Lifelines Spring/Summer 2017

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Imagine MUSC 2020

Spring | Summer 2017

CONSISTENTLY EXCELLENT Our online graduate nursing programs are at the top again! Ranked No. 1 or No. 2 for the past four years.

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2016 #2

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2014 #2


A publication of the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing

What if...?



What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become. - Buddha

Volume X, Issue 1 • Spring/Summer 2017

have learned never to underestimate the power of


imagination. In fact, I believe that it is the ability to imagine that unleashes within all of us

the power to ask “What if?” The ability to

Gail W. Stuart, Dean

Jo Smith, Editor

Beth Khan, Design & Production

Josh Goodwin, Photography

Laurie Scott,

conjure up new possibilities and enact unconventional strategies is the sign of a dynamic, evolving organization – and that precisely describes the MUSC College of Nursing. So here in the college we are energized and activated by MUSC’s new strategic plan – Imagine MUSC 2020. Our enthusiasm is so high that we

Director of Development

have launched full speed into enacting

Susannah Netherland,

working to make it a reality.

Development Associate

elements of each goal. This is the future, and we are on the forefront of One important element and unique aspect of Imagine MUSC 2020 is the focus on increasing integration across all of MUSC’s missions and with all six colleges and MUSC Health's clinical services. This is a new


day with emerging opportunities for collaboration, consultation, crossfertilization and sharing of resources to achieve more robust outcomes. The possibilities are endless! In this issue of Lifelines, you will read about each of the five goals of Imagine 2020 and how we in the College of Nursing are moving this

College of Nursing 99 Jonathan Lucas Street Charleston, SC 29425

agenda forward in just some of our many activities and programs. In the discussion of each goal, we have chosen to highlight our own integration and illustrate how the College of Nursing faculty are collaborating and working with faculty from other colleges and clinical services. Such an approach is not new to us as nurses, but it now has added urgency and

HAVE FEEDBACK? SEND COMMENTS TO: Jo Smith Lifelines Editor MUSC College of Nursing 99 Jonathan Lucas St., MSC 160 Charleston, SC 29425-1600 (843) 792-3941

POSTMASTER: Send corrections to Lifelines, MUSC College of Nursing, 99 Jonathan Lucas St., MSC 160, Charleston, SC 29425-1600. © Copyright 2017 by the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without permission from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing.

significance. The faculty, staff and students here at the college intend not just to support Imagine MUSC 2020, but to be instrumental in shaping its development and leading its implementation. This is one more way in which the College of Nursing is changing what's possible by taking nursing higher!

Gail W. Stuart, PhD, RN, FAAN Dean and Distinguished University Professor Medical University of South Carolina

Imagine MUSC




ACTION BUILDING ON MUSC INTEGRATION .. ............................. 4 Find out how the College of Nursing is immersing itself into MUSC's strategic plan



DEAN’S COLUMN................................... 1 AROUND THE COLLEGE..................... 20 FOCUS ON FACULTY............................22 STUDENT SPOTLIGHT.........................26 ALUMNI CONNECTIONS . . ................... 30 GIVING BACK...................................... 34 MUSC HEALTH NEWS. . ........................ 38 LINES OF LIFE...................................... 40

Action Building on MUSC Integration L

aunched in the Fall of 2015, Imagine MUSC 2020 is our enterprise-wide strategy for the future. It

fosters integration across the institution to achieve our vision of "leading health innovation for the lives we touch." Simply put, it is our road map for the future. The plan is a result of input and collaboration from hundreds of members of the MUSC family in all areas of the organization – from those who care for our patients, to students, faculty and staff in a wide-variety of positions. The plan is built upon five foundational goals: • Commit to patients and families first • Advance new knowledge and scientific discoveries • Foster innovative education and learning • Embrace diversity and inclusion • Build healthy communities These goals will guide us in all we do, and everyone has a role in connecting the dots and bringing these tenets to life. We have already made remarkable progress in fulfilling the goals of Imagine MUSC 2020, which is a testament to what we can accomplish when we are well-integrated. So how will we know when we have achieved success? If everyone on campus – regardless of title or position – can verbalize and know in their heart what our vision and values are, we will be well on our way. Understanding and connecting to our Imagine MUSC 2020 goals will impact our behavior, decision making, and how we determine priorities – it’s how we know why we do the things we do and how we will continue “Changing What’s Possible." Yours in service,

David J. Cole, MD, FACS President, Medical University of South Carolina

SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES DIVERSITY & INCLUSION HEALTHY COMMUNITIES INNOVATIVE LEARNING PATIENTS & FAMILIES FIRST COMMIT TO PATIENTS AND FAMILIES FIRST • We will redesign how health care is delivered to provide patient and family centered care. • We will further our commitment to high quality, safe, evidence-based care. • We will ensure that our teaching, clinical management, and research leads to team oriented, seamless, and effective care. • We are partners with our patients and families, honoring and respecting their roles as caregivers and care-receivers. ADVANCE NEW KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES • We will generate and translate cutting edge discoveries, integrating them with learning, health care and health promotion across the MUSC enterprise. • We will utilize integrative science to work seamlessly and collaboratively to impact the health of our patients and community. • We will enhance our research and set strategic priorities linked to our clinical strengths while engaging community, academic, and industry partners. FOSTER INNOVATIVE EDUCATION AND LEARNING • We will evolve our learning methods and translate educational principles to foster a lifelong learning environment for students, staff, and faculty. • Interprofessionalism, team building, and technology will serve as our foundation as we seek to enhance the value of our educational initiatives, which extend to our patients and the communities we serve. EMBRACE DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION • We will create a more diverse community in which every member is respected and valued. • We will leverage differences in ways that allow people to understand and be understood as we work together productively. BUILD HEALTHY COMMUNITIES • We will foster collaboration across our enterprise that is health-focused, not just disease-focused. In so doing, we will impact the health of the MUSC family and the communities we serve with a priority on healthy lifestyles, preventive care, and MUSC evidence-based care delivery. Our integration of these priorities will strengthen our health education, research, and care delivery through targeted engagement and collaborative relationships.

Spring | Summer 2017





aving patients and families at the center of the care team is something that MUSC takes very seriously. Respect, dignity, information sharing, participation, and collaboration are the core-

concepts of patient and family centered care and the driving force behind the creation of MUSC’s six Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs). Leading this endeavor is a Patient and Family Steering Committee. Patient and family members from the community, as well as staff and faculty from various departments and colleges within MUSC, including the College of Nursing's Carrie Cormack, DNP, APRN, CPNP-BC, instructor, are part of this steering committee that is working to make MUSC more patient and family friendly. “Being part of this committee has allowed me to advocate for my own patients and families and be a voice for them in a room where I know people are listening to each other and making changes," Dr. Cormack said. "As a faculty member at the College of Nursing, I also can share this experience with my students and colleagues, and hopefully open their eyes to the importance of putting patients and families first, valuing their needs, and including them in all conversations related to their health and quality of life.”


SBHCs strives to increase access to care for

Putting patients and families first is hardly a

the underserved and rural populations, where

new concept to the College of Nursing. In fact,

we know transportation can be one of the

several faculty have devoted their practice and

barriers. Exposing students to school-based

research to projects with this goal in mind.

telemedicine makes them more aware of

The goal of Commit to Patients & Families

health care disparities and how organizations

First is being approached by exposing stu-

are attempting to reduce them by placing the

dents to telehealth school-based health clinics

health of the child first.

(tSBHCs). Both undergraduate and graduate



students have the opportunity to rotate through


MUSC’s Center for Telehealth’s two models of

Being committed to patients and families

school-based telehealth. The first model is pure

first also is the cornerstone of the College of

telehealth whereby students in rural schools

Nursing’s relationship and work at One 80

can be assessed, diagnosed and treated by

Place, Charleston’s homeless shelter. What

Spring | Summer 2017

a nurse practitioner in her

began in 2013 as a conversation initiated

office. The second model is

by Joy Lauerer, DNP, RN, PMHCNS-BC,

a mixture of telehealth and

assistant professor, with the clinical director

brick and mortar clinics.

at One 80 Place suggesting that faculty and

Health care clinicians provide

students provide services to the residents

care to children within Title 1

has blossomed into a long-term partnership.

schools in the Charleston area

The shelter, which provides services for over

in an actual clinic located

1,000 adults and children annually, has a large

within the schools. These

medical clinic staffed with registered nurses,

providers also can assess

a psychiatric nurse practitioner providing

patients via telehealth as well

assessments and treatment, and College

within the Charleston area or

of Nursing students and faculty providing

in rural areas.

holistic care in the clinic two days per week.

BOOSTING OUR BARRIO by J. Ryne Danielson, MUSC Public Affairs and Media Relations


my Williams, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, assistant professor, isn’t the type of person to ignore a problem when she sees it, and

one problem in particular is rampant in the communities she serves. “Research shows that Latino children are diagnosed later and less often with developmental delays, even pervasive developmental delays like autism,” she said. “This puts children from first–generation immigrant communities at a significant disadvantage in how they are prepared for school.” Dr. Williams has seen these disparities firsthand with her patients at the MUSC Children’s Care clinic in North Charleston. Many factors play a role in the gap between Latino children and their white, black and Asian counterparts: poverty, lack of transportation and language barriers. Working with these families in her clinic,


she saw an opportunity for community engagement and began to plan a project

to address many of the disparities that Latino children face. Dr. Williams submitted that plan to the Duke Endowment, which agreed to fund the project, awarding Williams and MUSC almost $400,000 over three years. “The Duke Endowment has a longstanding history of providing grant funding to programs that serve families in North and South Carolina,” Dr. Williams said. Dr. Williams calls her project “Boosting our Barrio.” Barrio is the Spanish word for neighborhood. By partnering with PASOs — Spanish for steps — a South Carolina Latino advocacy group that already has an important presence at MUSC, she hopes to provide education to parents and families beyond what is practical during an office visit. Virginia Vedilago is the PASOs program coordinator for the Tri–county area. “PASOs of South Carolina is a strengths–based, community–driven organization that recruits and empowers natural leaders from the Latino community to become community health workers, called promotores,” she explained. “These trusted community members facilitate relationships between health providers and families.” Drawing upon and expanding PASOs’ model for early childhood intervention in the Latino community, Williams trains promotores to conduct home visits, where they work one–on–one with families to administer structured developmental screenings, teach best play practices, coach appropriate discipline techniques and provide nutrition and oral health education. “This is an opportunity to go into the community we’re invested in as clinicians and foster parenting practices that we don’t have time to teach in the clinic, but that we know will set children on the path to become successful in school,” Dr. Williams said. Even simple activities that might be taken for granted, games like peekaboo for example, play critical but overlooked roles in

a reciprocal interaction, which is a really important thing to do between 6 and 9 months, and helps reinforce important concepts like object permanence,” Dr. Williams explained. In addition to education, promotores will connect families to community resources like dentists, primary care providers, libraries and good grocery stores they might not otherwise know about or have access to. Dr. Williams also hopes to connect children with developmental delays with appropriate early intervention services at MUSC or through other state programs. “If we can be more involved in the community and have a bigger presence in the home, then maybe we can identify these children sooner,” she said. “We have a lot of research that tells us early childhood is a critical window of brain development. Intervening during that time and providing developmentally stimulating environments puts a child on a successful path, from being prepared for elementary school, on through college and leading a successful life.” Dr. Williams hopes to add to that body of research by working with a clinically-trained psychologist, Cristina Lopez, PhD, to develop ways to measure outcomes related to the project. They hope if they can prove the program’s effectiveness, they can secure funding to keep it going well into the future. Working with the Latino community poses unique challenges, including overcoming language and cross-cultural communication barriers dealing with inadequate resources. It can seem overwhelming, Dr. Williams said, both for parents and for health care providers. She hopes the work she’ll be able to do with her grant will help make it a little less overwhelming. Dr. Williams said her love of nursing and the fact that she is the great-granddaughter of Italian immigrants drew her to the Charleston’s underserved Latino community. “The philosophy of nursing has always drawn me to issues of equitable care,” she said. “And, on a personal level, I had the experience of seeing my own family’s story unfold. My great-grandparents learned English as a second language and set their children on a path to be successful, productive people.” She said she wants to ensure all families have the same opportunities hers had.

early childhood development. “Peekaboo engages the child with Spring | Summer 2017





esearch at the College of Nursing reflects the best examples of patient-centered, interprofessional team science. Ronald Acierno, PhD, associate dean for research, explains, “We are patient-centered

because we place an emphasis on finding innovative ways to meet patients and families 'where they're at.'" "We evaluate home-based telehealth interventions, and develop self-management mHealth treatments (apps) that patients use to treat themselves with their smartphones or tablets wherever they may be," he said. "But we also base our innovations on the preferences and needs of patients themselves - in the style they prefer, with the functionality they want, on their terms.” Patients want to be treated by care teams, not individual providers who aren’t aware of what their other providers are doing. Effective interprofessional functioning on the service level is more likely to happen when interprofessional research happens first. The College of Nursing is leading this effort by engaging in effective, interprofessional team science. For example, College of Nursing faculty serve as co-investigators on 75 College of Medicine grants, helping these researchers achieve their goals. Conversely, 28 College of Nursing grants include College of Medicine faculty as co-investigators helping those faculty achieve their goals as well. In fact, the College of Nursing has 134 collaborative research grants with other colleges at MUSC as seen in the figure below.


College of Dental Medicine


College of Health Professions


College of Graduate Studies

Library 4 Science



College of Pharmacy



collaborative research grants

Public Health



Spring | Summer 2017

Public Health


College of Medicine


CON 28




College of Health Prof. 5



College of Pharmacy




Library Science




College of Dental Med. 0



College of Grad. Stud.




By combining telehealth and mobile applications, we hope to extend the reach and influence of peer educators who are themselves wheelchair bound.

Dr. Ron Acierno, Associate Dean for Research

PEER TO PEER HELPING One example of this collaboration involves research with people with spinal cord injury (SCI) in a series of studies led by Susan Newman, PhD, RN, CRRN, associate professor and director of the PhD program. In partnership with the South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Association, her team previously explored the use of specially trained peer navigators to provide health education and peer support to others with SCI through in-person home visits. In this program, peer navigators have a spinal cord injury and take an active role in their self-care, as well as have a desire to help others learn to navigate life with SCI. Today, Dr. Newman, along with her partners, are translating their in-person peer navigation program for online and telehealth delivery through a pilot study funded by South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Research Fund. Their proposed Peersupported Health Outreach, Education, and Information eXchange (PHOENIX) intervention aims extend the reach of the peer navigators by providing health education and peer support through easy to digest online educational modules and televideo meetings that can be accessed by any mobile device. Dr. Acierno believes these studies will leverage technology to give freedom and independence back to paralyzed accident victims.

SPINAL CORD INJURIES The SC traumatic spinal cord injury (TSPCI) incident rate is

22 66


higher than the national average.


of TSCI injuries occur between the ages of 20 and 54

"By combining telehealth and mobile applications, we hope to extend the reach and influence of peer educators who are themselves wheelchair bound.” The team recently completed a set of humorous videos on



of TSCI are the result of motor vehicle injuries

the prevention of secondary

Susan Newman (far left) meets with her peer navigation team.

conditions after SCI that will be

Source: South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Research Fund

included in the online modules. The long-term goal is to design a telehealth intervention that

will promote effective self-management after SCI and ultimately increase the capability to maintain health and participate in the community as desired.

Spring | Summer 2017



To address these complex issues, an innovative, coordinated approach is required that considers patient, family and community level factors.

Dr. Gayenell Magwood, Professor

STROKE RECOVERY Another example of the college's collaborative,

with the diabetes belt communities and are now

Professor Gayenell Magwood, PhD, RN, FAAN,

doing the same for stroke belt communities

with colleagues including Robert Adams, MD,

through the Community-based Intervention

from the College of Medicine. Supported by

under Nurse Guidance after Stroke (CINGS), a

the American Heart Association, Dr. Magwood

12-week, nurse-coordinated, community health

is investigating community and family based

worker-delivered home-based intervention."

social determinants of stroke recovery in

data to determine what key factors may be

though minority stroke patients are discharged

contributing to differences in recovery after

with similar clinical profiles, their recovery is

stroke in African-Americans in the ‘stroke belt’

poorer over the ensuing six to 12 months, even

compared to whites.

Dr. Magwood was contacted by stroke experts

“Traditionally, scientists looked for the answer to this question in their patients themselves, but

and researchers from the College of Medicine

we think family and community level factors

to help find out why. She felt the team had to

also may play a role,” she explained.

go into the community, where post stroke care

“By implementing and testing this

involves a complex network including home

intervention under the theory driven, evidence-

and community.

based model (research, practice and community

“To address these complex issues, an

generated evidence) of nurse-guided

innovative, coordinated approach is required

community health workers working with family

that considers patient, family, and community

and community members, we believe that we

level factors, both to explain disparate stroke

will produce a scalable, sustainable intervention

recovery rates and to design and implement

that is specifically designed to improve stroke

efficacious interventions for post stroke

recovery outcomes and quality of life in African-

recovery," Dr. Magwood said.

American ‘stroke belt’ communities that will be

Dr. Magwood's team was already successfully

acceptable to, and more likely to be adopted by

using a community-based approach for the

these patients and their families,” Dr. Magwood

diabetic community so she applied the same


path for the stroke belt communities (a region


Dr. Magwood and her team are gathering

minority patients. Evidence has shown that even

when accounting for insurance and income.


"We successfully implemented an approach

patient-centered science is found in the work of

Dr. Acierno is delighted by this research. "I'm

in the southeastern United States that has been

thrilled because it is focused on identifying

recognized by public health authorities for

home and community-based causes and

having an unusually high incidence of stroke

solutions to stroke outcomes for minority

and other forms of cardiovascular disease).

patients in rural and underserved areas.”

Spring | Summer 2017


According to the most recent national data available (2014), South Carolina had the seventh highest stroke death rate in the nation and is part of the “Stroke Belt,” a group of Southeastern states with high stroke death rates.



leading cause of death in SC

African-Americans are



more likely to die from stroke than Caucasians in SC

Data source:


Hospitalization costs of stroke in 2015 for SC

CON INTEGRAL TO SCTR SUCCESS THROUGH COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM By Dana Burshell, MPH, CCRP College of Nursing faculty have held senior leadership positions in the South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research (SCTR) Institute since its inception in 2006. Part of the SCTR Community Engagement program is the hallmark initiative of the Community Engaged Scholars program (CES-P). The CES-P possesses a unique funding mechanism that facilitates community-academic partnerships not only through financial support but with a 13-week learning curriculum. Through CES-P, partners conduct research with mutual ownership of the processes and products, and ultimately, improve the health of our communities. To date, there have been seven CES-P cohorts totaling 78 team members, half of whom are community partners. The program continues to be tremendously successful in garnering external grant awards – for every $1 spent on the program, $46 in grant funds is generated. In the current cohort, Michelle Nichols, PhD, RN, assistant professor, is partnering with Philip Slayter, director of Eat Smart Move More Colleton County, and Brenda Hughes, DHEC’s Lowcountry regional community health coordinator, to address childhood and community obesity. Through training young adult leaders with healthy cooking habits, they will pass on and disseminate what they learn to a participating church. Other participating partners this year include the Federation of Families of South Carolina, Furman University, LiveWell Greenville, Riverside Pediatrics, and the University of South Carolina. Since its inception, the Community Engagement program’s principal investigator has been a College of Nursing faculty member. In 2009, Jeannette Andrews, PhD, a former associate dean for research, along with colleagues, developed and initiated the program with support from SCTR. Carolyn Jenkins, DrPH, MSN, RD, LD, FAAN, research professor and CES-P alumnus, assumed the leadership role when Dr. Andrews left MUSC in 2013. Other CES-P alumni include Elaine Amella, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN, Susan Newman, PhD, RN, CRRN and Janet York, PhD, APRN, BC, FAAN. Several faculty members also have been mentors and speakers including but not limited to: Dr. Jenkins, Ron Acierno, PhD, Julie Barroso, PhD, RN, FAAN, Teresa Kelechi, PhD, RN, FAAN, Tina Lopez, PhD, Martina Mueller, PhD, Lynne Nemeth, PhD, RN, FAAN, Susan Newman, PhD, RN, CRRN, Michelle Nichols, PhD, RN, and Ken Ruggiero, PhD.

Spring | Summer 2017





he College of Nursing has a long-standing history of excellence in education with a successful undergraduate program that prepares nurses to change lives. The MSN, DNP and PhD programs

are ranked No. 2 by U.S. News and World Report's 2017 Best Online Graduate Programs. The College integrates innovative online teaching strategies that meet the needs of learners while maintaining high board certification rates and national prominence. The 134-year old nursing school also champions the importance of interprofessional collaboration and teamwork to enhance learning with other health professions to provide patient and family centered care and research. The Institute of Medicine advocates for interprofessional collaboration to improve patient outcomes by reducing medical errors. Providing interprofessional learning experiences outside of the traditional classroom and within the clinical arena of direct patient care are key to sustaining learners’ knowledge and skills. The College of Nursing best prepares students in the interprofessional environment by collaborating with health systems and community partners to develop innovative and meaningful clinical experiences. Joint planning of students’ learning with health systems and community partners allows for an integrated interprofessional model of education, practice, and research that meets the needs of patients, providers, and students.

AGING IN PLACE One example of integrated interprofessional

as the ability to live in one’s home and

education is through the work of Kathy Van

community independently, despite age, ability

Ravenstein, PhD, FNP-BC, an instructor in the

level, or income.

MSN and DNP programs. Dr. Van Ravenstein is

of 10 Humanities' senior living facilities in

ence for nursing, physical therapy, and physi-

the Charleston area, Dr. Van Ravenstein and

cian assistant students within low-income

her colleagues from the College of Health

elderly living facilities.

Professions worked together to secure funding and design a program that would provide

In 2015, the Humanities Foundation, a non-profit developer of affordable housing,

health screenings, patient education, telePT

approached the College to help facilitate aging

services, and promote physical activity in three

in place for SC residents living in low-income


senior facilities. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines aging in place





After assessing the residents' needs at one

developing a team-based patient care experi-


As part of their clinical rotations, undergraduate nursing students, as well as physical





of low to moderate income seniors report having a chronic health condition.

the expected share of total population of people aged 65+ by 2060.

of older adults are concerned about maintaining their physical health

- AARP, 2012

- The Population Reference Bureau

- U.S. of Aging Survey, 2015

Spring | Summer 2017

Photo by Rosie.Andre; CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

therapy and physician assistant students, monitored residents with multiple co-morbidities and helped identify changes in conditions in the more fragile residents in an effort to avoid ER/urgent care visits and hospitalizations. According to Dr. Van Raventstein, “Students like the ability to interact and collaborate with other professions about the residents in the program and they learned a lot about the different aspects of the tenants’ health from other professions.” To expand the program further, a Duke Endowment grant was awarded to Dr. Van Ravenstein last November. This funding will allow new televideo equipment to be installed in another Humani-

available to their primary care providers.


Dr. Terri Fowler, Assistant Professor

ties site and expansion of the physical activity program to additional participants. In addition, participants’ data from the program can be made

...[enhancing the learning experience] will increase student interest to minister to underserved populations.

Strategic alignment of academic and commu-

nity resources to develop an innovative model of interprofessional education and practice to care for underserved populations is the focus of a Duke

patient-centered, comprehensive, quality health

Endowment grant awarded to Terri Fowler, DNP,

care regardless of a person’s ability to pay.

APRN, FNP-C, assistant professor, to build a health care workforce to serve the underserved. It has been well documented that a shortage of

ECCO, a non-profit organization that serves more than 4,500 very low-income families in Berkeley and Charleston counties, provides free

primary care providers exists, especially in SC's

dental and medical clinics and is staffed by MUSC

rural and underserved communities. Safety-net

faculty and students. Both ECCO and FHCN need

sites provide care for underserved, uninsured, and

providers who are competent and ready to provide

vulnerable populations and will be significantly

quality care.

impacted by this shortage as the struggle to attract

The project also supports the strategic align-

primary care providers skilled in caring for under-

ment of MUSC and safety net systems by providing

served populations continues.

resources needed to develop a model of interpro-

“Many of the colleges at MUSC include in their

fessional student education that increases student

curricula didactic content on social determinants

clinical opportunities, builds preceptor expertise

of health, health literacy, and health equity, but

within the safety-net sites, and enhances the prac-

the clinical opportunities caring for underserved

tice mission to ultimately prepare a pipeline of pri-

populations in the community have been limited,”

mary care providers for underserved populations.

Dr. Fowler explained.

In addition, hands-on clinical experience, learning

Collaborating with safety-net providers to pro-

modules related to caring for underserved popula-

mote student interest and build capacity for caring

tions, team-based care/interprofessional collabora-

for the underserved is essential. In 2016, five MUSC

tion, and best practices for precepting students

colleges and the South Carolina Area Health Educa-

will increase students’ and providers’ knowledge.

tion Consortium (AHEC) Institute for Primary Care

Telehealth and teleprecepting are other areas of

partnered with two community safety-net primary

focus to enhance the student learning experience,

care sites, the Fetter Health Care Network (FHCN)

provider satisfaction, and patient care.

and East Cooper Community Outreach (ECCO) to

"With the generous support from The Duke

increase and enhance the learning experiences and

Endowment and critical partnerships with AHEC,

clinical training that focuses on underserved popu-

ECCO, and FHCN, this project will increase student

lations for NP, PA, MD, PharmD and DMD students.

interest to minister to underserved populations and

FHCN, a Federally Qualified Health Center serv-

ultimately increase the number of students who

ing over 18,000 patients in Charleston, Berkeley,

will graduate with plans to practice in safety-net

Colleton, and Dorchester counties, provides

primary care settings,” Dr. Fowler said. Spring | Summer 2017





USC pursues excellence in achieving the five goals of Imagine MUSC 2020. One goal in particular that the College of Nursing is sharply focused on is advancing diversity and inclusion. By inviting

our community to impactful discussions, events, workshops, and forums, we are allowing faculty, staff and students the opportunity to openly express their thoughts and feelings on difficult topics related to diversity and inclusion. This goal is vital to the continued success of the College of Nursing and the overall MUSC community as we strive to continuously improve acceptance and inclusion, and have pride in the patients, students, colleagues, and community that we serve. Some recent Diversity and Inclusion events that the College of Nursing has led or participated in to promote this goal are the Women Scholars Initiative/Advance-

ment, Recruitment, and Retention of Women in Science (WSI/ARROWS) Coffee Hours, the Diversity and Openness Talking Series, and the launch of the Taking Nursing Higher scholarship.

SHARING MORE THAN COFFEE With the initial launch of Coffee Hours hosted

the series, including the university diversity

by the Diversity and Ethnic Relations commit-

officer, president of the university, endowed

tee under WSI/ARROWS in 2015, the college

chairs, and associate provosts. This type of

continues to support campus-wide Coffee

forum allows campus leaders, who often do

Hours to promote diversity and inclusion by

not have the opportunity to talk about these

giving faculty an opportunity to get to know

kinds of topics at work, to share their journeys

each other in an informal setting.

about how they have successfully or unsuc-

This need was realized after many attended



cessfully approached potential mentors and

an unconscious bias workshop and wanted a

collaborators in their careers, and many other

forum to continue to learn and appreciate the

candid conversations. The College of Nursing

richness of professional and personal experi-

hosted the initial Coffee Hour in October 2015

ences from our diversified colleagues and

and recently hosted a Coffee Hour in fall 2016

campus leaders. Many leaders in the commu-

with Suzanne Craig, DVM, as the highlighted

nity have been highlighted throughout


Spring | Summer 2017

OPEN TALKING In December 2016, the College of Nursing’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee launched a monthly brown bag series titled Diversity and Openness Talking Series, also known as DOTS. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to this monthly series to have reflective conversations in a safe space about different articles, topics, or current events related to social justice and how these issues affect our daily lives in our roles as educators, learners, and health providers. Participants understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and while everyone may not agree, each person can learn something from others who share similar or differing opinions and perspectives. At each session, an article or video may be shared and discussed. While everyone may have read the same piece or seen the same video, each views the experience through a unique lens. Learning how something is perceived through a different lens helps engage in meaningful interactions with one another and facilitates a further appreciation of various


perspectives and backgrounds.

TAKING NURSING HIGHER SCHOLARSHIP Modeled after the successful Robert Wood Johnson New Careers in Nursing program, the College of Nursing introduced the Taking Nursing Higher Initiative this spring that offers three $10,000 scholarships to ethnically diverse students admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) degree program. In the 2015-2016 academic year, 42 percent of students enrolled in the ABSN program had an estimated family contribution (as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid) of less than $1,000

Doubled the number of African-American nurses at MUSC Health since the launch of Imagine MUSC 2020 in 2015



of all new hires at MUSC have participated in Diversity Training



of MUSC Health's workforce self-identified as racially/ ethnically diverse

MUSC Health has been designated a Leader in LGBT Healthcare Equality by the Health Equality Index

and an average incoming indebtedness of $43,883. Many admitted students who were unable to matriculate indicated financial support as a reason they could not begin their academic journey toward their career of becoming a nurse. The demands of the ABSN curriculum also presents obstacles for students who must work to support themselves and perhaps their family. Using current MUSC Foundation scholarship funds, the Taking Nursing Higher Initiative is more than a scholarship award. While it is a significant scholarship award, it is also designed to recruit, admit, and retain ethnically diverse nursing students who are interested in being leaders in the nursing profession. The $10,000 scholarship is dispersed equally over the four semesters of the ABSN program. This allows students to plan for their financial need for the entire program rather than one semester. Spring | Summer 2017





or more than 30 years the College of Nursing has been a leader in collaborations aimed at improving the health and well-being of various communities in South Carolina. In the 1980s, the College of

Nursing, in collaboration with SC DHEC, provided prenatal care in rural lowcountry communities, assisting 700 women annually with their births at the Medical University Hospital. In the 1990s, the college received eight years of federal funding to operate school-based clinics in rural and underserved communities in the Tri-County area. Within MUSC, the College of Nursing has advanced the discussion of the impact of the social determinants of health, recognizing that where we live, work, and play, has a major impact on clinical outcomes. Faculty engage in multiple efforts to address poor housing, food deserts, and the lack of infrastructure to support active living. With each initiative, faculty, staff and students have cultivated community relationships to address a clinical health issue. These relationships have not only expanded educational and research opportunities, but these exchanges have created a trust and respect between the college and its community partners.

EQUIPPING US FOR THE FUTURE For the past 10 years Deborah Williamson,

professionals (physicians, nurse practitioners,

DHA, MSN, RN, associate professor, has worked

physician assistants, pharmacists, nurses, and

with Fetter Health Care Network, a federally

front desk clerks), the addition of nurse case

qualified health center that was started in the

managers and community health workers, as

early 1970s as a collaboration between MUSC

well as new partners in biomedical informatics.

and the community, to leverage resources to

Quality improvement priorities are based

improve the delivery of services to the 18,000

on FHCN practice metrics, and evidence-

enrolled patients of which 45 percent were

based strategies have been identified and

under or uninsured. In 2015, Dr. Williamson

implemented to address them.

and Debbie Bryant, DNP, RN, FAAN, associate

Innovations of EQUIP include:

dean for practice, were funded by HRSA

• Implementation of a systems based QI

($1,385,754) for the EQUIP (Excellence and

initiative in a IPCP framework.

Quality Using Interprofessional Practice)

• Creation of a data dashboard tracking

project that leverages the resources of both

patient, practice and network improvements.

institutions to build a stronger academic/

• Development of an academic/community

community partnership to improve the health

health center interprofessional student

of communities.

training partnership.

The goal of EQUIP is to create an innovative and sustainable interprofessional collaborative

telehealth network for administrative

practice (IPCP) to improve patient and

activities and clinical services.

population health outcomes within the



• Implementation of a system-wide

Fetter Health Care Network has seven sites

Fetter Health Care Network (FHCN). Nursing

in five rural and two urban communities

leadership within the network is being

with a population that is 80 percent African-

leveraged and expanded to enhance quality

American and 8 percent Hispanic. This diverse

improvement (QI) processes utilizing an

patient population is characterized by high

interprofessional collaborative team approach.

rates of poverty, low educational attainment,

The teams include existing FHCN health care

and significant disparities in health outcomes.

Spring | Summer 2017

MIGRANT FARM WORKERS Not only have interprofessional opportunities within the FHCN been made available to DNP and BSN students, but undergraduate students have been a part of outreach efforts to migrant farm workers in Colleton and Charleston counties. FHCN providers and nursing students, under the coordination of FHCN, provide biomedical screening: blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose testing, as well as BMI calculations, and HIV rapid testing. Students provide health information and work with FHCN personnel to make referrals for abnormal test results and needed community resources. Students also teach community (handson) CPR. “This is a great opportunity for students to learn from the community what they see as their health needs," Dr. Williamson said. For students visiting the migrant camps, the experience was a reminder that health care realities are different for every patient. "It is my responsibility as the nurse to ensure I am providing interventions that truly address the need of the individual patient as well as providing patient education that is meaningful to the individual and actionable within their means,” said

To create healthy communities it will take innovative approaches. This involves collaboration among diverse partners and creating opportunities for the next generation.

Dr. Deborah Williamson, Associate Professor

Maria Petrie, ABSN student. “To create healthy communities it will take innovative approaches," Dr. Williamson concluded. "This involves collaboration among diverse partners and creating opportunities for the next generation of health providers to learn about vulnerable populations.”

Spring | Summer 2017



BETTER DIABETIC CARE: BRINGING CARE TO RURAL COMMUNITIES by Dawn Brazell, MUSC Public Affairs & Media Relations Over 25 years ago, Research Professor Carolyn Jenkins, DrPH, APRN, FAAN, began working with communities to reduce poor health outcomes associated with diabetes. She continues her community based participatory work today and is engaged with multiple community groups. She describes her role in the community as providing the science, while community members provide the who, what, when, and where of community based participatory research. In addition to community engagement as a key




component of her research, she believes that an interprofessional team is essential to the success of much of her work. Sometimes it’s a knock on the door that can make all the difference. That’s one of the findings that MUSC researchers are touting now that the preliminary results of the Bamberg Diabetes Transitional Care study are

leading cause of death in SC



in: Rural residents with diabetes do significantly better with increased outreach support. Dana Burshell, study coordinator, said even though she knew barriers to health care in rural areas exist, it was an eye-opener about the extent of the challenges. “They are such a population in need,” said Ms. Burshell. “Everybody, not just a few, had major life barriers,” she said. “I feel like this study is a story of people who often don’t put themselves first and struggle to better manage their health.” Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in South Carolina, and more than 15 percent of residents

of Bamberg Co. residents have diabetes

in Bamberg County have the disease. This is a rate more than 1.5 times the national average and 1.2 times




U.S. population with diabetes

the South Carolina average. Even worse, in Bamberg County the county hospital closed in 2012, and other than very busy primary care providers, there is no self-management education and support for people with In 2012, Bamberg County residents invited academic researchers to brainstorm solutions that would work in their community. The resulting community-engaged feasibility clinical trial tested two interventions. Participants with uncontrolled diabetes received either calls from a local nurse interventionist or in-home visits from a local community health worker. The study, which started June 2014, was led by Dr. Jenkins and Samuel Cykert, MD, a professor in the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and was done in partnership with Brenda Williams from the Regional Medical Center of Orangeburg and Calhoun Counties. Dr. Jenkins considers the study, which involved 48 participants and concluded in February 2016, a success on many levels. As part of the study, participants’ A1C levels, which show the average level of blood sugar over the previous three months and how well a person’s diabetes is under control, were pulled from their medical records. Preliminary results showed that with roughly half of the participants having a poststudy A1C test, 58 percent of the participants in the community health worker group and 64 percent of the



Spring | Summer 2017





90 AfricanAmerican

average age:




have a high school education or less



make less than $20,000 per year

59 (with a range from 21-75 years old)

participants in the nurse group had improvements in their A1C over three months. Preliminary data also showed improvements in self-reported depression scores for the majority of participants – 63 percent for the community health worker group and 60 percent for the nurse intervention group.

Medication adherence, a significant factor in diabetes control that decreases

This type of research goes beyond academic researchers calling the shots. It works because researchers and local leaders examine the community's specific needs and make a plan that would work in that area.

hospital readmissions and emergency department visits, also was studied. The study staff reported that when discussing medication adherence, it was more difficult over the phone and more helpful and interactive in person. Over the course of the study, 50 percent of the community health worker group had an improvement in the participants’ self-reported medication adherence, compared to the nurse intervention group at 37 percent. That’s just what Dr. Jenkins, her colleagues and community leaders want to hear. Dr. Jenkins, a strong advocate for community-based participatory research such as this, said the results reflect the importance of this type of community-

directed research. Dr. Jenkins said this type of research goes beyond academic researchers

Dr. Carolyn Jenkins, Research Professor and Ann Edwards Endowed Chair

calling the shots. It works because researchers and local leaders examine the community’s specific needs and make a plan that would work in that area. “The key is good science and community input and community ownership because grants only provide the seed money. And communities end up needing to maintain these activities. So, if you work with communities, the activities oftentimes last, and they grow or emerge into meeting the needs of the community.” Building up social connections is critical. Ms. Burshell said the majority of the participants had multiple, major life challenges. Study health care providers offered encouragement, diabetes education and practical interventions that

participants said enabled them to prioritize their health and, in some cases, even be able to believe it was even possible to control their diabetes. “Just the support of even the nurse on the phone and especially the community health workers who would say, ‘[My participant] dropped off the map. They’re not calling me back. I’m going to knock on the door and check on them,’ it just made a world of difference.” Many participants attested to the effectiveness of structured support. “They said, ‘Despite all of the things in my life - despite that I have to take care of my children and my mother, and I have to work 12 hour shifts that change every day, I have the support of people who make me matter and care and teach me objective things.” “This study is so compelling because the interventionists partnered with these participants and their families to find individualized, practical solutions,” Ms. Burshell said. “These were solutions that were realistic, sustainable and achievable – that hopefully will last long after the study ends.” Dr. Jenkins said the next important step is to give the community feedback about the research. Study results will be shared with the Bamberg community through public forums, customized reports for participating practices and summary reports to all of the participants. In the next phase of the study, the participants’ hospital use over the upcoming year will be compared to a non-study cohort in the region to assess if there are any decreases in hospital readmissions and increases in cost savings. While community health workers and frequent patient follow-ups can be time-consuming, the ultimate economic impact for small primary care practices, hospitals and the government could be significant, Dr. Jenkins said.

Spring | Summer 2017







erving on the college’s clinical faculty since 2005, Debbie Chatman Bryant, DNP, RN, FAAN, was named the associate dean for practice in the College of

Nursing on May 1. Dr. Bryant comes to the College full-time from the MUSC Hollings Cancer Center where she has held a number of positions, most recently as director of outreach and community relations. During her tenure at Hollings, she de-

signed multi-level and systemic changes resulting in expanded outreach and mobile screening services. She also designed and implemented a standardized “lay” patient navigation curriculum used at National Cancer Institute-designated academic and community cancer centers in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. In addition, she successfully secured more than $1.5 million from philanthropic donors and internally led the charge to recover mobile clinic revenue for programmatic activities. Dr. Bryant’s career has been devoted to transforming the dialogue on health, social, and economic injustices, as well as leading grassroots community organizing and partnership creation. She has contributed to health policy discussions by providing expert testimony for U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, participated in a brain trust for U.S. Congressman James Clyburn, and provided a briefing on Capitol Hill for senior congressional staffers, representatives from federal agencies, women’s organizations, and the business and labor community. As the only nurse on the Avon Foundation’s Access to Care Advisory Committee, she advised on programs and policies in Avon’s safety-net granting portfolio. Professional accolades for Dr. Bryant include being named a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Community Health Leader, a RWJF Executive Nurse Fellow, and a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. She also has received acknowledgements as a woman of achievement from local groups for leadership, compassion, and service. Dr. Bryant serves on the Quality Improvement Committee for Select Health of South Carolina, the Health Equity Team for The Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina, and as steering committee member for the Illumination Project designed to strengthen police/citizens relations in Charleston. She also is a lifetime member of the National Black Nurses Association, Charleston Tri-County Chapter.


BALLESTAS TAPPED TO LEAD UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS the charge in curriculum development and implementation of a four-year undergraduate baccalaureate nursing program that welcomed its inaugural cohort in 2016. Dr. Ballestas is a graduate of Capella University where she earned a PhD in leadership for higher education. Her master’s and baccalaureate degrees are from Molloy College with an emphasis on nursing education. Dr. Ballestas also earned a post-master’s certificate as an adult nurse practitioner from Adelphi University and is certified by the ANCC. Her experiences have been enriched by working in the intensive care arena and acute rehabilitation. As an adult nurse practitioner, she has practiced internal medicine and most reith over 19 years of experience as a registered nurse,


cently as a member of the cardiothoracic service at Winthrop

Helen Ballestas, PhD, ANP-BC, RN joins the faculty as an

University Hospital in New York. Dr. Ballestas has focused her

associate professor and the director of undergraduate pro-

research on cultural competency and the role of nurses as

grams. She comes to the College of Nursing from Long Island

stewards of inclusion and diversity in patient care and nurs-

University Post Campus in New York where she also served as

ing education. Her clinical focus is on Hispanic Alzheimer’s

director of the undergraduate program. In that role, she lead

dementia patients and the burden of the caregiving role.



Spring | Summer 2017




he College of Nursing will host a week-long intensive June

developed the techniques for qualitative metasynthesis and

5-9 for researchers and others who wish to learn how to

published the Handbook for Synthesizing Qualitative Research.

develop and implement a qualitative research project. The Qualitative Research Intensive (QRI) will explore and discuss when a qualitative approach is appropriate; how to frame the research purpose and questions; how to determine which qualitative approach to use; data collection options,


JUNE 5-9, 2017

including focus group strategies and interview question development; data analysis; and presentation of findings. The QRI will be presented by Julie Barroso, PhD, ANP, RN, FAAN, professor and department chair, who has been conducting qualitative research for more than 20 years. During her career, she has guided many doctoral students and faculty through the qualitative process, including obtaining

• DISCUSS when a qualitative approach is appropriate

funding for qualitative proposals. She was fortunate to learn

• DISCOVER how to frame your research purpose and questions

from Margarete Sandelowski, PhD, RN, FAAN and co-taught

• DETERMINE which qualitative approach to use

in several of the summer programs in qualitative research at

• DEVISE data collection options, including focus group strategies and interview question development, and data analysis

the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Together, they


JOURNAL CELEBRATES 30TH ANNIVERSARY Last year, the Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing

In April, President Cole announced that the MUSC Board

(JPNN) celebrated its 30th anniversary year of publication.

of Trustees confirmed the appointment of Lisa K. Saladin,

Published quarterly by Wolters Kluwer, JPNN has a topical

PT, PhD, as executive vice president of academic affairs

theme-based approach that allows for content to be

and provost. Dr. Saladin was selected for this position

expanded in depth. JPPN, commonly known as “The Pink

following a national search. She

Journal," was launched in 1986 as a collaborative effort to

has served as interim provost

address clinical practice, advanced practice and clinical

since July 2016, and becomes the

research within perinatal and neonatal nursing. Diane Angelini, EdD,

second female provost in MUSC


history. The provost is responsible for

FAAN, clinical professor, is

institutional vision setting, strategic

a founding co-editor and

planning, plus oversight and in-

currently serves as senior and

vestment for education and biomedical research. Direct

perinatal editor for JPNN.

reports to the provost’s office include the deans of the six

The approach used by the

colleges, the director of the Hollings Cancer Center, the

founding editors supported

vice president for research, and the associate provost for

a collaborative effort to

educational affairs and student life.

combine both nursing

Dr. Saladin brings more than 23 years of experience as an academic administrator to this pivotally important position. Congratulations to Dr. Saladin on her appointment to this important role.

The celebratory issue (30:3) can be found on the journal’s website:

subspecialties into one journal and was a hallmark among nursing publications at the time of inception.

Spring | Summer 2017







ebbie Chatman Bryant, DNP, RN, FAAN, associate dean of practice, and Gayenell Magwood, PhD, RN, FAAN, Alumnus CCRN, professor,

were among 164 highly distinguished nurse leaders selected for the 2016 class of Fellows in the American Academy of Nursing. The inductees were honored at a ceremony held during the Academy's annual policy conference, Transforming Health, Driving Policy, which took place last October in Washington, DC. The Academy is composed of more than 2,400 nurse leaders in education, management, practice, policy, and research. The Academy Fellows include hospital and government administrators, college deans, and renowned scientific researchers. With this new class, Fellows will represent all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 28 countries. Dean Gail Stuart, PhD, RN, FAAN noted, “We are immensely proud of Drs. Bryant and Magwood and to have additional College of Nursing faculty

Gayenell Magwood (left) and Debbie Bryant at the American Academy of Nursing induction ceremony.

inducted into the Academy – a high level of distinction for our college.”




ean Gail Stuart, PhD, RN, FAAN, spent her spring break continuing her work with the Carter Center’s Mental

Health Program to expand mental health services in Liberia. The trip marks her fifth visit to the African country since 2010 to refine the curriculum she developed to train general nurses to provide mental health care to those in Liberia recovering from the trauma of civil war. An outcome of this program was that 166 Mental Health Nurse Clinicians were trained to provide front-line mental health care in every county in Liberia. More recently, Dr. Stuart was asked to design another curriculum to train Child and Adolescent Mental Health Nurse Clinicians, to address the mental health needs of youth in the country due to the large number of children left orphaned by

Dean Stuart (center) with staff from the Carter Center.

the Ebola outbreak. During the visit, an additional 21 clinicians specializing in child and adolescent mental health

Since 2010, mental health clinicians trained by the Carter

graduated from the training program, bringing the total to

Center program have made a lasting impact in their commu-

date to 40. These graduates will provide mental health and

nities by establishing new services at the ground level. Clini-

psychosocial care in schools, clinics and other child and

cians have opened 14 clinical practices in prison systems,

youth-centered settings.

trained nurse midwives to screen for maternal depression,

Liberia is on course to reach its goal of expanding access

treated refugees from the Ivory Coast conflict, supported the

to mental health care to 70 percent of the population within

nation's first mental health consumer organization, worked

the next few years. Previously, this nation of 4.3 million had

in Ebola treatment units and provided psychosocial supports

one psychiatrist to meet the needs of at least 300,000 Liberi-

to individuals and families affected by the Ebola virus.

ans suffering from mental illnesses. "The Carter Center program graduates have provided life-

"With every group of clinicians trained, there is enthusiasm around how they will contribute to gaps in the still

changing mental health and psychosocial support services

emerging mental health system," said Dr. Janice Cooper, a

throughout Liberia, especially for those facing the aftermath

native Liberian and project lead for the Carter Center's men-

of the Ebola epidemic," said Dr. Bernice Dahn, Minister of

tal health initiative in Liberia.

Health in Liberia. 22


Spring | Summer 2017


FACULTY ACCOLADES Gigi Smith, PhD, RN, CPNP-PC, associate dean for academics, was elected to serve a three year term on the American Epilepsy Society’s (AES) Board of Directors. The AES

Board of Directors is made up of five officers and six board members. AES is one of the oldest neurological professional organizations in the country. The Society seeks to promote interdisciplinary communications, scientific investigation and exchange of clinical information about epilepsy. Membership consists of clinicians, scientists investigating basic and clinical aspects of epilepsy, and other professionals interested in

Left to right: Michelle Nichols, Julie Barroso, Kathy Van Ravenstein and Martha Sylvia

seizure disorders. Members represent both pediatric and adult

The 16th Annual Palmetto Gold Gala was held April 22 at

aspects of epilepsy.

the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. College of Nursing faculty recognized during the gala included Julie Cristina Lopez, PhD, assistant professor and the College of Nursing’s diversity and inclusion officer, received MUSC’s 2017 Earl B. Higgins Achievement in Diversity

Barroso, PhD, RN, FAAN, Michelle Nichols, PhD, RN, Martha Sylvia, PhD, MBA, RN and Kathy Van Ravenstein, PhD FNP-BC. Palmetto Gold, a subcommittee of the South Carolina Nurses Foundation, is a statewide nursing recognition program that both showcases the valuable contributions nurses make to patient care in South Carolina and raises funds to endow scholarships for registered nurse students.

Award in the category University Leadership in Diversity. The award is presented in promoting diversity on campus. First presented in April 1996,


it is a tribute to the late Dr. Earl B. Higgins, former director of

Patrick Coyne, MSN, ACHPN, ACNS-BC, FAAN, FPCN and

affirmative action and minority affairs at MUSC.

his fellow editors received the 2016 American Journal

annually in recognition of exemplary strides and contributions

of Nursing’s (AJN) Book of the Year award for their text, Suparna Qanungo, PhD, assistant professor, was selected as a 2016 Values in Action Award recipient for the value of collaboration. She was recognized last November at a luncheon hosted by President and Mrs. David Cole. Each year, the President’s Values in Action Award recognizes five deserving employees who demonstrate MUSC’s five values of compassion, respect, innovation, collaboration and integrity. These five values lay the framework for determining values at local levels of the organization with the goal that all values map back into these five institutional standards to provide the best care and services to the communities we serve.

Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing, in the Palliative Care and Hospice category. Since 1969, the AJN has published an annual list of the best in nursing publishing. A clinical assistant professor in the College of Nursing, Mr. Coyne is the director for palliative care at MUSC Health where he developed and oversees an interdisciplinary team of health care professionals providing exceptional palliative care. He has published over a hundred articles related to pain management, symptom control, and issues in end-stage disease as well as conducting research studies. In 2013, he was named one of the 30 visionaries in the field by the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. A member of numerous organizations, Mr. Coyne has worked diligently to improve pain management and palliative care nationally and internationally.

Spring | Summer 2017






ASSISTANT PROFESSOR / DIRECTOR OF SIMULATION Melanie Leigh Cason, PhD, RN, CNE has an extensive clinical background in critical care nursing, emergency nursing, hospice, nursing management and clinical education. She has taught at the undergraduate and graduate level with a focus on nursing leadership and education. Dr. Cason received certification as a certified nurse educator from the National League for Nursing (NLN). She is an alumnus of the NLN Simulation Leaders program and serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for the NLN Technology Edge. She is a recipient of the Palmetto Gold Award for Nursing Excellence, the South Carolina League of Nursing Award of Excellence, and the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning’s Excellence in Mentoring award. Her interests

BSN 4 Medical University of South Carolina

include the effects of simulation on learning outcomes

MSN 4 Drexel University

and patient safety, new graduate transition to practice, and

PhD 4 University of Phoenix

interdisciplinary education.

INSTRUCTORS Though she began her education as a nursing major, Katherine E. Chike-Harris DNP, APRN, CPNP, NE, shifted gears to graduate with a degree in chemistry with minors in mathematics and general studies. For 12 years, she worked in various MUSC laboratories and participated in many research projects. Even though she enjoyed research, she felt that the human component of the profession was lacking and therefore returned to school to pursue a

Associates (nursing) 4 Lasell College BA 4 Florida State University DNP 4 University of Florida

degree in nursing. As a nurse, Dr. Chike-Harris worked in pediatric primary care for a Federally Qualified Health Center and in school-based telemedicine with MUSC’s Center of Telehealth. Her interests include reducing health

Before joining MUSC, Kathryn Kinyon Munch, DNP,

care barriers and disparities that are found within the

PPCNP-BC, AHN-BC, worked as a practicing pulmonary

underserved pediatric population, particularly childhood

nurse practitioner for 26 years at the Nemours Children’s

obesity prevention.

Specialty Care in Jacksonville, FL, where she developed comprehensive care programs for persons with asthma, chronic lung disease, cystic fibrosis and other chronic illnesses. Dr. KinyonMunch has extensive experience in the use of quality improvement to improve care, with special training at Dartmouth University as a quality improvement coach for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. While living in Florida, she successfully wrote and lobbied for the passage of legislation allowing children with cystic fibrosis to carry and self-administer pancreatic enzymes while at school. She also developed and produced three educational videos

BSN | MSN | DNP 4 Medical University of South Carolina

on cystic fibrosis for teachers, parents and primary care providers, which are currently used all over the U.S. and internationally. Her current endeavors include research in medication adherence and a transition care manual for parents and children with chronic conditions.



Spring | Summer 2017

CLINICAL INSTRUCTORS BSN 4 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Sarah Fath, MSN, RN, PCCN is the simulation lab

MSN 4 Medical University of South Carolina

unit and then on the surgical specialty step-down

coordinator for the College of Nursing. A certified progressive care nurse, she began her nursing career at MUSC in 2010 in the digestive disease acute care unit. Her interest in nursing education grew out of her experience in the hospital setting with nursing students and new graduates. She has been a clinical nursing instructor for Trident Technical College as well as the MUSC College of Nursing.

Shannon D'Alton, MSN, APRN, CPNP, certified by the Pediatric

BSN 4 University of South Carolina, Aiken

Nursing Certification Board, specializes in the care of

MSN 4 South University

children with chronic disease and has expertise in pediatric neurology and palliative care. She completed a post-graduate fellowship at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, focusing on Neuro-Oncology and Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care. Ms. D’Alton’s interests include recognition of the physical, social, and psychological burdens associated with chronic illness. She currently practices as a certified pediatric nurse practitioner with Hands of Hope, an organization specializing in pediatric palliative care, and strives to improve health-related quality of life.



The 31st Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Re-

In February, advanced practice nurses and faculty

search Society (SNRS) was held in February in Dallas, TX.

members, Amy Williams, DNP, Joy Vess, DNP, Barbara

This year’s theme encompassed advances in qualitative

Edlund, PhD, Cathy Durham, DNP, Katherine Chike-

and quantitative research in education, nursing specialties

Harris, DNP, and Whitney Smith, MSN, traveled to the SC

and clinical practice. Some highlights include:

Statehouse to speak with legislators about expanding the

> Gayenell Magwood, PhD, was made chair of the

scope of practice in SC for advanced practice nurses.

Minority Health Research Interest Group and led a symposium on Research Methods to Promote Health Equity: Bridging Community, Practice and Research. > CON alumna, Lynette Gibson, PhD, presented a paper at the Research Methods to Promote Health Equity discussion. > Dean Gail Stuart, PhD, participated in a forum on navigating academic careers in research intensive schools of nursing. > Martina Mueller, PhD, Teresa Kelechi, PhD, Melanie Cason, PhD, Shelly Orr, PhD student and Felicia Jenkins, PhD '16 presented posters. > Michelle Nichols, PhD, served as the SC liaison to SNRS and judged posters for the Minority Health RIG. > Mary Ellen Potts, PhD student, was the roving reporter.

Spring | Summer 2017





ABSN STUDENTS ATTEND STATE CONVENTION STUDENT NURSES ASSOCIATION Front row: Mackenzie Wilson, Madelaine Koon, Downing Herlocker, Betsy De Leon, Alex Moseley. Middle row: Hannah Kloch, Caitlin Paul, Bernadette Gaffney, Amanda Kirklin. Back row: Addy Jones, Hannah Dweikat, Dr. Lauerer, John Odom, and Michael Simeone.


he 65th annual Student Nurses’

to network, and to represent MUSC on

after hearing directly from those

Association (SNA) South Carolina

the state level.

working within those areas. Because

State Convention was held in

Eight BSN students traveled to Hilton

attendance to specific seminars was

January on Hilton Head Island. In

Head including Downing Herlocker,

not mandatory and multiple seminars

keeping with the theme, “Oh the places

Addy Jones, Madelaine Koon, and Betsy

occurred simultaneously, students were

you’ll go!”, the weekend focused on the

de Leon who are currently in their

able to create a personalized weekend

many different pathways a nursing

second semester, while fourth semester

that best reflected their interests. These

career can take. The attendees included

students Hannah Dweikat, Bernadette

benefits extended past those who

current SNA members from nursing

Gaffney, Caitlin Paul, and Mackenzie

were in attendance. As SNA members,

schools across the state. The seminars

Wilson are graduating in May of 2017.

students were inspired to bring some

ranged from “Pharmacology Made

Joy Lauerer, DNP, RN, PMHCNS-BC,

of these presentations back to MUSC

Easy” to “Your Nursing GPS: What’s Your

SNA faculty advisor, also attended.

as SNA events. It was a weekend that

Destination?” The convention gave SNA

The SNA State Convention provided a

represented the best of South Carolina

members from the College of Nursing

full weekend of helpful opportunities to

nursing and enhanced the overall

the opportunity to meet with students

nursing students. Participants gained

experience of those who attended.

and faculty from other nursing schools,

insight into various fields of nursing


Above: Bernadette Gaffney, Mackenzie Wilson, Caitin Paul, and Hannah Dweikat attend the NCLEX Jeopardy Competition. Left: SNA members proudly display MUSC's banner.



Spring | Summer 2017

STETHOSCOPE CEREMONY The Stethoscope and White Coat Ceremony was held January 11 at St. Luke’s Chapel for the class of May 2018. This tradition welcomes the incoming class of Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Eighty-nine new students began their 16-month academic journey toward becoming a registered nurse.

Spring | Summer 2017






Colin Quashie Sarah Radford Chelsea Riddle Lauren Schattle Jennifer Severence Sharaiah Watson

Maggie Hughes

Cameron Levin Emma Mason Tyler Richardson Ethan Rucker Delaney Smeak Dorothy-Faye Swygert, Elizabeth Strickland Lillian Tribble Clay Wilklow




Maggie Hughes

Mary Obisanya



Jaellene Carson Chasmine Dawkins Anna De Leon Lyndsey DeStefano Kathryn Gillam Courtney Herlocker Tanya Hunt Rosanne Leah Kimberly Mansfield Samantha Martin Alexandra Moseley Jennifer Sacco Kathryn Seitz Dorothy-Faye Swygert

Josey Abraham Olivia Baker Karalyn Bowden Emily Denmeade Jordan Franklin Kelsey Gammon Molly Gersbach Amber Hess Julia Holmes Haley Hunter Mary Lassiter Justin Leblanc Emily Light Cameron Levin Emma Mason Brywn McMahan Alexandra Moseley Kayla Owens Tyler Richardson Ethan Rucker Delaney Smeak McKenzie Smith Elizabeth Strickland Dorothy-Faye Swygert Lillian Tribble Clay Wilklow

Stephanie Miller Ethan Rucker

TAKING NURSING HIGHER SCHOLARSHIP Lisa Davis Darshonda Guess Julia Holmes

Parag Raychoudhury





Bernadette Gaffney


Andrae Deweese

Erica Tollerson



Brywn McMahan

Taylor Thompson


MUHA RN TO BSN SCHOLARSHIP Clifford Beach Jesse Davis Ashley Efremov Holly Follin Carolyn Hendrix Julia Potts 28


Spring | Summer 2017

Josey Abraham Karalyn Bowden Emily Denmeade Jordan Franklin Kelsey Gammon Molly Gersbach Amber Hess Haley Hunter Julia Holmes Emily Light Justin Leblanc

To learn more about establishing a scholarship, contact Laurie Scott, development director, at or (843) 792-8421.



GEDDINGS NAMED TO 40 UNDER 40 LIST Jessica Geddings, DNP student, was named to the Association of


periOperative Registered Nurses’

Nancy Bridgers, MSN Student

(AORN) 2017 Forty Under Forty list in the category Leading the Profession–


Preparing to Make a Difference.

Janette Figueroa, DNP student

association based in Denver, CO

AORN is a non-profit membership that represents the interests of more


than 160,000 perioperative nurses

Shannon Elam, DNP student




by providing nursing education, standards, and clinical practice resources–including the peerreviewed, monthly publication AORN Journal–to enable optimal outcomes for patients undergoing operative and other invasive procedures. Ms. Geddings is pursuing a DNP degree in the nurse executive leadership and innovation track and plans to graduate in December 2017. Last October, she was appointed as the director of surgical services for Citrus Memorial Hospital in Inverness, FL.

Maryellen Potts, PhD student

“The greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more.”

Consider leaving a scholarship with a gift from your estate to MUSC College of Nursing. If you have already done so, please contact our office so that we may celebrate you!

To have a confidential conversation, please contact Laurie Scott, Director of Development, at (843) 792-8421 or Linda Cox, Director of Gift Planning at (843) 792-9562.

Spring | Summer 2017




2017 ALUMNI AWARDS On March 3, the MUSC Alumni Association hosted an awards reception at the Charleston Country Club. Alumni were able reconnect with old friends and faculty, as well as forge new friendsips. Awards in four categories were presented to six deserving individuals who have demonstrated a strong commitment to the MUSC College of Nursing.

1 Nursing students gather with Dean Stuart 2 2017 Alumni Award winners


3 Attendees enjoyed reconnecting with old friends over a southern themed dinner



DISTINGUISHED ALUMNA- Given to an alumna who has distinguished themselves in the nursing profession and in the community, bringing honor to MUSC and the College of Nursing > Bethany Hall-Long | MSN ’88 Since January 2017, Bethany Hall-Long, PhD, MSN, has served as Delaware’s 26th Lt. Governor, the second ranking executive office in the state after the Governor of Delaware. The Lt. Governor presides over the state Senate and chairs Delaware’s Board of Pardons. The Lt. Governor’s office also serves as a resource to help Delawareans connect with various state agencies and divisions. Dr. Hall-Long grew up on a farm in Sussex County, Delaware. She graduated top of her class in 1981 at Indian River High School, and was an active leader and competitive sports player. Dr. Hall-Long traveled the east coast with her husband, Dana, who is a U.S. Navy veteran and an active member of various community organizations. In each community, she was honored with various awards for her community leadership and volunteerism. During her husband's last tour at the Pentagon, Dr. Hall-Long became very active in grassroots politics and community activism. She worked as a nurse manager and home care nurse in Northern Virginia while completing her PhD at an early age. She served as a U.S. Senate and USDHHS fellow, receiving numerous awards for her community work and public policy activities on Capitol Hill. Her record in Delaware and at the University of Delaware (UD) speaks for itself. Dr. Hall-Long was the first nursing faculty at UD to receive the University-wide excellence in teaching award and is currently a Professor of Nursing and Joint Faculty in Urban Affairs. Her research and community service record with at risk groups such as pregnant teens, diabetics, homeless and the mentally ill, makes her a nationally recognized health scientist. For the last 14 years, Dr. Hall-Long has served as a member of Delaware's legislature. First as a representative, then as a senator. She served as the chair of the Health and Social Services committee where her efforts were aimed at ensuring a stronger, healthier Delaware by combating addiction, focusing on a stronger mental health system, and fighting cancer. She also served as a member of the capital budget Bond Committee where she focused on building Delaware’s infrastructure, modernizing schools, repairing highways, and protecting the environment and open space.



Spring | Summer 2017

OUTSTANDING SERVICE: Given to an individual or

the RN to BSN program. Dr. Ehrhardt serves on the SC Board

organization who demonstrates outstanding service and

of Nursing and on the SC Advisory Council for nursing edu-

promotes the advancement of MUSC and the College of

cation. She also serves on the planning committee for the SC


Nursing Excellence conferences and the advisory boards for the LPN and RN programs at Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical

> Tiffany Williams | BSN ’90, MSN ’01, DNP ’12


Tiffany Williams, DNP, APRN, CPNPPC, is a certified pediatric nurse

> Melissa Batchelor-Murphy | PhD ’11

practitioner, with specialty in ado-

Melissa Batchelor-Murphy, PhD,

lescent parenting, health disparities

RN-BC, FNP-BC, is an assistant

among underserved and disadvan-

professor at Duke University School

taged children and adolescents, and

of Nursing. She is board certified as

childhood obesity. She taught in the

a gerontological registered nurse


and family nurse practitioner, and

programs and also served as the

maintains her clinical practice with

college's diversity officer. In this role, she coordinated and

Inova Fairfax Geriatrics Integra-

guided efforts to define, assess, foster and cultivate diversity

tive Services. Her research aims to

and inclusion; support of the MUSC’s Diversity and Inclusion

improve nutritional outcomes for nursing home residents

Strategic plan; and development of leadership and curricu-

with dementia. She was the first National Hartford Center

lar programs aimed at building cultural competency and

of Gerontological Nursing Excellence Patricia G. Archbold

diversity-related skills for faculty, staff, and students.

Scholar funded in South Carolina. She is a dedicated nurse scientist, educator, and clinician with multiple publications

> Harvey Galloway

and presentations, and a nationally recognized innovator in Harvey Galloway is the executive

using social media to raise nursing’s voice.

director of the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation. His

HONORARY ALUMNUS: Given to an individual who, while

experiences with BlueCross and

not a graduate of the MUSC College of Nursing, has made

wholly owned subsidiaries span 45

significant contributions to the College’s educational mission.

years. Mr. Galloway has served on many boards involving health care

Diane Lorenzi Shuler

and not-for-profit organizations

After a 33-year nursing career,

whose goals were to improve health

Diane Shuler, BSN, retired in 2008.

and promote cultural growth for SC.

Upon her arrival in South Carolina in 2010, she became the president of

EXEMPLARY RECENT GRADUATE: Given to a recent alumna

the East Cooper Newcomers Club

who has distinguished themselves in the nursing profession

which exposed her to the East Coo-

and the community, bringing honor to MUSC and the

per Community Outreach Center

College of Nursing

(ECCO). After organizing two gala fundraisers’ for ECCO, she served on

> Sonya Kay Ehrhardt | MSN ’11, DNP ’13

its board of directors and chaired its health care committee.

Sonya Ehrhardt, DNP, RN, NEA-BC,

During this time, she realized the need for a nurse managed

CPHQ, is the quality improvement

clinic for the uninsured in the East Cooper area. This led her

coordinator at Aiken Regional Medi-

to establish, in partnership with the MUSC College of Nursing,

cal Center. Previously, she worked

ECCO's Partners in Healthcare clinic that services the unin-

at the Regional Medical Center in

sured and specializes in chronic disease management.

Orangeburg for 31 years where among her roles she served as the assistant vice president/assistant chief nursing officer. She has been adjunct faculty for the Mary Black School of Nursing at USC Upstate and is currently adjunct faculty at Claflin University in

Spring | Summer 2017






Amelia Burke Alderman (Diploma ’58)

working as a school nurse for the past

Karen Adams (BSN ’90) has been

shares, “I still have wonderful

eight years and previously worked

married and working at Valley Health

memories of my days and years at

as a certified childbirth educator in

for 26 years. She and husband,

MUSC. When I am in Charleston, I am

community health. These days, she

Tim, celebrated their 25th wedding

so happy to see all that has been done

enjoys playing with her grandchildren

anniversary with a three-week trip to

and see excellence in all of the medical

and making occasional trips with

Alaska in 2015. This past summer they

care that is outstanding in every aspect.

friends or family.

took a self-guided 17-day trip in the

Thank you MUSC for a wonderful

Grand Canyon white water rafting on

education that has given joy in my life

Jane P. Stretch (Diploma ’67) has three

as a nurse and servant to others.”

grandchildren, Cooper, Emma and

the Colorado River.

Sullivan Walling. They enjoy playing

Penelope Chase (MSN ’91) lost her

Ida M. Fressilli (Diploma ’63) has five

ice and roller hockey and participating

husband, Chaz, in December 2015.

grandchildren: Cole McKnight is a

on the swim team.

Since then, she moved to Foulkeways,

student at Clemson, Eliza McKnight

a continuing care retirement

and Nathan Rutledge are both students

Sally Byers Dominick (BSN ’82) is

community, that is five miles from her

at Wando High School, Dolen Rutledge

currently working as a school nurse

previous home. She remains close to

is living with his grandparents while he

at Little Mountain Elementary School

her children and grandchildren.

works at Burton’s, and Lawton Rutledge

in Little Mountain, SC. In January,

is finishing eighth grade at Laing

she received the 2016-2017 South

Karen A. Newsome (BSN ’91) is a

Middle School. Her husband, Tom, a

Carolina School Nurse of the Year

psychiatric nurse practitioner at

retired Navy Reserve Commander, has

Award. This award is presented

Four County Counseling Center in

retired from Southern Division Naval

annually by the SC Department of

Logansport, IN where she has been

Facility and both feel blessed that they

Health and Environmental Control

providing medical clinic follow-ups via

all live nearby.

and the Department of Education to

telemedicine for the past year.

publicly recognize the outstanding Frances Story Jones (Diploma ‘64)

contributions of a registered nurse

Jessica Tillman (BSN ’06), a PhD

retired from a long career in

providing school health services in

candidate at the Johns Hopkins

psychiatric/mental health nursing in

South Carolina.

University School of Nursing, has

2016. She is grateful for the experience

received a Ruth L. Kirschstein National

and contributions to advances in the

After a 30 year career at WCA Hospital

Research Service Award Individual

field of mental health and patient care

in Jamestown, NY, Bruce R. Gillen

Predoctoral Fellowship from the

over the years and is thankful for her

(BSN ’83) retired in 2014. These days,

National Institute of Nursing Research

nursing education at MUSC.

he volunteers at the hospital, assisting

of the National Institutes of Health.

patients with patient portal setup, and

The award will support her dissertation

checking in on his OR buddies.

research project titled, "The influences

Eileen W. Blackwell (Diploma ’65) enjoys summer and winter vacations

of coping strategies and social support

in Jackson, WY with family. Her

Capt. Denise Adler Johnson (BSN '83)

on self-care behaviors among young

grandchildren, Leah (age 13) and

retired after 32 years of service in the

women with pelvic inflammatory

William (age 3) are fascinated by the

United States Navy Nurse Corps.


Lynn Singleton (MSN ’96, BSN ’89)

Last fall, Kahlil Demonbreun (DNP

area’s wildlife including elk, moose, antelope and bears.

was promoted

’12), received

Judith Ann Loesch (Diploma ’67)

to chief nursing


enjoyed the Golden Grads event in

officer at Trident

accolades for his

March. She misses her classmates and

Medical Center in

work including

the city of Charleston.

November 2016.

the Distinguished

She previously


Margaret E. Pugh (Kitty) (Diploma ’67)

held the same

Service Award

retired from the Florida Department

position at

presented by the

of Health in July 2016. She has been



Summerville Medical Center.

Spring | Summer 2017

Family Solutions of the Low Country

for his contributions and faithful service to women, families and the community. He also was the recipient


of the Sigma Theta Tau (Alpha Xi Chapter) Carol R. Collison Award for

Lauriston Fogle, Diploma ‘46

Faye R. McGowan, Diploma ‘50

Apr. 1, 1926 - Nov. 28, 2016

Nov. 4, 1929 - Oct. 20, 2016

Lenoir, NC

St. Helena, SC

Carol Thomas Glover, Diploma ‘60

Emily Ann Bilton Hill, Diploma ‘60

Sep. 6, 1939 - Mar. 26, 2016

Mar. 13, 1939 - Dec. 7, 2016

Andrews, SC

Winston-Salem, NC

Research Branch

Delia Murphy McGrath, BSN '71

Evangeline Joye Peterson, BSN ‘74

of the Healthcare

Jan. 17, 1949 - Feb. 16, 2017

Dec. 1, 1939 - Nov. 15, 2016

Delivery Research

Daniel Island, SC

Oak Island, NC

Excellence in Nursing Practice, as well as the University of South Carolina College of Nursing's Outstanding Nurse Alumnus Award. Michelle Mollica (PhD ‘14) was named program director for the Outcomes

Program at the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Control and Population

Nelda "Nell" Marie Hall, MSN '77 Jun. 17, 1928 - Feb. 11, 2017 Fort Worth, TX

Sciences. Lenora Smith (PhD ‘14) has been elected to serve on the Southern Nursing Research Society’s Succession Planning and Nominations Committee. She is an assistant professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Felicia Jenkins (PhD ’16), an assistant professor in the Mary Black School of Nursing at the University of South Carolina Upstate, was one of 35

Have News?

faculty researchers

Have a new job, a promotion, an award or even a new family member? Let us know and we’ll include it in our next issue. Submit a Class Note online at

from the USC system to receive Research Initiative for Summer Engagement funds to support her summer research project, titled “Physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors in African American women.”

Spring | Summer 2017







he MUSC College of Nursing’s Class of 1980 seized a

they called their classmates two weeks ahead of the mailing

unique opportunity to reconnect with one another dur-

to inform them of the campaign and answer any questions

ing their 35th Reunion two years ago. The college had

about the project.

just unveiled its building’s beautiful renovation the previous

Due to the generosity of classmates and professors, the

December, and with the renovation came numerous naming

Class of 1980 exceeded their goal. The committee sent their

opportunities to recognize donors and alumni who had given

classmates a follow-up letter announcing the results of the

generous donations.

campaign and the date of the Archives Room’s dedication

Mary Watcher Swain and her family graciously donated half the funds required to name one of the college’s high-

ceremony. The Archives Room was dedicated on November 11, 2016.

profile spaces – the Archives Room – in honor of her class.

The Class of 1980, guests and beloved professors attended a

They then challenged the Class of 1980 to match their gift, for

luncheon hosted by Dean Gail Stuart, PhD, RN, FAAN, and

a total contribution of $25,000 to the college’s building fund.

Sallie Hutton, executive director of the MUSC Office of Alumni

The goal clearly was an ambitious one, but several classmates decided to accept the Swains’ challenge. Jerrie Hess Fath was one of them. “Some of our classmates discussed

Affairs, thanked everyone for their commitment and perseverance to achieving an ambitious goal. “Serving on the committee was indeed a pleasure and a

forming a task force to develop and implement a fundraising

privilege. The opportunity to preserve the history of the CON

campaign for the Archives Room. After the class president,

was priceless to me,” Ms. Blackmon said. “It was a wonder-

Ann Oenbrink Sealy, and the college blessed the concept, it

ful chance to connect with many classmates that we had not

became a work of passion for all of us.”

spoken to since graduation.”

The Archives Room Campaign Committee was founded

The highlight for Ms. Fath was the dedication ceremony

when five alumnae decided to make it a priority for the class

with her classmates, former faculty and Dean Stuart. "It has

to meet its initial fundraising goal. In addition to Ms. Fath,

been a privilege to serve with Debbie, Colleen, Donna and

Debbie Cape Lyles, Donna Hare Hudson, Colleen Doolan

Cindy on this project,” Ms. Fath said. "My hope is our approach

Gilmore and Cindy Driggers Blackmon, got on board with the

to fundraising will serve as a model for other classes to follow.”

project, complemented by their varied backgrounds and dif-

Ms. Blackmon reflected on her committee’s achievement. “I

ferent nursing paths. Ms. Fath would become the liaison with

believe we were successful because our different personalities

the college’s Development Office, planning all conference

proved to be our strength and we all have those traits nurses

calls and communications.

are known for: persistence and dedication. What is interesting

Solicitation is one of the most crucial aspects of a fund-

is, our class is now much more engaged, and we are planning

raising campaign, and it was at this stage that the commit-

regular gatherings to stay in touch and raise funds for schol-

tee members truly had their chance to shine. After drafting a

arships and other projects.”

letter that would be sent by the college’s Development Office,

CLASS OF 1980 Front row (left to right): Sylvia Steinberg, Mary Swain, Jerrie Fath, Cesta Ford. Colleen Gilmore and Debbie Lyles. Back row: Donna Hudson, Virginia Crisp, Liz Lowry, Ann Sealy, Lisa Allbritton, Kathy Kline and Cathy Quinn.



Spring | Summer 2017




ev Seinsheimer is extremely proud to be a nurse. A graduate of the University of Virginia School of Nursing, the Alexandria, VA native

moved to Charleston in the 1980s. She practiced nursing for 14 years, mainly in cardiology. Always passionate about medicine, especially in the field of prevention, Ms. Seinsheimer was asked to be on the Heart and Vascular Board at MUSC, which she ultimately chaired. She founded the Women’s Heart Health Symposium in 2007. Due to her outstanding work in the area of heart disease prevention, she was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from MUSC in 2010. “It was such a huge honor, and definitely the most emotional day of my life, apart from the birth of my first child.” Ms. Seinsheimer joined the College of Nursing Development Advisory Board in 2015 and shortly thereafter, established a new scholarship endowment to enhance diversity in the College. “I’ve been watching Dean Stuart and the faculty’s amazing achievements in the MUSC College of Nursing for the last decade, and was delighted to take on the challenge of supporting the fundraising initiatives of the college to advance nursing education, research and practice activities,” Ms. Seinsheimer stated. “The future of health care today is in the field of nursing. Nurse practitioners have a critical role to play in providing primary care. I really wanted to help those who don’t have the financial means to study nursing. It’s a wonderful investment and will really make a difference in their lives,” Ms. Seinsheimer said of the new scholarship. For more information on how you can support a scholarship in the Take Nursing Higher Campaign in the College of Nursing, please contact Laurie Scott, development director, at or (843) 792-8421.

Why I Give

DONNA HUDSON, BSN '80 I received more than a BSN at the MUSC College of Nursing. The skills I learned here went beyond the bedside, providing me with a sense of greater purpose and service to others. Joining the United States Air Force (USAF) was a natural progression for me, as I grew up in a military family, with a father who spent his career in the Navy. My education further prepared me for the USAF’s core values: integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do. Even though the USAF seemed like the perfect place for me after MUSC, I thought I would only stay for my initial three-year commitment when I joined in 1984. I surprised myself when I retired in 2010 after 26 years serving my country. The USAF was a family affair for me, as I served with my husband and our son has followed in our footsteps. My career in the USAF took me beyond traditional nursing and provided me with life-changing opportunities. My experiences included working as a Labor and Delivery nurse to preparing and educating new nurse recruits to countering weapons of mass destruction, including proliferation and consequence management. The skills and knowledge I gained in my four years at the College of Nursing provided the medical foundation, self-confidence and leadership I needed to be successful in the USAF. It is now time to pay it forward, and I am eager to share my success and experience with other veterans who are seeking a new career path. Giving back to the Veterans Scholarship at the College of Nursing allows me to now come full circle and give credit to the strong foundation I received from my alma mater.

Spring | Summer 2017





TAKE NURSING HIGHER SCHOLARSHIP CAMPAIGN KICKS OFF Second, it sets aside funds for groups of students now underrepresented in the nursing work force, including minorities and veterans. Finally, it addresses the education bottleneck by raising funds for those students interested in pursuing a career in teaching, thus adding much-needed bandwidth to the nursing pipeline. The Take Nursing Higher Campaign has raised $675,000 to date thanks to the generous gifts of alumni and friends of the college, but we still need your help. You can support an existing scholarship or give to the 135th Anniversary Scholarship, the Diversity in Nursing Scholarship or the Veterans in Nursing Scholarship. To find out more about establishing a scholarship through a current gift or a gift in your will, please contact Laurie Scott, director of development, at 843-792-8421 or To make a gift online, visit Or call the MUSC Foundation at 843-792-2677,


he MUSC College of Nursing launched a fundraising

or mail a check made out to the MUSC Foundation at

campaign that will invest in the future of nursing and

18 Bee Street, MSC 450, Charleston, SC 29425.

address a growing shortage of nurses throughout the

state and nation. The Take Nursing Higher Campaign aims to raise $1.5 million for student scholarships in the College of Nursing. The campaign will run between now and 2018, the year of the college’s 135th anniversary. Although the college is leading this campaign in part to

Dear Friends, We don’t often have the opportunity to permanently and positively change the course of another person’s life, but today you have such an opportunity. In January, the MUSC College of Nursing kicked off a

celebrate its 135-year history, its larger goal is to strengthen the future of nursing. Specifically, it aims to ensure that the

campaign to raise $1.5 million for nursing scholarships.

profession will remain occupied by a healthy cohort of gifted,

We took this step because, in recent years, we have

dedicated and well-prepared nurses.

seen too many smart and gifted people turn away from

Several factors are driving the current nursing shortage: • The population is aging, increasing demand for health care services.

a career in nursing because their families just couldn’t afford to send them to school. My friends, we cannot afford to lose a single person with the heart, skills and

• Nurses are retiring at a faster rate than new ones are joining. • There is a shortage of teaching faculty. Nursing schools turn away as many as 69,000 qualified applicants each year simply because they do not have enough instructors for the students. If these trends continue, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a shortage of more than 1 million nurses within five

devotion it takes to be a great nurse. Thanks to the generous early support of many friends, we already have raised $675,000 toward our $1.5 million goal. Now, we are inviting you, our loyal alumni, to show your support for your college, our future students and the patients they one day will serve. Please consider making a gift to the Take Nursing

years. Such a shortage could have far-reaching effects on patient care, including less time for the care of each patient,

Higher scholarship campaign. It’s a great way for you

delays in procedures and a shift of care to families.

to change the life of a fellow nurse while ensuring

Furthermore, the shortage could become self-accelerating,

continued excellence in our profession. With your help,

leading overworked nurses still in the workforce to leave the

we truly will help “take nursing higher” into the future!

profession prematurely.

With best wishes,

Gail Stuart, Dean

MUSC College of Nursing

The Take Nursing Higher Campaign addresses three important aspects of the nursing shortage. First, it reduces cost as a barrier for many qualified students.



Spring | Summer 2017

What kind of a legacy will you leave?

Have you considered a planned gift to the College of Nursing through a bequest in your will? It is the most common type of planned gift. There are many different types of bequests including a specific sum of money, a percentage or the residual of your estate. If you have considered leaving the College of Nursing in your will, but would like to include the proper bequest language, we have provided several examples below: SPECIFIC BEQUEST “I hereby give, devise and bequeath ______ dollars to the Medical University of South Carolina Foundation, Charleston, SC, designated in support of __________ in the College of Nursing.” PERCENTAGE BEQUEST “I hereby give, devise and bequeath ______ percent of my estate to the Medical University of South Carolina Foundation, Charleston, SC, designated in support of __________ in the College of Nursing.” RESIDUARY BEQUEST “I hereby give, devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to the Medical University of South Carolina Foundation, Charleston, SC, designated in support of __________ in the College of Nursing.”

If you have already left the College of Nursing in your will, please contact the Office of Planned Giving so that we may celebrate you! Linda Cox • Director of Planned Giving 843-792-9562 •



NEW CLINICAL NURSING LEADERSHIP AND OPPORTUNITIES by J. Ryne Danielson, MUSC Public Affairs and Media Relations Photo: Patti Hart and Jerry Mansfield with nursing student, Anna Wayne, a recipient of the MUSC Health scholarship

information about the medical treatment plan and help them incorporate it into their lives going forward,” he said. “The goal is that patients shouldn’t stay in the hospital too long, they shouldn’t have a complication while they’re here and they certainly shouldn’t have to come back for a related issue because we missed it.” In the past, hospitals have been paid based on how many patients they treated and how many services they


"I'm responsible for what happens

provided. “In the future,” Dr. Mansfield

Patti Hart, RN, have more than six

day to day on the nursing units, as well

explained, “we’ll be paid based on out-

decades of combined experience

as for making sure we have consistency

comes instead.”

in the nursing field. Their new roles at

and synergy across the enterprise," she

That means it’s important, both for

MUSC Health reflect the organization’s

explained. Budgets, logistics and qual-

patients and health care providers, to

appreciation for the key contributions

ity assurance all fall within her purview.

think about ways to reduce costs.

of nursing, not only in the daily care of

This change has been in the works

erry Mansfield, PhD, RN, and

“We just can’t afford to keep deliver-

patients and families, but in developing

for a while, the pair noted, explain-

ing health care the way we’ve done it in

new care delivery models for the future.

ing that as health care becomes more

the past.” Instead, he said, it’s important

Dr. Mansfield, as executive chief nurs-

interprofessional and outcome-driven,

whenever possible to keep patients out

ing officer, and Ms. Hart, as associate

nurses play an increasingly important

of high-cost health care settings, like

chief nursing officer, will expand the


emergency departments, and instead

responsibilities of the chief nurse in two important ways.

"We are becoming much more

shift to urgent care centers and after-

quality-driven than quantity-driven,"

hours clinics that can better serve the

First, Dr. Mansfield will bring a re-

Ms. Hart said. "We are transitioning

needs of patients at lower costs.

newed focus on nursing practice, help-

from operating in silos and moving

ing to redefine what nurses do at MUSC

from hospital-based to systems-based

have four main goals for nursing at

and chart a course through a rapidly

care. We are and must continue to think

MUSC. The first is to develop a nursing

changing and increasingly unpredict-

about how the patient flows through

strategic plan to directly connect the

able health care environment.

our entire health system.”

"Health care is changing, and we

Dr. Mansfield spends a lot of time

have to maximize the use of this valu-

thinking about how to best serve pa-

able resource called nursing in new and

tients. In addition to his role as ECNO,

innovative ways," he said.

he holds another title, chief patient ex-

Second, Ms. Hart will manage the

perience officer. He said it’s no coinci-

nuts and bolts of daily operations in

dence hospital leadership chose a nurse

nursing, with nurse directors working

to fill that role. In every department,

with each Integrated Center of Clinical

both in the hospital and MUSC’s many

Excellence reporting to her. Previously,

clinics, nurses are on the front line of

nurses reported through their service

the patient experience.

lines to the chief operating officer, bypassing the CNO entirely. 38


“Nurses are best suited to interact with patients and families and to take

Spring | Summer 2017

Dr. Mansfield and Ms. Hart said they

Nurses are best suited to interact with patients and families and to take information about the medical treatment plan and help them incorporate it into their lives going forward. - Jerry Mansfield, PhD, RN

work nurses do every day to MUSC

first survey is all about process, but the

The fourth goal Dr. Mansfield and

Health’s pillar goals and those of

second and subsequent surveys are all

Ms. Hart cited is to improve the patient

Imagine MUSC 2020.

about outcomes,” she said.

experience at MUSC.

“I want every nurse in the organization to be able to relate what they do on

Their third goal is to develop and

“MUSC, as an academic health

implement an organizational structure

center, has the unbelievable potential

each shift to the overall goals of the or-

that emphasizes leadership develop-

to train future nurses to work in the

ganization,” Dr. Mansfield said. “That’s

ment and shared governance.

interprofessional environments that we

big goal No. 1.”

“The nurses at MUSC are agile and

will create,” Dr. Mansfield said. “There

Their second goal is ensure MUSC is

willing to do whatever it takes to care

is energy and talent here, and we have

redesignated a Magnet hospital in 2019.

for their patients,” Ms. Hart said. “I’ve

made some real strategic steps to build

“Magnet designation is a rare thing

been so impressed with the teamwork

a health system for the future.”

to get and a hard thing to keep,” he

here. Helping nurses develop a voice in


leadership and embrace their decision-

Ms. Hart said that almost half of

making power has been amazing,

hospitals that achieve Magnet designa-

because the people who do the work

tion fail to attain redesignation. “The

understand it the best.”

DIRECTORS OF NURSING FOR MUSC HEALTH The roles of the directors of nursing have changed to influence practice both in the inpatient and ambulatory areas. They maintain operational responsibility for the inpatient areas, as well as development of nursing staff and leaders. Director of Nursing for Ambulatory including Primary Care > Sherry Miller, MSN, RN has been with MUSC for more than 40 years and has functioned in many leadership roles. She has served as a nurse leader both in the inpatient primarily in women’s health while most of her tenure has been in the ambulatory setting. Director of Nursing for Women and Children’s > Tejuana Holmes, MS, BSN, RN, NE-BC, has been a nurse leader at MUSC for more than two years. Prior to joining MUSC, she was a nurse leader in women’s services inpatient and in the ambulatory setting in Nashville, TN. Director of Nursing, Neurosciences, Surgery Specialty and Spine, and Heart and Vascular > Leah Ramos, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, NE-BC has been a nurse with MUSC for 13 years and has been a nurse leader for the last two years. Director of Nursing, Mental Health and Digestive Health > Angela Richards, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, GCNS-BC has been a nurse with MUSC for 12 years. Director of Nursing, Acute, Critical Care and Trauma, and Musculoskeletal > Camille Filoromo, PhD, MEd, BSN, RN, joined MUSC from the University of Florida, Jacksonville where she was the director of nursing for professional excellence and professional practice.

Pictured from top: Leah Ramos, Sherry Miller, Angela Richards, Tejuana Holmes and Camille Filoromo

Spring | Summer 2017




The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark. - Michelangelo


Medical College of South Carolina nursing students look on as an instructor gives a baby incubator demonstration in this undated photo. If you can identify anyone in this photograph? Do you remember the year it was taken? If so, let us know. Pass along any details by sending an email to, or if you prefer send us a letter the old school way to: MUSC College of Nursing - Lifelines 99 Jonathan Lucas St., MSC 160 Charleston, SC 29425


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College of Nursing 99 Jonathan Lucas Street MSC 160 Charleston, SC 29425-1600

Taking Nursing to a Higher Level Offering the following programs:

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RN to BSN Accelerated BSN Post-BSN to DNP Post-MSN to DNP Accelerated PhD RANKED

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