RayOfHope 2002-10

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The Ray of Hope

Sha’baan 1423 A.H

Oct-Nov 2002

A Journal By The Students Of Darul Uloom Sabeelus Salam, Hyderabad, India

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_____________________________________________________________________________ Vol.1 No.6 Sha’baan 1423 A.H. Oct-Nov 2002 PATRON: MAULAANAA RIZWAN AL QASMI

SPECIAL ISSUE ON PERSONALITIES Under the guidance of: Master Ameeruddin Sb Chief Editor: Noamaan Bader Editor: Syed Rashid Hussain Sub-Editor: Shamsul Islam

ADVISORY BOARD Maulaanaa Akhtar Imaam Aadil Sb Qasmi Ml Abdul Basit Sb Nadvi Ml Khursheed Anvar Sb Nadvi Madani Ml Md Ayyub Sb Siddiqi Nadvi

C O N T E N T S Preface

2 Noamaan Bader



Ml Abdul Maajid Dariyaabaadee – a renowned scholar of Islaam Ml Aazaad (Azad) and the struggle for Aazaadee

Shamsul Islam



The Khaleefah of the Khilaafah movement

Wasi Akhtar Nadvi



Note: ~ means that the succeeding Christian or Hijree year is equivalent and not exact, while = indicates that it is exact.


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