Ju - Vel -pura Hypothesis
The Street Of Unity
Project on Process:
Pushing the boundaries of Professionalism where people & professional both interchange there roles by collaborating and make something uncertain.
Existing Plan Of Juhapura
(People Driven)
Area Of Detail Study
Literature Case Study For Participatory methods
Know the People
Analysing Maps
Built vs People Density
Informed Urbanism
Segregation of communities due to Barries
Please Complain Perception & Aspiratios
Participatory Workshops in vicinity of Muskaan Park, Juhapura
Focusing on the vicinity of Muskaan Park
Existing Street Plan Program:
Spatial Activity Pattern
1) Rethink the idea of boundaries, safety & Surveillance. 2) Integrate shared activities zones for interaction.
Conclusion of Analysis
3) Create an economical value for Juhapura to control real estate boom. 4) Redevelop Muskaan park to retain its original meaning. 5) Bring the notion of civic responsibility and spread awareness.
Existing Street Layer Key Points: • Break the wall • Invite each other at festivals and occasions. • Celebrate national festival together. • Put surveillance. • Make strict rules. • People should live together • Make leaders understand and stand for it.
Design Charrette to develop programme Case Study of Muskaan Park
Conceptual Master Plan
Program--Vision--Concept---Preliminary Idea
The Neighbourhood Game
The Tripping Point
Consolidating Ideas at Larger Context
Ju-Velpura The Game
Tactical Design Strategies Thesis Topic: Integrating Community Participation in Urban Transition By Using Tactical Urbanism as a tool for Place Making
Final Design
Feed back/ Verification
M.Arch. Faculty of Architecture
Guide: Professor Urvi Desai By: Murtuza Indorewala PA102116 Email: Murtuza.indorewala.march16@cept.ac.in Ph: 9993996652