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MUSTANG DAILY TOMORROW: Sunny High 71˚/Low 40˚

CA L I F O R N I A P O LY T E C H N I C S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y “Provocative Perspectives” series kicks off with JewishPalestinian comedy duo. IN ARTS, 7

Volume LXXIV, Number 33

Republican Party looks for a leader. IN NEWS, 3

Car sharing company arrives on campus to help car-less students get around mustang daily

Your roommate shells out $7,200 a year for her car. You pick up groceries, cruise to the beach and catch a movie at the drive-in for a daily $72 fee, then return the car you’ve reserved online to it’s parking spot on campus.You don’t own a car; you share one with other Zipcar members. Zipcar, the world’s largest carsharing service, arrived at Cal Poly on Oct. 22, parking four self-service cars in two lots on campus for faculty, staff and students 18 and older to rent. The two Toyota Priuses and two Scion XBs are available all the time, thus eliminating the need for personal cars. As Cal Poly’s commuter and access coordinator for the University Police Department, Susan Rains helps students, faculty, staff and visitors use alternative transportation like the bus system, bike paths, Amtrak and carpools. Rains said she’s been working on getting a car sharing service on campus for four years. Rains researched how it would work here and if they would be willing to come here because it wasn’t common at universities at the time, she said. “Originally I was at a conference and learned about car sharing

and thought it would be a great fit for our campus, because at the time the parking lots were overfull, and it was very busy and we were trying to get people into alternative moves of transportation and giving them incentives to do that,” she said. She plans to use the Zipcars and hopes other people try them out, she said. “I think once they get used to it, they would really like it. It’s very user friendly,” she said. Cal Poly chose Zipcar because the University of California (UC) system signed a contract in June 2009 that California State Universities (CSU) could opt to join. There are cars at three CSU and near or on all but one of the 10 UC campuses. Zipcar was also more affordable than the other car sharing service in San Luis Obispo, FunRide, which opened this summer, Rains said. Cal Poly is among the 140 college campuses that have partnered with Zipcar; others include MIT, Columbia, Georgetown, American University and Harvard University. About 20 people signed up in the first couple of days since ZipCar came to campus, but Rains expects more as word gets out via ads in the Mustang Daily, e-mails to on-campus residents, a parent newsletter and an open forum in November. John Williams of Scoville Public

Zip Cars on California campuses

5 at CSU Long Beach 3 at CSU Chico 9 at UCLA 9 at UC Santa Cruz 8 at UC Davis 8 at UC Irvine 12 at UC San Diego 4 at UC Santa Barbara

Relations said they’ve been pleased with the performance of Zipcar across the country. While there are only four cars available now, they’ll add cars as membership increases, he said. Rains said as they expand, they plan to have Zipcars parked at the residence halls on campus. “My hope would be to hopefully have eight to 10 vehicles on campus,” she said. see Zipcar, page 2

SLO bank robbed yesterday

courtesy photo

The above unidentified man robbed Chase Bank in downtown San Luis Obispo yesterday at around 2:20 p.m. mustang daily staff report

Yesterday an unidentified man robbed Chase Bank on Chorro Street in downtown San Luis


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Zipcar gives Poly a lift Kate McIntyre

Women’s soccer goalie has been nearly unstoppable in the net this year.

Obispo, police said in a press release. The man passed a note to the teller demanding money and claimed he had a gun at approximately 2:20 p.m., police reported.

Katy Skeeters, a Cal Poly philosophy junior, was in the bank during the robbery. She said she was totally unaware of what was going on until after the robber had left. “I was at the teller when another teller locked the door,” she said. Skeeters said everyone in the bank was locked in for 30 minutes until the police came and said that it was safe to leave. He was dressed normally so most people there were “completely oblivious,” she said. The police describe the suspect as a 35-40-year-old, white male who is 5 feet 10 inches tall and 200 pounds with dark hair. He was last seen walking toward Garden Street after the robbery. Anyone with information is encouraged to call the San Luis Obispo Police Department at (805) 781-7312.


Poly builds Satellite Kelsey Shimasaki special to the mustang daily

On Oct. 30, satellites designed by about 25 Cal Poly engineering students in the CubeSat lab will be launched out of Wallops Island, Va., at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. This is the latest in a series of satellites launched by Cal Poly. The upcoming launch, formally known as the Sub-Orbital CubeSat Experimental Mission (SOCEM), is in coordination with Kentucky Space and NASA Wallops. The goal of the launch is to demonstrate a new, faster approach to space access. It involves a merger of CubeSat and Terrier Improved Malemute, a small rocket that the CubeSats will be placed into to be launched. A CubeSat is a 10 cm cube satellite with a mass of up to 1 kilogram. The satellites can last

for about six months in space on average, and serve a variety of purposes, including taking photographs and scientific research. “The concept for CubeSat came from a collaboration between Professor Bob Twiggs at Stanford and Dr. Jordi Puig-Suari at Cal Poly around 1999,” PolySat project manager Justin Foley said. The development of CubeSats has allowed universities worldwide to experiment with space exploration. The group of students in CubeSat is responsible for maintaining the CubeSat Project’s specifications for satellite size and weight, launch coordination, communicating with other satellite builders and building the Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD). The P-POD is a rectangular box that up to three satellites are placed into prior to being launched. Once the satellites are in space, they are discharged from the P-POD. “CubeSat is unique in that all other satellite builders, whether they be universities or companies, go through them for launches and information regarding how to get manifested for a launch,” Foley said.

The Cal Poly PolySat Project involves a multidisciplinary team of undergraduate and graduate engineering students working to design, construct, test, launch and operate a CubeSat, the Cal Poly PolySat Web site said. “The members of PolySat are responsible for building Cal Poly’s CubeSat class satellites,” Foley said. “PolySat is similar to all the other organizations in the world who are building CubeSats, but is also unique in that we interact more

f r e quently with C u b e S a t , because we all work in the same room.” According to the Cal Poly CubeSat Web site, the CubeSat Project is an international collaboration of more than 40 universities, high schools and private firms. CubeSats are a popular project among universities because of their small size, which makes them relatively inexpensive to build. In addition, by using consumer-offthe-shelf components, building one satellite costs thousands of dollars compared to the millions it would cost to build a full-size satellite. “The downside of using consumer-off-the-shelf components [COTS] is that they don’t last as long,” said Ivan Bland, a student who has been working on the CubeSat Project. “COTS components are not space rated. They do not undergo rigorous qualifications as space-rated components do.” It takes approximately two years to completely build one satellite. “This is an advantage to the student,” Foley said, “because they can come in and see the beginning of the project to the end.” The door to the building of the CubeSat lab is kept locked at all times due to International Traffic in Arms Regulations. This government organization requires that certain precautions be taken concerning anything going into space.


Zipcar continued from page 1

With the average American spending around $600 a month on a car, using Zipcar means saving money, Williams said. The Zipcar membership costs $35 per year, and members can drive for $8 per hour or $66 per day on weekdays and $9 per hour or $72 per day on weekends. Students, faculty and staff also get $35 in free driving credit, approximately 180 miles, as part of a launch promotion. Members 21 and over can also access more than 5,500 Zipcars throughout 26 North American states and the U.K. Gas, maintenance, comprehensive insurance and reserved parking are included in hourly and daily rates. Drivers are fined if they

News editor: Tim Miller mustangdailynews@gmail.com

mustang daily www.mustangdaily.net

come back late and someone had reserved the car. Depending on who is at fault in a collision, drivers may have to pay a deductible, but Zipcar’s insurance will handle the rest. Prospective members over age 21 need to have a valid driver’s license and been licensed for at least one year, have had no more than two incidents (moving violations and accidents) in the past three years and no more than one incident in the past 18 months, have had no major violations in the past three years and have had no alcohol violations in the past seven years. Adults ages 18 to 20 need to have had a valid driver’s license for at least one year and have no incidents on their driving record. After applying online, members receive their Zipcards, which allow them to reserve cars online or via


phone. Once someone has a reserved a car, they hold their Zipcard up to the windshield and the car opens. The key is inside. Williams said the philosophy they use when selecting the cars is “good, clean fun.” They choose reliable, solid cars that have a high fuel efficiency rating and are fun to drive, he said. The Zipcars suapport Cal Poly’s commitment to sustainability by allowing members to rent cars instead of bringing their own, Rains said. The cars are also either hybrids or get really good gas mileage. Each Zipcar replaces 14 personally-owned vehicles, so Cal Poly’s four Zipcars can reduce the need for about 56 parking spaces, according to a Zipcar press release. Construction management freshman Matt Ohlund said he’d use the service because he doesn’t have his car here. He also doesn’t know of many freshmen who do. There have been days when he and his friends have wanted to do something but couldn’t because they don’t have access to a car, he said. “One of my friends suggested we go to the drive-in and I had to break the news,” he said. In addition to students who don’t have a car in the area, Cal Poly faculty and staff can use the Zipcars for work-related and personal use, Rains said. Cal Poly no longer has fleet vehicles to rent to departments, but departments can sign up for free and then pay the fees so staff, faculty and students can run business errands. Staff or faculty who commute, bike or take the bus to campus can also use the cars for personal errands if they sign up for their own membership. “If they have to go to a doctor’s appointment or errands, they will have a way to do that,” Rains said. San Luis Obispo residents 21 and older can also join for $75 (a $25 one-time application fee and a $50 annual fee). Whether it be to save money, save the planet, impress someone or get rid of the hassle of maintaining a car, Zipcars are available at Cal Poly and across the U.S. Prospective members can apply online through Cal Poly’s Zipcar Web page at http://www. zipcar.com/calpoly.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Palin got at least $1.25 million for book, forms show Sean Cockerham and Erika Bolstad mcclatchy newspapers

WASHINGTON — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was paid at least $1.25 million for her upcoming memoir, a book that’s one of the top pre-orders on online bestseller lists even before its release next month. Palin reported that she had received what she described as a “retainer” as part of a required financial disclosure to the Alaska Public Offices Commission. The disclosures, which cover Jan. 1 to her resignation date of July 26, were released Tuesday. They are the final financial information that the onetime Republican vice-presidential candidate is required to file with the state of Alaska. “The governor has complied with Alaska disclosure law by her filing yesterday. Now, as a private citizen, her business dealings, including her publishing agreement, are confidential,” Palin’s spokeswoman, Megan Stapleton, said in an e-mailed statement. Palin also reported in the disclosures that she took out a home loan from Wells Fargo bank for “legal fees to fight false allegations while governor.” She didn’t give a date or amount, and Stapleton didn’t respond to questions about the loan. Palin’s associates have said she incurred more than $600,000 in legal fees as a result of last year’s “Troopergate” investigation by the state Legislature, as well as various ethics complaints against her. Palin has a legal defense fund that’s still soliciting contributions more than three months after an investigator hired by the state personnel board found probable cause that it violates Alaska ethics law. The state says the process is confidential. All that’s known is that the

personnel board hasn’t followed up on the report by filing any formal accusation, which would trigger a potential hearing or penalties. Kristan Cole, the trustee for the fund, didn’t respond to questions about the status of the fund or how much money it’s raised to this point. Cole had said in July that it would be “frozen” pending the resolution of the legal issues. Palin’s new disclosure report also lists her as owner of “Pie Spy LLC,” and describes it as a marketing business. The business is referred to as “services for the elderly and persons with disabilities” in the state’s corporation database. The address of the business is listed as the office of Palin’s lawyer in Anchorage, Thomas Van Flein. Palin spokeswoman Stapleton didn’t respond to questions about it. Palin listed several gifts as well, including $4,250 in Yankees tickets in June from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for her husband, her daughter Willow and herself. Palin reported receiving $1,664 from evangelist Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse for airfare as part of an effort to deliver food aid to western Alaska villages last spring. Palin’s husband, Todd, reported a $2,000 gift from the teen abstinence advocacy group Candie’s Foundation for a May trip to New York. Their daughter Bristol was a spokeswoman for the group. Todd Palin reported receiving $34,086 during that time as a BP production operator. He reported $32,260 from his commercial fishing operation in Bristol Bay, under the business name “Toad’s Fisheries.” He also reported $3,500 in winnings from the Iron Dog snowmobile race. He disclosed a $3,252 snowmobile discount from his sponsor, Arctic Cat.

mustang daily

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 www.mustangdaily.net

Two Chicago men accused of plotting terrorist acts in Europe Jeff Coen mcclatchy newspapers

CHICAGO — Terrorism-related charges were filed Tuesday against two Chicago men, accusing them of plotting against targets in Western Europe, including “facilities and employees” of a Danish newspaper that printed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that sparked riots in the Muslim world. Charged are David Coleman Headley, 49, and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48. Headley was described as an American citizen who changed his name from Daood Gilani. He was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit terrorist acts involving murder and maiming outside the U.S. and one count of conspiracy to provide material support to the conspiracy, according to a release from the U.S. attorney’s office. Rana, a native of Canada, was charged with one count of con-

spiracy to provide material support to a foreign conspiracy involving Headley and three other individuals. Both men remain in federal custody, officials said. Federal officials said there was “no imminent danger in the Chicago area,” and added that the charges are not related to recent terror plot arrests in Boston, New York, Colorado, Texas and central Illinois. Headley conducted surveillance of targets in Denmark beginning in 2008, and then reported to Ilyas Kashmiri, an operational chief in a Pakistani-based organization known as Harakat-ul Jihad Islami, which has links to al-Qaida, according to an FBI affidavit filed in the case. Headley also allegedly communicated with another terror organization, Lashkar-e-Taiba. Headley and the people he communicated with coded their see Terror, page 4

Wire Editor: Jennifer Titcomb



Briefs State



SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (MCT) — UC Santa Cruz will compete against 31 other campuses nationwide for the title of friendliest school for vegetarian diners, a leading animal rights organization for youth announced Monday. The deadline for the first round of online voting for Peta2 is Nov. 2. The news that UCSC, which placed fifth in last year’s contest, will vie for the top spot again comes on the heels of a new sustainable food initiative launched by the University of California. According to a new policy released by the UC Office of the President last week, at least 20 percent of food purchased on campuses, medical centers and other sites must be locally grown, organic or in some other way sustainable by 2020.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (MCT) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin reported in financial disclosures out Tuesday morning that she received $1.25 million from publisher HarperCollins as “retainer for book.” The report doesn’t give a date for when Palin received the money. But the disclosures cover money that Palin received during her final seven months as governor, from Jan. 1 to July 26. No other details are offered on the book deal, but a retainer would just be an upfront piece of her money. Palin’s memoir, “Going Rogue: An American Life,” is to hit bookstores on Nov. 17. Palin also reported that she took out a home loan from Wells Fargo for “legal fees to fight false allegations while governor.” She didn’t give a date or amount.

BAGHDAD (MCT) — Militants linked to al-Qaida in Iraq claimed responsibility Tuesday for a pair of powerful truck bombs that killed 155 people and wounded 600 in the latest insurgent assault on the fragile Iraqi government. The carnage Sunday was the second coordinated attack that al-Qaida in Iraq has claimed recently in an apparent campaign to bring down Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s administration ahead of January elections, which are in jeopardy of being postponed by political wrangling and security concerns.


SACRAMENTO (MCT) — In the week before Halloween, cash registers will ring up nearly $2.23 billion in candy sales, 600 million pounds of every confection imaginable for the nine out of 10 kids who will be ringing doorbells Saturday night. For the biggest sugar rush of the year, Halloween candy sales are expected to nudge up 1.8 percent over last year, said Susan Fussell, spokeswoman for the National Confectioners Association.


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (MCT) — Launch of NASA’s Ares I-X test rocket Tuesday was delayed 24 hours because of bad weather and a wayward freighter that briefly strayed into the offshore danger area. “We had some opportunities and just couldn’t get there, weather didn’t cooperate,” launch director Ed Mango told his team after the $445 million mission was called off for the day.


CAIRO, Egypt (MCT) — The French government is considering calling off the next Africa-France summit due to be held in the Egyptian Red Sea coastal city of Sharm El-Sheik next February, according to a news report. The ‘La Lettre du Continent’ newsletter, based in Paris, reported that Egypt is unhappy because France does not want to give the green light to invite embattled Sudanese president Omer Hassan AlBashir. Last March the judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Bashir accusing him of masterminding a campaign to exterminate African tribes in Sudan’s Western region of Darfur.


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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Republicans find party at crossroads

Word on the Street

“What do you think of this year’s World Series matchup?” “The Phillies are defending World Champions but I like the way the Yankees have been playing. I’m not a fan but I think they’ll win.”

Janet Hook mcclatchy newspapers

WASHINGTON — Silvan Johnson is a Sarah Palin fan, belongs to a conservative discussion group and fumes at President Barack Obama’s spending policies. But when it comes to picking a new representative in Congress for her upstate New York district, she is in no mood to help the Republican Party. In fact, Johnson and many other conservatives want to use a Nov. 3 special election to teach the GOP a lesson about sticking to conservative values — even though that likely will mean the party loses a House seat it has held for decades. The conservatives are backing a third-party candidate, in essence splitting the Republican vote and giving the Democrat a lead in recent opinion polls. “Both parties seem to be more for big government,” said Johnson, a probation clerk in Fulton, N.Y. “The Republicans need to learn that the people they are running (for office) do not represent the views of the people.” The conservative rebellion in northern New York is showing that the anger among disaffected voters, which became so prominent this summer during the “Tea Party” anti-

-Kody Kester, agricultural business junior

“Go Phillies! Everyone loves to hate the Yankees. Sadly the Giants aren’t playing.”

-Carrie Thengvall, horiticulture senior

“I think it’s a good matchup. I’m glad there are no L.A. teams. I guess I’ll root for the Phillies because no one likes the Yankees.”


This chart of poll highlights shows how identifying as a Republican has lost favor in the span of the last decade. spending rally in Washington and at town hall meetings on health care, has become a baffling political force even Republicans are having a hard time harnessing. The fight on the right has also

made this district the epicenter of a national debate about the future of the Republican Party — leaving party leaders to ask if they are bet-

-Patrick O’Neill, construction management senior

see Republicans, page 5

“I hope the Yankees get swept.”

-Brandon Hinkel, biomedical engineering senior

“I hate the Yankees. Go Phillies. (The Yankees) always win; it’s no fun.” -Lyja Stadlen-Brown, business sophomore

“Sounds like a good matchup. I’m putting my bets on the Yankees even though I won’t watch.” -Ethan App, kinesology senior

compiled and photographed by jennifer titcomb


Republicans continued from page 4

ter off emphasizing the GOP’s smallgovernment and socially conservative values, or trying to broaden their appeal to reach independent and moderate voters. That dilemma is coming clearly into view as the party lines up candidates for important 2010 races, including Senate contests in competitive states such as Florida, Illinois and New Hampshire.The party establishment has tended to choose middleof-the-road candidates, like moderate Gov. Charlie Crist in Florida. But conservatives have answered back, raising money and building up the candidacy of conservative Marco Rubio, former speaker of the Florida House. For now, major GOP figures are using New York’s special House election to send a signal they want the party to turn toward the right. Palin herself has rebuffed the Republican candidate, who was hand-picked by local GOP leaders and supports abortion rights and gay marriage. Instead, Palin endorsed the conservative alternative. So have former House Republican Leader Dick Armey of Texas and former GOP presidential candidate Steve Forbes. Voters from outside the district have also weighed in. Cathy Vasilakos, a Brooklyn, N.Y., accountant, sent a $50 check to the conservative candidate, Doug Hoffman, to protest the fact that Newt Gingrich and the national GOP had endorsed the Republican choice, Dede Scozzafava, a longtime state assemblywoman. Vasilakos angrily returned a fundraising letter from the Republican


mustang daily

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 National Committee, after scribbling with her black Sharpie: “I’d rather give my monetary support to conservatives like Doug Hoffman. When the RNC gets a clue, they can put me back on their mailing list.” But Gingrich and many other Republican leaders say that, for the party to win nationally and in swing districts like this one in upstate New York, it cannot move too far to the right. Support for Hoffman, they argue, is a recipe for electing the Democratic candidate, lawyer Bill Owens. That may allow Republicans to maintain their ideological purity, they say, but it will not win the elections needed to oust Democrats from power. “We have to decide which business we are in,” Gingrich said on his Web site after conservatives derided his endorsement of Scozzafava. “If


we are in the business of feeling good about ourselves while our country gets crushed, then I probably made the wrong decision.” The 2009 off-year elections come at a critical juncture for the GOP in its journey to recover from brutal electoral defeats in 2006 and 2008. The party has been buoyed by unity among its lawmakers on Capitol Hill in opposition to Obama’s health care, economic and environmental policies. Its fundraising and candidate recruitment efforts for 2010 have rebounded. But polls indicate that dwindling enthusiasm for Obama and his policies is not translating readily into increased support for the GOP. Recent surveys show Republican Party identification dropping this year, even as the share of Americans who say they are independent has jumped.

mcclatchy-newspapers Republicans hold up papers as President Barack Obama addresses a joint session of Congress on health care reform Sept. 9, in Washington, DC.

Terror continued from page 3

plan for attacks over the cartoon as “the Mickey Mouse Project,” according to the affidavit. He allegedly traveled to Denmark in January 2009 and visited two offices of the newspaper that printed the cartoon, JyllandsPosten, in Copenhagen and Arhus, Denmark. During his visits he claimed to be a businessman interested in advertising with the paper, according to the document. Months of discussions led to Headley’s planned flight to Pakistan to meet with Kashmiri, the affidavit said. The plan was cut off by the FBI, which was intercepting communications to and from Headley, and he was arrested at O’Hare International Airport. The arrest was first reported by the Tribune in its Tuesday’s edition. Once in custody, Headley allegedly admitted to receiving training from Lashkar-e-Taiba and said he had worked with Kashmiri in planning the Denmark operation. His lawyer, Robert Seeder,

declined to comment Tuesday. Headley allegedly acknowledged the plan called for either an attack on the newspaper building to the killing of the newspaper’s cultural editor and the cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard. After Headley’s arrest, dozens of FBI agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Oct. 18 raided a meat-processing plant owned by Rana that specializes in Islamic foods. Rana was arrested at his Chicago home the same day as the raid on his First World Management Services plant in the farming town of Kinsman, Ill. Agents seized records from the plant, as well as a related Chicago business also raided that day, said the source, who is familiar with the investigation. Rana is accused of helping arrange Headley’s travels overseas and concealing their purpose, and discussing potential targets for attack with Headley. Rana financially supported Headley and his family even though he ostensibly did no work for him, the source said.

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wednesday, october 28, 2009

arts & Entertainment editor: cassandra keyse

movie column

Childhood classic brought to life on the silver screen Maurice Sendak’s legendary 1963 children’s book, ¨Where The Wild Things Are,” is famous for its use of less than a dozen sentences, relying mainly on enchanting drawings to tell a marvelous adventure story that has been lauded as a masterpiece and has withstood the test of time for both children and adults. In the past, there have been numerous statements made by a number of different sources implying that it was impossible to transfer the book onto the big screen, and they were right … until now. While the film is far from perfect, director Spike Jonze has developed a production that successfully meets the book’s difficult demands in regards to cinematography and story telling. He may be one of the younger (and more successful) individuals in his profession, but Jonze is no stranger to acclaim or criticism for his direction. “Being John M a l k ov i c h ”


(1999), w h i c h earned Jonze an Oscar nomination for Best Director, and “Adaptation” (2002) are just two examples of his unique and innovative filmmaking skills. While some may have chosen to make the monstrous Things of the story completely computer animated, Spike chose to mix it up, using both CGI and authentic giant monster suits in an attempt to make it feel as if you really are accompanying this little boy on his journey. With an $80 million budget, Jonze has been able to make a movie that should be recognizable to anyone who has ever read the book. The monsters in the film are voiced by a number of notable and well-respected see Wild Things, page 8

book column

An American journalist uncovers WWII horror in “Sarah’s Key”

Many of us are familiar with the atrocities that took place in concentration camps and during the battles of World War II. However, I am fairly certain that not very many of us have ever heard of a horrific incident that began in Paris and cost 3,500 Jewish children their lives. The incident to which I am referring is the Vélodrome d’Hiver roundup, which occurred on July 16, 1942. Tatiana de Rosnay’s fictional novel ­“Sarah’s Key” is based on this event. Alternating between a modern-day journalist researching this event and a child living through the torment of the 1942 roundup, this novel makes for a compelling and provocative read. Julia Jarmond, an American journalist writing for a magazine in Paris, is assigned to cover the anniversary of the Vélodrome d’Hiver roundup. She starts the assignment

with boredom and lackluster motivation, but is soon drawn into the story of Vél’ d’Hiv’ more than she could have ever imagined. With a little research, Julia soon learns that the roundup involved the police force of Paris (while occupied by Germany) cooperating with the Nazi regime to collect all the Jewish families in certain areas of Paris and hold them prisoner. These families, including children and babies, were held at a stadium in the center of Paris for days without sufficient food or water before being sent to Auschwitz. Some escaped, but most either died at the stadium, committed suicide before being sent away or were killed in concentration camps. While this is awful enough, Julia soon learns more details that make the event even more horrible. The see Novel, page 8

mustang daily

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 www.mustangdaily.net


Arts editor: Cassandra Keyse mustangdailyarts@gmail.com


Jewish-Palestinian comedy team to perform at PAC Pavilion courtesy photos

Comedians Nazareth Rezkallah (far left) and Rabbi Bob Alper will kick off the “Provocative Perspectives” speaker series with their show, “Laugh in Peace: Understanding and Appreciating Diversity.” Nikol Schiller mustang daily

The “Provocative Perspectives” speaker series is hosting Rabbi Bob Alper and Palestinian Christian comedian Nazareth Rizkallah in the Performing Arts Center Pavilion on Thursday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. The unconventionally clean style of humor and the unusual pairing of a Palestinian Christian with a Jewish rabbi in the show, “Laugh in Peace: Understanding and Appreciating Diversity,” make for a family-appropriate stand-up routine that brings people together to fearlessly laugh with the comedians in the face of the extremist intolerance of the Middle East. “When people laugh together, it’s nearly impossible to hate one another,” Alper said. The comedians aim to keep their show free from the typical profanityfilled stand-up routines that saturate television and comedy clubs. They both learned from an early start what an impact good-natured humor can have on an audience jaded by obscenities and dirty jokes. “The ‘f ’ word’ is no longer a big deal in the clubs. There are much bigger deals now. The envelope has been pushed so far, audiences are not easily shocked anymore,” Rizkallah said in a Toledo newspaper. Alper said that his stand-up has a “real hook” compared to other upand-coming comedians because of the topic and style of his show. “None of these 22-year-olds are going to tell stories about raising teenagers or officiating at weddings,” he said. Though these comedians don’t do dirty jokes, the audience can expect to hear witty cracks at everything from Alper’s vasectomy to Rizkallah’s experiences in the airport as a Middle Easterner. “I’m from the Middle East. I can’t run through the airport anymore,” he said. “I miss my connecting flights. Someone will tackle me if I run.” Rizkallah’s Middle Eastern background plays a large part in his comedy routines. “When people laugh at my jokes, they automatically accept me and accept me for who I am, and that is inspiring,” he said. After living in Kuwait for most of his childhood, Rizkallah was sent to the University of Toledo in Ohio by his parents to study engineering. He left Toledo a few years later and

found himself performing in a comedy club in Southern California. In August 2003, he and Alper met at the “Seeds for Peace” comedy tour intended to encourage peace between young Palestinians and Israelis. Rizkallah said that he and the rabbi were instantly friends. A couple of shows later, Alper said that he and Rizkallah really hit it off after a less-than-stellar performance. “Then we did one of the worst shows ever, at an unnamed California college with the most gorgeous chapel and the worst sound system on the planet. We bonded over that!” Alper has been doing stand-up for 20 years. As a practicing rabbi for 34 years, he finds a way to incorporate his religious background into his shows, as well as his funny, everyday experiences. He describes himself as a keen observer, finding humor in the simple slip-ups of life. “In our small Vermont post office, there’s a flyer advertising special Monday deals, Tuesday deals and Wednesday deals for a local pizza place. Apparently, I’m the only one

who noticed that the flyer also says, ‘Closed Mondays,’” Alper said. Alper and Rizkallah look forward to helping Cal Poly students take a break from studying this Thursday night. “First, they’ll get a ton of laughs, which I assume the hard-working Cal Poly students really need. Second, they’ll be inspired by seeing a pairing of two people whom they may have assumed would never bond with one another.Third, they’ll laugh a lot. And finally, they’ll laugh a lot.” Usually held in the morning, this session of “Provocative Perspectives” will be held in the evening for the first time, said Anita Wickers, the administrative coordinator of the speaker series. “It is a new format and we’re hoping it’ll be successful,” she said. Alper and Rizkallah are the first of six speakers who will be invited to speak throughout the year in the “Provocative Perspectives” series. Vice president of student affairs Cornell Morton said these comedians are especially unique to the

by Ryan Sidarto

“Out Of The Shadows”

lineup because they’re presenting religion as a topic of diversity. “The diversity on our campus is usually addressed in the context of race and gender.This will add another dimension of diversity,” he said. Hoping that the comedic duo will successfully kick off the 2009-10

“Provocative Perspectives,” Morton said he would like to see a large turnout on Thursday night. “This program, no matter your color, no matter your religious tradition or faith tradition, no matter your ethnicity, this program has something for everyone,” he said.


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Wild Things continued from page 6

actors, including James Gandolfini (“Sopranos”), Forest Whitaker (“The Last King of Scotland”), Paul Dano (“There Will Be Blood”) and Chris Cooper (“American Beauty”). Herein lies one of the changes that occurred when adapting the story: The Things have much more dialogue in the film than they do in the book. While in my personal opinion this in no way has a negative effect on the film, a number of both critics and fans of the book have expressed distaste with what they believe to be a lack of confidence on Jonze’s part in terms of the story’s

images. Child actor Max Records plays the role of Max, a boy who gets into an argument with his mom (Catherine Keener) over her boyfriend (Mark Ruffalo) and subsequently runs to the comfort of his own room. He then proceeds to travel to an imaginary jungle island inhabited by the Wild Things, a group of displeased creatures who surprisingly choose to elect Max as their new leader in an attempt to hopefully restore order on their island. Both the voice actors and the technicians behind the special effects provide sensational personalities for the characters. Some of the main problems with the film were its flow and length. There were certainly some

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


points that felt like long useless stretches that could have definitely been more engaging and appealing. To be fair, Jonze and screenwriter David Eggers did not have much to work with. They had to analyze and interpret Sendak’s drawings and provide dialogue where they saw fit. Personally, I think the film is actually better suited for older audiences rather than children. While they may be fans of the book, children may find themselves becoming bored. Let’s face it, this movie isn’t like other kids’ movies; I think it’s all the better for it. Alex Petrosian is a biological sciences sophomore and Mustang Daily movie columnist.

Novel continued from page 6

stadium in which these people were held was in the heart of the city and was often used to hold sporting events — it was visible that these Jewish families were caged, but the French citizens didn’t take action. This inaction is what spurs Julia to delve further into the project to discover that she has an even deeper connection to the event through a victim of the roundup — a little girl named Sarah Starzinski, the other person through whose eyes this story is told. Ten-year-old Sarah is taken in

the dead of night with her parents and bussed off to the stadium with thousands of other families. Her fearful account of the night is chilling, and the events that follow do not get any brighter. On the night the police come to take them away, Sarah hides her little brother in a secret cupboard in their closet (their special hiding place) and locks him away from the police, keeping the key with her. Soon, Sarah realizes that she is not going to be able to go back and unlock the cupboard, and the reader is able to imagine the worst possible scenario. Besides being in constant turmoil over her little brother, Sarah is also forced to deal with the awful events surrounding her: watching her mother slowly retreat into despair, seeing people leap to their deaths to avoid the impending trip to concentration camps and being ripped from her parents when they are sent to Auschwitz. Sarah is able to escape the confines of the Vel’ d’Hiv’, but her life continues to be anything but happy. As Sarah’s account of life as a Jew in hiding during WWII unfolds, the reader is propelled deeper into her connection to Julia. While I somewhat enjoyed Julia’s story, the real value of this book is truly in Sarah’s story. Julia is necessary to move the story forward, but there were moments in which I found myself skipping ahead to moments where we found out more about Sarah and her life. An American journalist’s divorce isn’t a strong enough plot to hold up against a girl searching for her brother in the middle of WWII. Overall, this was an amazing book, despite slips into boring moments. I was completely drawn in by Sarah and wanted to know as much about her and this event as I could. It is fascinating because it provides a new angle to the historical perspective, something I wasn’t aware of. I don’t want to ruin the ending for you, but when you do find out the connection between Sarah and Julia, be prepared to cry, because it is truly heartwrenching. Melinda Truelsen is a literature graduate student and a Mustang Daily book columnist.


opinion/editorial Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Editor in chief: Emilie Egger Managing Editor: Alex Kacik

mustang daily The voice of Cal Poly since 1916




Protect yourself from Uncle Sam: Emails, phone calls are easy targets As Americans, we expect the government to stay out of our personal lives. Unfortunately, government on both sides of party lines is having trouble doing so.You might recall the Patriot Act of 2001, the Protect America Act of 2007 and then the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, which cumulatively granted the federal government more power regarding domestic surveillance. They also granted telecom companies immunity to lawsuits. In other words, the federal government has granted itself the power to tap phones, read e-mails, monitor bank accounts and track the myriad of things Americans do online. Unfortunately, the Democrats agreed to these Republican-sponsored bills. Illegal wiretapping has yet to be overturned, even after campaign promises by Obama to stop this activity. In January, Wired magazine reported that the Obama administration “was on board with the Bush administration’s reasoning for this case,” referring to a case where two lawyers sued to have a classified document released. This top-secret document allegedly contained proof that the lawyers were victims of electronic eavesdropping without warrants. In short, top-secret documents that allegedly prove the federal government is spying on Americans are being withheld from court and the Obama administration supports this: “The government’s position remains that this case should be stayed,” according to Wired. The amount of power the federal government has to spy on American citizens is disturbing. The exact scope of the current National Security Agency’s (NSA) warrantless surveillance program is unknown. However, it is known that the NSA was provided total, unmonitored access to all fiber-optic communications between the major telecom companies. This allows the agency to monitor phones, e-mail, Web browsing and private corporate network traffic. The NSA is not the only entity with access to this information. Consider this, every time you send an e-mail, someone other than the intended recipient could easily read, modify or redirect it before it reaches its intended destination. Every time you make a

phone call, the NSA, a company or a hacker could be listening. Every time you browse the Internet, post something on Facebook or log into your bank account, someone could be watching, tracking your every move. I would like to think no one is maliciously using the information, but unfortunately, identities are regularly stolen, bank accounts broken into and patriotic citizens are profiled as terrorists. I say this not to scare you, but to let you know that there is hope. There are currently some safeguards in place. One of these safeguards is encrypting the connection used by a Web browser. Normally these secure connections are used when logging into a Web site or accessing sensitive information such as a bank account. Encrypting the connection assures

pablo molina newsart



to the editor Letter used defamatory language I am offended that you posted the letter from John Bailey in response to "FOX News is not a legitimate news source" without any reply. He makes wild and unsupported claims such as being able to provide a "dozen" examples of false reporting for "any other news show." He also uses hateful speech, calling liberals "the most hypocritical babies." This was entirely

only you can see the information on the page and no one else. The letters HTTPS at the beginning of a Web site’s URL indicate a secure connection, as opposed to an unencrypted connection which starts with HTTP. Without the HTTPS, anyone on the Internet can see the data you are entering. HTTPS offers some protection against prying eyes, but it does not do enough. You may not be aware that when you send an e-mail, it is transmitted in plain text. We already know that Google reads our Gmail to better target advertisements, but have you considered that anyone, including the government, can read it? Fortunately, there are solutions to fix this. An open standard called OpenPGP provides military-grade encryption for e-mail. Using OpenPGP to encrypt your e-mail is as easy as

Nick del Mas computer science senior FOX News not so unfair Oh Stephanie! Shame on FOX? Shame on you! You’ve done what you accuse FOX of doing! You used Glenn Beck as an example of “disregard for the truth.” You have disregarded the truth just to defend a power hungry administration! Beck openly admits that he is not a journalist. Good thing you got the facts and presented Beck as a news reporter that he does not claim to be! We owe it to you for pointing out that Mao

is merely one of Dunn’s “favorite political philosophers,” and not a hero. What’s wrong with someone in our government liking the political philosophies of a tyrant responsible for millions of deaths? If you knew how Beck presented this information you would have seen Beck play the video of Dunn, and comment afterward. Personally, FOX reported on my religion more accurately and less negatively than a PBS special. During the campaigns, the Project for Excellence in Journalism reported that FOX had the most balance of positive and negative reports on both campaigns. Not to worry! CNN received the White

installing the Thunderbird e-mail client and the Enigmail plug-in. Although you can only send encrypted e-mail to someone who has an OpenPGP public key, they are free and painless to generate. This key is created for you when configuring Enigmail. You would then share your public key so that people can send you encrypted mail. This extra work and the requirement for shared public keys create a fairly high barrier of entry.Without widespread adoption, encrypted mail will not catch on. Americans need to focus on preserving their privacy. A friend from Germany was telling me that his professors do not accept e-mails from students unless it has been encrypted via OpenPGP. Moreover, each student’s OpenPGP key has been assigned to him or her after having their identity verified by a third party. This way every professor knows that a given e-mail is coming from the student who sent it and the contents of the e-mail are unmodified. Our data can be safe from Uncle Sam if a few precautionary steps are taken. The safest way to protect your information is to not send it. For the most part, if you do not say it over an electronic communication device, the government needs a warrant to see it. Second, be careful of what you say in unencrypted e-mails and on social networking site because once posted, it belongs to them. Last week, In-Q-Tel, the investment division of the CIA, purchased part of Visible Technologies, a software company that monitors social media. Though it would be nice if the federal government stopped spying on us, we need not fear. The tools exist to protect our information from prying eyes. All that it takes is a mindset for our security and a few precautionary measures. Until these laws are rescinded, be careful what you say over the phone, encrypt your email and watch what you post on social networking sites. Remember, Uncle Sam is watching. Nathan Tsoi is a computer science senior and Mustang Daily political columnist.

House stamp of approval! But one of their news anchors “quotes” Rush Limbaugh as being pro-slavery, and that quote has yet to be found! You should examine who you’re criticizing, rather than just spouting off the latest attacks on conservatives. FOX is getting stepped on because those power hungry liberals don’t like it when they’re criticized. Oh, the greater good is the government listening to the people, not ramming legislation down their throats! David Lewis mechanical engineering senior

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Volume LXXIV, No. 33 ©2009 Mustang Daily “There are a lot of frontiers in space.”

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Get your hAM radio license in one day! the Cal Poly Amateur radio club is offering a 1-day cram and test session on Sat. Nov. 7. See w6bhz.org for info. Need people to help with ODST achievements message me! gamertag:arimic52


Pink day will be on thurs. Oct. 29 in honor of all women and men who have had breast cancer. We are trying to get a huge demonstration on the Cal Poly Campus to show our support in the fight against breast cancer.


mustang daily

Tuesday, October 28, 2009 www.mustangdaily.net


World Series Game 1: Cliff Lee vs. CC Sabathia Erik Boland Newsday

NEW YORK — It really is simple from the Yankees' perspective as the 105th World Series begins Wednesday night at the Stadium. "They have what we want," catcher Jorge Posada said. "I think we're all excited about playing Philly because they are the world champs," first baseman Mark Teixeira said. "We have to take that title away from them. It's a great

team over there. You have two really good teams going against each other. It's going to be a great battle and the fans are going to enjoy it too because they're so close to each other." The first World Series game in the Bronx since Oct. 25, 2003, Game 6 against the Marlins, features a headliner of a pitching matchup, CC Sabathia (19-8, 3.57 ERA) vs. Cliff Lee (14-13, 3.22). Not only are the two former Cy Young Award winners, but both


The Yankees swept the Phillies in the only other world series match up between the two teams in 1950. No MVP was named.

started the 2008 season on the same staff in Cleveland. Lee remained for another season, and this year led the Indians to beat Sabathia, 10-2, in the Stadium Opener April 16). They are close friends and both have pitched to their "ace" status this postseason. Sabathia is 3-0 with a 3.19 ERA; Lee is 2-0 with a 0.74 ERA. "That's what you come here for, to pitch and play in these big games," Sabathia said Tuesday. Some World Series produce more buzz than others and this one wasn't lacking in that, with two powerful teams, both about equally hated by Mets' fans, and the respective cities' general contempt toward the other. And then Jimmy Rollins, the Phillies' garrulous third baseman, went and guaranteed a Philadelphia victory. "Of course we're gonna win," Rollins said during an appearance on the Jay Leno show Monday. "If we're nice, we'll let it go six, but I'm thinking five, close it out at home." Teixeira laughed when the quote was read back to him. "I think it's great," Teixeira said, still smiling. "Jimmy's so funny. He's an entertainer. He loves having fun with the game and we'll let him do whatever he wants." World Series often match teams of contrasting styles but this isn't one of them. The Yankees led all of baseball

with 244 home runs; the Phillies led the National League with 224. Both teams have solid pitching staffs , the Yankees ranked fourth in the AL with a 4.26 ERA, while the Phillies ranked sixth in the NL at 4.16. However, the Yankees have a clear advantage in the bullpen with closer Mariano Rivera. "On paper we have similar teams," Nick Swisher said. "A team that hits a lot of home runs, a team that has great pitching, got some guys that can steal bags when needed. So it's going to be a great series. It's going to be a lot of fun. Two great teams going at it." When the teams met in late May at the Stadium, the Phillies won two of three. "Obviously, they're the defending champs and they are well re-

spected in our clubhouse," Posada said. "They have a great team, we understand what kind of players they are and you try to do everything possible to beat them." Manager Joe Girardi, who led the Yankees to the best record in baseball this year after a third-place finish in the AL East in his first season, said he was "proud of what we've been able to accomplish so far." But ... "As a Yankee, and I think any team, when you go into Spring Training, your goal is to win the World Series and we're one of two teams that has a chance to do that this year," Girardi said. "Guys have worked very hard to get to this point. But we still have one more goal."


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


sports editor: Brian De Los Santos



women’s soccer

Hoover: Nine shut-outs, no problem Will Taylor mustang daily


al Poly senior keeper and captain Coral Hoover has more than doubled her shutout total from last year (9) and goals allowed per game average (.63), while pushing her conference-leading Mustangs to fight for a conference championship and No. 1 seed against rivals UC Santa Barbara on Sunday. Looking at Hoover’s stats, she is certainly leading by example. “She’s really stepped up into the role this year,” junior keeper Brooke Gauvin said. “She’s been on fire since the first game against Stanford. That was a big turning point.” Despite losing to the No. 1 ranked Stanford 2-1, Hoover mentions the game as a confidence booster and a “yes we can” for the team. “It was nice to know we could stay close to one of the best teams in the nation, if not the best,” she said. “To hold them 2-1 felt pretty good, even though we lost.” Head coach Alex Crozier said that Hoover’s junior year was key to her success this season. Despite a more statistically up-and-down year than this season, Hoover still earned a Big West honorable mention. “Last season she was thrown into the fire,” Crozier said. “She made some mistakes in judgment, maybe let some goals in that maybe should or shouldn’t have gone in. She’s not doing that this year.” Last week, Hoover was named the Big West Conference Player of the Week for the third time this season. In the Mustangs’ (12-5, 6-1

BWC) 1-0 overtime win over Pacific University on Saturday, she had six saves, the fifth game in a row she has met that number or greater. With one game to go in their conference schedule, the Mustangs head into the upcoming conference tournament with momentum. Crozier has watched Hoover’s

Knowing that you’re at the bottom of the totem pole means your fighting everyday for your spot. —Coral Hoover Women’s soccer player

development from her senior year of high school. He was recruiting other girls from Hoover’s team and noticed her athleticism on the field, but after talking to her club coach, he thought she was going to attend Humboldt State. She decided against Humboldt though, because she thought if she didn’t continue with her soccer she never would, she said. Cal Poly had a program that she was interested in.

The next fall, Hoover showed up in white cleats at the open tryouts for the Cal Poly team. “I’m a conservative coach, I like black cleats,” Crozier said. “She showed up with white cleats and probably kept them a few days longer than she should have.” Despite Crozier’s initial dislike of her cleats, Hoover still made the team. Hoover was a redshirt her freshman year and didn’t see any playing time in her sophomore year. It took her both years before she started traveling with the team. “Knowing that you’re at the bottom of the totem pole means your fighting every day for your spot,” Hoover said. “Once you start traveling

goal. Her team was bad, so it gave her a lot of action at the position. That’s what solidified her love for the spot. Parents started complimenting her after the game and she was hooked. Hoover doesn’t necessarily like the pressure that comes along with her position and said that she gets nervous before every game. “I’ve never really enjoyed the pressure. But with pressure comes a little bit of glory,” she said. Pressure also comes along with Hoover’s responsibility as captain. She tries to speak less and do more rather than “be in people’s faces.” “I just try and be a

yo u really feel part of the team.” Hoover first started playing soccer when she was six years old. “I got really jealous of the boys who told me about their games on the weekend and got to play on real teams, so I signed up,” she said. It was six or seven years before she became a keeper. Hoover said she was getting tired at practice and the coach made the decision to try her out in front of the

good image of what a student athlete should be instead of telling people what to do,” she said. “I want to teach the freshmen just by being.” Judging by her stats and the team’s record, she’s doing just that. Cal Poly will compete for a No. 1 spot against Central Coast rival UCSB at 1 p.m. Sunday in Santa Barbara.


Four former Mustangs find themselves in fall league sports information report

Outfielder Grant Desme, one of four former Cal Poly baseball players in the Arizona Fall League, has been named player of the week for Week 2 of the 2009 campaign. Desme, a product of the Oakland A's, is playing for the Phoenix Desert Dogs and launched five home runs in five games last

week. The 6-foot-2, 205-pound Desme hit .478 (11-for-23) for the week with eight runs, nine runs batted in and a 1.174 slugging percentage. The 23-year-old Bakersfield, Calif. native, who played at Cal Poly in 2006 and 2007, leads the Fall League with seven home runs. He is on pace to threaten the league single-season home-run record of 14 (Brandon Wood, 2005). He also paces the league in hits (17), total bases (40) and slugging percentage (1.026). He is tied for second in runs (11), tied for third in runs batted in (13) and ranks sixth in batting (.436). A second-round (74th overall) draft choice of Oakland in 2007, Desme is a .286 hitter in three Minor League seasons with 33 home runs and 97 RBIs in 145 games. He split his 2009 campaign between Class A Kane County (.274 with 11 home runs and 38 RBIs

in 69 games) and Class A Advanced Stockton (.304 with 20 home runs and 51 RBIs). Two former Mustang pitchers also are playing in the Arizona Fall League, both with the Surprise Rafters. Right-hander Gary Daley has pitched in four games and is 0-0 with an 18.69 ERA. He allowed two earned runs in his first three outings before surrendering seven earned runs in one-third of an inning Friday against the Phoenix Desert Dogs. Daley pitched last summer at Quad Cities and Springfield, compiling a 4-5 record and 6.65 ERA with 79 strikeouts in 88 innings. Evan Reed, also a right-hander, is 1-0 with a 12.00 ERA. With Bakersfield in the California League last summer, Reed compiled a 2-2 record and 2.96 ERA with 25 saves. Meanwhile, the Chicago White Sox announced Dayan Viciedo will

no longer play in the Arizona Fall League due to inflammation in his right elbow. Taking his spot on the roster of the Peoria Javelinas will be former Mustang third baseman Brent Morel. Morel batted .281 with 16 home runs and 79 RBI in 128 games with Class A Winston-Salem last summer. He was the White Sox third-round selection in the 2008 First-Year Player Draft and has a .293 average with 22 home runs, 106 RBIs and 37 stolen bases over 717 at-bats covering the last two Minor League seasons. There are six teams in the Arizona Fall League: the Scottsdale Scorpions, Mesa Solar Sox, Peoria Saguaros, Phoenix Desert Dogs, Peoria Javelinas and Surprise Rafters. These club names were picked by Major League Baseball as reflective of the Southwestern desert traditions in the state. The teams are broken into two divisions, East and West. Each Ma-

jor League Baseball team sends six top prospects to the Arizona Fall League, 180 players in all. The games are played in the Spring Training stadiums used by the Giants, Mariners, Padres, Cubs, A's, Royals and Rangers. How good are the players in the Arizona Fall League? The 2006 All-Star Game in Pittsburgh featured 25 AFL alumni, including first-time All-Stars David Wright, Chase Utley and Ryan Howard. Each August, Major League clubs hold a position draft to determine the players who will go to Arizona. Most are Double-A and Triple-A Minor League players. Each club can opt to send one player considered a Class A player.


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