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'Scottish Women Inventing Music' Launches - page 6 XpoNorth Announces Speakers - p3 :: Frightened Rabbit Fans Launch Campaign - p14

New Live Music Dimension Adds Extra Night To 'Wide Days' Music Convention For 2019 Wide Days is set to add a major new live music dimension to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the convention, which takes place in Edinburgh from 11-13 April. Scotland's music convention Wide Days was launched in 2010 and is hosted every April in Edinburgh. It attracts key music industry players from the UK, Europe and North America and in 2018 drew 350 registered delegates with a further 800 registrations for the evening showcases snapped up by members of the public.

“Kelburn Garden Party shines a light on alternative and leftfield scenes and we’re delighted to be joining forces with Wide Days.” Chris Knight, cofounder Kelburn Garden Party

Billed as the 'Festival Takeover', the new element will see three Scottish summer festivals Soulful Cologne-based duo Lunir play the Kelburn Garden Party stage :: programme a selection of acts at Wide Days across two venues, providing a flavour of their events. The novel new initiative features line-ups pop” purveyor and Northern Irish Music Prize TBA) - Electric Fields: ROE, Rascalton :: curated by Electric Fields, Tenement Trail and winner, ROE. Fresh from supporting Snow Patrol Kelburn Garden Party: Lunir, Earth Wire, Main Kelburn Garden Party, with a dozen exciting acts on an arena tour she will be joined by Ingredient (live set), DJ Astrojazz :: Tenement set to perform on the final evening. Manchester-based Calva Louise, who have been Trail: Alligator, Calva Louise, Cara Rose. “Scotland has excellent festivals and this is a championed across various BBC stations, and the fantastic opportunity for both locals and visitors soulful Cologne-based duo Lunir. Confirmed Acts to get a taste of the great artists they can expect For Each Festival's Stage (additional artists to see this summer,” says Wide Days founder Olaf Furniss. The 'Festival Takeover', combined with a launch party on the first night (in partnership with the Antidote Booking agency) and the Scottish showcase, sees a trebling of the live shows taking place at the convention. In previous years, performances focused on presenting seven emerging Scottish acts on the Friday evening, which provided an early career springboard for acts including Honeyblood, Be Charlotte, C Duncan, Fatherson and Kathryn Joseph. The showcase acts for Wide Days 2019 were announced last week. “Like Wide Days, all three ‘takeover’ festivals have an established record of promoting exciting new talent across a broad range of genres, so when we started to talk about expanding the live programme, it made total sense to invite them on board,” says Furniss.

He adds that the Festival Takeover provides an opportunity for Wide Days to include acts from outside Scotland, in response to interest from events in the rest of the UK and Europe which have been keen to establish artist exchanges. Partnerships, supported by PRS Foundation, have already been agreed with Focus Wales and Sound of Belfast, with a Scottish act set to play at each festival later this year. Moreover, ten showcase festivals from across Europe have been invited to take part in Wide Days this year. The first act to be booked as part of the exchanges is self-described “grumpy electro

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XpoNorth has announced the latest batch of speakers to participate in Inverness Taking place at Eden Court Theatre & Cinema across 3-4 July, XpoNorth will again bring together a host of Regional, National and International voices to discuss the hottest topics shaping and influencing the creative industries sector.

Iseabail Mactaggart, Director of Strategy and Partnerships at MG ALBA, speaking at XpoNorth 2018

tourism. This panel session will discuss the benefits and opportunities, and how to maximise the Outlander effect. Among those set to The festival is delighted to welcome Michela participate in this seminar include, Jenni Steele Magas – the founder of Music Tech Fest, a (Film and Creative Industries Manager, global community platform of over 5000 creative VisitScotland), Audrey Jones (Head of New innovators and scientific researchers. Michela is Business and Filming, Historic Environment Innovation Advisor to the European Commission Scotland) and Bonnie Edgecombe (Owner, and the G7 leaders, the creator of the Industry Abbyshot). Commons and in 2017 was the recipient of the There will also be a very special keynote with European Woman Innovator of the Year. Her Mandar Thakur (COO, Times Music India) who work has received the ‘Art Meets Science’ NEM will be in conversation with Domhnall art award twice and has been included in the Caimbeul (Chief Executive, MG Alba) to offer a Future of British Innovation at The Science broad overview of the music and media sector in Museum during the London 2012 Olympics. India. The Times of India Group is the largest Magas has served as jury member of Prix Ars Electronica and is on the CAF Advisory Board of media conglomerate in the Indian Marketplace. Mandar’s career began in Hong Kong with The the European Commission’s Horizon2020 Entertainment Co. group, working for their Asian programme. Michela will deliver a keynote concert promotion business. Following this he address on Innovation and the Industry helped launch the 24-hour music television Commons which will look at why some of the station Channel [V] in India and pioneered the world’s largest technology companies have digital music landscape in Asia as part of the creativity as part of their business. The combination of creativity and tech is a powerful founding team at Soundbuzz, then Asia/India’s largest digital music distribution company, which one for innovators, early adopters and start-up was acquired in early 2008 by Motorola. Mandar communities - and it's been at the forefront of also sits on the boards of copyright societies like innovation in the cloud, data, IP, distributed technologies and AI. Music and creativity are a PPL and IPRS as well as music industry organisation, IMI (Indian Music Industry). phenomenal social glue that brings together diverse people from all backgrounds and A&R Worldwide and MUSEXPO Founder Sat perspectives, and it's also led the way for policy Bisla will sit with iconic executive Dougie recommendations and new methods for all Bruce (A&R Consultant, Universal Music industries. Publishing) as part of a not to be missed A&R Worldwide Global Keynote. Dougie started Epiphany Story Lab: Routes Into Documentary his music career in press at Slice PR in 1999 Screen will see the welcome return of Micheal before working at Epic Records as an A&R scout. Flaherty (Producer). Micheal co-founded In 2004 he joined Universal Music Publishing Walden Media in 1999 which co-financed and where he went on to sign the likes of Adele, Lily produced nearly two dozen films grossing over $3 billion at the global box office - including The Allen, MGMT and Kate Nash. In 2008 Dougie started with the most successful manager of the Chronicles of Narnia, Bridge to Terabithia and Charlotte’s Web. He is joined in this session by decade Simon Fuller and his company, 19, who controlled, at that time, the most successful TV his Epiphany Story Lab co-founder Valerie show in America – American Idol. At 19, Dougie McGowan (Producer). Together they have worked on various projects including managing worked on documentary film Step - which won Special Jury Award for Inspirational Filmmaking Aloe Blacc (I Need A Dollar) and co-wrote and featured on Avicci’s No.1 record Wake Me Up. In at Sundance and was purchased by Fox 2018 Dougie re-joined Universal Publishing and Searchlight – and the César-Award Winning has signed artists such as the hugely tipped animated film, The Little Prince. Micheal and Fenne Lily, Easy Life and more recently a Valerie will look at the access points for writers resurgent Dido. Dougie has also set up a new looking to transition their work into the label ‘Sign Of The Times’ through Universal’s Documentary arena. label services division, Caroline, to help launch The festival will also be looking at Film Tourism new artists. in a session called The Outlander Effect. 2017 saw a record number of tourists to Scotland with There will also be a dedicated seminar on Doing Business in Canada, where attendees will hear a 17% rise in visitors and 23% rise in spend. from a broad range of voices on how to access The phenomenal growth in visitors can be and do business in Canada. It will explore where connected to the hit TV series and book, the entry points are, current trends and discuss Outlander. From Local Hero, Highlander, Harry how to connect with networks in this important Potter and Skyfall through to The Outlaw King, Scotland has a track record of successful screen and vibrant creative territory. Providing key

insights for this session are Neil Semple (Head of Creative industries, Department for International Trade) and Marcel McKeogh (Director, Heritage and Culture, Government of Nova Scotia) who will be on stage with Brian Hetherman (Founder, Curve Music and Cerberus Management and Consulting) – who has been a Radio Promotion and Marketing Rep for high profile acts including Peter Gabriel, Guns ‘n Roses, Elton John and Aerosmith and a judge on the debut season of Popstars. He was also the youngest A&R Director in Canada when he began heading up MCA. XpoNorth is delighted to be presenting a session on The Sound of Your Brand which will focus on the importance of music in advertising and trailers. Participants in this seminar include Mark Allen (Music Supervisor) who recently worked on projects including Sky’s Tin Star as well as TV promos and trailers for companies including HBO, Nike and Audi. Joining Mark will be Rachel Menzies (Music Supervisor, Native Music Supervision and Production). With over 10 years’ experience Rachel has placed music in productions such as Game of Thrones, Top Gear, Dr Who, X Factor and Family Guy, worked regularly with clients such as the BBC, Sky TV, Discovery Channel, Fox, Disney and MTV as well as brands such as Coca Cola, Heineken, Amazon, British Airways, Premier League and Starbucks. Meet the Support Organisations will offer attendees the opportunity to hear from a range of regional and national agencies on how you can access support to bring your creative ideas to life, secure funding to develop your business and gain a valuable insight into current support programmes. Among those taking part include Clive Gilman (Director, Creative Industries, Creative Scotland), Isabel Davies (Director, Screen Scotland), Neil Semple (Head of Creative Industries, Department for International Trade) and Susan McColl (Creative Industries, Scottish Enterprise).

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Next generation of Gaelic song collectors receive expert tuition

Òigridh a’ togail eòlais bho shàr sgioba


in the Fuaran training weekend. We’re sure that the workshops will give them confidence to engage with songs, customs and stories from their local area and that it won’t be long until they themselves record them as new and help make them available to a wider audience. Fèisean nan Gàidheal acknowledges the support of Bòrd na Gàidhlig for funding for the Fuaran project, as well as the support of Creative Scotland and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. --------------------------------------------------

Lau's sound in 2019 is perhaps closer to late period Beatles than the traditional tunes of their 2007 debut. And yet this new album’s closing track ‘Riad’ marks a full circle, stripping the lineup back to bare acoustic instruments.

Bidh 7 òganach bho na Fèisean a’ togail eòlais bho thrì oidean fìor chomasach, a tha air a bhith aig cridhe cruinneachadh agus rannsachadh bheul-aithris na h-Alba, ann an iomairt fo bhratach Fèisean nan Gàidheal.


Bidh Aonghas Iain MacDhòmhaill, Maighread Stiùbhart agus Màiri NicPhaidein ag obair cuide ri compàirtichean ùra Fuaran: pròiseact Fèisean nan Gàidheal a tha ag amas air brosnachadh a thoirt don ath-ghinealach de dh’òigridh beul-aithris a thrusadh bhon choimhearsnachd aca fhèin. Bho chionn trì bliadhnaichean chaidh cruinneachadh de dh’òrain fhoillseachadh a thog seinneadairean òga anns na coimhearsnachdan aca fhèin.


An acclaimed multimedia production Far, Far From Ypres, with partners Legion Scotland and Poppyscotland. A multimedia touring production of World War One music and songs from a Scottish perspective, filmed live in Selkirk


In 2017 Rab performed a highly-acclaimed concert, with his ‘70/50 in 2017’ band of musicians at Glasgow’s Old Fruitmarket, as part of Celtic Connections. That concert, its songs and its players form the backbone of this record.

Seven young people from the Fèisean will receive guidance from some of Scotland’s leading experts in the field of Scottish Gaelic folklore, through a project led by Fèisean nan Gàidheal. Angus John MacDonald, Margaret Stewart and Màiri McFadyen will work with the new participants of Fuaran, a Fèisean nan Gàidheal initiative designed to encourage a new generation of Gaelic speakers and singers to actively engage in the research and collection of Gaelic songs in their local area. This follows the first phase of the project that resulted in the publication of a CD of songs, researched by young people in their own communities.

Ross and Ali's second album ‘Symbiosis II’ - Packed full of their own compositions, partly commissioned by some of their fans, the pair have welcomed lots of their fellow friends and musicians to record on this album.

THINK YOUR NEW RELEASE IS GOOD ENOUGH TO APPEAR HERE? To be considered for our 'What's Hot' spot send your new album/ep/single to: MNS Top 4, MUSIC NEWS Scotland Romar House, Birgham, Berwickshire. TD12 4NF

‘S ann eadar Dihaoine 15 agus Didòmhnaich 17 Gearran a bhios na seiseanan seo ann an Inbhir Nis, do dh’òigridh aois 16-25.

Thuirt Karen Oakley, Oifigear Leasachaidh Fèisean nan Gàidheal: “Tha sinn air leth toilichte Angus John collected stories around Uist and Harris in fàilte a chur air sàr sgioba de dh’eòlaichean gus taic a the 1970s and has since led a career in education. chumail ris an òigridh thairis air deireadh-sheachdain Margaret has made a reputation as a highly regarded trèanaidh Fuaran. Tha sinn cinnteach gun toir na singer and researcher of Gaelic song, and Mairi is cocòmhraidhean a bhios aca misneachd dhaibh a bhith director of Local Voices, an organisation that helps a’ togail òrain, gnàthsan-cainnt, sgeulachdan is eile schools and communities engage with their local anns na sgìrean aca fhèin agus nach fhada gus am heritage. faigh iad cothrom òrain a chlàradh agus an sgaoileadh The training, for young people aged 16-25, took place do luchd-èisteachd ùr”. from Friday 15 until Sunday 17 February in Tha Fèisean nan Gàidheal an comain Bòrd na Gàidhlig Inverness. airson an taic-airgid a fhuarar gu sònraichte airson Fuaran, cho math ri Alba Chruthachail agus Iomairt Fèisean nan Gàidheal Development Officer, na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean. Karen Oakley said: “We’re delighted to welcome such a great team of experts to help support the young people taking part

Chruinnich Aonghas Iain sgeulachdan muinntir Uibhist agus na Hearadh anns na 70n agus bha e an sàs ann am foghlam bhon uair sin. Tha Maighread air cliù a choisinn dhi fhèin mar shàr sheinneadair agus neachrannsachaidh òrain Ghàidhlig agus tha Màiri na stiùiriche don iomairt Local Voices, a’ toirt taic do sgoiltean agus buidhnean coimhearsnachd a tha airson a beul-aithris ionadail a chruinneachadh.

You can learn more about Fuaran and the first participants who took part in the project by clicking this video link -

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SCOTTISH MUSIC CENTRE ......... NEWS ..... "The Scottish Music Centre's task is to champion the wealth of talent that abounds in Scotland's musical community"

The Scottish Music Centre's Laura Leslie writes about the launch of SWIM .....

New music industry network 'Scottish Women Inventing Music' launches on Friday 8 March Scottish Women Inventing Music

(SWIM) is a brand new network founded by award-winning musical director, arranger and composer Hilary Brooks. Inspired by initiatives like PRS Keychange 50:50, SWIM aims to support musicians who identify as female who hail from all areas of Scotland, and work in any area of the music industry. On Friday 8th March 2019 (International Women’s Day), SWIM is excited to host its official launch event at venues across Glasgow. Our organisation has come a long way since Hilary had the initial idea back in 2016, when she attended a brunch for Women in Music in London. Among many inspirational speakers, Vanessa Reed (CEO of the PRS Foundation) really stood out when she called for those present to set up their own projects and drive for change. When she came back to Glasgow, Hilary gathered together friends and colleagues and organised a relaxed breakfast meeting to chat about these ideas. The initial meetings of SWIM were really well attended and filled with talented women who were excited to share their experiences of working in the music industry and who were keen to work together to achieve a level playing field. Driven by their enthusiasm, SWIM has been steadily growing its reach, and our official launch will kickstart our activity. We have put together an event that reflects the diversity in SWIM’s membership and the wealth of talent across the Scottish music industry. Mindful that childcare is often a barrier for people attending events, we have a creche during the day so parents are free to participate. It’s a full day of activity, packed with panel discussions, mentoring sessions and live performances so there are lots of opportunities for everyone to get involved!

Launch guest Fiona Shepherd is chief rock and pop critic of The Scotsman, and writes for Scotland On Sunday, The List and Edinburgh Festivals Magazine. Fiona is co-founder and co-director of Glasgow Music City Tours which offers guided music themed walking tours round the UK's first UNESCO City of Music :: photo by Jannica Honey

In our second panel session, we’ll hear from some of the role models in Scottish music who have made huge strides in their professions and continue to inspire other women to follow in their footsteps. This will be followed by a speed mentoring session where attendees will have the opportunity to engage directly with our role models and find out more about their experiences.

We’re humbled that so many women we admire have agreed to be our guest speakers for the day and we are looking forward to hearing about their During the daytime sessions at Kinning Park Complex, we’ll find out more about experiences and learning from their advice. (You can find out who is joining us the various initiatives that are in place to make positive change, and what can be here.) done to keep the momentum going in our first panel ‘Making Waves’. One of our own role models, composer Janet Beat, will be presented with a lifetime achievement award. Janet was a female pioneer of electronic music and her experiences in education and as a music writer continue to influence musicians today, including many members of SWIM. We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to thank her for her dedication and hard work. Music of course is at the heart of SWIM’s focus and to round off the day, we will be treated to some outstanding performances. We’re thrilled to be linking up with the Glasgow Women’s Library who are hosting a performance by the talented young women of Hidden Rhythms. Finally, we’re heading along to The Old Hairdressers, where Bitches Brew founded by SWIM member Emma Smith - are headlining a special showcase evening, celebrating our launch with performances from some of our members: Kim Edgar, Bell Lungs, Signy + Emma and Anne Martin. Looking to the future, SWIM’s activity will focus on continuing to advocate for equality in the music industry, promoting the work of our members, and connecting role models with young women and girls from schools, colleges and universities. There is still a lot to be done, and we are ready for the challenge! We realise that we can’t do this alone, and we are incredibly grateful for all the help and support we’ve received so far, whether this is in the form of volunteers, publicity or donations. Plus Launch Night Celebrations ..... Friday, 8 March: Bitches Brew @ Old Hairdressers + Hidden Rhythms @ Glasgow Women’s Library. Full details @ + Launch guest Aarti Joshi has over 18 years of industry experience. Aarti heads up the DF Concerts & Events Marketing and Communications team and has headed up successful campaigns for the likes of TRNSMT, T in the Park, The Papal Mass, Edinburgh & Glasgow Summer Sessions and the Ryder Cup Gala Concert. Aarti also manages The LaFontaines and is promoter and DJ at one of Glasgow’s longest running alternative and female fronted club nights, 'Pretty Ugly'. * Article originally published by Glasgow City Music Tours

"The Scottish Music Centre's task is to champion the wealth of talent that abounds in Scotland's musical community" : : The Scottish Music Centre currently supports in excess of 100 composer, group/small business and corporate members. Offering a wealth of advantages, initiatives include the bi-monthly Composers' Digest and Exposed Melodies podcast series, regular networking events and notification of valuable opportunities, extensive publicity and increased correspondence with national companies, chamber ensembles, soloists and festivals.

For further information, please contact 0141 552 5222 or visit:

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The Scottish National Jazz Orchestra (SNJO) presents ‘Norse Myths’ featuring Arild Andersen, Tommy Smith and Paolo Vinaccia The new Scottish National Jazz Orchestra concert season begins in earnest with Norse Myths an astonishing journey into strange magical realms and extraordinary new adventures in jazz.

melodies that are very old and just a little bit mysterious. Scottish audiences can be forgiven if they are unfamiliar with Nordic songs and hymnals, but the Norse deities, who here provide the thematic premise, are well known. They are part of a European bardic tradition that has been passed down through the centuries, and translated many times for the audiences of the day. Certainly, the life and death struggles of fickle gods, charismatic goddesses and belligerent giants strongly persist in modern storytelling, not least as a mirror of the human experience.

Odin, his wife Frigg, Thor and Loki are This new commission sourced ancient enigmatic, if not contradictory, characters narratives, improvisational instincts and with the capacity to fire the imagination, Nordic folk song to create this unique and whatever form they take. They are ideal utterly beguiling experience in modern music. subjects for contemporary, shapeshifting It’s an offering fit for gods and goddesses music based on tunes like the lovely Et Lidet alike, further enhanced by the presence of Barn Saa Lystelight (A Little Child So Merry), European jazz giants: Arild Andersen (bass), or the jaunty Ragnhild, the maid who was Paolo Vinaccia (drums/percussion), and SNJO much admired from afar. director Tommy Smith (saxophone). If the melodic elements in these musical Together, they are long established and portraits suggest a Celtic, Gaelic, or even an widely recognized as a cutting edge trio in Old English connection, then this is not their own right, and a major force in frontier entirely coincidental. Norse Myths is a jazz. In Norse Myths, they bring their musical quest that illustrates how new ideas unquestionable artistry, experience and can be forged from free exchanges in a collective understanding to this treasure common language. Here, the language is trove of rich and evocative material. jazz, with a distinctly Nordic accent yet Celtic Combined with the SNJO’s quality and power, feel. it is hard to imagine a group of jazz GIGnotes ..... musicians more qualified to give the Norse Friday 22 March: Aberdeen Jazz Festival, Queen’s Gods musical shape and form. SNJO regulars will be familiar with the work of guest composers Florian Ross, Geoffrey Keezer and Bill Dobbins, who have all contributed many commissioned arrangements to the orchestra’s repertoire. They are joined on this project by Norwegian jazz stalwart Øyvind Brække to create stunning new music from the DNA of

Cross Church AB10 1YN (01224) 644742 :: Saturday 23 March: Edinburgh, Queen’s Hall, EH8 9JG (0131) 668 2019 :: Sunday 24 March : Glasgow, Royal Concert Hall (New Auditorium) G2 3DB (0141) 353 8000

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Strong musical element and award-winning musicians on the for StAnza Poetry Festival Music features prominently at StAnza, with everything from classical to folk and pop to jazz. StAnza: Scotland’s International Poetry Festival is held every March in St Andrews and runs oneoff events throughout the year. The festival has as its hub, the Byre Theatre, and many of its events which are expected to exceed 100 are held in other venues around St Andrews, including the Town Hall and St Johns, a mediaeval undercroft. The festival runs from 610 March this year. Musical performances present poetry combined with or set to music, look back at the great ballad or songwriting traditions of past centuries, or recognise poetry’s connection with contemporary song and the classics of the 20th century songbook. More recently StAnza has also featured dance, storytelling and contemporary circus in its programme. On this year’s programme are award-winning musicians, pianist David Owen Norris and opera singer Mark Wilde who join Sara Lodge, author of Inventing Lear, to celebrate the king of

Award-winning musicians, pianist David Owen Norris (pictured) and opera singer Mark Wilde, join Sara Lodge, author of Inventing Lear, to celebrate The Music of Edward Lear on Sunday 10 March at 8pm. Find details of all music performances @ :: photo by Simon Weir

nonsense, Edward Lear in the Byre Theatre in St Andrews on Sunday 10 March at 8pm. David Owen Norris is a pianist, composer and broadcaster; his Chord of the Week programmes on BBC2 television, now in their sixth season, are a popular feature of the Proms and his radio credits include the Playlist series on Radio 4, and In Tune and The Works on Radio 3. Mark Wilde has performed as an opera singer internationally. Recent highlights have included

performing as Berenice in Hipermestra for Glyndebourne Festival Opera and Monsieur Triquet in Eugene Onegin for Garsington Opera at Wormsley. Other musicians at StAnza Festival this year in free events include the Gaelic singer, Anne Martin, who has toured America, Australia, Asia and Europe and has sung at many Scottish festivals (Wednesday 6 and Saturday 9 March); singer-songwriter Megan D (Wednesday 6 March), and the regular Jazz Night at StAnza on Thursday 7 March. All at the Byre Theatre, St Andrews. Festival Director Eleanor Livingstone said: “At StAnza we pride ourselves on creating a diverse and vibrant programme which is a true celebration of poetry in all its forms and this, of course includes a strong musical element. “We’re delighted to have a number of fantastic musicians joining us this year and an exciting music and performance programme including our regular jazz night, opening night music from the wonderful Megan D and a stunning display of solo drumming exploring the effects of dementia.” This year’s festival is supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland, and EventScotland, part of VisitScotland’s Events Directorate. StAnza is one of the top poetry festivals in the UK, famous for its friendly atmosphere and international focus. Over five days more than 100 readings, performances, discussions, poetry inspired installations and exhibitions and other cross-media performances will take place in a range of atmospheric venues in and around the historic and lively town of St Andrews, Fife. Find details of all music performances @ Opera singer Mark Wilde

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THE QUEEN’S HALL – LIFE BEGINS AT 40 1979-2019: Former church celebrates 40 years of welcoming music worshippers through its doors

Edinburgh's Queen’s Hall entered its fortieth year in 2019 with a packed and varied programme of high quality events which reflect the wealth of entertainment it has provided audiences over the years, whilst also looking forward to a bright future. The celebrations started in January with a who’s who of singer-songwriters brought together on the same stage for the first time by Scotland’s foremost fiddle player, John McCusker. Renowned for his skill at transcending musical boundaries, John has shared stages with Paul Weller, Paolo Nutini and Teenage Fanclub and has been a member of Mark Knopfler’s house band since 2008. In Southside of the Tracks: 40 years of traditional music at The Queen’s Hall he performed with his chosen house band of James Mackintosh, Ian Carr, Ewen Vernal, Michael McGoldrick and Louis Abbott (Admiral Fallow) with special guests, Roddy Woomble (Idlewild), Kathleen MacInnes, Phil Cunningham, Adam Holmes, Daoiri Farrell, Heidi Talbot and Rachel Sermanni. Not a bad line-up! Nigel Griffiths, Chair of The Queen’s Hall Board of Trustees says, “We’re starting our fortieth year as we mean to go on and have a bold and ambitious programme which reflects the calibre of artists performing on our stage. In the face of developing competition it is so important for Edinburgh, as the capital city, to keep this beloved institution on the map and I believe we’re now poised to enter a truly dynamic era in The Queen’s Hall’s history.” To commemorate the concert on 6 July 1979 when The Queen’s Hall was officially opened by the Queen, they have multi-award-winning Scottish pianist Steven Osborne with one of the world’s finest cellists Alban Gerhardt performing a programme of Schumann, Brahms, De falla, Debussy and Ravel.

announced is Jazz, curated by Tommy Smith and supported by Creative Scotland. For the first time in many years, Tommy will be showcasing one of his most acclaimed pieces Beasts of Scotland (18 April) with his Sextet, narration by Tam Dean Burn and support from Square One. On 13 June he reunites with pianist Brian Kellock and Gaelic singer Kathleen MacInnes, with support from the Fergus McCreadie Trio. Details of other events in the jazz and other strands will be announced in early 2019. Evan Henderson, Chief Executive of The Queen’s Hall says, “We’re really pleased that Creative Scotland understands what we are trying to achieve by introducing these new strands to our programme, as we embark on the journey that will take The Queen’s Hall’s into the next stage of its life. We’re committed to developing ambitious events which push the boundaries of music genres, partnering with musicians and artists who are the best in their field who wouldn’t be able to take artistic risks without Creative Scotland’s support.” Alan Morrison, Head of Music at Creative Scotland, commented: “Next year The Queen’s Hall will be in a great position to look back on everything it has achieved across the 40 years but also to look ahead to a dynamic new position at the heart of Edinburgh’s live music scene. Alongside the major refurbishment of the building, the anniversary programme has the potential to open up this much loved venue to new audiences. Creative Scotland is delighted to support an artistic vision that will breathe life into and broaden horizons of the capital’s music calendar.” For jazz fans we also have the BBC Big Band featuring Claire Martin OBE on 30 March with a programme comprising standards made famous by Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holliday and other female jazz legends. The Queen’s Hall is a registered charity with limited funding from the City of Edinburgh Council, and relies on donations from private individuals, trusts, foundations and corporate sponsors to boost ticket and bar income. This allows them to bring world-class musicians to their stage and carry out a year-round programme of community and engagement work.

As part of this work they held Homecoming 2: Further classical highlights include a dedicated anniversary concert by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra (SCO) on 24 October. The SCO have called The Queen’s Hall home since 1979 and were instrumental, along with the Scottish Baroque Ensemble (now the Scottish Ensemble) and the Scottish Philharmonic Singers in helping to raise £850k in 1977 to turn the Church of Newington and St Leonard’s into the established venue it is today.

The Return of Mackay’s Memoirs on 4 March. In 1999, Martyn Bennett was commissioned to write a special piece of music commemorating the centenary of Broughton High School to be performed by students at the City of Edinburgh Music School (CEMS). The piece was performed at the opening of the Scottish Parliament and a recording of it was completed the day Martyn died. Four of the original musicians – Maeve Gilchrist (clarsach), Ben Duncan (pipes), Adam Clifford (percussion) and Dave Lloyd (beats and loops) – returned to perform the piece in this very special concert with CEMS Chamber Orchestra. Each March, The Queen’s Hall partners with the City of Edinburgh Council Instrumental Music Service on the Resonate series of concerts in which secondary school pupils perform on our professional stage. This year they go one step further by giving the Edinburgh Schools Jazz Orchestra a once in a lifetime opportunity to open for Naturally 7, America’s foremost a cappella group who have shared a stage with Michael Bublé and Coldplay (14 March). Looking towards the Edinburgh Fringe, The Queen's Hall is very happy to welcome back Henning Wehn for another extended run (1-4, 811, 15-18, 22-25 August) with his show Get On With It. This is Caledonian Soul presented by Blue Rose Code also makes a welcome return. With the help of a 14-piece band and some very special guests, Ross Wilson (aka Blue Rose Code) will offer his unique take on generations of cult, iconic and classic Scots song in what is bound to be the hot ticket of the Fringe (19 August). The Queen’s Hall has seen many great artists grace its stage over the last forty years and the 40th Anniversary programme aims to add current and future stars to this line-up and continue the close association with the promoters and organisations who have been regular visitors over the years. A more comprehensive list of shows during their 40th anniversary year can be found @

Throughout 2019 they will present QH@40 – a series of adventures in music with curated performances in four strands (jazz, folk, pop/ indie and experimental) in partnership with guest curators. The first of these to be

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Frightened Rabbit Fans Send Album on Global Flight in Bid to Raise Funds In Memory of Singer by Katy Whitelaw aka

A group of Frightened Rabbit fans are set to send five copies of their 2008 album 'The Midnight Organ Flight' on a world-wide trip in a bid to foster community spirit and support - and to raise funds in memory of the band’s lead singer Scott Hutchison who died last year. The group, led by Ade Cartwright from Worcester, has launched an appeal to fans of Frightened Rabbit to take part in the unifying project, which will see the five copies of the favourite track and then upload it to social media support. album sent out on a journey from fan to fan in a with an introduction about themselves and why Grant Hutchison, Scott’s brother and race around the world. they like the track and what it means to them. drummer in the band, said: “I think the The project has been named the There will be an online map to track the album’s Midnight Organ Flight is such a beautiful idea. Midnight Organ Flight and has been journey and participants will sign a virtual guest The support from the community of FR fans book. Participants are then being encouraged to since Scott's death has been incredible. Not only given full support from the band. write a message, create a poem or picture to for the family and the band but the network of Each fan who signs up will receive a copy of one send to the next person. people reaching out to each other to provide of the albums through the post. They are being comfort and strength has been really great to Participants of Midnight Organ Flight are being asked to video themselves listening to their see. asked to make a donation (minimum £5) which will go towards The Scott Hutchison Fund, a fund “We always knew our fans were special and set up by Scott’s family to be the basis of a every one of them has shown just how much mental health charity which will be launched Scott meant to them both as a songwriter and as later in the year. a person. As a band we spent 12 years travelling the world sharing our music with anyone who The final leg of the trip for the albums will be would listen so knowing that this can still happen from the band to five winners in a prize draw, is a wonderful feeling. Maybe a copy will swing who will get to keep the unique signed copies. by my house one day and I can share stories of Over 500 people have already signed up to take what that record means to me!” part in the exciting and emotive project. It is not the first time Ade has been involved in a Frightened Rabbit singer Scott Hutchison died in tribute to Scott. Earlier this year he fundraised May last year when he tragically took his own to have a bench installed in Kelvingrove Park, life. Scott had experienced anxiety and Glasgow in memory of Scott. A second one is depression and this was reflected in his song currently being planned for Scott’s hometown, writing where he openly shared his mental Selkirk. health challenges. Ade added: “I discovered Frightened Rabbit Since Scott’s death, the remaining band around 12 years ago, I stumbled across one members have been vocal in encouraging those song and I was hooked! My now wife had moved experiencing similar emotions to seek help and to Worcester with work and when we met 10 years ago, she couldn’t believe that someone from the midlands had heard of a band from her home in the Borders. “We’ve seen the band numerous times across the country, my wife even used the lyrics from ‘Old Fashioned’ as part of her wedding vows. This was at Glastonbury festival where we had seen the band play three times before, so it all tied in nicely. Scott has played a big part in my life so I wanted to do something. I want to say thanks to Fran Levitt-Higgins and Christina Kapaun who have helped me realise the ideas for the bench and Midnight Organ Flight and develop them. They have both been immense and neither project would have happened without them.” You can follow the progress of the Midnight Organ Flight at the sites below .....

Frightened Rabbit with Scott in the centre ::

Anyone affected by depression or anxiety can seek support from the Scottish Association for Mental Health @ or contact Samaritans @

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THE FALLEN ANGELS CLUB :: Spring Season Highlights All gig details and ticket links @ The Fallen Angels Club was established in 2004, by Kevin Morris, and the club has now promoted hundreds of local and international artists from America, Canada, England, Wales, Germany and Italy – and of course Scotland.

Here's some of the great gigs coming up in the next few weeks ..... Findlay Napier & Megan Henwood - “The Story Song Scientists” on Sunday 10 March at The Glad Cafe Glasgow - If ever an artist called on the elements in her song writing, it’s Megan Henwood. The distinguished English singer-songwriter is far too selfdeprecating to describe herself as a force of nature, but her third album River reaffirms her unique ability to create roots music of beguiling purity from what’s around her. Acts such as Grammy winner Tim O’Brien, Austin One of the finest songwriters and storytellers of the music legend Alejandro Escovedo, The Handsome contemporary Scottish folk scene Findlay Napier is an Family, Darrell Scott, Gretchen Peters, Dave Alvin, insurgent talent that comes on like a Caledonian Scottish Folk favorites LAU and Drever-McCuskerLoudon Wainwright. Distilled to artful acoustic guitar Woomble, Sam Baker and Eliza Gilkyson have all and Napier’s remarkable voice his most recent album passed through the doors of The Fallen Angels Club. “Glasgow” captures the timeless essence of one of the In 2007, after the sudden death of renowned world’s great cities. americana promoter Billy Kelly founder of Glasgow's An Evening with Jason Ringenberg on Thursday 28 'Big Big Country' festival, The Fallen Angels Club March at The CCA (Club Room) Glasgow - Jason launched the 'Glasgow Americana' festival. Glasgow Ringenberg was born and raised on an Illinois hog Americana has grown in size and reputation year on farm that bordered the Rock Island Line Railroad. year and takes place every October - details @ When he left for Nashville on 4th July 4, 1981, to + pursue his dream of “making a band that could kick American roots music into the modern age!” little did The Glasgow Americana Hall Of Fame reads like a he know just how far that kick would go. He Who’s Who of the best Americana music around, Steve immediately formed Jason & The Scorchers and never Forbert, Jason & The Scorchers, the legendary Kinky looked back. Friedman, Mary Gauthier, The Wailin’ Jennys, Crooked Good Lovelies and Fortunate Ones on Sunday 14 Still, Robbie Fulks, The Hotclub Of Cowtown, The April at The CCA Glasgow - Good Lovelies are a Handsome Family, Tift Merritt, Eric Taylor, The Canadian folk/country harmony trio, consisting of Stairwell Sisters plus loads more. Findlay Napier & Megan Henwood - “The Story Song Scientists” on Sunday 10 March at The Glad Cafe Glasgow

Caroline Brooks, Kerri Ough and Sue Passmore. Three immensely talented vocalists and songwriters in their own right; however, it’s their voices interwoven in harmony – powerful and pure, organic and inspiring – that elevates the Good Lovelies from impressive to peerless. Over the course of their decade-plus career, they’ve covered plenty of stylistic ground, adding tinges of pop, roots, jazz, and even hip-hop to their country folk core at various points. Fellow Canadians Fortunate ones will be opening up the show as a duo. Danni Nicholls plus special guest Martha L Healy on Wednesday 17 April at The Admiral Bar Glasgow From supporting the legendary Shakin’ Stevens on his 28 date major UK tour to opening for the mighty Lucinda Williams and The Secret Sisters plus being invited to perform at prestigious events such as Folk Alliance International, Cambridge Folk Festival, Tonder Festival, Denmark and AmericanaFest in Nashville….2019 is set to be just as exciting. Her vibrant, spell binding performances are guaranteed to melt your heart into the soles of your boots. Danni’s passionate delivery, captivating velvet voice and charmingly engaging between-song banter compel you to fall under her spell. Local favourite Martha L Healy will open up the show. William The Conqueror on Wednesday 1 May at The Hug & Pint Glasgow - The indie-rock three piece channel classic blues and roots rock through a grunge/ indie filter, with diverse influences including The Doors and The Lemonheads. Praised for their grit and authenticity by the likes of The Guardian and NPR’s Ann Powers, they made their mark at Americana Fest in Nashville, signing to Loose and sharing the stage at the UK Americana Awards 2017 with the likes of Van Morrison, Richard Thompson and Ethan Johns. Tickets for all shows available from Tickets Scotland 239 Argyle Street Glasgow 0141 204 5151 or @ Gigs of that quality continue through the year, so hook up with The Fallen Angels Club and Glasgow Americana on social media to keep updated.

SCOTTISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA :: Community & Education More about SCO Creative Learning @

The Scottish Chamber Orchestra is delighted to announce Edinburgh investment management firm Baillie Gifford as its Creative Learning Partner. Baillie Gifford will support the Orchestra’s pioneering community and education programmes in Edinburgh and right across Scotland. Thanks to the investment from Baillie Gifford, the Scottish Chamber Orchestra will: Launch a cultural prescribing programme, SCO NEW VIBE, for young people diagnosed with mental health conditions. Expand its successful Community Residency programme in Wester Hailes Create new digital resources for schools across all 32 Local Authorities in

Scotland. Sustain and develop its newly-launched, free Youth Academy The Scottish Chamber Orchestra sets out to inspire, include and motivate people of all ages and from all backgrounds across the length and breadth of Scotland through a wide community and education programme that is as important to the Orchestra as its acclaimed concert-giving. From April 2019, thanks to the new five year investment of Creative Learning Partner, Baillie Gifford, the Scottish Chamber Orchestra is able to extend the reach and diversity of this important work. Participants build self-belief and confidence, take creative risks, develop empathy and tolerance, and feel their voices are heard, as well as developing a greater understanding and appreciation of music. Sam Pattman, Sponsorship Manager for Baillie Gifford said, “As a proud sponsor of the arts, time and time again we have seen the benefits of programmes that have a strong focus on community engagement. This is just one of the reasons why we are proud to be SCO’s Creative Learning Partner. This ambitious five-year programme aims to reach communities across Scotland and we look forward to seeing the impact it has.” SCO Creative Learning Director Kirsteen Davidson Kelly explains, “We regularly witness the many ways in which high quality musical activity enriches people’s lives, in all sorts of contexts. Thanks to this investment from Baillie Gifford, we can extend our reach and realise further potential for positive social change, improve people’s well-being and raise aspirations for young people.”

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STRANGE BEHAVIOURS :: GASP + Jackal Trades gig date 9 March :: tix @

The Tolbooth’s regular alternative gig night Strange Behaviours returns with rare sets from two of Scotland’s most widely respected and lesser-spotted hip hop artists. Enigmatic, prolific and influential, GASP is arguably one of underground hip-hop’s most revered emcees. Via a steady slew of videos, he portrays a character bordering on unhinged, lunacy, aggression, a sense of horror either stuffed down your throat where you stand, or else lurking never too far away. In his lyrics however you see the humour and the innate ability to sum up common experience in neat verse that has kept him at the top of the scene’s foodchain for years now. A leafing through his greatest hits starts out with a stream of classy boom-bap, goosebumpinducing insight and clever poetry, and ramps up into manic, wideJackal Trades eyed, roaringly hilarious storytelling and mock-horror tales of hyperviolence – a gift he has for diss and put-down that’s gleamed through a fierce reputation as a battle-rapper. Joining him on the night is cult producer Physiks, a regular collaborator and part of what has kept GASP’s output of the highest quality in production and musicality.

creative as GASP” - NHC In support is emerging emcee and Scottish Alternative Music Award-nominated artist Jackal Trades. A writer whose distinctive rasp and work with a range of esteemed producers has seen his reputation build, through two self-released albums chocked full of social observation, political backlash and sarcastic one-liners. “Jackal Trades is at the core of Scottish hip hop for a reason” – Small Music Scene With GASP rarely gracing the stage and Jackal Trades playing his last show before a well-earned break, this is a real one-off opportunity to see them share a bill together, an occasion unlikely to be repeated for some time. GIGnotes ..... Strange Behaviours: At Stirling Tolbooth. 9 March. 7.30pm. 18+

only. GASP + Jackal Trades takes place from 7.30pm on 9 March.Tickets: £6 advance / £8 on the door / £5 with a Young Scot Card (purchase in person at Box Office required). Box Office on 01786 274 000 or @ “No other rapper in Scotland is as transformative, as inspired or as creative as GASP” - NHC

“…a gifted knack of storytelling that holds raw truths and concise insightfullness as well as owning mastery word play which is inescapably engaging and unavoidably inspiring.” – Louder Than War “No other rapper in Scotland is as transformative, as inspired or as


DARK SIDE OF THE MOOR :: Berwick-Upon-Tweed gig date 20 April :: tix @

Dark Side of the Moor is a Pink Floyd tribute band based in Marsden Huddersfield, which lies in the shadow of Saddleworth Moor in the Pennine hills…hence the name!

The band evolved from the classic rock covers band HD7, which has a history spanning more than 30 years and although there have been a number of line up changes and different musical styles over the years, two of the original members remain in the band and the music has always remained faithful to our rock based roots. Even as a rock covers band, HD7 always played (and continue to play) a large amount of Pink Floyd in a standard set and the inevitable decision was taken back in 2012 to indulge ourselves and play an entire set of Pink Floyd! Since that time, the band has continued to play gigs and expand the repertoire, introducing new songs on a regular basis in order to keep the show fresh both for the band and those who come to see them on a regular basis, although they always include a collection of old favourites from various eras of Pink Floyd. The line up of Dark Side of the Moor is: Mark Durrans, lead guitar, vocals; Simon Durrans, vocals, keyboards, guitar; Kevin Wilson, bass guitar, vocals; Keith Shaw, drums, vocals; Catherine Brill, vocals, theramin, percussion; Mary Howard, vocals, percussion; Lynn Durrans, saxophone, guitar, percussion, keyboards. In 2013, Dark Side of the Moor made their first trip to Berwick, when they were invited to play the Headline slot on the Saturday night of the Beer Festival. Since then the band has returned on two occasions, playing at the Beer festival once again and most recently at the Malting Theatre in January 2018. It is a great honour for us to be invited back again to play at the Maltings on 20 April and we look forward to meeting up with some old friends and hopefully making lots of new ones! You guys are as much a part of the show as the band are and we hope you enjoy the gig as much we will ...

..... see you all there!

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scotland's new releases ..... album : single : ep / cd : vinyl : download SHOOGLENIFTY and DHUN DHORA Written in Water




Door Too Wide

EP - download / stream / Release Date: Out Now

album - cd / download / stream Release Date: 9 November

The ‘Goodbye' EP is my new release, written in my cabin in the Outer Hebrides. The EP is sort of about isolation and being alone. It wasn't an intentional thing to write about, but “A constant source of surprise and delight” – Living Tradition. The result of last October's ten day recording just came about when I got back to the island after touring and started working on the next release after my ‘Dreams’ EP. session in the Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, Written in The tracks are a mixture of growing up and figuring out Water is the culmination of four years of collaboration where I am in life, of failed relationships, accepting things, between Scotland’s Shooglenifty and Rajasthan’s Dhun and having an open-mind on the direction I'm heading in Dhora. Dedicated to late members of both bands, next. The sound is a mixture of the islands, grand rock moments, quiet moments, all mixed in with an ambience and Angus R Grant and Roshan Khan Manganiyar, it is a comfort you only get from being comfortable at home. celebrates the meeting of musical minds. Their origins

may be far apart geographically, but creatively they're amazingly contiguous. Listen/Watch: Available from: Live dates:

Listen/Watch: Available from: From digital download and on all good streaming sites Live dates: TBA


album cd / vinyl / download / stream Release Date: 9 November The album draws on a broad range of influences, encompassing 70s rock, R&B, burlesque, art rock, blues and classical. The songs are all original compositions, seven by Jules Reed (a.k.a. Julian Wagstaff), three by Walt Cumming, and one by Greg Sanderson, formerly of Edinburgh band Five Day Hemingway. The subject matter ranges from the deeply personal to the highly political, but is always prescient, immediate, considered and aware. Listen/Watch: Available from:, amazon, iTunes, Apple Music, CD Baby, Spotify Live dates:


A Little Bit of Me


album - cd Release Date: Out Now

“A little bit of me” is the debut album of Evelyn Laurie. As she says: it’s taken her a while! Beautifully delivered in Evelyn’s distinctive, light and multi-textured voice and superbly supported by some of the country’s finest jazz musicians, the well-chosen collection of songs will please your ears and stir your emotions - in a good way! Evelyn’s love of music spans many genres. This album reflects her eclectic taste and includes some of her own songs - inspired by 1960’s spy themes and Carmina Burana alongside jazz standards plus her own interpretations of Sandy Denny’s folk classic, “Who knows where the time goes” and the ever popular country hit, “Wichita lineman”. Listen/Watch: Available from: Live dates:

single - download / stream Release Date: 19 October

Reflections from an Airport album cd Release Date: Out Now

Reflections from an Airport is a must-buy album. It’s an album for busy people who have earned the right to take a moment to stop and let the world drift by. It’s for people who deserve ‘me time’. So indulge and treat yourself to some time away from the pressures that life may throw at you. The album has songs that will make you smile, make you laugh, make you cry and make you think. Drawn from life’s experiences, each song tells a story and paints a picture we can all relate too. It touches on basic human truths we all share in common... like love won and lost in all its guises. Andy writes songs for adults. His songs are for people who have lived a full life. For people who can relate to the highs and lows of daily living and know it’s not all ‘happy ever after but the ride can be fun.’ Listen to the songs and discover this for yourself. Listen/Watch: Available from:

New Scottish Female Pop duo The Eves – Caroline Gilmour and Marissa Keltie, release their debut single ‘Tides’ on 19th October 2018. Caroline's love of Pop music combined with Marissa’s passion for harmony creates a songwriting partnership full of catchy melodies and memorable hooks. The result is a nod towards acts such as The Pierces, First Aid Kit and Florence & The Machine. Listen/Watch: tides/s-Wvm81 Available from: iTunes, Spotify and all main digital download sites. Online store on our official website www. from 19 October. Live dates: No live UK dates as yet but 2 house concerts in Copenhagen on 17th and 20th October.

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scotland's new releases ..... album : single : ep / cd : vinyl : download THE TROPICANAS


A Lovely Coincidence


EP download / stream Release Date: 13 October

album / cd Release Date: 31 August

The Tannahill Weavers are celebrating their Golden Anniversary with the release of their eighteenth album, The Tropicanas are a Dreamslop band for Livingston, ÒRACH (“golden” in Gaelic) out 31 August on Compass Scotland who are longing to be shot of into outer space. Records. With ÒRACH (The Golden Anniversary Album), Equal parts of Psychedelia and dream pop with a side the current line-up of Roy Gullane, Phil Smillie, John order of underwater tropical surf vibes. Martin and Lorne MacDougall, have brought together colleagues and members past and present to record an Listen/Watch: album of all new material – traditional and contemporary songs and sets of tunes in the Tannie’s distinctive style. The physical album contains photos as well as a glossary to understand the traditional songs Available from: and extensive liner notes for each song detailing its Available to download and stream on 13 October, origin and performers. currently available to listen\download the title track ‘A Listen/Watch: lovely coincidence’ Live dates: Release show on the 13 October at the Leith Depot,

Available from: Live dates:



album cd / download / stream (vinyl in 2019) Release Date: 15 September Eleven tracks of full fat, calorie-laden, whipped up funk 'n' soul - James Brown Is Annie's new album sees the Edinburgh-based sextet hook up with producer, Average White Band legend, Hamish Stuart. Imagine AWB tearing down the A9 in a Ford Torino with James Brown strapped to the roofrack, Steely Dan blasting from the car stereo. Listen/Watch: Available from: CODA Music, Edinburgh Live dates:


Battle of Kings

album cd Release Date: Out Now

‘Battle of Kings’ is the mighty new album from Celtic Rock band, Soar Patrol. It focuses on Scotland’s wars of independence during the reign of Robert the Bruce from 1306-1329 fighting against the English kings, Edward I and later, Edward II. Soar Patrol have written and produced a rousing album that rocks its way through history with driving triple drums, electric guitars and bagpipes. Listen/Watch: Available from: Live dates:

Southern Wind Cavalier

album cd / download / stream Release Date: 29 September Eddi Reader has announced her brand new studio album ‘Cavalier’ will be released worldwide on 28 September by Reveal Records. Featuring sixteen songs, including recently performed live favourites Wonderful, My Favourite Dress, Starlight, Meg O’ The Glen and Maiden’s Lament the new album was recorded and produced in Glasgow by Eddi Reader and John Douglas. Cavalier is a new creative peak in an already prestigious career, just under an hour of new music, incorporating both contemporary and traditional songs.

album cd / download Release Date: 16 February Southern Wind is the new album (his seventh solo) from the man Irvine Welsh describes as “Scotland’s most engaging and haunting singer songwriter”. Recorded in Nashville, with producer Neilson Hubbard, and a host of superb musicians, including award-winning guitarist Will Kimbrough. It has a distinctive swampy, southern rock, soulful groove, but it's also deeply rooted in Dean’s home country. Celtic spirit, country soul. Listen/Watch:


Available from: Direct from record company (At the Helm) Downloads - And all good record shops!

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scotland's new releases ..... album : single : ep / cd : vinyl : download GEORGE DUFF


The Collier Laddie


album cd Release Date: Out Now

album / cd Release Date: out now

The debut album by Beinn Lee, OSGARRA, is a product of five years of playing, writing and arranging music, as George Duff is widely regarded as one of well as bringing together a strong traditional sense of Scotland’s finest singers and interpreters of tune with modern backing to create a new and fresh traditional Scots songs. After a lifetime’s singing, sound to West Coast traditional music. OSGARRA this is his debut solo recording. This is old style showcases a selection of tunes and songs written and Scottish singing, beautifully performed, and as arranged by the band in both Gaelic and English alongside tunes from some of Scotland’s foremost profound as the mine shafts sunk into the coalblack spaces which deeply influence the singing of contemporary composers of traditional music, giving a musical landscape from reflective songs to driving George Duff, “The Collier Laddie” himself. dance beats. Formed in 2013, Beinn Lee are rooted in the West Coast style of traditional music. Listen/Watch:


Available from:

Available from:

Live dates:

Live dates:

JOHN GRAHAM & JIM JACK Sae Will We Yet album / cd / Release Date: out now

John Graham and Jim Jack’s debut album features an eclectic mix of many of the favourite songs from their live act with contributions from some of the most talented contemporary songwriters from Scotland and further afield. Graeme Miles’ haunting ‘Eldorado’ hints at a life of missed opportunities while Iain Ingram’s ‘Calton Rose’ and ‘Braes o’ Appin’ are love songs in the Scottish tradition and Steven Clark’s ‘Coming Home’ talks of the plight of the many refugees cast adrift in the world today. Jim King’s ‘West Coast Days’ and ‘Home To The Kyles’ from the pen of Duncan McCrone and Celly Paterson evoke memories of summer days on the Clyde Coast. From earlier days of the folk revival come Ewan MacColl’s ‘Manchester Rambler’ and Matt McGinn’s enigmatic ‘Magic Shadow Show’. John and Jim’s love of Americana is also represented in the rollicking ‘Truck Driving Man’. John and Jim’s act recalls much of the spirit of the folk clubs in the 60s and 70s with plenty of chorus singing and a fair measure of humour thrown in. Available from:



New Tomorrow

Bare Knuckle

album :: cd Release Date: Out Now

album / cd Release Date: 1 December Chris Stout & Catriona McKay are delighted to announce the release of their long awaited duo album ‘Bare Knuckle’. The music is almost entirely self penned especially for this recording. It’s a fresh new sound for this duo who have now been performing and recording all over the world for 20 years. Having recorded several albums in collaboration with other artists in recent years, it is actually a staggering 7 years since this awe inspiring pair released their last duo album. The critically acclaimed White Nights. ‘We are so proud of this new album ‘Bare Knuckle. Its a huge development for us and we can’t wait to perform it live!’ Listen/Watch: Available from: Coda Music, Edinburgh

The Live EP

EP download / stream Release Date: out now Four live tracks trailing Dave Arcari’s forthcoming Live at Memorial Hall album which is released on 1 September on double 180g coloured vinyl, special edition digipak CD and download/ streaming formats. These tracks do not feature on the vinyl or CD format releases and are exclusive to this digital EP. Listen/Watch: One Side Blind: Stagolee:

Live dates:

Available from: FREE via or paid from:

Live dates:

New Tomorrow is the new studio album by leading singer–songwriter Dougie MacLean; written, recorded and produced with his son Jamie MacLean. It combines a few songs which have already proved popular at his recent concerts along with a selection of brand new songs. The album is beautifully curated and includes the title track New Tomorrow, one of his most popular concert songs The Shadow of the Mountain and Wild and Windy Night, which features choruses recorded at Woodford Festival in Australia and at MacLean’s own much-loved Perthshire Amber Festival. Listen/Watch: Available from: Live dates:

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scotland's new releases ..... album : single : ep / cd : vinyl : download JAMIE MACDONALD & CHRISTIAN GAMAUF The Pipe Slang

JON BUDWORTH Jon Budworth is a singer/songwriter originally from Lancashire but now very much an honorary Yorkshireman living in the bustling market town of Otley. Jon is a relative late-comer to the wonderful world of folk and acoustic music, having spent many years cast adrift in the dark and seedy underbelly of rock’n’roll. Jon changed musical direction in 2010 after happening upon a Youtube video of Richard Thompson playing his beautiful and evocative song Beeswing. There has been no looking back ever since! Jon cites his influences, amongst others, as John Renbourn, Nic Jones and, of course, Richard Thompson.


The musical partnership of the Scottish pipes and fiddle is one that is quintessentially and historically Hebridean. Jamie MacDonald and Christian Gamauf have taken this format and incorporated influences from places such as Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia and Asturias in the north of Spain, putting their own stamp on the music. Jamie and Christian met while living and studying on the Isles of Uist and began playing together at local concerts and events. After travelling to Asturias on a musical and cultural exchange project, along with performances at Ceòl on the Croft, Celtic Connections and Celtic Colours Festivals, the duo started working on their debut album, The Pipe Slang. The album features the traditional music of the Hebrides and includes songs from the Isle of Tiree as well as self-penned material and tunes from further afield.

Available from:


Live dates:

Available from:

LINSEY AITKEN & KEN CAMPBELL Shore To Shore album / cd / Release Date: out now

This is our second CD as a duo, with a mixture of new songs and instrumentals, many focussing on our Scottish connections around the world, each with a story, and most of all about people and histories of the past and present. Fortunately, people seem to really like what we do, and ask what kind of music we perform. The answer is not one genre or another, but a blending of everyone and everything we have met along the way. A coming together of both our musical journeys, combined into one together, with elements of our respective musical backgrounds in Celtic, Classical, Traditional, Contemporary Music and all else. But most of all our music is about people, and all those who have influenced us and inspired us along the way.

album / cd / Release Date: out now

We All Share The Same Sky album / cd Release Date: out now

Listen/Watch: Available from: Live dates:



Good Morning Easter Road


EP cd / download / stream Release Date: 9 June

album vinyl / download / stream Release Date: out now With 6 producers and 9 musicians across 12 tracks, ULTRAS is the brainchild of songwriter Gav Prentice, formerly of euphoric pop duo Over the Wall. Describing the project as "violent pop for the patronised", ULTRAS combines elements of rock, electronica, folk, and hip-hop, the collaborative nature of the album inspired by the latter genre's sonically chopped-up mixtape culture. Listen/Watch: as a hub for all of the various sites you can listen. Available from: Also available in LP Records and Love Music in Glasgow and VoxBox Music in Edinburgh and to stream on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal et al. Live dates:

Brave About It EP download Release Date: 10 July

Brave About It is the new ep from Alex Tronic which features Shuna Lovelle. It is currently on rotation on Chill FM with radio support from DJs such as Jamie Porteous at Ibiza Global and Jim Gellatly at Amazing Radio

‘Good Morning Easter Road’ is the 2nd EP from Scottish musician Lou Mclean. This record is a peek into Mclean’s life, expressed through witty storytelling in her inimitable riot grrrl pop style. "a gem of the Scottish underground scene" Tenement TV * * * * - The Skinny Listen/Watch:


Available from: The Scottish Design Exchange Tempo Tea Bar, Edinburgh ITunes, Deezer, Amazon

Available from:

Live dates:

Live dates: Ibiza Dj Sets in September

music news scotland

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scotland's new releases ..... album : single : ep / cd : vinyl : download THE FIRRENES



Time and Place/Destitution Row

Favourite Pleasures

Captain Glen's Comfort

single (Double A Side) cd / 10" vinyl Release Date: Out Now

Recorded at Chamber Studio in Edinburgh, this twotrack single captures the songs 'Time and Place' and 'Destitution Row' in new arrangements written especially for this release. The first cut has an earlyseventies, American rock feel and speaks of a special and unique moment in life, while the second number incorporates a horn section and choral backing, reflecting on aspects of life in today's UK. Listen/Watch: Available from: iTunes + Spotify

album - cd / vinyl / download / stream Release Date: Out Now

album / cd / Release Date: Out Now

Captain Glen’s Comfort is the much awaited debut album from one of the folk scene’s fastest rising bands, GUN’s seventh studio album, ‘Favourite Pleasures‘ – out Pons Aelius. Due out on September the 8th, the album on September 15th – stands proudly alongside the very showcases the sextet’s expansive sound and unique best of their work. The band will be showcasing tracks approach to the traditional music of Britain and beyond; from the album in 3 live dates in December. Informed from fiery bagpipe jigs to tender mandolin fronted by a back-to-basics approach tempered by an innate soundscapes, and everything in between. Since winning sense for melody, the record was made in the band’s a prestigious Celtic Connections Danny Kyle Award in own Morse Code studios in Paisley. It’s an album that their early days, Pons Aelius have spent the last two dances on a knife-edge, one that can turn on a single years tirelessly honing their sound on stages both at note from the raw pain of emotions hitting the rocks, to home and abroad, quickly earning themselves a an unbridled celebration of hedonism. reputation as one of the most exciting new names on the circuit. Listen/Watch: Listen/Watch: Available from: Available from:

Live dates:

Live dates:

Live dates:



Dark Alley

The Stuntman

album download / stream Release Date: out now

With a lyrical arena boasting whistleblowers, extraterrestrials and self-cannibalisation, Eugene Twist's highly anticipated second album arrives with one mission: to let the storyteller run riot inside the song. From spat-out surrealism to politicised anthems and mystical ballads, 'The Stuntman' is the latest from the unbounded imagination of Eugene Twist. Listen/Watch: Available from:

Bare Along The Branches album cd / vinyl (tbc) / download / stream Release Date: 24 February

Norrie McCulloch’s third full-length album in as many years effortlessly merges folk, country, americana and indie genres. Recorded live to analogue tape with regular collaborators: Dave McGowan (Teenage Fanclub), Stuart Kidd and Marco Rea (The Wellgreen), Iain Thompson (Bella Hardy band) and Iain Sloan (Wynntown Marshals) this is his most accomplished collection of songs to date. Listen/Watch: Available from: (and most good independent record stores) www.



album cd / download / stream Release Date: 1 June

The Tripwire DC sound is a colourful blend of Punky/Reggae & Rock with a bit of Ska lobbed in. Energetic male and female vocals are complimented with blistering guitar and a driving rhythm section. Reggae nods are nodded towards mid-70’s London, punk to ‘77 & rock horns are lifted skywards to the Rainbow. Listen/Watch: spotify @ Available from: iTunes Google Play @ Amazon @ Live dates:

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music news scotland

scotland's new releases ..... album : single : ep / cd : vinyl : download BOB LESLIE



Land and Sea

The High Summit


After many years as a well-known face on the band circuit, Bob Leslie’s re-invention of himself as an acoustic performer resulted in two well-received Americana CDs - In a Different World (2010) and Fat Cat (2011) - and a re-launch onto the folk circuit. There, his highly-crafted songs - some serious, some very funny indeed - had audiences showing lively appreciation. However, more and more, Bob found himself drawn to the challenge of writing in a more traditional Scottish vein - a medium, as it turned out, ideal for a musical storyteller.

Paul Anderson from Royal Deeside in Aberdeenshire is one of Scotland’s finest traditional fiddle players and The High Summit is his third album of self penned music and song. Like The Singing Land and Land of the Standing Stones before it, The High Summit celebrates the history, landscape and people of Paul’s beautiful North-East homeland. Joining Paul on The High Summit are a group of exceptional artists, highly respected in their own right and adding their own touch of magic to the album. Shona Donaldson on vocals (Scots Singer of the Year 2009 and first female winner of the Bothy Ballad Champion of Champions), Tony McManus on guitar (worldrenowned Scottish guitarist now based in Canada), Malcolm Jones on guitar and accordion (Runrig), Ale Carr on Cittern (Dreamer’s Circus), Ali Napier on keyboards (Miami Vince and former member of the Dougie MacLean Band) and James Gorgon on percussion (Albany show band and The Cutting Edge).

album / cd Release Date: Release Date: Out Now

Land and Sea is the result: twelve narrative songs, their subjects ranging from the Highland Clearances to a Stromness witch who told Walter Scott a few tales. Bob is accompanied by some of the brightest talents on the Scottish folk scene. Available from:

album / cd / Release Date: Out Now

Listen/Watch: Available from:

album cd Release Date: Out Now

This album embraces all that was great about the golden days of the scottish folk scene in the 1960s/70s. It is a catalogue of some of the best and most popular songs of the time written by folk legends such as Ewan MacColl, Alex Campbell, Hamish Henderson, Matt McGinn, Archie Fisher, Jim McLean and Mary Brookesbank. Also Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott have a song each on the album. A quartet of four of Scotland’s most experienced performers brings together the vocal talents of brothers IAN and FRASER BRUCE along with the exceptional musical skills of PETE CLARK on fiddle and GREGOR LOWREY on accordion. It has to be said that IAN BRUCE is pretty efficient on guitar, to complete the instrumental section. Available from:



Forget The Silver Lining EP cd / download / stream Release Date: 28 April

Debut EP from PYRO featuring their 1st and 2nd single Money and Green and their latest single Sandpaper Throat. This EP shows the diversity of PYRO’s songs from the massive Green to the more melodic Sandpaper Throat Listen/Watch: Available from: iTunes, spotify etc…. Live dates: Friday 19 May – Stramash Edinburgh – Yellow Movement Friday – Free entry – over 18s Friday 16 June – Sneaky Petes Edinburgh – 7pm - £6 entry – Over 14s

The Treatment Tapes The Wren and The Salt Air album cd / download / stream Release Date: 17 February

‘The Wren And The Salt Air’ is a collection of songs and tunes by acclaimed Scottish singer-songwriter Jenny Sturgeon. It was written to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Scottish archipelago of St Kilda becoming a World Heritage Site for its natural features. 'Musically superb, absolutely fascinating and utterly charming' Shire Folk. Listen/Watch:

EP cd / download Release Date: 20 January

In January 2015, Rab Noakes was diagnosed with tonsillar cancer. Thirty radiotherapy sessions ensued. The post-treatment recovery included singing and, of course, writing songs. Six of those songs are on Rab’s new record. There’s no self-pity though, here you’ll find defiance, resilience, love, support and, hopefully, wit. Listen/Watch:

Available from: and all good online and high street stores

Available from:

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scotland's new releases ..... album : single : ep / cd : vinyl : download ANDREW TAYLOR


From the Outside Looking In

Let Out The Dark

album - cd / download / stream / Released: Out Now This is the first solo recording from the front man, songwriter and producer of Scottish, powerpop band, Dropkick. These songs were written at various points in the last 15 years and draw upon a variety of influences, mixing pop, alternative rock and Americana. The album was recorded in Dropkick’s Edinburgh studio with all instruments and vocals being performed and recorded by Andrew. Listen/Watch: Available from:

All usual download and streaming sites (amazon / Spotify / apple music / itunes / deezer etc…)

Live dates: Short acoustic set at Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, near Inverness 5 Aug + possible Spanish dates later

album cd / vinyl / download Release Date: Release Date: Out Now

WE CAME FROM WOLVES The Peak Beneath the Sea

single / stream Release Date: Out Now via Struck Dum Records.

We Came From Wolves latest single The Peak Beneath The Sea is a bold, emotive alt rock track that sees the Adriana Spina’s second album, released almost six years Scottish four-piece bare their heart on their sleeves. after her first, is more raw and guitar-driven that its The track is due for release on 5th May 2017 via Struck predecessor. Let Out The Dark features Ross Dum Records. The band’s previous single, Places McFarlane (Texas, The Proclaimers) on drums, and Unfamiliar, addressed mental health issues such as comprises of ten songs which touch on themes from depression and anxiety, which some of the band have lost love and infidelity to atheism and the refugee crisis. experienced. However, The Peak Beneath The Sea turns a corner as the band look towards the future, Listen/Watch: finding a away to live with these issues. Listen/Watch: Links from 5 May Available from: Available from: & iTunes/Spotify etc Also available via iTunes and all other popular download Live dates: sites from 24 March



Out Of The Blue EP cd / download / stream Release Date: Out Now

Guitar-Based Melodic Rock Music from the North East Of Scotland. Solid, chunky riffs with harmonised leads with rolling bass lines and on point drums. FFO Jimmy Eat World, Ash, Green Day and Lifehouse. Singles "Stay With Me" and "Waiting" taken from "Out Of The Blue" EP. Listen/Watch: Available from: iTunes, Spotify, Amazon MP3, Google Play, Deezer etc. CD @


single download / stream Release Date: Out Now

Debut video single from Alternative Rock duo PYRO. These 17 year old lads from Bathgate produce a wall of sound that you would expect from a 5 piece band. Connor leads on vocals from behind the drums while Cameron uses one guitar and few friends he calls pedals. A blend of Royal Blood and Foo Fighters. Listen/Watch: YouTube: Available from: itunes Spotify cdBaby apple music Email:

We’ll Be Listening and Remembering Until We’re Old and Unsteady EP vinyl / download / stream Release Date: 2 December

'We’ll Be Listening and Remembering Until We’re Old and Unsteady’ is the third EP from Glasgow’s Verse Metrics, a groove-driven 4 piece band with a knack for writing twisty, turny alternative rock songs. Expect post-rock instrumentation with nontraditional song structures; and math-rock subtleties as a bed for Bob Dick’s introspective and often cryptic lyrics. Listen/Watch: Available from: Vinyl - Download - iTunes -

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music news scotland

scotland's new releases ..... album : single : ep / cd : vinyl : download EVERING



Beyond Oceans

Free Spirits

Near Life Experience

EP (+single 'Driftwood' / download / stream EP Release Date: Release Date: Out Now cd / download Beyond Oceans is the second EP release from Evering, Release Date: Release Date: Out Now out on the 21st April 2017. This collection of four songs grew out of the reality of being adrift in the aftermath Debut EP by 17 year old singer songwriter of the exit from a relationship. The EP songs, title and from Paisley funded by Paisley 2021 City of cover art all capture a theme similar to the mindset held Culture bid and including four specially at that time: Keep making a concious effort to avoid dwelling on the bad bits and instead, persevere, point selected songs which reflect Lisa's personal yourself in a good direction and keep going until you and musical journey to date. Lyrics and get to where you want to be. Listen/Watch: single @ Available from:

melodies to express feelings, responses and reactions to people and places encountered. Listen/Watch:

EP cd / download Release Date: Out Now

Putting down a marker for all rock bands in 2017, Thula Borah have produced one of the best records you're likely to hear all year, creating a sound that defies any one genre; switching seamlessly from post-rock, posthardcore and dream-pop to grunge, indie-rock and emo. Indeed, Thula Borah have taken post-hardcore sensibilities and fuzzed out, meaty riffs and amalgamated them with catchy hooks that demand your attention. Listen/Watch:

Live Dates:

Available from: Available on Spotify, I tunes and all major platforms. CDs from Feel the Groove Records Paisley, New Hellfire Available from: Club Glasgow

GET YOUR NEW RELEASE LISTED! If you’d like your new release to be included in the MUSIC NEWS Scotland ‘New Release’ section and ALSO be in with a chance of being picked for the MNS Top 4 spot then send it to: New Releases, MUSIC NEWS Scotland, Romar House, Birgham, Berwickshire. TD12 4NF If only available as download then email link to Email (as above) information about your new release for our listings, which should be in the format below:


BAND NAME: Advertisers also get a 'boxed listing' Release Name: with artwork image album / ep / single: email Carol for details: cd / vinyl / download: - list all formats Release Date: Description: - 50 words approx Listen: - link to listen to your music Available from: - webshop, download, retail record shop your website/facebook/twitter

SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL RECORD SHOP 'Record Store Day 2019' is on 13 April : We encourage you to support independent record shops in Scotland : A selection of popular ones are below. If you run or have a favourite shop not listed please let us know and we'll happily include it.

Because this is linked to our 'new release' section we are only listing genuine high street retail shops who sell physical copies of new cds/records 'friendly face to friendly face' with their customers! Email your record shop details to be included below to: Apollo Music (Paisley) Causeyside Street PA1 1YH : Barnstorm (Dumfries) Queensberry Street DG1 1BU : 01387 267894 Big Sparra Vinyl (Ayr) New Bridge Street : Coda (Edinburgh) [trad/folk specialist] Bank Street EH1 2LN : Concorde (Perth) Scott Street PH1 5EJ : Europa (Stirling) Friars Street FK8 1HA : Imperial (Inverness) Market Hall IV1 1PJ : Love Music (Glasgow) Dundas Street G1 2AQ : Monorail (Glasgow) King Street G1 5RB :

music news scotland

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Read the latest MNS GIGguide @


MUSIC NEWS Scotland - GIGguide - FESTIVALS! For details email Carol:

Make sure we have your music festival listed, big or small email your information to


FESTIVAL Listings Following is our 'short' listings guide to forthcoming Scottish music festivals - see our comprehensive guide in our weekly FESTIVALS! publication @

No matter how small or new your festival is we want to list it!!

Scottish Music Festivals to be included in our festival listings email details to: FEBRUARY

Galloway 23-26 May

Glasgow Film Festival

Knockengorroch's 2019 line-up will feature some of the best home-grown Scottish talent alongside an eclectic mix of international acts, all Linlithgow coming together to create a melting pot of 10-11 August innovative traditional and electronic music.

Glasgow 20 February - 3 March

Glasgow Film Festival 2019 is the city’s 15th annual celebration of cinema PLUS it also celebrates the strong link between cinema over the ages and the importance of music to entertain and grip the audience.

Party at The Palace

JUNE Oban Live


Oban 7-8 June 2019

Wee Dub Festival Edinburgh 1-3 March


Tiree Music Festival Tiree 12–14 July

MAY Shetland Folk Festival Shetland 3-5 May

The Festival as the UK's most northerly folk festival is regarded a prestigious event for performers, locals and visitors alike. Organised by a voluntary committee (and run by an even bigger pool of volunteers) the Festival prides itself in reaching out to even the most far flung areas of Shetland. Concerts are organised throughout the isles, consisting of some of the best International, British and Shetland music that the world has to offer. In fact, visiting artistes are regularly dumbfounded by the quantity and quality of local musicians that our remote isles have to offer.

Orkney Folk Festival Orkney 23-26 May

One of Scotland’s longest-running folk festivals, celebrating its 37th outing in 2019, the Orkney Folk Festival is one of the most prolific events in the Scottish and UK folk calendars, and one of the highlights of Orkney’s diary of community events. An entirely voluntary run event, the festival annually attracts artists from all corners of the folk world - from leading international names to up and coming fresh faces - to Stromness, in Orkney’s West Mainland, for four days of concerts, ceilidhs, clubs, sessions, talks and craic. Artists and audiences are welcomed by and into Orkney’s own thriving folk scene, with Orcadian artists providing around two thirds of the festival programme. Line-up announced across December-March, with tickets on sale in April, around six weeks ahead of the event.

Knockengorroch World Ceilidh

This is the sixth outing for the Linlithgow festival and is set to be another highlight in Scotland’s live music calendar. Taking the top spots are The Charlatans and KT Tunstall (Saturday) and Deacon Blue and Wet Wet Wet (Sunday) and the rest of the weekend’s acts are sure to prove a hit with Party at the Palace regulars. It’s only 20 mins from Edinburgh and 35mins from Glasgow, making it one of the most easily accessible music festivals in Scotland.

Early bird tickets for Oban Live 2019, Argyll’s biggest outdoor music concert, are to go on sale on Saturday November 10, the event team has announced. The event, started in 2016 by one of Scotland’s finest musical exports Skerryvore, takes place on June 7 and 8 next year at Mossfield Stadium in Oban, Argyll, on the west coast of Scotland.

Edinburgh-based promoters of world-class dub and reggae music are gearing up for their 9th edition at the start of March. Over the past few years, the Wee Dub Festival has become established as one of the finest and most-loved events of its kind in the UK and beyond, attracting the very best established and up-andcoming artists to the Capital each year for a unique celebration of reggae and soundsystem culture.


TMF is celebrating the fastest ever ticket sales for the annual festival, with 750 early bird tickets selling out in just 52 minutes and all Glamping and Campervan tickets selling out in just 10 minutes, an unprecedented record for the festival that will help mark its 10th edition. 2019 will see the 2000 capacity festival celebrate its 10th birthday and a special year of celebrations will mark the decade, beginning in January with TIREE: A Toast to 10 Years of Tiree Music Festival show at Celtic Connections. This one-off night will be hosted by Tiree natives Skerryvore and Trail West at Glasgow’s Old Fruitmarket where a number of very special guests alongside brand-new collaborations from musicians who have played the TMF stages over the last 10 years. TMF10’s line-up will also be officially announced in spectacular fashion as part of this celebratory night and remaining tickets will also be released on general sale.

Stonehaven Folk Stonehaven 12-15 July


Party in the Park Bathgate, West Lothian 1 September

Celebrating it’s 10th Anniversary in 2019 Bathgate's 'Party in the Park' is a yearly family focused music festival with two music stages, childrens rides, free face painting, food, stalls, and lots of fun - it's held in the town's Kirkton Park. There is a main stage and acoustic stage with music on both throughout the day with free entry and no ticket required. A real mix of music from local bands and artists to those further afield. There is no ticket required and no entry fee and as this is geared towards families there is a strict no alcohol policy.

NOVEMBER Perthshire Amber -

The Dougie MacLean Festival Perthshire 1-3 November

The Perthshire Amber Festival brings together many musicians and entertainers from different parts of the world who have been involved with Dougie MacLean over the years. This unique festival shares Dougie’s inspiring music, celebrates the history and culture of Perthshire in the heart of Scotland and showcases the beautiful scenery. It’s a vibrant, welcoming festival with music at its core in beautiful autumnal Perthshire. The Festival Hub is Amber Central (The Royal Hotel, Dunkeld). With concerts from castle to concert hall plus Cabaret Amber, Open Mic + acoustic sessions. Contact 01350 724261 for latest or email

The pretty North East coastal town of Stonehaven comes alive with a vibrant mix of traditional and contemporary “Folk” music and song ….. concerts, ceilidh, sessions, singarounds, workshops, the famous aqua ceilidh and world paper’n’comb championships!

HebCelt Hebrides 18-20 July

Advance weekend tickets for next year’s Hebridean Celtic Festival, to be held from 18-20 July 2019, are available from the festival website. Day tickets and those for opening shows, late night activities and community events in Lewis and Harris go on sale next year when the full festival programme is finalised.


..... lots more festival dates in our FESTIVALS! supplement read it @

We want all your 2019 festival news and dates for


MUSIC NEWS Scotland - GIGguide - FESTIVALS! For details email Carol :

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Scotland’s weekly digital music newspaper with all the latest news from the Scottish music scene



Our weekly gig guide giving a comprehensive snapshot of live music in every corner of the country



Our weekly look at Scotland’s music festivals with the latest news and a full listings for the year

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