E catalogue Unique Master Pieces to take centre stage - A collection of rare artworks

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Ismail Gulgee 25 Oct,1926 -­‐ 16 Dec 2007

Pride of Performance, Sitara-­‐e-­‐Im2az (twice), Hilal-­‐e-­‐Im2az, was an award-­‐winning, globally famous Pakistani ar2st born in Peshawar. He was a qualified engineer in the US and self-­‐taught abstract painter and portrait painter. Before 1959, as portrai2st, he painted the en2re Afghan Royal Family. From about 1960 on, he was noted as an abstract painter influenced by the tradi2on of Islamic calligraphy and by the American "ac2on pain2ng" idiom.


Ismail Gulgee 12 x 18” Oil on Canvas Code: 001 Price: $5500


Year 2004


Ismail Gulgee 12 x 18” Oil on Canvas Code: 002 Price: $5500 Allah

Year 2004


Ismail Gulgee 18 x 18” Oil on Canvas Code: 003 Price: $8000 Muhammad

Year 1999


Ismail Gulgee 18 x 24” Oil on Canvas Code: 004 Price: $10,000 Abstract

Year 2006


Ismail Gulgee 24 x 30” Oil on Canvas Code: 005 Price: $15,000 Allah

Year 2006


Ismail Gulgee 30 x 36” Oil on Canvas Code: 006 Price: $20,000 Allah

Year 2007


Ismail Gulgee 18 x 24” Oil on Canvas Code: 007 Price: $10,000 Abstract

Year 2007


Ismail Gulgee 12 x 12” Oil on Canvas Code: 008 Price: $3500 Abstract

Year 2002


Ismail Gulgee 9 x 12” Oil on Canvas Code: 009 Price: $5500 Abstract

Year 1997


Jamil Naqsh born. 1938 Jamil Naqsh grew up In an environment that nurtured and encouraged crea2vity. This s2mula2ng environment le` an indelible mark on the mind of the young Jamil Naqsh, and encouraged to paint, he soon chose his voca2on. A simple man at heart, Jamil Naqsh has stayed strongly in touch with his primal roots all the while being aware of the dynamic world around him. Bridging both worlds with no seeming contradic2on, he is both a modern expressionist and a tradi2onal miniaturist. Pain2ng for the past 38 years, Jamil Naqsh has handled a vast variety of themes including land and seascapes. Later, over the years, he gravitated towards his four preferred themes: prajna paramita, horses, nudes and pigeons. Being true to his calling in life: pain2ng, he can work in bursts of up to 18 hours a day. Earning a reputa2on of being a recluse he dwells in a self created environment that let's him submerge completely into crea2ng excep2onal pieces of art.


Jamil Naqsh 24 x 27” Ink on paper Code: 010 Price: $5500


Year 1987


Prof. A .R. Nagori 1939 -­‐ January 14, 2011

Prof. Abdul Rahim Nagori was a Pakistani painter known for his socio-­‐poli2cal themes. He has held one-­‐ man exhibi2ons since 1958. He taught at the University of Sindh in Jamshoro, Pakistan where he founded and headed the department of Fine Arts. Pioneered Socio-­‐Poli2cal Art in Pakistan. Solo exhibi2ons since 1958. Pain2ngs sold, auc2oned & selected at various int'l art galleries, auc2on houses and museums including Asia House, Sotheby's, Bonham and Asia Pacific Museum, Pasadena, USA. Founder head of the Fine Arts Department at University of Sindh. 2011: President's Pride of Performance Award (Posthumously)


Prof.A.R.Nagori 12 x 12” Mix Media on Canvas Code: 011 Price: $3500 King of Hearts (Gen.Ayub Khan)

Year 2003


Prof. A.R.Nagori 12 x 12” Mix Media on Canvas Code: 012 Price: $3500 King of Clubs (Gen.Zia-­‐ul-­‐Haq)

Year 2004


King of Spades (Gen.Pervez Musharraf)

Prof. A.R.Nagori 12 x 12” Mix Media on Canvas Code: 013 Price: $3500 Year 2004 16

Prof. Saeed Akhtar born: 30 Oct,1938 Saeed Akhtar is well known, dis2nguished man of the arts, a former na2onal college of the Art Professor, who began his art training as one of Shakir Ali's early students in the six2es. Saeed akhtar became Pakistan's foremost portrait painter credited with 1000 portraits of the Quaid-­‐e-­‐Azam. For a military parade held in 1988, the ar2st created a portrait, 66 feet high of the Quaid-­‐e-­‐Azam, which he assembled by pukng together one hundred and fi`y 4x4 feet. Painted pieces. In recent years, he has been much acclaimed for his pain2ngs of horses, the dazzling “Buraq” series, and a series that combined brilliant draughtsman ship with fantasy, with beau2ful, bejeweled and slender female figures. These were no earthly maidens their world was exo2c, bright with flowers, bumerflies and bird. His intense analysis of space volume endows his work with a three dimensional aspect, a reference perhaps to his years as a sculptor.


Prof. Saeed Akhtar 31 x 43” Charcoal on Paper Code: 014 Price: $9500 Woman with Pigeon

Year 2011


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