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Winter Olympics Medal Tally

Cal Poly releases new white wine.

IN ARTS, 8 Volume LXXIV, Number 82





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Germany Norway









Men’s basketball loses heartbreaker to Cal State Fullerton IN SPORTS, 16

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Poly to offer more summer school courses than ever Aimee Vasquez mustang daily

Summer school will look a little different this year. While Cuesta College will be cutting almost all of its summer school classes, Cal Poly is offering more than ever, but with a projected change in fee structure. Both schools’ summer state funding has been cut but Cal Poly will continue to offer classes under the self-supported office of Continuing Education and University Outreach. For students, this means that while California residents will be paying more per unit than ever, out-of-state students might actually be paying less. In addition, more than double the amount of classes will be offered at Cal Poly. The reason for the reduction in

Cuesta’s classes is twofold. One is the elimination of federal stimulus funds for summer school. The other reason is that Cuesta experienced an overflow of enrolled students over the 2009-2010 school year, with approximately 400 students above the state-formulated quota. Officials said the college used money from their general funds to make up the difference. Cuesta College Vice President Cathleen Greiner said the impacts on students and staff “are just untenable. It is a profound decision and nothing we wanted to do.” Like Cuesta and the other 23 California State University (CSU) campuses, Cal Poly’s state summer school funding has also been eliminated due to the financial crisis. But the CSU chancellor’s summer school mandate offered several al-

ternative plans. Cal Poly chose to shift the direction of the quarter to the already self-supported office of Continuing Education. In the past, classes have been directed by the Office of the Registrar. Elaine Sullivan is the marketing director for Continuing Education. She said they traditionally offer classes to un-enrolled adults in the community. “In terms of why Continuing Education is dealing with the summer term, it’s basically because Continuing Education runs as a self-support function,” Sullivan said. “We have the background and the mechanics in place.” Biological sciences junior Marrissa Schuman is planning to attend summer school. She said the change isn’t that big of a deal because she is only taking one

class, but she added that the lack of Cuesta classes will be hard on her friend, who was planning on attending summer school in order to re-enroll at Cal Poly. Now he, like thousands of other Cuesta students, won’t have that option. Last year for example, 3,395 students enrolled in Cuesta summer classes. This year Cuesta will only be offering state-mandated programs, reducing enrollment in 4-credit courses to approximately 84 students. Greiner said they wanted to focus their resources on offering students a full course load during the coming fall and spring semesters. “This allows us to create a more certain class schedule for our students and our faculty,” she said. The first type of courses that will be offered during summer are

necessary for year-round emergency services, nursing and psychiatric technician training. Cuesta will also be offering off-campus, non-credit enhancement courses for high school students, taught by high school faculty. Both types of courses they kept are not only year-long programs, according to Cuesta officials, they are needful within the community. Cal Poly, on the other hand, will be offering approximately 338 courses. This is an increase of more than 170 courses since last year. In addition, as general education courses fill up, Dennis “Skip” Parks, dean of Continuing Education and University Outreach, said they are planning to create new sections over the course of enrollsee Summer, page 2

Department receives Architecture student wins first $41,000 grant place in design competition Daniel Triassi mustang daily

Cal Poly’s construction management department received a $41,000 grant from the California Contractors State License Board as a result of a 1991 California act designed to better the education of construction management students and maintain the availability of educational programs for the industry. The department plans to use the money for faculty salaries, research and new curriculum. This is the third time Cal Poly has received a grant from the Construction Management Education Sponsorship Act (CMESA). The previous grants were given in 2005 and 2006. After allowing time for the fund to build back up, a third round of awards was presented to Cal Poly at the end of January. Construction management department chair Allan Hauck is enthusiastic about the support from the license board. “This is a demonstration of the importance of supporting education in this state. By bringing people together the license board has created a pool of resources unavailable before,” Hauck said. Apart from Cal Poly, the act

awards grants to each of the six accredited construction management programs in California. The award totals are based on the number of graduates from each university’s construction management program. Qualifying construction programs must lead to a bachelor degree and be accredited by the American Council for Construction Education, or place at least 50 percent of their graduates with California Licensed contractors. Though Shawn Collins, a contractor at Dave Collins Flooring in Arroyo Grande, doesn’t credit Cal Poly with his education, he said he realizes the importance of a solid construction management education. “Living and working on the Central Coast, I thought it was worthwhile to contribute,” Collins said. The fund was established through contributors like Collins. Current contractors renewing their license contributed most of the funds, the remainder came from newly licensed contractors. From July 2008 to November 2009, the license board received 2,577 contributions. So far, Cal Poly’s construcsee Grant, page 2

courtesy image

John Vierra won first place in the 2009 Bohemian Flats Boathouse Student Design Competition with his design “Boat on Board.” He was awarded $2,500. Jessica Barba mustang daily

Culture might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of architecture, but in Cal Poly senior John Vierra’s designs, it comes first. From strolling down the streets of China and Japan to playing with a slinky, the architecture student has found inspiration for his award-winning furniture and floating boathouse design in culture. “What you think architecture is, it really isn’t. It challenges you because it has social implications to it and can influence people as they experience a building. It’s a lot different from even

what I thought it was,” Vierra said. “We have to respond to the mainstream and what is happening today, and it kind of influences you in a way to constantly be aware of culture and society.” Vierra’s culture-consciousness might be one of the factors that helped him win first place in the 2009 Bohemian Flats Boathouse Student Design Competition, which required competitors to design a boathouse for the Bohemian Flats, a bank on the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. Vierra was awarded $2,500 for his “Boat on Board” design by the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) and the Vinyl Insti-

tute, which sponsored the event. The models were evaluated on the materials used and innovation of a sustainable and safe design. When approaching the project, Vierra consulted with Cal Poly architecture lecturer Margarida Yu Hui Yin. Yin has taught Vierra in four courses. “He deserves all of his success,” Yin said. “I won’t be surprised when I see his design works published in major architecture magazines, because I am so sure that he will have a bright future in his architectural profession.” see Design, page 2

News editor: Kate McIntyre mustangdailynews@gmail.com


mustang daily


Summer continued from page 1

ment. “I think it’s important to tell students that there’s two messages out there: summer school is definitely on and people can expect to see as many or more classes than ever before,” Parks said. While students will have more Cal Poly summer school options, state residents will also be paying more. College of Liberal Arts associate dean Debra Valencia-Laver has been working with Continu-

Holman explained that they are still waiting for the last bit of information from California State University officials. “It’s been a little bit of a moving target because information is still trickling in the from the chancellor’s office about what we’re allowed to charge,” Holman said. “But we want to get the students as much advance notice as possible. We’re not that far away from summer registration.” Either way, Holman said Cal Poly students will most likely be charged on a fee-per-unit basis, unlike the rest of the year’s half-

Well, I should say that summer 2010 is going to be a little bit of an experiment all the way around.

News Grant continued from page 1

tion management department has received over $130,000 in grants from the license board. California State University, Chico has received the greatest amount of grants, over $225,000. Over $600,000 in funds has been awarded to the six accredited state schools. Rick Lopes, chief of public affairs for the license board, works with the committee to oversee the distribution of funds. Lopes was also present when the grant was presented to the department. “This is a statement about the importance of education — and, in our case, education that leads to better, safer construction,” he said. Lopes, Chief Deputy Registrar Cindi Christenson and Registrar Steve Sands are Cal

Poly alumni. “We all have strong ties to Cal Poly and have watched closely the development of the construction management department into one of the top programs in California, if not the entire nation,” Lopes said. When the act was first created, contributions were limited to $25, thus the funds grew slowly. However, in 2003, the legislature removed the $25 limit. Construction management program coordinator Tana Anastasia noted how important donations are at any level. “$41,000 is a very generous gift. A lot of attention is given to big donors, but equally critical to Cal Poly’s success are the many donors who give smaller amounts,” she said. “The contractor’s gift shows how those smaller gifts create a cumulative amount that will do a great deal of good.”

—Debra Valencia-Lawyer Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts

ing Education over what courses will be offered. “Well, I should say that summer 2010 is going to be a little bit of an experiment all the way around,” she said.“We’re charging a different fee structure than in the past, and we don’t know how popular that will be with Cal Poly students.” On the other hand, out-of-state and foreign exchange students might find themselves paying less, due to the set-fee structure. Non-resident Geoff Ledbetter, a mechanical engineering junior from Missouri, said he is planning on attending summer school if he studies abroad later in the year. “It sounds good to me because I’m out-of-state,” he said. “But either way, I’d consider taking it to stay on track.” Whether resident or non-resident, the average price-per-unit for summer quarter should be in the $200-plus range, according to Valencia-Laver. The final summer school fee structure has not yet been finalized. Student accounts director Brett

time and full-time conglomerate sums. Financial aid students, on the other hand, might find things a bit different. Summer is the ‘left-over’ quarter for financial aid. Grant and loan eligibility, according to financial aid director Lois Kelly, is primarily based on the first three quarters of the financial aid year. “If you’re looking at a typical academic year, most of the enrollment activity occurs in the fall, winter and spring, and we base our calendar upon that,” said Kelly. Since financial aid eligibility is student-specific, Kelly said it’s impossible to make a blanket statement about who will be eligible. “I can’t just say all students are eligible,” she said. “But no student should make the assumption there’s no remaining financial aid.” From a student perspective, the shift in fees will be the most noticeable difference. “But in terms of how you are going to register, it’s going to be just like you always do. It’s going to be seamless,” Sullivan said.

Not Your

courtesy photo

The construction management department received a $40,000 grant from the California Contractors State License Board.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Design continued from page 1

As a young architect, Vierra said what he loved most about the field was its seemingly endless opportunities. “When I chose architecture, I liked the wide range of opportunities for what you can produce. You can go from furniture to large scale designs to interior designs,” he said. His favorite project yet was a bench entitled “tsunami” that transforms into three different seats. It won “Best in Show” in the 2009 Vellum/CAED Furniture Competition & Exhibition that took place at Cal Poly last fall. “I picked a star slinky because when you twist the slinky, it creates different forms with the different degrees, so my bench is actually a normal bench that you could rotate the pieces,”Vierra said. “So as you rotate, what was once the support for the leg is now the support for your back.” The piece helped Vierra come up with the theme “transformalism,” which he would later use for his studio. He based this concept on the way he believes architecture influences and engages people. Cal Poly architecture senior James Ross has known Vierra for two years and accompanied him to China. He said Vierra’s time management and determination have led his peers to regard him highly for his success. “He is willing to help out by giving me tips, pointers and critiques,” Ross said.“I look toward my teachers and peers, and he is always someone I take into consideration.” Vierra said while the college workload is hectic and architecture students do not have much free time, more students should get involved in competitions to make themselves stand out in an already competitive field. “I am a self-motivated student, and I like to challenge myself and set goals. And it’s just kind of fun doing competitions,”Vierra said.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010 www.mustangdaily.net


Anti-rocket defense plan raises anxieties in Israel Edmund Sanders Los Angeles Times

SDEROT, Israel ­— The rockets may not strike as often these days, but residents of this working-class town say they can’t shake the anxiety that comes with living in Israel’s most frequently bombed city. Pedestrians strolling downtown keep an eye out for the nearest concrete-reinforced bus-stop shelter in case public loudspeakers crackle with a 15-second warning to dive for cover. Many motorists forgo seat belts so they can ditch vehicles quickly. A playground is equipped with 5-foot-wide concrete pipes that are brightly painted to look like giant caterpillars but double as children’s bomb shelters. “There is really no sense of security here at all,” said Merilin Timsit, a 29-year-old mother of two. Last month, the Israeli government said it was on the cusp of a technological breakthrough that would put such fears and precautions in the past. A new anti-rocket defense system, called Iron Dome, was presented as a high-tech umbrella that would allow Israelis to go about their lives while short-range rockets fired from Palestinian territories or Arab neighbors were blasted out of the sky. But despite promising results in a much-touted test in January, Iron Dome so far has heightened as many tensions as it was supposed to relieve. Critics say the technology is not fast enough to work in cities such as Sderot, which is only a mile from militant strongholds in the Gaza Strip. Some officials, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, question the steep cost: as much as $1 billion for development and nationwide deployment. Others warn against seeking technological solutions for threats better handled diplomatically. “It’s no silver bullet,” said Yiftah Shapir, head of the military balance project at Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies. “In fact, it’s not going to solve any of our problems.” Military officials this month began hinting that Iron Dome’s initial deployment this summer would be smaller than expected and would focus on protecting military installations rather than Sderot, which many assumed would be the first town to benefit. Sderot grocery store owner David Turjeman, 48, fumed at what many see as government backpedaling. “If it’s not deployed, I’m going to sell my business and leave Sderot,” said the father of three, whose house was damaged in 2008 by one of the 6,000 rockets and mortar shells fired at Sderot over the last four years. “I’m not willing to go through that again. ... I feel helpless.” Short-range rocket attacks have long been one of Israel’s most-vexing military problems. The nation in the last decade has been targeted with more than 11,000 rockets and mortar shells by Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza. Israel’s 22-day offensive against the coastal territory a year ago was largely an effort to halt the rocket barrage. The nation’s northern towns have come under similar attack from Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon. Many of these homemade projectiles land in open spaces without caus-

ing major damage. But about three dozen Israelis have been killed over the last decade in the south. The rockets take a heavy toll on the public’s psyche and can wreak economic havoc because of business closures and lost productivity, experts say. Since the Gaza cease-fire, rocket attacks have declined sharply, but Israel’s military continues to search for a defensive system to neutralize the threat. Israeli military contractor Rafael Advanced Defense Systems announced in January that its mobile rocket-interceptor system, developed with the military, was nearly ready to deploy. The system uses radar to detect a rocket launch, quickly computes whether the projectile is headed toward people or buildings, and then dispatches an interceptor missile to destroy it. Rockets headed toward open spaces are allowed through. Similar technologies have been designed by the U.S. and others to knock out mid- and long-range projectiles, such as the Patriot surface-to-air missile system. Some critics say such technology will not work against short-range rockets, which can strike in 15 seconds or less and at distances of less than two miles. Based on the preliminary details released by Rafael, outside experts have concluded that Iron Dome requires at least 30 seconds to respond. “A Qassam rocket can hit Sderot in about 14 seconds, so there’s no way Iron Dome can defend it,” said Reuven Pedatzur, a Tel Aviv University lecturer and defense analyst. Pedatzur, a former air force fighter pilot, said defensive systems like Iron Dome aren’t the right approach for dealing with short-range rockets. “If you want a military solution, you should attack the area,” he said. “Or you could reach a (political) agreement with the other side.” Pedatzur said reliance on Iron Dome could hinder peace talks if Israelis become overconfident.

“Everybody will say, ‘Why do we need a (political) solution? We have the perfect defense.’ “ The system is expensive. Each mobile battery costs about $25 million, according to Rafael. Interceptor missiles reportedly cost up to $50,000 apiece. That compares with as little as $50 needed to construct each of the Qassam rockets favored by Palestinian militants, which are usually produced in low-tech factories using old pipes, fertilizer and scrap metal. Netanyahu has praised Iron Dome as a technological “miracle,” but he also referred to the system as “prohibitively expensive.” Yossi Drucker, project director at Rafael, said critics are wrong in their estimates about Iron Dome’s response time, though he said such details are being kept secret for security reasons. “Iron Dome can protect Sderot against all the threats it faces,” he said. Drucker added that Iron Dome’s costs should be considered in relation to the economic effect of rocket barrages or the cost of another war. During Israel’s 2006 war with Hezbollah, the estimated cost from rocket attacks on cities in the north — both damage and lost productivity — was nearly $1 billion, he said. Defense Ministry spokesman Shlomo Dror said no final decisions had been made about where Iron Dome would be deployed, but he said the initial rollout would include two selfcontained systems, each capable of covering about a 45-mile area. Previously, Rafael and military officials had spoken about deploying seven systems. Dror emphasized that each system can be moved around the country in response to threats. Rafael and the military are also hoping to sell the technology to the United States and other countries to help defray costs. Some observers see the development of Iron Dome as a political strategy rather than a military one, aimed at intimidating enemies and bolstering confidence among the Israeli public.

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BLOG blogs.mustangdaily.net

News Do you think the new rule regarding fall rush is fair?

“I think it is denying people an opportunity. A lot of freshman look forward to rushing when they get to college.” -J.R. Laing, psychology junior

“I think it is a good thing because things can get a little hectic your first quarter. -Steve Hobus, mechanical engineering junior

“I think it is fair. Freshmen should focus on school their first quarter, but the policy should include women.” -Kelli Farver, chemistry senior

“I don’t think it is fair at all. My first quarter we had five people sent to the hospital for alcohol poisoning and four were girls.”

“A lot of people go crazy their first year with alcohol, so I think they should wait a quarter.“

“I think it will give students a chance to make friends when they first get on campus.”

-Zachary King, business administration freshman

-Nick Fylstara, biochemistry junior

-Jeff Thomas, agricultural systems management freshman

compiled and photographed by jessica Barba

Google under investigation by the European Commission Mike Swift san jose mercury news

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Google is facing a new round of scrutiny from antitrust regulators, announcing late Tuesday that the European Commission has launched an investigation into allegations of anti-competitive behavior by the Mountain View, Calif., search giant, after complaints from three European search sites. In a blog post Tuesday afternoon, Google acknowledged the preliminary investigation, but said it has done nothing wrong. Google said two of the companies filing complaints with the commission were owned or had close ties to Microsoft, which through its recently approved partnership with Yahoo has emerged as Google’s primary competition in Internet search. “We’ve always worked hard to ensure that our success is earned the right way — through technological innovation and great products, rather than by locking in our users or advertisers, or creating artificial barriers to entry,” Julia Holtz, a

Google senior competition counsel, wrote in the post. “While we will be providing feedback and additional information on these complaints, we are confident that our business operates in the interests of users and partners, as well as in line with European competition law.” Analysts said that outside of reviews of Google corporate acquisitions, they were not aware of any other investigation of Google by the commission, and said the probe could have ramifications. “It’s something that has to be taken very seriously,” said Greg Sterling, principal of Sterling Market Intelligence. The commission, based in Brussels, Belgium, did not respond Tuesday to requests for comment from the Mercury News, and did not have news of the investigation posted to its Web site. As its reach has expanded beyond search into digital maps, mobile phones, digital books and other parts of the Internet, Google has see Google, page 5


Fishermen law closes many areas to fishing

pact on the commercial and recreational fishing industry. “At least a thousand jobs in Fort Lauderdale will be lost this year,” said Bob Jones, director of the Southeastern Fisheries Association in Tallahassee, Fla. “The economic impact will be far beyond fishing industry.” Local economies, which rely on recreational fishermen, will also be hit by the fishing restrictions. Kevin McDonald, a recreational fisherman from Pennsylvania who came to the rally, said he stopped going to his usual haunt in North Carolina after similar federal regulations kicked in three years ago. He used to spend around $3,000 each trip on housing, food and equipment rental. Federal fishery experts said that in the long run, the closures and the resulting rebound in the number of fish help the industry.

“It is much more financially stable and lucrative to the fishing industries,” said Monica Allen, a spokeswoman for NOAA’s Fisheries Service. The Atlantic sea scallop — usually found off New Jersey and Massachusetts — was overfished in 1994 and the value of the catch was about $30 million that year. After being closed for seven years, Mid-Atlantic catch was significantly higher. “In 2006, the annual yield was $202 million,” Allen said. At the protest rally, the fishermen, who had assembled under the flag of United We Fish, also said NOAA was basing its closure decisions on flawed data. They contend that the fish count is actually higher than NOAA’s estimate. For example, NOAA says red snapper and black grouper in the Gulf of Mexico and Southeast Atlan-

tic are overfished. Anderson disputes that assessment. “There are more red snappers in the waters than in 30 to 40 years,” Anderson said of the Gulf. Some fishermen say there are other reasons for depletion of fish stocks. Duncan Maclean operates a Pacific salmon trawler out of the Half Moon Bay area, south of San Francisco.The bay has been closed to salmon fishermen because of overfishing for two years. Maclean said the low fish population is due to toxic agricultural runoff and municipal treatment plants that kill small fish in the bay, which is a breeding place for some species. “There is a 100 percent unemployment in fishing industries in the area,” said Maclean, who is also an adviser to the Pacific Fishery Management Council. The annual loss to California’s economy from combined commercial and recreational salmon harvests are around $1.4 billion a year in recent years, according to a report from Florida-based Southwick Associates. The area also saw the loss of thousands of jobs, Maclean said, including those of equipment manufacturers, equipment and fish wholesalers, retailers, commercial charter boats and river guides. Sen. Kay Hagan, D-N.C., stressed at the rally that jobs were her priority and that deadlines set by the act were arbitrary. “Flexibility will allow fishing stocks to rebuild and help fishing industry to thrive,” she said. Hagan supports a bipartisan effort to amend the act but indicated that balancing environmental and economic concerns might be more difficult. The fishing communities know that, too. “It is in our best interests to rebuild the stock but we must also keep jobs,” Anderson said. “We must keep the boats running and the fish available for customers to want to come.”


Google said the European complaints came from Foundem, a British search site that allows consumers to comparison shop for the lowest price between multiple retailers; from a French legal search engine called ejustice.fr, and from Ciao from Bing, a Microsoft-owned ecommerce site. All three are “vertical search engines.” Unlike a general search engine that might show a user searching for “flights to New York” to Web sites that sell airline tickets, vertical search engines allow users to search and compare flights from an array of airlines. Google said the com-

plaints from Foundem and ejustice. fr alleged that Google’s search algorithms were ranking those vertical search engines lower, costing the two sites a significant loss in traffic, because they comprise a competitive threat to Google. Google denied that charge. “Our algorithms aim to rank first what people are most likely to find useful, and we have nothing against vertical search sites — indeed many vertical search engines like Moneysupermarket.com, Opodo and Expedia typically rank high in Google’s results,” Holtz, the Google lawyer, wrote in the company blog.

olivier douliery mcty

Fishermen from coast to coast gather in Washington to protest fishing regulations during a “United We Fish” rally calling for reform. Sananda Sahoo mcclatchy newspapers

WASHINGTON — Fishermen, anglers, charter and party boat captains and marine business owners from coast to coast gathered to demand changes in fisheries law that they say is putting them out of work. This year and next, endangered coastal fishing grounds in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are to be closed to allow depleted fish species to recover from overfishing. The closures could be as long as 10 years. “A lot of coastal communities across the United States have had severe negative economic impacts from the excessive regulations,” says Pam Anderson, the operations manager at the Capt. Anderson Marina in Panama City Beach in Florida.“Folks

can’t carry on.” The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, which enforces the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, introduced annual catch limits, closed some areas to fishing to stop overfishing and intend to close others. While the no-fishing areas represent only 1 percent of the total U.S. waters, the closures mean a loss of jobs and revenue for local economies. While fishing still is allowed in the Gulf of Mexico, a region of the Atlantic Ocean from Florida to North Carolina was closed initially to fishing from Jan. 4 to June 2 to allow stocks of red snapper to replenish. The period can be extended for another six-month period. Fishermen fear long replenishment periods will have a severe im-

continued from page 4


come under increasing antitrust scrutiny by U.S. regulators. At a court hearing in New York last week on Google’s plans to create a private digital library of millions of old books, a lawyer with the U.S. Department of Justice lawyer said the government continues to investigate Google for antitrust violations, including in Internet search. Google is even more dominant in online advertising in Europe than in the United States.



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Briefs State

SAN LUIS OBISPO (MCT) — The county Board of Supervisors is scheduled to weigh in March 9 on the issues of license renewal and the threat of earthquakes at Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. The board is expected to consider requests by Supervisor Adam Hill, whose district includes the power plant, to send letters to state and federal regulators regarding plans by plant owners Pacific Gas and Electric Co. to conduct mapping of earthquake faults offshore of the power plant. More than 20 people have expressed their support for the postponement either in writing or verbally to the board. However, PG&E opposes any delay, saying the window of opportunity for license renewal with the NRC is now, while the seismic mapping will take years to complete.


ARROYO GRANDE (MCT) — The Tri-Counties Building and Construction Trades Council will buy ice cream for anyone who wants to support Doc Burnstein’s Ice Cream Lab in Arroyo Grande against a carpenter’s union. The free ice cream will be available from 1 to 6 p.m. on Friday. Picketers from Carpenters Local have been posted outside the ice cream shop for more than four months.


NEW YORK (MCT) — In the driveway of one home, Jeanmarie Beaudouin, 37, a married mother of three young girls, was found shot several times in the upper torso. Beaudouin was still alive as medics rushed her to the hospital, but she was pronounced dead a short time later at Franklin Hospital Medical Center in Valley Stream. Nassau County police spokesman Det. Lt. Kevin Smith said Beaudouin was returning home when she was shot in the driveway at about 11 p.m. Her husband and children were home at the time she was shot.


MICHIGAN (MCT) — Jane Boudreau, a former sergeant, is suing Oakland County Police because she was fired in 2006 for what the county says was her refusal to answer a question during an internal investigation into a sexual harassment claim. The question: Did she boast to her secretary about having sex with a subordinate and then try to high-five the secretary? Boudreau initially refused to answer saying the matter was private but then claimed she answered the question by saying, “I don’t remember.” Her lawyer argues the question was invasive and improper.


CHINA (MCT) — China will require individuals seeking to establish personal Web sites to verify their identities with regulators and have their photographs taken. It is part of a campaign to crack down on Internet pornography. The new requirements add another layer of oversight in a country that is already deeply criticized for having some of the world’s strictest Internet controls. Regulators have also discussed requiring stricter identity verification to purchase mobile phones and leave comments online. Google Inc. threatened to quit China last month partly because it was fed up with having to censor its Chinese search engine. Officials say the new rule is needed to stifle Internet porn.


PARIS (MCT) — The European Union will provide €114million (344 million SDG) for humanitarian aid in Sudan, the European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) announced today.This represents about one seventh of the Commission’s worldwide humanitarian budget for 2010. . Most of the aid for Darfur is for food aid, according to the European Commission’s website. The Commission’s focus in South Sudan is on assisting refugees to return and reintegrate to their homes. In past years, most of the funding has gone to Darfur.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Professor tries to change drugcontrol policy Don Sapatkin The Philadelphia Inquirer

PHILADELPHIA — To much of official Washington, the portrait of substance abuse in the United States is grim: More than 22 million Americans abuse drugs or alcohol. Just 10 percent of them get treated — and an alarming number relapse. At treatment centers designed to help them, half the counselors quit each year. Worse, the newest research-based therapies often do not reach clinics at all. In the dysfunction, A. Thomas McLellan sees opportunity. “We’ve got to put scientific information into policies that make sense and will deliver for Americans,” said McLellan, who left Philadelphia six months ago to become the nation’s No. 2 drug policy official. Science, he says, can make treatment inviting, catch abuse before it turns into addiction, save communities millions of dollars — in short, remake a system that has been shaped by the politics of avoidance. There is even a “science of recovery,” and he said he believed that talking about it would help move the national conversation about recovery from one of shame to one of triumph. Passionate about bringing science to Washington, yes. Enjoying doing it, no. Seated on a couch in his sparsely furnished office a few blocks from the White House, the lanky and mustachioed psychologist was characteristically blunt. “I guess I could be called a ready, fire, aim kind of guy,” said McLellan, 61. “Government is ready, aim ... aim ... aim ... you get the drift?” Two years ago, happily rehabbing his boat and content directing a leading research center on Independence Mall, McLellan had no interest in Washington. Then his 30year-old son died of a combination of anti-anxiety medication and alcohol poisoning; his older son was in treatment at the Betty Ford Center at the time.

When Joe Biden called and personally asked him to join the new administration, McLellan said, he saw the personal tragedy as “maybe a sign” that he should go where he could have the greatest impact. His job, as deputy director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, is to reduce demand for illegal drugs. A big test of his influence is due in the coming days, when President Barack Obama releases his National Drug Control Strategy. The document, written by McLellan and his boss, drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, will guide the actions of 11 federal agencies that deal with drugs, from education to homeland security. The moment is ripe for change. The last two decades have brought effective new therapies and several proven medications; vaccines are on the horizon. In recent years, the medical view of addiction has undergone sweeping changes: Genetics is now known to play a role, and research suggests that brief interventions over the long term can trump intensive hospitalization. Unlike other scientists in his field, McLellan does not study any one treatment. He compares them all. “Tom has spent his whole life preparing for this job,” said Charles P. O’Brien, a mentor and director of the Center for Studies of Addiction at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. To hear McLellan tell it, that preparation has been a series of coincidences and lucky breaks. Raised in Mechanicsburg, Pa., and armed with a Bryn Mawr College doctorate in experimental psychology — his 1976 thesis examined negative conditioning in rats, cockroaches, pigeons and crayfish — he had to choose between an $8,000 faculty position at Yale and a $14,000 technician’s job evaluating substance-abuse treatments at the Coatesville VA hospital. McLellan “didn’t know beans about addiction,” but needed the money. see Professor, page 7

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Professor continued from page 6

That work led to his Addiction Severity Index, a series of measures — medical status, employment, drug, alcohol, legal, family and psychiatric — that are now known to be related to treatment outcomes. The ASI is the standard hourlong interview used to plan treatment and judge progress around the world. He was soon hired by O’Brien, who was building a top treatment center at the Philadelphia VA while heading up addiction research and doing animal studies at Penn. In 2007, McLellan sat down with Nancy D. Campbell, author of “Discovering Addiction: The Science and Politics of Substance Abuse Research,” and recounted how his vision evolved for an oral-history project. Working at the Penn lab for more than a decade was like being “in hog heaven,” he told Campbell. “And then my eldest son gets addicted,” he said. “He was 16, and he was addicted to cocaine, alcohol, marijuana. OK, Mr. Expert, where are you going to treat your own son? What kind of treatment are you going to ask for? Wow, was I punched in the stomach by that,” he said. “Neither me nor any of my very smart, very concerned science buddies knew what to do for my son.” He co-founded the Treatment Research Institute in 1992 with the goal of getting scientific findings from the laboratory out to treatment centers, into policy, and accessible

to parents. Meanwhile, his son went through nine months of intensive treatment and six months of followup. He got clean, relapsed, got clean again. He was at Betty Ford when his younger brother died and is now doing well. “I began thinking about how illnesses like diabetes, and hypertension and asthma were treated,” McLellan said. “It turns out that they don’t have diabetes programs where you go for 28 days and then stop treatment. I think that would be called malpractice. ... So those treatments try to retain patients in care, use medications and education and family training to reduce symptoms, but also to change behavior to deal with the fact that these illnesses will not be cured — only managed.” McLellan’s argument for addiction as a chronic illness, made in a 2000 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, is increasingly accepted as the mainstream scientific view. But researchers say it has not resulted in much change at treatment programs nationwide, many of them mom-and-pop operations with few financial incentives to improve. Delaware is an exception. Like most states, Delaware paid independent centers a flat fee to provide outpatient substance-abuse treatment. Numbers mattered; results did not. But beginning in 2002, payments have been based entirely on how well the program performs. If patients do not show up for all the therapy sessions, the clinic gets less; if they complete the program, the clinic gets more. New, evidencebased therapies are encouraged but not required. As it turns out, they

Wire Editor: Jessica Barba



don’t need to be. “It forced us to look at outside industries for ideas of what would make it work,” said Lynn Fahey, executive director of Wilmingtonbased Brandywine Counseling, who was in charge of a site at the time. To improve outcomes, they took up evidence-based practices that they previously had ignored. To make the center more inviting, “we got vending machines and added a phone out in our front lobby that clients could use to call for a ride,” Fahey said. After five years, the number of patients who completed treatment rose from 53 percent to 70 percent statewide. Costs are believed to be unchanged. When Jack Kemp, who led the pay-for-performance experiment as the state director of substance-abuse services, retired in 2008, McLellan hired him part time to try to get other states to follow Delaware’s lead. The sum of McLellan’s worldview convince the public that substance abuse is a medical issue, not a moral failing; that treatment must be ongoing, not crisis-driven; that the system needs to be restructured to attract customers, not just serve them is known as a public health perspective. “If I come up with a better drug to try to treat cocaine, that could be very useful for the individual cocaine addict,” explained Herbert Kleber, director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute Division on Substance Abuse. “But a public health perspective says: Where are these cocaine addicts and how can we get (the treatment to them) when they get right out

of prison?” said Kleber, McLellan’s predecessor under President George H.W. Bush. Since his Senate confirmation in August, McLellan has been meeting with dozens of agency heads, professional organizations and medical groups that traditionally have not seen addiction as their responsibility. Working together, he says, could ultimately save millions of dollars now spent on emergency-room care, building new prisons, and fighting crime. He is pushing primary-care providers to see substance-abuse screening as part of their role as gateways to the health care system.When asking patients what medications they are taking, for example, doctors and nurses should include alcohol. Patients who have more than three drinks a day or 14 a week should be counseled to cut back, he said. McLellan’s mainstreaming of the word recovery — not a term typically associated with the drug czar’s office is intended to send a message. “The public knows that people abusing drugs and alcohol do stupid things. What they don’t know is that people in recovery go on to do amazing things,” said researcher Deni Carise, a former cocaine addict who says she has been in recovery for 141/2 years. Carise and McLellan married in 2000 and have a home in the Bella Vista section of Philadelphia. Three months ago, she was named chief clinical officer for Phoenix House’s 150 treatment centers around the country. In McLellan’s view, why focus on the former when you can celebrate the latter?


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Thursday, February 25, 2010

thursday, february 25, 2010

arts & Entertainment editor: cassandra keyse

Cal Poly releases new white wine Patrick Leiva mustang daily

The Cal Poly wine and viticulture program recently released their

latest wine, the Mustang White. The wine, a 2008 edition made by Mike Horton, is Cal Poly’s first Mustang White and is made from a blend of pinot blanc and pinot gris

grapes. The white marks the eighth wine that Cal Poly currently has available for purchase. John Peterson, director of the wine and viticulture program, said

the program makes two different categories of wines: estate wines and Mustang wines. He said the estate wines are made from grapes grown at Trestle Vineyard, located at the northern part of campus by Poly Canyon. The grapes grown there include syrah, chardonnay and pinot noir. The estate wines are designated as such because they are made from grapes grown by Cal Poly. The Mustang wines are made from different blends that include grapes donated from wineries all over the county, Peterson said. He

said they originally released 2006 and 2007 versions of the Mustang Red since the zinfandel grapes were available for use. After seeing the popularity of the Mustang Red, Peterson said it only made sense to offer a white as well. He said the blends differ from year to year and give each wine a unique taste. “Pinot gris and pinot blanc have their own characteristic flavors,” Peterson said. “When you blend them together, they complement each see Wine, page 11

patrick leiva mustang daily

The selection of Cal Poly wines produced by the wine and viticulture program can be found at Cal Poly Downtown and Central Coast Wines.

“Flight of the Pelican?”

mustang daily

Thursday, February 25, 2010 www.mustangdaily.net

beer column

Firestone Walker Brewery provides a variety of tastes Once upon a time, there was a little boy. This little boy had big dreams. Dreams of exploration, fame, fortune — being a columnist who talks about different kinds of beers and exbeeriences. Of making up words like exbeerience.This boy, of course, was me and was only considered little by his 82-year-old grandma, but still.

Here we are, now. While the fame is dependent on how bored you are in class, and the fortune is just plain non-existent, the exploration is still there.And this week, I went exploring out of the safety of my living room. This week’s beers are from a local favorite that has gotten some national and international attention, at least as far as awards go. That’s right, ladies and gents, this week’s beers are from Firestone Walker Brewery. Now I know most of you have probably already tasted and formed your opinions about these beers. But hey, you haven’t heard them talked about by a professional (term used extremely loosely), right? Also, I’ll be incorporating some things I learned from the unique exbeerience that I had, as a columnist for the Mustang Daily touring Firestone’s facilities.Yes, a unique experience that you, as a lay person, cannot have but by vicariously reading this column. Or by showing up at the brewery on Saturday or Sunday at either 1:30 or 3:30 in the afternoon. Or probably by just sweet talking them into giving you a tour some other time. Oh, and just to be sure there is no confusion, I’m not talking about Firestone Grill in downtown San Luis Obispo. I’m talking about the brewery located in Paso Robles. Now that that’s all cleared up, let’s get going. I shall start at the beginning.When my companion and I got there, we were a bit unsure as to what to do, but quickly figured out we should order at the bar and then take a seat. So we did, but not until after we got the sweet tasting set-ups! Apparently, they serve their samples in the paddles from “Dazed and Confused.” OK, maybe not, but they are seriously paddles. They serve four four-ounce samples; one each of their Pale, Double Barrel Ale, Union Jack (IPA) and Walker’s Reserve (porter). Each minisnifter glass sits in its own hole in the

paddle, and you can pick the whole thing up at once! Sweet. But that’s not even the best part — with the $6 tasting, you get a free pint glass! Overwhelming, I know. The first beer I tried was the Pale 31. This is a light-bodied pale ale, and it is has a nice golden color and white head. The aroma is floral, and permeates throughout the tasting of the beer. It is quite crisp, which is to be expected of a pale ale,

and is moderately hopped, which is what Blue Frog would probably be considered highly hopped. This is as tasty a pale as you will find at a brewery that brews more for the masses and less for the, uh, not masses. The next was their signature Double Barrel Ale.This is their rendition of the British Pale Ale, though according to their Web site, they think it’s better than any Brit can do. I’ve no opinion as far as that goes, but the beer is a tasty one. It was, I think, the mildest of the four as far as flavor goes. It gets its name from the fact that it is actu see Firestone, page 10


Arts editor: Cassandra Keyse mustangdailyarts@gmail.com


Climate class turns ideas into policy Daniel Triassi mustang daily

For the 13 city and regional planning students enrolled in the two-quarter long community planning laboratory, success in the classroom means saving the world. The class (CRP 410, 411)

works in conjunction with the city of San Luis Obispo to draft a climate plan. The plan ultimately hopes to serve as a guide for the city and voters for climate reduction. In exchange, the students gain experience and an edge for getting jobs. Kim Murray, deputy director for community development for

the city of San Luis Obispo, has worked with the class since September. Murray spoke to the merit of the city and regional planning class. “These are a dedicated bunch of students,” she said. “Their professional, hard working and ener see Climate, page 10


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courtesy photo

Firestone Walker Brewery, located in Paso Robles, offers a tasting of four different 4-ounce brews.

Firestone continued from page 9

ally brewed in oak barrels for a period of time during the brewing process, which allows some of the milder flavors from the wood to make their way into the beer.A fun fact: if you go at the right time to the tasting room, you can get the DBA unfiltered. Sadly

I didn’t go at the right time, but apparently it has a much better flavor. Next up is the beer that was probably my favorite — the Union Jack IPA.Tasty. It was quite the lovely contrast from Blue Frog’s “balanced” IPA. It was hopped up and deliciously bitter with 72 international bitterness units, which is pretty high. On top of being hoppier than the preceding beers, it does, as you would expect,

Thursday, February 25, 2010

contain a bit more alcohol — 2.5 to 2.7 percent more alcohol by volume, for a total of 7.5 percent to be exact. It is also a citrusy beer, as opposed to the floral ones above. Full in flavor and hops, this is a tasty beer that is worth the extra couple of bucks it costs to get a six pack of this rather than the Pale or DBA. And finally, the black sheep of the group: the Walker’s Reserve Robust

Climate continued from page 9

getic.” The students practice what they preach. They arrive to class using alternative transportation, drink water from canteens, interact nearly in the dark (the room is lit mostly by window light) and rarely take notes on paper. Their instructor is city and regional planning assistant professor Adrienne Greve. This is the second year Greve has been conducting a climate action plan. The first year the class worked with the city of Benicia. Their policy was ultimately adopted by Benicia to identify ways in which the city can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Greve said. “That doesn’t often happen to students,” she said. “It was an amazing first try, really.” From the first day, Greve instructs her class to prepare a draft of a climate action plan. “Our aim is to identify climate mitigation and adaptation strategies that make sense of a given city’s needs, current policy setting and emissions sources,” Greve said.

Porter. Of course, this is a combination of coffee, chocolate and smoked flavors, as it seems most American porters are.As they go, it is pretty mild. I liked that the prominent aromas and flavors weren’t smoked, but rather highlighted the chocolate and coffee aspects. According to the Web site, there are also hints of toffee and caramel, though even after all of this tasting for you people, my buds aren’t quite that trained. I’ll just keep trying.This was a very smooth, not bitter, easy-drinking beer. If you’re looking for a chocolatecoffee drink but don’t want to get a frappuccino, go grab a porter. While nothing necessarily extraordinary, this would be a good, balanced choice, and trying it gives you a chance to see what Firestone can do beside pales. All in all, the tasting and tour were enjoyable and informative exbeeriences, with my favorite being the Union Jack IPA. I would recommend going, if for no other reason than to get a cool pint glass and to check out the paddles that they use. If you want an even more unique visit, call ahead and see if they have their unfiltered DBA on tap. Let me know how it is. Now, it seems that with every

good experience comes a bad one. For example, while I was having a good time at the bars this weekend, I had the misfortune of having to hear Ke$ha’s TiK ToK. Before I could use my meditation practices to tune it out, though, I heard her talking about brushing her teeth with a bottle of Jack, which I presume to mean Jack Daniel’s Whiskey. I would just like to remind you that sadly, Ke$ha has now made a ton of money. This means that she can afford to pay a chauffeur to drive her around after she finishes a bottle of whiskey. Do be sure that you have the same arrangements made, even if that means paying a friend to be designated driver for a day of wine, beer or whiskey tasting — or even just a night of drinking downtown or at another friend’s house. Be safe out there and drink responsibly. As I’m sure Ke$ha herself would say, if you are arrested on account of alcohol, nobody is going to be “blowin’ up” your “phones phones” in jail.

The class is broken up into two subtopics: a topic team and a task team. Topics are largely based on the student’s interests, which include broad areas of environmentalism such as alternative transportation, water and energy use. Throughout the process, they have contact with the city and community members. “It’s a great experience for students to get involved and see what public workshops are like, how you handle public input and how the political processes help shape the project,” Murray said. To further involve the community, the class, led by the outreach team, has conducted three booths at Farmers’ Market to get strategies for climate change. They also held two public meetings for input and participated with sixth grade students from Los Ranchos Elementary School for an additional perspective. The elementary school students came up with unique ideas said city and regional planning senior Jonelle Fournet-Collazos. “One girl suggested turning parking lots into forests, one boy suggested making a fast food drivethru for bikes and one girl sug-

gested having a celebrity, like Fergie, on a bus so people would ride,” Fournet-Collazos said. At the second public meeting, San Luis Obispo citizens voted on which ways they thought was best for the city to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Popular examples included expanding the availability and frequency of bus routes, creating more walkable neighborhoods, and creating a “cash for grass” program for replacing lawns with water efficient landscaping. At the meeting, Monica Kittinger, a city and regional planning senior, spoke on ways to increase parks and open space. “I know climate change is real, I’d rather be part of the solution than the problem,” she said. “It’s rewarding to be environmentally conscious and to work with the city.” At the end of the quarter, the climate team will have a final draft of their action plan for review by the city. “This augments all the technology, training and great background Cal Poly trains students for,” Murray said. “I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

Adam Plachta is a business administration senior and Mustang Daily beer columnist.


mustang daily

Thursday, February 25, 2010 www.mustangdaily.net


movie column

Scorsese directs another winner it’s one giant natural set piece. Teddy’s search takes him to caves, cliffs, a lighthouse and more, all of which seem just as alarming and hazardous as the next. Not to mention, a massive hurricane is approaching, ensuring the fact that Teddy and Chuck are stuck whether they like it or not. Lehane’s story and Laeta Kalogridis’s screenplay both needed to be filmed with a focus on atmosphere and fear, a task that Scorsese tackles with impeccable direction. As far as performances go, Leo’s embodiment of Teddy Daniels is among his best, and it’s no surprise it is a result of a partnership with Scorsese, the fourth great film they have done together (“Gangs of New York,” “The Aviator,” “The Departed”). He does such a good job of making it easy for the audience to notice the man’s troubled past, even before he explains it himself. Mark Ruffalo (“Collateral,” “Zodiac”), an underrated actor, also succeeds in his portrayal of Teddy’s partner. He is successful in creating a character who doesn’t know where he stands in terms of what he really believes is going on throughout the plot. Kingsley and Von Sydow’s performances need not be mentioned again, since these two are guaranteed to almost always light up the screen whenever their characters walk in a room. Mortimer (“Elizabeth”, “Match Point”) and Michelle Williams (“Brokeback Mountain,” “I’m Not There”) also both do great jobs in their respective roles of a child murderer and Teddy’s deceased wife who now only exists in his hallucinations. While most critics are indeed hailing this movie as a great picture, it hasn’t received the universal critical acclaim accustomed to Scorsese films, and in my opinion that’s simply not fair. It’s not that people are expecting too much, it’s just that people are expecting the wrong things. For someone to have only seen a couple of his achievements like “The Departed” and “Goodfellas” (which would be a crime in the movie world), to walk into this movie and hope for a fast paced run-and-gun gangster film filled with wise guys and Italians is a huge mistake. Many reviews complain that the ending is too far fetched and completely catches you off guard — I agree with the second part. If you really try to think about what you have just witnessed you will realize that there is no other satisfactory way to end this story. The ending is an effective tool that does, in fact, catch you off guard, which is what I believe endings in these types of puzzling movies should always do.

What can be said about Martin ing water as far as the eye can see. Scorsese that hasn’t already been Daniels and Aule are eventually insaid? He is respected not only for troduced to the facility’s medical dia body of work that includes un- rector, Dr. Cawley, played perfectly matched classics like “Raging Bull,” with both charm and menace by the “Goodfellas” and “The Departed,” incomparable Oscar winner Sir Ben but he is also admired for his true Kingsley (“Gandhi,” “Sexy Beast”). passion and knowledge of the art of It’s soon obvious that the marfilmmaking. He is, without a shadow shals, Teddy in particular, do not of a doubt, one of the greatest direc- like the feel of this place and believe tors of all time … arguably even the there might be some sort of conbest of all. I have yet to see a film of spiracy surrounding Rachel’s escape. his that I can honestly label as bad or Scorsese uses his legendary skill and unsatisfactory. All of his films, even patience to reveal the story bit by bit, the lesser known ones, have a good a method that some may find frusnumber of aspects that will astonish trating. Flashback scenes show that you. part of Teddy’s personality is a direct Marty’s latest picture, as he likes to result of atrocities he witnessed and call them, is the suspenseful thriller participated in during World War II. “Shutter Island,” based on the novel The entire film is meant for you to written by author Dennis Lehane, constantly be on edge and always be who is also responsible for creating thinking. the stories for excellent films “MysHow could Rachel have possibly tic River” and “Gone Baby Gone.” escaped? Teddy’s conspiracy theories “Shutter Island” emits a dark and are only furthered with the introominous tone that begins working duction to Cawley’s stubborn and on the audience even before a single aggravating German colleague Dr. word is spoken. It is an eerie and Jeremiah Naehring, portrayed by expertly crafted film that is almost world-class veteran Max Von Sydow more haunting than typically scary. (“The Exorcist,” “Minority ReThis is a film with plenty of Scorsese port”). trademarks that, while perhaps not As mentioned before, there are living up to initial hype, still engages enchanting visuals in “Shutter Island.” viewers with astonishing visuals, The film obviously has Hitchcockgreat performances and a masterfully ian influence and really does a great engineered ending. job of bringing this island to life — The film opens with U.S marshals Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) approaching Shutter Island via boat through a giant foreboding cloud. Shutter Island is a remote location outside of Massachusetts that houses a Civil War-era fort that has been converted into a mental institution for the criminally insane. It is the mid 1950’s, and the marshals have been assigned the task of investigating the disappearance of one Alex Petrosian is a biological sciof the island’s patients, Rachel Soences sophomore and Muslando (Emily Mortimer), a woman tang Daily movie charged with drowning all of her columnist. children. After a thorough observation, it is clear that there is no way a patient could leave the island alive. Security is tight, the fences are electrified, and the only way in or out is a single dock that mcclatchy-tribune is surrounded by Leonardo DiCaprio stars in Martin Scorsese’s latest thriller “Shutter Island.” unbearably freez-

Wine continued from page 8

other and amplify their flavors. It makes for a very bright and light and flavorful wine.” The Mustang White exhibits different characteristics, including melon, citrus and pear flavors, Peterson said. He added that the wine should be served chilled and is a perfect complement to crab cakes, seafood, smoked cheeses and grilled vegetables. Located in the heart of wine country, Peterson said the Cal Poly program is the largest in the United States with nearly 300 students. He said the program is aided by Orcutt Road Cellars, which is where the wine is processed and bottled. There were 951 cases of the 2008 edition of the Mustang White produced for sale. The Cal Poly program usually has two primary student winemakers in charge of producing the wines. This year, Erich Fleck and Charley Johnson are the winemakers for the 2009 editions of all Cal Poly wines. Johnson said he enjoys the Cal Poly program because it gives him the opportunity to work with a variety of different grapes and wines. He said the best part about the Mustang wines is they change each year with different grapes and different trends in the industry. “Since the Cal Poly winemakers are our age, the Mustang White is kind of situated toward our age group,” Johnson said. “This wine is a little fruitier and more aromatic than your standard white wine.” He said the Mustang White does not contain much, if any oak influence, which was a staple of white wines in the past. Also, Johnson said he is excited to see the Cal Poly wines with his name on the label in the future. “I think that’s the coolest thing,” Johnson said. “The idea

that I contributed to this world with the product that I made.” Fleck said they are already working on production for the 2009 editions of the Cal Poly wines. He said the 2009 Mustang White will be completely different from the 2008 since the program did not receive any pinot gris or pinot blanc. Fleck said the 2009 edition will be a blend of chardonnay and viognier, which will offer their own unique flavors. The Mustang White is available in multiple locations throughout San Luis Obispo. Kathleen Sharkey, a marketing and sales consultant for Cal Poly wines, said the Mustang White can be found at the Cal Poly Downtown store and Central Coast Wines. Also, she said the wine is available in four restaurants including Sage, Cafe Roma, Palazzo Giuseppe and Buona Tavola. Sharkey said the wine is very versatile and affordable since it is the least expensive of all the Cal Poly wines at $14. “It’s a great picnic wine,” Sharkey said. “It’s something that you could bring over to someone’s house and be very drinkable right then and there without interfering with anyone’s meal selection.” Both Peterson and Sharkey said they feel the 2008 editions of the Cal Poly wines can be as successful as the 2007 versions. At the annual San Francisco International Wine Competition, Cal Poly earned four medals for each of the wines they entered which were the syrah, chardonnay, pinot noir and Mustang Red. The Mustang Red earned double gold status at the competition when each judge on his or her particular panel agreed the wine deserved gold. Peterson said all revenue generated from the sale of the wines goes back and supports the wine and viticulture program. All Cal Poly wines can be purchased online at www.calpolywine.com.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010 Volume LXXIV, No. 82 ©2009 Mustang Daily “I just can’t get enough of this unethical pizza.”

opinion/editorial Thursday, February 25, 2010

Editor in chief: Emilie Egger Managing Editor: Alex Kacik




Fear must be eliminated for truth to advance in America I observed with amusement the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference last weekend — especially Glenn Beck's diatribe on progressives, in which he said that the difference between Communists and progressives is the difference between revolution and evolution: "one requires a gun and the other does it slowly, piece by piece, eating away at it, to the point to where now our people in Congress, they don’t even care." I'm not quite sure what Beck was referring to when he said that progressives were eating away at "it” — I assume that in his mind, he's referring to the values of America. The definition of what Beck believes progressives are chipping away at is the key to unlocking his statement. If it is, in fact, the values of America, it's very important to take a look at his discussion of these values. He mentions several stories about his life to illustrate American values — but all of them reduce to "personal responsibility", words Beck used himself in his speech. He essentially believes that people should take care of their own problems, secure their own jobs, buy their own health care, and buy their own food. And the government should in no way interfere with anyone's life. I'm taking a fascinating American history class this quarter, in which we learned that an important characteristic of the colonies and early America was labor scarcity and land abundance. People were able to work hard and secure their own land and they were also able to get jobs quite easily because farmers needed workers on their land, and there was a need for resources to use and export. However, when America began to modernize and industrialize, things began to change. Cities began to form, and there was less of an opportunity for people to successfully make it into the upper or middle class as there was during the time of the Revolutionary and Civil War eras. In the early 1900s, problems began to emerge in society, such as what to do with immigrants and women. Should women have the right to vote, and did America promote equality and freedom? Out of these tough questions emerged the progressives. The progressives did not want to abolish the values of America, nor did they wish to make America a Communist or socialist nation. In fact, they wanted to retain our capitalistic economy. They merely wished to address these problems. From this desire to address the issues of America came Franklin Roosevelt's Four Freedoms and his New Deal — two, I imagine, of the more egre-

gious historical American policies and concepts to the conservative mind. But we're not chipping away at any old values, or attempting to turn America into a socialist nation. We're merely stating that in today's America, there are people who, without reforms, wouldn't have a fair shot at the capitalistic opportunities that America offers. And when Glenn Beck stands up and shouts to his followers that progressives are ruining America, he is only causing people who trust him to be afraid. And the results of this fear-mongering are visible today. One big fear that conservatives grappled with when the Democrats and President Obama took office was the notion that we pro-

gressives were going to take away their guns. On the contrary, President Obama has remained fairly silent on the matter of gun control, and as far as I know people are still able to own guns — and we're already beginning the second year of progressive rule. In fact, the NY Times reports that President Obama "signed bills last year allowing guns to be carried in national parks and in luggage on Amtrak trains." Nevertheless, there are reports of states loosening the reign on gun control and a mass purchase of guns in response to the nonexistent threat of restrictive gun control. According to a NY Times report Wednesday, "In Virginia, the General Assembly approved a bill last

week that allows people to carry concealed weapons in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol, and the House of Delegates voted to repeal a 17-year-old ban on buying more than one handgun a month." The article goes on to state that several other states, such as Wyoming and Arizona, are also considering relaxing their gun control laws. Action and protestation based on fear and imagined threats is becoming a trend in conservatism today, and until that is corralled, truth can't prevail in society. President Franklin D. Roosevelt eloquently discussed this problem of fear hindering truth from progressing in his First Inaugural Address, when he said, "This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." Stephanie England is an English sophomore and Mustang Daily columnist.

john krause newsart

Thursday, February 25, 2010


mustang daily



Student loans should all be subsidized by the government mcclatchy-tribune news service

Given a choice, would you use taxpayer money to subsidize banks, or to help students pay for college? It's rare for a public policy question to be this big a no-brainer. But that's the right way to describe the Obama administration's proposal to save an estimated $80 billion over 10 years by making all student loans directly through the government rather than private lenders, and direct that money toward education programs. The House has passed legislation to eliminate the middleman — companies such as Sallie Mae — from the process, but the proposal is stalled in the Senate amid filibuster threats. U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan wants to use the money for programs that help students get to college and succeed there, crucial steps for the country if U.S. companies are to compete globally longterm. The biggest of these programs

letters to the editor

Sex isn’t just about animal impusles Today after reading OMGSEX by Anthony Rust I felt myself compelled to respond. His article “Societal Norms Affect Sexual Urges” began by comparing humans to animals who want to make as many babies as possible (with whatever “orifice”) and ended with the image that having sex in class is a “better” option than taking notes. The column came with the usual premise of a sex column: that sex is vilified and we should reshape our views of it. However, it proved the exact opposite. He used gross overgeneralizations such as: the only reasons we don’t have sex are because we don’t want to

is a $40 billion increase in Pell Grants, which would improve affordability for students now and reduce indebtedness later. The plan also includes $8 billion for early childhood education, an essential ingredient for success later in life, and more money for community colleges, low-interest Perkins loans and college-tuition tax credits. In concept, the proposal isn't that dramatic; the government already makes the majority of student loans. However, a very profitable slice currently goes through private companies that lend out federal money and collect fees and interest, even though taxpayers bear the risk of default. This piece of the market would be eliminated. Lenders, supported by some lawmakers from both parties, are arguing against the plan, trying to protect what Duncan calls their "free ride." Perhaps sensing that public opinion isn't on their side, they've suggested an alternative that would limit their profits but also save the government

be judged, we are taught is “dirty”, and sex brings feelings of shame. Rust failed to acknowledge that sex is not an animalistic impulse alone for most people; it is an intimate act between two humans that carries along with it many emotions. These emotions include trust, respect, and often love. When we choose to have sex we are giving ourselves to another person in the most personal way possible, and that is the reason it is not done in public. It is not dirty or shameful; it is private and personal. We are not animals, and while we may not always have the purest intentions with our sexual encounters in that moment those emotions exist and not for the entertainment of others. Live your sex life as you see fit but have respect for yourself so that others will respect you. Lindsey Meredith political science sophomore

far less. One of the primary arguments against the bill is that it represents a government takeover. But this argument is purely political, not substantive, as the government provides virtually all the capital for student loans already. The industry also says the bill will cost jobs. Sallie Mae estimates it would be forced to lay off some 2,500 people, though it doesn't account for positions that would be regained because the plan calls for private companies to service the loans. Regardless, saving these jobs isn't worth $80 billion. The lenders argue they can serve students better, and they're at least partly right, which is why the government would still contract with them to service the loans. But during the economic collapse, many private lenders stopped offering loans altogether, forcing colleges to turn to the more reliable direct lending programs instead — hardly a shining example of excellent cus-

Does the author realize he’s referencing the same guy who rails against tax-payer supported programs, and says he learned everything he knows from the “free” library (To be clear – it isn’t free, it’s paid for by those “evil” taxes). —Drew In response to “The other side of progressivism” NOTE: The Mustang Daily features select comments that are written in response to articles posted online. Though not all the responses are printed, the Mustang Daily prints comments that are coherent and foster intelligent discussion on a given subject. No overcapitalization, please.



. WE INVESTIGATE. mu s t a ngda ily w ire@gm ail.c om

tomer support. It's one thing to lose your car loan when credit m a r ke t s freeze up. It's quite another to be unable to attend college. Student lending is too important to be left to market vagaries. This plan eliminates corporate welfare and funds key education programs without adding to the deficit. The Senate should pass it without delay so that colleges will have time to implement it in time for the next school year.

barry maguire newsart

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Gerhart continued from page 16

certain NFL prospect, quarterback Colt McCoy. The combination of speed and agility work and a strict no-carb diet, “I’m eating all these vegetables I’d never even heard of,” Gerhart said, have helped him shed 10 pounds since football season ended. But, he admits, there remains a considerable chip to be brushed from his shoulder.

Basketball continued from page 16

Becky Tratter, Ashlee Stewart and Brittany Lange were honored as the graduating seniors. Tratter scored a career-high 19 points against Northridge. Lange went 4-4 and Stewart hit 4-5 from beyond the arc, contributing to a seasonbest 14 three-pointers for the team. “They all played their butts off that game,” Santiago said. “It was a really good feeling leaving the court knowing they played so hard their last game at home.” The Irish sharp-shooter Clancy, who recently indicated that she was graduating early, also participated in Senior Night. It’s still up-in-the-air whether she will be returning next season. “I’m very close friends with Beck, Brit and Ash,” Clancy said. “A lot of them (her teammates) are planning to come visit me in Ireland, so hopefully that’s not the end of everything.”


mustang daily

Wednesday, February 25, 2010


“The combine is going to determine a lot for me; it’s definitely going to be high-pressure,” he said. “But I feel very confident in my abilities, that I can prove I’m faster than people think I am, that I can prove I can catch the ball better than people think I can.” As Gerhart puts it, for this fourday stretch he will be more of a track athlete than a football player. And a psychiatric patient. And an honorary livestock member. He will spend today and much

of Friday being poked and prodded by doctors, who will look at everything from the left knee that had ligaments repaired his sophomore season to the size of his hands. The rest of Friday and Saturday will be spent taking the infamous mental aptitude test called the Wonderlic, “I was joking with my agent that maybe I should miss some on purpose, so they don’t think I’m too smart,” Gerhart said, and getting grilled by as many NFL teams’ representatives who have interest.

“You’re basically there in your girdle, walking the stage,” Gerhart joked. “The interviews are supposed to be really intense. You sit down in a room with the owner and the general manager and the coach and the position coach and the team psychiatrist, and they ask you anything they want basically.” Then on Sunday, it’s time to break out the track shoes and produce those magic numbers. Digits will be scribbled down for the 40yard dash, including split times for

10 and 20 yards. There will be a vertical jump, a broad jump, a 20yard shuttle and a cone drill. McShay, who predicts Gerhart will be a second- to third-rounder, says he “doesn’t bring the explosiveness” and “is not a home-run hitter.” Gerhart, who gave up baseball and left Stanford 10 hours short of a degree to pursue his NFL dream, begs to differ. “We’ll see this weekend,” he said.

Earlier this season, the Mustangs defeated Cal State Fullerton 76-73 in overtime. “It went all the way down to the wire,” Clancy said about the first match. “It couldn’t get any closer.” Minmaugh said the team has been working a lot on its press break since the Titans pose a tough manto-man full-court defense. She also said they are the toughest offensive rebounding team in the league. The Mustangs were without Tratter that game. “We have very different personnel, but a similar style of play,” Santiago said. “We both like to run so it should be a fast-paced, physical game.” She explains that the team has grown since their first round of conference play. Different people step up at different times when the team is down in spirits, a change from past years. “We havn’t played well there (at Fullerton) in the past, but I think we are a different team now,” she said. “We are better at getting over

stuff ... When we get down in the first half, we come out strong in the second.” One of those contributors, Abby Blotecher, a strong presence in the paint for the Mustangs, tore her ACL in practice last week. The sophomore post player will be out for the rest of the year. “Abby has been huge on the boards and as a post offender,” Minmaugh said. “We will miss her for sure.” Santiago said the team will have to make adjustments, meaning she will also have to spend more time inside the paint. “It’s a bummer that you go so hard in practice, and then to get hurt,” Santiago said. Following Cal State Fullerton is UC Santa Barbara on Saturday, whom the Mustangs beat 67-62 previously. The conference closer will be at UC Irivine on Mar. 6. “All these teams are having senior nights so these are big home games for them,” Santiago said. “They will be tough matches.”

Senior guard Ashlee Stewart scored 14 points against Cal State Northridge.

ryan sidarto mustang daily file photo


Wednesday, February 25, 2010


sports editor: Brian De Los Santos



Women’s basketball begins Baseball to host season-ending road trip USF this weekend Katherine Grady mustang daily

A game after Cal Poly’s seniors said goodbye to Mott Gym, The Mustangs (17-8, 10-3 Big West) look to defend their first place spot in the Big West against Cal State Fullerton (12-15, 6-7) Thursday night. “We certainly have teams breathing down our necks right now,” junior guard Rachel Clancy said, the

league’s top three-point shooter. Cal Poly is leading the Big West, a half-game ahead of UC Davis (17-8, 10-3). It’s the first time in program history the team has at least one win against all eight Big West opponents this season. If they keep first or second place entering the tournament, they will automatically earn two bye weeks that will take them to the semi-finals. “We are trying our darndest to

ryan sidarto mustang daily file photo

Senior forward Becky Tratter matched a career-high with 19 points against Cal State Northridge. Four other Mustangs added double figures.

put ourselves in that position,” head coach Faith Minmaugh said. “If we can play one less game (to get closer to the championship) we would rather do that.” The team recorded the highest scoring single-game total for the program since 2001 with their 100-78 win against Cal State Northridge this past weekend. As is consistent with many of their performances this year, the Mustangs outscored the Matadors in the second half — scoring 60 points to 39. They converted 40 percent of their shots in the first half but came out and scored just shy of 80 percent of their shots in the second. “We got into the locker room and said we can’t be playing like this,” junior forward Kristina Santiago said. “We came out the second half and ended up blowing them out.” Before the game, Cal Poly honored their seniors who had an outstanding game, according to Minmaugh. Santiago scored a team-best 24 points. The Santa Maria native is the conference leader in scoring, rebounds and steals. “She (Santiago) is one of the best, if not the best player in the league,” Minmaugh said. Santiago described the feeling of being in Mott Gym for the last time with people she’s been playing with since her freshman year. “It was crazy,” she said. “All four starters standing with me were seniors. It hit me all of sudden ... I’m never doing to be here standing with them again.”

ryan sidarto mustang daily file photo

This weekend, Cal Poly (2-2) will host USF (1-2) at Baggett stadium. The series, which was originally scheduled to take place in Benedetti Diamond, was moved to the Central Coast due to field conditions. In their first series of the season, the Mustangs dropped two of three games against USC. On Tuesday, Cal Poly defeated Pepperdine, 12-4, behind a six-RBI effort from outfielder Bobby Crocker. San Francisco opened its season with two losses in a three-game series against Pacific.

Men’s basketball falls to Titans in final seconds

see Basketball, page 15

Gerhart has much to prove at NFL Scouting Combine Mark Conley san jose mercury news

From toast of the Heisman Trophy homestretch to just another slab in the NFL meat market,

the past few months have been a whirlwind for Toby Gerhart. But the Heisman runner-up touched down in Indianapolis on Wednesday with everything he feels he’ll need to succeed during the next four days at the NFL combine: good running shoes, a sleeker physique and a healthy dose of spite for the Mel Kipers and Todd McShays of the world. “I hear what people have said about me on TV,” Gerhart said of the ESPN analysts. Neither Kiper nor McShay list Gerhart among their top five running backs available in the April 22 draft, and they are hardly alone in that assessment. “They say I don’t have topend speed or the burst,” Gerhart added. “They say I can’t play running back at the next level. I don’t

think I’m getting the respect I deserve.” Thursday begins his chance to prove them wrong. After a record-shattering season that saw Gerhart set the Stanford singleseason rushing record (1,871 yards), lead the nation in rushing touchdowns (28), lead the Cardinal to a surprising Sun Bowl appearance and finish a historically close second to Alabama’s Mark Ingram for the Heisman, Gerhart finds himself in unfamiliar territory: under duress. He has spent the past five weeks at Velocity Sports Performance in Irvine, doing specialized workouts from 9 to 5, six days per week. His roommate is another Heisman finalist and un see Gerhart, page 15

nick camacho mustang daily

Jacques Streeter hit a running jump-shot with time expiring as Cal State Fullerton (15-12, 8-6 Big West) defeated Cal Poly, 70-68, (10-17, 6-8) Thursday night in Mott Gym. Junior guard Shawn Lewis sunk a three-pointer to tie the game at 68-68 with 5.2 seconds left. Streeter then went coast-to-coast and hit a full-sprint bank shot as the buzzer sounded. Lewis finished with team-high 19 points and 11 rebounds.

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