Murad Shuqom July 2020 Blogs

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How Climate Change Affects Our Health In order to stay healthy, we need to make sure our surroundings are healthy. That includes our home, our friends, our family, and—most importantly—our planet. There’s only one planet Earth, and as humans living on it, it’s our job to make sure we keep it healthy so that it, in turn, will keep us healthy as well. With people denying the existence of climate change, however, taking care of Earth becomes more difficult than it needs to be. Not everyone realizes just how the climate crisis affects us immediately, so learning just how climate change impacts us is a good first step toward healing our world. Here are a few way​s climate change is affecting our health.

Heatwaves Extreme heat​ is more deadly than any other weather-related hazard in the world, being responsible for more deaths than tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes in the United States alone. Heat can overwhelm the human body and make it difficult to maintain healthy body temperature while shutting off our only means of cooling ourselves down: sweating. If it’s too hot and too humid, sweat isn’t able to evaporate and won’t be able to cool us down as a result; likewise, prolonged exposure to heat will shut down our ability to sweat first. Additionally, being exposed to extreme heat for too long can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion (which requires


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