" Zeitgeist " 5 Person Show e-catalogue

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5 – Person Show Anil Waghela | Kiran Saleem | Mariam Hanif | Sausan Saulat | Scheherezade Junejo Curated by Mariam Hanif

Conceptual informa9on behind Zeitgeist

Title of the ExhibiEon: Zeitgeist Curator of the ExhibiEon: Mariam Hanif Mariam Hanif is young emerging Visual ArEst and Curator, lives and works in Lahore, Pakistan. The arEst did her BFA (hons) and MA (hons) degree from most presEgious NaEonal college of Arts.

Curators note on Concept of the Exhibi9on

The inspiraEon for the Etle of the exhibiEon was derived from Germen Philosopher G.W.F Hegel’s philosophical arguments on the concept of Zeitgeist: a combinaEon of two Germen words meaning “the spirit (Geist) of the Time (Zeit). In philosophy behind Zeitgeist, Hegel argued that history is a constant process of dialecEc clash. The clash of both provokes a purificaEon process, a conjuncEon that conserves the contradicEon between thesis and its anEthesis. Without the acEve opposiEon of an anEthesis working through the dialecEc, Hegel asserts, existence is simply an empty task the Periods of happiness are empty pages in history, for they are the periods of harmony, Emes when the anEthesis is missing. What is leY to life is simply habit, acEvity without opposiEon. Concisely the theory revolves around the conceptual and Cultural Environment of a Period or generaEon of the Eme. The exhibiEon Zeitgeist will encompass the individualisEc approach of arEsts on characterisEcs and dilemmas of Eme we are living in. The Subject maZer will led ArEst to think in numerous fresh perspecEves and dialecEcs on mulE-­‐layered culture and period we are experiencing. The exhibiEon looks forward to invesEgate and un-­‐conceal the truth about socio-­‐cultural norms of certain period or the very moment of Eme.

Curators note on Selec9on of the Ar9st

The exhibiEon Zeitgeist will bring together five young emerging arEsts from two eminent ciEes of Pakistan Lahore and Karachi. ArEst’s selecEon is based on their conceptual clarity, strong subject maZer and unique working styles. Curator Mariam Hanif has chosen these arEsts by thoroughly analyzing their artworks and finding the embedded quality of zeitgeist in their pracEces.

Curators note on Ar9sts working style and subject maEer

Kiran Saleem’s hyper-­‐realisEc oil painEngs will visually deceive you to rethink what is real and what is not. Her unique style of replicaEng western old masters with a new visual twist is commendable in itself. Sausan Saulat intense paZern-­‐ oriented work which figures and portraits invesEgates implicaEon of cultural baggage and the dysfuncEonality of retrogressive gender role, as perpetuated by Pakistani Media. Scheherezade junejo paints black/white semi nude figures as a metaphor to polarity find in human behaviors through postures, movements and porEons of human anatomy. Anil Waghela has developed his own sui generis technique of execuEng mulEple stripes of masking tape to create images in paZernisEc style. His subject maZer interrogates famous old painEng by zooming in/out and finding similariEes between art works produced in different periods and cultures in history. Mariam Hanif’s painEng style is highly intricate, using mix media and mark making to develop vocabulary of an image makes her painEng unique in itself. In her semi-­‐surrealisEc style of painEngs she uses animals, organic life, portraits, daily use domesEc items as a metaphor to create a dialogue with embedded isolaEon, fear, hope and mystery.

ANIL WAGHELA The work informs about the reasons behind opEng of a parEcular image or visual is molding the theme for my work and It also about unfolding the source of inspiraEons, about the how visuals came out in paZernisEc way and why certain visual caught my fancy so deeply as to incorporate them into my work. So according to me, my choice of parEcular image and visual is based in my real encounter with them in life, that encounter further moEvated me to ulEmately convert them in a paZern of zooming in and zooming out perspecEves which create an un ending order of connecEons of conceptualizaEon and estheEcs.

Ar9st: Anil Waghela| Size: 30 x 23” | Medium: Mix Media on Paper | Title: UnEtled 01 | Code: 001

Ar9st: Anil Waghela | Size: 25 x 31” | Medium: Mix Media on Paper | Title: UnEtled 02 | Code: 002

Ar9st: Anil Waghela | Size: 38 x 26” | Medium: Mix Media on Paper| Title: UnEtled 03 | Code: 003

Ar9st: Anil Waghela Size: 22 x 27” Medium: Mix Media on Paper Title: UnEtled 04 Code: 004

KIRAN SALEEM I started working with questioning what art is and what is not. I came across the issues of reality and unreality: A stage where you cannot decide for a certain time whether it’s real or not. My work is about the visual experience of looking at things which could be considered as art. My work revolves around the images that offer an altered perception of the real. By doing this I am trying to stimulate viewers mind and giving them a new way of seeing at overlooked images. I intend to explore the fine lines between illusion, delusion and hallucination.

Ar9st: Kiran Saleem | Size: 24 x 30” | Medium: Oil on Canvas | Title: UnEtled 01 | Code: 005

UnEtled 01 (Detail)

Ar9st: Kiran Saleem Size: 24 x 36” Medium: Oil on Canvas Title: UnEtled 02 Code: 006

UnEtled 02 (Detail)

Ar9st: Kiran Saleem Size: 24 x 24” Medium: Oil on Canvas Title: UnEtled 03 Code: 007

UnEtled 03 (Detail)

Ar9st: Kiran Saleem Size: 24 x 24” Title: UnEtled 04 Medium: Oil on Canvas Code: 008

UnEtled  04 (Detail)

MARIAM HANIF The idea of my work revolves around the philosophy of Anthropomorphism, where animal, birds and plants interact with each other in most humanoid and mysterious way .The surreal background and silent interacEon between characters will lead viewer to create a dialogue and open-­‐ended conclusions. My work is mere a visual expression of what I have absorbed, learned and lost from my surroundings; using a language of allegories, metaphors, symbols and mark making I have developed the vocabulary of my images with embedded fear, love, hope and mystery. As it is said by Albert Einstein, “The most beauEful thing we can experience is mysterious’’

Ar9st: Mariam Hanif Size: 8 x 8” Medium: Mix Media on Paper Title: Friends Forever 01 Code: 009

Ar9st: Mariam Hanif Size: 8 x 11” Medium: Mix Media on Paper Title: Friend Forever 2 Code: 010

Ar9st: Mariam Hanif | Size: 11 x 16” | Medium: Mix Media on Canvas board | Title: Friends Forever 3 | Code: 011

Ar9st: Mariam Hanif Size: 11 x 11 Medium: Mix Media on Canvas board Title: Friends Forever 4 Code: 012

UnEtled  04 (Detail)

Ar9st: Mariam Hanif| Size: 21 x 29” | Medium: Mix Media on Paper | Title: Once upon a Eme | Code: 013

Ar9st: Mariam Hanif| Size: 26 x 20” | Medium: Mix Media on Paper | Title: Taboo 1 | Code: 014

Ar9st: Mariam Hanif | Size: 26 x 20” | Medium: Mix Media on Paper | Title: Taboo 2 | Code: 015

Ar9st: Mariam Hanif | Size: 15.5 x 17.5” | Medium: Mix Media on Paper | Title: The Last Supper | Code: 016

Ar9st: Mariam Hanif Size: 17.5 x 21” Medium: Mix Media on Paper Title: Togetherness Code: 017

Togetherness  (Detail)

SAUSAN SAULAT Using the body as a metaphor to navigate physical and psychological spaces, the work references implicaEons of cultural baggage and the dysfuncEonality of retrogressive gender roles, as perpetuated by the Pakistani media. Dichotomous stereotypes are repeated and reinforced with the passive heroine portraying her Eghtly constructed avatars.

Ar9st: SAUSAN SAULAT Size: 53 x 33” Title: I love and Klimt loves me Medium: Oil and embroidery on silk Code: 018

Ar9st: SAUSAN SAULAT Size: 23.5 x 29.5” Title: Portrait Medium: Oil on Canvas Code: 019

Ar9st: SAUSAN SAULAT | Size: 12” in diameter each | Title: No more tears, no more tangles | Medium: Acrylic and pen on canvas (series of 5) | Code: 020

Ar9st: SAUSAN SAULAT | Size: 9 x 20” (each) | Title: 50 shades of grey (series of 5) | Medium: Oil on Canvas | Code: 021

Ar9st: SAUSAN SAULAT Size: 53 x 33” Title: Kurta II Medium: Oil on Canvas Code: 022

SCHEHEREZADE JUNEJO Inspired by various aspects of Dance, Mime, Yoga and Theatre, my work began as an observation of human behavior through postures, movements and portions of anatomy. This exploration evolved into a study of polarity. The essence of polarity first translated into my color palette; I prefer to work with two extremes; black and white. Echoes of polarity can be seen in various other ways as well; at times through the symmetry of the characters; at times through the placement of animate with inanimate objects; and at times through the conversation emanating between the figures, giving them a bipolar quality. In my mind, right and wrong do not exist. Rather I see the world in many shades of grey. With time, my paintings have evolved into highly choreographed visuals denoting the many personalities each of us has latent within us. I chose to represent these “many minds within one� through the balance of symmetry and a symmetry. Furthermore, my practice seeks to not just desexualize the nude figure but to dehumanize it as well. Through rotation, repetition and manipulation I seek to de-objectify our perception of the nude figure.

Ar9st: Scheherzade Junejo | Size: 48 x 18” | Medium: Oil on Canvas | Title: Cross-­‐sEtch | Code: 023

Ar9st: Scheherezade Junejo | Size: 48 x 24” | Medium: Oil on Canvas | Title: Bilateral 9 | Code: 024

Ar9st: Scheherezade Junejo | Size: 36 x 12” | Medium: Oil on Canvas | Title: Dreaming of Greener Pastures | Code: 025

Ar9st: Scheherezade Junejo Size: 36 x 36” Medium: Oil on Canvas Title: Bilateral 10 Code: 026

ANIL WAGHELA ( Biography) EDUCATION 2010- 2014 BFA Fine Arts (Painting),National College of Arts Lahore Punjab2008-2009 Intermediate FSC (Pre Engineering)Muslim Science College Hyderabad Sindh2007 Matriculation Government Boys Higher Secondary School attached to Government Elementary College Hyderabad Sindh EXPERIENCE Group Show at Nairang Art Gallery Lahore 2014 Groups Show at VM Art Gallery Karachi 2014Thesis Display at Visual Arts Gallery 4th, National College of Arts Lahore 2013Participated in Young Artist Exhibitions, Alhamra Arts Council Lahore 2012Participated in Young Artist Exhibitions, Alhamra Arts Council Lahore 2011

KIRAN SALEEM ( Biography ) Kiran Saleem was born in 1987 in Faisalabad. She graduated from College of Art & Design,GC University Faisalabad in 2009 with a distinction in painting, continuing up with MA Honors in Visual Art from NCA Lahore in 2013. She is highly skilled in Oil & Acrylic painting. Her work tends to revolve around the images that offers and altered the perception of the real. She has been awarded the best young artist award by Arts Council Lahore in 2013. She was artist in residence in 1st SANAT residency in June 2014.She has exhibited her work in Various Group shows in Pakistan. Now she is teaching in NCA as visiting faculty and currently lives and works in Lahore.

MARIAM HANIF ( Biography ) Mariam Hanif, born in 1987, lives and works in Lahore, Pakistan. The artist did her BFA (hons) and MA (hons) degree from most prestigious Nation college of Arts, Lahore. She is one the most promising and emerging young artist from Pakistan; in 2013 she was selected by Rock -e-feller grant through NYFA for a one moth residency and exhibition in New York. In 2014 she was among the five female artists selected from Pakistan for project named Colors of Hope an art Exhibition at New Delhi in association with Empowerment and ICCR. She had exhibited her work in countries like Canada, USA, Dubai, India and numerous shows Nationally. Her working style is quiet dynamic, as she loves to experiment with her mediums, style and subject. Besides her artistic achievements she is also an aspiring Curator and runs her own fine art teaching studio from last four years.

SAUSAN SAULAT ( Biography ) Sausan completed her Bachelors in Painting degree from IVSAA, Karachi, 2006 and went on to do her Masters in Fine Arts from The Savannah College of Art and Design as a recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship Grant and was awarded the SCAD/New York City Workspace Residency, spring of 2013. She has exhibited in Pakistan, UAE, India and the US and her video work screened at the Passion for Freedom Festival, London, Alwan for the Arts, New York, the VAFA International Video Art Festival, Macao, the One Take Film Festival, Gallery Zagreb, Croatia, WAMMfest International, Towson University Maryland, the Images Festival 2013, AGO Toronto, Freedom Fest 2013, Kuala Lampur, the Bideodromo International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao, Spain, Home and Belonging, University of Oxford Migration Society, the Sarajevo Winter Festival 2014, the Toride International Video Art Festival 2014, Japan, the 2014 Miami International Performance Festival, the 27th Festival Les Instants Video and the 16th Festival des Cinemas Different et ExpĂŠrimentaux de Paris, France.

SCHEHEREZADE JUNEJO ( Biography) Scheherazade Junejo was born in 1986 in Karachi. She graduated from National College of Arts, Lahore, in January 2010. Scheherazade has participated in a number of exhibits, both group and solo, and both national and international; from June 2010 to present date: 2014- “Rhapsody In Green” at Royaat Gallery, Lahore; 2014- “Choreographed Encounters” at IVS Gallery, Karachi; 2014- “Through the Looking Glass” at Satrang Gallery, Islamabad; 2014-“Pakistan Art Today” at The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi and Lahore Heritage Museum (Tollington Market), Lahore; 2014-“Sindh – reverberating sound echoes through the desert” at Koel Gallery, Karachi; 2014-“Echoes of Polarity” at My Art World, Islamabad; 2013-“Within & Without” at Full Circle Gallery, Karachi; 2013-“Sublime Expression” at Mussawir Art Gallery, Dubai; 2013-“Art-A New Approach” at Ejaz Gallery, Lahore; 2012-“Scheherezade Junejo” solo show at Royaat Gallery, Lahore; 2012-“Art Melbourne” at the Royal Exhibition Museum, Melbourne; 2012-“In Praise of Red” at Royaat Gallery, Lahore; 2011-“Psychological Space” at IVS Gallery, Karachi; 2011-“After All” at Royaat Gallery, Lahore; 2010-“Body of Work” at Drawing Room Gallery, Lahore; 2010-“The Fashion Show” solo show at T2F Gallery, Karachi. She was also awarded “10 Best Works” at the Alhamra Arts Council, Lahore in April 2011. Scheherazade designed customized sculptural pieces for the Fall Cabaret Collection by Monsieur Fox in July 2013. She currently teaches Drawing at Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture and occasionally curates shows for Full Circle Gallery, Karachi.

Al Marabea Street Al Qouz. 1 Dubai U.A.E P.O.BOX 391451 T:00971-43-881663 www.mussawir.com email: mussawirartgallery@gmail.com

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