Four Reflections on the Night (Choral suite from We Look to the Stars) | Juhi Bansal | MusicSpoke

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From We Look to the Stars

music by Juhi Bansal, text adapted from Kabir (15th Century, Indian)

Eihei Dōgen Kigen (13th Century, Japanese)

Sarah Williams (19th Century, English)

(Duration 18 mins, can be further excerpted as needed.)

Four Reflections on the Night - Program Note

“For millennia, the nighttime sky has been a tablet upon which we’ve inscribed our histories. It contains a richness that transcends those visible points of light, with multiple narratives layered atop the same glittering framework.”

For much of human existence, the night sky was such a great mystery that perhaps it’s natural our stories about the stars are as much stories about us as people. We have looked at the stars and seen ways to navigate through sea and over land; we have seen hopes, dreams and inspiration; we have seen love found and love lost; grief and fear; life and death.

It is fascinating how much similarity there is in stories from all around the globe, centuries apart. Myths that began in one place ended up thousands of miles distant, told with different names in different countries; poetic imagery about the stars in one place has hundreds of analogues from other places and other languages. While the words in which we have described our relationship to the stars are as diverse as the people they came from, the stories themselves have overlapping themes, ideas and images. Four Reflections on the Night, a performance excerpt from the cantata We Look to the Stars, brings together some of these myths, poems and excerpts of prose to celebrate not only the night sky, but also with it the things that unite us in the human experience.

Percussion Details:

Percussion is wri en for three players, separated into Percussion 1, 2 and 3 to limit moving around instruments.

Percussion instruments needed are:

Perc 1:

-Crotales [2 octave set if available, a single octave can subs tute if not] (shared with Perc. 2 & 3)

-3 tom-toms

-Large tam-tam

-Suspended cymbal

-2 suspended triangles

-Vibraphone (shared with Perc. 2)

Perc 2:

-Vibraphone (shared with Percussion 1)

-Crotales [2 octave set if available, a single octave can subs tute if not] (shared with Perc. 1 & 3)

Perc 3:

-Bass Drum


-Crotales [2 octave set if available, a single octave can subs tute if not] (shared with Perc. 1 & 2)

While there are many possible ways of se ng up the instruments to allow for each to be reached as needed, one possible setup is shown below. (Depending on staging and loca on of singers, harp, soloists, this can be modified as needed):

1. We Look to the Stars



• The additional small section of SAT should be pulled from the main body of the chorus.

• Improvisation

Figures in boxes are guidelines for improvisation. (e.g. soprano and tenor at rehearsal 3, alto and bass at rehearsal 4.) The rhythms/pitches/gestures in the box are to be repeated freely, at your own pace, for the duration of the marked arrow. There should be no attempt to synchonize within a section.

Until rehearsal 10 (where "In Strict Time" is marked, this movement is aleatoric. The conductor will cue when to move to each subsequent rehearsal number.

• Stars Text: Each singer, at their discretion, may choose from three options wherever "Stars Text" is required:

1) A sentence or two written by each individual singer (in the language of their choice) describing what they see when they look at the night sky.

2) The words "We look at the same stars" in English 3) A translation of the above phrase in the language of your choice

• Bells

Each singer needs to have an object they can strike while speaking to create a bell-like sound. These could be actual bells of any type (as long as they are capable of producing soft dynamics), but could also be found objects. Anything that produces a resonant, ringing sound and a soft dynamic will work well.

Some examples might include:

- Garden chimes/ wind chimes

- Bits of glass or old soda bottles that can be struck with chopsticks, small spoons, cocktail stirrers, etc.

- A resonant bowl or small glass struck with a slim piece or glass or metal.

- 16

1 3 2

(Dictated, follow conductor)

We pppp looktothestars. pppp

(Dictated, follow conductor)

Stars text. Whispered slow, amorphous. Leave lots of rest and empty space. 30 secs.

(staggered breathing)

We pppp looktothestars.(hum) pppp

(Dictated, follow conductor)

We pppp looktothestars. pppp

(Dictated, follow conductor)

Stars text. Whispered slow, amorphous. Leave lots of rest and empty space.

(staggered breathing)

We pppp looktothestars.(hum) pppp

1 2 3

Improvise freely on these pitches, using a variety of rhythms and grace notes to create melodies.

Improvise freely on these pitches, using a variety of rhythms and grace notes to create melodies.

Improvise freely on these pitches, using a variety of rhythms and grace notes to create melodies.

Small section (sopranos).

30 secs.

poco a poco cresc.

Each singer move freely between these figures at your own pace, repeating fragments at your discretion.

poco a poco cresc.

Small section (altos)

poco a poco cresc.

poco a poco cresc.

Stars text. Spoken, faster, more rhythmic. Growing denser in texture.

poco a poco cresc.

poco a poco cresc.

Stars text. Spoken, faster, more rhythmic. Growing denser in texture.

Each singer move freely between these figures at your own pace, repeating fragments at your discretion.

poco a poco cresc.

poco a poco cresc.

(Each soprano singing the gesture in this box individually, not synchronized.)

poco a poco cresc.

(Each alto singing the gesture in this box individually, not synchronized.)

poco a poco cresc.


(Each tenor singing the gesture in this box individually, not synchronized.)

poco a poco cresc.

Small section (tenors)

poco a poco cresc.

poco a poco cresc.

poco a poco cresc.

poco a poco cresc.

(alternate playing these notes as a plucked scale with glissandi on these same pitches..)

poco a poco cresc.

Small section (sopranos).

Small section (altos)

Small section (tenors)

poco a poco dim.

(Shouting, chaotic, frenetic)

poco a poco dim.

poco a poco dim.

(Shouting, chaotic, frenetic)

(speaking, calming down)

poco a poco dim.

Stars text. Whispered. Slow, delicate. Leave lots of rest and empty space.


Sparse. Bells echoing gently across the stage.


Sparse. Bells echoing gently across the stage.

Stars text. Whispered. Slow, delicate. Leave lots of rest and empty space.


Sparse. Bells echoing gently across the stage.


Sparse. Bells echoing gently across the stage.


Each singer move freely between these figures at your own pace, repeating fragments at your discretion.

gliss. gliss.

Each singer move freely between these figures at your own pace, repeating fragments at your discretion.

gliss gliss

(humming) poco a poco dim.

(humming) poco a poco dim.

(humming) poco a poco dim.

(humming) poco a poco dim.

(pppp) (pppp) (pppp)

Text adapted from Kabir

2. Fire in the Flame

Notes on Performance


The additional section of SAT singers and the soloists should be pulled from within the main choir. Size of each of the smaller sections should be chosen to balance well with the main body of SATB singers.

This movement should be very theatrical, with dramatic contrasts in articulation and dynamics. Enunciate the f's of "fire" and "flame" for drama. The word 'fire' is often pronounced as two syllables, fah-yer.


Percussion 1: Tom toms and suspended cymbal (played with light-medium sticks, able to play on the rim as well as head of the toms, and on suspended cymbal. The sticks should create a percussive, round, not-overly-sharp attack, and be able to balance with vibraphone.)

Percussion 2: Vibraphone (motor off throughout)

• Muted Vibraphone: (Lay heavy cloth/plastic/tarp over the bars and play directly on this (rather than on the keys).

Percussion 3: Bass Drum (with beaters capable of a clear attack on fast eighth notes as well as a wide dynamic range.)


Like the fire in the flames, the stars are within you. Find them if you can.

Adapted from the Indian mystic poet and saint, Kabir, written somewhere between 1398 and 1518.

(small section)

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Small section
Small section

fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Pitched whispers, percussive

Like mp thefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Like mp thefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

Small section
Small section
Small section


Likethefire-intheflame. fire-intheflame.


Small section

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Small section
Small section


Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.


Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.


Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.
Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.

fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Like (sung) mf thefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Like (sung) mf thefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Small section

fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Like ff the fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Like ff the

Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.
Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.


Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.


Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.


Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe





Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Small section
Small section



Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.


Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

Small section


Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.


Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.
Small section S.
B. Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.
Small section
Small section
Small section
Small section
Small section
Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.

Like mf thefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Like mf thefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Likethe

Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.

Likethefire-intheflame. Like

fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Like

Likethefire-intheflame. Like

fire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame. Like

Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.
Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Likethefire-intheflame. Likethefire-intheflame.

Small section S.
Small section A.
Small section T.



Small section

Likethefire-intheflame. fire-intheflame.

This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit

3. Hung the Sky with Stars
Text by Eihei Dōgen Kigen (13th Century, Japanese)

Notes on Performance

Each singer in the choir will need a bell, these will be played beginning at mm133. These may be of any type, and can be found objects with a resonant, metallic ring as well as "proper" bells.

As appropriate for balance, the conductor may choose for some (rather than all) singers to have bells.

Text (adapted from Eihei Dōgen Kigen)

For four and fifty years (four and forty, three and thirty, two and twenty years, for so many years)I've hung the sky with stars.

Now I leap through.

Dōgen (1200–1253) was a Japanese Buddhist priest, writer, poet and philosopher, heavily influenced by his studies in China. He founded the Soto school of Zen in Japan. His poem, which exists in many different translations, was written in 1253, when he was seriously ill and expecting his death.

What strikes me most in his words is the anticipation and fearlessness in the face of the unknown. This is not a sad defeat in the face of illness, but a bold desire to see what lies beyond.

2 Solo Sopranos




I'vehung thesky with


hung I'vehung thesky with fourandforty,-threeandthirty,- two andtwenty-years,I'vehung thesky with fourandforty,-threeandthirty,- two andtwenty-years,I'vehung thesky with


(light, floating)

thesky withstars withstars withstars with

(light, floating)

hung thesky withstars withstars withstars with thesky withstars. withstars. withstars. with sky withstars withstars withstars with years, I'vehungtheskyhungtheskyhungtheskyhungthesky

(light, floating)

(light, floating)

(light, floating)

(light, floating)

(light, floating)

years I'vehungtheskyhungtheskyhungtheskyhungthesky years I'vehungtheskyhungtheskyhungtheskyhungthesky years I'vehungtheskyhungtheskyhungtheskyhungthesky



light, legato

(disappear into the choir's chord)

(disappear into the soloists' chord)

2 Solo S.
Solo M-S..
Solo A.
Solo T.
Perc 1 (Sus Cym.)
Perc. 2 (Vibr.)
Perc. 3 (Mar.)

stars withstars withstars withstars with stars pp

stars withstars withstars withstars with stars pp

stars. withstars. withstars. withstars. with stars. pp

stars withstars withstars withstars with stars pp hungtheskyhungtheskyhungthesky hung ppp thesky 66 hungtheskyhungtheskyhungthesky hung ppp thesky hungtheskyhungtheskyhungthesky hung ppp thesky hungtheskyhungtheskyhungthesky hung ppp thesky

2 Solo S.
Solo M-S..
Solo A.
Solo T.
Perc 1 (Sus Cym.)
Perc. 2 (Vibr.)
Perc. 3 (Mar.)






To Vibraphone

Crotales (Two octave set if available, otherwise adjust pitches as need to fit within available crotales) Maintain

4. In Perfect Light


Though my soul will set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light.

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.

adapted from The Old Astronomer by Sarah Williams (English, 19th Century)

setin dark ness,

setin dark ness,

itwillrise in setin dark ness, - itwillrise in setin dark ness,

Ihaveloved lovedthestars toofondly-tobe fearful-ofthe night, ppp

havelovedthestars toofondly- tobefearful-ofthenight, ppp

havelovedthestars toofondly- tobefearful-ofthenight, ppp

havelovedthestars toofondly- tobefearful-ofthenight, ppp

havelovedthestars toofondly- tobefearful-ofthenight, ppp





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