This is a part of Maulana Khair Muhammad Hijazi Makki’s lecture series on Khulafae Rashidin. Rendered from original Urdu to English by Musarhad (04-Khulafay-aRashaydeen_018.3gp--05-Khulafay-a-Rashaydeen_004.3gp).
Debate with a Qadiyani There used to be a great cleric and saint, Maulana Sayyid Muhammad 'Ali. He belonged to Diptin Rajan and was a great Mujahid, monotheist and exemplary polemicist. He was also prone to high temper. He had a feeling that when it came to the holy Quran and the noble Hadiths of the “That is why I have embraced this sect. I get lots of money, and several women. What else do we need? Of course, I know well that this sect is wrong and based on falsehood.” Prophet ﷺ, how could a Qadiyani, a non-Muslim ever outdo him. After all, by Allah’s grace, scholars like him confine themselves to the study of Quran, Hadith and the related sciences only. That particular debate was attended by the Qadiyani polemicist, Qazi Nazir. Nazir was a highly cunning, dishonest and crafty Qadiyani who died a Qadiyani, a Kafir. The wicked Qadiyani was also highly learned, having memorized long extracts from numerous books like a bookworm. A similar person was Maulavi Isma'il, a Shi'ah hailing from Gujranwala. He too was a highly capable scholar. He would open a book, “It’s there in the Bukhari Sharif at page so and so, …” and then he would start reading the text from his memory for as long as three pages. The reason being that this unfortunate man had done his learning at Darul 'Ulum, Deoband itself. He had later apostated to the Shi'ah sect. I, too, had an occasion to meet him. I was a young teenager at the time, probably in the class of Kafiyah and other elementary books. As Allah’s decision would have it, we came together on a train. It was just a coincidence from Allah. I did not even know who the Shi'ah Isma'il was.