The Importance of Muscle Building Bodyweight Workouts
A muscle building bodyweight workout is a wonderful option for getting rid of all the fat that has accumulated in your body. It is also very helpful for developing your resistance and strengthening your muscles. These workouts have become very popular during the past few years even though it is a very primitive method. One of the reasons for the popularity of bodyweight workouts is because it is very appropriate, quick and you can do it anywhere you want to. The best thing is that you can do it even in the smallest of the spaces. Another aspect is that it is a very efficient way of burning fat.
Here are few fat Burning Muscle Building Bodyweight exercises
1. Push Ups
4. Pull Ups
2. Squats
3. Plank
5. Lunges
1. Push Ups
Pushups are great way of developing big arm muscles and a nice toned upper body. However after a while the results you get from performing pushups will start to harshly decrease. This is because there is only so far you can go doing standard pushups.
2. Squats
This is a great lower body movement which emphasizes quadriceps hamstring and glutes does work the whole body and is a great calorie burner. You have your feet shoulder width apart, look straight ahead initiate movement by extending hips down and back to parallel with the floor and return to starting position.
3. Plank
This exercise is a full body movement with emphasis on core. Perform exercise by lying face down on floor and lifting the body off ground with lower arms and feet. Bridge the body off floor, weight from body will be sustained with lower arms and toes.
4) Pull Ups
Pull-ups is one of the best upper body exercises out there. It is a common myth that only a certain type of bodies are meant to do pull-ups. They also strengthen pecs, traps, triceps, biceps, lats as well as your core.
5. Lunges
If you want to build stronger quads, add classic lunges into your bodyweight exercise program then try altering variations of the lunge, such as side, low, barbell, sliding side lunges and one leg lunge reach, into your routine to strengthen other leg muscles. If you want to find more information about the muscle building bodyweight workouts, you should get in touch with Muscle Prodigy.
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Website:- www.muscleprodigy.com Email:- support@muscleprodigy.com Phone Number :- (800) 863-7220