Impressum publishing company: mushroom media e.k. Arnoldstrasse 47, 22763 Hamburg Germany /Planet Earth For partyinfo please call our famous mushroom hotline +49(0)1805-68747666 fon: +49 (0) 40-398417-0 (office) fax: +49 (0) 40-398417-50 info@mushroom-magazine.com If you send a mail to... contact@mushroom-media.com you will get an email with all contac of mushroom media publisher (V.i.S.d.P.) Matthias van den Nieuwendijk editorial staff: Kai Mathesdorf, die.jennie, Liese, Mat Mushroom, Maik Hotz editorial assistance: Jan Koch, Franziska Gangloff, Sina Karow, postmann, Boris Levit, mor translations: Saffa, Claudia thanks to our trainee: Melle photos: Kai Mathesdorf, Jens Rauhut and more. Design: Stephan Meinking, Liese, Sina Karow, Mat Mushroom, Franziska Gangloff www.mushroom-online.com: Marc-Oliver Reichel title picture: Kai Mathesdorf advertisements: Tatjana Wegner, Jan Koch, Jennie Becker, Liese, Matthias van den Nieuwendijk see pricelist in the internet at: www.mushroom-online.com/media advertisements and editorial-deadline: at the 15th of the month before distribution: mushroom, Shakaree Bochum, Cosmophilia, Novatekk, EFA, america distribution by Eyephunk printer: Druckerei Brünnler • Hamburg circulation: 55.000 copies worldwide subscription: german subscription: 20 EURO (payment via stamps, cheques, cash) international subscription: 30EURO (payment cash or credit card please call +49 40 39841777) Für unverlangt eingesandtes Material übernehmen wir keine Haftung, Namentlich gekennzeichnete Artikel geben die Meinung des jeweiligen Verfassers wieder, nicht unbedingt die des Herausgebers oder der Redaktion. Ein Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, ist nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung des Verlages möglich. Die Redaktion behält sich vor, Leserbriefe zu kürzen. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr.
Spaceship “Intershroom” We are writing the year 2002. The spaceship "intershroom" has started with its crew (printed on the left-hand side). With almost 8 years of base work, in a small trance colony in the northern hemisphere, we 're on a mission from the mycelspacecommando, to enter distant galaxies were the mushroom has never been read before. With a different outfit and even decodable for all the aliens out there, we invite you into the land of trance fraggles and psycadelic delicatessen. We tell you the story of trance, recom mend the best meeting points of this summer to you in german / english and send you on a jour ney of vision and sound... The spaceship "intershroom" will land twice a year from now on, so that all the aliens from psycadelic worlds always stay informed about latest developments in the world wide community.
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2002, das Raumschiff Intershroom ist mit seiner links abgedruckten Crew aufgebrochen. Nach einer fast 8-jährigen Basisarbeit in einer kleinen Trancekolonie der nördlichen Hemisphäre haben wir vom Mycelienraumkommando den Auftrag bekommen, in entfernte Galaxien vorzudringen, in der der mushroom noch nie gelesen wurde. In einem etwas anderen Outfit als sonst und nun auch decodierbar für alle Aliens (deutsch/englisch) laden wir Euch ein in das Land der Trance-Fraggles und psychedelischen Delikatessen, wir erzählen Euch die Geschichte des Trance, empfehlen Euch die besten Treffpunkte des Sommers und schicken Euch auf so manche Vision... Das Raumschiff “Intershroom” wird von nun an zweimal im Jahr landen, damit die Aliens der Psychedelischen Welten stets über die neuesten Entwicklungen der weltweiten Community informiert werden können.
“Intershroom” @ Internet To create a constant source for information, we will expand our website www.mushroomonline.com with contents in english starting in January 2002. Everything that you can experience on our virtual spaceship" intershroom" will be explained online. So please visit us also in cyber space.
Um eine ständige Informationsquelle zu schaffen, werden wir im Januar 2002 unsere Website www.mushroom-online.com mit englischsprachigen Inhalten erweitern. Was man alles neues auf unserem virtuellen Raumschiff “Intershroom” erleben kann, erklären wir Dir online. Also besuche uns im Cyberspace.
We want you ! If you like to join us, let us know, because we're always looking for people that can tell us more about psychedelic experiences from different places on this planet or maybe even from different galaxies. So, if you like to be part of it, let us know at info@intershroom.com or of course at info@mushroommedia.com We'll be happy to hear from you. But now, enjoy reading, Mat and the mushroom team
Wenn auch DU im Raumschiff Intershroom mitfliegen möchtest, dann melde Dich bei uns, denn wir suchen noch einige Leute im Team, die uns von den psychedelischen Erfahrungen aus anderen Orten unseres Planeten oder vielleicht auch aus anderen Galaxien erzählen. Wenn Du mitmachen möchtest, dann melde Dich bitte bei info@intershroom.com oder natürlich info@mushroom-media.com Wir freuen uns auf Dich. Aber jetzt viel Spaß beim Lesen, Mat und das mushroom-Team
Text: Kai Mathesdorf
Translation: Saffa
Ein kurzer historischer Abriß über Techno A small history about techno
a music-historic point of view it is based on house and electro. The term “House” refers to a club that was founded in a warehouse in the harbour of Chicago in the mid 80’s: The “Warehouse”. Soul, black, vocaloriented disco music was put over electronic beats, which the disc-jokkey previously produced himself and played from analogue tape. Thereby the disc-jockey created a new track out of a combination of the two tracks. Therewith came the phenomena of mixing, the DJ could theo retically play an endless track by blending and mixing different pieces of music. The best DJ’s of the time, like Frankie Knuckles or Ron Hardy, began producing complete tracks, playing them in clubs and later releasing this music on labels such as Trax and DJ International. Musicians such as Ralphie Rosario, Mickey Oliver, Marshall Jefferson and Mr.Fingers developed a complete House avant garde towards the end of the 1980’s. ••• ••• ••• Während Chicago immer Philadelphia, Soul- und Disco- dominiert war, bildete sich in Detroit um lokale Größen wie Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson und Derrick May parallel ein eher rhyth mus- und funkorientierter, minimaler Stil, der stark durch europäische Computermusik von z.B. Kraftwerk und Klaus Schulze (Produzent von
u.a.Tangerine Dream) aber auch durch englische Wave- und Indie-Bands, wie z.B. Depeche Mode, New Order und Nitzer Ebb geprägt war. Die Musik aus Detroit gilt als der amerikanische Techno. Ein Zufall führte in Chicago zu einem parallelen, ganz neuen Stil, dem ,Acid’. Acid bezeichnet eigentlich einen typi schen Sound, der entsteht, wenn man einen bestimmten speicherfähigen Synthesizer wider seiner Gebrauchsanweisung benutzt. Nathan Jones, alias DJ Pierre, der Entdecker dieser Eigenschaft der Roland TB 303, ließ seinen ersten komponierten Track im ,warehouse’ auflegen und von den Gästen wurde dieses verrückte Stück als ,Acid-Track’ bezeichnet, was dann auch der spätere Titel der Vinylveröffentlichung war. Der Begriff ,Acid’ hat aber mehr mit dem säge- und säu reartigen Sound als denn mit der Droge Acid (LSD) zu tun.
Techno ist elektronische Musik und basiert musikgeschichtlich auf House und Elektro. Der Begriff ,House’ bezieht sich auf einen Club, der in einer Lagerhalle im Hafen von Chicago mitte der 80er begründet wurde: das “warehouse”. Dort wurde soulige, schwarze, vocal-orientierte Disco-Musik mit elektronischen Beats unterlegt, die der Disc-Jockey selbst zuvor auf analogem Tonband produ ziert hatte, d.h. der DJ erzeugte aus der Kombination von zwei Musikstücken ein neues. Dazu kam das Phänomen des Mixens: der DJ konnte durch das Überblenden und Übereinanderlegen von verschiedenen Tracks ein theoretisch unendlich langes Stück Musik spielen. Die besten DJ’s dieser Zeit, wie Frankie Knuckles und Ron Hardy haben schlieslich angefan gen, komplette Stücke zu produzieren, aufzulegen und später auf Labels wie Trax und DJ International zu veröffent lichen. Mit Musikern wie Ralphie Rosario, Mickey Oliver, Marshall Jefferson und Mr. Fingers entstand gegen Ende der 80er Jahre eine kom plette House Avantgarde. Techno is electronic music and from
Whilst Chicago had been Philadelphia, Soul- and Disco domi nated, parallel a rhythm and functio nal oriented minimal style was pro vocated in Detroit, led by local figu res such as Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson and Derrick May. This style was heavily influenced by European computer music like Kraftwerk and Klaus Schulze (producer amongst other things of Tangerine Dream), but also by the
Pictures: Kai Mathesdorf & Jens Rauhut (www.blendwerk.de) English Wave- and Indie-bands, for instance Depeche Mode, New Order and Nitzer Ebb. The music from Detroit is recognised as the American Techno. A coincidence in Chicago lead to a parallel new style called “Acid”. Acid actually signifies a typical sound that is created by using certain syn thesizers beyond the product manu al’s description. Nathan Jones (alias DJ Pierre) discovered this property in the Roland TB 303, having the resulting track played at the “warehouse”, the guests described this crazy track as the “acid-track”, which subsequently became the title for a later vinyl release. The term “acid” has more to do with the saw and acid-like sound than the drug acid (LSD). ••• ••• ••• Ähnlich wie House- und Technogelangten auch US-Acid-Platten nach Europa und fanden vor allem in England begeisterte, wenn auch gewiß nicht chartsprengende Aufnahme. In England entwickelte sich eine eigene, sehr untergrundige Acid-Kultur mit DJs und Musikern wie Baby Ford, “A Guy Called Gerald” und der Club Hymne “We Call It Aciiieeed” von DMob; erstmals wurden illegale, durch die neu auftretende Droge “Extasy” beschleunigte, große Open-Air-TanzParties, die sogenannten “Raves” ver anstaltet.
Similarly to house and techno USacid records reached Europe, and especially in England found enthusiastic reception, even if it wasn’t of a chart ranking impact. In England an own form of a very underground Acid culture developed, spearheaded by DJ’s and musicians such as Baby Ford, “A Guy Called Gerald” and the club anthem “We call it Aciiieeed” by D-Mob. For the first time illegal out door dance parties were taking place, encouraged by the newly available drug exstasy, these so called “raves” enjoyed ever increasing popularity. ••• ••• ••• Wie die meisten großen Hypes fand Acid das Ende durch peinliche Kommerzialisierung. Die Raves wur den trotz staatlicher Verbote mit Guitarren-orientierter Musik (Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, Primal Scream,...) weiter-gefeiert, bis die Polizei richtig hartnäckig durchgriff und den Rave-Spass erstickte. Das Feuer war jedoch gelegt und so suchte man Ausweichmöglichkeiten im euro päischen und außereuropäischen Ausland. In den stets etwas liberaleren BeneluxStaaten ließ man sich weniger beschränken; hier hörte man auch von Parties irgendwo in Indien. Leute, die bereits in Goa waren, brachten Musik mit; Europäer wurden angeregt, auch nach Goa zu fahren. DJ Ray Castle
veranstaltete erste Parties mit Trancedominierter Musik ab 1987, DJ Antaro veranstaltete seine ersten Goa-Parties mit Eingeweihten ab 1989 im Garten seines Hauses in der Lüneburger Heide. Like most of the big hypes, Acid found an end due to embarrassing sell-out. Raves with guitar oriented music (Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, Primal Scream...) were still being held against governmental prohibition, until the police became over-eager and suffocated the rave happenings. The wild fire had been laid and thus alternatives within Europe and beyond had been found. Within the liberal area of the Benelux-States there were few res trictions, here some people heard about parties somewhere in India. People that had already been to Goa brought music with them, Europeans were encouraged to go there. DJ Ray Castle organized initial parties with trance dominated music from 1987, DJ Antaro was hosting his first Goa parties with a few initiated in the garden of his house in the Lüneburger Heide (Germany) from 1989. Mit dem Aufkommen von Techno aus und in Kontinentaleuropa ab Ende der 80er Jahre ging der große Feldzug elektronischer Musik erst richtig los.
Deutschland, insbesondere die Zentren Berlin (Dr. Motte, Westbam,...) und Frankfurt (Talla 2XLC, Sven Väth,...) haben mit Tech no in vorzüglichen Clubs eine neue Art von Underground-Kultur geschaf fen. Der sich öffnende Osten Berlins und die ständige Konkurrenz zu Frankfurt war für die Szenen beider Städte ausserordentlich belebend und führte zu Clubs wie dem Dorian Gray/Omen und dem Berliner “EWerk” - vom englischen Magazin „ID“ zum besten Club der Welt erklärt. Gegenseitige Rückwirkungen mit Detroiter Techno haben die Szene dauernd neu befruchtet. Juan Atkins, Blake Baxter und Eddie Flashin’ Fowlkes legten im Berliner Club “Tresor” auf und veröffentlichten auf dem gleichnamigen Label. In Frankfurt entstanden unter der Ägide von Ralf Hildenbeutel und Sven Väth Eye Q Records und Harthouse, die mit Tracks von u.a. Earth Nation, KoxBox und Dem Dritten Raum den Soundtrack auch für die aufkommen -
HISTORY de Goa-Szene veröffentlichten. In Berlin war MFS (Masterminded For Success) entstanden mit Projekten von Cosmic Baby, Voov, Paul van Dyk und Mijk van Dijk, in Hamburg erschien mit Superstition ein Outlet für Techno und Trance mit bahnbre chenden Releases von Oliver Lieb (The Ambush, Paragliders, LSG, Spicelab). Während grosse Teile der Techno-Landschaft dem Hype des Mainstream erlagen und ihre Inno vation und Kraft gegen schnellen Charterfolg verkauften, fand die Psychedelic Trance Szene immer mehr Zuspruch durch übersättigte, entidea lisierte Techno-Jünger. ••• ••• ••• With the rise of Techno from and within mainland Europe at the end of the 80’s the crusade of electronic music just began. Germany, especially in the centers Berlin (Dr. Motte, Westbam) and Frankfurt (Talla 2XLC, Sven Väth) had created through Techno a new form of underground culture. Opening up of the eastern part of Berlin and the persisting competition with Frankfurt was extremely vitalising for both towns and led on to clubs such as Dorian Gray/Omen and the “E-Werk” in Berlin, which was crowned the world’s best club by I-D Magazine. Equally mutual feedback with Detroit Techno fertilized the scene constantly. Juan Atkins, Blake Baxter and Eddie Flashin’ Fowlkes played at the “Tresor” and released on the clubs label. Under the gui dance of Ralf Hildenbeutel and Sven Väth in Frankfurt Eye Q Records and Harthouse were estab lished, who released amongst others tracks by Earth Nation, Kox Box and Der Dritte Raum, paving the way for the yet to be formed goa
scene. Meanwhile MFS (Masterminded For Success) had formed in Berlin with projects by Cosmic Baby, Voov, Paul van Dyk and Mijk van Dijk, Superstition in Hamburg became an outlet for Techno and Trance with ground breaking releases by Oliver Lieb (The Ambush, Paragliders, LSG, Spicelab). Whilst large parts of the Techno landscape submissed themselves to the hype of the mainstre am and were exchanging innovation and power for rapid chart success, the Psychedelic Trance scene found ever increasing appreciation from over saturated, de-idealised technofollowers.
Goa and Psychedelic Trance Indien zu bereisen, bedeutet, sich auf die Verrücktheit des Landes einzulas sen, sein surreales Chaos verstehen oder zumindest sich von ihm treiben lassen zu wollen. Deswegen war Indien immer ein facettenreiches Land, das weit weniger touristisch erschlossen ist als viele andere asiati sche Länder. Auf diesem Kontinent im Kontinent liegt Goa, an der Westküste ca. 600 km südlich von Bombay. Goa ist ein Bundesstaat und keine Insel, wie viele meinen, der bis 1962 portu giesische Kolonie war. Dadurch ist Goa sehr christlich geprägt und unter scheidet sich von anderen indischen Landstrichen durch Liberalität, religiö se Offenheit und kulturelle Vielfalt. Durch die klimatischen Gegebenheiten - die durchschnittliche Temperatur liegt im Jahresablauf zwi schen 20 bis 34 Grad -, durch die wunderbaren, nahezu unberührten Strände, und das ungeschlagene Preis/Leistungsverhältnis im Gegensatz
HISTORY zum Leben in westlichen Kulturen, entwickelte sich dieser Landstrich bereits in den sechziger Jahren zu einem internationalen Treffpunkt von Esoterikern, Mystikern, nach Spiritualität und Wahrheit Suchen den, von Anarchisten, New Age Philosophen, Outlaws, Drogendealern und so berühmten Freaks wie z.B. Eight Finger Eddie. Von die freund lichen Einheimischen gern aufgenom men, entstand ein buntes psychedeli sches Paradies aus JetSet-Hippies und LowCost-Travellern, die verband, dass sie ihre Position meist ausserhalb der konventionellen westlichen Gesell schaft hatten, den kalten europä ischen oder amerikanischen Winter auszusitzen wollten und hier den schönen und intensiven Seiten des Lebens nachgingen. Das ging recht lang sehr gut und unbeobachtet, Charas beispieleweise, das indische Hash, war Teil religiöser Praktiken und Lebensweisen von Yogis und Sadhus, gleichsam ein Teil indischer Kultur. Es wurde erst Mitte der 70er Jahre durch Druck der amerikani schen Regierung zu einer verbotenen Substanz. To travel in India means letting yourself fall into its craziness, to understand its surreal chaos, or to at least be driven by it. Therefore India has always been a country with a multitude of facettes, which has been less explored by tourists than other Asian countries. On this continent within a continent lies Goa, on the west coast approxima tely 600 km south of Bombay. Goa is a State and not an island as many believe, which had been a Portugese colony until 1962. Due to this Goa has a Christian influence and differs to other Indian areas in
terms of liberties, religious toleran ce and cultural diversity. Because of its climate - the average temperatu re is between 20 and 34 degrees its nearly untouched beaches and the almost unbeatable value for money in contrast to western cultu res, this stretch of land has been an international meeting place of new agers, mystics, those on the search of spirituality and truth, of anar chists, new age philosophers, out laws, drug dealers and famous freaks such as Eight Finger Eddie. Friendly locals openly took up the visitors, thus a paradise built up for jet-set hippies and low-cost travel lers, connected by the fact of having a position outside the conventional western society, to spend time away from cold European or American winters, all here to pursue the beau tiful and intense sides of life. This went well and unnoticed for quite a while, charas for instance, the Indian hash, was part of religious practices and life styles of the yogis and sadhus, as well as part of Indian culture. Only in the mid seventies did the US government intervene to make it an illegal sub stance. ••• ••• ••• Mit den feierfreudigen Freaks kamen natürlich auch Parties mit der Musik der Zeit wie Psychedelic Rock und spä ter Reggae. Mit extra eingeflogenen Generatoren und Musikanlage an Stränden und Palmenhainen ge wannen diese Parties zunehmend an Energie und Bedeutung für die Szene, es gab sogar psychedelische Theater Performances am Strand. Deko rationen aus fluoreszierenden Farben und indischer Mythologie wurden zunehmend Bestandteil des Lebens in Goa. In der Season 87/88 kam ein
7 französicher DJ namens Laurent dar auf, die Parties mit Electrosounds zu beschallen. Das brachte ihm zunächst vehementen Widerstand ein, aber irgendwann ist der Zündfunke gefal len, und diese bizarre elektronische Musik schlug im Kontext der paradie sischen natürlichen Umgebung mit Nachdruck ein. Auch andere Leute kamen auf diesen Film und erkannten das immense Potential elektronischer Musik in die sem aus Zeit und Raum herausgelös ten Platz. DJ Goa Gil war bereits 1970 aus Californien mit seiner
Gitarre nach Goa gekommen und wurde schliesslich der erfolgreichste Protagonist des Psychedelic Electronic Dance und ist es bis heute geblieben, legendengleich schuf er mit seinem Konzept des “Redefining the Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century” die Verbindung von Beat und Spiritua lität, von Yoga und Musik, um sich
und der Crowd über die TranceDance-Erfahrung zu einem höheren Bewußtsein zu verhelfen. Along with the party mad freaks of course came music of the time like psychedelic rock and later reggae. Especially flown in generators and sound systems meant these parties happening on beaches and in palm forests gained in energy and impor tance for the scene, there even were psychedelic theatre performances on the beach. Decorations made of flourescent colours and Indian mythology became an increasing part of life in Goa. In the season of 87/88 a French DJ named Laurent had the idea to play electronic sounds at a party. At first this brought him hefty opposition, but sometime the spark turned into a fire, and this bizarre electronic
HISTORY music hit with lasting impressions in the context of this paradise. Other people also caught on to this and recognised the immense potential of electronic music in this from time and space relieved place. DJ Goa Gil came as early as the 1970’s from California to Goa with his guitar and eventually became the most successful protagonist of psychedelic electronic dance, sustaining that to this day. Equal to a legend he created a connection between beats and spirituality, yoga and music, with his concept of “redefining the ancient tribal ritual for the 21st cen tury”, to guide him and the crowd through the trance dance experience into a higher state of conscious ness. ••• ••• ••• Zu Anfang war es noch schwierig, ent sprechende Musik zu finden - die DJs mischten Instrumental- und Dubversionen von B-Seiten von Waveund Electro-Tracks mit heraus kopierten und aneinandergefügten Instrumentalstrecken verschiedenster Dance-Tracks von Tape mit pitchba ren Sony Walkmen, denn für VinylPlatten war Goa aufgrund von Hitze und Staub ohnehin nie der rechte Platz. Die Musik entwickelte sich zu einer bunten Mixtur aus Post-Wave, Electronic Body Music, New Beat, Front 242, Nitzer Ebb, aus belgischer, englischer und amerikanischer elektro nischer Dancemusik. Die ersten Anfänge von Acid und der aufkom mende Techno traf die Crowd wie das Wasser die ausgedürstete indische Kuh. Niemand interessierte sich dafür, wessen Musik aus welcher Tradition hier gespielt wurde, Techno-Musiker
hatten keine Ahnung, was aus ihrer Musik in Goa entstand. Es war eine Explosion und Implosion, denn die Szene war ständig in Bewegung. Da Goa spätestens ab April für Europäer und Amerikaner zu heiß wird und die folgende Regenzeit im Juli bis August das Leben auch nicht angenehmer macht, kehrten die Freaks notgedrun gen immer wieder in ihre Herkunftsländer zurück und verbrei teten dort diese Art von Party-Kultur und Musik, um in der jeweils näch sten Saison wieder neue Einflüsse nach Indien zu tragen. Goa ent wickelte sich zu jenem Zeitpunkt zu einem der musikhistorisch innova tivsten Zentren der Erde und zu einem Pool elektronischer Musik, denn mit Hilfe von Walkmen und später durch das Aufkommen von digitaler Tontechnik (Digital Audio
10 Tape = DAT) kam es zur freien Kopierbarkeit von Musik und einem ständigen Austausch musikalischer Ideen und Strömungen. Durch die internationale Zusammensetzung der Crowd war Goa nicht nur Treffpunkt einer einzelnen Szene, sondern für Menschen aus völlig unterschiedlichen Sozialisationen ein “universal frequen cy freeway” (DJ Ray Castle). In the beginning it was still difficult to obtain appropriate music - the DJs mixed instrumental- and dubversions from the b-sides of Wave and Electro tracks with edited and sequenced instrumental parts of various dance tracks from tape play ed on pitchable Sony Walkmen, due
to the heat and dust Goa was never a suitable place for vinyl. The music developed into a colourful mixture of Post-Wave, Electronic Body Music, New Beat, Front 242, Nitzer Ebb, ranging from Belgian, English and American electronic dance music. The early beginnings of Acid
HISTORY and the entailing Techno hit the crowds like water does the thirsty Indian cow. In this place no one cared what music was played from which ever tradition, Techno musicians had no idea what was being made out of their music here in Goa. It was an explosion and implo sion, because this scene was constantly in motion. As Goa became intolerably hot for westerners by April and with the entailing rain season going on until August not being desirable, freaks returned as a matter of course to their home countries and spread this part of party culture and music, in order to carry new influences to India for the next season. At this time Goa deve loped from a music historical perspective into one of the most inno vative centres on earth and formed a pool of electronic music, because the aid of walkmen and later digital audio technology (Digital Audio Tape = DAT) led to free copying of music and a constant exchange of musical ideas. The international consistency of the crowd in Goa meant this wasn’t just one scene’s meeting place, rather for people of all social groups a “universal frequency freeway” (DJ Ray Castle). ••• ••• ••• Die in den späten 80er Jahren entste hende ernorme Palette der Möglichkeiten, mit Hilfe von Com putern und Synthesizern psyche delische Musik nur aus Strom zu erzeugen, sorgte zusammen mit den hier aufeinandertreffenden “Global Playern” für einen kreativen Overflow, der sich unbegrenzt über den Planeten ausweitete. Musiker wie Johann Bley, zuvor noch Drummer der Hamburger Wave/ Punk Band “Ledernacken” und später Teil der englischen Band Juno Reactor, brach -
ten Computer mit nach Goa, tanzten durch die Nacht und setzten ihre musikalischen Erfahrungen gleich am nächsten Tag um, um in der nächsten Nacht schon wieder zu dieser neuen Musik tanzen zu können. Aus diesem ständigen Zusammen kommen verschiedener Menschen aus
unterschiedlichen Regionen und musi kalischen Backgrounds entwickelte sich mehr und mehr ein eigenständi ger Musikstil, den man schliesslich Goa-Trance nannte. Der Ruf von Goa als Highend-HippieParadies wurde immer stärker und zog mehr und mehr Traveller und Verrückte an, bis die Energie schier grenzenlos wurde; der australische Ollie Wisdom (Space Tribe) über schwemmte die Szene mit Unmengen psychedelischen Bewusstseins, sein Bruder begründete das entsprechende Klamotten-Label für Full-On Psyche delic Wear und ultraviolette Orgasmen.
12 The enormous palette of possibilities that resulted from the 1980’s era, to create psychedelic music with the help of computers and syn thesizers, caused a creative overflow by the meeting of “global players” that spread unlimited around over the planet. Musicians such as Johann Bley, beforehand drummer in the Hamburgian band “Ledernacken” and later part of the English band “Juno Reactor”, brought computers to Goa, danced through the night and realised their musical experiences on the next day, in order to dance to this new sound the next night. From the continuing coming together of different people of various regions and musical backgrounds a more and more indi vidual style developed that eventual -
HISTORY ly became known as Goa-Trance. Goa’s reputation as a highend-hippie-paradise increased and drew more and more travellers and crazy ones, until the energy became ultimately borderless; Australian Ollie Wisdom (Space Tribe) flooded the scene with huge amounts of psyche delic consciousness, his brother founded the associated clothing label for full on psychedelic wear and ultraviolet orgasms. ••• ••• ••• In Deutschland trafen sich die GoaVerrückten, die sich und diese Parties aus Indien kannten, in einem etwa 30 km südlich von Hamburg gelegenen unscheinbaren Ort namens Sprötze in einem ebenso unscheinbaren Gasthof namens Waldheim ab ’89/90 regel mässig. Das Publikum war eine bunte Mischung aus Freaks der ganzen Republik. Es war ganz normal, daß Leute z.B. extra aus Bayern für eine solche Party angereist waren. „Irgendwann war es einfach zu voll, und die Leute fingen an, mitten auf der Bundesstrasse zu tanzen, so daß sie gesperrt werden mußte. Es lief nichts mehr, Stau in allen Richtungen, worauf ich die Woche darauf zum Ordnungsamt zitiert wurde. Seitdem mußten wir bei jeder Party, die wir veranstalteten, von vornherein 1.000 DM Bußgeld zahlen.“ (Ernst im Interview mit Mat, Mushroom 10/96). Am Dorfstammtisch wurde auch ausgekungelt, mal in der Kiesgrube ein fettes Open Air zu ver anstalten. Diese Party ging 1991 als erste Voov-Experience mit immerhin ca. 1.500 Besuchern in die TechnoGeschichte ein. Eine dicke Party, die
viele Trance- und Goa-Jünger und manche DJs noch heute als ihre Initialzündung betrachten. In Germany Goa-crazy people, who knew these parties and each other from India, gathered regularly 30 km south east of Hamburg in an unseeming location called “Waldheim” from 89/90. The audience was a diverse mix of people from all over the republic. It was normal that people came from Bavaria to attend these parties. “Sometime the place just became to crowded, and people started dancing in the middle of the road, so that they had to close this section. Nothing went anymore, traffic jam in all directions, whereby I was ordered to civil department the next week. As of then we had to pay a fine of 1.000 DM in advance for every party that was held.” (Ernst in an interview with Mat Mushroom 10/96). At the local pub plans were being made to have a massive open air in a gravel quarry. This party in 1991 went down in techno-history as the first Voov-Experience with 1.500 visitors nonetheless. A kicking party that many Trance and Goa-followers and some DJ’s see as their initiation. ••• ••• ••• Zurück mit seinen Erfahrungen aus Goa war es Johann, der mit seinem englischen Party-Kollegen Youth, bis dahin bekannt als Partner von Alex Paterson beim Ambient ElectroProjekt The Orb und als Bassist der Wave-Rock-Gruppe Killing Joke, den ersten “offiziellen” Goa Dance Track releaste. Das Stück hiess “Jungle
HISTORY High” auf Paul Oakenfold’s Perfecto Label und war ein ganz dicker Chart erfolg in England. Davon beflügelt, schuf Youth das erste Psychedelic Trancelabel überhaupt. Er nutzte die Strukturen und die Tonstudios seines Butterfly Labels und nannte sein neues Kind passenderweise Dragonfly. Dieses Label wurde kurzerhand der erste Personal- und Ideenpool der Londoner Goa-Szene, hier produzierte Ronald Rothfield, Flötist der legendä ren Jazz-Formaion Quintessence und besser bekannt als Raja Ram zusam men mit Graham Wood die ersten Tracks ihres The Infinity Project. Hier bekam Simon Posford seinen Durch start und wurde vom Butterfly Tontechniker zu Hallucinogen. Das erste Release von Dragonfly erschien im Mai 1993 und war ein Sampler mit Künstlern wie Genetic, Gumbo, TIP und Black Sun. Die zweite Compilation “Project II Trance” im August des gleichen Jahres hatte bereits die Franzosen von Total Eclipse und die Mandra Gora Tracks von Johann und Youth an Bord. Im folgen den Jahr erschienen weitere Maxis und erste Tracks von Hallucinogen, Man With No Name (Martin Freeland), Prana (der Japaner Tsuyoshi Suzuki & der Australier Nick Taylor), Ayahuasca (u.a. Dino Psaras, heute Atomic A&R), Slinky Wizard und Doof (heute auf Simon Posford’s Twisted Label) und bereits die erste Order Odonata Compilation. Back with his experiences from Goa it was Johann, together with his party mate Youth, until then known as partner of Alex Paterson in the
Ambient and Electro project “The Orb” and as bass player in the Wave-Rock band “Killing Joke”, who released the first „official“ Goa dance track. The track was “Jungle High” released on Paul Oakenfold’s Perfecto label and was a massive chart success in England. Inspired by this Youth formed the first Psychedelic Trance label ever. He utilised the structures and recording studio of his Butterfly label and suit ably named his new child Dragonfly. This label shortly became the first human resource and brain pool of the London Goa scene, Ronald Rothfield produced here, flutist of the legendary jazz-formation Quintessence better known as Raja Ram together with Graham Wood made the first tracks under The Infinity Project. Simon Posford made his break here and from Butterfly sound engineer became Hallucinogen. The first release by Dragonfly came out in May 1993 and was a sampler featuring artists such as Genetic, Gumbo, TIP and Black Sun. The second compilation “Project II Trance” in August of the same year already included tracks by the French Total Eclipse and the Mandra Gora tracks by Johann and Youth. In the following year more singles followed and first tracks by Hallucinogen. Man With No Name (Martin Freeland), Prana (Japanese Tsuyoshi Suzuki and Australian Nick Taylor), Ayahuasca (amongst others Dino Psaras today A&R for Atomic), Slinky Wizard and Doof (today on Twisted), and already the initial Order Odonata compilation.
••• ••• ••• In diesem Jahr entwickelte sich die englische Psy-Trance-Party-Szene sprunghaft, es entstanden PartyKollektive wie Return To The Source und es kam parallel sehr schnell eine ganze Labelszene in Gang. Raja Ram und Graham Wood gründeten unter ihrem Projektnamen ein Label - in Kurzform TIP genannt, Prana’s Tsuyoshi Suzuki schuf mit John Perloff und Matsuri Records ein Label für wirklich headbangendes Zeug zwi schem experimentellem Techno und Trance mit Releases von Transwave, Digitalis und Quirk, die Slinky Wizard Jungs James Monro, Dominic Lamb und George Barker begründeten mit Sally Welch als Labelmanagerin Flying Rhino Records. Simon Berry gründete Platipus Records - das erste
14 Release war übrigens ein Vinyl von Technosommy alias James Monro und konnte neben dem dicksten kom merziellen Erfolgs der UndergroundTrancegeschichte mit der AusLizensierung des Chartstürmers “Children” von Robert Miles auch so bahnbrechende Alben wie Union Jack’s “There Will Be No Arma geddon” (1996) mit den TranceKlassikern “Red Herring” und “Cactus” verbuchen. During this year the English PsyTrance-party-scene developed rapidly, party collectives such as Return To The Source formed and parallel a whole label scene was quickly taking shape. Raja Ram and Graham Wood founded a label under their own project name, cal led TIP in short, Prana’s Tsuyoshi Suzuki created with John Perloff and Matsuri a label for headban ging stuff between experimental Techno and Trance with releases by Transwave, Digitalis and Quirk, the Slinky Wizard boys James Monro, Dominic Lamb and George Barker founded Flying Rhino Records with Sally Welch as label manager. Simon Berry established Platipus Records - the first release was by the way a vinyl by Technossomy alias James Monro - and is acclai med for the out licensing of the most successful Trance chart stormer of all times with Robert Miles “Children” track, as well as ground breaking albums for instance Union Jack’s “There will be no Armageddon” (1996) featuring Trance anthems “Red Herring” and “Cactus”. ••• ••• ••• Eines der brilliantesten und gleichsam mysteriösesten Label wurde Blue Room Released. Blue Room verstand
HISTORY sich unter Simon Ghahary’s Leitung als wahrhaft innovatives Label, dem es von Anfang an um die Erweiterung des Musikbegriffes fernab von GoaKitsch oder Hippie-Romantik ging. Finanziell extrem stark, da eigentlich ein Abschreibungsprojekt eines schwei zer Lautsprecherfabrikanten, wurden ohne Rücksicht auf irgendwelche Kosten oder Verkaufserwartungen die innovativsten Acts der Szene gesignt und mit brillianten Designs auf dem blauen Planeten verteilt. Im April 1995 erschien die erste Compilation “Outside The Reactor” als 3er LP und CD mit einem weltweiten Tranceüberblick mit u.a. Spectral, Total Eclipse, Moog, Har-Ell, Voodoo People und Total Eclipse Meisterstück “Nautilus”. Im gleichen Jahr erschie nen auch die Debüt Alben von Total Eclipse, The Infinity Project und Ben Watkins’ Co-Projekt Juno Reactor (mit “Beyond The Infinite” mit 8 Tracks auf vier LPs ebenfalls aus dem Vollen geschnitzt). Das prägnante Logo aus einem gedoppelten Basschlüssel wurde fortan zu dem Erkennungs merkmal der Szene. Die Hamburger Band X-Dream fand nach ihren brilli anten Anfängen auf den deutschen Labels Gaia und Tunnel Records bei Blue Room ein angemessenes Zuhause. Nach einem Etnica Album, X-Dream’s “The Frog” Maxi und dem zweiten genialen Streich “Violent Relaxation” von Total Eclipse 1996 wurde das folgende Jahr mit Juno’s “Bible Of Dreams”, Saafi Bros.’ “Mystic Cigarettes” und der zeitgleich erscheinenden Maxi mit dem bahn brechenden X-Dream Remix zu “Internal Code Error”, der Delta-Maxi “As A Child..”, weiteren Maxis von Noosphere und Johann und dem “Dragon Tales” Album von Koxbox der Höhepunkt von Blue Room und des Psychedelic Trance erreicht.
Blue Room Released became one of the most brilliant and at the same time mysterious labels. Led by Simon Ghahary Blue Room under stood itself as a truly innovative label, from its beginnings concer ned with expanding the musical concept beyond goa-kitsh or hippieromantic. Financially well backed up, because set up as sign-off pro ject for a Swiss loudspeaker compa ny, irrespectively of costs or sales figures the scene’s most innovative acts were signed and distributed in brilliant designs around the blue planet. In April 1995 “Outside The Reactor” was the first compilation to be released as a triple LP and CD presenting a world wide trance overview featuring for instance Spectral, Total Eclipse, Moog, HarEll, Voodoo People and Total Eclipse’s master piece “Nautilus”. In the same year debut albums were released by Total Eclipse, The Infinity Project and Ben Watkins co-
16 project Juno Reactor (with “Beyond the Infinite” including 8 tracks on four LPs). The out standing logo consisted of a doubled bass key, becoming thereof the icon of the scene. Following a brilliant start on German labels such as Gaia and Tunnel Records, the Hamburg based band X-Dream found a sui ting home. Following an Etnica album, X-Dream’s “The Frog” single and the second stroke of genius “Violent Relaxation” by Total Eclipse, in 1996 the height of the Blue Room and psychedelic trance was reached, culminating in further releases with Juno’s “Bible of Dreams”, Saafi Bros. “Mystic Cigarettes” and the at the same time released ground breaking XDream remix of “Internal Code Error”, the Delta single “As a Child”, further releases by Noosphere and Johann and the “Dragon Tales” album by Kox Box. ••• ••• ••• Obwohl England auch angesichts sei ner hervorragend entwickelten Independent Musikstruktur in Bezug auf Trance musikalisch jahrelang füh rend war, lief auf der Insel aufgrund der restriktiven Gesetzeslage (Criminal Justice Bill) in Bezug auf Party fast gar nichts. Open Air Parties, die eigentlich Grundvorraussetzung einer richtigen Tranceerfahrung sind, waren gar nicht möglich und das Club-Leben wurde durch Sperrstunden beschränkt und demoralisiert. So entwickelte sich Deutschland mit seinen liberaleren Gesetzen und dem frisch angeschlossenen Osten zu einem Partyparadies, was wiederum starke Auswirkungen auf die musikali sche Entwicklung und den Erfolg deut scher Produktionen hatte. Mit dem Hamburger Label Spirit Zone war bereits seit 1994 ein deutsches PsyTrance Label am Start, das nach inter nationalen Releases (Kuro aus Japan, TIP aus England, Etnica aus Italien und Har-Ell aus Israel) auch deut -
HISTORY schen Künstlern wie Electric Universe, PsyPhy6, Ololiuqui, Star Sound Orchestra und dem S.U.N. Project Raum zur Veröffentlichung gab. Although England had been leading the Trance music scene for years, due to its superbly developed inde pendent music structure, the party scene had been restricted on the island by the Criminal Justice Bill and was almost non-existent. Out door parties, which are an elemen tary requirement of a proper Trance experience, were not possible and club life was damped down and demoralised by early closing hours. Meanwhile Germany’s liberal laws and the newly reunified east spar ked a party paradise, which again had a strong effect on the musical development and success of German productions. With Spirit Zone in Hamburg there had already been a German Psy-Trance label since 1994, that after international releases by Kuro from Japan, TIP from England, Etnica from Italy and Har-Ell from Israel gave locals the space for releasing music such as Electric Universe, PsyPhy6, Ololiuqui, Star Sound Orchestra and S.U.N. Project. ••• ••• ••• Die Berühmtheit Goas verbreitete sich weltweit; es wurde in der Folge mehr und mehr von Touristen überlaufen allein von 1994 bis 98 vervierfachte sich die Zahl der Touristen. Somit kam logischerweise das über Jahre gepflegte Gefüge aus Travellern und Einheimischen aus dem Gleichgewicht, Geld wurde zusehends wichtiger, denn auch die Inder und die indische Polizei spürten das finan zielle Potenzial, dass nun mit Nachdruck in’s Land floss. Der ursprüngliche Spirit von Goa war nach einigen Jahren aufgeraucht, die Brotherhood der Trancer wich Egogehabe, Territorial-Kleinkriegen und Ignoranz.
Goa’s fame spread around the world; in suit of this more and more tourists came - from 1994 to ‘98 there were four times as many visitors. Hence the long cultivated relationship between travellers and local tipped off balance, money became increasingly important, as the Indians and the police grasped the financial potential that flowed persistently into their land. The original spirit of Goa was gone like smoke in a few years, the brother hood gave way to ego-thinkers, ter ritorial disputes and ignorance. ••• ••• ••• Zu jenem Zeitpunkt stand die PsyTranceentwicklung auf ihrem Höhepunkt, alles war bis dahin immer grösser und fetter geworden, die Voov Experience (von Antaro und Scotty) und die Shiva Moon (von Jan Engel mit Scotty, später mit Waldheim’s Ernst und schliesslich ganz allein) erreichten erstmals Besuchermengen jenseits der 10.000 Leute. Mit dem seit 1993 stetig
18 gewachsenen Antaris Project, vielen kleineren Veranstaltern und dem Lovefield kamen weitere Parties und Festivals hinzu, bis ein kompletter deutscher Partysommer entstanden war. Der Mainstream, Medien und Konzerne wurden nun auf das Phänomen Goa aufmerksam, obwohl die inhaltliche Spitze bereits über schritten war. Durch ihren Erfolg mutierten ehemalige Vorzeige-Freaks zu arroganten, selbstgefälligen Arschlöchern, viele DJs fühlten und benahmen sich mittlerweile gott gleich. Kurzum: die Dekadenz hielt schliesslich doch Einzug in das Feld des Spirits, obwohl anfänglich natür lich niemand gedacht hatte, dass diese wunderbare neue Welt das glei che Ende finden könnte, wie andere musikalische Entwicklungen zuvor auch. Matsuri beschied der GoaTrance Szene bereits im Oktober 1997 das Ende mit der Compilation “Let it R.I.P” (“Ruhe in Frieden”). Die plötzlich nachlassenden Musik verkaufszahlen und der Zusammen bruch des englischen Vertriebs Flying zog eine Schneise der Verwüstung durch die Labelszene. Fast alle engli schen Label wurden quer durch die Bank nicht mehr ausbezahlt und hat ten schwer daran zu knabbern; bei manchen Labels ging im Bankrott auch ganz das Licht aus, wie z.B. bei
HISTORY TIP Records, das erst später als TIP World wieder das Licht der Welt erblickte. At this time the Psy Trance progression stood at its height, everything had become larger and fatter, the Voov-Experience (by Antaro and Scotty) and the Shiva Moon (by Jan Engel with Scotty, later with Waldheim’s Ernst and finally all alone) reached visitor number above the 10,000 mark for the first time. With the since 93 permanent ly grown Antaris Project, many smaller organisers and the Lovefield many more Parties and Festivals appeared on the scene, resulting in the formation of a com plete Germany party summer. The mainstream, media and companies became aware of the phenomena Goa, event though its peak in con tent had passed. Blinded by suc cess many prime freaks mutated to arrogant, self indulgent assholes, many DJ’s behaved as god-like. In short: the decadence did finally get a foot in the door to the spirit, even though no one had thought about this wonderful new world finding the same end as other musical developments previously had done. In October 1997 Matsuri marked the end of Goa-Trance with the compilation “Let it R.I.P.” (Rest In Peace). Sales had suddenly drop ped, and the collapse of the English distribution Flying tore up a deep gap into the label scene. Almost all English labels weren’t being payed out and generally had a hard time surviving bankruptcy, or resurfaced under a different name and compa ny, as in the case of TIP Records and TIP World. ••• ••• ••• Parallel zu dem Überschreiten des Zeniths des klassischen Psychedelic Goa Trance entwickelten sich neue musikalische Konzepte und Projekte, die die offensichtlichen, teilweise
vordergründigen Effekte und die immensen Geschwindigkeiten zurü kknahmen, mehr auf Groove und Beat setzten und Elemente aus ClubTrance, Techno und House einkreuz ten. In Deutschland hatte sich bereits eine funktionierende Musikproduzenten-Szene um Acts wie Digital Sun/Tarsis (Sebastian Krüger und Linus Wessel), Ouija (SUN Project und diverse DJs), Earth (DJ Sangeet), Ololiuqui, Shiva Chandra und vielen anderen gebildet. Die Voov Experience als alljährlicher europäi scher Meeting-Point hat diese Entwicklung in den Jahren 97/98 schnell über den Kontinent getragen. Viele Schweden fanden, von der Energie dieser Musik infiziert, eigene progressive Wege. Der erste und bekannteste von Ihnen wurde Tomasz Balicki, der nach ersten Produktionen als Mato Project mit Magnus Andersson (später ebenfalls solo erfolgreich als Noma) anschliessend eine furiose Karriere als Atmos hinleg te. Mit einer Maxi-Single auf Eve Records (Eve26 “Body Trance”) geriet er an Cass Cutbush, der zusammen mit James Monro gerade das Flying Rhino Label einer Frischzellenkur unterzog. Sein Track “Klein Aber Doctor” und die zeitgleich erscheinen de Nummer “Confusional State” von dem ebenfalls geläuterten Pete
“Slide” Martin auf der “3rd Flight Slipstream” Compilation markierten die erfolgreichsten Veröffentlichungen von FR bis dahin; die “Confusional State”-Maxi wurde über 5.000 mal verkauft. Der neue Sound traf erneut den Punkt der Zeit und gab der Szene einen grossen nachhaltigen Kick zum Erreichen neuer Ufer. Selbst so “kon servative” Label wie Dragonfly setzten auf den neuen Sound, in Schweden mutierte DJ Anti’s Label Spiral Trax zu einer Hochburg Progressiven PsyTrance’, Atmos’ Debüt-Album, Noma und S-Range (vorher erste Releases bei Medium Records) wurden Meilen steine. Nach dem Release eines ersten Albums auf Novatekk launchte die Band Son Kite aus Malmö ebenfalls eine weitere grosse und erfolgreiche Plattform für den schwedischen Sound mit der MPDQX Labelgroup Digital Structures und Baluns. Parallel to passing the zenith of classical Psychedelic Goa Trance new concepts and projects developed, which reduced the overt effects and immense tempi and rather focussing on groove and beat, com bining elements of Club-Trance,
Techno and House. In Germany there had already formed a functio nal musician and producer scene around acts such as Digital Sun/Tarsis (Sebastian Krüger and Linus Wessel), Ouija (SUN Project and various DJs), Earth (DJ Sangeet), Ololiuqui, Shiva Chandra and many more. With the VoovExperience as the annual meeting point this development was quickly taken across the continent by 97/98. Many Swedish having beco me infected by this music found their own progressive interpretations. The first and best known of them is Tomasz Balicki, who after initial productions as Mato Project together with Magnus Andersson (lately successful as Noma) started a furious solo career as Atmos. Through a single release on Eve Records (Eve26 “Body Trance”) he made contact with Cass Cutbush, who together with James Monro was undergoing a restructuring of Flying Rhino. Atmos’ track “Klein Aber Doctor” and the simultaneously released number “Confusional State” by Pete “Slide” Martin on the “3rd Flight Slipstream” compilation marked the most successful releases by Flying Rhino to that date; the “Confusional State” single sold over 5,000 copies. The new sound once again hit the pulse of the time and gave the scene a lasting boost to reach new shores. Even „conservative“ labels such as Dragonfly set on this new sound, in Sweden DJ Anti’s label Spiral Trax mutated to an epi-center of Progressive Trance. Atmos’ debut album, Noma and SRange (previously with initial releases on Medium Records) beca me milestones. After the release of a first album on Novatekk the band Son Kite from Malmö launched a further large and successful plat form for Swedish sound with the MPDQX Labelgroup - Digital
Structures and Baluns. ••• ••• ••• Mit diesem Output im Rücken entwi ckelte sich der Progressive Trance sprunghaft; es erschienen immer mehr minimale Bands und Label auf der weltweiten psychedelischen Landkarte, dabei entstanden regional unterschiedliche Szenen und Musikstrukturen, so ging die Bezeichnung von Off-Beat Trance als “Hamburger Schule” in die Geschichte ein. Progressiver PsyTrance entwickelte sich aber auch ausserhalb Europas. Backed by this output Progressive Trance expanded rapidly; ever more minimal bands appeared on the psychedelic world map, whereby regional differences in scenes and music structures formed, and so the term for off-beat trance “Hamburg Sound” went down in history. Progressive Psy Trance was also evolving outside of Europe.
Israel Im Zuge politischer Entspannung war es ab 1988 erstmals auch für Israelis möglich, ein indisches Visum zu bekommen. Der beinharte und stupide Militärdienst erweckte bei vielen israe lischen Jugendlichen den Wunsch nach totaler Entspannung. Auf der Suche nach dem Gelobten Land wurden sie an den Stränden Indiens fündig und trafen - selbst bereits in der israelischen Club-Landschaft mit elektronischen Beats angefixt - auf die psychedelische Hippiegesellschaft im Umbruch zur elektronischen Musik. Somit wurden die Israelis von Anfang an zu einem bestimmenden Teil der Global Psychedelic Trance Scene und entwi kkelten dabei eine ganz eigene und typi -
HISTORY sche musikalische Handschrift. Mit DJs und Musikern wie Avi Nissim und Lior Perlmutter (als SFX; später zusammen mit Yaniv Haviv als Astral Projection), Har-Ell Prusky und Miko (California Sunshine), Guy Sebbag, Avi Algranati (Phreaky, später Spacecat) und Ofer Dikovsky (Oforia) entwickelte sich schnell eine heftige, übersprühende Szene. Es entstanden Label wie Melodia Records 1992 mit der ersten Trancecompilation in Israel überhaupt, später Trust In Trance, Phonokol und Zoo-B’s Krembo mit den ersten Releases von Rami Shapira (Chakra) und Edi Mis. Spätestens als das bisher vom Trance unbeleckte Mainstream Label NMC das erste Astral Projection Album “Indoor” veröffentlicht hatte, gewann der Trance in Israel die Oberhand. Psy-Trance wurde wie nir gendwo sonst massenkompatibel, chart- und radiotauglich und “Volksmusik”. Following some political laxing in 1988 it became possible for Israelis to obtain Indian visas for the first time. The strenuous and numbing military service awoke the wish for complete relaxation in many Israeli youths. Searching for the holy lands they found them on the beaches of India and met - themselves having been enchanted by Israeli club sounds - the psychedelic hippie community in transgression to electronic music. Therewith the Israelis were from the beginnings a defining part of the global Psychedelic Trance scene and developed their own unique and typi-
cal musical signature. Rapidly a powerful scene emerged with DJ and musicians such as Avi Nissim and Lior Perlmutter (SFX; later with Yaniv Haviv as Astral Projection), Har-Ell Prusky and Miko (California Sunshine), Guy Sebbag, Avi Algranati (Phreaky, later Spacecat) and Ofer Dikovsky (Oforia). Labels such as Melodia Records formed releasing Israel’s first Trance compilation ever, later Trust In Trance, Phonokol and Zoo-B’s Krembo with initial releases by Rami Shapira (Chakra) and Edi Mis. At the latest, trance won the upper hand when the previously noninvolved mainstream label NMC released the first album by Astral Projection “Indoor”. Nowhere else did Psy-Trance become so mass
24 popular, chart and radio suitable and a kind of folk music. Die Party Szene in Israel entwickelte sich genau gegenläufig. Nachdem die stattlichen Mächte Wind davon bekom men hatten, wurde es umso schwieriger, die gerade erlangten Freiheiten zu ver teidigen. Auch das erklärt die noch immer grosse Bedeutung von Goa für Israelis. In Israel gibt es inzwischen auch eine starke progressive Gemeinde, deren Fäden im Hintergrund von einigen alten Hasen wie Chakra (Optimus Records) und Zoo-B gesponnen werden (aus dem Label Krembo entwickelte sich U.S.T.A = Underground Sound Of Tel Aviv). The party scene in Israel followed a contrary path. After government forces had caught on to the motion, it became increasingly difficult to defend the newly
HISTORY reached liberties. This also accounts for the Goa’s ongoing importance for Israelis. Within Israel there is by now a strong progressive community, which is being directed from the background by some of the old names in the scene like Chakra (Optimus Records) and Zoo-B (out of Krembo sprung U.S.T.A. = Underground Sound of Tel Aviv). Der stets globale Ansatz von PsyTrance als Fusion der Kulturen hat sich immer weiter fortgesetzt. Inzwischen gibt es sehr lebendige Szenen mit Promotern, Labeln, Projekten und DJs in Australien (speziell Byron Bay), Südafrika, Südamerika (speziell Brasilien), Mexico, Thailand, Japan, Canada und USA, Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich, Israel, Portugal, Griechenland usw. mit ganz
unterschiedlichen musikalischen Traditionen. Reisen bildet, Reisen zu Psy Trance-Events in anderen Städten, Ländern und Kontinenten bilden besonders. Enjoy Psychedelic Trance. Psy Trance’s continuous global orientation continues as a fusion of the cultures. Meanwhile there are vibrant and kicking scene’s of organizers, labels, projects and DJs in Australia (especially Byron Bay), South Africa, South America (particularly Brazil), Mexico, Thailand, Japan, Canada and the USA, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, Israel, Portugal, Greece etc. with quite different musical traditions. Travel educates, travelling to psy trance events in other towns, countries and continents educates even more. Enjoy Psychedelic Trance.
…after plowing through 2000 recs. that I have left from those memorable days … pheew … time flies if I look at the dates of when I bought all this stuff. I praise myself very lucky that I had a couple of guys in the north of Holland that went travelling up and down to goa from late 80-ties, so I got into this whole thing around '91 when I met them and started to buy the music straight away. All the first Matsuri's, Dragonfly's, Tip's and all that stuff I have in my collection and at moments like now I enjoy having all these amazing brilliant tracks where it all began with. So many memories come up now I play these old tunes right now. I have my hairs standing up straight allover my body, listening to "Trancemissions" of Juno
Reactor. They are my main heroes of all times, nobody ever made music like these guys, to bad they choose for different directions, which I liked as well, but the cyber-music vibe that these guys are able to create in their tunes – outstanding and never heard their equals – not even now it's many years later. Shawnodese
Shawnodese (Mind Funk/Amsterdam/NL) 1. Juno Reactor - Trancemissions (Nova Mute Recs.-The whole album '93), 2. The Overlords - Sundown (Ionizer rmx '92) (Antler Subway Recs. '92), 3. Hallucinogen - L.S.D. & Alpha Centauri (Dragonfly Recs-The whole ep '94), 4. Earth Nation - Alienated (Earth mix) (Eye Q recs. '94), 5. Man with no name - Teleport (Dragonfly '94), 6. Total Eclipse - Waiting for a new life (TIP Recs. '95), 7. X-Dream - Eleven/Lunatic mix & This/Cycle mix (Tunnel Recs '95), 8. Kox Box - Tribal Oscillation (Harthouse Recs '95), 9. Etnica - Fractal Gates (Spirit Zone Recs. '95), 10. Blue Planet Coorporation - Juno Satellite (UFK Recs. '94)
Anti (Spiral Trax/Sweden)
My before 1995 classics, in no particular order: 1. The Beloved - Sun Rising/Deeply Satisfying Mix, 2. Ramin Brainticket (Dance Ecstacy 2001), 3. The Age Of Love - The Age Of Love/Watch Out For The Stella Club Mix (DIKI Records), 4. Genetic - Transmission/Cops Don't Knock Mix (Dragonfly), 5. Ausgang - Wires (Synewave), 6. Inner Light - Phantasia (ZYX), 7. Earth Nation - Alienated (Eye Q), 8. Delta Lady - Anything You Want/Delta Dub Charge Mix (Hard Hands), 9. Skyflyer - Words Of Ecstacy (Adam & Eve), 10. Orbital - Omen (FFRR)
Gus Till (Bus/Flying Rhino/UK)
In no particular order: 1. Orichalcum - Alien Homes, 2. X-Dream Relax Vortex, 3. Koxbox - Insect Bite , 4. Eden Transmission - Im So High, 5. Johann/Juno Reactor - Jungle High, 6. JayDee - Plastic Dreams, 7. Jam and Spoon - Stella, 8. Planet Ben - Ant Invasion, 9. Psyko Disko - Getaway, 10. Total Eclipse - Space Clinic
Ian Ion (KoxBox/Saikopod/Danmark)
1. Underworld - Rez, 2. Abfahrt - Alone (It's Me), 3. KLF - What Time is Love?, 4. .Age of Love - Age of Love, 5. Jaydee - Plastic Dreams, 6. Eat Static - Prana, 7. Hallucinogen Deranger, 8. Ramirez - La Musica Tremenda, 9. Quirk - Paradise Pills, 10. BT - Dreaming,
If you want to appear in the next charts please send an e-mail to: charts@mushroom-magazine.com
Dede (MDMA)
1. Overlords - Gods Eye On Goa, 2. Etnica - Triptonight, 3. MWNN - Sugar Rush, 4. X-Dream vs Tim Schuldt - Pacemaker, 5. Koxbox - Insect, 6. Juno Reactor - Laughing Gas, 7. Phoetus - Sparkling Soup, 8. Prana - The Snake, 9. Sven Väth - The Beauty And The Beast, 10. Hardfloor Experience,
Kai Mathesdorf (mushroom magazine/Germany)
In no particular order: 1. Dimension 5 - Deep Space 5 D (Interstellar), 2. Overlords - Gods Eye On Goa (BMG/Arista), 3. X-Dream - The Second Room (Tunnel), 4. Deedrah - Liquid Skies (Hadshot Haheizar), 5. Atmos Klein Aber Doctor (Flying Rhino), 6. Union Jack - Cactus (Platipus), 7. Juno Reactor - Rotorblade (Blue Room), 8. Kuro - Zoa RMX (Spirit Zone), 9. Morphem - Nothing Left (Tunnel), 10. Ticon - Super Model Girlfriend (Digital Structures),
Neerav (Trance 5000 Magazine/Canada)
1. The Overlords - God’s Eye Over Goa/remix (Flying Rhino), 2. SFX - Butterfly Trip (Trust In Trance), 3. Hallucinogen - Shamanix/remix (unrel), 4. Juno Reactor - Gaurdian Angel (Blue Room), 5. Total Eclipse Blade Runner (Blue Room), 6. Synchro - Jensonic/remix (unrel), 7. Etnica - Z Plane Sunrise/remix (unrel), 8. MFG - Shape the Future (Matsuri), 9. Transwave - Cycles of Life (Symbiosis), 10. The Orb - Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld (Big Life)
Peter Hollenbach (Mahasuka/Intact Instinct/Germany)
1. Mr Ballistic vol.2 - Born Bad (D*Fusion Rec.), 2. CUSP - Venusion Biosphere (Probe Rec.), 3. Caricorn Harakiri (Global Cut Rec.), 4. Source - Neuromancer (R+S Rec.), 5. Emanuel Top - Turkich Basar (Attack Rec.), 6. Vapour Space - Gravitational Arch Of 10 (+ 8 Rec.), 7 . Overlords - Sundown (Zyx Rec.), 8. Yothu Yindi /Leftfield Dub mix (Mushroom Rec.), 9. Jack Of Swords - The Box (Sabres Of Paradise), 10. Tenshin - Sirius Vamp (No Respect Rec.)
Regan (Nano Records/Vortex/Trancegression/South Africa)
1. Der Dritte Raum - Trommelmaschine (Eye Q), 2. Earth Nation - Alienated (Eye Q), 3. Endora - Joy (Matsuri), 4. Baby Doc and the Dentist - Mantra to the Buddha/Hardfloor RMX (Tec), 5. Atmos - Klein Aber Docter (Flying Rhino), 6. Quirk - Dance With The Devil (Matsuri), 7. Synthetic - Metal Gear (Twisted), 8. Tranan - Moody (TIP), 9. The Delta - As A Child... (Blue Room Released), 10. Alien Project - Midnight Sun/GMS Rmx (TIP)
1. KLF - What Time Is Love, 2. Nostromo Department - Evolution, 3. Overlords - Sundowm, 4. Ramirez Hablando, 5. Mental Cube - Q, 6. MWNN - Teleport, 7. Electric Universe - Meteor, 8. Bedrock - Heaven Scent, 9. Atmos - Klein Aber Doctor, 10. Orbital - Nothing Left (breeder remix)
Sebastian Krüger
1. Fluke - Electric Guitar (XL Rec.), 2. Ellen Alien - Get the groove going (Championsound), 3. Praga Khan - Keep the dream alive (Antler Subway Rec.), 4. Relaxs - Scorp (United Projects), 5. Emanuel Top - Acid Phase (Attack), 6. Infusion - Procrestinator (Thunk Rec.), 7. Drum Club Illuminated (Butterfly Rec.), 8. Friends, Lovers & Family - Tribute (Lush Rec.), 9. X-Dream - This (Tunnel Rec.), 10. SBK - Mitleid Express (Spirit Zone)
Maik Hotz (mushroom magazine/Germany)
1. Orinoko - Pyramids Of Gizeh (Gravitation), 2. Newclues - Jam On Revenge (Artist Master), 3. Hallucinogen - L.S.D. (Dragonfly), 4. Lucky People Center - Sundance, 5. Total Eclipse - Mystery Of The Yeti Pt. 3 (Tip), 6. Cass & Slide - Perception (Automatic), 7. Cosmosis - Cosmology (Transient), 8. X-Dream - We Create Our Own Happiness (Tunnel Rec.), 9. Der Dritte Raum - Trommelmaschine (Harthouse), 10. Synchro - Jensonic (M-Track)
Maik Hotz
You can browse through other DJ-charts at: www.mushroom-online.com
Text by Jennie + Postman Layout by Stephan On VOOV 2001 we discovered a unique sound system surrounded by psychedelic dub music entirely powered by solar energy - reason enough for an interesting conversation with Grant T. Garden who's goal is to bring solar energy into the psychedelic trance culture.
Where do you come
I come from London. We drove from London sometime last week - it took ages to get here. We got lost. No directions. We only knew we were coming last Sunday. Because only last week the organizers said that we could come. They did not know who we were and what we did. And they didn't want another sound system coming in. But a recommendation from Amin (www.accessallareas.org) got us sorted. The solar power was the key. Jennie: Ah - and why did you come to the VOOV festival? Grant: Because I want to bring the idea of solar powered music systems into the psychedelic trance culture. Because the culture that comes together at these events is not green yet and needs to become so. I can't see any evidence of green lifestyles here. Jennie: Is there a green trance culture in the UK? Grant: I think in
Britain more people involved in dance music culture and festivals are living greener lifestyles. Eating organic foods, seeing themselves as 'green' or at least greener. Its about a higher consciousness and greater awareness of Gaia and ourselves (of course). Its a strange contradiction that the psy trance movement is not green at all. In the UK we have a rapidly developing green festival culture and music is of course the key component of this festival culture. The Big Green Gathering is probably the most manifest example of this movement. There is also undoubtedly a connection between psychedelics and green-ness as being psychedelic usually leads to a greater awareness of and identification with green ideologies and issues. I have already taken the vision to both Japan and South Africa, into the psy trance scenes there. In both instances it was understood and eagerly accepted. I also met people there who were already on this path as well and we collaborated. The seeds have been sown. In Japan we worked with the Rainbow 2000 posse . We also did a solar powered music installation in an
art gallery in Tokyo with an exhibition of the paintings of visionary painter Alex Grey (http://www.alexgrey.com). This was a HIGH point indeed! A lot of British travellers and underground dance music people are starting to use solar power and I think the idea of fusing green culture with music culture and dance culture has to happen and needs to be here in Europe as well. This is a new direction and evolution. For me this psy trance culture visible here at VOOV is just Rock 'n' Roll. The format is not different to any rock concert, except there is a Chill Out area of sorts. And most chill-out areas at psy trance festivals are not chill-out at all a lot of the time. Jennie: So you never have generator problems? Grant: Well, we have no generators. That's the rule: no generators. Jennie: What if it rains all the time? Grant: We've got lots of batteries. So if it's dark or if its raining, we still have lots of power in our batteries that we've already charged up that will power us through the events. I think that it's practical and logical to bring this idea into Chill Out, because Chill Out can support this type of lower volume sound system very easily. We are not trying to be a big loud sound system. We want to create an environment for people. So that people can come into it and talk (not shout!) and see this simple display of solar
technology and realize that it works, see that its viable and its there for everyone to start using and applying. The chill-out should also be a place of education. In the UK we have worked with various campaign groups so the chill-out will also be about hemp, organic foods, entheogens, various campaigns. Over the years I have worked with organisations such as Survival International, Free Tibet, animal rights organisations, The Vegan and Vegetarian Societies... Chill-out needs to be a place where people can access alternative information as well as a place of entertainment and relaxation... Chill-out would sell books, organic foods and drinks, there would be speakers and discussions, performance, demonstrations... a truly multi-media environment. Jennie: Could everyone do solar powered sound systems? Grant: Of course! Everyone can. So many people understand it immediately when they see it. They have never seen it before but straight away people realize - of course, it's so simple: solar panels, car batteries, car amplifiers, that's all you need. I've been talking to lots of people here at VOOV who were already thinking about this and they now realize that they can really do it too. Jennie: Is it expensive to buy all these panels? Grant: It's all relative. Some peoples have got just their trucks or vans and they want to put a sound system in their vehicles and you can do that for a thousand marks. But if you want to be a sound system and do a 'show' or produce a space you can spend a hundred thousand marks. The limit is what you set yourself and what you want to accomplish. My objective is to do solar powered Chill Outs at festivals and other events. This SolaSonic system which comprises 4 speaker stacks rated at about 2 KW is
dancing under a blue sky
absolutely fine for any Chill Out and its total cost was about 20,000 marks. Jennie: Are you a DJ or a producer? Grant: I am primarily a music producer who also plays CDs / MDs at events. I do not think of myself as a DJ, even though obviously I do DJ. I am doing this here at VOOV. But I am reluctant to promote myself as a DJ. Really in this instance I and my wife Naseem are here as a solar powered chill-out sound system :
Grant T. Garden
SolaSonic. We and our friends and associates play our favourite music on the solar system. I've been involved in making music now for over 20 years. I've been involved with dance music since the early 80s when I was William Orbit's partner in Torch Song. My greatest inspiration then was Brian Eno and the German
electronic bands e.g. Neu and Cluster. This is what inspired me to make music with William. I've worked with some of the top artists in the field. But now I'm concentrating on bringing these ideas of green technology into the dance music field, which means that recently I've not been working on music production. I've been focussing on the source of the power before I feel comfortable and can sit down to start making / producing music again. I've also been producing chill-out spaces at festivals and events in the UK for more than 10 years. My vision is very much the product of my experiences in The Green Futures Field at The Glastonbury Festival. This unique field within the festival was the catalyst for my own vision of fusing a green lifestyle with music / dance / psychedelic culture (my own personal lifestyle). I created a chill-out space there called The Organic Tea Garden. Its still an ongoing entity when the occasion is right. It allows me to bring my green music vision into one place at one time with so many elements represented. I want to work with music systems that only use solar power. I don't want to use any other power source any more (except other renewable energies, of course, e.g. wind and bicycle power). So for the last three years I've been getting this situation together. In London my partner George and I also have a studio and that's going to be all
30 solar powered by the end of this year. Whilst I get on with the finances and mechanics of all this solar power he gets on with making his brilliant music and refining the studio and addresses all the www matters and technicalities! There is just too much work to do and a life to live as well! So soon all our recordings will be solar powered. We're also going to have solar powered internet services - our servers/domains are going to be solar powered. We are going to do all this in Central London which is where people would not expect a solar powered project of this nature to come from. It's going to be a music driven green movement. I'm totally driven by music. But I got to the point with my music where I wasn't happy any more with where the electrical power for the music was coming from. This is the end of that diversion. I'm coming into the beginning of a new period where I now have the power source I want - the sun! It's time to start making music again and producing music content and environments that are totally green. But for me making music is also about presenting it to people. I'm divided between recording / mixing / producing and coming into these 'live' situations like VOOV where I can engage directly with people. By being here on the
ground, literally, and not on up on a stage, I talk to people and people can come over and see what I am doing, ask questions and make direct contact. That's the big diffe-
Big Chill at Lulworth Castle rence to where there is a stage and no dialogue / contact and a separation between artist / dj and the public. Jennie: Have you been to many parties this year? Grant: Well, my wife Naseem and I produced the chill-out at Morocco2001 (www.morocco 2001.com) at Ourzazate near Marrakech on the New Year. But this was not using a solar system as we did not have our system ready yet. The SolaSonic system was only recently completed. The only festival this summer we have taken the SolaSonic system to was the first Big Chill (www.bigchill. net). There are two Big Chills this summer, the one two weeks ago in Wiltshire not far from Stonehenge, which was a small Big Chill.
Big Chill at night
Jennie: Grant:
Haha - small Big Chill. Yeah - the big Big Chill is in two weeks time in Dorset. The small Big Chill was our first opportunity to use the SolaSonic system and VOOV is our second opportunity and the big Big Chill will be our third opportunity. Jennie: Where is the Big Chill taking place? Grant: On the south cost of England at a place called Lulworth Castle. Its going to be seven or eight thousand people. Kruder and Dorfmeister are headlining. I LOVE their music and many of the GStone releases. (Something very exciting is happening in Germany and Austria right now as far as chill-out is concerned!) The small Big Chill two weeks ago was about two thousand people. Its a very chilled festival (of course!). It's a very diverse music event. It's been running for a long time now and it has every style of contemporary music. It started off as a monthly event inside a church close to where I live in north London. I invited The Big Chill to do the night shift in The Organic Tea Garden quite a few years ago at Glastonbury. That was their first festival event. Now they produce their own festivals! Its extremely eclectic and progressive. I hold great respect for Peter and Katrina, its founders. Through them I am constantly being introduced to new music and new artists. Its all independent and not connected to major labels. The Big Chill is really a 'muso' event i.e. for people really into new music. I also work very closely with the UK CD distribution company based in Glastonbury 'Changing World Distribution' (www.changing-world.com). They do the CD shop at The Big Chill and Womad and various other UK festivals. I am their resident DJ and sound system. This is great as through them I have access to so much new music on an ongoing basis. This summer I have acquired more than 100 new CDs through them. So much new good music! Jennie: What is the political situation concerning parties in England?
SOUNDLAB Grant: Doing good festivals in the UK now is becoming increasingly impossible. We have to pay lots of money to the local government and to the police. It's full of regulations and laws and controls. Its so expensive to do it legally now that its mainly only large commercial promoters who can do it. Jennie: Kind of baksheesh or what? Grant: No, no. It's all about laws and regulations : 'health and safety'. You have to do it a certain way, and if you don't do it that way you can't do it. So people can't do free parties any more. The police will not allow it. Commercial events are happening but there is very little underground stuff going on. This is why so many British travellers have come over to Europe, because it's much more open and liberal here. The situation here in Europe has more potential for evolving. I think Britain has reached a 'critical mass' now and you can't go any further there. Mainland Europe is ready for a shift in music and the festival culture that we have already seen in the UK, especially at The Glastonbury Fesitval, which has played a most crucial role in recent UK music / festival culture development, is now going to hit Europe - I hope! Jennie: Do you really think there will be a change? Grant: There has to be a change. And it has to be now. People need to start making that shift. Certain people and events can act as catalysts and beacons and say: 'hey! this way! And that's where the music becomes important, because what we can do with music is a lot - music says so much and can be the primary catalyst for this change. Jennie: And there is no danger! Grant: No danger! Its green and beautiful! Funny and Fluffy! Jennie: Do you have releases? Grant: I produced an ambientdub mix CD in 1997 called 'Deep Green : Music To Wake Up To'. This was digitally mixed and edited using only solar power as the electricity source. It was a kind of calling card (a meishi, as they say in
VOOV-Experience 2001
Japan) showing my intentions. It was only ever released in Japan but I buy copies from Japan and distribute them here in Europe. The CD was also designed as a vehicle for my partner George's music. George and I have a CD label 'ENTROPICA' This is my partner's music - Solar Quest. Jennie: WHAAT!! Grant: You know SolarQuest? Jennie: Yes, of course! Grant: That's my partner George. We have released a trance CD 'AcidOphiles' and an ambient CD 'Orgisms'. We've also released 23degrees : An Endless Searching for Substance and Makyo's first CD Rasa Bhava (www.entropica .com). We've not released anything new for a while . George has been working on new SolarQuest material and me the solar power side of things. But we are getting there. We're both of to SolaLuna in
Solar Chill at VOOV
Greece. George will do a live set and Naseem and I will do a DJ set on the 'chill-out' stage. We wanted to take the SolaSonic system of course but the organisers had already planned at 20KW stage (!)
before we talked to them so it was too late. But hopefully they will agree to us doing a solar powered chill-out there next year. The chillout stage is not chill-out at all. Its a contradiction of terms : Chill-out and 20KW stage. This is so typical of psy trance and this needs to change for sure. We are hoping to take up a residency at a beautiful bar location near the festival site for a week before and a week after the next SolaLuna and set up the SolaSonic system and do a kind of Greek Isle solar powered Cafe De Mar. Its such a beautiful and undeveloped island and the proximity to Eastern Europe and the Middle East makes it particularly interesting. We are also now thinking about going to The Golden Bay New Year Festival in New Zealand. But it would be costly to take the solar sound system there so we shall see. Friends are already doing a solar sonic system in South Africa so maybe we can work with people in NZ and create one there too. Its not so difficult. Jennie: WOW. Thanks a lot for the interview. Grant: Thank you! Postman: Grant, I have a few more technical questions. Do you use inverters to transform 12V DC coming from the batteries into 240V AC needed for the sound equipment. Grant: Well, I try to never use AC to DC inverters. Presently I am using portable CD and MD units running at 3V,4.5V and 6V. The 2 mixers are a Vestax and an Audio Technica which are 15V (which
32 come with external power supplies which of course I do not need) which work perfectly fine at 12V. The amps are large 12V car amps. I have not yet met anyone who has adapted any AC unit e.g. turntables, CD decks by by-passing any internal AC-DC circuitry, even though I guess it must be possible if these mains supply units are actually running internally on a DC supply with the transformer built into the unit. This is something I now need to look into as I really need to use pro equipment in the field. The portable equipment I use is not really robust nor practical enough. Postman: Parties mostly take place at night and far away from where you live. Two big problems for Solar equipment: missing sunlight and transportation. Grant: Well, firstly, one of the principals of the SolaSonic System is to demonstrate that it is possible to have a totally DC sound system that powers itself from the electricity that is generated by the sun from the photo voltaics and stored in batteries. At this stage to do a full environmental calculation that takes into account the extra cost of carrying extra batteries, fuel and other considerations e.g. the environmental implications of using batteries at all that might suggest that it is perhaps financially cheaper and not so 'green' is therefore missing the point. I currently have 12 x 110 amp hour 'deep cycle' leisure batteries (i.e. the type of batteries used in cara-
DJ behind the solar panels
vans and boats) and this is enough stored electricity to power the SolaSonic system for about 48 - 72 hours continuously without having to recharge the batteries at all! Of course the volume we play at greatly determines how long the batteries last. In good sunlight it would be possible to power the system directly from the photo voltaics and bypass the batteries entirely so if I was at a day-time only event and the light was good I would do it this way. But usually I do 3-5 day festivals and the main objective is to keep the music going for the duration of the event and to have a wicked sounding chill-out system, the highest quality music content, and to demonstrate that a 12V DC system
Do we have solar festivals in future?
is viable if not a logical progression, as the purity of the music sound is so important and how much purer can we get than using the suns light to power it? We worked this system throughout the summer and went from one festival to another (mostly in the UK where it rained most of the summer) and blew people away. My partner George and our friend Splad designed and built the system for me. I actually have overcapacity with the system with 36 x 21watt 16V UniSolar laminate photo voltaics (PVs), but this is due to the crap weather we have in the UK. All the PVs feed their solar electricity into a 'Solar Booster' which steps the voltage down to a regulated 13.8 volts to charge the batteries but also increases the amperage accordingly. On a sunny day I can get 50 amps from these PVs which is a heck of a lot of power! The most I got this summer was 40 amps, on the last day of a new festival held in Herefordshire (www.thebigswitchup .org). Postman: Thanx again! Grant: Thank you! Kontakt: Grant T.Garden, CC Comms Ltd Tel & Fax : +44 (0)20 7267 8797 Mobile : +44 (0)7889 913091 email: grant@cccomms.com Web: www.solarquest.org
Our first special edition should give you compressed information in compact mushroom format. On the following pages we will introduce you to the work and music of many trance labels. Now you have a small lexicon which give you the answers to many questions
AJUCA 1. Name of company / motherlabel: Ajuca Productions Limited Home of Sphere + Optica recordings 2. Location (where’re you located?): Brighton, UK 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: Ajuca Productions manages the distribution company for 3 house labels.....Ajuca / Sphere / Optica. So far Sphere has continued to release dark+ groovy techno trance, with energy and stompability, whereas Optica has been more full on trance with use of futuristic riffs and melodies. Ajuca is to release its first compilation, but at present is pushing its promotion! 4. Number of releases up to now: - 4 on Sphere, 1 on Optica
5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): - 750 (12") - 3000 (CD) 6. Milestones: Which releases do you consider to be milestones in your label-history? SPHERE: Psychoanaesis - released February 1999 featured Infected Mushroom / Dark Soho / ECT / Cat on Mushroom top CD. 2500 CDs Dark Soho - Sunspot released 2000, but its now released again on BNE. 3000 CDs OPTICA: Atomsmasher - A top CD full of banging and up for it tunage, featured with rave reviews all over. 2500CDs 7. Artist pool: Prodigal Sun, Deviant Species, Mekano, In R Voice, Hunab Ku, Cerebellum, ECT, Aeturnum,
Sensphere, Distortion Orchestra, Shli, Domestic, Elysium Project, Shaff Puff, Homegrown Lifeform, Loa, Vasla Psykovsky 8. Contact: Phone: 01273 - 279447 Mr Raz @ Ajuca Productions 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel / founding date Ajuca, Optica, Sphere / 1998, change of ownership : May 2001 - Style darker, harder, stronger, better! Funky, groovy, stomping, soulful and tantalising techno or trance - A&R (name, age) Mr Raz , Mr Rob (Ajuca) Psy Digital, Vinny (Optica), Zorflux, J. Robinson (Sphere)
CEIBA RECORDS 1. Name of company / motherlabel: Francisco where their music and Ceiba records art is accessible to the public. This 2. Location (where’re you located?): art-space-store is also a permaSan Francisco, US nent outlet for the 3. Labelconcept and innovative fashion, philosophy: music, jewelry, books, Ceiba is a tree in the videos etc. produced rainforest. The tree of by independent crealife in mayan culture. tives of the local and Ceiba Records was global started in 1996 in San dance/travel/artist Francisco as an orgacommunity. nism to produce and 4. Number of releases publish innovative up to now: electronic music in the 10 releases up to now Peter Ziegelmeier U.S. with focus on psy/trance and 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): ambient downtempo. Ceiba was 2500 first batch ( CDs) the first outlet for emerging 6. Milestones Californian psy-artists and has - best selling release: since grown into a multifacetted Goa Gil, Ceiba & Kode IV @ electro-artistic enterprise, develoBurning Man (2CD) 4000 sold ping sonic and optic works of - releases you consider to be mileartistic spirit, mind, nature and stones in the labelhistory: techno. In spring 2001 Ceiba opeThe Language of Light 1 ned a gallery and store in San (the first psy-trance CD in the US.
The beginnig of a long wild journey.) 1996 Goa Gil, Ceiba & Kode IV @ Burning Man (the essence captured of the first burning man experiences) 1997 Miditation 1 (first ambient compilation) 1998 7. Artist pool: Kode IV, Goa Gil, Shakatura, Ocelot, The Nommos, Biodegradable, Waterjuice, Bufo, UV13, Midi Brotherhood 8. Contact: Phone: +(415) 437 9598 music: ceiba@ceibarec.com www.ceibarecords.com visuals: tinaz@ceibaweb.com www.tinazweb.com 9. Organisation: - fonding date 1996 - A&R: Peter Ziegelmeier, 49
Unsere erste Special-Ausgabe soll Euch möglichst geballte globale Trance-Infos im mushroom-Kompakt-Format geben. Auf den folgenden neun Seiten stellen wir Euch nun Trance-Labels, Ihre Künstler und Ihre Arbeit vor. Somit habt Ihr nun ein kleines Lexikon zur Hand, welches Euch bei vielen Fragen Antworten geben kann.
COSMOPHILIA 1. Name of company / motherlabel: 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): - Alienews Label Group, No answer… - Hadshot Haheizar, 6. Milestones - Optimus Records - best selling release: 2. Location (where’re you located?): GMS-Chaos Laboratory, GMS-Jaws, Munich, Germany, Sonic Fusion-Tribal Warrior, Three Bat-Yam, Israel point turn-by any means (Optimus) necessary, Qlap-bubble 3. Labelconcept and trouble, Ticon-maestro -philosophy: let the drum begin, - Signing mainly new Sandman-Psychotoons, artists for inovaitive V.A.-Undercover, Snug as break throw dark fusion a Bug-imitate people, between techno & tranDeedrah- Reload, V.A.ce. Resurrection Yaniv - From the underground and beyond - releases you consider to be mile4. Number of releases up to now: stones in the labelhistory: - 12”: 50 Hadshot, 26 Balloonia, 1997 GMS-Chaos Laboratory, 8 Cheese, 1 Olam, 6 Optimus 1998 Sonic Fusion-Confused, - LP: 13 Hadshot, 21 Balloonia, 1999 V.A.-Shift, 2000 Three point 4 Optimus turn-by any means necessary, - CD: 14 Hadshot, 1 Balloonia, 2001 Deedrah-Reload 1 Olam, 3 Optimus 7. Artist pool: - MCD: 1 Hadshot Sonic Fusion, Deedrah, Three point
turn, Activate Morlack, Kontrasequenz, Platform, PPs Project, Snug as a Bug, Abracadabra, Praecox, Kino Oko, Legura, Eargear, Chakra, Soul Pitcher, Liquid Metal, Z-Domain, Manufacturing 8. Contact: yaniv@cosmophilia.de hadshot@cosmophilia.de anja@alienews.com optimusr@zahav.net.il 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel / founding date Hadshot Haheizar, Balloonia Ltd. / 1996 Hovek Olam, Cheese / 1999 Bazooka10 / 2001 - Style darker, harder, stronger, better! Psychedelic Trance, Special Projects, Fluffy, Club Trance, Tech House, Electro - A&R (name, age) Yaniv, 28, Rami Shapira, 28
CREAMCROP 1. Name of company / motherlabel: 2000, around 4000 sold Creamcrop Aps Ltd. Maxi: Yumade vs. Magus: Digital 2. Location (where’re you located?): silence remixes, around 1400 sold Aarhus, Denmark 7. Artist pool: 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: Yumade, Process, Magus, Paps, Limitless mind expanding floortech Igneous sauria, Orichalcum, Tripiafor the now! The label is set up in order to push the limits of existing psychedelic trance into wider and wilder dimensions by releasing high quality, no compromise trippy techno/trance. 4. Number of releases up to now: 3 Compilations, 3 Artist albums, 10 Maxi's 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): 1200-1500 Vinyls, 3000 CD's 6. Milestones / best selling release: Hard to say because many releases are still selling! DJs at work… Album: V/A: Liquid levels, april
trik, Alienated, Snug as a bug… 8. Contact: Phone: +4540208470 Fax: +4586138965 creamcrop@creamcrop.com Web: www.creamcrop.com 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel / founding date Creamcrop records, Creamplant soundproduction (the studio) / 1999 - Style We dont aim to represent a certain style! Style and taste develop in life as well as in music! We do however aim at a high quality but with an edge! - A&R (name, age) Jens Bundgaard, 35 Lars Middelhede, 26
EYEPHUNK 1. Name of company / motherlabel: Eyephunk label group 2. Location (where’re you located?): San Francisco, USA 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: We are a distribution company and family of labels dedicated to pushing music foward. 4. Number of releases up to now: We distribute over 100 new releases a week covering a wide spectrum of electronic music, our specialty includes psytrance and breakbeat/electro as well as progressive music like Bedrock, Hooj Choons and more… 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): Varies wildy depending on the exclusivity of a release 50 - 5000+ 6. Milestones - best selling release: One of our labels in our label group Organized Nature recently got licensed to Pet Tongs Twisted
Beats compilation as well as Lost language, and the artist Josh Gabriel is now remixing Nu Order, Way Out West DJ Tiesto. This is still selling. - releases you consider to be milestones in the labelhistory: Kopfuss Resonator - Oink - 99 This crossed over in a big way rea-
adam ohana
ching people into trance and into house. 2002 promises to be the year for Eyephunk and have many releases planned covering a wide spectrum of music. 7. Artist pool: Josh gabriel, Waterjuice, GMS, antennae, Anon, Twerk, single Cell Orchestra, Bufo, girlie8 8. Contact: Phone: 01-415-703-0447 info@eyephunk.com 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel / founding date Eyephunk, Spun, Vaporvent, Novelty / 1998 - Style All styles including psychedelic trance - A&R (name, age) A. Ohana, 32 (Breaks/all styles), Anon, 27 (IDM/all styles), KJ, 32 (pss trance), Dov, 31 (all styles)
FREE FORM 1. Name of company / motherlabel: hi-fly for the couch culture free form network - Feuerhake 2. Location (where’re you located?): Excess all areas Hamburg, Germany - releases you consider to be mile3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: stones in the labelhistory: Our understanding for being a la- deep dive corp. bel is to connect the creative outSupport your local groover put of the artist with the listener. - Lovefield Vol. 1 - Native tribes The only thing that counts is quali- - Jubilee Records ty and we are the filter guaranteclub culture for urban listening 2 eing the best and the innovative, - Haldolium - H2 no matter what style it is. Music - Emou - still...pretty good year knows no limits and can take you 7. Artist pool: into a higher state of Trance. - free form records: 4. Number of releases up to now: Haldolium, Space Safari, El Audio, - 62 on free form records Box of Frox, Cybersnack, Emou, - 18 on Jubilee Records 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): CDs: 3000-10000, Vinyl: 1000-2000 6. Milestones - best selling release: - Haldolium - H2 - deep dive corp. support your local groover - Klangstrahler Projekt Im Rausch der Sinne - Space Safari - Soul Deep Dive live at Lovefield - le cafe' abstrait -
Feuerhake, Avalanche, Driftwood, Earth, Klangstrahler Projekt, Darshan M. López - Jubilee Records: Bazille Noir, deep dive corp., Fatbacksound, Hattler, Hippiehaus, Ohm-G, Orbient, The Havana Boys 8. Contact: Phone: : 0049-40 22 75 81 34 contact@freeform.de 9. Organisation: Records - Events - Booking - Name of sublabel / founding date free form records, Jubilee Records, Abstrait Music, Liquid Sound Music - Style - free form records trance, electronica - Jubilee Records Club Culture for Urban Listening - Abstrait Music chillout,ambient,classic, worldbeat - Liquid Sound Music deep unterwater tunes - A&R (name, age) Nartak D. Schuebel, 32
INSOLATION 1. Name of company / motherlabel: are multiFarious because – similar Insolation to us – most of our artists look 2. Location (where’re you located?): back on a past in other music Cologne, Germany areas and still draw inspiration 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: from various sources (after having Initially we devoted ourselves been infected by the Psy Trance exclusively to the release of compi- virus). Refering to our releases we lations, but due to interesting con- therefore do not only attach importacts we then decided to offer a tance to the functionality on the platform to talented artists as well. dancefloor, but also to the general The various Insolation releases hearing benefit making it possible might not really meet in a homoge- to experience various states of neous music style, but in the com- mood – faithfully the slogan mon spirit of the intersection of "without darkness no light" psychedelic and pro4. Number of releases gressive trance: being up to now: progressive and 35 (incl. sublabels) modern in the essence 5. Copies per release of the technical reali(Vinyl / CD): zation of the producNo answer… tion they also testify to 6. Milestones / best psychedelic atmospheselling release: re and emotional No answer… expressiveness in their 7. Artist pool: own way. Akanoid, Akasha Dennis Wollnik The basic influences Project, Asarualim,
B.Ashra, B.E.L. (Brain Entertainment Laboratory), C.O.N.Sequencer feat. Milque, E-Chip (Alpha vs. Volldampf), Grenzfrequenz, Ketama, M-Sphere, Prototyp, Puls, Sandoo, Sanomat, Sediment 4, Sphere, T.A.S.C. (The Alpha Sangeet Connection) 8. Contact: Phone: +45 33 31 65 70 contact@insolation.de web: www.insolation.de 9. Organisation: name of sublabel / style: Insolation: motherlabel, Progressive Psychedelic Trance Insolation Chilling: new sublabel for Chill Out & Ambient Prosolation: new sublabel for Progressive Trance/Techno Psysolation: sublabel for compilations only, various styles - fonding date 1998 - A&R: Dennis Wollnik & Claus Müller
IBOGA RECORDS 1. Name of company / motherlabel: Iboga Records 2. Location (where’re you located?): Copenhagen Denmark 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: Started out in 1998 releasing upcomming talent from scandinavia, doing progressive trance, but we are now also releasing tracks from artists outside scandinavia. The concept has expanded through the years and next year we introduce a cooperation with digital struc-
tures among other things… 4. Number of releases up to now: 13 eps, 5 compilations (2 more in print now), 2 artist albums 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): Around 1000 vinyls, 3-4000 cds 6. Milestones - best selling release: Beat bizarre album first print sold out in few weeks (2000) - releases you consider to be milestones in the labelhistory: Ethnobotany-tryptamin-the Reefer
Decree and Beat Bizarre albums 7. Artist pool: Reefer decree, Beat bizarre, Fabel, Lurifax/jules verne, Phony orphants, llopis (the homeboys) 8. Contact: Phone: +45 33 31 65 70 iboga@iboga-records.dk 9. Organisation: - fonding date: 1998 - style: Progressive trance - A&R: …until now Emok
MPDQX 1. Name of company / motherlabel: 6. Milestones MPDQX Label Group - best selling release: 2. Location (where’re you located?): Son Kite and Ticon albums are Malmoe, Sweden both around 6500 copies. 3. Labelconcept and - releases you consider to be mile-philosophy: stones in the labelhistory: As a whole we aim at finding new - Pieces Increase (2000 Digital talents and together with them Structures): for being our first work out a relationship where we compilation that with it’s quality sign them for publishing, release opened many people’s eyes to and booking. Under these terms our label. we believe that the artists can con- - Ticon – rewind (2001 Digital centrate on their music while we Structures): for being our first take care of all administration and artist album and with an artist with the contacts we have, work that we followed from the very out the best for them. Musically we beginning and also the first proaim to set new standards within duct of our philosophy. the musical areas of our two labels and with such great artists we have reached our goals and also continued on the journey for the future. On long term basis we want to reach a point where we can accomplish what our artists have in mind...for example Ticon recording with a symphony orchestra. 4. Number of releases up to now: Digital Structures: Son Kite fifteen 12”s, two albums and three compilations. - Chillosophy no. 1 (2001 Digital Baluns records: Structures): For being our first twelve 12”s and one compilation. step into the realm of downbeat 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): and we’re very proud of this one! Digital Structures: - Otherwise (2001 Baluns records): 12”: 1000 – 1400 For showing trance people a gourCD/LP: 4000 – 6500 met portion of very nice music Baluns records: that would normally not be on 12”: 800 – 1000 their menu! CD/LP: 3500 - Cross Links (2002 Digital
Structures/Iboga records): Although it will not be released til april 2002 we already consider this co-operation between us and Iboga records, history! 7. Artist pool: Digital Structures: Son Kite, Ticon, Bigwigs, Tegma, PWoland, Etnoscope, Shaman, Qlap Baluns records: Trimatic, Pope of Gegga, KAB , KAB vs Son Kite, H. Larsson / Air Crash Bureau, Audibelle 8. Contact: Phone: +46 (0)40 661 17 info@mpdqx.com www.mpdqx.com 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel / style / founding date / A&R (name, age) Digital Structures: Progressive psytrance, 2000, Peter, Marcus and Sebastian (28, 25, 24) Baluns records: blend of trance/techno/house, 2000, Peter, Marcus and Sebastian MPDQX Publishing: We publish most of the composers releasing on our labels. MPDQX Booking: We take care of all the bookings for the artists we publish. Peter High-Hat Studios: Mastering for ours and other labels, many projects are produced here such as Son Kite, Trimatic, Minilogue, Ooze, Filur. Marcus and Sebastian
NEUROBIOTIC RECORDS 1. Name of company / motherlabel: than 2000 copies Neurobiotic records - releases you consider to be mile2. Location (where’re you located?): stones in the labelhistory: Rome, Italy VA - Fast Forward (top be released 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: in january 2002), bunch of new Releasing hiquality psychedelic artists and great music. 9 Pills (last techno trance from known and release) because of the great unknown artists names featured on it. 4. Number of releases up to now: 7. Artist pool: 3 CDS compilations 1 Vinyl EP Etnica, Authentik, Joti Sidhu, Molecu5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): lar, Vibra (going to release the first al1000 vinyls, 2000 cds each release bum on Neurobiotic in march 2002) 6. Milestones 8. Contact: - best selling release: Phone: : +39 328 6290923 CD compilation VA - 9 Pills, more Edoardo@neurobiotic.com
9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel Just starting one, techno oriented, ogether with ZMA owner dj Hercules Dregas - style Neurobiotic records will be morning-full on oriented, the new sublabel exclusively techno oreinted. - founding date / Neurobiotic dec. 2000, new sublabel first release will be out in march-april 2002 - A&R: Edoardo, 26
NOVATEKK 1. Name of company / motherlabel: Global Trance Network by NOVATEKK 2. Location (where’re you located?): Gelsenkirchen, Germany 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: The concept of Novatekk is to sign acts on an exclusive base to the company. Our philosophy is to work out an international marketing concept with worldwide distributions in the main territories. 4. Number of releases up to now: Round about 300 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): - Vinyl: 1500 - CD: 3000-20000 6. Milestones - best selling release: S.U.N.Project "Zwork" (appx. 18000) S.U.N.Project "Paranormal" (appx. 15000)
Koxbox "The Great Unknown" (appx. 14500) - releases you consider to be milestones in the labelhistory: - Compilation "Goahead" (Vol 1-15) - Pulse (Vol. 1-12) - Tantrance (Vol 1-12) - S.U.N.Project-Albums - M.O.S. "Meter" & "Bug" - Delta "Send In Send Back" - new X-Dream-Album "Irritant" (Release 20.2.2002) - new Album by Sebastian Krüger (Ex-Tarsis) in spring 2002 7. Artist pool: Ouija, Jupiter 8000, Son Kite, Element, Masun, C.O.P, M.O.S., Authentic, Lando, Midimiliz, S.U.N.Project, Syncro, Organic Noise, Intact Instinct, Sonnenvakuum, Dienzephalon, Marco Menicelli, Tarsis/G-Lock, Tim Schuldt, Johann Bley, Dimension 5,
RA, Hara Gobi, ChiAd, New Age Hippies, Electron Wave, Zerotonine, GMO, Delta, Massimo Santucci, Quartz, Ciel 8. Contact: Charly Rinne (Managing Director) Phone: +49 209 - 9824 803, Phone: +49 209 - 9824 880 Steffi Lohmann (management-ass.) s.lohmann@novatekk.de 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel / style / founding date Subterranian (Compilation-Label) founded in 1996 Liquid Audio Soundz, D-Drum, Naja, Mash, Velvet Inc. (all styles of psy/techno/trance) founded in 1997 pro-tone (Techtrance) will founded in 2002 - A&R: Charly Rinne & Freelancer-Pool
NT.T MEDIEN 1. Name of company / motherlabel: Plastik Park Records & Sunset Recordings are the both inhouse labels of the NT.T distributed label group in wich every label is a independent A & R unit. 2. Location (where’re you located?): Dortmund, Germany 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: The conception behind Plastik Park & Sunset Recordings is to release newly influenced fresh progressive trance music with a range of clubcompatible up to real psychedelic noised e-music from artists round the world. The global attitude is very internal for the output of both labels. "We try to get & release the strong tracks of artists and we`re not so keen in name dropping." As I already noted under point 1, we have: "one for the night (Plastik Park) and two for the show (Sunset`s morning sound)". 4. Number of releases up to now: Sunset Rec. up to release 015 Plastik Park Rec. up to release 011 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): We`re not willing to give inhouse informations about sales figures to the public. We have a relationship
Phillipp & Thobias
based on trust and good will with our labels. 6. Milestones - best selling release: V.A. Progopoly, Alegria 12" Shylock, Prisoners of the Sun "are you scientific enough", Antix 12" - Rainstick, V.A. - Park Avenue CD - releases you consider to be milestones in the labelhistory: The V.A. "Solar Seeds" will overload every release before. 7. Artist pool: XV Kilist, Antix, Alegria, Paste, Amphasis, Tegma, Eargear, Charasmatix, Human Blue, Prisoners of the Sun, Jaques Gelee, Trancefeld, Adrenochrome, Cosmix, Constract, a.m.m.
8. Contact: Phone: +49 231 3954527 ntt@free.de, Web: www.ntt-medien.de 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel / style / founding date / A&R: Traktor Schalllabor, Klicker Rec. (Switzerland), RiffRaff Rec. (Denmark), Manta Rec. (New Zealand), Save to Disc Rec. (Germany), Ayahuasca Rec. (Sweden), LoopSnoo Rec. (Greece), OV-Silence Rec., Pro Tone Rec. We`re also in the Drum&Bass / Garage / 2Step and house business with exclusive inhouse labels like Draft, Farside, Lost Vegas, Gush, Dodge, Pathfinder, Magic Vinyl, Compiler, Jungle Warriors, a.m.m.. Also we have a strategic cooperation with Indigo Distribution based in Hamburg, wich give us the ability to place trend products through a strike force named IND in the big chain outlets same time like in the trend stores. Our A&R`s for trance music are: Tobias Bayer, Daniel Torhoff & Philipp Wohlgast
OUT OF ORION 1. Name of company / motherlabel: let them see the light of modern Out Of Orion Trance music market. We are a 2. Location (where’re you located?): pretty new label (born at the end of Milano, Italy 2000), but we're full 3. Labelconcept and of enthusiasm and philosophy: passion for psychedeOur goal is to offer lic feelings and suptop quality electronic ported by extremely music to peoples good feedback receiears.There are several ved during this year. interesting artists 4. Number of releases nowadays and we'd up to now: like to find the best 4 releases up to now newcomers and also 5. Copies per release Valerio established ones and (Vinyl / CD):
1000-4000 units 6. Milestones / best selling release: CHI-A.D. "Infinitism" CD; 3000, still growing 7. Artist pool: Chi-ad, Adrenalin Drum, California Sunshine, Alienated Buddha 8. Contact: Phone: +3902 365 094 19 outoforion@inwind.it www.out-of-orion.com 9. Organisation: - fonding date: 2000 - style: Trance - A&R: Valerio, 27 / Andrea, 29
OV SILENCE 1. Name of company / motherlabel: ov silence recordings 2. Location (where’re you located?): Hamburg, Germany 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: Two years "ov-silence" after-hour club (Sunday), an extremely successful time. After the "ov-silence" after Hour club, followed the establishment of the label and the first Compilation. Apart from well known artists, such as ShivaChandra, Sangeet (as Earth) and Bitmonx. Some absolutly innovative new projects are on these very powerful Trance-Compilation but in the future we will take more care for fresh and unknown artists, like on the first EP.
One year "the human creation" trance-club (Friday), where we give other labels and organizations a chance to promote them self. Please contact us. 4. Number of releases up to now: ov -silence "chapter one",
Oliver Stoll
first EP is coming in February 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): at this time 2000 CD, Vinyl 800 - 1000 6. Milestones - best selling release: the first CD is nearly sold out 7. Artist pool: Bioport, Block 4, Sixth floor, SB-Port, Auralis 8. Contact: Phone: 0049 40 650 43 880 mail@ov-silence.de ov-silence.oli@gmx.de 9. Organisation: - style: All kind of trance - founding date: 2001 - A&R: Oliver Stoll, 27 / Oliver Gerth, 27
6. Milestones - best selling release: Infected Mushroom - B.P.Empire Shpongle - Tales of the inexpressible - releases you consider to be milestones in the labelhistory: all the best selling ones - there are more to come 7. Label pool: Shiva Space Technology, Tip, Data Bass, 3D Vision, Flying Rhino, Shaffle, 8. Contact: Phone:
+49 8142 593 165 info@psyshop.com 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel Psyshop.com - Internet Mailorder Psyshop.net - Wholesale Trade - Founding date 1999 - Style Psytrance and Goa-Trance, Progressive, Electronic, Dancefloor, Downbeat, World, Chill - A&R (name, age) Joachim Roy, 34
PSYSHOP 1. Name of company / motherlabel: Psyshop 2. Location (where’re you located?): Maisach, Germany 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: Psytrance + Internet for customer and shops worldwide 4. Number of releases up to now: - 1330 different releases - 2630 cover pictures - 3357 songs to listen on CD, Vinyl and DVD 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): more than one million html- pageviews per month
SPIRAL TRAX 1. Name of company / motherlabel: and 5 albums, ACDC - 11 singles not like the style but it is defeniteSpiral Trax Label Group (Spiral 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): ly a quality release. Trax/Spiral Trax International and Today the first pressing is always 7. Artist pool: ACDC) 1500 for a single, 3000 for a CD The Swedish crew: 2. Location (where’re you located?): album, 1500 for a LP. S-Range, Noma, Atmos, Gothenburg, Sweden 6. Milestones Vibrasphere, Human Blue, 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: - best selling release: Logic Bomb, Hux Flux, Spiral Trax was started in 1997 to Atmos - Headcleaner Matenda, Prex, Stress release Scandinavian trance and as - releases you consider to Assassin, an extension to that Spiral Trax be milestones in the International: International was created a couple labelhistory: XV Kilist, Tromesa, of years later to release trance from 1. Atmos - Headcleaner, Talamasca countries outside of Scandinavia. 2000, because it chanNot all of these artists are At the same time Acid Casualties ged the sound of trance exclusive to Spiral Trax Anti was born to release progressive and made the Scandithough. trance. Nowadays Acid Casualties navian sound known worldwide. 8. Contact: goes under the name ACDC and 2. Atmos - The only process, 1999, Phone: : +46-31 13 83 37 will only release progressive house. since it became an anthem for the info@spiraltrax.com My personal philosophy is "Good trance scene and got licensed to 9. Organisation: music is good music", which heaps of compilations and just re- - Name of sublabel / style / founmeans that as long as there is quareleased with a lot of remixes. ding date: lity in the music it doesn't matter if 3. Talamasca - Musica Divinorum, - Spiral Trax, Scandinavian trance, it is chill, progressive or full-on. 2001, just because it is selling like chill etc, 1997 The main focus though, is on the crazy and many people conside- Spiral Trax International, trance "Scandinavian sound". red it weird that we released a etc (not from Scandinavia), 1999 4. Number of releases up to now: full-on record which is not our - ACDC, progressive, 1999 Spiral Trax - 23 singles and 9 usual sound. It proves that "good - A&R (name, age) albums., Spiral Trax Int. - 14 singles music is good music", you might Anders "Anti" Enkvist
SPIRIT ZONE 1. Name of company / motherlabel: over the world have been released. SPIRIT ZONE RECORDINGS No doubt, the label has supported 2. Location (where’re you located?): the development of a distincitve Hamburg, Germany local and global artist scene. Thus 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: having aided in creating an acclaiSpirit Zone Recordings is a record med sound enjoyed at parties and label specialised in trance, techno in homes all over the world. and electronic listening music. Spirit Zone Recordings became a Based in Hamburg, Germany since trademark name and the label conAugust 1994, over 100 albums and tinues to set new standards by sigsingles featuring music from all ning artists like Patchwork - melting ambient, electronic and (re)generated sounds. Gabriel Le Mar (Saafi Brothers, Aural Float) has now released his second album on Spirit Zone. New trancesetters such as Japanese K.U.R.O., german Spirallianz, swedish Necton and Fünf D (Michael Kohlbecker) are signed as Spirit Zone artists. 4. Number of releases up to now: 110 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): No answer… Antaro 6. Milestones in the labelhistory:
GLOBAL PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE COMPILATION 7. Artist pool: Spirit Zone Dj Booking: - Antaro, Axel, Laureth, Magical, DJ Team Mapusa Mapusa + Fabio, DJ Team Ramon & Yak, DJ Rhon, Sangeet, Saffa, Scotty, DJ's Vazik & Geza, Swarup, Spirit Zone Live Act Booking: - Electric Universe,- Etnica, Fünf D, Gabriel Le Mar, Necton, Ololiuqui, -Patchwork,SBK, Shiva Chandra, Space Fish, Space Tribe, Spirallianz, Star Sounds Orchestra, The Zorba 8. Contact: Phone: 49 40 38611931 contact@spiritzone.de 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel Plusquam – Records - style progressiv, psychedelic trance - A&R DJ Laureth
SHIVA SPACE TECHNOLOGY 1. Name of company / motherlabel: Shiva Space Technology 2. Location (where’re you located?): Munich, Germany 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: Music unites 4. Number of releases up to now: - 10 cd`s - 9 maxisingles 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): - CD: 4000-5000 - Vinyl: 1000 6. Milestones - best selling release: Shiva Space Technology CD001: 9000, Shiva Sidpao, the Album: 5000
- releases you consider to be mileLuminus-Plexus, stones in the labelhistory: Domi As a milestone it is still the first 8. Contact: compilation with hits like "Power Phone: : 0049 8134 5701 of celtic" "India Spirit" and andy@shiva-space-technology.de, "Spiritual Healing RMX ". Also andyshiva@gmx.de "The digital dance of Shiva" with 9. Organisation: the first tracks of Infected - Name of sublabel / founding date Mushroom and Dark Soho. 1997 7. Artist pool: - Style Shiva Shidapu and all kinds of trance from Shidapu,Infected melodic til psychedelic, Mushroom, Dark progressive, full on and Soho,Yahel, Psysex, Cosma, ambient world music Lemurians, Analogue - A&R (name, age) dream, Diablo,Yamabikaya, Andreas Kuchenbauer, Andi in the studio 36 Talamasca, Psychonaut,
TATSU RECORDINGS 1. Name of company / motherlabel: up to now: Tatsu Recordings - 12 x 12" Vinyl distributed by NTT - 2 x Artist Album (CD & Do-LP) 2. Location (where’re you located?): - 3 x Compilation (CD & Do-LP) Bochum, Germany 5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD): 3. Labelconcept and -philosophy: vinyl starts at 1000, longplayer Tatsu was founded in the year of starts at 2500 copies the dragon in 1999 by DJ Laureth. 6. Milestones Tatsus sound is progressive kicking - best selling release: rolling psytrance. Since summer Magnetrixx "Trittschall" (Album), 2001 DJ D-Nox takes care for Magnetrixx "Knopfzelle" (12" Vinyl), artists and repertoire. Dragon Tales 3 (CDHis philosophy is to Comp. & Do-LP), give psytrance a broaTreibstoff der view, be even "Tacheles/Piece of more progressive in Paper" (12" Vinyl), soundz and athmosDragon Tales 2 (CDphere, to be an adress Compilation & Do-LP) for wicked artists - releases you consider coming from all over to be milestones in the globe. the labelhistory: D-Nox 4. Number of releases all the best selling
ones - there are more to come 7. Artist pool: Magnetrixx, Andrenochrome, Treibstoff, Fuzzion, Mel.ler, Parasence, Eargear, Necmi, Thorin & B.l.e.e.f., Ryan Halifax, Ohrsten Norss, Source Unknown, Piratefiles, Llopis, Amphasis, Fabel & Alhad, Constance Jorney, D-Nox & SLy Flynn 8. Contact: Phone: : 0049-234-93030-30 tatsu@shakaree.de, d-nox@shakaree.de 9. Organisation: - Name of sublabel - coming soon Founding date - spring 2002 - Style - club sound - A&R (name, age) Christian "D-Nox" Wedekind, 26, djing since age of 16
Inga Bourin (26) Born in Russia, currently living in Spain. Doing decoration already for the last 6 years, most of the times in Portugal, Germany, Canada, Israel, France and Japan ”My range of art includes oil, acrylic, pencil, guash, aquarel. Actually I’m painting with all kinds of tools on all kinds of material from paper to canvas, from wood to plastic. Lately I’m really into computer graffix and web design. Computer has really opened lots of more interesting possibilities for me and from day to day I am more and more into it, making the artwork under the name for different techno record labels, cd covers, flyers, logoty pes, businesscards and everything else that’s possible.
Also I’ m painting fluoro paintings, kinda backdrops.I like to call them UV friendly paintings.”
”My works express my feelings, influences and ideas inspired by daily life, different cultures, music, other arts, movies, family and friends. Mostly I’m trying to make my pictures to be like a story. It doesn’t matter if its logotype, t shirt design, cd covers or fluoro paintings, the image always needs to say a lot and send the message. It can be minimal, it can be the opposite! The whole range is a little bit difficult to explain in a few words but one of the main things is that I’m always creating an image from some other little images, mostly pain ted by myself. And it always has its meaning and emotion.”
Contact: inga@ingart.com for bookings: booking@bokshebeats.com Horsehead
www.ingart.com (is coming soon)
NOS From and located in Sweden Decorating since 1995 ”I use four different colours,mostly acrylic and three kinds of can vas:black,white and flourescent. I'm inspired by the essence of life. The main thing in life is love.Experiencing life-to be myself. I've got different fantasy worlds I can go to when I do a painting. Every painting I finish comes out of a special world, built by the music I heard during painting.” “A theme inspired by certain feelings and emotions.In my head I've got one picture at a time! I'm not concerned what I do next. My paintings are part of things happening in my life. A result of the point I was at during painting! People who know me can see that.”
No Name
Contact: nos404@hotmail.com www.mpdqx.com/ digitalstructures/nos
No Name
Aggressive Guardian
Born in Germany/Oberpfalz, based in Hamburg, decorates international. Decorated in 1989 for the first time. "I do paintings mainly.I don't have a hand for plastic art. And then the aspect of disposition and transport, it's much easier with pain tings. I'd like to create a space where people can see and find themselves. I paint mandalas and other geometric structures that
Sri Yantra
Die W채chter 2
activate the brain.The observer then can get animated to meditate. My favorite piece is Sri Yantra. Because of it's construction, the effect it has on the viewer. Simply said; it's the impression of our human universe, the balance between male and female
Contact: amrisha@voov-experience.de, amrishalove@homail.com
Die W채chter
Avikal (34) From and located in Italy. Based in London but much of his work is at parties and festi vals around the world. Decorating for about ten years now. “I make three dimensional installations on a big scale. I use strings to create shapes and forms like a painter uses colours. Every year I design an installation and every time it’s completely different :concepts, shapes and forms. My art is all based on sacred geometry, it is all mathematics. Perfect geometry,there are thousands of straight lines which create shapes and forms and they are all perfect.For some installations. I use about 40.000 nails ,about 400 kilo meters of strings and 3 or 4 km of wood and it takes one month to prepare”
The Cube
“I transform spaces into beautiful and playful environments using three dimensional geometric shapes, movement and colour. People are free to dance and walk underneat and through the installations; to see the work from many different perspectives. The motorized string sculptures create a kaleidoscopic landscape of shapes that play with people's eyes and pro voke their senses. In daytime an installation looks majestic; at night time, under UV light, it comes alive."
Japan 1999
Contact: www.protoart.co.uk avikal@protoart.co.uk Fotos by Kotaro Manabe (Japan)
ORGANIX are Jun, Shige und Katsu. All three japs were born in 1967-1968. Working together since 1995, mainly doing digital computer art. For example: computer graphic, animation, DVD and web design.
contact: www.pinxnake.com
Its more like psychedelic wallpaper! Following my last "house" series (purple) I have currently started work on a "techno"-series. Fairly abstract psychedelic... Through quantity I can turn around large rooms in a monoto ne and harmonic way.” Maximilian Hellweger (27) Born in Hamburg moved to Zürich for the last 3 years. He is doing atmospheric blacklight paintings & decorations for more than 5 years, all over the world.
Nature" (2.5m x 4.8m) cost me a lot of energy, but it also gave back a lot. Favorite concept? To get the most out of each individual piece
“Mainly I work with UV-active
“Up until now I have been in Zurich (for the past 3 years), but will probably move on soon. A litt le bit of Hamburg (my origin) and Zurich will always be part of it...” colors on sheets, large and small ones, which I create blacklightactive rooms with. Apart from this I paint small pictures for exhibitions, as well as installations for clubs and cafes made with plaster and colors..”
in a minimal combination of optical and acoustic stimulants. When decoration, lights, sound and music give everything to the maxi mum it becomes too aggressive... and many will just want to run away.”
“I have really been wanting to express a lot, already. But now I am more concerned on creating atmospheres. At the moment I am working with abstract structures / patterns without meaning or story or symbols, simple forms and colors. I don't want to draw the dancer into it anymore, rather to create a suiting ambience for their evening... The message may be a bit short.
boom mxi
“The newest is just good enough, a few old evergreens are always there too. "Law of
2 Alex “Celestine 153” (Wolfrat-Rec.) MCD Abracadabra “Abracadabra” (Hadshot) ASIA 2001 "Abduction" (Avatar) Atmos “Klein aber Löwe RMX” (Hardb) MCD Dj Tsuyoschi “ Tokio Trance Underg.” (RTTS) Drøn “Parsec“ (Elektrolux) EMOU “Still...Pretty Goog Year” (Free Form) Hippiehaus “Stars” (Jubilee) Infected Mushroom “B.P.Empire” ) MCD Matenda “Energy Loader” (Spiral Trax) Music For a Busy Head “Absolute …" New age Hippies “Sunshine & Rock’n’Roll” Oforia “Millions of miles away” () Maxi-CD Plastyk Elephant “Hyper Frequencies” Psyside “First Contact” (Acidance Records) Quantum Leap “Passion” (Elektrolux) Sediment 4 (NOCH NICHT) (Insolation) Shakatura “Shakatura” () Shiva Chandra “Gecko” (Spirit Zone) Space Tribe “Shapeshifter” (Spirit Zone) Surreal “Beyond” (MDMA Music Ltd.) Talamasca “Musica Divinorum” (SpiTint)
6,90 EUR 17,50 EUR 18,90 EUR 10,50 EUR 17,50 EUR 19,90 EUR 16,90 EUR 16,90 EUR 9,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 18,90 EUR 10,50 EUR 18,50 EUR 17,50 EUR 19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 15,90 EUR 19,90 EUR
The Delta “Send in… send back” (D.Drum) 19,90 EUR V.A.”American Rotation” (Starsound Records) 19,90 EUR V.A. “Assassi:Nations The Killers!” (TIP) 19,90 EUR V.A. “Beatport - ” (Jum Jam Rec.) 16,90 EUR V.A. “Buddha Lounge” (Prudence) 16,90 EUR V.A. “Chilling Underwater vol.1” 2-CD !!! 19,50 EUR V.A. “Chillum Dreams vol.1” (T-Force) 2-CD !!! 19,50 EUR V.A. “Devil is a DJ" (Hadshot) 17,50 EUR V.A. “Digital Mystery Tour” (Twisted Records) 19,90 EUR V.A. “Digital Psionic - Psionic Tonic 18,50 EUR V.A. “Endangered Species” (Flying Rhino) 19,90 EUR V.A. “Fahrenheit Project Part 2” (Infinium) 15,90 EUR V.A. “Flip Out” (Agitato Records) 18,50 EUR V.A. “Footprints” (Digital Structures) 17,50 EUR V.A. "Free As" (Edgecore) 18,50 EUR V.A. “Goa Head 15” (Leguan) 2-CD !!! 19,90 EUR V.A.”Intelligence” (Starsound Records) 18,50 EUR V.A. “Kamaflage 2” (Dragonfly) 19,90 EUR V.A. “New Frontiers - Gidi Hovek Olam” (usta) 18,50 EUR V.A. “Non Toxic Frequencies” (Flow Rec.) 17,50 EUR V.A.”Rolling Synthochords” (Uphonic rec.) 17,50 EUR V.A. “Set 01” (Iboga) 17,50 EUR V.A. „Single Cell vol 2” (Atomic) 17,50 EUR V.A. “Solar Seeds” (Sunset) 19,90 EUR V.A. “The Remedy” (ZMA) 16,90 EUR V.A.”Vibration 4” (Medium) 17,50 EUR X-Dream "We Created…" (Rereleased) (Avatar) 16,90 EUR All prices in Euro. Shipping: 3,- Euro (Germany), 15,- Euro (Europe), 30,- Euro World
V.A. “Winter Session”
V.A. “The Mystery Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls”
V.A. ”The Sound of T.H.C”
Databass Music
TIP World
Insolation Chilling
First CD - Compilation of the new french label. Fresh kicking tricky techno stuff
Concieved and produced by Raja Ram. Trancespotters will be most excited
Do not listen to this recording while driving car or working with machines, dubby-ambient
V.A. “Lightbeams”
V.A. “.. Alienated . // ff”
Talamasca “Musica Divinorum”
Shiva Space Technology
Spiral Trax international
The number nine of SS T is as satisfying than the last ones. Murder Baseline-Psytrance
Intelligent tech-tunes from Thomas Larsen & Jeffrey D. Jensen former member of Orichalcum
Talamasca`s long awaited follow up Psychedelic Knights kicks with its tight rhythms
V.A. “Bass Monster”
V.A. “Underground Progressive Trance 2”
V.A. “ov silence chapter one”
MDMA Music Ltd.
Liquid Audio
ov silence
Cydonia, Noosphere, Alien Project & otherswith some monster tracks on this CD
Mars and Alex have collected some new tracks from upcoming & established trance-stars
Apart from well known artists, some new projects are on these very powerful Trance CD
12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" VIN 12" 12" 12" 12" 2-VIN 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" VIN 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" VIN 12" 12" 12" VIN 12" 12" VIN 12" VIN 12" 12" VIN 12" 12" 12" 12"
12 Moons “Alak Javel” (usta) Alex AJ “Contamination” (Hads) Analog Pussy “Discotek ” (Hads) And Diven “the chicken…” ASIA 2001 "X-Ray" (Avatar) Bongo Corp. “lavell mix) Chronic Twins “Chronical” Cosmoon “Damnation Gen…” Dark Nebula “The Door” Different “Omega” (Sunset) DJ Exanimo “Taxi Thong Sala” Double Dragon “Tin Drum” Drön “Xenologix” (Elektrolux) Etnoscope “Referize” (DigiStr.) Filur “Timesteps” (Flow Rec.) Frühschicht “Schneller,Härter…” Green Oms “freakuency Fiasco” Kontrasequenz “Binaler o…” Magnetrixx “Knopfzelle” (Tatsu) Marc O’Tool “Deeper” (Poison ) Matenda “Energy Loader” (SpiT) Microtek “Feel Free” (Transient) N.D.S.A. “Nylon Groover” N)E(M “Das Auge Remixes” Native Radio “Panic acid way rmx” Neum “Time Machine” (AcDc) Oliver Klein “Timeloop Rmx” Pappa & Gilbert “Skindeep” Parabola “Neoris” (Phantasm) Pope of Gegga “ First Go!” Praecox “Zorma Zinna” (Hadshot) Prototype “Uncover” (Insolation) Psysex “Hardcore Blastoff” Purple & Ronan “Future Blue” S-A-S “From the inside” S-Range “Out Of Range Remixes” Shiva Chandra “Gecko” (Spirit Z.) Son Kite “Youngel EP” (Flying R.) Southern Com. “Another late Th.” Space Tribe “Shapeshifter” Spacefish “Das Konstrukt” Sphere “Rotation” (Insolation) Spirallianz “A fugitive/Trash Talk” T.A.S.C. “Chemically Unbalan” Talamasca “Musica Divinorum” Tegma “Funky Mirror/Rundfunk” Ticon “Skunk funk / Electricity” Trancefeld “Parameter Normal” Trimatic ”Kyoto” (Baluns Rec.)
8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 9,50 EUR 9,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 9,50 EUR 10,50 EUR 19,90 EUR 10,50 EUR 9,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 19,90 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 10,50 EUR 10,90 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 8,90 EUR 10,90 EUR 8,90 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 10,90 EUR 10,90 EUR 10,90 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 19,90 EUR 9,90 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 19,50 EUR 11,90 EUR 8,90 EUR 16,90 EUR 8,50 EUR 12,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 19,90 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR 8,50 EUR
VIN 2-VIN VIN VIN 2x12" VIN 2-VIN VIN VIN 2x12" 2x12" 2-VIN 2-VIN LP 2-VIN 3-VIN 12" 12" 12" 12"
V.A.”American Rotation” V.A. “Assassi:Nations …” (TIP) V.A. “Beatport - ” (JumJam Rec.) V.A. “Devil is a DJ" (Hadshot) V.A.”Dragon Tales 3” (Tatsu) V.A. “Footprints” (Digital Struc.) V.A.”Free your funky Chicken” V.A.”Non Toxic Frequencies” V.A.”Rolling Synthochords” V.A.”Solar Seeds part 1” V.A.”Solar Seeds part 2” V.A.”Vibration 4” (Medium) V.A. "Chaishop Compilation" Jupiter 8000 "Jupiter 8000" Saafi Brothers "Midnight‘s Ch.“ S.U.N Project „Paranormal“ Space Safari „Fun Key“ Eat Static „Critical Mass“ (Atomic) Shiva Chandra „Schaukelstuhl“ Jens Burchert “Meteor/Virus”
19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 16,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 17,50 EUR 19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 17,50 EUR 17,50 EUR 17,50 EUR 16,90 EUR 19,90 EUR 16,50 EUR 19,90 EUR 8,50 EUR 7,90 EUR 8,50 EUR 9,50 EUR
Flying Rhino Shirt "Rhino Head Girlie" Flying Rhino Shirt "Stick Girlie" Longsleeve “Return of the Spirit” Longsleeve “Return of the Spirit” Longsleeve “Shiva Space Technology” Mandala T-Shirts (Ethno Design) Morocco 2001 “Video” Red Eyes Girly’s Shirt (Red Eyes Rec.) Red Eyes Sweater (Red Eyes Rec.) Red Eyes T-Shirt (Red Eyes Rec.) Solipse 2001 “Video” T-Shirt “Shiva Space Technology” TIP Shirts "Basic" (TIP) TIP Shirts "Longsleeve" (TIP) Video „Last Hippie Standing“ Video SpaceNightVol.5 “EarthviewsVI” Ypy Poty Gathering 25.-27.01.2002 Ypy Poty Gathering Creditcardbilling Ypy Poty Gathering Vorverkauf/Presale MAG ABO (germany) mushroom mag. MAG ABO (europe) mushroom ma. MAG ABO (world) mushroom mag. MISC Cybertribe-Visionen Buch MISC NagChampaAgarbathi 16gr MISC Gutschein / Coupon (mushroom)
25,04 EUR 30,15 EUR 20,39 EUR 20,39 EUR 30,61 EUR 20,39 EUR 19,50 EUR 23,00 EUR 43,44 EUR 23,00 EUR 19,50 EUR 30,61 EUR 25,04 EUR 35,26 EUR 17,90 EUR 24,90 EUR 58,25 EUR 4,34 EUR 5,83 EUR 20,44 EUR 30,66 EUR 30,66 EUR 17,90 EUR 1,90 EUR ??.?? EUR
Video (english)
V.A. “The Best of 100�
V.A. "Eternity"
Spirit Zone
Compiled by DJ Antaro. The real r etrospective of one of the famous Psy-Trance Label in this world wide freak com munity. Three CDs fullfilled with the best of 100 relases, Including a 20-page booklet.
An ecxiting project: 18trance-DJs (Mike Maguire, Bim, Anti, Oforia, etc) selected their favorites of the last 7 years. A "best-of trance"-compilation and a 48 page bookle t about the artists
In search of the "Goaspirit" of the 70s and the late 1990s - 45 min of exclusive footage of the "Hippie-places" of Goa, India. It was so magical, it was so m ystical In sear ch of the last hippie standing
Fr, 24.05. - So, 26.05.
Liquid Time Open Air
organizer: Sun Entertaiment GmbH DJs: Antaro, Axel, Marcus, Mescalino, Tandava, Syncron, K-Isuma, Mel, Gandalf, Montagu & Golkonda Live: S.U.N.Project, Cyber Grass, Organic Fusion, Ololiuqui ... Xtra: Laser-, Water- & Performanceshow, 2 Floors Loc: 60 km from Hamburg, 140 km from Berlin, between Hamburg and Berlin Info: www.liquidtime.de Die Szene aus dem nordostdeutschen Bundesland MecklenburgVorpommern beginnt den PsytranceSommer bereits Ende Mai. Zum x-ten mal treffen sich hier lokale und natio nale Acts, um den herannahenden Sommer zu huldigen. In den letzten Jahren hat die Liquid Time sich zu einem internationen Event hochgearb eitet. Kommt und lasst die Zeit im Tanz zerfließen... The north-eastern trance scene starts it's Psytrance summer already at the end of may. For numerous times, local
TSHITRAKA (photos by Constantin)
F E S T I VA L S 2 0 0 2
and national acts get together to wel come the soon to come summer. Liquid Time has worked it's way up and has become an international event. Come together to let time melt away while dancing...
Sa, 15.06. - Mo, 17.06.
Psychedelic Circus OA
organizer: World Wide Tribe DJs: Feste Crew: Syncron, Montagu & Golkonda, Shankara & Dekhan and some other DJs (see infotext) Live: Star Sound Orchestra plus an other act (see infotext) Deco: Schwarzlichtkinder, Analavory Project, Lights: Finn, Sound: Eggert - 6 Point PA-System, Projections: Peperonie and some other decoteams. send a form and some pics to info@worldwidetribe.de Xtra: toilet for handicapped persons, lighted parking place, flowingwaterr, creative tent Loc: Strohkirchen near Hagenow (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), between Hamburg and Berlin way: A24 Hamburg-Berlin, Exit
Hagenow-Schwerin, follow signs Info: +49 (0) 385-7588591
www.worldwidetribe.de info@worldwidetribe.de Tickets: Easy Traxx Schwerin Wittenburgerstrasse 57, Jnstinct Records Parchim Lindenstrasse 50, Green Planet Rostock Stampfmüllerstrasse 37, Muschroom Store Hamburg Arnoldstrasse 47, Goa Lounge Berlin Linienstrasse 136 or at
www.worldwidetribe.de entry at doors: 25 Euro, pre sale: 20 Euro The line-up will be put together,with an unusual campain by the promoters From february 1st to end of march it should be able to influence the line up by trancers proposing thier favorite DJs. The same goes for Deco teams,to support the numerous decorators on site.The fourth Psychedelic Circus will set new accents. Mit einer ungewöhnlichen Aktion wollen die Veranstalter diesmal das LineUp zusammenstellen. In der Zeit vom 1.Februar bis Ende März 2002
F E S T I VA L S 2 0 0 2 soll es den Trancern möglich sein, das LineUp zu beeinflussen indem sie Ihre Lieblings-DJs dort vorschlagen. Auch Deko-Teams sind aufgefordert, sich zu bewerben, um die schon zahlreichen Dekorateure zu unterstützen. So soll der bereits vierte Psychedelic Circus ganz neue besondere Akzente setzen.
Fr, 12.07. - Mo, 15.07.
Psycholympics Festival
organizer: Psycholympics Loc: between Hamburg & Berlin Info: 01805-68747666,
www.psycholympics.com ARE YOU PSYCHOLYMPICS? Psycholympics is an international PsyTrance-Festival flashy and striking - on the weekend of the Loveparade bet ween Berlin and Hamburg. The psycholympic fire is burning on four days and three nights. Many interna tional and german Djs are playing great music. From all over the world artists, performers, actors, jugglers, dancers and travellers are invited to create an atmosphere of "spiritual art". The theme is called: We are all winners! Of course there will be a super soundsystem, a huge danceplace, a circustent, a chai-area, a market area, environmently friendly supply and provision, beautyful camp areas and a lot of space for many ideas. And all this in the midth of forest and near a small lake. Watch out for the Psycholympics CD with unreleased tracks in spring!
ANTARIS (photo by Antaris-Crew)
ARE YOU PSYCHOLYMPICS? Psycholympics ist ein internationales knalliges Psy-Trance-Festival und findet am Wochenende der Love-Parade zwischen Berlin und Hamburg statt. Das psycholympische Feuer brennt an vier Tagen und drei Nächten. Dazu legen viele internationale und deutsche DJs auf. Künstler, Performer, Schauspieler, Jongleure, Artisten, Tänzer und Traveller aus aller Welt sind eingeladen, bei den psycholympischen Spielen für die spirituelle Artistik zu sorgen. Das Motto lautet: We are all winners! Ein fettes Soundsystem, eine große Tanzfläche, Zirkuszelt, Chaishops, Marktarea, umweltfreundliche Versorgung, schönes Campen und viel Platz für viele Ideen sind selbstverständlich. Und das alles inmitten von Wald und an einem kleinen See ... Extra: Ab Frühjahr gibt es dann eine Psycholympics-CD mit unreleased Tracks der teilnehmenden DJs!
organizer: Antaris Loc: Fehrbellin near Berlin Weg: A24 Abf. Fehrbellin > follow the signs Info: www.antaris-project.de
ARE YOU PSYCOLYMPICS? Psycolympics is an international flashy Psytrance festival happening the same weekend of the Loveparade between
With an incredible soundsystem (100.000 watt) and a breath-taking blacklight deco by the UV artist Avikal (see the feature in this magazine), the
PSYCHEDELICCIRCUS (photo: Verena) (photo: Joi)
Hamburg and Berlin.The Psycolympic flame will be lit for four days and three nights.International and german Djs, artists, performers, actors, jugglers,dancers and travelers from all over the world are invited to be part of the Psycölympic games.The theme:We are all winners! A heavy soundsystem, big dance floor,circus tent, chaishops, marketarea, nature-friendly provision, beautiful camping and lots of space for many ideas are matter of course. All that in a forrest with a little lake. Extra: Psycolympics CD with unreleased tracks from the performing Djs coming out in spring.
Fr, 19.07. - So, 21.07.
Antaris Project OA
ANTARIS (photos by walt)
F E S T I VA L S 2 0 0 2
LOVEFIELD 2001 (photo by free form)
Antaris Project will be the most authentic Goa festival on german ground again this year 2002 for yet another time! The lake located directly at the festival invites you to relax and go for a swim when it gets too hot.You can get everything your tranceheart desires at our huge section of shops. Mit einem unglaublichen Soundsystem (100.000 Watt) und der atemberaubenden Schwarzlichtdeko des UV-Künstlers Avikal (siehe auch Feature in diesem Heft) wird die Antaris Sound- und Dekomäßig auch 2002 das wohl authentischte Goafestival auf deutschem Boden sein. Der direkt am Festivalgelände liegende Badesee lädt bei heißem Wetter zum relaxen ein, während man auf der rie sigen Shoppingmeile alles freakige kaufen kann, was das Trancerherz begehrt.
Fr, 19.07. - So, 21.07.
Lovefield Festival OA organizer: free form network DJs: 3 Floors filled with good grooves in Trance, Downbeat,
LOVEFIELD (photos by free form)
Ambient, Ehtno Deco: t.b.c. Xtra: Tipi Town, High Energy Area, Three days non stopp, Children Camp, free camping. Loc: near Hamburg way: A1 Exit Sittensen, Info: +49-40-20978072, Stands: +49-40-22758135,
www.lovefield.de info@lovefield.de Tickets at www.lovefield.de, Entry: @door 30 EUR, presale 20 EUR The Lovefield is a furious summer-festival. It is a journey into a process of freedom. A three day gathering with approx. 6000 people through the world of antonyms - magic moments - of loudness and silence - sweat and shiver - tension and relaxation - sweatlodges and computer animation - nudism and make up - awareness or high life, special or average, give it a go, there is a space - until there is silence - and the field-full-of-love-experience. Die Lovefield ist ein rasendes
Sommerfestival. Es ist eine Reise durch einen Prozess des Friedens. Eine 3Tagesversammlung mit ca.6000 Leuten in die Welt entgegengesetzter Bedeutung, magischen Momenten, Lärm und Ruhe, Schweiss und Zittern, An-und Entspannung, Schwitzhäusern und Computeranimation, Nacktheit und Make-up, Bewusstsein und High-life, aussergewöhnlich oder Durchschnitt. Probier's aus, da ist ein Space-bis dahin ist Ruhe - und ein Feld voll mit Liebe.
Fr, 26.07. - So, 28.07.
VooV-Experience 11
organizer: VooV-Experience GbR DJs: surprise Live: surprise Deco: surprise Loc: Putlitz between Hamburg and Berlin way directions by car: from Hamburg A 24 -> 150 km - Exit 17 "PUTLITZ" from Berlin A 24 -> 135 km Exit 17 "PUTLITZ" Info: www.voov-experience.de
After the 10th VOOV-Experience last year attracted over 20000 trance-freaks, it's going to be at the same location in Putlitz,between Hamburg and Berlin,again this year. They like to call the VOOV the "mother of Goa parties in Germany", because there is no other PsyTrance festival that has such an international athmosphere. You won't find such loving arrangement of
VOOV EXPERIENCE 2001 (photo: jennie)
F E S T I VA L S 2 0 0 2 Line Up wird zwar bis zur letzten Minute geheim gehalten, doch kann man sich als Gast immer sicher sein, dass viele internationale und innovative Künstler zum "Ameisentanz” geladen werden, und bis in den Montagmorgen hinein ein abwechslungsreiches Programm bieten. Hier lohnt es sich, von Anfang bis zum Schluss dabei zu sein, denn die Eröffnung einer VooV sollte man auf gar keinen Fall verpassen!
VOOV EXPERIENCE (by goapix.de)
the camping area anywhere else in Germany. Organized by the party guests. Everyone is their own psycade lic master of ceremony. Even though the line-up will be kept secrect until the last minute, you can be sure it's filled with international and innovative artist, who will invite you to dance until monday morning. Make sure to be there from the very beginning to t he end. Don't miss the opening!!! Nachdem die 10. Voov im letzten Jahr über 20000 Trancefreaks anlockte, ist auch in diesem Jahr die selbe Location in Puttlitz zwischen Hamburg und Berlin auserkohren worden. Die VooV wird auch gerne "Mutter der Goaparties in Deutschland” genannt, weil sie wie kein anderes PsyTrance-Festival eine solch internationale Athmosphöre bietet. Auf wohl keiner anderen Party in Deutschland werden die Camping-Areas von den Gästen so liebevoll und kreativ gestaltet. Jeder ist hier sein eigener Psychedelic Zeremonienmeister. Das
(photo: sharay)
Fr, 02.08. - So, 04.08.
Shiva Moon 6
Jedoch : Shiva Moon Loc: North-Germany The legendary Shiva Moon was last seen on earth in 1999. 2002 in August 2-5, Shiva Moon will rise again between Hamburg and Berlin. Famous for art objects and other special effects Shiva Moon became one of the biggest Goatrance-Festivals of europe. When the Shiva Moon rises, you'll see many new surprises around the pyramide. But the style and spirit will be the same. Der legandäre Shiva Moon wurde zuletzt 1999 auf der Erde gesich tet.Am 2.-5. August 2002 wird der Shiva Moon wieder zwischen Hamburg und Berlin aufgehen. Bekannt für die Kunstobjekte und andere Spezialeffekte wurde die Shiva Mond aufgeht, wirst Du viele neue Überraschungen um die Pyramide herum sehen. Style und Spirit bleiben jedoch bestehen.
Fr, 09.08. - Mo, 12.08.
Natraj Summer Dance 8
Jedoch : Natraj Temple Munich DJs: Progressive to Psychedelic Deco: Natraj Crew, Emithini, many lightartists, Fluorotheatres Loc: Bavarian Mountains near Munich Info: +49 - 89 - 49001895 Stands: info@natraj-temple.de
www.natraj-temple.com info@natraj-temple.de presale: www.natrajradio.com doors: 20 Euro
Everybody wanting to feel cool mountaingrass under their dancing feet, feel involved to that magic festival taking place in Bavaria, known as one of the most conservative part of Germany. Knowing that constant efforts, thinking and hard work can make every dream possible. In Munich Natraj-Tempel stands for quality since 1996. Jeder der gerne das kalte Grass der Berge beim tanzen unter seinen Sohlen spüren möchte, sei eingeladen zu diesem magischen Festival, das in jenem Bundesland stattfindet, das bekannt dafür ist das konservativste zu sein. Mit dem Wissen, das kontinuirliche Bemühungen, überlegtes Handeln und harte Arbeit einem jeden T raum erfüllen können. Seit 1996 steht der Natraj-Tempel in München für Qualität.
F E S T I VA L S 2 0 0 2 Fr, 23.08. - So, 25.08.
Excalibur Festival
BOOMFESTIVAL2000 (photo: www.boomfestival2000.com)
Fr, 09.08. - Mo, 12.08.
Tshitraka Project Festival
Jedoch Tshitraka Loc: between Hamburg and Berlin Info: www.tshitraka.com
info@tshitraka.com After many indoor parties the Tshitraka open air is traditional the coronation of all the parties of the main organisators Montagu and Golkonda, two DJs of the north-east part of Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). At the editorial deadline we had no informations about the line up and the location that's why we refer you to the website www.tshitraka.com Nach vielen Indoor-Parties folgt im Sommer traditionell die Krönung des jährlichen Partytreibens der Hauptorganisatoren Montagu und Golkonda, zwei DJs aus MecklenburgVorpommern. Zum Redaktionsschluss lagen uns leider keine weiteren Informationen über das LineUp und die Location vor, weshalb wir auf die Website www.tshitraka.com verweisen.
TSHITRAKA (photo: Constantin)
Mo, 12.08. - So, 18.08.
Boom Festival 2002
Jedoch Good Mood Productions Loc: somewhere in PortugalPortugal Info: www.boomfestival2000.com The Boom is back to a paradisiac loca tion in Portugal. At the moment the organizers are preparing all the details to make this a special gathering. More information will come soon on Boom festivals web page. Check www.boomfestival2000.com. Das Boom Festival wird 2002 in einer paradisischen Location in Portugal stattfinden. Im Moment klären die Veranstalter noch wichtige Detailfragen zum Festival, weshalb auch noch nicht klar ist, an welchem Wochenende dieses Gathering stattfinden soll. Mehr Informationen gibt's aber bald auf der Webpage www.boomfestival2000.com
EXCALIBUR (photos by ??? und Excalibur)
Jedoch Die Tafelrunde / Excalibur Xtra: free camping, huge wicked EAW Soundsystem, nice & friendly shops, Space Bar, FireShows & Performances, Yoga & Meditation, TeepeeTown/Healing Area, Kindergarden, and much much more. Free admission for fire-artists. Loc: somewhere in Germany Info: www.excalibur-festival.com
info@excalibur-festival.com Tickets: www.excalibur-festival.com, Eintritt: approx. 1825 EUR (Buy early - pay less!)
The festival received it´s name from the holy sword Excalibur and takes place every year at the fullmoon in August. The Excalibur began in the year´93 with 200 chosen few in the ruins of an old castle. Ever since, the locations have been ancient sacred places, castles, places of power. Today it has grown to become a gathering of around 5.000 partypeople from all over the world: 3 days of magic and inspiration instead of straight commerce. Das heilige Schwert Excalibur gab diesem Festival, welches einmal jährlich zum August-Vollmond stattfindet, seinen Namen. Die erste Excalibur startete 1993 illegal mit 200 Eingeweihten auf einer alten Burgruine. Seitdem Jahr für Jahr ausgefallene Locations - meist mittelalterliche Burgen oder alte Kraftplätze.
F E S T I VA L S 2 0 0 2
Heute mit ca. 5000 Gästen zu einem mehrtägigen Festival herangewachsen, ohne jedoch die Magie dem Kommerz zu opfern.
Fr, 23.08. - So, 25.08.
ov silence OA
organizer: ov silence recordings Loc: north germany near Hamburg Info: www.ov-silence.de
After the ov silence sundayclub will be reopened in February. Also the second ov silence compilation "chapter 2" will be available during the summer. In the ov silence year like shown in the last two years we can expect an high quality and surely interesting interna tional line-up. Nachdem der ov silence SonntagsClub im Februar, nach einer kurzen Pause zur Reorganisation wieder eröff net wird und auch die zweite ov silen ce Compilation "Chapter 2" im Laufe des Sommers rauskommen wird kön nen wir uns hier dann auf den Höhepunkt des ov-silence Jahres freu en. Wie schon in den letzten beiden Jahren, können wir uns sicher auf ein erstklassiges internationales Line-Up freuen.
OVSILENCE (photo: goapics.de)
Fr, 23.08. - So, 25.08.
Waldfrieden Wonderland
organizer: Waldfrieden Loc: Waldfrieden, near Osnabrück Weg: A30 to Autobahncrossing Osnabrück Süd> A33 direction Diepholz > B51 appx. 30 min. direction Diepholz > right direction Rahden > in StemmwedeWehdem after station left Bergstr. > 3. road left to Waldfrieden Info: www.wald-frieden.de
Areas am Rande des Waldes schweisst die Partygemeinde ganz besonders zusammen und läßt Familyatmosphäre aufkommen. Viele Freakszenen treffen sich hier um gemeinsam Ihr Wonderland zu errichten, was Jahr für Jahr ein besonderes Erlebnis für alle Besucher ist.
It all started with a bunch of freaks living together before it became one of the most loving and creativ trance party promoter in Germany. An old country pub will transform into an self-made party village during the Waldfrieden Wonderland. It brings the party people together like one big happy family because of it's small space. It's a special experience for all visitors from year to year! Aus einer lustigen Freak-WG wurden einer der liebenswertesten und kreativ sten Trance-Partyveranstalter Deutschlands. Eine alte Dorfkneipe direkt am Waldesrand verwandelt sich bei der Waldfrieden Wonderland zu einem kleinen selbstgebauten Partydorf. Die räumliche Enge des
GERMAN PARTYPLANNER FROMJANUAR TOAUGUST Da wir in dieser internationalen Ausgabe keinen regulärren Partyplaner abdrucken, bitten wir Euch diesen Vorplaner oder www.mushroo-online.com/parties zu nuetzen, wenn Ihr Euch über kommende Parties informieren wollt. We don’t print the regular partyplanner in this issue. So please surf to “www.mushroom-online.com/ party” if you want to inform yourself about german parties.
Di 01 Superstition NYE Party @ Phonodrome, Hamburg Fr 04 The Human Creation, Hamburg Fr 04 Human Base Club, Berlin Fr 04 Psytrancepool, Oldenburg Sa 05 Imaging, Dortmund Sa 05 Tatsu Label Nacht - Part 2, Kenzingen Sa 05 EMPAR , Berlin Sa 05 Moonchild - The first Goa & Psychedelic Gathering, Kempten/Obergünzburg Sa 05 Alchimedes, Krefeld Fr 11 Zollamt in Trance, Stuttgart Fr 11 Berlin meets the Human
May 2002 Starwheelsworkshop South France www.starwheels.com
creation, Hamburg Sa 12 TransFusion , Hamburg Sa 12 Chichime, London Sa 12 Sun Mushroom’s "Zeitsprung", Innsbruck/Austria Mi 16 3 Jahre Flurolistix Privateer Klangspiel, Ingolstadt Fr 18 Sunset Label Party, Hamburg Fr 18 Human Base Club, Berlin Fr 18 Feuerberg, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr Sa 19 Zoskarilonky - cancelled, near Boizenburg Sa 19 Lighthouse Club, Berlin Sa 19 Wüste - Welle Radio-Tour, Albstadt-Ebingen
Fr 25 Radio Wüste Welle Tour , Hamburg 25-27 Ypy Poty, Brazil Sa 26Brainkick - Tour, ChemnitzSüdvorstadt Sa 26 Amarasya meets Tatsu Label Night, Schwerin Sa 26 Trance@afternoon, Hamburg
FEBRUARY Fr 01 Tatsu Label Night, Essen Fr 01 The Human Creation, Hamburg Sa 02 Galaxina Family Affairs, Hamburg Sa 02 Brainkick - Tour, Rostock
78 Sa 02 Lighthouse Club, Berlin Sa 02 Shoom Club - One Year Party, Dortmund Sa 02 Free psychedelic Soul, Schwerin Fr 08 Zollamt in Trance, Stuttgart Fr 08 The Human Creation, Hamburg Sa 09 Full on Brainkick!, Berlin Sa 09 TransFusion , Hamburg Sa 09 Shambala, Siedlinghausen Sa 16 Goa Nation, Berlin Sa 16 Amarasya, Schwerin Sa 16 free form Party, Hamburg Sa 16 Druckwelle, Hamburg 22-24 Oracol Tour presents Magma Records & mushroom, Hamburg Sa 23 TshitrakaTour im Planet Waldfrieden, near Osnabrück
MARCH 01-03 Oracol Tour presents Magma, Playground & Nalanda, Limburg near Frankfurt Fr 08 Zollamt in Trance, Stuttgart Sa 09 free form Party, Hamburg Sa 09 Zoskarilonky, Hagenow Sa 23 Amarasya Friends Party, Schwerin Sa 23 Planet Waldfrieden, Near Osnabrück 29-01 Oracol Tour presents Magma & mushroom, Berlin
PARTIES So 31 Suncircle B-day, Lübeck
APRIL 11-16 Brotherhood Memorial, Hamburg Fr 12 Zollamt in Trance, Stuttgart Sa 13 Zoskarilonky, Hagenow So 14 Oster Sternenstaub, Hamburg Sa 20 free form Party, Hamburg Sa 20 Amarasya, Schwerin Sa 27 Full Moon Galaxina release Party, Hamburg Di 30 Zollamt Dance in den Mai , Stuttgart Di 30 Mai Fly, Lübeck Di 30 Waldfrieden Hai in den Mai, Near Osnabrück
Sa 04 Tshitraka Summersession, Mc Pomm 04-06 Oracol Tour presents Magma & Venus Vibes, Bad Homburg Sa 18 Moontribe OA, ND Sa 18 Planet Waldfrieden, Near Osnabrück 24-26 Liquid Time Open Air, between Hamburg and Berlin
07-09 Galaxina, Near Hamburg Di 11 Zoskarilonky OA, Mc Pomm Sa 15 Psychedelic Circus OA, between Hamburg & Schwerin 18-21 Burg Herzberg OA, near
Fulda 21-23 Ragana OA, Vilnius Sa 22 Sommersonnenwendentanz 4, Norddeutschland
JULY 05-07 Bambuzina Soundsyrup OA Festival, Putlitz Sa 06 Maitreja, Grabow 10-15 Magma Records Festival, near Bologna 12-15 Psycholympics Festival, Zwischen Hamburg & Berlin 19-21 Lovefield Festival OA, near Hamburg 19-21 Antaris Project OA, Fehrbellin near Berlin 26-28 VooV-Experience 11, Putlitz between Hamburg and Berlin
02-04Shiva Moon 6, NorthGermany 09-12 Tshitraka Project Festival OA, zwischen Hamburg / Schwerin 12-18 Boom Festival 2002, somewhere in Portugal 16-18 Two Moons OA, Norddeutschland 23-25 Waldfrieden Wonderland OA, near Osnabrück 23-25 ov - silence OA, north ger many 23-25 Excalibur Festival, Germany
80 by Wolfgang Sterneck In the nineties the life-feeling of a large part of the Western youth increasingly found expression in the Rave- and Techno-culture. The original features were the departure from traditional musical forms of expression, the overcoming of the star-cult as in pop-music as well as the distinctive need for creative development and self-determination. The Rave-culture also reflected many people’s search for ecstatic states of mind and changed conditions of consciousness. A good Rave-party corresponds to a big trance-ritual. As in several traditional cultures people dance
VISIONS clothes-industries begins. This development led to a degeneration of the culture in it’s mainstream into a market-oriented and largely meaningless style. The counter-cultural ideals at the beginning become debased. Characteristic are the so-called Techno-songs in the charts which combine Techno-elements with pop-melodies and banal lyrics.
The use of drugs is obvious for many persons from the different Techno- and Rave-scenes. They particularly consume Cannabis-products and different synthetic drugs, especially Ecstasy and LSD. Many people have a conscious relation towards drugs, but especially young people often have only little information about the effects and the risks of different drugs.
Side by side with this development, different underground-scenes still exist which in some cases still have an important role in breaking ground both musically and in content. However, here too the spectrum of projects is great. Some projects orientate their work
The open relationship towards drugs by the Rave-culture is by no means an exception. People of very different ages used drugs to get into relaxed or stimulated states. In traditional cultures they were often used as a part of rituals to change the state of mind. The reasons for the present widespread use of legal and illegal substances in the
primarily to the goal of commercial breakthrough, some others are basically interested in good music and intensive parties. But there are also groups which represent a clear countercultural point of view. They understand, for example, their parties and events as social free spaces in the sense of a temporary autonomous zone, which is based on collective and non-commercial values.
Techno-scene but also generally in Western countries are different. Often the usage corresponds to a flight from reality, which is a consequence of the structural sociopolitical situation. Many people see no prospect for themselves and experience an interpersonal coldness as a result of a system, which attaches more importance to profit than the individual person.
to monotonous rhythms to fall into trance. The most important event of the Rave- / Techno-culture is the Love Parade. Every year on a Saturday in July people from all over the world come to Berlin to party the whole day and night long. The Love Parade represents like no other event the development of the Raveculture from a purely Undergroundscene to a youth movement. In the period of eight years the number of the ravers climbed from hundredandfifty to more than a million. First the Love Parade in 1989 was mainly ignored, nowadays it’s sponsored by industry, and politicians use it to get a progressive image. In 1992 a process began, which increased in intensity, that is characteristic for almost all youth movements of the last decades and the connected music styles like Rock’n’Roll or Punk. After the commercial potential of a new cultural development becomes clear, a phase of sellout and integration by the music business and large companies of the cigarettes- and
The concept of the Cybertribes comes from this kind of underground-scene. It’s the idea of a network of small, decentral groups, which replaces authoritarian structures by collective ones. Like a modern tribe the Cybertribes refer to the knowledge of old cultures as well as to the developments of the present. Shamanistic rituals have as much place in the Cybertribes as Internet-surfing. The use of psychedelic substances has as much place as resistance against repressive political structures. According to the Cybertribe-concept these tendencies form no conflict, rather they are a step to a new culture.
The ruling drug politics are based essentially on the demand for abstinence in relation to drugs which are defined as illegal. The people who deviate from this standard become criminalized by the state. Evident is however, that these politics have neither limited the consumption of drugs nor the increasing number of people who are addicted to drugs. The contradictions in the official drug politics become very clear in the case of alcohol and nicotine. Both drugs are legal despite their obviously negative consequences on health and their addictive potential.
VISIONS A new changed drug politics must correspond to the existing conditions and the real needs of the people. It must include the possibility of a self-determined decision on the use of drugs. Necessary for a conscious relationship with drugs is the ability to get basic information about the different substances and their effects. In this context the availability of public funds for independent Grassroot initiatives is necessary. In a way these groups work as miniature Cybertribes. They spread around information about the usage of drugs and they often critically reflect on developments in the Rave-culture. They neither demonise drug use nor do they idealise it. They have the point of view that everyone should have the possibility to decide about drugconsumption in a selfdetermined and conscious way. Some of those founded the Network: ”SONICS - CybertribeNetwork for Rhythm and Change”. (See www.sterneck.net/sonics) Simultaneously, these groups make clear that reflecting on the situation of the Rave-culture can lead to the development of structures, which are oriented to the local needs and oppose themselves to the widespread attitudes of passive consumption. Additionally it’s necessary to criticise the conditions in many clubs and raves, which in some cases, especially in connection with drug-usage, great-
ly increase the health-risks. For example, there is often no appropriate ventilation or the prices for basic liquids (e.g. water) are very high. A further decisive contribution to the limiting of risk in using drugs would be the legalization of DrugChecking through named groups and selected organisations. For example different Ecstasy-pills can be analysed and the users can be warned of risky pills. In the long term the problems associated with substance abuse can only be solved if drugs become legalized.
Measures which would necessarily accompany such a decision would include, among others, constant examination of the content of illegal substances and the availability of essential information. The support of Grassroot initiatives and the legalization of DrugChecking, as well as in the long term the legalisation of psychoactive substances as part of a new drug politics are fundamental requirements for the development of a changed relationship to drugs. Far removed from panic reports on the one hand and mystification on the other, this would minimalize the health risks, and lead to a more reasonable relationship towards drugs. It would be a step
81 on the long way to a society, which is no longer based on restriction but on autonomy and self-determination. The Rave-movement has always developed an intensity when the process of its internal development was in close relation with the goal of outer change and found particular expression in the music. Furthermore it will only have a real future where the experienced states of expanded consciousness are connected to the experience of a new feeling of community. But it’s obvious that the process of integration and commercialization will inevitably lead the mainstream Rave-culture into a dead end and increasingly rob it of its real potential. Or to say it in a more symbolic way: It’s possible to reach the stars. But some of them don’t shine anymore, even if you can still see their light for a while. Wolfgang Sterneck w.sterneck@sterneck.net http://www.sterneck.net incl.: Cybertribe-Archiv Archiv Musik und Veränderung Alice - The Drug- and Culture-Project Alive - Assoziation Linker Verlage KomistA - Kultur und Konsequenz Moksha - For A Psychoactive Culture Soluna - Rhythmus und Bewußtsein Sonics - Cybertribe-Netzwerk Freiheit für Mumia Abu-Jamal ★
There is one place in the world where Psychedelic trance is more popular then any other type of dance music, where X-Dream have more followers then Oakenfold, where Mark Allen is more well known then Karl Cox. The Early Days , ”We Bring Balagan(1*) to Order” (Psychaos, Local Version) Israelis are a force to be reckoned with at all major trance events. Israeli producers and DJs have created a sub style of their own. Groups of Israelis roam around India, the summer festivals in Europe and basically everywhere where trance parties happen. Well let us take a look at how did this happen, where do all these Israelis come from and why do they all love Trance. It all began back in 1988. In Tel Aviv, Israel’s cultural centre, several clubs are active, most of them dedicated to new wave and rock, and the most important one of them is called “The Pinguin”. Several people make the “Pinguin” their second home; amongst them are Avi Nisim,
Lior Perlamuter, Yaniv Haviv, HarEl Prussky, Itzik Levi, Edi Mis and Rami Shapira. The “Pinguin” is musically directed towards the fusion between early industrial rock (Einstürzende Neubauten), New wave (Depeche Mode), Kraft werk, Psycik TV, Butthole surfers and going in the direction of hea vier electronica. A quick jump to India. India was closed for Israeli passport holders until 1988, but the moment it ope ned up it was swarmed with groups of Israelis that have just got out of their compulsory Military service and were looking for a cheap, and thrill full place to travel to. On the warm beaches of Goa people like Miko, Zoo-B and Guy Sebbag
Layout by Stephan • Text: © by Boris Levit Photos: © by Noam Wind, Boris Levit, Illia Melnikov and NeewZeek-Archive Questions? boris_levit@hotmail.com
hear the sounds of electronica for the first time. On the traveller cir cuit, between Goa, Tokyo, Koh pan gann, and Manali those Israelis are introduced to the sound of the beat. Coming back to Israel, the travel lers bring back with them newly acquired traditions. Those include the use of psychedelics, virtually unknown in Israel until the early 90’s. The full moon gatherings begin in 1990. The basics are set. Meanwhile back at the “Pinguin” club DJ Avi Nisim is checking out new sounds together with his friend Lior Perlamuter. They call themselves SFX, soon they will be known as Astral Projection. The new music travels to Israel mostly by cassettes, dance records are rare. The first shop to bring dance records regularly to Israel is Guy Sebbag Israel “Gingi” Fichman’s store in a suburb of Tel Aviv called Bat Yam. Gingi has seen the commercial value of the kids that were hanging out in his store, and proposes a deal. To release a CD of their
music. The kids thought that he story of that summer. “During the Guy Sebbag and Avi Nisim. The was laughing at them but “Gingi” summer (of 1990) we had several parties that were held at the baaya was serious and finally in 1992 of those parties, with not more were described by the Hebrew Trance mix vol. 1 comes then 100 people showing word for chaos, “Balagan”. The out. “Gingi” calls his la up to each party. The moving of the parties into a clo bel “Melodia music”. police didn’t show up yet. sed club starts the change of The first CD contained We all had a feeling that mood from the Neo hippie tribal mostly licences of tracks once people outside find full moon gatherings to full on he that were dance hits at out about this it will all donism. The music is a mix bet the time like Ramirez, be ruined. The mix of ween the Italian ecstasy star RamiJam and Spoon and Epeople at those parties rez, German Avantgarde Techno, Rection but it also conwas quite special. Those Early club trance (age of love) tains the first Israeli tranthat came back from the minimal Acid techno (Plasticman) Zoo-B ce track. Composed and east, those that came out Hardfloor, and the local heroes produced by Erez Jino (today half of the “Pinguin” club, some SFX. of “Analog Pussy”) under the “Arsim(2*)”. We all had a feeling The baaya closes a couple of name of “Art Indust”. In ‘93 the that something special was happe weeks after the new year of 1993 third CD in the series already con ning, that this is the and the first party tains only Israeli tracks produced future. after is organised in a by Har-El Prussky, Yaniv Haviv and One of the turning club in Ramat Gan, a Edi Mis. But lets go back to the points was when a suburb of Tel Aviv, the party scene… story came out in the club is called the The first parties in 1990 were local newspaper “Tel Impulse. labelled as full moon gatherings, Aviv” with the headThe Police have also Astral Projection the music there was a mix bet line “Chemicals in heard about the ween early acid, Chicago house, Nizanim” (a popular party loca Impulse party. And decides that Detroit techno and Frankfurt trantion on the southern beaches). it’s time to stop the hedonism. ce, and were a very underground This was what opened it up. Until 1992 the police had no idea thing. Not more then 100 people Afterwards there were much more about the parties. Some of the would come to those parties parties but also more police”. veterans tell a story about policethat are held on the bea In the winter of 1992-3 the parties’ men coming to one of the early ches, in the forests and in move into a club in Tel Aviv called parties, having a look around, the desert. Isri “Ha-baaya” - the Problem. The then exchanging bewildered looks Halperin, a movie two most popular “Trance” DJ’s in and leaving the place. All that free director, tells the Israel are hired to play these are dom is about to stop.
The raid at the Impulse club was some of them, DJ’s harassed. But in electronica and open their shop quite brutal. People are searched more and more Israelis go to Goa for business. Another CD released thoroughly including a full anal every year. in 96 was California Sunshine. search, handcuffs are used and Back in the home studio the scene Released by Phonokol, a company arrests are made, amongst the keeps on developing. SFX join forthat understood the potential of arrested are the DJ team Avi ces with Yaniv Haviv trance in 1994 when Nisim and Guy Sebbag. The char and rename themselthey signed a partnerge against them is responsibility ves as Astral ship with Astral to the presence of drugs at the Projection. Projection’s label party. Trance music is proclaimed 95 sees the first Artist Trust In Trance. as causing drug use, and the poli album to be released Famous Israeli travelce treat the couple roughly. in Israel the artists are ling DJ Miko and stuAvi Nisim remembers “the police Indoor. Produced by dio man Har-El threw us into Abu Cabir prison Avi Algranati, Ofer Prussky produce together with rapists, murderers Dikovski and Marko California Sunshine. and robbers. We were being accuGoren and released by Some Israeli’s even Miko & Har-El sed of being drug dealers and chil NMC, a company that make it on labels in dren killers I am Diabetic and kept didn’t do electronica before, it is Europe. Power source (Shahaf on asking from the policemen to considered as a landmark CD in Shwarzman, Nati Mishali and Nati give me insulin or the development of Beat) have worked with TIP under send me to the infir the Israeli sound. the Global T.I.P. Name and Har-El mary, but they only 1996 Rami Shapira Prussky and Edi Mis release gave it to me when I Calls himself Chakra (separately) on Nephilim rec. fainted from sugar deand together with Edi European labels such as Transient, pletion”. This is the Mis releases The TIP, and Symbiosis reprinted most beginning of the war Promised Land CD on Israeli released CD’s. Astral on trance that the new label Krembo. Projection are the sound of Israeli Israeli police have proThe CD features a trance at this point, big melodic claimed. super hit track, Xcarpets over a kick, pure emotions Things went back to Files. Renamed locally with no aggression. Astral remain police-action the underground for a as the monkey track. faithful to their formula as a duo few years. Small parties keep Krembo is formed as a partner when Yaniv Haviv decides to leave going on, with the ship between local DJ Team Zoo-B them and goes into religion. police cloand Tal and The Ronael Brothers (Quite a lot of trancers have “seen sing who were running Musica Plus, a the light” usually following powerhigh-end weddings and events ful LSD experiences and have company. The local music compagone into heavy Orthodox nies understand that there is Judaism.) They remain faithful to money to be made their formula until today.
PLANET-REPORT The High Times, ”Karachana(3*)” (ManMadeMan, After playing at the Huga “Drugless” Festival).
15,000 people, mostly Israeli’s, With Lucky Strike cigarettes spon arrive as well. Their mission: to soring it. Therefore it is called dance to the tunes that come “Lucky Dance”. Faithless head the from local artist such as California first night of this 2-night event and Sunshine, DJ Zoo-B, MFG, and California Sunshine headline the It is 1997. The foreign DJ’s and live acts Second. This time the Police reali Israeli Authorities such as Tsuyoshi, Xze what is happening at 9 o’clock are certain that Dream, Shakta, Deedrah, on the morning of the second day. Trance is the ManMadeMan, Youth and DJ Miko and Har-El Prussky are Mother and Father Juan. Temperatures at the told to stop their act over 30,000 of all evils, and festival during the day people applaud to the musicians, especially of drug reach towards 40 degrees, and boo the police. use. Parties are but the people don’t care. But the music has stopped. shut regularly, Big For 3 days the music does Together with the music came to a headlines in the n’t stop. (Although during stop any chance of organising an Drugless flyer papersstating the day, the trance is subevent that is a little bigger then a about “Our best youth wasting it stituted for Ethnic chill out perforusual party. selves on the beaches of Goa and mances). When the police finally While in Tel Aviv a big club scene in the forests of Israel. The scene understand what was happening of house music is developing very has grown from small parties on there it is too late. The festival is fast, trance is being driven more the beach to bigger and bigger already at its end. and more to the underground. But gatherings, with more Israelis catOn the next day big headlines record sales are still rising. DJ Eyal ching the sound both in Israel and appeared in Israel’s newspapers. Yankovic Meir Cohen and Moshe Abroad. “The Biggest drug party in the Keinan AKA Xerox found HomAsher Haviv, a local promoter, history of the country” accompaMega. Dedicated to the develop decides to throw a big event. He nied by full size color photos. The ment of the Israeli sound of trance recruits DJ Miko, and Miko’s brotnewspaper forgot to mention that they have since released numeher Eli, to build the lineup, finds during the entire festival there was rous albums and compilations of the perfect location and sets up not a single case of original Israeli 2nd on a journey throughout Israel to violence, no crime, generation Trancers promote his event. In order to get and only 20 people such as Xerox, the approval of the authorities the were arrested for posMaskalin, Children of festival is called “Drugless” and session of marijuana. the doc (DJ Goblin) receives sponsorship from The next event, in the Infected mushroom, “AlSam” Israel’s Anti drug trust. September 97, was and more. Coming It is June 1997 and The biggest organized by the Beer from southern resort names in world trance have arri Sheva club “The city Eilat, DJ Dede ved at the Beit Shean valley, near Forum” and was held joins forces with DJ Dede the border with Jordan. Over on the beach in MDMA, until then a Nizanim. (The same place where small heavy metal distribution small underground parties were company; to begin the first Israeli started back in 1990). This was trance dedicated distribution. already a big commercial event. Krembo go on Releasing original
86 CD’s from Enertropia, A newco mer from the southern city of Beer Sheva, and some compilations. Compilations are being released by TIT-Phonokol as well. And the kids start asking for synthesizers instead of guitars.
the decision of the police not to allow Drugless festival 2 Asher Haviv gets an idea, while demon strating in front of the supreme court in Jerusalem he is inspired. He calls for a big Trance demonstration. It is Thursday, the 9th of July. The technical crews have started worThe Huga legend king at the morning, a huge sound ”This country loads system is erected at you up so much, that the middle of Rabin it’s inhuman. And Square in Tel Aviv, and what are we asking decorations are put. for? That they allow us Supported by All the to break loose once a major Israeli record week. We run all the companies: Krembo, time, so once a week MDMA, NMC, Hed we take a time out, Artzi Phonokol, Homand with the same Mega, BNE and every rationality we get in a single promoter in the car and go to listen to country. The finances music that we really were provided by Bad party-finish love. The police must some of the bigger understand. This love is bigger clubs in Israel (Haoman 17 in then us. We keep on crying that it Jerusalem and the Forum in Beer is better abroad, but there is no Sheva mostly). In charge of all the reason for it not to be better here. production is a team that includes There is not a place in the world some of the biggest Trance party where trance is being threatened. Organisers/ Promoters: Asher Only the state of Israel with it’s Haviv himself, Ilan Faktor and old time mentality” (Asher Haviv Dan Komem. At five o’clock in the gives his point of view to a daily afternoon all is ready and the sign newspaper) is given. The massive sound system begins to pulsate. By 7 By the summer of 1998 the police o’clock at night the square is ro kwas regularly raiding parties eve king with over 30,000 people layrywhere, no permits for any sort of ing down the freedom boogie to parties were given and DJ’s were classical Israeli artists such as targeted by the police as public Indoor – Avi “Space Cat” Algranati enemies. Foreign DJ’s that came and Ofer “Oforia” Dikovski, to Israel are hassled at the airport. Chakra and Edi Mis, Xerox and Johan Bley and Ben Watkins from Freeman, Astral Projection, Juno reactor both remember what MFG Sandman and of course it was coming to Israel California in 1997. “We were Sunshine. At eletaken right after the ven o’clock in passport check to this full compliance separate room” with the licence remembers Johan “ received from the and strip searched, police the music the police has found was closed and nothing, but has still everybody went held us for the night home quietly. and we were deported For a second in the morning”. it looks as A last effort to change if the Eyal Barkan the police policy is done in July 1998. After appea ling to the supreme court in attempt to change
trance has won. But it was but an illusion. The media ignored the demonstration almost completely and the police policy hasn’t changed. Trance parties were still being considered as major targets. Even Higher, ”Good Morning Israel” (Nizchonot(4*) grandmaster Eyal Barkan looks down from the top of the charts after selling over 40,000 CD’s) The parties in Israel are no longer safe, so people coming to a party want to party as fast and as hard as possible, after all you can never know how much time you have left until the party will be shut down. This leads to the develop ment of the “Nizchonot” genre. Fast (150 bpm minimum) and very strong. The Israelis had no time for long set building. The party could be closed soon. They want it all condensed into a single track. The Shiva Shidapu project,
PLANET-REPORT Erez Eizen a sixteen-year-old whiz stand the melodies and the cheeview to Isratrance. “If Zoo-B tells and “Shiva” Jörg Kessler, veteransiness. Parties become places to me: This is an amazing track, I travelling DJ, were pioneering this be avoided. Ruled by groups of never heard anything like that, music; other soon became interesArsim, who control the drug sales. amazing sounds, what a progrested in developing this direction. And demand from the sion. Then it’s over- I Eyal Barkan and Holly “Hollyman” DJ’s (with violence if have to get back in the Schwarz release a CD under the necessary) to play studio and edit everyname Over the Sunrise. In the their music. Infected thing from the start. summer of 98 Eyal Barkan releaby police both underThat’s how it works. ses his first Solo Project, Good cover and in uniform. There are more people morning Israel. The CD is a hit, The Psychedelic trance that are my reverse selling better then mineral water went back to the indication- if they say: at a party. The simple melodic underground. But peoturn it off, I can’t hear lines, hard and fast kicks and tre ple were still produthat. I know I’m in the mendous breakdowns with samcing. BNE, another top league. Again, I ples of kiddie TV shows (one track local record company rather not get applau Infected mushroom went as far as being composed to jump on the train se from some of these only of samples from the kiddies signs up Infected mushroom and DJs, which I appreciate, but differ cartoon show Smurfs (dubbed in Avi “Space Cat” Algranati. Foreign from them with my musical style.” Hebrew) with a kick.) labels also started shoThe police meanwhile are looking and super long ups con wing interest in Israeli aside from the house clubs; Israel tain the essence of the productions. Dragonfly has never developed a big techno Israeli stress relive feehave signed Ofer scene, maybe because of the Israling. Tracks with nicknaDikovski, Indoor pioneer, eli need for melody and release mes like the fox track, the for his Oforia project, and from tensions through music, kisses track and Tarzan Matsuri Picked up Itzik maybe because of the huge appear. Ecstasy is this Levy with his Industrial amount of Israelis going to Goa music’s choice drug. It is Sandman project. bringing back the knowledge of simple enough to appeal Krembo release Acid Goa Trance. But the house clubs to young kids as well as Trooper, an album by were growing steadily, and their Holy Man older people searching P.Cok. Infected musical line is now on a collision for uplifting material. None of the Mushroom are formed by Erez course with the “Nizchonot”. The intricacy of LSD. The older genera Eizen (of Shidapu fame) and DJ clubs start to lean heavily toward tion stay away from this sort of DuvDev, together they manage to the Dutch-German “Club stuff. It is much too simple for the capture the essence of the meloTrance” and by winter staunch psychedelia lovers. A split dies of Israel and infuse it with the 98-99 the ecstasy in the Scene is imminent. The Goa intricacy of the Psychedelia they lovers start veterans start avoiare the rulers of mornings in moving into the ding parties, the summer of 98 (if those clubs. The they can’t happen). Nizchonot Holly Shwarz promo(Hollyman) in ters an inter-
couldn’t really afford as fancy club It is the spring of 99. There are no country to travel to. Package deals events as flash commercial clubs. big trance parties; occasional to the festival go for as low as And the Nizchonot promoters are exceptions are people that do 500$ with a flight and an entry only interested in trance parties in clubs ticket. Here the Israelis discover making a quick buck with very strict regulawhat was happening in Europe from the parties. The tions. Amongst the while we were exploring Nizchonot lovers have promoters that still Nizchonot. The minimal psycheevolved musically as manage to produce delia is virtually new to Israel. well, they demand parties are OmaComa. Over 2500 people are exposed to more, both music With a strict door poli a week of LSD and mostly heavy wise and party procy, body searches at psychedelic music. Upon return to duction wise. By the the entry and highly Israel we find that the police while end of 99 the CD mar organized infrastructustill not being friendly doesn’t club party ket and parties will be re OmaComa manage really cares anymore about the free of them. Infected Mushroom, to keep producing trance parties smaller parties. The low quantity GMS, the 3D-Vision crew and of medium size (but in legit loca of drugs being found there doesSkazi will take their place. Today tions only, no open air’s in the n’t justify the effort. So the trance Eyal Barkan (Together with his forest). Some small hush hush returns to pretty much close from brother Oren Barkan) still releases parties still happen but they are where it began. Deep in the music, but has lost his huge for the true undergroundlovers. forests or the desserts. popularity. His follower and one But people start looBut in the studio the time collaborator Yahel is doing king for alternatives. work never stops. very well in the club trance scene. With the Internet Infected Mushroom Releasing tracks on Dutch labels being highly used, and release their first such as “Black Hole” But let us Europe being not to album in early 99. It is return to Psy-Trance. expensive to go to a hit selling over people start making 10,000 copies. plans for a summer Infected are the best Low Below “psychedelic holiday” description of the “I’m going deeper underground, and the promise of Israeli sound at this another club party there’s too much panic in this this summer is big, point. Melodic, yet town” (Jamiriquai explains what the Solipse festival is happening aggressive, fast but with lots of has happened to Psy trance in quite near, only 2 hours flight from emotions and yet not cheesy. Israel) Tel Aviv and Hungary is a cheap Infected Mushroom will keep on
developing their formula in their popularity, and being followed by second album relea trance.co.il, and other sed in early 2000. As sites. By 2000 everywith Astral Projection, thing stabilizes, The Infected Mushroom clubs grow to be more remain faithful to their and more commerciaformula today, on the lized, but they occasioverge of their third nally start to host tran album (to be released ce parties due to the in early may). Other high appeal that Psy Israelis do pretty Trance has with underground party much the same, DJ crowds. The small parGoblin (as PsySex or Children Of ties have now more hope of going The Doc), Oforia and Space Cat, undisturbed, and the progressive each with an album, various com sound is starting to seep into the pilations from Hom-mega, and scene. MDMA have done a tre the Xerox freestyle CD. mendous work of importing even By Mid 1999 clubbing is starting the most obscure titles to Israel. to become very fashionable, and In the studios, a new generation popular opinion is starting to of Israeli trancers emerge, some change. Parties are no longer per loyal to the Israeli psychedelia ceived as a threat, as long as they (such as Skazi) and some on the take place in organized locations newer technoish progressive trip with strict supervision. Festivals (Optimus records). More party are still not allowed but the scene organizers start to do events the is starting to recuperate from its police are still active although not dark days. Club culture journa as much as before. The future lism begins to emerge as looks quite pink. NewZeek magazine is established, soon to be followed by various different publications ranging from the high-grade monthly supplement to Tel Aviv local weekly Hair (DJ Hair) and all the way to small brochures dedicated to photographs from the commercial clubs. The Internet is also on a rise. With www.isratrance.com gaining more and more
Choice Discography Not all CD’s are available in shops, but I’m sure that with some Internet and used CD shops digging most can still be found: * Indoor – Progressive Trance (NMC 95) if you find this one buy it, it’s practically a collectors item, very hard to find. * SFX – The unreleased tracks 8994 (TIT-Phonokol 98) the only way to find anything pre 95 today. AP before they were called AP. * Various Artists - Trust in Trance 3 (TIT – Phonokol 96) a compi lation of the best early AP works. * Chakra & Edi Mis – The Promised land (Krembo 96) the x-file original hit. * California Sunshine – California Sunshine (Phonokol 96) Miko and Har-el at their best. * Astral Projection – Dancing Galaxy (Phonokol 97) the best AP album.
* Shiva Space Technology Vol. 1 with a techy twist. (Shiva Space Technology 97) * Space Cat – Beam me up (BNE Erez and Jorg start their rise. 1999) * M.F.G. – Project Genesis (TIT – * Infected Mushroom – The Phonokol 98) Astral followers in Gathering (BNE 99) the best a night side twist. from IM including the original * Sandman – Witchcraft (Matsuri psycho hit. 98) industrial trance * Various Artists from Itzik Levi. Psychedelic Krembo 4 * Pigs in space (Krembo 99) the (Phonokol 98) Ofer sound of the psycheDikovski under a delic underground. guise. * Future Prophecy – * Eyal Barkan – Good Freak (BNE 2000) we Morning Israel can be like X Dream. (GMI 98) if you * Various artists – want to find out Vojoo rituals (Hovek what Nizchonot is Olam 2000) evolution all about. of the Full on sound. * Various Artists - Full * Various artists – on 2 Israeli DAT Firewire (Optimus mafia (Hom-mega 2001) progressive 98) the best way to trance is here as well. lucky girl describe the Hom* VIDEO Karachana Mega classic sound. (Phonokol) a beautiful docu * P.Cok – Acid Trooper mentary about the Huga festi (Krembo 98) Goa val.
On the net: www.isratrance.com, the best resource for Israeli trance past and present. (1*) Balagan – Big mess, a lot of trouble. The permanent happening at a good party. (2*) Ars; Plural Arsim – a term to describe a specific part of the Israeli population. Usually very loud, looking for trouble, and quite violent. The Arsim are a part of the Israeli trance com munity that sometimes manages to transform them into intelligent, polite and friendly people. (3*) Karachana (From Arabic) – Brothel, public house. A higher state of mind. A situation. (4*) Nizchonot – victories a sub genre of Israeli trance, faster, very simple and cheesy, highly melodic and uplifting.