith Cancer and Healing: Memoirs of Gratitude and Hope provides firstperson glimpses into the cancer experiences of eighteen Baptists. In fact, every person connected with this book, including the publishing director, editor, and writers, has had and/or currently has cancer. Their very lives comprise the primary resources of this work. Since more than half a million people die in the United States every year from cancer, writers included in this volume feel a strong sense of gratitude and hope. They share passionately about their own survival experiences and compassionately for those who do not survive and for those for whom the announcement of cancer may picture into their tomorrows. Autobiography, honestly written, can provide extraordinary insights into basic human achievements and dilemmas. Writings about oneself, including experiences, attitudes, and lessons, can penetrate deep into one’s identity and can even expose one’s vulnerabilities. While risky, such efforts at laying out the soul constitute the true stuff of a person’s life situation. This book takes that risk, believing that while frank and open talk about a particular illness—cancer—can get intensely personal, the purpose is to help readers deal redemptively with cancer and its treatments and side effects. These writers, male and female, white and black, live in ten states. They have suffered various cancers: carcinoma, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, melanoma, and others, which have affected many parts of their bodies and emotions. They have not written to make money. All royalties from sales of this book will be donated to the American Cancer Society. Each contributor knows the suffering related to cancer and its treatment. More importantly, each has experienced a growing appreciation for the healing power of God and biblical values as a consequence of being forced to delve into a dark and difficult world. March 2012 | essays 5.75 x 8.75 | 224 pp. | Paper, $20.00t | 978-0-88146-343-9 | P450 e-book | 978-0-88146-344-6 | P450e
Mercer University 69 Press: Selected Backlist
w w w. mupre ss . org
Surviving the Stained-Glass Jungle William L. Self H831 | $19.00t | 9780881462562 Diverging Loyalties: Baptists in Middle Georgia during the Civil War Bruce T. Gourley H833 | $35.00t | 9780881462586 Jesus of Nazareth: Background, Witnesses, and Significance Gerald L. Borchert P438 | $25.00t | 9780881462611 Lessons from Aquinas: A Resolution of the Problem of Faith and Reason Creighton Rosental H829 | $45.00t | 9780881462531 Is God a Christian?: Creating a Community of Conversation R. Kirby Godsey H825 | $19.95t | 9780881462425 e-book H825e | $15.00t | 9780881462487 A Baptist Democracy: Separating God and Ceasar in the Land of the Free Lee Canipe P427 | $27.00t | 9780881462395 Francis Johnson and the English Separatist Influence K. Scott Culpepper P426 | $35.00t | 9780881462388 The “Plainly Revealed” Word of God?: Baptist Hermeneutics in Theory and Practice Helen Dare and Simon Woodman, editors P425 | $40.00t | 9780881462371
Our Sufficiency Is of God: Essays on Preaching in Honor of Gardner C. Taylor T. George, J. E. Massey, and R. Smith, Jr. editors H806 | $35.00t | 9780881462067 Hidden Mark: Exploring Christianity’s Heretical Gospel John Killinger P416 | $18.00t | 9780881462234 Peter’s Last Sermon: Identity and Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark James M. Dawsey P417 | $25.00t | 9780881462241 By What Authority?: The Vital Questions of Religious Authority in Christianity Robert L. Millet, editor P410 | $35.00t | 9780881462012 The Awakening of the Freewill Baptists: Benjamin Randall and the Founding of an American Religious Tradition Scott Bryant H815 | $35.00t | 9780881462166
Religious Faith, Torture, and Our National Soul David P. Gushee, editor; Jillian Hickman Zimmer and J. Drew Zimmer, coeditors P411 | $28.00t | 9780881462036 Acts within Diverse Frames of Reference Thomas E. Phillips P393 | $30.00t | 9780881461657 Contemporary Studies in Acts Thomas E. Phillips P386 | $35.00t | 9780881461459
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story: A History of Baptist Hymnody in North America David W. Music and Paul Richardson P429 | $35.00t | 9780881462432 Turning Points in Baptist History: A Festschrift in Honor of Harry Leon McBeth Walter B. Shurden and Michael E. Williams, Sr., editors H776 | $45.00t | 9780881461350 P430 | $30.00t | 9780881462449
Christianity: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Guide for Students K. Lopez, D. Penny, G. Jonas, Jr., and A. English P412 | $35.00t | 9780881462043 Jesus Christ Today: The Historical Shaping of Jesus for the Twenty-First Century Edgar V. McKnight P395 | $32.00t | 9780881461671 The Axioms of Religion E. Y. Mullins†; C. Douglas Weaver, editor P392 | $32.00t | 9780881461640 In Search of the New Testament Church: The Baptist Story C. Douglas Weaver H653 | $45.00s | 9780881461060 P346 | $23.00s | 9780881461053 Baptist Theology: A Four-Century Study James Leo Garrett H767 | $55.00t | 9780881461299 Safe at Home: A Memoir of God, Baseball, and Family Marc A. Jolley H666 | $20.00t | 9780865547407
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Sport: How Calvinism and Capitalism Shaped America’s Games Steven J. Overman P419 | $35.00t | 9780881462265 Buddha on the Backstretch: The Spiritual Wisdom of Driving 200 MPH Arlynda Lee Boyer H782 | $27.00t | 9780881461749 Game Day and God: Football, Faith, and Politics in the American South Eric Bain-Selbo H790 | $35.00t | 9780881461558 The Holy Trinity of American Sports: Civil Religion in Football, Baseball, and Basketball Craig A. Forney P401 | $25.00t | 9780881461732 Rounding the Bases: Baseball and Religion in America Joseph L. Price H708 | $35.00s | 9780865549999 An Unholy Alliance: The Sacred and Modern Sports Robert J. Higgs and Michael Braswell H648 | $55.00s | 9780865549234 P304 | $25.00t | 9780865549562 The Great God Baseball: Religion in Modern Baseball Fiction Allen E. Hye H675 | $40.00s | 9780865549319 P288 | $25.00t | 9780865549395 From Season to Season: Sports as American Religion Jospeh L. Price, editor P308 | $25.00t | 9780865549616
m e r c e r u n i v e r sity p r e ss
SP R I N G / SUM M ER 2 0 1 2
International Kierkegaard Commentary
International Kierkegaard Commentary Robert L. Perkins, series editor
For the first time in English the world community of scholars has systematically assembled and presented the results of recent research in the vast literature of Søren Kierkegaard. Based on the definitive English edition of Kierkegaard’s works by Princeton University Press, this series of commentaries addresses all the published texts of the influential Danish philosopher and theologian. Robert L. Perkins is senior research professor of Philosophy at Stetson University. VOL.1
EARLY POLEMICAL WRITINGS $50.00s | 978-0-86554-656-1 | H489
THE CONCEPT OF IRONY $50.00s | 978-0-86554-742-1 | H559
EITHER/OR, I $50.00s | 978-0-86554470-3 | H360
EITHER/OR, II $40.00s | 978-0-88146-092-6 | P371
EIGHTEEN UPBUILDING DISCOURSES $50.00s | 978-0-86554-879-4 | H654
FEAR AND TREMBLING and REPETITION $50.00s | 978-0-86554-408-6 | H331
PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS and JOHANNES CLIMACUS $50.00s | 978-0-86554-440-6 | H351
THE CONCEPT OF ANXIETY $50.00s | 978-0-86554-142-9 | H133
VOL.9 PREFACES and WRITING SAMPLER and & 10 THREE DISCOURCES ON IMAGINED OCCASIONS $50.00s | 978-0-88146-021-6 | H716 VOL.11 STAGES ON LIFE’S WAY $50.00s | 978-0-86554-704-9 | H523 VOL.12
CONCLUDING UNSCIENTIFIC POSTSCRIPT $50.00s | 978-0-86554-575-5 | H430
VOL.13 THE CORSAIR AFFAIR $50.00s. | 978-0-86554-363-8 | H301 VOL.14 TWO AGES: THE PRESENT AGE AND THE AGE OF REVOLUTION, A LITERARY REVIEW $50.00s | 978-0-86554-081-1 | H059 VOL.15
UPBUILDING DISCOURSES IN VARIOUS SPIRITS $50.00s | 978-0-86554-800-8 | H698
WORKS OF LOVE $50.00s | 978-0-86554-685-1 | H505
WITHOUT AUTHORITY $50.00s | 978-0-88146-048-3 | H728
SICKNESS UNTO DEATH $40.00s | 978-0-86554-832-9 | P233
PRACTICE IN CHRISTIANITY $50.00s | 978-0-86554-930-2 | H669
FOR SELF-EXAMINATION and JUDGE FOR YOURSELF! $50.00s | 978-0-86554-824-4 | H625
THE POINT OF VIEW $50.00s | 978-0-88146-213-5 | H812
VOL.23 THE MOMENT AND LATE WRITINGS $50.00s | 978-0-88146-160-2 | H795 VOL.24
THE BOOK ON ADLER $50.00s | 978-0-88146-127-5 | H770
69 Press: Selected Backlist Mercer University
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Kant and Kierkegaard on Time and Eternity Ronald M. Green H830 | $50.00t | 9780881462555 Sober Cannibals, Drunken Christians: Melville, Kierkegaard, and Tragic Optimism in Polarized Worlds Jamie Lorentzen P409 | $35.00t | 9780881462005 Why Kierkegaard Matters: A Festschrift in Honor of Robert L. Perkins Marc A. Jolley and Edmon L. Rowell, Jr., editors H811 | $45.00t | 9780881462128 Toward the Final Crossroads: A Festschrift for Edna Hong and Howard Hong Jamie Lorentzen, editor H794 | $30.00t | 9780881461596 Irigaray and Kierkegaard: On the Construction of the Self Helene Tallon Russell P394 | $35.00t | 9780881461664 Subjectivity and Religious Truth in the Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard Merigala Gabriel P398 | $30.00t | 9780881461701 The Neither/Nor of the Second Sex: Kierkegaard on Women, Sexual Difference, and Sexual Relations Céline Léon H754 | $45.00s | 9780881461039 The Concept of Anxiety in Søren Kierkegaard Arne Grøn, Translated by Sinead Ladegaard Knox H769 | $30.00t | 9780881461268
Don Browning and Psychology: Interpreting the Horizons of Our Lives Terry D. Cooper P433 | $30.00t | 9780881462548 Reinhold Niebuhr and Psychology: The Ambiguities of the Self Terry D. Cooper P388 | $27.00t | 9780881461473 Religious Internationalism: War and Peace in the Thought of Paul Tillich Mattthew Lon Weaver P408 | $35.00t | 9780881461886 Paulus, Then and Now: A Study of Paul Tillich’s Theological World and Continuing Relevence of His Work John J. Carey H531 | $35.00s | 9780865546813 Paul Tillich and Psychology: Historic and Contemporary Explorations in Theology, Pychotherapy, and Ethics Terry D. Cooper P330 | $30.00s | 9780865549937 Tillich and World Religions: Encountering Other Faiths Today Robison B. James H620 | $30.00s | 9780865548183 The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Harry Potter John Killinger P390 | $17.00t | 9780881461626 Questioning Psychological Health and Well-Being: Historical and Contemporary Dialogues Britt-Mari Sykes P399 | $32.00t | 9780881461718
“Between the House and the Chicken Yard”: The Masks of Flannery O’Connor Jolly Kay Sharp H835 | $35.00t | 9780881462630 Wingless Chickens, Bayou Catholics, and Pilgrim Wayfayers: Constructions of Audience and Tone in O’Connor, Gautreaux, and Percy L. Lamar Nisly, H813 | $35.00t | 9780881462142
Misfits and Marble Fauns: Religion and Romance in Hawthorne and O’Connor Wendy Piper, H816 | $35.00 | 9780881462173 Shakespeare’s Philosopher King: Reading The Tragedy of King Lear Guy Story Brown H801 | $45.00t | 9780881461855 The Letters of Austin Warren: Edited and Selected, with an Introduction and Notes George A. Panichas†, editor H819 | $55.00t | 9780881462203 John Milton, Paradise Lost: The Biblically Annotated Edition Matthew Stallard, editor H823 | $60.00t | 9780881462364 P440 | $24.00t | 9780881462685 Walden Henry David Thoreau†; introduction by Sam Pickering P421 | $18.00t | 9780881462319 Bartram’s Living Legacy: The Travels and the Nature of the South Dorinda G. Dallmeyer, editor H808 | $55.00t | 9780881462098 P415 | $28.00t | 9780881462227
Writing on Napkins at the Sunshine Club: An Anthology of Poets Writing in Macon Kevin Cantwell, editor P432 | $27.00t | 97808881462517 Breakwater: Poems Catharine Savage Brosman H797 | $30.00t | 9780881461800 P391 | $18.00t | 9780881461633 Elegies for the Water: Poems Philip Lee Williams H757 | $20.00t | 9780881461428 Georgia Cowboy Poets David Fillingim, editor P407 | $25.00t | 9780881461831 Abandoned Quarry: New and Selected Poems John Lane P428 | $20.00t | 9780881462418 The Throne of Psyche: Poems Marly Youmans H826 | $30.00t | 9780881462463 P422 | $18.00t | 9780881462326 Under the Rock Umbrella: Contemporary American Poets from 1951–1977 William Walsh, editor P341 | $35.00t | 97808881460476 The Flower Seeker: An Epic Poem of William Bartram Philip Lee Williams H807 | $75.00t | 9780881462081 H820 | $55.00t | 9780881462289 P414 | $25.00t | 9780881462210
m e r c e r u n i v e r sity p r e ss
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Mercer University Press: Selected Backlist
Our Sufficiency Is of God: Essays on Preaching in Honor of Gardner C. Taylor Timothy George, James Earl Massey and Robert Smith, Jr., editors H806 | $35.00t | 9780881462067
America’s Historically Black Colleges: A Narrative History, 1837–2009 Bobby L. Lovett H814 | $35.00t | 9780881462159 Benjamin Elijah Mays : A Pictorial Life and Times Carrie M. Dumas H704 | $45.00t | 9780881460162 Walking Integrity : Benjamin Elijah Mays, Mentor to Martin Luther King Jr. Lawrence Edward Carter, editor P174 | $30.00t | 9780865546042 African Americans in Georgia: A Reflection of Politics and Policy in the New South Pearl K. Ford, editor H799 | $40.00t | 9780881461848 “Tell Them We Are Singing for Jesus”: The Original Fisk Jubilee Singers and Christian Reconstuction, 1871–1878 Toni P. Anderson H785 | $45.00t | 9780881461121 Macon Black and White : An Unutterable Separation in the American Century Andrew M. Manis P306 | $35.00t | 9780865549586 Making My Mark: The Story of a Man Who Wouldn’t Stay in His Place Marvin S. Arrington, Sr. H751 | $29.00t | 9780881460988
Orangeburg Massacre Jack Bass and Jack Nelson P155 | $18.95t | 9780865545526 Sacred Places : A Guide to the Civil Rights Sites in Atlanta, Georgia Harry G. Lefever and Michael C. Page P379 | $18.00t | 9780881461213 Portraits of Courage: Stories of Baptist Heroes Julie Whidden Long P343 | $16.00t | 9780881461091 The Cost of Unity: African-American Agency and Education and the Christian Church, 1865–1914 Lawrence A. Q. Burnley H775 | $45.00t | 978080881461343 Against Us, but for Us: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the State Michael G. Long H580 | $35.00s | 9780865547681 Pursuing a Promise: A History of African Americans at Georgia Southern University Eric F. Brooks H700 | $35.00t | 9780881460186 This Georgia Rising : Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s Patrick Novotny H744 | $45.00t | 9780881460889 Undaunted by the Fight: Spelman College and the Civil Rights Movement, 1957–1967 Harry G. Lefever P292 | $25.00t | 9780865549388
The Souls of W. E. B. DuBois: New Essays and Reflections Edward J. Blum and Jason R. Young, editors H777 | $45.00 | 9780881461367 W. E. B. Du Bois and Race: Essays Celebrating the Centennial Publication of The Souls of Black Folk Chester J. Fontenot, Jr., Mary Alice Morgan, and Sarah Gardner, editors H545 | $35. 00s| 9780865547278
Re-Cognizing W. E. B. DuBois in the Twenty-First Century: Essays on W. E. B. DuBois
Mary Keller and Chester J. Fontenot, Jr., editors H737 | $60.00s | 9780881460773 P335 | $30.00t | 9780881460599
Erasing Public Memory: Race, Aesthetics, and Cultural Amnesia in the Americas
Joseph A. Young and Jana Evans Braziel, editors H736 | $60.00s | 97808814690766 P327 | $30.00t | 9780881460582
Theology and Slavery : Charles Hodge and Horace Bushnell David Torbett H724 | $49.95t | 9780881460322 An Ex-Colored Church: Social Activism in the CME Church, 1870–1970 Raymond R. Sommerville, Jr. P280 | $28.00s | 9780865549036 From the Plantation to the Prison: African-American Confinement Literature Tara T. Green H746 | $35.00s | 9780881460902 Amazing Grace in John Newton: Slave Ship Captain, Hymn Writer, and Abolitionist William E. Phipps P282 | $25.00t | 9780865548688
Black Baptists and African Missions: The Origins of a Movement 1880–1915 Sandy D. Martin P173 | $25.00t | 97808665546004 When All God’s Children Get Together: A Memoir of Race and Baptists Emmanuel McCall P365 | $18.00t | 9780881460650 When the Church Bell Rang Racist Donald E. Collins P359 | $30.00s | 9780881460445 The Narrative Life: The Moral and Religious Thought of Frederick Douglass Scott C. Williamson P236 | $25.00t | 9780865548343 Frederick Douglass: A Precursor of Liberation Theology Reginald F. Davis P312 | $22.00s | 9780865549258 Frustrated Fellowship: The Black Baptist Quest for Social Power James M. Washington P020 | $25.00t | 978086541924 My Bones Are Red: A Spiritual Journey with a Triracial People in the Americas Patricia A. Waak P277 | $25.00t | 9780865549173 Pictures of Islam Donald L. Berry P370 | $18.00t | 9780881460865
The Melungeon 69Series
w w w. mupre ss . org
Melungeons Wayne Winkler, series editor N. Brent Kennedy, founding editor
The Resurrection of a Proud People: An Untold Story of Ethnic Cleansing in America N. Brent Kennedy and Robyn Vaughan Kennedy Paper | $17.95t | P143 9780865545168
THE LAST LOST TRIBE IN AMERICA Elizabeth C. Hirschman Paper | $19.00t | P245 9780865548619
MELUNGEON CHARACTERS IN THE FICTION OF APPALACHIA Katherine Vande Brake Paper | $25.00t | P324 9780865549838
Sometimes called “Melungeons,” the earliest nonnative “Americans” to live in Appalachia were (perhaps) of Mediterranean extraction and of a Jewish or Muslim religious persuasion. For fear of discrimination since “persons of color” were often disenfranchised and abused—the Melungeons were reticent regarding their heritage. In fact, over time, many Melungeons themselves “forgot” where they came from. Hence, today, Melungeons remain the “last lost tribe in America,” even to themselves. Once lost, but now forgotten no more. This series explores the origins, history, and culture of these once-forgotten people.
WALKING TOWARD THE SUNSET THE MELUNGEONS OF APPALACHIA Wayne Winkler Paper | $19.00t | P250 97808865548695
MELUNGEON literacies and twenty-first century technologies Katherine Vande Brake Paper | $22.00t | P387 9780881461503
Children of perdition
THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF VARDY, Hancock county, tennessee DruAnna Williams Overbay Paper | $25.00t | P299 9780865549500
A FOLK HISTORY OF THE CARMEL MELUNGEON SETTLEMENT, HIGHLAND COUNTY, OHIO John S. Kessler and Donald B. Ball Paper | $19.95t | P208 9780865547032
A TURKISH-AMERICAN DIALOGUE Joseph M. Scolnick, Jr. and N. Brent Kennedy Cloth | $40.00s | H561 9780865547513
through the back door
Melungeons and the struggle of mixed america Tim Hashaw Cloth | $35.00t | H705 9780881460131 Paper | $19.00t | P340 9780881460742
m e r c e r u n i v e r sity p r e ss
SP R I N G / SUM M ER 2 0 1 2
Mercer University Press: Selected Backlist
Diverging Loyalties: Baptists in Middle Georgia during the Civil War Bruce T. Gourley H833 | $35.00t | 9780881462586 Breaking the Heartland: The Civil War in Georgia John D. Fowler and David B. Parker, editors H824 | $29.00t | 9780881462401 “I Will Give Them One More Shot”: Ramsey’s 1st Regiment Georgia Volunteers George Winston Martin H818 | $45.00t | 9780881462197 “Going Back the Way They Came”: The Phillips Georgia Legion Cavalry Battalion Richard M. Coffman H800 | $35.00t | 9780881461879 The Volunteers’ Camp and Field Book John Penn Curry;† Edited and Compiled by William B. Sargeant and John W. Brinsfield P397 | $20.00t | 9780881461695 The Confederate Soldier’s Pocket Manual of Devotions: Including Balm for the Weary and the Wounded Charles Todd Quintard†, foreword by CH (COL) William O. Nisbet, Jr. P402 | $18.00t | 9780881461756
The Battle of Resaca: Atlanta Campaign, 1864 Philip L. Secrist† P413 | $16.00t | 9780881462074 A Hard Trip: A History of the 15th Mississippi Infantry, CSA Ben Wynne P406 | $25.00t | 9780881461794
Griswoldville William Harris Bragg P396 | $30.00t | 9780881461688 In the Shadow of the Patriarch: The John J. Crittenden Family in War and Peace Damon R. Eubank H786 | $35.00t | 9780881461510 A Confederate Legend: Berry Benson in War and Peace Edward J. Cashin† H764 | $32.00t | 9780881461183 Ghosts and Shadows of Andersonville: Essays on the Secret Social Histories of America’s Deadliest Prison Robert S. Davis H703 | $35.00t | 9780881460124 A Fit Representation of Pandemonium: East Tennessee Confederate Soldiers in the Campaign for Vicksburg William D. Taylor† H712 | $40.00t | 9780881460346 Joe Brown’s Pets: The Georgia Militia, 1862–1865 William R. Scaife and William Harris Bragg H655 | $30.00t | 9780865548831 Joe Brown’s Army: The Georgia State Line, 1862–1865 William Harris Bragg P119 | $25.00t | 9780865542624 Civil War Macon: The History of a Confederate City Richard William Iobst† P400 | $35.00t | 9780881461725
Saddle Bag and Spinning Wheel: Being the Civil War Letters of George W. Peddy, M.D., Surgeon, 56th Georgia Volunteer Regiment, CSA George P. Cuttino,† editor H765 | $35.00t | 9780881461190
To Honor These Men: A History of the Phillips Georgia Legion Infantry Battalion Richard M. Coffman and Kurt D. Graham H733 | $40.00t | 9780881460605 The Spirit Divided: Memoirs of Civil War Chaplains: The Confederacy John Wesley Brinsfield, Jr., editor H687 | $35.00t | 9780865549647 The Spirit Divided: Memoirs of Civil War Chaplains: The Union Benedict R. Maryniak† and John Wesley Brinsfield, Jr., editors H715 | $35.00t | 9780865549968 Mississippi’s Civil War: A Narrative History Ben Wynne H725 | $35.00t | 9780881460391 Two Confederate Hospitals and Their Patients: Atlanta to Opelika Jack D. Welsh H691 | $35.00t | 9780865549715 Invisible Hero: Patrick R. Cleburne Bruce H. Stewart, Jr. H756 | $35.00t | 9780881461084 A Meteor Shining Brightly: Essays on the Life and Career of Major Patrick R. Cleburne Mauriel Phillips Joslyn H533 | $35.00t | 9780865546936
Disunion, War, Defeat, and Recovery in Alabama: The Journal of Augustus Benners, 1850–1885 Glenn M. Linden and Virginia Linden H731 | $35.00t | 9780881460568 The Bishop of the Old South: The Ministry and Civil War Legacy of Leonidas Polk Glenn Robins H660 | $35.00t | 9780881460384 Letters to Amanda: The Civil War Letters of Marion Hill Fitzpatrick, Army of Northern Virginia Jeffrey C. Lowe, editor H444 | $29.95t | 9780865545915 P255 | $19.00t | 9780865548817
My Dear Friend: The Civil War Letters of Alva Benjamin Spencer, 3rd Georgia Regiment, Company C Clyde G. Wiggins, III , editor H732 | $29.95t | 9780881460575 Soldiers of the Cross: Confederate Soldier-Christians and the Impact of War on Their Faith Kent T. Dollar H662 | $35.00t | 9780865549265 Furl That Banner: The Life of Abram J. Ryan, Poet-priest of the South David O’Connell H707 | $35.00t | 9780881460353 Cracker Cavaliers: The 2nd Georgia Cavalry under Wheeler and Forrest John R. Poole H516 | $34.95t | 978086556974 Our Connection with Savannah: History of the 1st Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, 1862–1865 Russell K. Brown H673 | $35.00t | 9780865549166
Mercer University 69 Press: Selected Backlist
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Father Mercer: The Story of a Baptist Statesman Anthony L. Chute P436 | $20.00t | 9780881462623 Gridiron Glory Days: Football at Mercer, 1892–1942 Robert E. Wilder P439 | $25.00t | 9780881462678 Serving the Old Dominion: A History of Christopher Newport University, 1958–2011 Phillip Hamilton H836 | $45.00t | 9780881462647 P437 | $29.00t | 9780881462654
The Tifts of Georgia: Connecticut Yankees in King Cotton’s Court John D. Fair H817 | $35.00t | 9780881462180 The History of the Mercer University School of Medicine, 1965–2007 Martin L. Dalton, Jr., M.D., FACS H796 | $45.00s | 9780881461619 Presidential Praise: Our Presidents and Their Hymns C. Edward Spann and Michael E. Williams, Sr. H763 | $35.00t | 9780881461176 The Empire State of the South: Georgia History in Documents and Essays Christopher C. Meyers H758 | $50.00s | 9780881461107 P377 | $28.00t | 9780881461114
Footnotes to History: A Primer on the American Political Character Griffin B. Bell†, John P. Cole, editor H668 | $25.00t | 9780865549043
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