rebecka sofia ahvenniemi
Soundtrack of an Imaginary Opera 2022
Four individual works:
1.Beauty Hurts
2.Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy?
3.Leave Life
4.Nymph Cry
Copyright © 2023 by Norsk Musikforlag A/S, Oslo.
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ISMN 979-0-065-17268-2
Grafisk produksjon/trykk: Norsk Musikforlag A/S.
This work is published in the following editions:
Score (B4) (NMO15164A / ISMN 979-0-065-17268-2) for sale Set of parts (NMO15164B / ISMN 979-0-065-17269-9) on hire
Supported by Norsk kulturråd, Komponistenes vederlagsfond and Morten Eide Pedersens minnefond
Total instrumentation
Female voice 1
Female voice 2
Crash Cymbal
China Cymbal
Concert Bass Drum
Thunder Sheet
Drum set
Chimes (F and F#) with pedal
Acoustic and electric guitar
Instrumentation for individual works
Beauty Hurts
Female voice 1, female voice 2, baritone, percussion (crash cymbal, china cymbal, bass drum), acoustic guitar, synthesizer, violin, and cello
Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy?
Female voice 1, Female voice 2, baritone, percussion (china cymbal, thunder sheet, bass drum, drum set), acoustic guitar and electric guitar, synthesizer, violin, and cello
Leave Life
Female voice 2, baritone, electric guitar, synthesizer, violin, and cello
Nymph Cry
Female voice 1, female voice 2, acoustic guitar and electric guitar, synthesizer, violin, and cello
Soundtrack of an Imaginary Opera (2022) has been released as an album, consisting of five individual “soundtracks”. Four of these are notated as scores and are available for concert performances. They are defined as individual works and do not form a coherent narrative. They can be performed either individually or under the concept of a soundtrack. However, they are not meant to be performed as an opera.
The album also includes Bonus Track: Es dringen Blüten, which is not part of this score.
Soundtrack of an Imaginary Opera
This work is the soundtrack to an opera that does not exist in reality. The listener is invited to imagine a drama behind the individual “soundtrack songs”. The aim of the music is to open up an imaginary world, where traditions of opera and social identity are reflected.
Opera as a musical genre is often considered as presenting characters, feelings and dramas that relate to something universal within our human being-ness. However, most historical operas – in their librettos and musical narratives – have been formed by white, Western males, belonging to certain social backgrounds, and may exclude other perspectives. What kind of ideas and attitudes does the Western history of operas reflect? How is, for example, an ideal woman depicted?
Instead of answering these questions directly – or attempting to find a neutral position outside of these traditions – this “opera soundtrack” brings in different musical expressions and clichés that already circulate within culture in general, including in popular music. These are brought to a musical laboratory for examination. The compositional approach in some of the songs could be described as “cultural interpretation”. Further, some of the approach could be depicted as “musical dumpster diving”, meaning, finding fruitful materials in areas that are not ordinarily considered as belonging to the domains of high culture. This work takes a critical stance with regards to the idea that self-definition can be gained without considering the historical background of the tradition in which one works. Without reflection on cultural context one may end up unknowingly reproducing certain norms or power mechanisms.
The content of the songs themselves is not political nor argumentative. Rather, the album tracks aim at playfulness. The instrumentation itself – three voices, percussion, synthesizer, (electric) guitar, violin and cello – is distanced from a traditional, idiomatic understanding of opera by enabling musical landscapes that move between different genres and expressions. Further, the fragmented form of a “soundtrack” allows for a certain lightness and interpretational space between the individual songs. The libretto employs a constructed “opera language”: references, quotes and phrases from opera and other contexts that was formed throughout the process of composition.
Beauty Hurts, which refers to Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo, opens the soundtrack. Thus, it begins its story from the very start of the tradition of Western opera. This song suggests that it was partly because of youthful desires that Orpheus needed to turn around and look at Euridice right before they had reached the threshold between the Underworld and the real world, and that this is why she had to return to the “shades of dark”. The song also refers to modern ideals of beauty, describing how she is waxing her skin and spraying it with a spray that reflects light to look beautiful. She also asks whether we like her ass [‘assimo’] large or tiny. Thus, her role is to maintain her own beauty, yet for the same reason she is denied return to the light from the Underworld.
The following song, Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy? brings in the aspect of negotiation of power. It functions as a metaphor for some heteronormative power dynamics. One could ask who really carries the power in any situation where one party, in one way or another, attempts to control the other; the more you claim control, paradoxically, the more powerless you may end up feeling. However, the song presents a sexual scene, both parties aiming at power, with the music thus functioning as a playful domain of negotiation.
Leave Life presents the aspect of death, and perhaps the flavour of co-dependency between lovers, present in some of the Western history of opera. However, here this “love” is isolated from any narrative context and explored as a naked, emotional and romantic musical expression.
The final song, Nymph Cry, emphasise bewilderment and lack of simple solutions when it comes to questions of the choices of future direction and self-definition. Nymph Cry combines a threatening musical landscape with the phrase “beauty hurts” in ‘opera language’, and further, clichés from popular music, yet with a slight twist: “I can live without you”.
1. Beauty Hurts
Text by R. S. Ahvenniemi; constructed opera language [RSA], combined with quotes from L’Orfeo by Alessandro Striggio [AS], partly translated into English.
Female voice 1: Malum, bella danum, grazioso vulnus, grazioso in juria [RSA]
Female voice 2: Omni angolo vaxare del mio corpo, exepta la testa, dei capillo lucido briljante. Spruzzare radiante in mio cute pur reflettare la luce. Mio sintola ah sottile [RSA]
Baritone: Che non hò meco il core in compagnia d’amore [AS]
F.v.1: Her eternal loss will be caused by a single glance [AS]
F.v.2: Nos preferici il assimo grande o nos preferici es piccolo? [RSA]
F.v.1: He is not overcome by youthful desires [AS]
Bar.: E nel candido seno, della mia donna oggi sarò raccolto. O dolcissimi lumi oi pur vi veggio. O sweetest eyes I see you now [AS]
F.v.2: I return to the shades of death, unfortunate Euridice [AS]
3. Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy?
Text by R. S. Ahvenniemi; partly constructed ‘opera language’.
Bar.: Come on babe, noi autem tutta la notte, tu est alright amore, tu est donna carino
Tu continua bevuto
Bar. and f.v.1: di venti filthy quando ti entra il liquore, ubriaco il amore
Bar.: pa pa pampa pa pa pa pampa pa, pompare tutto sullo stomaco
Donna caziano per tutta la casa beib. In casinando un fancy divano beib. Qui é tuo padre?
Who is your daddy?
F.v.1 and 2: Who’s your mommy?
4. Leave Life
Text quotes and inspirations from Some Things Black by Jacques Roubaud and Trial&Eros by Cia Rinne, a pre-published version.
Leave life, mm, leave, vv
When your death will be finished, I will be dead
You and your death seemed to have nothing in common I love you until here
5. Nymph Cry
Text by R. S. Ahvenniemi; partly constructed ‘opera language’.
F.v.1 Malum bella danum, grazioso vulnus, grazioso in juria
I can live without you
F.v.2 Do you know where you’re going to?
Microphones on stands are needed for both female voices to catch slight nuances in specific sections. All instructions are found in the score.
Synth, list of sounds
Beauty Hurts – ‘OLD CEMBALO’
Sounding like a cembalo out of tune. Natural tuning with C# as the reference point.
Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy? – ‘WHITE NOISE (1-3)’ and ‘HEAVY DOWN’
Three types of white noise sounds with some texture; like searching for a channel on the radio. WHITE NOISE 1 is the highest and WHITE NOISE 3 the lowest in frequency.
‘HEAVY DOWN’ sounds like a gangster rap bass gesture about a half tone down from a reference point. Similar as in “Bad Guy” by Billie Eilish, 2 min 30 seconds from the beginning.
Leave Life – ‘HARMONIUM’
A warm sound of a harmonium.
Bass sounds representing heartbeats.
80’s pop ballad electric piano sound. Examples: “Did We Almost Hav It All?” and “Where Do Broken Hearts Go?” by Whitney Houston.
Guitar and electric guitar
Acoustic guitar is used in1st, 2nd, and 3rd movement. Electric guitar, either normally or with effects, is used in the 3rd, 4th and 5th movement. Instructions are found in the score.
Instructions are found in the score.
Parenthesis around notehead: passing through. No emphasis. Glissandos begin immediately from the beginning of the tone. Microtones are quartertones.
Placement of bow (“ord.”, “sul tasto”, “sul ponticello” and “extreme sul ponticello”) until the notation tells otherwise. When “sul ponticello” or “extreme sul ponticello”, squeaky sounds are to be avoided.
Beauty Hurts
Tremolo, extremely lightly with �ngers
ISMN 979-0-065-17268-2 NMO15164A gliss. SP. gliss. gliss. XPT. = 56 a Baritone Crash Cymbal Bass Drum Violoncello like an "echo" medium mallets sizzle (silvery, glittery) 1 l.v. l.v. gliss. ORD. gliss. a Bar.
B. Dr. A. Gtr. Vln. Vc. sizzle
Copyright © 2023 by Norsk Musikforlag A/S, Oslo.
Cr. Cym.
SP. SP. 4 gliss. SP. gliss. gliss. gliss. XPT. gliss. SP. gliss. SP. ORD. vib. N. SP. Bar. Cr. Cym. B. Dr. Vln. Vc. 7
Soundtrack of an Imaginary Opera DEMO
NMO15164A 10 gliss. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. Ma lum Bella F.v1 Cr. Cym.
B. Dr. A. Gtr. Vln. Vc. medium mallets SP. XPT. SP. XPT. S.P. 10 gliss. XPT. gliss. gliss. gliss. XPT. gliss. SP. da num Gra zio so F.v1
Ch. Cym.
Cr. Cym.
Vln. Vc. long arpeggio
OLD CEMBALO long arp. SP. SP. XPT. 13 2 Beauty Hurts DEMO
Ch. Cym.
A. Gtr. Synth.
long arp. long arp.
NMO15164A 11 l.v. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. SP. ORD. gliss. gliss. gliss. vulnusgrazioso inju ria Ma Omni angolovaxaredelmiocorpo To Ch. Cym. Ch. Cym. F.v1 F.v2
Synth. Vln. Vc. whispering on pitch dmplong arp. long arp. dmp dmp SP. SP. SP 16 legato l.v. l.v. ORD. SP. gliss. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. XPT. gliss. lum exeptalatesta Dei capillolu cidobriljante F.v1 F.v2 Ch. Cym. A. Gtr. Synth. Vln. Vc. whispering on pitch singing long arp. long arp. 20 3 Beauty Hurts DEMO
Ch. Cym. A. Gtr.
NMO15164A 12 gliss. gliss. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. SP. gliss. gliss. gliss. Bellada num spruzza reradianteinmiocu tepurreflettarelaluce miosintola F.v1 F.v2 Cr. Cym. Ch. Cym. A. Gtr. Synth. Vln. Vc. whispering on pitch singing long arp. long arp. long arp. dmp XPT. SP. SP. XPT. 24 gliss. -gliss. SP. gliss. XPT. gliss. gliss. ORD. SP. ORD. gliss. SP. = 72 Her = 56 e Tempo Rubato ternalloss aahhsottile Chenonhòmecoilcoreincompagniad’amore To B. Dr. F.v1 F.v2 Bar. B. Dr. Vc. joyfully 27 4 Beauty Hurts DEMO
NMO15164A 13 --ORD. gliss. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. SP. willbecausedbyasingleglance byasin a tempo gleglance Chenonhòmecoilcore F.v1 Bar. B. Dr. A. Gtr. Vln. Vc. long arp. G 32 SP. ORD. gliss. ORD. gliss. Tempo Rubato Nospre fericiilassinograndeonospreferi ciespiccolo? F.v2 A. Gtr. Synth. Vln. Vc. Ardente dmp long arp. long arp. non ped. XPT. 37 5 Beauty Hurts DEMO
by youthfuldesires
NMO15164A 14 gliss. gliss. gliss. ORD. SP. gliss. gliss. gliss. SP. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. gliss. ORD. gliss. XPT. gliss. Gra zio so vul nus Heisnotovercome
F.v1 F.v2 Ch. Cym. A. Gtr. Synth. Vln. Vc. dmp dmp dmp long arp. SP. SP. 41 gliss. XPT. gliss. gliss. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. XPT. gra zi
Ch. Cym.
F.v1 F.v2 Cr. Cym. Ch. Cym. A. Gtr. Vln. Vc. singing tremolo 44 6 Beauty Hurts DEMO
NMO15164A 15 gliss. SP. XPT. gliss. SP.gliss. gliss. XPT. SP. gliss. XPT. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. XPT. SP. SP. ORD. gliss. gliss. oso inju ria Ma lum
F.v1 F.v2
B. Dr. A. Gtr. Vln. Vc. singing long arp. ST. ST. 47 48 49 50 gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. youth fulde si = 72 res E nelcandidose no Delamia F.v2 Bar. B. Dr. Vln. Vc. joyfully 51 gliss.ORD. gliss. SP. SP. noto = 56 vercomeby Donnaoggisaròraccolto O dolcissimilumioi purviveggio F.v2 Bar. B. Dr. A. Gtr. Vc. singing whispering on pitch 54 57 7 Beauty Hurts DEMO
Ch. Cym.
NMO15164A 16 SP. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. gliss. SP. gliss. gliss. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. gliss. SP. a a Odolcissimilumi F.v1 Bar. B. Dr. A. Gtr. Vln. Vc.
long arp. using nails 59 -ORD. SP. ORD. gliss. SP. gliss. gliss. ORD. gliss. a oipurviveggio oi purviveggio F.v1 Bar. B. Dr. A. Gtr. Vln. Vc. 62 8 Beauty Hurts DEMO
long arp.
To Ch. Cym.
NMO15164A 17 ORD. XPT. SP. gliss. gliss. gliss. ST. gliss. SP. a OsweetiesteyesIsee younow
F.v1 Bar. B. Dr. A. Gtr. Vln. Vc. 65 legatoORD. SP. gliss. gliss. XPT. gliss. gliss. ORD. SP. gliss. a a I return totheshadesofdeath unfortunateEuridice F.v1 F.v2 Bar. Ch. Cym. B. Dr. A. Gtr. Vln. Vc. whispering on pitch long arp. 69 70 9 Beauty Hurts DEMO
NMO15164A 18 gliss. ORD. gliss. SP. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. SP. gliss. ORD. SP. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. SP. gliss. Bellada num F.v1 Ch. Cym. B. Dr.
Synth. Vln. Vc. long arp. h -5l.v. dmp long arp. 73 10 Beauty Hurts DEMO
A. Gtr.
Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy?
Improvising with tremolo glissandos to the noise of the synth, varying dynamics
continuing even when the synth disappears
NMO15164A 19 -gliss. gliss. gliss. ORD. = 54 Comeon babe Noiautemtuttalanotte Noiautemtuttalanotte
Baritone China Cymbal Guitar El. Guitar Synthesizer Violin Violoncello mallets WHITE NOISE WHITE NOISE 1 WHITE NOISE 2
To B. Dr.
A SP. ORD. SP. SP. ORD. tuestalrightamore tuestdon nacarino To Ch. Cym. Bar. Ch. Cym. Gtr Synth. Vln Vc. 5
Soundtrack of an Imaginary Opera Rebecka So�a Ahvenniemi DEMO
simultaneously with radio noise
improv. with tremolo gliss.
improvising with tremolo glissandos to the noise of the synth
NMO15164A 20 gliss. ORD. SP.XPT. XPT. SP. ORD. SP.
Fem.v1 Bar.
Gtr Synth. Vln Vc. arioso Engl. word arioso Engl. word
Ch. Cym. B. Dr.
8 -mute SP. XPT. gliss. gliss. XPT. SP. tientrailliquoreubriacoila more tientrailliquore tientrailliquoreubriacoinamo re
To Ch. Cym.
To Th. s.
Bar. Ch. Cym. Gtr Synth. Vln Vc. F 4sus, 7 WN1 WN2
12 2 Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy? DEMO
paretut tosullostomaco. Donnacazia
NMO15164A 21 - -gliss. gliss. gliss. XPT. SP. ORD. XPT. XPT. SP. ORD. XPT. papapampapapapapampapapom Bar. Th. s. Gtr Synth. Vln Vc. rubber mallets like a shadow WHITE NOISE 3 15 - - -l.v. ORD. SP. ORD. SP.
nopertuttalacasabeib. Bar. Th. s. Gtr Vln Vc. like a shadow 18 3 Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy? DEMO
To Dr. s.
Still operatic singing. English pronunciation as if you were singing Purcell
Glissandos down, unde�ned pitch, imitating the synth.
NMO15164A 22 - - - tuttalacasabeib. Incasinandounfancydiva nobeib. To B. Dr. Bar. B. Dr. Gtr Vln Vc. 21 - - - - Qui étuopad re Qui étuopadre Bar. B. Dr. Gtr Synth. WN2 24 - - tuopadre
= 60
Th. s.
Bar. Th. s. Gtr Synth. Vc.
Dr. s.
B 26 4 Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy? DEMO
Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy?
free pitch, "rapgesang" operatic singing
MICROPHONE almost whispering, free pitch
Whoisyourmommy? Whoisyourmommy? Whoisyour
Whoisyourmommy? Whoisyourmommy? Whoisyour
MICROPHONE almost whispering, yet singing
NMO15164A 23 - - -- - - -
Fem.v1 Fem.v2 Dr. s. Gtr Synth. Vc.
WN WN2 WN3 32 --SP. gliss. gliss. SP. ORD. SP. ORD.
= 54
Fem.v2 Dr. s. Gtr Synth. Vln Vc. WN WN1 WN2 WN3 WN1 C 36 5
To Th. s.
To Dr. s.
NMO15164A 24 --XPT. SP. ORD. XPT. XPT. SP. ORD. XPT. entraila entraila Fem.v1 Bar. Th. s. Gtr Synth. Vln Vc. 40 - -mute SP. ORD. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. SP.ORD. SP. gliss. ORD. gliss. gliss. SP. more tientraila = 60 more tientraila Who
Fem.v1 Bar. Th. s. Gtr Synth. Vln Vc. still operatic singing Impro WN1 WN2 WN3 HEAVY DOWN imitating the synth ... D 43 6 Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy? DEMO
Whoisyourdaddy? Whoisyourdaddy? Whoisyourdaddy?
free pitch, "rapgesang"
MICROPHONE almost whispering, free pitch
improvising with tremolo glissandos "crazy", on two strings
Who’syourmommy? Whoisyourmommy?Whoisyourmommy?Whoisyourmommy?
MICROPHONE almost whispering, yet singing gradually toning down
Who’syourmommy?Who’syourmommy? yourmommy? yourmommy?
NMO15164A 25 --- -gliss. gliss. gliss. ORD. ORD. Who’syourmommy?Who’syourmommy?
Fem.v1 Fem.v2 Bar. Dr. s. Synth. Vln Vc.
47 - - -- - -SP. ORD. SP. ORD. SP. ORD. SP. ORD.
Fem.v1 Fem.v2 Ch. Cym. Th. s. Dr. s. Gtr Synth. Vln Vc. operatic singing
51 7 Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy? DEMO
Who Is Your Daddy? Who Is Your Mommy?
NMO15164A 26 - -- - -SP. XPT. SP. XPT.
Fem.v1 Fem.v2 Ch. Cym. Th. s. Gtr Vln Vc. "eh" (a slight squeek) 56 8
pre-recording synth, for echo
echoing the synth, with very quiet �nger movement
echoing the synth
NMO15164A 27 vib. ord. sul pont. sul pont. = 54 Leavelife leaveleavelaaaaaaiflaaaaif leavelife Fem. voice2 Electric Guitar Synth. Violin Violoncello
HARMONIUM A ord. ord. ord. ord. vib. = 60 m m m F. v. 2 E. Gtr Snth. Vln Vc. molto vib. molto vib. 4
Soundtrack of an Imaginary Opera Rebecka So�a Ahvenniemi DEMO
Leave Life
NMO15164A 28 vib. sul tasto leaveleavev v = 72 F. v. 2 E. Gtr Snth. Vln Vc. dramatic inhale echoing the synth B 8 sul pont. ord. sul pont. ord. Whenyourdeathwillbe�nished I = 48 willbedea d F. v. 2 E. Gtr Snth. Vln Vc. sottovoce cantabile 11 - - -ord. You = 60 andyourdeath seemedtohaveno thingnothing nothing F. v. 2 E. Gtr Snth. Vln Vc. harsh cantabile 14 2 Leave Life DEMO
NMO15164A 29 - - - - incommon incommon Iloveyou untillhereleavelivv F. v. 2 E. Gtr Snth. Vln Vc. 17 ord. vib. ord. v v laaaaaif m m F. v. 2 E. Gtr Snth. Vln Vc. echoing the synth C 19 ord. ord. ord. vib. vib. vib. = 72 m m m m leave leave m m m leave leave F. v. 2 Bar. E. Gtr Snth. Vln Vc. 22 3 Leave Life DEMO
NMO15164A 30 sul pont. sul pont. leave m m Whenyourdeathwillbe�nished m leave m Whenyourdeathwillbe�nished F. v. 2 Bar. E. Gtr Snth. Vln Vc. sottovoce sottovoce D 25 - -- - -ord. ord. ord. = 54 = 60 seemedtohavenothingnothing nothing IwillbeDea d Youandyourdeathseemedtohavenothingnothing nothing F. v. 2 Bar. E. Gtr Snth. Vln Vc. cantabile cantabile harsh cantabile 29 - - - -- - -incommonincommoncommonIloveyouuntillhereleaveliv v incommonincommoncommonIloveyouuntilhere F. v. 2 Bar. E. Gtr Snth. echoing the synth 32 4 Leave Life DEMO
Nymph Cry
Ma lum Bellada num
following the voice
following the voice
Electric guitar, prepared with a plastic tool under the strings. A hollow, industrial sound.
Approximate timing, together with chimes until bar 4.
Approximate timing, together with guitar until bar 4.
following the voice medium mallets
Approximate timing
following the voice
NMO15164A 31 l.v. l.v. l.v. l.v. l.v. Tempo Rubato
Female voice 1 Violin Violoncello Guitar Chimes Synthesizer
Monteverdi style
l.v. l.v. l.v. l.v. l.v. Gra ziosovulnus gra zi F.v1 Vln Vc. Gtr Chim. Synth. 2
Soundtrack of an Imaginary Opera Rebecka So�a Ahvenniemi DEMO
NMO15164A 32 l.v. l.v. l.v. l.v. o so inju ri a F.v1 Vln Vc. Gtr Chim. Synth. 3 l.v. a a F.v1 Vln Vc. Gtr Chim. Synth. 4 a Bellada num F.v1 Gtr slow arpeggio Bb Acoustic guitar Am slow arpeggio Dm C G 5 2 Nymph Cry DEMO
B. Dr.
slight overpressure, slow tremolo, a granular sound, unde�ned pitch freely varying the dynamics. Play ad. lib. or as written, until bar 10.
Slight overpressure, slow tremolo, a granular sound, unde�ned pitch freely varying the dynamics. Play ad. lib. or as written, until bar 10.
Threatening, industrial sounds:
CC: uneven tremolos
B. Dr. Rubbing a mallet (rubber) on the surface ad. lib.
NMO15164A 33 gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. a a Gra zioso F.v1 Vln Vc.
Ch. Cym. B. Dr.
6 gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. vulnus a F.v1 Vln Vc. Ch. Cym. B. Dr. 7 gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. a a F.v1 Vln Vc. Gtr
Ch. Cym.
Bb 8 3 Nymph Cry DEMO
NMO15164A 34 gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. a a I Icanlive withoutyou F.v1 Vln Vc.
B. Dr. a i (still Monteverdi style) 9 Icanlivewithoutyou Icanlive F.v1 pop music style 10 I Icanlive withoutyou F.v1 Gtr Synth. a... Monteverdi style al �ne i Bb long arpeggio D long arp. Bb Bb Arpeggio, play chords ad. lib. or as written 80s POP BALLAD D Bb 11 4 Nymph Cry DEMO
Ch. Cym.
Play ad. lib. or as written until end.
Doyouknowwhereyou’re go
ingto?Doyouknowwhereyou’rego ing
Threatening, industrial sounds ad. lib.
Play ad. lib. or as written until end.
NMO15164A 35 Ican live
F.v1 F.v2 Gtr Synth. F F D long arp.
Bbm7 long arp. F Bbm7 long arp. D song: "live" Bbm7 F Bbm7 12 gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. Bellada to? Doyouknowwhereyou’rego ing to? F.v1 F.v2 Vln Vc. Gtr Ch. Cym. B. Dr. Synth.
long arp.
F Am Dm
F song: "to" 13 5 Nymph Cry DEMO
NMO15164A 36 gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. a a a a F.v1 Vln Vc.
B. Dr. 14 gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. I a a F.v1 Vln Vc. Gtr Ch. Cym. B. Dr. long arp. Bb 15 gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. Vln Vc. Ch. Cym. B. Dr. 16 6 Nymph Cry DEMO
Ch. Cym.