Lifelines Fall/Winter 2013

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Medical University of South Carolina


Lifelines College of Nursing

Taking Nursing to A Higher Level

Fall | Winter 2013



One Hundred & Thirty Years The College of Nursing at the Medical University of South Carolina is celebrating a milestone - 130 years of nursing education excellence, making it one of the oldest schools of nursing in the country. The College opened its doors to nursing students in 1883 as a “training school for nurses” at the request of the City Hospital. Over the years the name has changed and ownership has passed, but its vision today is similar to the vision 130 years ago–to provide nursing education and excellence. When the College opened in 1883, the student enrollment included 14 students and physicians as faculty members. Today, the College has a student enrollment of over 460 students, 46 full-time faculty, and four programs of study. Over the past 130 years, the College of Nursing has become one of the most respected nursing schools in the region, while being proud of its accomplishments and contributions in the Charleston community. We eagerly anticipate the commitments the College of Nursing will make over the next 130 years and will continue to solidify its leadership role in the education of nurses well into the future.

Dean’s Column

A publication of the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing

MUSC Nurses Change Lives


his year marks the College of Nursing’s 130th anniversary. We are, indeed, one of

the oldest schools of nursing in the country—

Lifelines Volume XI, Issue 2 • Fall/Winter 2013

one that has transitioned from a training program, to a diploma program, and now to a college that offers BSN, MSN, DNP and PhD degrees. Thus we are proudly celebrating 130 glorious years in which we have truly “Taken

Gail W. Stuart, Dean Jo Smith, Editor Beth Khan, Design & Production Mardi Long, BSN Program & Alumni Services Coordinator Laurie Scott, Director of Development

Nursing to a Higher Level.” In this issue of Lifelines you will read stories about the students, programs and projects that help us achieve and excel in our mission. Specifically, we will focus on four exciting areas that capture the amazing activities of our College:

> Caring – the heart that characterizes all that we undertake

> Discovering – the brain of our inventiveness and problem solving

> Leading – the feet that accelerate us on our creative and

innovative paths, and

> Growing – the hands that reach outward and upward to new

horizons. As I reflect on our history I also am

Published by

reminded of the inscription on our College of Nursing pin. It is “Auget Lar-gendo. This means, “she, the College, enriches generously.” Our faculty and staff make that ideal come alive each and every day.

99 Jonathan Lucas Street Charleston, SC 29425

We now humbly ask that you consider “enriching generously” as well. The pages that follow reflect the many opportunities that you have to financially support us in our ongoing activities. We could not accomplish all that we have done without your active engagement with us, and for that we are so very grateful.

Have feedback? Send comments to: Jo Smith Lifelines Editor MUSC College of Nursing 99 Jonathan Lucas St., MSC 160 Charleston, SC 29425-1600 (843) 792-3941

POSTMASTER: Send corrections to Lifelines, MUSC College of Nursing, 99 Jonathan Lucas St., MSC 160, Charleston, SC 29425-1600. © Copyright 2013 by the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without permission from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing.

Finally, I am most moved by the words of Winston Churchill who said, “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” At no time in our history has the College of Nursing needed your visible and dedicated philanthropic support more than the present. As you read about all that we have accomplished, I ask you to help us take nursing to an even higher level as we venture on to the next 130 years!

Gail W. Stuart, PhD, RN, FAAN Dean and Distinguished University Professor

Contents features Taking Nursing to a Higher LEvel.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The College reaches for higher levels of excellence through caring, discovering, leading and growing. Higher levels of Giving......................................................................................... 2 0 Take a look at our generous donors and the lives they have touched. Globalization: Spanning Countries and Culture........................................ 3 0 Our faculty, staff, students, and alumni engage in collaborative global partnerships.

departments Dean’s Column.. ............................................................................................................ 1 Around the College............................................................................................... 34 Focus on Faculty..................................................................................................... 42 Student Spotlight . . ................................................................................................. 46 Alumni connections. . ............................................................................................. 50 Lines of Life................................................................................................................ 56

g n i k a T sing to a r u n l e v e l r e h g hi M

USC College of Nursing – Taking Nursing to a Higher Level. That is the theme of this issue of Lifelines. An issue that also celebrates the glorious 130 year anniversary of our College and that launches our development campaign for the future. Our history is impressive in both our aspirations and our accomplishments and we take great pride in all that we do. But we have our sights set on still “higher levels” of excellence. These plans reflect our work in four major areas—caring, discovering, leading and growing.

In this issue of Lifelines we will share stories about our faculty and students and the lives they’ve touched. From ground-breaking research and new technologies to stories of inspiration, we will show you how MUSC nurses are changing lives every day. None of these efforts would be possible, however, without the support we receive from our many benefactors—gifts from our alumni and friends, philanthropic contributions, and support from foundations and other funding agencies. All of these sources are

crucial to our success. Whether it is funding much needed student scholarships, supporting community programs, or enhancing research dollars, the gifts and grants we receive impact everything we do in the College of Nursing. As you read these pages of amazing stories, we hope you will be inspired to join us and help support us financially to “Take Nursing to a Higher Level.”

Fall | Winter 2013



Higher levels of...


Caring is the core of nursing. Individuals who choose nursing as a profession are driven by their desire to care for others. In the following stories you will learn how our faculty and students truly are changing lives. Witnessing Miracles


t’s the little things that matter in a pretty building tucked behind the Charleston Police Department on Bees Ferry Road. Inside this building, patience is a virtue and progress is measured in the smallest of milestones. Children are doing things that many people considered impossible and the pride is overflowing from family and staff, who are helping these miracles take place. Many times the progress is measured in bright smiles or simple motions of one little finger, but to those who can interpret these actions, they are giant steps forward. College of Nursing faculty member, Carrie Cormack, is among the founding board members for Pattison’s Academy that opened in

2006 with the mission to improve the quality of life for children with multiple disabilities by integrating education and rehabilitation. In the beginning, Pattison’s Academy operated a successful four week summer day program. Strong parental and community support led to the creation of Pattison’s Academy for Comprehensive Education (PACE) in 2010. It now offers a year round innovative educational, rehabilitative, and nursing model of care. When the opportunity came for Ms. Cormack to work at Pattison’s Academy as director of nursing services, she never hesitated. “Integrating these two roles of

clinician and instructor has been extremely rewarding,” Ms. Cormack says. For the past several summers, College of Nursing students have visited Pattison’s Academy during summer camp. Until this year, their experience consisted of a one-day hands-on experience. “Introducing nursing students to this amazing population of children with severe and multiple disabilities, in an environment that is healthy and safe, where the children are learning, thriving, making friends, and meeting goals, is extremely important,” Ms. Cormack says. “Most interactions that medical professionals have with this population is in a hospital setting under very different circumstances. Here at Pattison’s Academy, nursing students are able to learn about the children’s abilities, more than their disabilities.” Feedback from students has been extremely positive. Mary Stone, Accelerated BSN student, remarks, “It was eye opening to see how much care and attention is put into each student, and the impact that the school has on their lives and the lives of their families. The outpouring of affection that the educators and therapists have for the students was apparent as soon as I walked into a classroom.”

practice grants A total of $152,409 practice grants were funded in fiscal year 2012-2013. Among those funded were:

$70,000 - Teen Health Advocate Leadership Program $23,416 - PASOs in South Carolina: Promoting Prevention and Bridging the Gaps for the Vulnerable Latino Population $20,000 - Education, Outreach and Advocacy to Reduce Health Disparities 6


Fall | Winter 2013

“ I chose the nursing profession because it allows nurses to give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. To me, being a compassionate nurse means truly placing yourself in someone else’s shoes–advocating for their desires and providing unbiased, nonjudgmental care.” – Christie Beck, Accelerated BSN student

Today Pattison’s Academy is an official clinical site for undergraduate nursing students. Approximately 40 nursing students are rotated through PACE, with each student having a three to four day clinical experience. “The students are experiencing more of the daily routine of these healthy

children with severe and multiple disabilities and the therapists and educators that work with them, ” Ms. Cormack says. As the relationship between the College of Nursing and Pattison’s Academy increases, so will the progress being made. Ms. Cormack shares, “Toward the end of the last school year, one of the classrooms started a reading program. Within the program students were assisted to point to each word/sentence being read. During one of the reading sessions, the teacher said ‘LaMaun it’s your turn to read the story.’ He raised his hand and extended his pointer finger to follow along. This may not seem like a big victory to many, but LaMaun’s hands are constantly in a fisted position. It was so amazing to see that he made the connection to reading the story, using his finger to follow along. This is a remarkable first step on the road to successful independent reading for him.”

“What impacted me the most was the realization that their disabilities do not stifle their inner sparkle or limit their drive to succeed,” says Carla Escobar, MSN student in the FNP track. “I was excited watching LaMaun work with his eye gaze communication device, and observing Jasmine walk with determination on the treadmill with assistance for seven minutes. All of the children with whom I came into contact made me appreciate the unwavering determination of the human spirit.” Ms. Cormack concludes, “We look forward to sharing these miracles with future nurses.”

Carrie Cormack, MSN, APRN, CPNP-BC is an instructor in the MUSC College of Nursing and director of nursing services for Pattison’s Academy.

Relationship between Pattison’s Academy and MUSC continues to grow • Graduate students from the Colleges of Nursing, Dentistry, Medicine, and Health Professions have made over 1,000 visits to Pattison’s for clinical education purposes. • Several MUSC employees serve on the Board of Directors of Pattison’s Academy and the PACE school board. •

Pattison’s Academy was awarded a pilot grant from the MUSC Center for Community Health Partnerships, Community Engaged Scholars, which investigated the effect of physical activity on two matching groups of children with multiple disabilities: children attending Pattison’s Academy and children not attending Pattison’s Academy.

• MUSC has provided IRB reviews for several of Pattison’s Academy’s research projects.

>> Surprising


In the US, over 12.6 million

which further impact the

developing effective models to

children have chronic disabilities.

child and family’s ability to be

manage and improve the health

Non-ambulatory children with

physically active, participate in

of this population, which in turn

multiple disabilities present

life, and sustain a good quality

will enhance their participation

with comorbidities, such as

of life. Current health literature

in and quality of life.

blindness, seizures, and apnea,

clearly identifies the need for

Fall | Winter 2013



Enhancing Hispanic Health


outh Carolina has one of the fastest growing Latino populations in the nation. The increase in the number of Spanish-speaking residents has been recent enough that the cultural norms and health beliefs of the Spanish-speaking population are not well understood by health care providers. Dr. Deborah Williamson was taking care of Hispanic families in her nurse midwifery practice and was impressed with their difficult journeys and resilience that seemed to come from their close family structure, strong work ethic, and a desire to create a better world for their children. She shares, “One young woman I admitted in labor came in from picking cucumbers in the fields. As we spent the next five hours together during her labor I listened to the stories of her mother and husband and their experiences in this country. The young woman was a US citizen and like her parents was an agricultural worker. Her dream was to finish high school and get a higher paying job so her children could finish high school and go on to college.”



Fall | Winter 2013

The family, although US citizens, described to Dr. Williamson the frequent discrimination that came with being perceived as undocumented workers just because of their ethnicity. She explained, “Although they spoke English very well, they spoke Spanish when together as a family. They described incidents of overhearing others making ethnic slurs in English, because they thought the family didn’t speak English.” Based on these interactions with her Hispanic patients, Dr. Williamson felt that it was important to build a program that examined the impact of culture, language and social bias on health status. She received funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and The Duke Endowment to develop the Hispanic Health Initiative (HHI) in 2005. The HHI has grown to encompass both professional education and community outreach. Outreach programs include Abrazos, a family literacy program, and PASOs, a program designed to improve the health and well being of the Hispanic community through education and linking families to services.

The HHI Scholars professional education program was designed to build cultural competency, increase sensitivity to community needs, improve the ability to tailor care, and provide the leadership skills necessary for our graduates to address the social determinants of health in order to help eliminate health disparities. Scholars are selected in their second semester of the Accelerated BSN program. Dr. Williamson reports, “We have just accepted the 15th cohort of Hispanic Health Initiative Scholars.” Although grant funding ended in 2011, the scholars program has been incorporated into the Population Focused Health course in the BSN program. Dr. Williamson explains, “Because of our eight year experience of building trust with the community we are able to integrate students into multiple clinical settings using a service learning model.”

Deborah Williamson, DHA, MSN, RN is an associate professor and the associate dean for practice in the MUSC College of Nursing.

Hispanic Health Initiative Scholars and Accelerated BSN students, Anne Griffin Patterson (pictured second from the left) and Benny Espinoza (pictured far right) share their experiences in the HHI program.

Challenges of life complicated by lifestyle By Anne Griffin Patterson What struck me most significantly during my time at the Rural Mission Migrant Head Start program was one little girl named Daisy. When the bus arrived in the morning, I enjoyed escorting the children from the bus to their appropriate classroom. When Daisy was handed to me, the Head Start employee commented: “Don’t put her down when you get to the classroom. Hand her to someone because she does not walk.” Carrying Daisy to her classroom, I noticed it felt different than carrying other children. I had to position her legs so that she could rest on my hip as we walked. She felt much more limp, and therefore heavier than the other children, and she appeared to be older. When Daisy and I got to her classroom, the teacher instructed that I put her in her seat on the floor. Daisy had a special supportive chair that helped her to sit up and I noticed she was significantly larger than the other children in the classroom. The teacher asked the other children to go and say “Good Morning” to Daisy, and the little girls wobbled over to interact with her. As I walked back to the bus to get the next child, I couldn’t help but wonder about the challenges Daisy and her family face, and will face in the coming years. I wondered how many extra hands it takes to care for a child like Daisy with this migrant lifestyle. On days when the children are not in a Head Start program, does her mother have to stay home from working to care for her, or can she be cared for with all of the other children? I wondered about her medical needs, and how she receives care. I also wondered if Daisy’s condition is one that could improve, given medical attention and extensive therapy. Unfortunately, I felt that the therapy required to improve her condition would be costly and require a long period of time. Due to her migrant lifestyle, I doubted that this would even be an option for Daisy’s family. Daisy is small enough now to carry on your hip, but she will not stay this way. I wondered how the family copes with having a handicapped child. My memory flashed back to a woman I saw in Zimbabwe pushing a wheelbarrow down the sidewalk carrying a disabled adult man sitting on pillows. I hope the arrangements will be better for Daisy. It will be a challenge to find a wheelchair, possibly through a donation. I doubt that any of the housing provided by farmers for migrant workers is handicap accessible. Frequently children work in the fields when they are of an age that they can contribute to supporting the family. Daisy will not be able to do this and caring for her will be costly. Finally, I wondered if she will ever talk. Migrant life through her eyes is a story I am eager to hear.

Remembering the past, striving for the future By Benny Espinoza This experience really brought back memories from my childhood. I come from a long line of migrant workers. As a child I remember being put into the back seat of our car, wrapped in a blanket, looking out of the rear window at darkness. I would awake some time later in the morning to cool air and the smell of strawberries. My parents and several aunts and uncles worked in “the berries”. I had many cousins with me in the fields. Some of the older ones would work while the younger ones would play. I remember my father teaching me how to pick and package the berries. I recall a time visiting my great grandmother in the apricot fields. She was a cook at a migrant camp in California. The migrant camp we visited during our clinical orientation reminded me of that experience. It has been about 30 years since I ran in the strawberry fields with my cousins. The agricultural work environment has not changed much from what I can remember, it seems that only I have changed. It is kind of interesting, considering where I have been, to have the opportunity to visit this community again, only under very different circumstances. I meditated on many possible career paths from accounting to computer science and, in the end, nursing was the best fit for me and my life’s goals. I love studying the health sciences; I enjoy meeting and helping people; and I believe that nursing gives me the most flexibility in deciding how I can help others. After graduation I hope to work in a hospital setting and thoroughly master the skills of a nurse on a challenging, forward thinking unit.

Fall | Winter 2013



Higher levels of...


Ranked 21st in National Institutes of Health funding among colleges of nursing, our faculty is conducting innovative research that will shape health care delivery in the future. Developing New Practice Standards


r. Teresa Kelechi began working with patients with lower extremity vein problems in 1992 when she started a leg and foot clinic while working in general internal medicine at MUSC. She noticed some of her patients who were experiencing venous

leg ulcers had very warm, reddish inflamed skin in certain areas of the leg, primarily between the calf muscle and foot. They often complained that they had a sensation of “heat” or “fever” in their legs before they developed an ulcer. She wondered if there

was some way to predict the development of these ulcers by measuring the temperature of the skin and tracking it over time. Dr. Kelechi began to study some of the patients she saw in her clinic as part of her PhD dissertation. She discovered that when skin blood flow was high and skin temperature rose about two degrees above the patient’s normal temperature in the lower leg, they often developed an ulcer. Fast forward to 2013. Dr. Kelechi is conducting a National Institutes of Health, multi-site, randomized clinical trial to determine if cooling the skin with a special cryotherapy gel, called Kool Cuff, might prevent new ulcers from developing. In a pilot study, she demonstrated that cooling the inflamed skin affected by vein disorders significantly reduced blood flow and temperature after a four week intense cryotherapy intervention. During the current clinical trial, after an initial 30-day intense cooling period, Dr. Kelechi is adding an at-home, sequenced tapered cooling method over a nine month period. If

Higher levels of discovering A total of $4,295,427 in research grants were funded in fiscal year 2012-13. Among those funded were:

$380,286 - A Community Partnership Approach for Advancing Burden Measurement in Rare Genetic Conditions. Pamela Williams (PI) $115,595 - A Peer Navigator Intervention for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. Susan Newman (PI) $90,728 - Personalized Bio-behavioral Weight Loss Intervention for African American Women. Gayenell Magwood (PI)



Fall | Winter 2013

“ To aid in the healing of another person, whether physical, spiritual, emotional, or mental, is a great reward and nurses have the opportunity to heal in each of those four categories.” – Lindsey Reeves, Accelerated BSN student this treatment proves successful, a new practice standard for prevention can be established. “We currently have three study sites in South Carolina located in Spartanburg, Loris, and Charleston with 35 active participants and we plan to enroll an additional 75 participants soon,” Dr. Kelechi says. “We just completed the study at a site in Georgia where we enrolled 90 participants.” One of the study participants, Davis L., is a 67-year-old married retiree who lives in Inman, SC. His quality of life began to slowly deteriorate over the past five years due to ongoing complications from chronic venous disease. He has tried to relieve his symptoms by using heat packs and applying various presciption creams but nothing has worked. A few months ago his doctor suggested that he might benefit from participating in Dr. Kelechi’s study and he agreed to give it a try. After two months in the study Davis reports he doesn’t have any more blisters. “I still have a little swelling around my toes and the top of my foot, but it is not as bad. I have slight numbness when I try to wiggle my toes, but I am doing much better,” he says. Davis explains that he decided to participate in the study because he thought it would help him and in the process it would help other

people. “I’ve always been one to try something new.” This positive news makes Margie Prentice, MBA, program coordinator for the clinical trial, pleased. “When I hear that a subject’s condition is improving because of a new procedure, therapy or product we are testing, I get a tremendous sense of personal and job satisfaction to know that I am part of something that has made a positive difference in their life and potentially for others,” she says. Early indications are that this new method of treatment is showing great promise. “It humbles me to be able to conduct a study that has the potential to change a treatment that is well over 100 years old,” Dr. Kelechi says. “There is so little available for people who suffer with chronic venous disease and leg ulcers. If this new prevention approach works, it could reduce the number of new and recurring leg ulcers, decreasing costs of care and human suffering.”

What is Venous disease Venous disease refers to all conditions related to or caused by veins that become diseased or abnormal. An estimated 7 million adults in the US have a venous disorder such as venous insufficiency. These underrecognized vascular problems result in severe skin damage and ulcerations of the lower legs, produce pain, and restrict mobility. Chronic venous insufficiency is more common among those who are obese, pregnant, or who have a family history of the problem. Individuals who have had trauma to the leg through injury, surgery, or previous blood clots are also more likely to develop the condition.

Teresa Kelechi, PhD, GCNS-BC, CWCN, FAAN is a professor and the interim associate dean for research in the MUSC College of Nursing.

According to available data, over $3 billion is spent annually on leg ulcer care.

“ To me, RN doesn’t only mean Registered Nurse. The letter R stands for respectful, responsible, reliable, and responsive. The letter N stands for notable, necessary, nice, and nurturing. A good nurse combines the science of medicine with the compassion of humanity. The nurse has to focus on more than just a diagnosis, but also see how environment, culture, lifestyle, and relationships specific to that individual intertwine. This holistic view defines the nursing strategy that initiates an effective treatment process.” – Lindsey Reeves, Accelerated BSN student Fall | Winter 2013



Impacting Health Literacy and Disease Management


r. Ida Spruill is not new to the Lowcountry. In her role as nurse manager and co-investigator for Project SUGAR, a genetic research study conducted in the Sea Islands from 1995-2003, Dr. Spruill was responsible for enrolling 650 African-American families with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) into the study. While doing so, she witnessed disparities that plague the Lowcountry and the impact they have on the community. Research suggests that regimen adherence for self-management of diabetes is a serious problem and the reason for poor adherence may be rooted in low literacy, culture, and lifestyle. Dr. Spruill explains, “Health literacy not only measures a person’s ability to read and comprehend, but also the ability to act on medical instructions and information. This is particularly true for the AfricanAmerican community, which suffers disparate impact from chronic illness.” In April 2012, Dr. Spruill was awarded a three year R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Nursing Research to explore the effects of beliefs and culture on health literacy and ultimately the management of diabetes in African-Americans from four regions in South Carolina – the Upper Piedmont/Blue Ridge, Pee Dee/Sand Hills, Central Midlands/Lower Piedmont, and Coastal Plains. Phase one of the study is now completed. “We conducted 12 focus groups



What is Health Literacy? Lifelines

Fall | Winter 2013

Ida Spruill conducts focus group.

College of Nursing staff Youlanda Gibbs (far left) and Leticia Lee (far right) pose with focus group participants.

in Allendale, Jasper, Dillon, Orangeburg, Fairfield, Edgefield, Richland, and Greenville counties,” reports Dr. Spruill. “The focus groups were mostly women with an average age of 54.” Phase one participants were asked a few questions about their understanding of diabetes and their answers were not that surpising. One question asked, what does ‘take on an empty stomach’ mean to you? Responder:“Take meds on an empty stomach make you sick.” Another question asked, what do you want to learn about diabetes? Reply: “How much sugar I can eat without overdoing it.” “Although these comments may seem simplistic, they reflect the attitudes, beliefs and lack of knowledge

The Centers for Disease Control defines health literacy as the ability to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services to make appropriate decisions and follow instructions for

throughout our study population,” Dr. Spruill explains. “The perceived belief of “no control” of an illness can be identified as a barrier to care because people, who do not believe that they can control their diabetes, are less likely to make attempts.” The project’s significance rests on its innovative approach to exploring the important relationship between health literacy, cultural beliefs and diabetes self-management among African-Americans. “Understanding this relationship is pivotal to the design of tailored interventions to improve self-management and health status in a population disproportionately affected with the burden of diabetes,” Dr. Spruill says. The study is currently midway through phase two. It consists of survey development, cognitive interviews, and pre-testing of the survey. During phase three, the survey will be administered to two hundred African-American participants with and without T2DM residing in the target population. “Findings from this study will guide the selection of messages and strategies that will be subsequently tested within targeted populations to improve health outcomes. This study can advance the science as it relates to promoting health literacy and disease management among vulnerable populations,” Dr. Spruill says.

treatment. Many factors determine the health literacy level of health education materials or other health interventions: reading level, numeracy level, language barriers, cultural appropriateness,

Ida Spruill, PhD, RN, LISW, FAAN is an associate professor in the MUSC College of Nursing.

format and style, sentence structure, use of illustrations, and interactiveness of intervention. These and many other factors can affect how easily health information is understood and followed.

Higher levels of...

Leading Keeping Connections to improve Health By Allyson Bird, Office of Development and Alumni Affairs


Hector Chocobar checks his blood pressure with a cuff provided through the Verizon Foundation’s grant to the MUSC College of Nursing.

The MUSC College of Nursing has a distinguished 130 year history preparing the finest professional nurses who care, cure, and create new knowledge to improve the health of individuals, families, and communities. Nursing graduates assume leadership roles throughout the state and beyond. Together with our faculty, who are using innovative technologies, we are actively shaping the health care of tomorrow.

ector Chocobar noticed a change in himself. He seemed sluggish, yet his body felt like it was speeding up. A musician and pastor, he felt drained after a single song. His friend, medical translator Judith Rundbaken, noticed the change, too. She saw Chocobar’s bloodshot eyes and his agitation. Recognizing that language stood as a barrier between her friend and the medical care that he needed, Rundbaken recommended that he come down to the Medical University of South Carolina for a study funded by the Verizon Foundation. Program manager Brenda BrunnerJackson took his blood pressure reading. “Well, it’s not such good news for you,” she said. “But it’s good news for us. You are the right person.” Mr. Chocobar’s blood pressure reading came in at 185 over 120, considerably higher than the optimal reading of 120 over 80 and crossing into the realm of severe hypertension. Mr. Chocobar, a 51-year-old father, knew the problem. He had moved to

Higher levels of Leading Over a $1 miilion in education grants were funded in fiscal year 2012-13. Among those funded were:

$350,000 - Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship Program $240,715 - Advanced Nursing Education $150,000 - New Careers in Nursing: Mentoring Future Nurse Leaders

Fall | Winter 2013



“ While we know much about the human body and it’s workings, there is much we have yet to learn. There is art involved with science as teams work hard to save and improve lives. I want to understand both so I can more effectively help those requiring care.” – Robert Egbert, Accelerated BSN Student

Hector Chocobar holds MedMinder’s Maya pill dispenser. The medication dispenser contains 28 compartments for a week’s supply of medication and can accommodate many different types of pills.

North Charleston seven years ago from Argentina, where beef, bread and pasta dominate the native diet. “It was very hard for me, because I’m not very disciplined,” Mr. Chocobar said. “I love all types of meat.” His bad eating habits, coupled with a language barrier to health care, made Mr. Chocobar a prime candidate for help. The Verizon Foundation recently provided the MUSC College of Nursing with a $46,000 grant for the Smartphone Management of Hypertension and Diabetes Program. The program provides smartphoneconnected electronic medication trays and blood pressure cuffs to patients, primarily minorities, who live in rural areas. The project falls under the Verizon Foundation’s $15 million investment in technology to improve health care in communities where Verizon employees work and live. South Carolina ranks among the states with the highest incidence of diabetes, hypertension and

>> Statistics from the

stroke. Through the grant, residents get trays that not only store their daily medications but provide a series of reminders for when to take them. The alerts begin with a blinking light. If the patient doesn’t take the medication from its compartment within a half-hour, a chime alert follows. After another half-hour, the patient receives an automated call. On the rare occasion that the call fails, Ms. Brunner-Jackson and Ms. Rundbaken receive automated calls and then personally contact the patient. Both the trays and the blood pressure cuffs transmit health data to a secure computer server. Patients receive personalized motivational messages, based on their success with the program. Their physicians receive weekly progress reports. Frank Treiber, PhD, endowed chair and professor of nursing, pointed out the widespread appeal, given that nearly 94 percent of adults have cell phones, and that almost half of those cell phone users own smartphones that could work with this technology.“ What we’re able to do is help patients manage their health care more effectively,” Dr. Treiber said. “Clinicians provide input on what patients should be doing. Patients provide input on how they would like to go about meeting those goals and what motivates them to become healthier. Summary reports help clinicians to intervene

The number of people accessing health apps on their mobile devices is expected to

more than triple by 2016. 14


Fall | Winter 2013

faster in treatment, rather than the typical approach of waiting until the next scheduled clinic visit, three or six months later. We can get those patients to the right dose faster.” Dr. Treiber also noted that regular monitoring prevents a patient from gaining weight or not taking his medication and winding up in the emergency room. The next step, he said, is to ensure that patients continue with their programs for years and not just months. These days Mr. Chocobar eats beef sparingly, and he has cut bread, salt and soft drinks from his diet altogether. He monitors portion size and noticed some new changes in himself. He sings an entire set of music and feels fine, even reaching for higher notes than before. He had to buy a new wardrobe full of slimmer pants, and he looks at self-discipline much differently now. “It’s not a sacrifice. It’s just taking care of my own health,” Mr. Chocobar said. “This program is excellent, but if we do not take proper care, there is no program that will help us.”


billion/year The cost of chronic respiratory disease, diabetes, and heart disease to the health care system.

Frank Treiber, PhD, is a professor and endowed chair for Technology Applications Center for Healthful Lifestyles (TACHL).

The Verizon Foundation’s focus is to reduce health disparities, improve access and quality, and enable better chronic disease outcomes through health information technology that educates and empowers patients to self-manage their health.

Mapping Success for PhD Students Dr. Leslie Parker shares pearls of wisdom from her

Leslie Parker, PhD, APRN (NNP-BC) had been a nurse for 21 years and was working half-time as a neonatal nurse practitioner in the neonatal intensive care department at Shands Hospital and half-time as a clinical assistant professor teaching in the neonatal nurse practitioner program at the University of Florida (UF). She was very happy in her roles when the UF College of Nursing opened the DNP program. Since she was masters prepared, she felt she now needed a doctoral degree in order to teach in this new program. At first, she thought she would pursue a DNP degree, but wondered if that was the best degree for her to attain her future goals. She decided that it wasn’t and instead chose to pursue a PhD at MUSC’s online program. Dr. Parker has achieved great success in her career since graduating from the PhD program in 2010. She has received R15 and R01 funding from the National Institutes of Health, in addition to publishing and presenting her

experience as a College of

work. In July, she traveled to Charleston to share her formula for success with

Nursing PhD student.

students enrolled in the PhD program during residency week.

Lifelines: Why did you choose MUSC? Dr. Parker: I started looking at programs in Florida and found that I could go for free at a university other than where I was working. All of my expenses would be paid, but I would have to attend classes in person one day a week. I wondered what I could do with the time I would spend traveling in the car four or five hours every week? So, I started looking at online programs and I felt that MUSC was the best match for me. What did you like best about our program? One of my favorite things was residency week. I would be trudging along, losing all of my momentum. When I came here for residency week, I was inspired to really start doing my research, really start doing my classes. I was so excited when I was asked to come speak to the current students because I could get that excitement again. I loved being a PhD student. I learned and changed so much. I grew from believing that the NNP works in the hospital, that there is no other health care, only hospital work and only in the United States. I also believed that there was no other population, only neonates. As I progressed in the program it expanded my mind.

What advice do you give the current students on how to successfully progress through the program? Focus on your goals – presentations, manuscripts, grants, mentors, and of course, graduation. Develop a timeline. This is imperative. Just making it through the day or making it to the end of the class can’t be your goal. You have to have a plan for making presentations, publishing and finding mentors. Maintain your research focus. I think people get very bogged down with what their research focus is going to be. When you enter school you may not have your dissertation question, but you know what subject you want to study. For instance, for me it was breastfeeding very low birth weight infants. It took me a while to iron out my specific question, but I based every single assignment on the broad topic of breastfeeding. I strongly suggest that because you are killing two birds with one stone. Not only are you getting through the class, you also are building your literature and learning more about your subject. As you do that, you narrow it down and get that all-important dissertation question. How do you select your mentors? I found this incredibly difficult at first, but when I started thinking about what men-

tors really are it was much easier. I think a lot of people struggle with that. I learned that you have to be flexible. You are not likely to find a mentor that does exactly what you like to do. One of my mentors is in the UF College of Nursing. She deals with my population of premature infants, but I don’t really like what she’s doing. However, I learned so much from her. You don’t have to love the subject. You also need many mentors. Look outside of nursing at other disciplines and also select mentors outside your institution. Select different mentors for different goals. You and your PhD cohort developed the 6 C’s for successful online education that you presented at SNRS and the AACN Doctoral Conference. What are they? Cohort, collaboration, collateral, communication, curriculum and commitment. Cohort is a group of students entering the program together. In the cohort there is intragroup cohesiveness, mentorship, and a strong sense of community. A strong sense of community is necessary to be a successful student. Those in my cohort were some of my best friends during that time and we still keep in touch. Collaboration is very important. Clearly established guidelines and expectations are crucial – not only from faculty to student, but also student-to-student. We

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Leslie Parker presents her formula for success to PhD students.

found that if you were able to successfully collaborate, the results were research funding, publications, and presentations. Communication is the lynchpin for completing the program. If you have a face-to-face program it is not as necessary because you are in the classroom every week. But when you are in an online program you have to be original. You have to utilize mechanisms for communication including email, cell phones, asynchronized discussion boards and web based video conferencing. Curriculum is key. For online education, the organization of the coursework and how it matches the mission of the institution is important. Curriculum needs to be dynamic and adaptive to new evidence and delivery systems and rigor is expected. Commitment is dedication to completion of the program by both faculty and students. This is different from retention. Retention is what the college tracks to see how many students stay in the program. Commitment is the student deciding how they are going to make it through the program and graduate with, of course, the support of faculty. Collateral is your internal or external sources of support. Some you can change, some you can’t. What are your individual strengths and mechanisms? Are your friends and family supporting



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you? Do you have a place to work without distractions? Do you have a flexible work schedule? How are you going to finance your education? What is your advice about dissertation? Make a timeline and stick to it. I say that over and over again and I cannot express how important that is. Selecting a dissertation topic often will make people freeze. They think they have to have a perfect topic and one that they want to do for the rest of their life. Let that go, it doesn’t have to be perfect. You can change your mind after you graduate. And, you don’t have to like it at the end. It’s OK to be imperfect. I also suggest students progress one step at a time – even one sentence at a time. I wrote my dissertation one sentence at a time. Think about it in bite size pieces or it’s going to be overwhelming and you’re going to shut down and be unable to do it. What about life after graduation? I did not expect my life to change as much as it did after graduation. It was immediate and it was dramatic. After graduation you enter a pool of PhD prepared scholars and it levels the playing field. I don’t want to limit myself to just nursing research. Yes, I want to do research that makes nurses lives better,

but I also want to do research that other disciplines find important and useful. So that equalizer was very important to me. I attended an interprofessional research conference a few months after graduating and we were all at the same level. It was tremendously invigorating and it opened so many doors. Once I obtained my PhD, doors just fell open for me and I walked through them. Some of the things you have to think about after graduation is career negotiation and changes. What are your goals and desires? Do you want to just teach? Do you want to do research? Talk with mentors about what things you can do to advance your career. Why do you think you were able to attain NIH funding so quickly? One of the things I have found extremely important is collaboration. After I graduated I tried to get lots of experiences. I had the opportunity to continue to work with my mentor and with physicians on my unit on research projects. They weren’t necessarily exactly what I wanted to do, but they were research experiences and I benefitted from it. A lesson that I learned is, don’t be picky.

Bridging the Gap With Simulations


here is a chasm in professional nursing known as the readiness to practice gap. It is the disparity between newly licensed nurses at the onset of their career and their ability to deliver quality and safety in patient care. Nancy Duffy, DNP, RN, CEN, CNE, former director of the undergraduate program explains, “The literature shows that a majority of nursing faculty believe they have educated a nurse who is ready to practice upon graduation. Inversely, the majority of hospital and health system nurse executives disagree.” A 2009 National League for Nursing survey revealed that clinical faculty reported that 70 percent of their supervision time was spent evaluating clinical skills, yet the novice nurse is not seen as fully prepared to provide care. Teresa Atz, MSN, RN, assistant professor, adds, “The gap is alarming given the acuity, complexity and short stays of hospitalized patients. The third leading cause of death is preventable medical errors. Enrollment in Medicaid is growing and the number of Medicare eligible seniors is expected to double by 2030. This rise in the number of individuals entering the health care system increases the potential for errors and negative health outcomes.” Dr. Duffy and Ms. Atz, with expertise from Healthcare Simulation of South

Simulation activities are helping bridge the practice gap.

Carolina, have been working to address the readiness to practice gap. Dr. Duffy reports, “We have developed system-based simulations that address care of the patient with imbedded procedural and non-technical skills. So far we have completed respiratory, cardiac, endocrine and neurologic modules with pediatric cases in development.” Ms. Atz explains, “With these simulations, the student has the opportunity to care for a veteran with traumatic brain injury, an adult with diabetes insipidus following a craniotomy, and a hospitalized child with Munchausen’s by Proxy. The procedural skills range from calculating and administering intravenous medications to responding to a situation where the patient has pulled out a chest tube.” These simulation modules, which are available for purchase, are a bridge

to the readiness to practice gap. They emphasize the nurse as a problem solver, capable of functioning in a complex environment and avoid the trap of nurse as a taskmaster of purely clinical procedures. “The College of Nursing wants to assure that the Accelerated BSN graduates are able to provide safe and quality care wherever they practice,” Dr. Duffy says.

Nancy Duffy, DNP, RN, CEN, CNE is the MUSC College of Nursing’s former undergraduate program director. She recently moved to NC to start a nursing program at Campbell University.

Teresa Atz, MSN, RN is an assistant professor in the MUSC College of Nursing.

Simulation modules are available for purchase in the Laerdal SimStore. Offering quality educational content and materials for users of all levels and backgrounds. Also provides educators with an easy-to-use, efficient tool for delivering simulation-based curricula. In SimStore you’ll find resources for virtually every step in the simulation experience, from full curricula and stand-alone scenarios to building blocks like trends, handlers, and multimedia.

To order, visit SimStore on the web at Fall | Winter 2013



Higher levels of...


Over the past decade, the College of Nursing has seen tremendous growth in all of its nursing programs. The Accelerated BSN program has more than doubled its enrollment; the PhD program has grown to one of the largest in the country; and the DNP program has flourished. In 2013, US News and World Report recognized our online graduate program as one of the best in the country. But we are not resting on our laurels. Rather, the College’s strategic plan includes expectations for future growth. Not only have we increased the number, but we also have successfully attracted the most stellar students to our programs. Below we introduce you to three of those students.

Making Careers Possible Through Scholarships By Allyson Bird, Office of Development and Alumni Affairs


pril Dove graduated from Clemson University with a double major in biology and psychology and plans to follow the path of her parents, a physician’s assistant and a nurse. But first, she wanted to work a few odd jobs. “If you’ve never worked a retail job making $6.95 an hour, you don’t understand where those patients are coming from,” Ms. Dove said. “I’ve worked in retail. I’ve worked in fastfood restaurants. I understand high cholesterol and bad eating habits, living penny to penny.” She also worked one-on-one with three children through the Carolina Autism Project and finally wound up



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at MUSC as a patient care technician in neurosurgery. Ms. Dove cared for one woman during the patient’s final four months, and that experience defined Ms. Dove’s own life. “I realized this is where I need to be,” Ms. Dove said. She wanted to become a nurse. Ms. Dove felt mentally prepared for MUSC’s intensive 16-month nursing program but, financially, she lacked what she needed to get started. The nurses on her floor told her to talk to Mardi Long, coordinator of the Accelerated BSN program and alumni services at the College of Nursing. “I told Mardi, ‘I want to go to nursing school, but I don’t have the money to go,’” Ms. Dove said. “Mardi said, ‘You’d be perfect.’ She arranged for me to receive a scholarship, and that was the end of that.” Ms. Long called Ms. Dove “a great ambassador for nursing,” whose

April Dove teaches students about portion control in the Junior Doctors of Health program at Meeting Street Academy.

community service and leadership made her the perfect scholarship candidate. Ms. Dove received financial aid from the Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, a Georgia-based nonprofit corporation that provides scholarships to select female students in the Southeast. The scholarships helped about 10,000 students last year alone, including 43 MUSC nursing students, according to Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation grants program director, Elizabeth Smith. “Because it is need-based, what we want to do is provide students with an opportunity,” Ms. Smith said. “We want to help alleviate some of their needs.” Ms. Dove graduated from the College of Nursing on May 17 with several job offers. “If I didn’t get the scholarship,” she said, “I don’t think I would have finished nursing school.”

Fullfilling a Childhood Dream


s a little girl, Cameo Green received a “play nursing” bag from her parents. The bag contained a toy thermometer, blood pressure cuff, and otoscope. She used them to examine her closest family members and friends. As fate would have it, this simple child’s toy became a turning point in her life as it planted the seed that would blossom into a successful nursing career. Presently, Ms. Green works as an assistant nurse manager at a hospital in Columbia, SC. She graduated as a First Honor Graduate with a Master of Science in Nursing degree in May 2012 and is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Family Nurse Practitioner (DNPFNP) program. She explains, Cameo Green with Dr. “My desire to Sabra Slaughter, MUSC help others chief of staff drove my decision to pursue the DNP-FNP degree. It will not only enable me to assess others, but actually to treat them. I am looking forward to having prescriptive authority in South Carolina.” A dynamic student, Ms. Green has received many accolades. She was chosen to participate in the 2013-2014 MUSC’s Presidential Scholars program, the university’s premiere interprofessional program for students. She also was selected for MUSC’s Student Leadership Society that recognizes students who have made notable contributions to the university through their character, service and commitment to enhancing the university environment. Ms. Green states, “It is an honor, privilege, and reward to be selected as a member of the Student Leadership Society. To be selected from such an esteemed group of my peers has been an invaluable experience and made

me feel special. I am appreciative that all my hard-work and perseverance throughout my nursing education and career has been recognized.” For her academic pursuits, Ms. Green has received funding through the Herman G. Green Memorial Scholarship awarded by the South Carolina Professional Association for Access and Equity. In June 2013, she received the Advanced Nursing Education Expansion grant. Students who receive this funding are committed to working in primary care in South Carolina upon graduation and are selected based on GPA, leadership roles, scholarly activities, and an essay explaining their commitment to primary care. Ms. Green reports, “Upon graduation, I will be practicing in a rural, primary care clinic for approximately one to two years. After that, I plan to open my own practice in the Hopkins-Eastover, SC community. I also plan to launch statewide initiatives to improve the overall health of our state. I believe we must emphasize the importance of primary care measures within our communities in an effort to lessen the need for tertiary care measures.” Ms. Green promises to maintain a life-long partnership with the MUSC College of Nursing. “My masters program was one of the best experiences of my life. The College of Nursing equips students with the tools necessary to not only pass the licensure board, but to be successful in the clinical world,” she says.

Fostering Doctoral Education


ichelle Mollica was busy teaching full time in the RN to BSN program at D’Youville College in Buffalo, NY and raising her two small children. But, she also wanted to further her education and obtain a PhD degree. She explains, “I’ve been interested in research, so a PhD was a natural fit for me. As an oncology nurse, I wanted to make my patient’s lives better, but found myself asking

why things worked the way they did, and how I might be able to improve that process. Research gives me the ability Michelle Mollica to delve into a topic and become an expert, and really improve the lives of cancer survivors.” When selecting a PhD program, she knew that attending classes in a traditional, campus-based program was not going to fit into her current lifestyle. Therefore, she evaluated the online programs and selected MUSC’s PhD in Nursing program. “I originally chose MUSC because the online program offers me the ability to work in a flexible format. But once I started the program, I realized that I feel more connected than I probably would have in an on-campus program. The mentorship at MUSC is really topnotch. The faculty have advocated and supported me in ways that I could not have imagined.” A member of the 2011 PhD cohort, Ms. Mollica is an accomplished student. Recently she received the American Cancer Society Doctoral Degree Scholarship in Cancer Nursing that is awarded to graduate students pursuing doctoral study in the field of cancer nursing research, and preparing for careers as nurse scientists. An oncology nurse for more than ten years, Ms. Mollica’s dissertation topic is peer navigation in African-American breast cancer survivors. She explains, “An African-American breast cancer survivor is paired with another African-American woman completing breast cancer treatment with the goal of increasing follow-up care and quality of life outcomes.” Ms. Mollica’s future goals when she completes her degree are to continue her work in cancer survivorship, ideally in an academic university that is aligned with a cancer center. Fall | Winter 2013



Higher levels of giving through


Approximately 84 percent of College of Nursing students receive some type of financial aid. Beacause of donations from generous donors, the College was able to award 135 scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students. Of these, $174,884 were from private donations of individuals to endowed scholarship funds. Scholarships help students manage their debt. Since most of the students enrolled in the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ACC BSN) degree program have previously earned a degree in another area, and the nurses returning to earn a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), or PhD in Nursing have also attended school, many have accumulated student debt. The average pre-admission debt of College of Nursing students in 2012-2013 was $21,336. Please consider creating a scholarship fund to ensure the future generation of nurses.

Barter Scholarship Three nursing students, Brian Daigle (ACC BSN) Elizabeth Kreuze (DNP) and Taylor Nanney (DNP), were awarded Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barter, III Scholarships. Mr. and Mrs. Barter of Kiawah Island, SC, established the scholarship fund to recruit students who are underrepresented in the field of nursing. A former Latin and science teacher at Porter-Gaud School in Charleston, Mr. Daigle began his transition into nursing in fall 2013. A graduate of Bowdoin College and Boston University, he is proficient in Italian and Latin, and is now tackling Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. He is a world-traveler and plays the classical violin and American fiddle. Ms. Kreuze (BSN ’13) entered the DNP program in fall 2013. As a student, she has presented findings of a research project to the nursing staff at the Veteran’s Affairs Medical



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Center about safe patient handling during transfers. Mr. Nanney completed his BSN at Bob Jones University in May 2013 and began the DNP program fall 2013. A medical mission trip to Panama in 2011 was a particularly profound experience for him and he hopes to play a more prominent role in the care of people in third world countries.

Elizabeth Mills Scholarship Sarah Harlan, ACC BSN student, was awarded the Elizabeth Mills Scholarship that honors the former dean who served from 1965 to 1969. Under her leadership the first students graduated with baccalaureate degrees from the College of Nursing. As an undergraduate, Ms. Harlan served as philanthropy chair of her sorority and organized six major events for the Ronald McDonald

Charities and the Safe Home in Laurens County. At home in Florence, SC, she volunteered in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at McLeod Regional Medical Center and the Pee Dee Coalition, an organization which advocates for women and children who are victims of abuse, assault and battery. A second generation nurse, Ms. Harlan’s mother is a 2002 graduate of the College’s MSN program.

Maude Callen Scholarship Mary Elizabeth Jordan Bird, DNP student, was awarded the Maude Callen Scholarship. “Miss Maude” was a nurse midwife who committed herself to women and families in Berkeley County, SC. Completing the family nurse practitioner specialty track, Ms. Bird hopes to practice in a rural part of the state, be a part of the community and promote health across the lifespan.

Ruth Chamberlain PhD Alumni Award Patricia Davern Soderlund, PhD student, received the Ruth Chamberlain PhD Alumni Award. Ms. Soderlund graduated from the MSN program in the spring of 2005 as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. She is currently the lead nursing instructor at Bethesda University in Anaheim, CA.

Marianne T. Chitty Scholarship Alana Guziewicz, Phyllis Raynor, and Caroline Yurchak were awarded Marianne T. Chitty Scholarships. Mr. Charles Chitty and Dr. Kay Chitty endowed the Marianne T. Chitty Nursing Scholarship fund in honor of Mr. Chitty’s mother. “Kay and I, and our children, loved and respected her very much. We hope and believe that she would be pleased and proud to be remembered by us through this scholarship,” Mr. Chitty remarked. Ms. Guziewicz is an ACC BSN student and has a previous degree from the College of Charleston (CofC). She has experience as a research intern for the Department of Neuroscience at CofC and MUSC. Ms. Raynor is enrolled in the PhD program. She has an interest in public health nursing and is concurrently earning certification as a psychiatricmental health nurse practitioner at Vanderbilt University. Ms. Yurchak (BSN ‘12), a summa cum laude graduate of the ACC BSN program, enrolled in the DNP pediatric nurse practitioner specialty track this fall and is currently working for Pediatric Services of America in Colorado Springs, CO.

Dorothy Johnson Crews Scholarship Five students were awarded Dorothy Johnson Crews Scholarships. Mrs. Crews had a 43-year nursing career while raising four children. Her husband, Dr. Charles Crews, created

this endowed scholarship to honor his wife who had been “his right arm all through life.” This year’s student recipients are Sadie Burke (ACC BSN), Michelle Munn (PhD), Kim Pickett (PhD), Christina Sweatman (DNP), and Margaret Conway-Orgel (DNP).

Irene Dixon Scholarship Elizabeth Brockinton, MSN student, was awarded the Irene Dixon Scholarship. Ms. Brockinton has over 15 years of nursing experience and is currently working at Clarendon Healthcare Systems in Manning, SC.

Helene Fuld Trust Scholarship Lindsey Wilzbach, ACC BSN student, was awarded the Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarship. Ms. Wilzbach, a stellar student, is her class representative to the Student Nurses Association. Prior to her enrollment in the College of Nursing, she completed a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Clemson University and worked for Charleston Eye Care as an ophthalmic assistant and volunteered for the Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Graduate Incentive Scholarship Graduate students, Simone Chinnis (DNP) and Toshua Kennedy (PhD), have been selected to receive a Graduate Incentive Scholarship through the MUSC Office of Diversity. These scholarships are offered to students who are historically underrepresented in the health professions. Recipients must also commit to working in South Carolina for one year following completion of their degree.

Ted and Joan Halkyard Scholarship

awarded Ted and Joan Halkyard Scholarships. Mrs. Halkyard, a retired nurse, stated, “It is indeed a privilege to know that over the years we have in some small way provided help at critical junctures in the lives of committed nursing students.” Mr. McCarthy is a graduate of Furman University where he worked with faculty on a presentation for the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. At MUSC, Mr. McCarthy has been a student leader, participating in service activities and the Simulated Interprofessional Rounding Experience. Ms. St. Armand is a Dean’s List student who attended the College of Charleston and is an emergency medical technician. At CofC, she served as an emergency medical services volunteer and a peer facilitator for students, assisting them with academic and career planning, and encouraging a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Virginia Harper Scholarship Tiffany Jamerson, ACC BSN student, was awarded the Virginia L. Harper Scholarship. Mrs. Harper and her husband, Stiles, were generous donors to MUSC throughout their lives. The campus student center is named in their honor. This scholarship was created because their son received excellent nursing care while a patient at MUSC. Ms. Jamerson is a former high school Spanish teacher and AmeriCorps member. While serving with Ameri-Corps, she was assigned to the Center for New North Carolinians and participated in trainings in diversity, immigration, ESOL and disaster preparedness. She also provided services in schools and medical facilities for immigrants and refugees.

ACC BSN students, Kevin McCarthy and Lauren St. Armand, were

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Higher levels of GIving through


Elizabeth Ann Jones Scholarship

Marianna Stuart Mason Scholarship

DNP student, Christina Sweatman, received the Elizabeth Ann Jones Scholarship. Ms. Sweatman graduated summa cum laude from the ACC BSN program in May 2013 as salutatorian and began working at Roper-St. Francis in the medicalsurgical unit. She also volunteers at the Palmetto House in Summerville.

Emily Jackson, DNP student, was awarded the Marianna Stuart Mason Scholarship. The Mason’s created this award to honor nurses who were empathetic, caring, and dedicated to improving pediatric patients’ health. Ms. Jackson is enrolled in the pediatric nurse practitioner track. She speaks Spanish and hopes to work with the Hispanic community after completing her degree. Her personal goal is to have a direct impact on the care of patients from other cultures.

Betty Kelchner Scholarship Kimbi Marenakos, ACC BSN student, was awarded the Betty Kelchner Scholarship. Mrs. Kelchner is a College of Nursing “Golden Grad,” who earned her degree in 1952. A licensed professional counselor, Ms. Marenakos has a bachelor’s degree from CofC and a master’s in counseling from Webster University. She has a broad range of experiences but has devoted her career to serving individuals, couples, and families.

Betty M. B. Kinard Scholarship Michelle Mejia, DNP student, was awarded the Betty M. B. Kinard Scholarship. When Dr. and Mrs. Kinard created this scholarship, Mrs. Kinard expressed that she would like this award to be presented to a “student who would be a powerful advocate for patients.” Ms. Mejia (BSN ‘13) also was selected for the prestigious Robert Wood Johnson New Careers in Nursing Scholars Program and the Hispanic Health Initiative Scholars when she was an undergraduate student.



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Cecilia O. Peng Scholarship The Cecilia O. Peng Scholarship was awarded to Katie Lichty, DNP student. This scholarship was created to financially assist a nurse who has an operating room background and is pursuing an advanced degree in nursing. Ms. Lichty is the main operating room nurse at East Cooper Medical Center in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Prior to that she was a main operating room nurse at Palmetto Richland Hospital in Columbia, SC and a clinical coordinator at the Medical University Hospital.

Robert Wood Johnson New Careers in Nursing Recipients Six ACC BSN degree students have been selected for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) New Careers in Nursing (NCIN) Scholarship. Recipients are Baylie Coldsmith, Rena Hasegawa,

Hannah McClary, Tamesha McKnight, Ruvy Ann Sabado, and Robert Wolfrom. The RWJF NCIN scholarship program is a national program of RWJF and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The prestigious program is designed to help alleviate the national nursing shortage, increase the diversity of nursing professionals, expand capacity in baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs, and enhance the pipeline of potential nurse faculty.

Nina Smith Scholarship Students Fairuz Lutz (PhD) and Kyra Wilson (BSN) are recipients of Nina Allsbrook Smith Scholarships. Mrs. Smith created this scholarship to alleviate the financial burden associated with education, particularly for support of divorced, widowed, or single women supporting a minor child or children. Born in Barranquilla, Colombia, Ms. Lutz is committed to research aimed to improve the lives of vulnerable populations, specifically Hispanic women who are victims of domestic abuse. Ms. Wilson, current president of the College of Nursing Multicultural Student Nurses Association, has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and participated in student recruitment activities and health fairs. Ms. Wilson was selected for the VALOR Program at the Ralph Johnson Veteran Affairs Medical Center and is a drilling member of the US Army Reserves.

Steven Stewart Scholarship The recipients of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stewart Scholarships are Heidi Alterson, DNP student, and Crystal Graham, PhD student. The Stewarts wanted to support nurses who will be leaders in nursing education,

research, and practice and are working toward their doctoral degree. Prior to pursing her DNP, Ms. Alterson began her nursing career as a certified nursing aid, became an LPN, then received an associate degree, and earned her BSN. Her goal is to provide the best possible care to her patients through advanced practice nursing. Earning an associate degree in nursing, then a BSN, Ms. Graham completed her MSN at MUSC in 2011. She is currently teaching in the nursing program at Francis Marion University in Florence, SC and is the first person in her family to pursue collegiate education.

Elizabeth Stringfellow Scholarship Sheila Mason, Steven Schultz, and Lori Vick have been awarded Elizabeth Stringfellow Scholarships. Mrs. Stringfellow established this scholarship fund in honor of her aunt, Mrs. Marguerite Andell. Mrs. Andell was a College of Nursing graduate (1913), and later became a faculty member. Mrs. Andell began the area’s first midwifery clinic and educated countless nurses. Mrs. Stringfellow shared that “my aunt was always there for anyone who needed her help—it is my way of giving back for her kindness.” Ms. Mason is a DNP student enrolled in the pediatric nurse practitioner track. During 2011 and 2012, she spent three weeks serving the population of Pemba and Northern Mozambique. In 2011, she was invited to join round table meetings at the Ghanaian Embassy regarding health issues in northeast Ghana. She hopes to play a vital role as a leader in global health. Mr. Schultz, ACC BSN student, is a chiropractor and yoga instructor. He volunteers his knowledge and provides lectures to various

classes and labs in the nursing undergraduate curriculum. Ms. Vick, PhD student, lives in Iowa where she teaches nursing at a local community college. Actively involved in her students’ learning, she also is dedicated to their character development and community involvement.

J. William Thurmond Scholarship Wayne Wilkins, DNP student, is the recipient of the Dr. J. William Thurmond Scholarship. The late Senator Strom Thurmond initiated this scholarship in honor of his brother. Mr. Wilkins began the DNP program fall 2013 and is committed to working with patients to achieve a healthier lifestyle. The role of a family nurse practitioner is a departure for Mr. Wilkins, who originally worked in ICU environments.

Lettie Pate Whitehead The Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation is a charity dedicated to the support of women in nine southeastern states. The foundation provides scholarship grants to deserving female nursing students. The following students were selected for a Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship for the fall 2013 semester: Heidi Atkinson, Meghan Behlmer, Deborah Camack, Lisa Carraher, Ellen Cary, Hannah French, Brittany Gaskins, Candace Jaruzel, Felicia Jenkins, Valerie Kneece, Carley Lovell, Erin May, Madison McMackin, Amy Osguthorpe, Michelle Orr, Shanice Strobhart, and Anna Williford.

Jean P. Wilson Scholarship

nutrition from Clemson University. Ms. Felkl hopes that by becoming a family nurse practitioner she will be able to work together with other health care professionals and improve the quality of care provided in South Carolina.

Inaugural Thomas J. Wiscarz Scholarship Jacob Fountain, ACC BSN student, is the first recipient of the Thomas J. Wiscarz Scholarship. Dean Gail Wiscarz Stuart established this scholarship in honor of her brother, Thomas J. Wiscarz. Mr. Wiscarz was a great role model for someone committed to living life, giving to others and cultivating friendships. Passionate for sports, he was the timekeeper for the Chicago Bulls during their decade of greatness. Sadly, colon cancer took his life in 2005. While in treatment he came in constant contact with nurses, and especially bonded with the male nurses who cared for him. This scholarship is a tribute to the generosity of friends and family and allows him to “give back to others” for years to come. Mr. Fountain earned his bachelor’s and master’s degree from The Citadel. He is a member of the South Carolina National Guard, and served in Afghanistan. He was recognized with the Meritorious Service Medal for his outstanding commitment to mission and superb work ethic, sustaining a high level of job performance, and exemplary communication skills and situational awareness. A role model for his peers, he has been active in the Men in Nursing group, and initiated an organization to provide support to veterans’ and their spouses in the College of Nursing.

Lindsey Felkl, DNP student, received the Jean P. Wilson Scholarship. Ms. Felkl, a 2012 summa cum laude graduate of the ACC BSN program, also previously received a degree in

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Higher levels of GIving through

Scholarhips Sunset Rotary Club awards scholarship

The Hilton Head Island Sunset Rotary Club supports various activities of local non-profit organizations, donating all proceeds each year to charity. In 2013, the club donated over $30,000 to local charities and scholarships, and delivered 100 water filters to two small villages in the jungles of Peru. The club is also active in the Gift of Life program and Polio eradication. The 19th Hole project, located behind the 18th green of Harbour Town Golf Links during the RBC Heritage presented by Boeing each April (a PGA Tour golf event), is the club’s primary fund-raiser. On June 10, the club presented a scholarship to ACC BSN student, Stephanie Helwig. “I am so grateful to the Sunset Rotary Club for their support of my pursuit of nursing and their generous scholarship to aid me in this pursuit,” Ms. Helwig says. “The Rotary Club abides by a motto of ‘service over self,’ and I feel it’s a perfect motto as well for those who are passionate about nursing. I hope to pay forward to my patients the service and support that has been bestowed upon me.”

My interest in health care began when I was a child. As the youngest, I was cared for by all five of my older family members. Perhaps in the universe’s manner of paying things forward, it has always seemed secondnature to me to care for the well-being of others in the same way that my siblings and parents cared for me. In high school in Knoxville, TN, I was a member of the National Honor Society, the Honor Committee, the Spanish Club, and I served as an ambassador for prospective students. Extracurricularly, I spent most of my time in the studio arts center and playing tennis. I won several digital media awards, as well as the women’s state championship title as a junior and senior. I graduated summa cum laude and enthusiastically accepted entrance to the University of Chicago for my undergraduate coursework. It was during my time in college that I began to carve my real path into health care. I began volunteering at the Comer Children’s Hospital and worked part-time as a research assistant for the University of Chicago Hospital system. It was in this job and my coursework for my biology degree that I discovered my interest in health care research. When I graduated, I began looking at career opportunities. I recognized that I wasn’t solely interested in providing care to patients, but that I was also interested in investigating ways to improve health care. I moved to Charleston, SC, and accepted a position at the Hollings Cancer Center as a leukemia research coordinator. I learned the ropes of clinical trials and treatment and the clinical care of leukemia patients from around the state and helped in the process of obtaining the National Cancer Institute designation for the cancer center. I went on to coordinate clinical trials for stroke patients at MUSC, and this was where I really found my niche in nursing. I began the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program in January, and I really couldn’t be more pleased and excited for my future in nursing. As president of the Honor Council at MUSC, I strive to always represent the values of MUSC and to foster the development of other future nurses to do the same. I plan to apply immediately following graduation for the Doctor of Nursing Practice program as I would like to begin practice in the field of gerontology. I am also interested in obtaining my PhD so that I can practice in a research-related manner as part of my career in nursing and a lifetime of learning and improvement.



Fall | Winter 2013

Thank you notes

Mr. and Mrs. David Ritter

Kara Edmond

Mr. and Mrs. David Ritter, of St. Petersburg, Florida and Gilbert, South Carolina, endowed the Elsie Morgan Nursing Scholarship in honor of Mr. Ritter’s mother, a 1939 graduate of the MUSC College of Nursing. Following her graduation, Elsie Morgan enlisted in the US Army Air Corps as a surgical nurse. She attained the rank of Captain and traveled extensively throughout the US setting up operating rooms at various military installations. She returned to South Carolina in 1951 and began working at the Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital in Columbia, SC. Her career as a surgical nurse at the VA spanned 25 years where she was considered one of the most professional and caring nurses on staff. Mr. Ritter states, “Elsie Morgan’s life and career were defined by sacrifice and service to her profession. This scholarship represents her legacy and the opportunity for these students to perpetuate these attributes.” The following is a thank you letter from Kara Edmond. Ms. Edmond received the Elsie Morgan Scholarship while completing her ACC BSN degree.

behalf Scholarship. On ng si ur N ed w do and lifee Morgan En er: r this thoughtful pient of your Elsi ci Mr. and Mrs. Ritt fo re de 13 itu 20 at e gr t th es hment of extend my sincer Edmond, and I am uted to the enric to C. rib e ra nt tim Ka co e is ly th e on m ke t na ta no s ses to My ur generosity ha d friends, I’d like is award showca yo Th an e, n. ily rs m tio nu la fa y ed pu m er po f, st of mysel our global d a future regi to provide care to As a student an ed d. ar ar ep aw rses will serve. pr er ng tt gi be an ch become e that we as nu os to e th 2012. l m al ed to w t lo bu al , s uisiana in May ursing Lo N of of y it ge rs lle ve Co my career, but ha ni U SC ish. er MU uated from Xavi biology and Span mitment to the ad m in gr s co or a ho in w an m e th d al e m an or m ican fe in chemistry, r attending old African Amer emistry, honors n. However, afte ch tio in ua ee ad I am a 22-year gr gr de r a te af ith e direct ol rse. I enjoyed th ma cum laude w to medical scho m in nu n e su d th tio te si of ua an le tr ro ad a e gr I ent th on heavily focused career advancem I fell in love with , of as ge w ty lle er rie co re va of ca e ar rg ge la ye My colle the art and g my junior ess, and the required to poss life endeavors to er program durin d as m w m an e su ct rs g lle nu in te e rs in th nu e, s a ng skill cate my tim the critical thinki honored to dedi am I s. al on patient contact, si es of pr d knowledge lable to nursing technical skills an e th g in us e, oralrs possibilities avai intensive care nu to become a doct g. an pe in e rs ho m I nu co y, is el be at at to m th re e lti scienc 13, I desi ill patients. U e less likely n in December 20 esthesiologists ar e lives of critically an th re ve he sa w lp Upon graduatio es he iti to ram committed to rural commun ring the BSN prog nurse, and I am providing care in ed t, er is st et gi th I’ve acquired du re es e an th e acteristics of registered nurs profession. d leadership char an prepared certified y m. m no to t of the nursing au en e th em e nc lu va d rigorous progra va ad an ly e gh ng th hi di h I an ug e. m ro tic th de ac to pr health care celing in this the highest ovision of global inue to achieve focus solely on ex nt to co e m to ed pe w ho lo I enriching the pr , al s ession. ided in particular, ha to enrich my prof award has prov p, y hi us ad rs ro re la ne e ho rs ge sc nu ur ur w yo Yo rden that competent ne nursing f of financial bu d to graduate a my life and my an in e p, hi ad rs m la s ho Through the relie ha sc e emic astounding your benevolenc social and acad mother was an ur r the difference Yo fo . e ily possible level of or m m fa ce ur on ficent award. yo your family ent of this magni onderful gift from pi w ci a re a ch as I thank you and su n ed tio iv rece nce and dedica honored to have legacy of excelle r he education. I am ue in nt co rsing. I hope to contributor to nu n! Thank you agai Most Sincerely, Kara C. Edmond

Fall | Winter 2013



Higher levels of giving through


ur College of Nursing relies on the generosity of the many individuals, foundations and organizations that provide us with philanthropic support. We are pleased to share with you the list of donors from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. We hope that next year we may be able to add your name to the list.


Ms. Gale Messerman The O’Brien Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Michael Pace Mrs. Susan Payne Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Steinberg Dr. Gail Stuart Dr. & Mrs. Morgan Stuart Sunset Rotary Club of Hilton Head

[ $25,000 + ]

[ $500 - $999 ]

Alpha-1 Foundation, Inc. Mr. David R. Clare The Duke Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Carl Falk, Jr. Falk-Griffin Foundation Helene Fuld Health Trust Hill-Rom Company, Inc. Estate of Florence Illing Izant Family Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Trident United Way Verizon Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Elaine Amella Dr. Elizabeth Bear Mr. & Mrs. Philip Peters Mrs. Mary Decker Mr. James Kelechi & Dr. Teresa Kelechi Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schaer Mr. & Mrs. Milan Schuler Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

[ $10,000 - $24,999 ] AT&T, Inc. Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mabe Mr. & Mrs. Eric Peress

[ $1,000 - $9,999 ] Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Aid to Education Mr. Michael Bristow Dr. Laurine Charles Mr. Charles Chitty & Dr. Kay Chitty Dr. David Garr & Dr. Deborah Williamson Knights of Columbus Council 704 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lanier Dr. Stephen McLeod-Bryant 26


Fall | Winter 2013

[ $250 - $499 ] Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brooks Mrs. Beverly Parsons Coons Mr. Kevin Duffy & Dr. Nancy Duffy Mrs. Beth Khan Dr. & Mrs. David McCoy Mrs. Saranel Niver Mr. & Mrs. John Page, Jr. Mrs. Laurie Scott Mrs. Marie Segars Mrs. Yolanda Simmons-Long Mrs. Peggy Sires Mr. Fred Thompson & Dr. Carolyn Thiedke Mr. & Mrs. Laurens Thomas Mr. Derek Toth

[ $100 - $249 ] Ms. Jean Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Andy Allen Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Anders Dr. Jeannette Andrews

Ask the Expert Nurse, Inc. Ms. Winkie Atkinson Col. & Mrs. Harry Atkinson Dr. & Mrs. Randall Baldwin Mrs. Vivian Battat Bechtel Foundation Matching Gifts Program Bechtel Group Foundation Ms. Jennifer L. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Biggs Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Boltin Mrs. Brenda Brunner-Jackson Col. & Mrs. Jack Burwell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Butler, Sr. Dr. Loretta Camarano-Kangas Ms. Holly Carlson Ms. Alex Caton Dr. Theresa Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Richard Ms. Sherwood Coish Dr. Brian Conner Dr. & Mrs. Taylor Cook Mrs. Betty Crowley Mrs. Dorothy Dangerfield Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Davis Major & Mrs. Edward Davis Mr. & Mrs. Allen Decker Mrs. Margie Dick Mr. & Mrs. William Dooley Mr. & Mrs. Heinrick DuBose-Schmitt, Sr. Ms. Annette Evans Ms. Michelle Fennessy Mr. & Mrs. William Forbes Dr. Terri Fowler Mr. & Mrs. John French, III Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Friedner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuller Ms. Jeanine Gage Dr. & Mrs. Charles Garrett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Perry Gervais Mr. & Mrs. Norman Harberger Col. & Mrs. Paul Hass Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Heyse

Ms. Sandra Higelin Mr. & Mrs. Craig Hill Mr. & Mrs. George Hill Ms. Catherine Hudak Dr. & Mrs. Paul Joseph, Jr. Mrs. Carla Kimmel Ms. Sandra Klein Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kline Mrs. Phyllis LaMacchia Ms. Glenda Landingin Mrs. Elizabeth Limbaker Mrs. Laurann Litchfield Mrs. Patti Long Mr. Alan Lopez Ms. Pauline Louthian Mrs. Ada Faustina Mahaffey Ms. Janice McFaddin Dr. & Mrs. David Moon Mrs. Parrotte Mr. & Mrs. James Rhoton Ms. Mary Rinehart Ms. Lori Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rund Mr. Keith Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Schell Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Seal Dr. & Mrs. William Simpson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Smith Dr. & Mrs. Jose Soriano Mrs. Paula Stabenau Mr. Nirav Shah & Mrs. Elaine Stuart-Shah Mrs. Sylvia Sunshine Mrs. Allison Swingle Mrs. Heather Williamson Ms. Margaret Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Billy Lawton Ms. Laura Woyahn

[ $1 - $99 ] Dr. & Mrs. Stuart T. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Alderman Ms. Deborah C. Ammons Mr. & Mrs. S. Jenkins Anderson Ms. Jane G. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Aydlett, Jr. Ms. Paula T. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Bailey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George J. Balabushka Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Barwick Ms. Gwen W. Beall Dr. Randall H. Beckett

Ms. Dene R. Bellamy Mr. & Mrs. Cecil G. Bennett, Jr. Dr. Robin L. Bissinger Dr. & Mrs. Billy R. Blackwell Mr. James Blain & Dr. Sharon Bond Major & Mrs. William C. Boeyen Mr. & Mrs. John R. Boolen Mr. & Mrs. Carlton R. Bourne Ms. Cori M. Bowker Ms. Linda R. Bright Mr. & Mrs. William P. Brockenfelt Dr. & Mrs. Carroll S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Wayne K. Bucholz Mr. & Mrs. John M. Burbage Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Burgess Mr. & Mrs. William B. Burns Ms. Casey L. Candy Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert E. Caroff Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Castengera Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Caulder Mrs. Mary Ann Chitwood Dr. & Mrs. James T. Christmas Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Clark Ms. Ashley V. Clary Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Conley Ms. Janice A. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Carl C. Coon, Jr. Ms. Antonia S. Corrigan Dr. & Mrs. Eric P. Cote’ Mr. & Mrs. Henry O. Counts Dr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Cox, Jr. Mrs. Faye P. Croft The Reverend & Mrs. B.M. Currin Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Dainer Dr. Elizabeth C. Davenport Ms. Martha A. Day Mr. & Mrs. Warner H. DeHart Mr. Thomas Dignam & Ms. Gloria Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Kim Dillow Mr. & Mrs. Sammie H. Dingle Mrs. Emily DeHay Dixon Dr. & Mrs. Lonnie R. Doles Ms. Tracy T. Doran Mrs. Cary P. Dowdy Mr. David Dumas & Dr. Bonnie Dumas Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Dunlap Ms. Margaret L. Dunning Dr. Catherine O. Durham Dr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Edmunds, Jr. Mrs. Miriam V. Eller Mr. & Mrs. Marion S. Ferguson Ms. Elizabeth A. Finch

Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Fink Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Floyd Mrs. Laura B. Fogle Ms. Lauriston M. Fogle Mr. Glenn Foust & Mrs. Betty Jennings Dr. Cassie C. Frazier Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. French Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Furr, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Garner Mrs. Hope C. Gasque Mr. Brandon P. Gates Mr. Christophe Gerth Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Glenn Ms. Jeannette C. Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Joe B. Glover, Jr. Mrs. Alicia P. Grant Ms. Temisha Grayson Ms. Amanda U. Green Ms. Cameo A. Green Mr. & Mrs. Franklin D. Greene Mrs. Jamie G. Greer Captain & Mrs. Richard L. Gregg Mr. & Mrs. Maurice E. Halsey Mrs. Frances J. Hancock Mrs. Kimberly D. Harrelson Mrs. Kimberly Y. Harris-Eaton Ms. Alana N. Harrison Mrs. Dorothy H. Hartley Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hassen Mrs. Gertrude S. Hay Ms. Marcella T. Hickey Ms. Mae L. Hill Mrs. Elizabeth Ann C. Hill Mr. & Mrs. William D. Hilton Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Hinson Dr. & Mrs. Roy E. Hudgens, Jr. Mrs. Miriam M. Hunter Ms. Janice J. Hutson Mr. Michael D. Iorio Mr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. George Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Harry N. Jett, Jr. Ms. Ellen Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Conrad H. Juchartz Mrs. Irene L. Judson-Morris Mr. & Mrs. Kenton L. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin E. Kelly, III Ms. Bridget E. Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Abbie Keyes Mr. & Mrs. Bob C. Kicklighter Dr. & Mrs. Gary C. Kimsey Fall | Winter 2013



Ms. Virginia King Mr. & Mrs. R. Andrew King, Jr. Ms. Ting Ting Hsieh Kinser Mr. & Mrs. Blair A. Knapp Ms. Sheryl A. Knauss Mr. & Mrs. John G. Knox, III Mr. & Mrs. Manfred Kollitz Mr. & Mrs. James L. LaFrage, Jr. Ms. Kathrine L. Lambright Mrs. Lisa M. Langdale Ms. Joan Lapolla Ms. Kristin M. Larson Mrs. Elizabeth L. Lawandales Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Lee Mrs. Ann W. Lee Mr. & Mrs. David G. Lightsey Ms. Ashley I. Long Mrs. Ruth P. Lukoski Ms. Molly M. Lussier Mrs. Nancy S. Lynn Mr. Steven M. Mackin Ms. Mary Lynne Magnus Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Magwood Mr. Robert L. Magwood, Jr. & Dr. Gayenell S. Magwood Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Marks Mr. & Mrs. Ivan J. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Martin Ms. Colleen K. Mayo Ms. Senovia B. Mays Mrs. Pamela L. McAuliffe Mr. & Mrs. Eldon E. McDaniel Ms. Gennifer G. McDermott



Fall | Winter 2013

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. McGuckin, Jr. Mrs. Helen A. McInnis Mr. & Mrs. Gene E. Meyer Ms. Ericka R. Middleton Mr. & Mrs. William C. Moody, Jr. Ms. Janice M. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Moore Mrs. Carol R. Morrissey Mr. & Mrs. Randy Myers Mrs. Sarah W. Newton Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Oliver The P&G Fund of Greater Cincinnati Foundation Dr. & Mrs. R. Dale Padgett Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Padgett Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Park, Sr. Mrs. Rosanne W. Pate Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Perano Ms. Kathleen A. Peterson Piedmont Health Mrs. Martha D. Pike Mrs. Christel G. Platt Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Plavney Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pollack Ms. Kim M. Poulakis Mrs. Cheryl M. Pratt The Procter & Gamble Fund Mr. Stephen E. Proctor Mrs. Betty S. Quiat Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Raines Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Raisig Ms. Jennifer L. Ramsey Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Reed

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Reeves Mr. & Mrs. Devohn D. Rhame Ms. Angela B. Richards Mr. & Mrs. Robert Righter Ms. June Roberts Mr. & Mrs. John S. Rodenberg Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Rushton Ms. JoAnne I. Rutherford Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. Sampson Mr. & Mrs. Randy Sechrest Ms. Amy A. Shore Mr. & Mrs. James R. Shores Lt. & Mrs. Franklin M. Shuler Ms. Florence M. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Clark P. Smith, Jr. Dr. Gerald Smolen & Dr. Dianne Smolen Ms. Susan A. Sparks Mrs. Marie H. Springs Ms. Catherine Coker Stoner Mrs. Jane M. Stretch Dr. Sally D. Stroud Ms. Virginia E. Sullivan Ms. Diane I. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. James T. Taylor, Jr. Ms. Sandra K. Thames Ms. Linda J. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Randy Toler Mrs. Lucy W. Turner Dr. & Mrs. Wiley H. Turner Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Turner, Jr. Ms. Carol A. Tuzo Mr. & Mrs. Rodney N. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Albert D. Tyler Mrs. Carolyn H. Van Cleef Ms. Jennifer N. Walker Ms. Joyce W. Walker Ms. Patricia M. Wark Ms. P. A. Warner Ms. Joycelyn W. Weaver Dr. Frances C. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. West Mrs. Carol A. Whelan Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. White Mr. & Mrs. Joel Whitesell Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Wilkins Mr. Adrian Williams & Dr. Tiffany Williams Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Williams Mrs. Callie H. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Dan Yarborough

Higher levels of giving Why Give People give to the College of Nursing for many reasons. Alumni give to support their alma mater. Grateful patients give to show their appreciation for a nurse who cared for them. Many times, people give to honor the memory of a loved one. But, in the end, the best reason for making a gift to the MUSC College of Nursing is this: Every one of the 4.7 million people now living in South Carolina – and many more outside the state – will one day require the care of a highly skilled nurse. And educating those nurses is what we do best. Where to Give You can designate your gift any way you wish. The College has established more than 70 funds to support a wide range of scholarships, research projects, education programs, campus renovations and other priorities, some of which are highlighted under the “giving” tab at our website Or, if you wish, you may establish a new fund to meet your very specific philanthropic goals. For example, some people choose to set up a scholarship fund to benefit students interested in a specific field of nursing. Or, you can make a gift to our unrestricted fund, which helps the College meet unforeseen needs and opportunities as they emerge. If you are not sure how you would like to designate your gift, please feel free to contact us by phone toll free at (800) 810-6872 or by email at . Benefits of Giving Just one word: IMPACT! Your generosity allows us to provide outstanding community outreach programs, cutting edge research and innovative teaching that will produce highly competent bedside nurses, advanced-practice nurses, nursing faculty and health-policy leaders. How to Give To make an online donation, visit Or you may mail your donation to: MUSC Foundation 18 Bee Street, MSC 450 Charleston, SC 29425 Please make sure to designate your gift for the College of Nursing in the “for” line at the bottom of your check. For more information, please contact Laurie Scott, Director of Development at the MUSC College of Nursing, at: Phone: (843) 792-8421 Toll free: (800) 810-6872 (MUSC) Email:

Fall | Winter 2013



Globalization: Spanning Countries & Culture


lobalization is a strategic priority for MUSC. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni are actively engaged in collaborative global partnerships in the areas of education, public health, clinical care,

and research. Millions of individuals and families around the world live in extreme poverty. These individuals struggle daily to provide food for their families and have little to no access to health care. In the pages that follow, you will read how members of the College of Nursing are donating their time and expertise to lend a helping hand to several such impoverished communities around the world.



Fall | Winter 2013

Nicaragua In March 2013, a group of College of Nursing students were among 28 medical and non-medical volunteers who spent a week in the Chinandega province of Nicaragua treating more than 800 patients in five clinic sites. The nursing students worked in the triage station performing the initial health interview to gather the patient’s chief complaints, assess their vital signs and administer medication for parasites. Zachary Davis Childress, one of our Accelerated BSN students, shares his experience with Lifelines.

The day after arriving in Managua, Nicaragua, our group set out on a three to four hour bus trip to Chinandega, which lies in the northwest corner of the country. We boarded the 1980’s US school bus that had no air conditioning or seat belts and set out on our journey. As we made our way out of the capital, we had our first glimpse of the tin roof structures that people called home. Poverty in Nicaragua is inescapable as it is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere. Just as dramatic as the poverty was the view of the countryside from the bus. Cone shaped volcanoes rose endlessly into the clouds behind fields littered with plastic bags and

other debris. After several hours of bouncing up and down on the innersprings of our hot, sweaty, black vinyl bus seats we made it to our destination in Chinandega. The first day at the clinic was organized chaos. Although we were well prepared about what we would see at the clinic, the shear number of people seeking care was awe inspiring and intimidating at the same time. After an hour or two in triage, I started to feel comfortable with the job at hand. At that moment I recognized that I was fulfilling a life long goal to help underserved populations in developing nations. I was overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment and peace within myself. It felt great to put my years of experience living in a Spanish speaking country and my studies in developmental politics to use in a way that betters the human experience for so many people. I triaged about 40 people that day. This experience quickly built my confidence in taking vital signs and health histories from a variety of patients. Each of the next five days was similar to the last. We started each morning by making the one to two-hour journey on the same 1980’s bus to get to the village that we would be serving that day. Driving to different villages daily ensured that we were able to see a lot of the country. We quickly learned that a moving bus was a

Liberia: Carter Center Program Review

Students traveled to Nicaragua with the Palmetto Medical Initiative.

happy bus, because the wind that rushed through the open windows was the only relief that we got from the 100-degree weather. The pop-up clinics were in buildings that didn’t have much more than a roof and walls. I only remember running water at one of the clinics. Other villages relied on well water for their drinking needs. When the well ran dry, there were no stores within miles where you could buy bottled water. Water insecurity was a major issue in rural Nicaragua and its residents often suffered from chronic dehydration, kidney pain and illness related to an unclean water supply. Since unsafe water is the root cause of many of the health issues that we encountered, it would be beneficial to have a mission trip that focused solely on providing safe drinking water. Other health issues that we assessed included muscle pain related to a strenuous agrarian lifestyle and fungal/parasitic infections related to the heat, humidity and unsanitary conditions. That week we treated over 800 people who would normally not have had access to care. Interacting with the Nicaraguan people was the most rewarding aspect of the trip. We learned so much from the locals that week. From honing our assessment skills to learning medical Spanish, we each gained skills that will be especially valuable in our home state where the Hispanic population is growing and in need of providers who understand their individualized needs. I have already been researching where to go next. I’m not sure if my next medical trip will be to Nicaragua, Vietnam or India. But what I do know is, there will be another.

Left to right: College of Nursing students Kyra Wilson, Zach Childress and Allison Roble enjoy the breeze off the coast of Nicaragua. 32


Fall | Winter 2013

In April, the Carter Center held their Second Annual Mental Health Liberia Program Review. Issues related to Liberian policy, training, outcomes management, stigma reduction, family support, and fundraising were discussed. As part of the meeting, Dean Gail Stuart, PhD, RN, FAAN, presented her ideas on a future Mental Dean Stuart with Mrs. Rosalynn Carter. Health Liberian Leadership Academy to provide for the sustainability of this program. She returned to Liberia in October to continue her work on this important global project.

China In July, Dean Gail Stuart, PhD, RN, FAAN and Robin Bissinger, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC, FAAN, associate dean for academics, traveled to Suqian and Nanjing, China to meet with hospital officials for a series of personal exchanges and discussions about nursing. At Suqian Hospital they were greeted by the hospital’s president, Dr. Qin Wang, and vice president, Mr. Jintian Fan. More than 300 Chinese nurses attended a presentation by Drs. Stuart and Bissinger that included topics such as the changing roles of nurses, advanced nursing careers, and nursing education in the US. Dr. Dehua Zang, director of the nursing department, believes the visit enhanced mutual understanding and friendship, and provided a platform for future exchanges and academic options.

Gail Stuart and Robin Bissinger spent time in both Suqian and Nanjing, meeting with hospital officials, nurses and physicians as they explored aspects of their health care delivery system.

Belize Medical Missions College of Nursing alumnus, Amanda (Geise) Whisnant, CPNP, (MSN ‘05) is the medical director for International Servants, a non-profit mission that provides services to those in need in Belize. Ms. Whisnant’s husband, Paul Whisnant, is founder and CEO of International Servants. Each year Ms. Whisnant leads medical teams to Belize that are comprised of 25 to 30 medical volunteers from the US, ranging from nurses and technicians to physician assistants, nurse practitioners and medical doctors. These teams treat thousands of patients in urban areas and remote jungle villages. Ms. Whisnant reports, “My two years at the College of Nursing were two of the best years of my life. I look back with fond memories, especially when I think of the faculty and their tireless dedication to training their students. They instilled in me the desire to help others less fortunate than myself, and to provide health care for the precious children of the underdeveloped world. It is a joy to do my job as the Belize medical director. Nothing is more rewarding than caring for a needy child who would otherwise receive no medical care. It is my hope that other students and alumni who read this article will be inspired to do the same, to give back, to give freely of their services when they can, to make a difference in this world…one precious life at a time.” To the right is just one of Ms. Whisnant’s amazing stories of how she is using her nursing expertise to help save the lives of the vulnerable population in Belize.

Heilin’s Story A father and mother brought their little girl, Heilin, to the clinic because she had been run over by a car a few months prior and this was her third cast that the Belizean doctors had applied to her arm. The father was concerned about his daughter because her skin was starting to smell and he was worried her skin was becoming infected. Sure enough her skin was infected, borderline gangrene. The wounds were cleaned and she was given some oral antibiotics to help with the skin infection, but her arm was too severely fractured and mangled. She needed a complicated orthopaedic surgery that wasn’t available in Belize. I promised her father that when I returned home I would try to find a way to bring his little girl to the US to get the surgery she needed to save her arm and save her life. I spent months working to arrange for Heilin to be brought to Dallas, TX for the surgery to repair her arm. Heilin’s mom shares, “I was happy, surprised, and absolutely relieved when I got to the US. It’s unbelievable to know that we’re able to come for Heilin to have this surgery. I’m extremely happy and grateful to have this opportunity. We didn’t have the funds in Belize and without International Servants, we would not have received the treatment she needed.” Post surgery, Heilin is doing well. The important part is that doing things like this opens the hearts of the people in that village. When they see Heilin now, they don’t see a little girl, they see a miracle.

Amanda Whisnant (pictured right) with Heilin and her mother.

Fall | Winter 2013



Around the College


Saying GoodBye to Dr. Greenberg

After more than 13 years as president of MUSC, Raymond S. Greenberg, MD, PhD, stepped down at the end of August to become executive vice chancellor for health affairs at The University of Texas System. While a national search is underway to find his replacement, the MUSC Board of Trustees unanimously appointed Mark S. Sothmann, PhD to serve as the interim president. During his tenure at the helm of MUSC, Dr. Greenberg was instrumental in the growth and expansion of the university and medical center, increased research funding, established community partnerships that medically provide help to underserved populations, developed statewide partnerships with other universities, hospitals and businesses to improve the health of South Carolina residents and numerous other efforts. “Dr. Greenberg was a particularly strong advocate for our Governor Nikki Haley declared August 9th Ray Greenberg Day. College of Nursing,” Dean Gail Stuart noted. “He opened the doors for us to innovate in our teaching technologies, expand our programs of study and fuel our research initiatives. Most importantly his vision for the future provided the stimulus for the renovation of our building that is currently underway. I speak for all of our faculty and staff in saying that he will be missed greatly but we wish him great success in his new role.”


two Faculty join Elite Jonas Nurse Leaders

The Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence selected the College of Nursing to participate in the 2013-2015 Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholar Program by awarding a $20,000 grant to support two DNP scholars. The Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholar Program was created in 2008 to support the educational development of new nursing faculty and stimulate models for joint faculty appointments between schools of nursing and clinical affiliates. The grants, made through institutional awards, also prepare Cormack doctoral candidates to help students address the needs of future patients—from dealing with comorbidities and chronic illnesses to providing culturally competent care. Carrie Cormack, MSN, APRN, CPNP-BC and Amy Williams, MSN, APRN, CPNP-PC, both DNP students and CON instructors, were selected as the College of Nursing’s Jonas Scholars. Williams The Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholars at Medical University of South Carolina is made possible by a grant from the Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence funded by the Jonas Family Fund. 34


Fall | Winter 2013


Nursing Academy

VANA COLLABORATION EXTENDED The Veterans Affairs Nursing Academy (VANA) was established in 2007 as a fiveyear pilot program to facilitate stronger and mutually beneficial partnerships between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the College of Nursing. VANA incentivized the development of new models of academic partnerships based on strong and trusting relationships, shared faculty and trainees, innovation in education and patient care, and an emphasis on scholarship and inquiry. Financial support from the VA central office ended August 31, 2013, necessitating a transition to local sustainment of the partnership that has been extended for three years.


MUSC internship makes students think like entrepreneurs

Sachin Patel, MSc, asked his eight students a question at the end of their programming internship: “Who was your best friend?” Without pausing or cracking a smile, they replied in unison: “Google.” For two months the students in the MUSC Patel Medical Apps Internship program at the College of Nursing learned how to develop and market mobile phone applications that would help doctors and patients manage their health care. They transformed from high school and college students to CEOs, chief financial officers and company presidents. They developed mobile phone apps based on ideas conceived by MUSC researchers: one for young women to track their workouts, another app that reminds patients to take their medication and a third that tracks a patient’s medical history and delivers the information to physicians. Jennifer Jackson came to the program with experience. She sits at the top of her class at Voorhees College and already owns a recording studio. “I was pretty confident coming in here, but when Sachin told us what to do the first day, I was like, ‘Oh my gosh,’” Jackson said. “He threw us to the wolves, but I appreciate it and now have a better understanding of the direction I want to go.” Mr. Patel is the director of systems architecture of the Technology Applications Center for Healthful Lifestyles (TACHL), an MUSC program that uses technology to improve health care, and director of technology in the College of Nursing. He spent an hour each day with the students, many of whom never had worked a nine to five shift before this program. Mr. Patel said he gave them just enough knowledge to get to the next steps—if they used Google and YouTube tutorials to help along the way. “Everyone’s getting on Sachin,” said Christian White, a 16-year-old rising senior at the Governor’s School. “But, for real, he’s a pretty dope guy.” “I guess that’s good,” Mr. Patel said. Gifts from corporate and individual donors, including AT&T, helped make the program possible. Pamela Lackey, AT&T’s president for South Carolina, encouraged the students to stay in touch as they head to the working world. “This kind of program represents the type of transformation that we need in the public education system in South Carolina,” Ms. Lackey said. “That is, students are solving realworld problems.” Adaya Sturkey, a rising senior at the South Carolina Gov-

Instructor Sachin Patel (center) works with Joshua Goodwin and Michelle Frasier in the MUSC Summer Entrepreneurial and Medical Apps Internship Program.

Former MUSC President Ray Greenberg joins sponsors from AT&T, internship instructors Sachin Patel and Tom Finnegan and graduates of the first MUSC Summer Entrepreneurial and Medical Apps Internship Program.

ernor’s School, served as CEO on her project, the medical history tracker, after realizing that she struggled with the programming side of the job. “The biggest thing I took away was that if you don’t know how to do something, hire someone who does,” Ms. Sturkey said. “That was really hard for me, because I like being the smartest person in the room. But I think I speak for everyone when I say that we’re taking home friendships as well.” The internship program grew from collaboration between former MUSC President Ray Greenberg, MD, PhD and Governor’s School President Murray Brockman, PhD. “We wanted to promote more minorities going into tech fields,” Dr. Greenberg said. “Charleston could become a national, if not international center for students to develop their own companies.” Drs. Greenberg and Brockman left the eight selected students in the care of Mr. Patel and Tom Finnegan, a biotechnology entrepreneur and investor who leads MUSC’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Mr. Finnegan said several students barely spoke for the first few weeks but “left thinking like business people,” with an understanding of leadership, marketing and competition research. Looking to the group at a graduation reception, he reminded them of another lesson. “When you’re successful, you do what?” Mr. Finnegan asked. In unison, they responded: “You give back.” Fall | Winter 2013



Around the College


Nurse leaders share expertise

The College of Nursing continues to offer faculty and students the opportunity to interact with national nursing leaders on a one-on-one basis. During PhD Residency Week, held in July, the College welcomed Beth Collins Sharp, PhD, RN, senior advisor for Women’s Health and Gender Research, and senior advisor for Nursing at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). In both roles, she works with intramural activities, contributing to standing and peer review committees and engaging stakeholder groups. She holds a strong identity as a nurse but is a true believer in multidisciplinary teams. Below is an interview with Dr. Collins Sharp in which she discusses the changing role of nurses that is excerpted from the AHRQ publication, Research Activities.

The Changing Role of Nurses > What role do you see nurses playing in health care research? Nurses affect so many aspects of health care in addition to direct clinical care—quality measurement, data collection for clinical trials, insurance coverage review, health and insurance hot lines, patient education classes, and many others. In many of these roles, we hold certification or additional training. > Why are nurse researchers so critical in developing health services research? We bring an on-the-ground perspective—a reality check—to studies. Ideally, nurses are involved from the beginning as questions are developed through to the end when the research gets put into practice. We’re often the clinicians collecting data and documenting care or implementing the intervention. We can identify problems during pilot studies or run-in periods in the research protocols. After all, we are experienced with clinical protocols. And, of course, when the study is complete, we’re often doing much of the patient education. > As the health care system undergoes transformation, how will the role of the nurses change? As the number of advanced practice and doctorally-prepared nurses grows, the interest in designing studies and being principal investigators grows. Nursing research used to focus mostly on nursing education studies and then on psychosocial questions. So there’s a lot of methodological expertise in qualitative methods and evaluation. I see nurses having an increasing presence on multidisciplinary teams in co-investigator and principal investigator roles. But probably the biggest stimulus of transformation is the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) 2011 report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. > What’s changed since the IOM report on the future of nursing was published? Donna Shalala (former secretary of HHS and current president of the University of Miami) said, “The report is really about the future of health care in our country. It points out that nurses are going to have a critical role in that future, especially in producing safe, quality care and coverage for all patients in our health care system.”



Fall | Winter 2013

The report resonated with several sections of the health care industry and they recognize that the report is actionable. The RWJ Foundation and AARP collaborated to create an initiative called the Future of Nursing Campaign for Action. So far, over 80 organizations have become involved in this initiative. Another change has been the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). There are provisions that speak about both registered nurses and nurse practitioners. > Do you think the Affordable Care Act will help advance nursing practice? Calling out nurse practitioners in legislation helps the health care industry take note and look at policies that incorporate advanced nursing practice. > How are the views of nurses reflected in the work at AHRQ? I’ve always loved that AHRQ has a multidisciplinary atmosphere where teamwork is more than talk. It’s real. When I think about AHRQ’s portfolios, they reflect important areas of transformation and there’s a place for nursing in all of them. > What are your goals for integrating nurses’ expertise at AHRQ? As senior advisor for nursing, I look for intersections with AHRQ where the nursing perspective can be helpful and areas to promote AHRQ to nursing stakeholders. I have two big goals. One is to have nurses on every technical expert and peer review panel and similar groups where the business of that group involves nursing stakeholders. Second I want to promote the use of AHRQ products by nurses. Nurses are not only the largest segment of health services, we are integrated throughout the system, most especially with patients. Our unique perspective can have real impact. I don’t think we have consistently engaged the nursing perspective or leveraged the opportunities that are available by partnering with nurse stakeholders. Citation: The changing role of nurses: Research Activities, December 2012, No. 388. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. ities/12dec/1212RA1.html


Professorship series brings nurse researcher

For the third annual Janelle Othersen Visiting Professorship on July 24, 2013, the College of Nursing welcomed Donna K. Hathaway, PhD, FAAN. Dr. Hathaway is a university distinguished professor in the Department of Advanced Practice and Doctoral Studies at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center. During her visit, Dr. Hathaway presented, “Pinnacles, pitfalls and lessons learned from a research career,” to College of Nursing research faculty. She concluded the day by giving a campus-wide presentation titled, “Finding your way in a changing health care environment.” Dr. Hathaway has held a variety of clinical positions working primarily in post surgical units and has taught in all levels of nursing schools. Her research, which examines quality of life and biobehavioral outcomes following organ transplantation, has been funded since the late 1980’s and is widely published in professional journals. As part of this program of research, Dr. Hathaway has been the sponsor of several K-awards and minority supplements. In addition, she has mentored numerous pre- and post-doctoral nurses, as well as preand post-doctoral transplant research fellows. Dr. Hathaway is well-known for

Left to right: Dr. Donna Hathaway, Mrs. Janelle Othersen, Dr. H. Biemann Othersen and Dean Gail Stuart.

her leadership and advocacy in creating innovational nursing education programs, building interprofessional experiences for students and faculty, and incorporating principles of quality improvement and patient safety in health professions education.



In May 2013, Charleston was chosen as one of 19 nationally funded Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Centers of Innovation (COIN). The VHA initiated the COIN program to promote innovative research, facilitate partnerships and collaboration across disciplines, and increase the impact of health services research on the health and health care of veterans. Charleston’s COIN is the Health Equity and Rural Outreach Innovation Center (HEROIC). HEROIC’s mission is to improve access and equity in health care for all Veterans by eliminating geographic, racial/ ethnic, and gender-based disparities. HEROIC focuses on three areas of research: health equity, access to Pope care, and rural health. An important role of the COIN initiative is to facilitate productive partnerships between researchers and those who implement valid findings. Toward this end, HEROIC has sought out a diverse team of partners to help test and disseminate interventions, improve methodologies for analyzing health equity data, develop an equity report card using VHA administrative data, and refine metrics for measuring access to care. The College of Nursing is among the HEROIC’s partners. Charlene Pope, PhD, MPH, CNM, FAAN, associate professor and chief nurse for research at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, leads the Implementation/Partner Research Core in the new COIN. She relates, “HEROIC’s talented and multidisciplinary team of health services researchers are positioned well to advance knowledge and dissemination of interventions that reduce disparities and have tremendous impact on the quality of health care available to veterans nationwide.” She further explains, “The greatest asset of our current program is our dynamic group of interdisciplinary researchers dedicated to eliminating disparities. We expect to continue facilitating a collaborative, multidisciplinary research environment where different views and perspectives bring balance and insight to our research. As such, we welcome new opportunities for collaboration with nurse researchers interested in improving the access and equity of health care for all veterans.”

Fall | Winter 2013



Around the College


Embracing Diversity

NCIN grantees leading cultural shifts* Increasing diversity is a major goal of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing (RWJF NCIN) program and one of the key strategies to eliminate health disparities. A 2012 evaluation conducted by Educational Testing Service (ETS) to assess the impact of the RWJF NCIN scholarships revealed noteworthy trends in cultural change at grantee institutions. According to the ETS report, “increased diversity was the most commonly-cited change in culture and impact of the RWJF scholarship program.” Colleges and schools of nursing reported that after receiving NCIN grants and support, not only were they recruiting and enrolling more students from groups traditionally underrepresented in nursing (including men), but had also made changes that contributed to more inclusive learning environments for individuals from those groups. Twenty-eight percent of South Carolina’s population is African-American, (the largest minority group in the state) but only 11 percent of the state’s registered nurse workforce is African-American. Latinos comprise five percent of the state’s population but less than one percent of the registered nurse workforce. In response to these statistics, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), a five-time NCIN grantee, developed a unique recruiting plan to work toward having their nursing student population reflect the state’s demographics. Nancy Duffy, DNP, RN, CEN, CNE, former MUSC director of undergraduate programs and NCIN program liaison, and her colleagues asked scholars to reach out to their communities and identify individuals interested in careers in health care and invite them to the college to visit the nursing school facilities. Inviting interested potential students to spend a day visiting simulation labs and learning about the nursing profession has helped MUSC recruit more diverse scholars in the last year. “Scholars are just reaching into their community to do this. I can’t do this all alone and so far students have embraced the idea and identified potential applicants for us,” said Duffy. “We have dramatically changed our plan in how we approach diversity,” Duffy said. “Diversity has taken a strategic front and center focus in our college. We realized that several concepts were present in all programs but a unified, integrated approach was necessary. We revised the philosophy and mission to emphasize health equity and cultural effectiveness as the underpinnings for each program of study. We are now enhancing courses across the college to strengthen cohesiveness and attention to these concepts.” 38


Fall | Winter 2013

It is this understanding of the importance of cultural competence and promoting equity that will lead to significant culture change and increase recruitment and retention of diverse students.

* Reprinted from the Robert Wood Johnson New Careers in Nursing newsletter, Fast Track, July 2013.

MUSC College of Nursing Diversity Statement

The College of Nursing is committed to embracing and drawing from the unique voices, experiences, and perspectives of our students, faculty, staff, and volunteers in all that we do. Our commitment to diversity, health equity and inclusion informs and empowers us to reflect and effectively serve all of our constituents.

“I had a great day on the Men in Nursing Habitat for Humanities build. I left the Habitat build inspired to continue to give back to the community by volunteering time and energy to those who need it most. I hope this is a tradition we as an organization can continue.”

Left to right: Michael Occhipinti; Matthew Couture; Adam Miller; Roberts Taylor; Matthew Bogart; Stephen Morris; Brian Conner, assistant professor; Kevin McCarthy; and Berry Anderson, assistant professor.

- Michael Occhipinti, Accelerated BSN student

Male nurses group organizes, gives back to community According to the US Census Bureau the number of male nurses has more than tripled since the 1970s from about 2.7 percent of registered nurses to 9.6 percent in 2011. Currently, about 12 percent of College of Nursing students are male. This summer, the College increased the number of male tenure track faculty to five with the addtion of Kahlil Demonbreun, DNP, RNC-OB, WHNP-BC, ANP-BC. Last year, faculty members Berry Anderson, PhD, RN and Brian Conner PhD, RN, CNE became the inaugural president and vice-president of a newly established MUSC group called Men in Nursing. They established this group in an effort to facilitate professional growth in practice and education, and to support and inform the community. The local Men in Nursing group is modeled after the American Assembly for Men in Nursing with hopes of joining the national organization in the near future. Currently the local group has 55 members including faculty, staff and students at MUSC. Social events and group participation in community projects are planned throughout the year. “The young students have such a positive opinion of nursing and men as nurses. I was so happy to see this in the next generation,” said Dr. Anderson. In early May, Drs. Anderson and Conner joined students, Matt Bogart, Matt Couture, Kevin McCarthy, Adam Miller, Matt Morris, Michael Occhipinti, and Taylor Roberts to contribute their talents to building a home in North Charleston for Habitat for Humanity. The Men in Nursing group meets every month on campus with evening social events at local restaurants planned every three months. To join the local Men in Nursing group, contact Dr. Berry Anderson at

Cultural competence workshop

Left to right: Tiffany Williams, Marianne Jeffreys and Gail Stuart.

On April 29, cultural competence expert Marianne R. Jeffreys, EdD, RN, facilitated a workshop titled, “Enhancing cultural competence education throughout the curriculum,” for College of Nursing faculty with the goal of developing skills to identify and implement cultural competence content in course objectives, course content, learning activities, and learning outcomes. Workshop coordinator and College of Nursing instructor, Tiffany Williams, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, was impressed with Dr. Jeffreys’ tool set and exercise strategies for integrating cultural competency into the nursing curriculum. “The small group sessions forced me to think deeper about purposeful ways to incorporate cultural competence in my nursing courses,” Dr. Williams said. Dr. Jeffreys’ grant-funded research, consultations, publications, and professional presentations encompass the topics of cultural competence, nontraditional students, student retention and achievement, self-efficacy, teaching, curriculum and psychometrics.

Fall | Winter 2013



Around the College


Teen Health Leaders Set Example for Classmates, community

By Allyson Bird, Office of Development and Alumni Affairs

Eleven high school juniors and seniors from Johns Island gathered in the lobby of the MUSC Health Care Simulation Lab, where Shannon Bright Smith, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, CGRN, asked what they wanted to do as adults. Without pausing, they answered: An engineer for Boeing. An obstetrician. A cosmetic chemist. Dr. Smith, instructor in the College of Nursing, grew up in rural Walterboro, one of 13 children, and put herself through nursing school and onto her doctoral degree while working. “You can do and be anything you want,” she told the students. Smith encouraged them to call her if they needed help along their own academic journeys. Senior Savaisha Boykin shook her head. “That’s the best speech I’ve ever heard!” Velvett Simmons had more practical concerns: “Do you get to wear scrubs?” she asked. The girls and their classmates belong to the MUSC Teen Health Leadership program at St. John’s High School, a group that launched five years ago in a partnership between the MUSC College of Nursing, the MUSC Medical Library, St. John’s and Communities in Schools. The program, which grew from the College of Nursing’s Hispanic Health Initiative, aims to increase health literacy and leadership and to promote health careers among minority students. The students’ success in this program correlates with the rest of their lives, according to their counselor, Derek Toth. Each student in the Teen Health Leadership is a stand-out athlete and a dedicated volunteer. “The only students at St. John’s who have been accepted to college so far are in this group,” Mr. Toth said. Deborah Williamson, DHA, MSN, RN, associate dean for practice in the College of Nursing, said that only one student in the Teen Health Leadership program in the past five years did not attend college after graduation. She recently received an email from one graduate now studying in Paris. Dr. Williamson said students hold the key to healthier families simply by knowing how to navigate the resources available to them. “In those families, it is the teen who understands the internet,” Dr. Williamson said. The students choose an outreach project each year to present in their community and deliver just outside of Washington at the National Library of Medicine, which provides $60,000 each year for the program. The group meets every Wednesday after school to work on a brochure



Fall | Winter 2013

Students from the Teen Health Leadership Program observe in the Simulation Lab.

and a video in preparation for that presentation. This year they tossed around three ideas: West Nile virus, self-esteem and autism. They chose autism, a topic that directly affects students in their school, even though their classmates know little about it. Lidia Ojeda, a junior, joined the Teen Health Leadership program last year with low expectations. “I thought it was going to be a not very fun thing,” she said. “But when I came to the meeting, it was really fun. We get to do a lot of work in teams.” When the students toured the simulation lab, they observed a model operating room and a mannequin with eyes that open and shut and pupils that dilate. They learned how to properly take his pulse. But their work in the Teen Health Leadership program moves beyond the clinic and into the community. They share their research at local libraries, health clinics and sporting events. When they meet someone, they shake hands with a confident grip. When addressing strangers, they make eye contact and speak with authority. They intend to succeed, and they also plan to bring home the benefits of their education. Seniors Ashley Freeman and LaTarsha Green, brought a similar health leadership program to younger students at nearby Haut Gap Middle School, not only to educate them, but “to make the transition from middle to high school easier,” Ms. Green said. Ms. Freeman said last year, when the group researched cancer, she encouraged her own father to get regular prostate screenings. “It has helped me when people say they’re having problems with health,” she said. “I can refer them to a place.”

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Changing What’s Possible in Nursing Education

For more information on giving to the MUSC College of Nursing, visit or call Laurie Scott at (843) 792-8421.

Focus on Faculty


Faculty awards & Recognition

Smith receives Outstanding Clinician Award Epilepsy can strike at any age, but it is the very young and the very old who are the most vulnerable. For the stricken children, Georgette “Gigi” Smith, PhD, APRN, CPNP-PC, associate professor and director of graduate programs, is their champion. Dr. Smith has devoted more than two-thirds of her 28 years as a professional to children with epilepsy and their parents at MUSC. Her care extends beyond the clinic and hospital settings into the community in a tireless effort to ensure quality of life and best outcomes for her patients. Together with a pediatrician specializing in developmental disabilities, they developed a neurobehavioral clinic to see children with autism, behavioral disorders and epilepsy, which has been favorably received by caregivers. She also has been involved in the establishment of MUSC’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, which the National Association of Epilepsy Centers has designated as a Level 4 facility, the highest classification possible. She is a role model for clinicians, possessing the expertise and compassion that sets her apart from others. Beyond those admirable qualities, however, she is a staunch advocate for her patients and their families. She closely follows her patients over the years, working with families through changes in treatment, accessing educational and medical resources, and comforting caregivers if events take a tragic turn. “It is this devotion that truly epitomizes her unparalleled clinical excellence,” says one colleague. Dr. Smith’s commitment to her profession and to her patients has not gone unnoticed. She has earned a nationwide reputation as an expert clinician in pediatric epilepsy. She has assisted in developing the non-profit South Carolina Advocates for Epilepsy that provides education, support and leisure activities for families living with epilepsy. In addition she was appointed to serve on the South Carolina Study Committee to Develop a Statewide Comprehensive Service Delivery System for Persons with Epilepsy. She continues to advocate for quality of life for persons living with epilepsy and their families through her advocacy and education work in the state with lay organizations, professional organizations and schools. Due to her clinical expertise, she has been appointed to various professional committees in the American Epilepsy Society, including the Professionals in Epilepsy Care Committee, Education Council, and Nursing Research Special Interest Group. Dr. Smith constantly goes above and beyond her professional obligations in order for her patients and their families to have a rewarding life. She truly is their champion, and in recognition of her efforts, MUSC Foundation presented her the award for Outstanding Clinician during fall Faculty Convocation ceremonies.



Fall | Winter 2013

Cormack receives Teaching Excellence Award for Developing Teacher On the academic side, Carrie Cormack, MSN, RN, CPNP, is both a teacher and a student. She is an instructor in the College of Nursing while also pursuing her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Professionally, she is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner at Pattison’s Academy for Comprehensive Education, a local charter school for children with multiple disabilities. Most importantly, however, she is a mother with small children. Any one of these pursuits would be challenging, but together they are indeed daunting. Yet, succeed she does. Teresa Kelechi, PhD, GCNS-BC, CWCN, FAAN, professor and department chair, states, “She is very skilled at fusing the academic side of learning with the art of nursing, especially the art of caring for children with severe and multiple disabilities.” Ms. Cormack also is skilled at combining a student’s role with that of a teacher, Dr. Kelechi adds, “allowing her to experience the life of a student and having an appreciation for what the student goes through.” As a result, current and former students offer praise for her enthusiasm, unwavering support and genuine interest in helping them succeed. That same level of dedication carries over to her duties at Pattison’s Academy, where she leads in-service sessions for the faculty on how to care for the children in their care. “There is not a person who works harder or is as dedicated as Carrie Cormack,” states Stevie Ward, a teacher at the school. “She has devoted her life to helping educate and assist others.” Ms. Cormack continually demonstrates a desire to improve not only her own life, but the lives of others. For her many contributions, the MUSC Foundation presented her with the Teaching Excellence Award for Developing Teacher during fall Faculty Convocation ceremonies.

Williams attends prestigious development programs Tiffany Williams, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, instructor, continued to hone her skills this summer. In June, she participated in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s New Connections Seventh Annual Symposium that was held in Princeton, NJ. The symposium was designed to increase the visibility and enhance the skill sets of New Connections grantees and potential applicants who are early to midcareer researchers from historically underrepresented groups. After a brief visit home, Dr. Williams traveled to Brooklyn, NY for the NIH funded PRIDE Summer Institute at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in July. PRIDE’s aim is to broaden the demographic profile of cardiovascular health disparities research by training junior scientists from underrepresented minority backgrounds and those with disabilities.

Duffy departs, Conner appointed undergraduate program director After nine years as director of the undergraduate program, Nancy Duffy, DNP, RN, CEN, CNE said farewell on September 30 to relocate to North Carolina where she will open a new nursing program. Upon her departure, Brian Conner, PhD, RN, CNE, assumed the role of director of the undergraduate program. Over the span of his nursing career, Dr. Conner has served in a number of leadership and management positions including director of critical care, nursing supervisor, administrator of a multi-physician pediatric practice, director of quality improvement and community outreach, and nursing consultant. He received a PhD in Nursing from MUSC, a Masters in Nursing with a specialty in health care education and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Phoenix.

Magwood attends genetics institute Gayenell Magwood, PhD, RN, associate professor, attended the highly competitive and prestigious Summer Genetics Institute (SGI) at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD held in June. Sponsored by the National Institute of Nursing Research, the one-month intensive research training program provides participants with a foundation in molecular genetics appropriate for use in research and clinical practice. The program increases the research capability among graduate students and faculty and develops and expands clinical practice in genetics among clinicians. Administered by the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences as one of its Specialty Bio-Trac programs, the SGI features lectures and hands-on laboratory training.

Bond inducted as ACNM Fellow Sharon M. Bond, PhD, CNM, FACNM, associate professor, was inducted as a Fellow in the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) during the association’s 58th annual meeting that was held this summer in Nashville, TN. A limited number of midwives are selected for this highly coveted distinction each year. Fellowship in the American College of NurseMidwives (FACNM) is an honor bestowed upon those midwives whose demonstrated leadership, clinical excellence, outstanding scholarship, and professional achievement have merited special recognition both within and outside the midwifery profession. The ACNM Fellowship program was established in 1994 and there Sharon Bond (pictured left) have been 204 ACNM members was inducted as a fellow into the ACNM in June 2013. thus far inducted. Fall | Winter 2013



Focus on Faculty


New Faculty

Teresa W. Atz, MSN, RN joined the College of Nursing as an assistant professor. Ms. Atz began her career at MUSC as a research nurse for pediatric cardiology at MUSC Children’s Hospital working with the National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Pediatric Heart Network. Her research interest focuses on parents of pediatric research participants, specifically their transition experiences after the conclusion of their child’s clinical trial. Ms. Atz received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Salem State College and a Master of Science in Nursing with a specialty in nursing education from MUSC where she is currently a PhD candidate. Kathleen Cartmell, PhD was appointed assistant professor and a junior research scientist in the College. She has expertise in mixed methods research, public health intervention strategies and cancer survivorship. Her primary research interests are to identify optimal strategies for the implementation and dissemination of effective public health interventions and to develop and test interventions to enhance the delivery of patient-centered cancer care. She is currently the principle investigator on a statewide project funded by the South Carolina Cancer Alliance to disseminate patient-centered standards of cancer care. She received her undergraduate degree from the College of Charleston, a master’s degree in public health from the Emory University Rollins School of Public Health and a PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences from the MUSC College of Health Professions. The College welcomed Kahlil Demonbreun, DNP, RNC-OB, WHNPBC, ANP-BC, as an instructor and women’s health nurse practitioner. He earned his bachelors degree, as well as a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of South Carolina. In 2012, he received a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from MUSC. Dr. Demonbreun holds board certifications as a women’s health nurse practitioner, an adult nurse practitioner, and an inpatient obstetric nurse. Active on both a state and national level, Dr. Demonbreun serves on the American Association of Nurse Practitioners State Advisory Sub Policy Committee, the South Carolina Board of Nursing’s Advanced Practice Committee, the South Carolina Nurses Associations Advanced Practice Registered Nurse chapter, 44


Fall | Winter 2013

and is an item writer for the Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner national certification exam with the National Certification Corporation. His clinical practice includes primary care, obstetric, gynecologic, and prenatal care of women across the lifespan. Dr. Demonbreun is dedicated to clinical education and received the 2013 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Preceptor of the Year. Elizabeth Harmon, DNP, RN, CCRN, joined the faculty as an instructor in the DNP program. An American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) certified family nurse practitioner, Dr. Harmon’s interests include adherence issues and primary care. During her master’s program she was awarded a Rural Health Fellowship and she continues to work with rural and underserved populations. She maintains a clinical practice at Palmetto Primary Care. Dr. Harmon earned a Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and both a Master of Science in Nursing and a Doctor of Nursing Practice from MUSC. Shannon Hudson, PhD, RN, CCRN was appointed as an instructor and a junior research scientist. In addition to her role in the College, Dr. Hudson has received funding to work with the Care Coordination Institute where she is being trained in Healthcare Lean Six Sigma and has achieved her Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. She is certified as a pediatric critical care nurse through the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. She received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of North Florida and a PhD in Nursing from MUSC. Dr. Hudson’s research interests center on the care of children with medical complexity and in rural disparities in access to care among children with medical complexity. Whitney Smith, MSN, APRN, ANP-C joined the faculty as an instructor in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in biology from the University of South Florida, and a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Nursing from MUSC. She is certified by ANCC as an adult nurse practitioner, and has experience in geriatric medicine, primary care, and women’s health. Her interests include chronic illness management, age related illnesses, and wellness promotion.


REFLECTIONS ON A REWARDING CAREER After 35 years of training the next generation of nurses, Peggy Spain, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC retired from her faculty role in August. During her tenure in the College of Nursing she witnessed many changes. She recounted some of those changes and shared her fondest memories with Lifelines.

What are some of the transitions you’ve witnessed in the programs and students in the College of Nursing? I came to the College of Nursing in January 1978 and taught in the Fundamentals of Nursing Department, teaching the initial nursing courses for the sophomore nursing students in our baccalaureate program. At that time, BSN students entered as freshman, living at the Alumni House, taking their first year’s classes at the College of Charleston and starting their clinical courses sophomore year. There were very few married or male students. By the early 1980s, we transitioned to a sophomore entry with students taking their final three years of coursework here. Over the next decade, this would change again when students completed all of their basic and social sciences at another college, then entered our program as juniors to earn their nursing degree. Demographics also changed with students entering the program often older with more married and male students. Students lived off-campus as student housing was no longer available. Finally, this program evolved into the current accelerated curriculum.

What are some of your fondest memories? My fondest memories have been the rich relationships that I have developed with colleagues and students over the years. I often celebrate birthdays and special events with my original fundamental colleagues. We have given countless bridal and baby showers for our children and ourselves. My fondest practice memories include an interdisciplinary practice in an elderly apartment building from 1998 to 2002, and my many years at MUSC Employee Health Services. Both sites provided wonderful opportunities for NP student learning and interprofessional collaboration. I feel honored to have spent my life teaching students of all levels about my passion. I have been blessed to see my many students and my children achieve their professional goals. Some of my former students are now taking over the leadership of the DNP courses and I believe this program will continue to grow in strength under the direction of these very experienced and talented Nurse Practitioners. Wherever I travel in the Carolinas and to conferences, I frequently encounter my former students and I am proud of their many professional accomplishments. What are your plans for retirement? I am looking forward to spending more time with my grandchildren and other family members. I will stay active in nursing practice, but on a less demanding scale. My husband and I are anticipating more travel and leisure time. We will begin with a late September trip to Hawaii and a stop in the Grand Canyon on our way back East. And perhaps, another trip to Spain may be in our future plans as well.

How did your role change over the years? In the mid 1990s, I joined other faculty to “retool” as we called it and entered the Family Nurse Practitioner Program. During that time, I completed my clinical hours in a rural setting, commuting several hours each way. This experience helped me appreciate the importance of this role for primary health care in South Carolina and allowed me to expand my nursing practice in a more independent way. Later, I served as faculty in the Family Nurse Practitioner Track. Peggy (left) and Ann Hollerbach taught a fundementals of nursing class in the late 1970s.

Peggy looks forward to spending time with her family.

Left to right: Faculty members Barbara Edlund, Peggy Spain and Ann Hollerbach.

Fall | Winter 2013



Student Spotlight


Student accolades

Raynor selected for minority fellowship The National Advisory Committee of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) with the American Nurses Association (ANA) appointed Phyllis Raynor, PhD student, to this fellowship for the 20132014 academic year. The purpose of the Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) is to reduce health disparities and improve health care outcomes of racially and ethnically diverse populations by increasing the number of culturally competent behavioral health professionals available to underserved populations in the public and private nonprofit sectors. The MFP closely aligns with the Affordable Care Act and SAMHSA’s Eight Strategic Initiatives by addressing the current and projected behavioral health workforce shortages and the need to train providers on recovery-based practices. About 120 MFP Fellows are trained in an average year. Ms. Raynor is actively working towards becoming a public health nurse scientist focusing on research, prevention, public advocacy, and health promotion initiatives for low-income minority families affected by substance use disorders (SUD). She is concurrently pursuing both her PhD in Nursing, and advanced practice certification as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner at Vanderbilt University. Her dissertation research is focused on the development of self-care interventions for parents recovering from SUD with a goal of improving their long-term recovery outcomes and the health outcomes of their children. As a former state level nurse consultant partnering with school nurses in all school districts in South Carolina, Ms. Raynor was part of a school nurse leadership team that addressed alcohol and drug misuse in schools. She also witnessed the devastating effects of addiction for nurses involved in substance misuse situations while serving as a practice consultant for the South Carolina Board of Nursing. She explains, “One of the top violations against the Nurse Practice Act involves narcotics misuse.” In addition to these professional roles, Ms. Raynor has volunteered as a recovery support advocate, nurse educator, and health consultant for over 13 years in a faith-based community support program collaborating with various community and faith leaders to assist recovering adults (many of whom are parents) affected by SUD. She is a current member of the Board of Advisors for three residential faith-based recovery support community centers for adult men and women recovering from SUD. “I am thrilled to have this wonderful opportunity awarded to me by the SAMHSA MFP,” Ms. Raynor said. “It would not have been possible without the tremendous support I have received from all of the MUSC nursing faculty who continue to guide and keep me abreast of enriching programs like the SAMHSA MFP that foster my long-term research career. I am looking forward to the additional training in my field, and the supportive peer and professional network with multidisciplinary leaders who share my commitment and passion for eliminating health disparities and improving the lives of vulnerable families affected by mental health and substance use disorders. I am truly grateful.”



Fall | Winter 2013

McDevitt elected president of student professional society Katie McDevitt, Acclerated BSN student, has been elected president of MUSC’s Student Interprofessional Society (SIPS). SIPS is a campus-wide student group dedicated to promoting the concept of interprofessional education on campus, in the community, and in practice after graduation. As future health care professionals, students at MUSC are expected to collaborate successfully with a wide spectrum of people outside their specialty. SIPS coordinates a variety of community service and social events designed to help students of all six MUSC colleges learn from, with, and about each other. Through such interaction, it is hoped to improve interprofessional collaboration and thus patient care and outcomes. Membership is open to all students.

Student to student mentoring leads to marriage When new students begin the Accelerated BSN program, they have hundreds of questions that often are best answered student to student. When Ashley Gallman, Class of December 2013, arrived on campus he was assigned Ellen Cary, Class of May 2013, as his mentor. Less than a year later, the two became engaged and were married in August. Currently Mrs. Gallman is working on a pediatric unit at MUHA and enrolled in the DNP program. Mr. Gallman will graduate in December and hopes to secure a position in a local ICU unit.

Fountain wins national essay contest In March 2013, Jacob Fountain, Accelerated BSN student, won the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing “What do you believe about nursing?” essay contest. This national essay contest asks nursing students to share a personal story about why they want to become a nurse, what they have learned, who inspired them or what they want to contribute to the profession. Below is Mr. Fountain’s response of why he dreamed of becoming a nurse.

Personal philosophy of nursing by Jacob Fountain

“One turns to me his appealing eyes—poor boy! I never knew you. Yet I think I could not refuse this moment to die for you, if that would save you.” -Walt Whitman, from The Wound-Dresser Nursing is the ultimate culmination of art and science. As nurses, we must be diligent students, learning the manifestations of disease and how to treat their effects on the body, while simultaneously comforting our patient, and judiciously advocating on their behalf. Nursing blends together seemly diverse areas, the extremely technical psychomotor tasks with the art of quick complex clinical judgment. I believe that nurses must strive to be the most competent, sound and greatest clinicians they can be, not for their

Students see red College of Nursing Accelerated BSN students and the College of Health Professions anesthesia for nurses (AFN) program nurses teamed up for a summer blood drive with the American Red Cross on July 17. The blood drive was a huge success with 40 units of blood donated, surpassing their goal of 30 units. Aaron Waters (ACC BSN ’08) and current AFN student, led the effort and worked closely with Michael Occhipinti, College of Nursing Student Government Association President and Laney Purser, College of Nursing Student Nurses Association President. “Since the AFN students and BSN students are enrolled as full-time students during the summer, and there was no official sponsor for a blood drive at MUSC during the summer, our collaboration made perfect sense,” Mr. Waters said. “The Red Cross had issued an emergency request for blood donation to avert a shortage. Blood donation provides health care professionals with a valuable resource for saving lives in our community. A single pint of blood can save up to three lives,” Ms.Purser said.

own personal gain, but because they want to provide the greatest level of care for their patients. Walt Whitman served as a nurse during the Civil War, and his quote reveals the great empathy he had for the young soldiers for whom he cared. This empathy for our patients is one of nursing’s greatest strengths, and most taxing elements. We try to do everything in our power to help our patients, while balancing our own lives and responsibilities. Nurses are inextricably linked to our patients in a complex caregiver relationship, where we try to support our clients and their families, while still maintaining our professional demeanor and composure. I believe the values of a great nurse are compassion, diligence, integrity and selfless service. We are compelled to be a pillar of strength for all of our patients, to the elderly man who realizes he has a terminal cancer, to the Vietnam veteran still trapped within the prison of his own mind. Nursing is the perfect venue for me to continue my own service to others. As a soldier I felt compassion for fellow service members regardless of personal differences, as a nurse cares for their patients without hesitation. This dedication to others by service was an important value stressed to me throughout my time in the military, and will continue to be a guiding principle in my nursing career.

Fall | Winter 2013



Student Spotlight

The College of Nursing recognized 12 first honor graduates during commencement exercises in May 2013. The honor is presented to students who have maintained a perfect 4.0 cumulative grade point average. Congratulations to the following graduates. Meagan Denise Kirkley, ACC BSN Mary Reames Rinehart, MSN Kathleen Laird Brown, DNP Donna G. Buist, DNP Diana Cizmadija, DNP Sara Kramer-Wallace, DNP Evelyn Dannette Porter, DNP Kristen McDaniel Poston, DNP Anna Derrick Smith, DNP Amber Lee Watson, DNP Kate Imperial White, DNP

“As a BSN alumna I appreciated the level of professionalism and support offered by the faculty and staff at MUSC. This combined with the University’s excellent reputation were key factors in my decision to attend MUSC.” - Sara Kramer-Wallace, DNP graduate

“I knew the DNP degree would help me develop my ability to improve the overall health of South Carolinians.” - Anna Smith, DNP Graduate

Convocation “I looked for a program that would give me the opportunity to enhance my career as well as allow me to continue to work while going back to school. MUSC was a perfect fit because of the online combined program of a MSN and DNP degree. I was able to continue working and living in Ohio and at the same time finish my master’s and doctoral degree in eight semesters.”

May 2013

- Diana Cizmadija, DNP Graduate

Fall | Winter 2013



Alumni Connections


Class Notes

[ 1958 ] Eunice Driggers Fuller, Diploma ‘58, and husband had a wonderful day representing the class of 1958 at their 55th reunion at Golden Grad Day on May 16, 2013.

[ 1958 ] Laura Jo Grissom Summey, N’61, reports with great sadness that her son, Reverend Charles E. Summey, Jr., passed away on July 27, 2013 in Simpsonville, SC.

Ginger Breedlove, CNM ’82, was installed as the 26th president of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM). After serving one year as president-elect, she will serve a three year term as ACNM president. Dr. Breedlove is a professor of graduate nursing at the Eleanor Wade Custer School of Nursing at Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA. Exciting changes came to Susan Walker Wise’s, BSN ’82 in 2013. After more than 15 years of letting her nursing license expired to raise four children, the state of Virginia reinstated her licence this past spring. Although she loved being a mom, she is looking forward to working as an RN again. More good news came on May 24, 2013, when Mrs. Wise and her Lifelines

[ 1986 ] Suzanne Prevost, MSN ’86, is the new dean of the University of Alabama’s Capstone College of Nursing in Tuscaloosa. Dr. Prevost was formerly the associate dean for practice and community engagement and a nursing professor at the University of Kentucky College of Nursing, a position she held since 2008.

[ 2007 ]

[ 1982 ]


husband, David, became grandparents for the first time. She says grandson Orion David is a joy to be around.

Fall | Winter 2013

Katherine Miller, MSN ’07, has been appointed chief nursing officer at Clarendon Health in Manning, SC. Ms. Miller was also a recipient of the Palmetto Gold in 2008.

[ 2008 ] Since graduating Marc Jasek, MSN ’08, served for four years as a primary care clinic director for a population of about 7,500 active duty sailors, marines and their family members at Camp Kinser, Okinawa, Japan. While there he established the first patient centered medical home on the island, and became interested in sexual assault nurse examination. After training, he became one of the leading examiners on the island. In July 2012, he transferred back to the US and is currently stationed at the Naval Hospital Pensacola where he is assigned primarily to the Internal Medicine Clinic, but also rotates through other primary care clinics

including family medicine and pediatrics. In September, he was promoted to full Commander—a big milestone for his 24 years of military service.

[ 2009 ] Caroline Mitchell, BSN ‘09 was accepted into Florida Gulf Coast University’s CRNA program and will begin in January 2014.

[ 2010 ] Michael Bachmeyer, BSN ’10, has been accepted into the nursing anesthesia program at the University of South Carolina in Columbia. Amy Painter, MSN ’10, is working as the aerodigestive nurse practitioner and coordinator at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta where she is helping to start a new interdisciplinary division to care for children that have diseases crossing between their GI, pulmonary, and ENT systems.

[ 2011 ] Danielle Nowakowski, BSN ’11, received a DAISY Award in February and was recognized for nursing excellence due to her compassion, caring, and genuine warmth. Elizabeth Roehner, BSN ’11, was recognized for her nursing excellence by receiving a DAISY Award for her remarkable compassion and professionalism.

[ 2012 ] Jessica Chepa, MSN ’12, is working at Coastal Vascular and Vein Center in Charleston where she cares for patients with PAD, carotid stenosis, aortic aneurysms, end stage renal disease, venous disease, and numerous post-amputation patients.

The high volume of amputations performed by her practice each year prompted her to become co-chair of the Lowcountry Chapter of Save a Leg, Save a Life Foundation (SALSAL). As co-chair, Ms. Chepa hopes to bring awareness to the community and develop the Lowcountry Chapter into a huge asset for SALSAL. In addition to her work with SALSAL, she continues to stay involved with the College of Nursing by serving as a preceptor for nurse practitioner students. In September Ashleigh McCall, BSN ’12, completed a RN residency program at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston and is now a permanent, full-time nurse on the medical/surgical floor.

[ Passages ] Jean Boyd O’Neal Cashion, ‘47 June 18, 2013 | Florence, SC Mildred Lundy Jones, ‘48 May 29, 2013 | Conway, SC Mildred Wall Weber, ‘48 August 17, 2013 | Anderson, SC Allison Cantley Simmons, ‘61 August 6, 2013 | Kingstree, SC

[ 2013 ] Hayne Clifton, BSN ’13, is working in the MICU at Palmetto Health Richland in Columbia, SC. April Dove, BSN ’13, is working at Palmetto Health Baptist on a progressive care unit with telemetry. Ms. Dove was found to be a match to a woman in need of a bone marrow transplant and donated bone marrow through a new process called apheresis. She reports, “I definitely think this a good way to start my nursing career.” Michelle Mejia, BSN ’13, is currently enrolled in the College of Nursing’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program and was also hired on the Meduflex team.

Send us your news

You make us proud so let us share your achievements and accomplishments —personal or professional— in Lifelines. Send us an update—whether it is about a new job, a promotion, an award or even a new family member— and we would love to include it in our next issue. Send news and photos to: (include your name, degree and class year) Jo Smith, Lifelines Editor MUSC College of Nursing 99 Jonathan Lucas St., MSC 160 Charleston, SC 29425 or via the web at

Fall | Winter 2013



Alumni Connections

The Way We Were 70 Years Ago

Nursing school memories of a 1943 MUSC grad

by Eleanor Shealy Adeimy

I worked in the nursing profession for 52 years and have always been thankful that I graduated from the Medical College of South Carolina (MCSC)*. It has been a most rewarding life. I am the ninth of eleven children, and was married for 61 years to Eddie Adeimy. I have three daughters, nine grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren, and one greatgreat grandchild. I now live in a continuing care community in Laurinburg, NC and serve as chair of the Health Care Committee. I entered nursing school at the MCSC in January 1941, graduated in March 1943, passed state boards in October 1943, but did not complete all of my services until January 1944. War was declared in December 1941 and that changed many things. Our classes were “stepped-up” as there were rumors of drafting nurses. Miss Andell decided to push us all through

Eleanor (Shealy) Adeimy, Diploma ’43, (pictured right) enjoyed getting reacquainted with old friends and classmates when she traveled with her daughters, Nancy and Dorothy, to Charleston to attend the Golden Grads festivities during this year’s commencement exercises.

theory in two years so that if we were drafted we would not have to come back for any classes. The advances in medicine over the years have been miraculous. When I entered nursing school the country was still recovering from the Great Depression. If my memory serves me, there was no tuition charged, I only had to buy my books and uniforms that included black hose and black shoes. Miss Andell was the director of nursing. Miss Chamberlain was the educational director, while Miss McDowell served as the nursing arts instructor. Miss Chamberlain was our “guiding star.” She lectured us on how to conduct ourselves at all times. Miss McDowell would peep around the screens on the wards to check to see how well we were following her instructions. During our “preliminary” period we lived in the main Nursing Home. Miss Andell, Miss Chamberlain, and Miss McDowell all lived on the first floor, while

“Over the years, we have always been proud of our mother’s excellent nursing skills and great common sense advice. Even now my husband tells me to “call your mother–she’ll know what to do.”

we lived on the second and third floors. Our study hours were from 7 to 9

- Dorothy Taylor

We worked from 9 pm until 7 am, seven days a week for three months and

pm. You could have heard a pin drop during that time. We could not make or receive phone calls or anything during our study period. The first six months were intense with nursing arts and other classes. We walked across the street to the Medical College for many of our classes. After these six months, we were periodically assigned to the different services – three months on medical, three months on surgical, three months on obstetrics, etc. If we were on night duty, we moved to night quarters. there were no nights off. For day duty, we worked 10 hours, but either had a morning or afternoon break. We never had a whole day off, but we had one

afternoon off a week. Bed check was at 10 pm. Once a month we were entitled to an 11 pm bed check. At the time we thought nothing of these hours and the fact that our labor was paying our way through school. There were no disposables. We boiled our needles and checked them for spurs. We made our IV packs and autoclaved them. We washed, powdered and packaged gloves to be sterilized. Our solutions were autoclaved, mixed with glucose, etc. all at the bedside. To give a pre-op, the solution was boiled in a spoon over a little burner. Sulfa drugs were the treatment of choice. I didn’t give my first dose of penicillin until after I became a registered nurse. It was in use in the early 40’s but only available to the military. I spent a lot of my time in school in the clinics at the Medical College. Dr. Rasmussen taught us anatomy and Dr. Eddie Parker taught us bandaging. I made a perfect score of 100 on all anatomy tests, but only a 75 on bandaging. I am left-handed and Dr. Parker and I could not agree! There was no recovery room. If a patient needed oxygen, a tent was placed over the bed. During this time I watched as the piles were driven to build the new Roper Hospital and Baruch Auditorium. At graduation I received an award for being the “most practical nurse” in my class. After reading my story, I am sure you will have to agree that I have been very blessed during these 90 years. * The Medical College of South Carolina became MUSC in 1969.



Fall | Winter 2013

~ Golden Grads 2013 ~

Celebrating, reuniting and inducting our distinguished alumni who graduated 50 years ago.

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renovated building scheduled to Re-open January 2015!



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The College of Nursing Renovation is well under way!

Fall | Winter 2013



Lines of Life

“No person was ever honored for what he received, but for what he gave.� - Calvin Coolidge

Make a Gift that Helps One Person Help Many Only one obstacle stood between Tiffany Williams and her doctoral degree: Paying to put herself and her teenage daughter through college at the same time. Today, thanks to a scholarship, Tiffany holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from the MUSC College of Nursing and works as an instructor in the same building where she once studied. She brings to her students 22 years of experience in pediatric nursing and a passion for working with obesity prevention, teen parenting and special-needs patient care. The MUSC College of Nursing has provided South Carolina with the finest education, research and medical care since 1883. The college relies on scholarships to ensure that it attracts top students like Tiffany. A Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) provides a fixed income, plus valuable tax savings. Funding a scholarship with a CGA also helps ensure that the most qualified students, no matter their financial circumstances, attend the College of Nursing. For more information on supporting students like Tiffany with a charitable gift annuity, please contact Laurie Scott at or (843) 792-8421.


PAID 99 Jonathan Lucas Street MSC 160 Charleston, SC 29425-1600

Permit # 293 Columbia, SC

Online E x celle n ce TOP 20 Best Online Gr aduate Nursing Progr a m by US News & World Report

Educating and inspiring nurses to become leaders of tomorrow through Accelerated BSN, MSN, DNP and PhD programs. The College of Nursing is on the cutting edge of nursing education, research, and practice. It shines in the use of innovative technologies to enhance learning, including our dynamic online programs of study. Most importantly, our nursing graduates assume leadership roles throughout the state and beyond and actively shape the health care of tomorrow. Changing What’s Possible in Nursing Education

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