After being fortunate enough to be part of a closegroupoffriendswhoalllivedwithina few blocksofoneanother,weexperiencedaprofoundgriefasthefirstofourdearfriendsmoved away forajob.Butwhenweaskedhimwhyhewasnotcryingwithus,hetoldusthatheknewit would not be a loss, that we would continue to be there to support and love him. A few hours later, he wrote this beautiful text, which perfectly encapsulated what we were feeling, and demanded to be sung. For I Am Held expresses the endless gratitude and joy that comes from knowingyouarelovedbysomeone,nomatterhowfarapartyoumaybe.
I wish it to be known why I cannot cry. It is not for lack of love, or for fear of looking weak. It is surety. It is the goodbye said with genuine belief that hello will be said again, and soon. This, I know for certain.
For I am held.
I am held every moment, every day by you
In the quiet times where my thoughts wander, I am held. In the loudest moments where the world roils like pitch-dark sea, I am held. In those great expanses where things move at their perfect pace, I am held.
I can still feel your arms framing my sides. I can still hear your laughter cut off by my tight grip. I can still lift you up, hold you to me, Because you hold me close. And I hold you closer still.
Distance means nothing for this, Time is mere distraction, Because you reach for me, for me Fingers outstretched wielding your love like my lifeline. And I am here to catch your grip.
So I am sorry that you cry, and I cannot. Your tears mean more than you can know. Because I was worth tears shed by you. For I am held by you.
It mp isthegoodbye - saidwithgenu --inebelief - thathel-lowillbesaida-
It mp isthegoodbye - saidwithgenu --inebelief - thathel-lowillbesaida-
It mp isthegoodbye - saidwithgenu --inebelief - thathel-lowillbesaida-
It mp isthegoodbye - saidwithgenu --inebelief - thathel-lowillbesaida-
gain, and soon.
ThisI know forcertain.rit.
gain, and soon.
ThisI know forcertain.gain, and soon.
ThisI know forcertain.gain, and soon.
ThisI know forcertain.rit.
ForIam held.
I mf amheld ev'ry - moment, - ev'ry - day byyou.
ForIam held. mp
ForIam held. mp mp atempoq=85
held, Iamheld. I
canstillfeelyourarms framing - my
held,Iamheld, Iamheld. I
canstillfeelyourarms framing - my
held, Iamheld. I mf canstillfeelyourarms framing - my held, Iam Iamheld. I
canstillfeelyourarms framing - my
Icanstillhearyourlaughter - cutoff bymytight
grip. Icanstill liftyou up, hold youto me,
grip. lift youand hold youto me, grip. Icanstill liftyou up, hold youto me, grip. lift youand hold youto me,
clo serstill. still, holdyouclose, closer - still,closer - still.
holdyoucloser, - holdyouclose, closer - still
trac-tion, because - youreach for me, Because - you
trac-tion, because - youreach for me, Because - you
trac-tion, youreach,youreachyoureachforme, forme,
trac-tion, You reach for me, forme,
tearsmeanmorethanyoucouldknow. Because - I wasworthtearsshed by
tearsmeanmorethanyoucouldknow. Because - I wasworthtearsshed by tearsmeanmorethanyoucouldknow. Because - I wasworthtearsshed by tearsmeanmorethanyoucouldknow. Because - I wasworthtearsshed by