Go SLO 2020

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Go SLO 2020 1

advertising supplement Mustang News California Polytechnic State University 1 Grand Ave San Luis Obispo, CA, 93407

Sophie Lincoln Special Sections Coordinator

Leaving home and starting college is a hectic and exciting time. For many of us, moving into the freshman dorms is our first experience living without our parents and all of a sudden we are left with all of this freedom, responsibility and untapped opportunity. From freshman orientation programs to career fairs and club fairs, Cal Poly’s myriad of resources and programs are here to help guide students through this new chapter and whatever hurdles you may face along the way. Now, with everything going on around the world amid this unprecedented global pandemic and the various social controversies happening, Cal Poly’s resources may be of even more use as you start life as a new mustang. In this year’s “Go SLO” edition, you may learn more about some of these resources available to support you throughout your college experience. Although college life during COVID-19 will be different, Cal Poly has done a great job of making their resources accessible virtually while still providing a safe and healthy environment. I strongly encourage students to take advantage of these programs and to make the most of your time here. Attend the various club, resource, study abroad and career fairs that occur each year. Have an open mind about meeting new people and trying new things. Lastly, don’t be afraid to seek out help if you need it. Cal Poly truly has a lot to offer and college really is what you make of it. I hope that this edition will open your eyes to the wonderful place you get to call home for the next few years and allow you to appreciate its many assets. 4 Mustang Media Group

06. 08. 11. 13. 14. 16. 19. 21.

Supporting Your Mustang: Perspectives from an Experienced Parent

Make Your Campus Feel Like Home Tips From University Housing

Parent Philanthropy Impacts Student Experiences at Cal Poly

Let’s Talk Turkey, With a Side of Physical Distancing

Home This Year, Abroad the Next

Scratch that Itch with Courses from the Music Department

Four First-Year Tips From Career Services

Your New Helping Hand


Campus Health and Wellbeing is Here for You!


Five Tech Tips You’ll Need to Succeed at Cal Poly


Invitation to CAED Virtual Fall Welcome Sept. 2


A Minor a Major Advantage


Education Past YourInital Four Years


College of Math and Science Funded Research Team Working To Create New Antibiotics


Taking Root with Hands-on Learning

Cover Photo by Jack Sanns Layout and Cover Design by Elaine Do Go SLO 2020 5

Supporting Your Mustang: Perspectives from an Experienced Parent

Sponsored by Parent & Family Programs | Written by Jim Pirkle, Cal Poly Parent Advisory Council Chair

Courtesy of Parent & Family Programs

Parents need support too! Thankfully, the

Mustangs through love, empathy and

Advisory Council, where I currently serve

Cal Poly community has many resources for

respect. It’s an amazing cycle of learning,

as the chair. This invaluable group is made

us all.

growing and making a difference – it’s the

up of dedicated parents who are focused

Mustang Way!

on student success and want to share their

As a parent, I did not want to burden my

knowledge and experience with fellow

Mustangs (Scottie ’20 and Geri ‘21) with

It’s also important to let your Mustang know

endless questions, texts and emails, but

that it’s safe to call you at any time and

I needed more information about the

about anything. Don’t judge or discipline

I encourage you to reach out to a

resources available to help them stay on

– just listen. Be approachable so they can

Parent Advisory Council member at

their respective paths because I knew their

seek you out as someone who has been there

parent.calpoly.edu/stay-involved to ask

journeys would include some bumps and

before and understands.

questions, share your concerns, and find inspiration and tangible solutions. I look

blind curves along the way. Where could I find support? Is there anyone

Mustang families.

Over the past six years, I’ve attended every

forward to meeting many new Cal Poly

Mustang Family Weekend, Open House

families this year and anxiously await

I could talk to who’s been there before? It was inevitable that my Mustangs would want to experience things for themselves. Learn by Doing begins the first day students arrive on campus and never stops. Failure can be a hard teacher, but Cal Poly’s motto is NOT “learn by succeeding.” With this in mind, the best thing you can do as a parent or supporter is guide your student to use the available resources on campus and help pick themselves up from failures or struggles. We want to help students get back on their path, learn from experiences, and influence their fellow

6 Mustang Media Group

“ The best thing you can do as a parent or supporter is guide your student to use the available resources. ” and too many lacrosse games and other

the opportunity to gather in person as a

events to count. I volunteered at most of

community once again. Go Mustangs!

these events, and along the way, formed meaningful relationships with fellow parents, supporters, students and staff. In addition to volunteering, I joined the Parent

Make Campus Your Home Tips From University Housing Sponsored by University Housing

On a normal day, you’re bound to run into

mountains that stretch from San Luis

someone you know in the residence halls.

Obispo to Morro Bay.

Studiers hunkered down over a calculus book. Loungers soaking up the sun on a lawn. Friends draped over couches in the common rooms. This year, though, life in the halls is going to be different. But that doesn’t mean you have to be stuck in your room all day.

• Take a selfie with the statue of Albert Einstein, near the Baker Center. • Catch an Insta-worthy sunset from the top level of a parking structure. • Buy a succulent from the Cal Poly Plant

and safety precautions. Decorate Your Room

Did you know that three faculty members live in student communities? Dr. Nathan Heston, from the Physics Department, lives in Cerro Vista Apartments; Dr. Nishi Rajakaruna, from the Biological Sciences Department, lives in yakit y ut y u; and Dr.

Shop. Then, explore the walking trails

Padma Maitland, from the College of

around the Arboretum.

Architecture and Environmental Design,

Here are some ways you can make Cal Poly feel like home — while still following health

Meet the Faculty-in-Residence

lives in Poly Canyon Village. They help Host a Virtual Watch Party How do you watch a movie with your 20 closest friends when you’re not in the same room? Do it virtually. All residents have

residents connect their home life to their academic life. Keep an eye out for events — like virtual tea and movies — planned by faculty-in-residence.

Put your personal stamp on your room.

access to SpectrumU — an online streaming

Pin photos to your cork board, put plants

service. Queue up a movie and start a group

on the windowsill, or hang some posters.

chat in Zoom. Have everyone press play at

Inter Housing Council (IHC) is a great way

(We recommend command strips and blue

the same time and break out the popcorn.

to meet friends and get involved where you

painter’s tape so you don’t leave any mark

You’re ready for movie night.

live. This organization helps put on small

Get Involved

on the wall.) You can even re-arrange your furniture — just make sure to put it back when you move-out. Go on a Walking Tour of Campus On campus for the first time? There are lots of spots you can explore with friends, while

“ You can make Cal Poly feel like home. ” Take a Hike

still maintaining physical distance. Here’s a

Lace up your hiking boots and hit the road.

quick list of some of our favorite spots:

Cal Poly has tons of hiking trails right in

• Say hi to the horses at the Grand Ave. entrance of campus. • Find all nine of the boulders that dot the pathways in yakityutyu. They represent the Nine Sisters, a chain of

8 Mustang Media Group

your backyard. Take the trail behind the Red Bricks up to the Poly P. Or explore Poly Canyon. (You’ll spot the trailheads along the walking path to Poly Canyon Village). Always remember to keep your hiking group small and wear a face covering.

group in-person events and virtual events for the community. IHC also helps students advocate for changes in their community and creates leadership positions in the community. Ask your Resident Advisor about how to get involved when you move on campus.

MUSTANG PACKING LIST REMEMBER THE ESSENTIALS Personal protective equipment (face coverings, thermometers) Cleaning and disinfecting supplies Toiletries (shower caddy, shower shoes, shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc.)

Space-saver storage

Bedding (XL twin bed) and pillows Adhesive hooks and strips (no nails); poster putty only in apartments


Bathrobe and bath towels Hangers

Important documents

Small personal safe Cold medicine & first-aid kit Computer Laundry supplies Fan Personal kitchen supplies Bicycle and lock LED desk lamp

CHECK WITH YOUR ROOMMATES Save money and lower end-of-year waste by sharing these items with roommates • TV/DVD/Stereo • Water purifying container • Printer • Kitchen items (apartments)

PLEASE LEAVE AT HOME • Microwaves • Hot plates • BBQs • Halogen lamps • Lava lamps • Extension cords • Air conditioners/space heaters • Weapons/firearms • Lofts/bed risers • Furniture: couches, chairs, futons • Flammables: candles, incense, propane, fireworks • Plug-in decorative lighting • Industrial cleaning solvents • Pets • Refrigerators/freezing units • Personal irons • Storage units taller than 48″

For the complete list, visit housing.calpoly.edu.

What’s in a name? This is called a glottal stop. It indicates an abrupt halt, like when you say “uh-oh”.

yak ityuyu means “our community” in the yak tityu tityu yak tiłhini, Northern Chumash language.

(more than you think)

The ty sounds like t+y when you say “nice to meet you.”

First-year Residential Community Get a look inside @CP_HOUSING

Know the story bit.ly/ytt-vid

Learn the names

Parent Philanthropy Impacts Student Experiences at Cal Poly Sponsored by Parent Philanthropy

Congratulations Cal Poly parents, and

degree valuable to employers looking

hands-on engagement is encouraged from

welcome to the Mustang Family. We can’t

for graduates ready to hit the ground

parents and family members. We hope that

wait to get to know you!

running. Parents also funded $2.4 million

you can find a way to make the next four

in scholarships for deserving students

years meaningful for your entire family

Parents are an important part of the engine

last year, providing educational access

and create your own Mustang experience.

that makes Learn by Doing thrive at Cal

for the next generation of innovators and

Whether through supporting your student’s

Poly. Last year 3,000 parents came together

community leaders throughout California

passion as they become involved with clubs

and transformed students’ lives through

and beyond.

and projects, or by joining a volunteer

their gifts. Because of the generosity of Cal

leadership committee — there are many

Poly parents last year, 800 students were

“Pam and I both understand that

ways for you to stay involved with your

fed through the Hunger Program and Food

universities don’t get as much funding from

student’s education and enhance their

Pantry. (A $25 donation will feed a food-

the state as most people think they do,” Tim

college experience.

insecure student for a week.)

said. “Given our positive experience with Cal Poly, we’re committed to seeing the school

“It’s a privilege to help Cal Poly to be a

Also, $40,000 in grants were issued through

prosper, and we think it’s a great role model

shining star and set an example for other

Cal Poly Cares, a program dedicated to

for the future of education.”

universities,” Tim said. “The future is getting

helping students focus on their education

stuff done, the future is hands on. The future

when they find themselves with emergency

Cal Poly recently announced the conclusion

needs us to put our brains to work and use

financial needs.

of the largest fundraising campaign in

our hands to make the world a better place.”

California State University history — and Parents like Pam and Tim Gray make an

that’s just the beginning. Nearly 75,000

Through Parent Philanthropy you can

impact every day in student’s lives. The

alumni, parents and community members

directly improve your student’s experience

Gray family has had the opportunity to

contributed to the record-breaking $832

at Cal Poly, while leading by example and

live through the Mustang experience twice

million raised during the campaign. Nearly

showing them that investment in education

— first with their daughter, Nelle, a 2018 bioresource and agricultural engineering graduate, and currently with their son, Will, a wine and viticulture student expected to graduate in 2022. “We give because of the tremendous benefit we’ve already seen in our two children

“ We hope that you can find a way to make the next four years meaningful for your entire family. ”

with the education they received and are receiving at Cal Poly,” Pam said. “I asked my daughter how she would describe her education at Cal Poly, and she said, ‘Well, It was so fun and so interesting and I felt

half of this support came in the form of

and the future of Learn by Doing is a

bequest commitments and will support our

top priority. Give back today at giving.

students far into the future

calpoly.edu or contact Morgen Marshall, director of Parent Philanthropy at

better prepared to go out and get a better

Your continuing support will help Cal Poly

job in my field -- far better than many of

build upon this momentum and continue

my other friends from high school.’ She

to provide a unique polytechnic education

graduated from Cal Poly and literally got a

with a focus on empowering students,

job as a rocket scientist!”

excellence and innovation.

Gifts to Cal Poly help fund the Learn by

Cal Poly provides a Learn by Doing

Doing education that makes a Cal Poly

education for our students, and that same

mnmarsha@calpoly.edu for more information and to discuss how you can make an impact.

Go SLO 2020 11

Let’s Talk Turkey, With a Side of Physical Distancing Sponsored by Campus Dining

From expanded to-go options and pop-up outdoor cooking to increased sanitation, Campus Dining is launching into the 202021 academic year with new programs and measures to ensure a more enjoyable dining experience with enhanced safety. Let’s talk cook-outs. To increase physical distancing, Campus Dining will be hosting more outdoor cooking events similar to the popular Chef’s Table and BBQ Wednesday series. Say hi to the chef, from a safe physical distance of course, and pick up your food to go. To help with the take-out Campus Dining is asking that all orders be placed through Grubhub for a completely contactless payment process. Grubhub uses credit cards and dining dollars for students on Dining Plans.

“ Say hi to the chef, from a safe physical distance of course, and pick up your food to go. ” Students looking for something a little

employees are assigned sanitation duties,

lighter and easier need look no further

cleaning tables, chairs, digital ordering

than house-made, Poly Fresh grab-and-

devices, tabletops and common touch areas.

go offerings. Jack and Olive items like sandwiches, salads, healthy snacks,

Each day as employees arrive, they are

heat-and-eat meals and desserts are also

given a quick wellness check and access to a

available. These expanded to-go options will

supply of gloves and face coverings that are

be served with recyclable packaging.

required while at work.

Campus Dining’s already thorough

For more information on what

sanitation protocols have been beefed up.

Campus Dining is doing to increase

Among broader changes like new beverage stations with UV sanitizing technology,

safety please visit calpolydining.com/ health-and-safety/

Campus Dining is introducing Cleaning Concierges. These specially trained student

Go SLO 2020 13

Home This Year, Abroad the Next Sponsored by Study Abroad | Written by Tessa Hughes

After being locked up for months on end,

hosting a virtual career fair where students

To research the programs that best fit your

do you dream of bigger and better places

may learn more about study abroad as well

needs, a list of all offered programs is now

outside the confines on your bedroom?

as other virtual experiences.

available at www.studyabroad.calpoly.

Or San Luis Obispo? Or even the state of

edu. Students who plan on studying abroad

California? Well thanks to the Cal Poly Study

“[The] International Center is now offering

Abroad program these dreams can become a

Virtual International Internship and

start planning their trip approximately a

reality next year.

Virtual Study Abroad opportunities. These

year in advance.

during their time at Cal Poly are advised to

programs vary in many different ways “Study Abroad is an opportunity for

and are facilitated with partner providers

“First-year students should visit the

students to learn in a global context,

that work with the Cal Poly International

International Center during their first year

whether major-specific courses or general

Center. These programs allow students

to get the process started. While first-year

education courses. Seeing issues (and

to collaborate with colleagues working

students aren’t eligible to study abroad

oneself) from different points of view adds

in another country and to take courses

until the completion of their initial year at

a richness and complexity to academic

facilitating global perspectives,” Petranek

Cal Poly, they are able to study during the

and personal pursuits and growth, and can

said. “Students can develop cross-cultural

summer after their first year. Students who

inform significantly professional work in the

communication skills, get a perspective

work with us early on are often able to pick

future,” Cal Poly Study Away Advisor Chuck

of what it may be like to work in a

from the most diverse suite of programs to

Petranek said.

different country and build their resume.

get the best fit for their personal interests,

Additionally, if students would prefer to

academic goals, and progress towards graduation. So get connected with us early! We’re looking forward to working with you,”

“ Pick from the most diverse suite of programs to get the best fit you.”

Petranek said. The International Office can be reached via email at abroad@calpoly.edu or by phone at (805) 756-1477. To stay updated on the state of current programs due to Covid-19,

Given the recent circumstances, the study

stay closer to home, the International

students and families are encouraged to

abroad trips that are usually hosted in the

Center also allows students to participate

monitor travel information by country on

fall and winter quarters have been cancelled,

in National Student Exchange (NSE). NSE

however the International Center has made

allows students to exchange to another US

adjustments so students can plan trips for

institution, including those that are in

the spring and summer quarters of 2021. On

US Territories.”

October 1, 2020 the International Center is

14 Mustang Media Group

travel.state.gov or cdc.gov. Cal Poly specific updates are available at abroad.calpoly.edu.

Go SLO 2020 15

Scratch That Itch

with Courses in the Music Department Sponsored By Music Department

The Music Department offers a wide

Students are encouraged to participate in

The department also hosts nationally and

variety of courses available to all students!

any number of ensembles. Auditions are

internationally recognized guest artists for

Subjects include music theory, history,

required for most. To find out more, visit the

lectures and performances, not to mention

ethnomusicology, synthesis and recording,

ensembles website at music.calpoly.

its own very talented faculty members.

and much more. Many classes fulfill General


Though we can expect many presentations

Education and other requirements.

to be virtual for awhile, events typically If after taking a class or two you’d like

take place in venues including those of the

The department also has a wide variety

to delve further into music — and have

Performing Arts Center (Miossi Hall, Pavilion

of large and small performing vocal and

something to show for it when you graduate

and Spanos Theatre), the department’s

instrumental ensembles. Most of the groups

— apply for the Music Minor at music. calpoly.edu/minor/. The minor is only 24

recital hall (Room 218 of the Davidson Music

are 1-unit elective classes and are planning

Center [No. 45]), and at off-campus locations.

to meet in-person in the fall, with the option of virtual participation for those who won’t be in the area. The large groups include Cal Poly’s Arab Music Ensemble: comprised of vocalists, instrumentalists and dancers; choirs: PolyPhonics, University Singers, Chamber Choir and Women’s Chorus; Mustang Band:

“ Take a break from your studies to enjoy the incredible talent of the university’s best musicians. ”

marching and pep bands; Wind Bands: Wind Orchestra and Wind Ensemble; and Symphony Orchestra. The University Jazz

units and can be customized to suit

Bands consist of two big bands, a vocal jazz

The highly visible Mustang Band can be

your interests.

found at football and basketball games and

ensemble and combos, and will be meeting virtually only.

If you’d rather attend a performance than play in one, the department offers many

parades, including the Chinese New Year Parade.

Small groups include Guitar Ensemble,

events each year, many of which are free.

Percussion Ensemble, Piano Ensemble, Brass

Check out the department’s calendar of

Take a break from your studies to enjoy the

Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, Saxophone

events at music.calpoly.edu/calendar/

incredible talent of the university’s best

Ensembles, Wind Quintets and String

where events will be posted throughout

musicians — students who represent all the

Quintets. Several of these will be offered in-

the year.

colleges across the university.

person and others will be taught virtually.

16 Mustang Media Group

AT CAL POLY! OPEN TO ALL MAJORS! More information at music.calpoly.edu/ensembles









Sign-ups online. Links to ensembles at music.calpoly.edu/ensembles

Presentations will be posted throughout the year! music.calpoly.edu/calendar

 facebook.com/cpmusic  instagram.com/calpolymusic For more information on the Music Department and its offerings, call 805-756-2406 or email music@calpoly.edu Go SLO 2020 17

18 Mustang Media Group

Four First-Year Tips From Career Services Sponsored by Career Services

You picked your major, but you’re unsure

Why Join Cal Poly Career Connections?

about what’s next -- whether that’s feeling

And through our website you can access numerous self-guided virtual resources such

confident in your major, gaining experience,

Talking to professionals and alumni

as career assessments, career videos, and

or making decisions about your career.

helped me navigate college and opened

more. Visit www.careerservices.calpoly.edu

a new world of opportunities. Cal Poly

to learn more. – Jack, Freshman Focus Team

Career Services’ Freshman Focus Team

Career Connections makes networking

(FFT) is here to help you explore your

easier by connecting you with an exclusive

interests, major, and all of the different

community of alumni who can’t wait to

How Can Students Figure Out What

paths you can take. We recently interviewed

meet you and provide great insight. Get on

Careers Will Make Them Happiest?

a couple of our FFT Career Counselors and

this platform to network your way through

Career Services Ambassadors to hear their

college. –Abhishek, Computer Science major

Join our Designing Your Life group

advice for first-years.

(Career Services Ambassador 2019-20)

for first-year students in fall quarter!

Career Counselor.

During our weekly sessions you’ll get to consider possibilities for your future through individualized action and design.

“ FFT helped me explore my values, interests, personality, and strengths to see how they aligned with different possibilities. ”

Applications open Sept. 21 and will be advertised in Career Services emails and on Instagram @cpcareerservices. – Hannah, Freshman Focus Team Career Counselor.

Why Should First-Year Students Meet With the Freshman Focus Team (FFT)? You might be coming into Cal Poly

How Can Students Get Immediate Career Help?

wondering “What can I do with my major?”

We are here to support you in a variety of

Or maybe you’re feeling unsure about

ways. During the academic year, Career

the one you chose. Either way, FFT can

Services offers convenient drop-in hours

help! They can introduce you to career

where you can meet with a career advisor.

possibilities in your field or help you find a

We also host virtual, live workshops on a

major that’s a better fit. My freshman year

wide range of career topics where you can

I loved my major, but had no idea what I

hear directly from our team of professionals.

wanted to do with it. v. – Maddie, Statistics major (Career Services Ambassador 2019-20)

Courtesy of Career Services Go SLO 2020 19

Your New Helping Hand Sponsored by Student Ombuds Service | Written by Tessa Hughes

Transitioning into college, and further adulthood, is difficult and sometimes overwhelming with the multitude of resources and new processes to help navigate the uncharted waters. Moreover, this year is not playing out how many thought it would and the additional stress of Coronavirus and the higher virtual

“ Safe space for students to talk to professionals in a confidential manner who will listen. ” Student Ombuds operates under four main

good relationships on campus so that I can

principles: confidentiality, informality,

call them if there’s an issue,” Ponce said.

impartiality, and independence. This allows

“Oftentimes I get the student ... and they’re

their office to be a safe space for students

just strung out and they’ve been through

Dr. Patricia Ponce runs the Ombuds Office

to talk to professionals in a confidential

the wringer. We’re committed to student

and covers “pretty much anything under the

manner who will listen and provide the

success, but we

sun,” Ponce said. “Dealing with the records

student with various ways to deal with the

are bureaucracy, so if I can get to a student

office or academic appeals or roommate

concern at hand.

early on, to help them navigate whatever is

education is not making the curveballs being thrown any easier. Fortunately for Cal Poly students there is the Ombuds program.

issues or offering referrals -- all of that. If there’s a glitch or there’s a question, you know, I [am] absolutely accessible to students to assist.”

going on, it seems to get addressed sooner. Ponce serves as a representative for students and helps them figure out the best channels

With school returning online in the

to solve their problems.

fall, Ombuds has transitioned to virtual meetings to attend to student needs

“I’ve been on campus 30 years, so I know a

and operates Monday through Friday 10

lot of people [in] the different offices. I have

am to 4 pm. To reach them either email ombuds@calpoly.edu or call them directly at (805) 756-1380.

Go SLO 2020 21

Campus Health and Wellbeing is Here for You! Sponsored by Campus Health & Wellbeing

Campus Health and Wellbeing is here for

are offered via HIPAA-compliant Zoom. In

Our Prevention Education staff engages

Cal Poly students during the COVID-19

addition, our Counseling Services team

the campus community in setting

pandemic and year-round. They are here to

has developed virtual support spaces for

prosocial behavior norms and encouraging

support all aspects of each student’s health

pandemic-specific issues and for

community accountability to help

and well-being. Students can access mental

our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of

prevent this violence from occurring in

health or physical health services, crisis

Color) students.

the first place.

support & advocacy or items from our Wellbeing Services is the home to Safer,

Campus Health & Wellbeing is here

Mustangs for Recovery, Health Education,

to support the health and wellbeing of

There is a dedicated team of board-certified

a student-led Peer Wellness Program and

students as they advance in their academic

physicians, physicians assistants, nurse

the food pantry. Wellbeing Services has

achievements. In an effort to comply with

practitioners, nurses, and other healthcare

professional Health Educators and Peer

local and state public health guidelines

providers available to you in Building

Wellness Programs, which provide student-

and mandates, there are new processes

27, the Health Center. During COVID-19,

to-student outreach and education on

to keep the students safe. Temperature

health services are offered in-person and

a wide range of topics like alcohol and

screening, face coverings and de-densifying

via telehealth. Many of the services offered

other drugs, nutrition, mental health and

the building are a must. For your safety and

are included as part of the quarterly

healthy relationships.

to reduce your wait time, make sure to call

food pantry.

health services fee. Health insurance is not

ahead to make an appointment.

accepted, nor is it required to

Our Safer team offers holistic services

receive service.

for survivors of gender- and power-based

The team at Campus Health & Wellbeing has

violence in our Cal Poly community. Our

been working tirelessly to ensure the safety

In addition, there is a pharmacy with

Advocacy Staff directly supports survivors

of everyone on campus. The measures that

prescription and over-the-counter items,

by offering confidential crisis support

are put in place are done so in consultation

lab services, immunizations, orthopedic

and advocacy services, including crisis

with state and local health experts, as well

supplies, STI (Sexually Transmitted

intervention, accompaniments, referrals,

as the team of doctors and other medical

Infections) testing, and x-ray services.

and more.

providers right here at Cal Poly. For more

Aside from physical health, Counseling

information, go to chw.calpoly.edu.

Services offers many services for mental health. During COVID-19, Counseling Services transitioned their full range of services to a virtual, HIPAA-compliant format. Individual therapy, couples therapy, triage, and crisis appointments are being provided by phone and HIPAA-compliant Zoom. Group therapy, emotional wellbeing workshops, and other drop-in services

22 Mustang Media Group

“ The team at Campus Health & Wellbeing has been working tirelessly to ensure the safety of everyone on campus. ”

Go SLO 2020 23

How to Succeed in SLO

Tips to Avoid Fines and Keep Your Record Clean

To make the most of your San Luis Obispo experience, know our laws and their consequences. Your actions have long-term implications; an

unfortunate choice today could put a future job in jeopardy. This community is a great place, and we want you to be successful while you’re here.

Keep our community healthy. Help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask, maintaining social distance, and washing your hands. If you feel sick, stay home.

Check your noise level offcampus. Be aware of noise when you leave campus, especially in the evening hours. Cal Poly is surrounded by residential communities.

Due to COVID-19, the City of San Luis Obispo has adopted an emergency Safety Enhancement Zone where FINES ARE DOUBLED. This order is in effect until emergency orders are lifted.

24 Mustang Media Group

Hike during daylight hours. SLO is home to great hiking trails, but they are only open during the day. Our open spaces close at dusk and night hiking is a $561 fine.

No cannabis on campus. Marijuana on campus is prohibited. Offcampus, you must be 21 or older or have a medicinal card to use. It is illegal to smoke marijuana as a driver or passenger in a moving vehicle.

Noise Violation: $350 $700 Open Container: $350 $700 Public Urination: $350 $700 Minor in Possession: $400 and loss of driver’s license Drunk in Public: arrest and fines starting at $1,000 DUI: arrest, loss of license and fines starting at $5,000


Five Tech Tips You’ll Need to Succeed at Cal Poly Sponsored by Information Technology Services

There’s a lot to learn as a new Cal Poly

access your Cal Poly email account, monitor

student, but when it comes to campus tech,

your degree progress, and receive important

Information Technology Services (ITS) has

campus information. The portal also

There’s no need to purchase Microsoft Office

you covered with the basics on tools and

connects you to Canvas and the Student

suite for your new laptop before you get

services. Follow these five tech tips so you

Center, the digital platforms that help you

to Cal Poly, because as a student, you can

can hit the ground running when you start

keep track of your assignments, grades, and

download it for free! Students gets five free

at Cal Poly.

registration. Keep your contact information

downloads of the Microsoft Office, including

up-to-date in the Personal Info tab of the

One Drive, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

My Cal Poly Portal to make sure you receive

Adobe Creative Cloud is available to Cal Poly

official Cal Poly correspondence.

students for just $29.99 per year, which is

Protect Your Password Now that you’ve been accepted and enrolled, your username and password are your keys to accessing many university resources,

Be Software Savvy

just a fraction of the retail price. For more Get Connected…To WiFi

information about the dozens of other low and no-cost software titles available to Cal

including the My Cal Poly Portal, your email

You can access Cal Poly’s main WiFi network

account and campus WiFi. Protect your

from any campus building by connecting to

password and your personal information

the “eduroam” network. Once you’ve found

by enrolling in Duo, Cal Poly’s, multi-

eduroam on your smartphone or laptop,

factor authentication (MFA) service. Duo is

enter your Cal Poly username and password.

currently only required for some services,

You can connect to eduroam at Cal Poly

There are a number of resources available

but in December it will be required for all

or any time you visit an eduroam-member

to support students’ virtual learning. Make

students, so sign up early so you have one

institution in the U.S. and worldwide. In

sure you know how to connect to services

less thing to think about during fall quarter.

addition to eduroam, student housing on

like Zoom, Canvas and OneDrive before your

Get more info and a step-by-step guide for

campus offers the “CP-IoT” network for

classes begin. For more information, visit

enrolling in Duo at bit.ly/calpolymfa.

smart devices like TV’s, speakers and

Become a Portal Pro The My Cal Poly Portal, found at myportal.

gaming consoles. Campus visitors can access free WiFi by connecting to the “CalPolyGuest” network.

Poly students, visit tech.calpoly.edu and search “software.” Be Ready For Remote Learning

bit.ly/remotecalpoly. View all the other tech services and support that are available to students at tech.calpoly. edu. Welcome to Cal Poly!

calpoly.edu, is where you pay your tuition,

Go SLO 2020 25

Invitation to CAED Virtual Fall Welcome Sept. 2 Webinar Registration Open for Students and Supporters

Sponsored by College of Architecture and Environmental Design

This will be an opportunity to learn more

to visit the “Current Students” tab on the

about our fall quarter, student internships,

CAED home page at www.caed.calpoly.

co-curricular activities, college and

edu, our department sites, Cal Poly Career

department programs and facilities, and

Services, and Cal Poly Scholarships.

diversity and equity initiatives. Also, during the webinar, supporters will The CAED’s Advising Center director will

hear more about the various ways they

share updates and answer questions about

can engage with the college to support

academic advising. The center is dedicated

student success. The CAED is dedicated to

to helping students in all five majors by

positioning our students for success in our

providing advice concerning first-year

programs and their promising futures.

A CAED student builds a model of her design for a

block scheduling, minor programs offered,

Wine History Pavilion, a project based in San Luis

curriculum sheets and other essentials.

Obispo County.

Contacts and more about the Advising Center are on the bottom of this page.

The College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED) invites our

For more about financial aid such as Cal

students and their supporters to a Fall

Poly, CAED and major-specific scholarships

Welcome Zoom webinar from 6 to 7 pm

and applications, study abroad programs,

on Wednesday, September 2. The Dean

clubs, jobs and internships, students

and Student Success Team want to welcome

are encouraged

Register for the CAED Fall Welcome webinar and submit your questions early by going to http://calpoly. imodules.com/ caedfallwelcome or by scanning the QR code:

you back for fall, and for our freshmen and transfer students, to the CAED Community and Mustang Family!

Go SLO 2020 27

A Minor a Major Advantage Sponsored by College of Liberal Arts

While not required, many students choose

So, why should you consider a minor? Here

to complete one or more minors while

are a few good reasons:

at Cal Poly.

Complement Your Major Organizations often look for employees who

Stand Out to Employers

With more than 75 minors to choose from,

specialize within a specific sector. So, if you already know exactly what you want to do

you are bound to find a second or third area

Any minor demonstrates to future

when you graduate, you could choose your

of interest outside your major. And it might

employers that you are willing to go above

minor accordingly. For example, if you know

be easier than you think. For example, the

and beyond, but one that showcases

you want to report on the environment, a

average minor in the College of Liberal Arts

your well-rounded interests and diverse

minor in environmental science could be

(CLA) takes seven courses to complete. In

proficiencies could go even further. For

a perfect complement to your degree

CLA, these units can often count as free

example, if you major in business or

in journalism.

electives or general education courses.

engineering, a minor in a humanities field

However, it varies by department, and it’s

may help you stand out among your peers.

best to contact The Mustang Success Center or the department of interest for details.

Study Something You’re Passionate About

Combine Fields with an Interdisciplinary Minor In addition to traditional single-discipline minors, Cal Poly offers several minors

“ With more than 75 minors to choose from. ”

Majoring in biology, but don’t want to lose

that cross departments and colleges.

all the French you learned in high school?

For example, the CLA offers four minors

Love to dance, but planning to be an

that explore the intersections of science,

engineer? A minor at Cal Poly could give

technology and society, and how each one

you a way to improve your skills, while

influences the others and the world.

also working toward your career goals. You could also learn more about yourself and others through minors like ethnic studies or religious studies.

28 Mustang Media Group

Education Past Your Initial Four Years Sponsored by Grad Education | Written by Tessa Hughes

Cal Poly’s “Learn by Doing” motto extends

preparing them to lead, collaborate,

Incoming undergraduate first-year students

past the general four years of undergraduate

innovate, and change the world,”

who are planning on pursuing a master’s

education of most universities. With over

Lowham said.

degree at Cal Poly can also apply to be a part

40 programs to choose from, Cal Poly’s

of a Blended Program. Blended Programs

master’s, graduate, and professional

Students involved in the graduate education

allow students to earn both a bachelor’s

certificate programs help students to

program may achieve post-baccalaureate

degree and a master’s degree by taking a

earn advanced degrees across various

education in various industries, from

combination of undergraduate and graduate

fields of study.

engineering to public policy. Featured

units throughout their time at Cal Poly. This

programs include industrial engineering,

allows students to save time and money

According to Interim Dean of Graduate

polymers and coating science, business

while obtaining their degrees.

Education Elizabeth Lowham, Cal Poly’s

analytics, city and regional planning, fire

master’s program provides hands-on

protection engineering, public policy,

Cal Poly accepts students from all

experience to prepare students for their

biomedical engineering, biology, nutrition,

different backgrounds into their graduate

respective career paths.

and psychology. Special certifications may

programs, including international

also be obtained through Cal Poly’s graduate

students and students from other

“[Cal Poly’s] master’s programs and

education. These can include professional

undergraduate universities.

certificates are grounded in Learn by Doing

certificates in business analytics or

pedagogies that create opportunities

packaging value chain and graduate

Graduate students may also apply for

for students to integrate academic rigor

certificates in fire protection engineering

financial aid, grants and loans and they have

with hands-on problem-solving to have

science or applications.

access to Cal Poly’s many resources.

meaningful impacts on local and global challenges. Our award-winning faculty are

Learn more at: www.grad.calpoly.edu.

ready to support students as they engage with and create an intellectual foundation

Go SLO 2020 29

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College of Math and Science

Funded Research Team Working To Create New Antibiotics Sponsored by College of Science and Mathematics | Written by Sophie Lincoln

Last winter, microbiology junior Nina Wilk

continue working as soon as Cal Poly’s labs

Furthermore, Wilk believes that this

started work on a new research initiative

reopen, according to Wilk.

experience has helped her eligibility for

with Cal Poly microbiology professor Dr. Vredevoe to find a new antibiotic produced

similar opportunities. According to Wilk, she was able to get

by bacteria in the microbiome of tics.

involved in this research simply by reaching

“It’s really cool to be able to work so closely

out to her Major Advisor who referred her to

with the faculty members here at Cal Poly,”

“Initially, [there were] three of us that went

Dr. Vredevoe

Wilk said “They really help you and they are

out to collect the tics,” Wilk said. “Once [we had the tics], a lot of my time was spent doing research and reading a bunch of other studies that people had done on different insects to see how they were getting at the microbiomes because you don’t want to mix the outside bacteria with the inside bacteria when you are trying to isolate it.” After weeks of research, Wilk and her team were finally able to come up with an effective procedure. Unfortunately, soon after they developed the procedure, Cal Poly’s labs were closed due to COVID-19 and consequently, they have not been able to see any results. Although their research is currently paused, they will

teaching as much as they know to you so “I just went to her office hours actually one

that you are a more hireable applicant in

day and just started talking with her and she

the future.”

brought up this new research idea that she wanted to start and she asked me to be a part

According to Wilk, the end goal of this

of it,” Wilk said.

research initiative will likely be to produce a paper with her and her team’s findings.

Wilk is grateful for this opportunity and its ability to provide her with hands-on

Wilk also hopes to use the experience she

experience within her major.

has obtained from this research project after she graduates.

“I think getting in a research lab now is very important just so you can develop

“I think the field of antibiotic resistance is

the experience of problem-solving,” Wilk

really interesting,” Wilk said. “I would really

said “It’s very hard when you are making

love to make a difference in that regard or

your own procedure for everything to go

something along the lines of immunology.”

smoothly and you don’t always have the materials you need but you’re able to work through that.” Go SLO 2020 31

Taking Root with Hands-on Learning

Sponsored by College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Students in the College of Agriculture, Food

State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA), is

an extensive background in horticulture, is

and Environmental Sciences are exposed to

the only beach in the state open to off-road

managing operations of the project which

hands-on learning experiences throughout

vehicles – and is at the center of a delicate

entails growing up to 200,000 native dune

their college experience, which not only

balance between environmental sustainability

plants from seedling each year.

prepare them for their future careers but have

and recreation. The project is a direct benefit to Cal Poly

a lasting community impact. On a sunny afternoon, a group of scientists

as students will use the college’s uniquely

An ongoing collaboration between the

gathered along the dunes’ edge to evaluate a

situated and equipped Horticulture Unit

Horticulture and Crop Science Department

project that was introduced to help reduce

with greenhouses and controlled

and the California Department of Parks and

dust that is swept to nearby communities,

environmental chambers to propagate the

Recreation is a recent example of the kind of

contributing to a rising concern about air

native plants. “This epitomizes the hands-on,

Learn by Doing experience students can take

quality. Among them, Cal Poly lecturer Mike

Learn by Doing culture that we cherish at Cal

advantage of during their time here. Along the

Bush and Scott Steinmaus, head of Cal Poly’s

Poly,” Steinmaus said.

windswept shoreline of the Oceano Dunes in

Horticulture and Crop Science Department,

southern San Luis Obispo County, loose sand

viewed 48-acre foredune area near the

Henry Main, an agriculture and environmental

has been blown throughout the area to form

shoreline that was recently cordoned off with

plant sciences major, is the project’s student

the distinguished sand dunes that adorn the

orange fencing where work is being done

leader. “For the fall 2018 dunes grow I spent

coastline. The area, part of the Oceano Dunes

to help mitigate small particulates from

most of my time transplanting seedlings,

blowing inland.

moving plants, and preparing greenhouse space,” Main said. “This past grow season I

Courtesy of CAFES

32 Mustang Media Group

The Horticulture and Crop Science

did a bit of everything: sorting and sowing

Department in the College of Agriculture,

seeds, prepping planting space, irrigating and

Food and Environmental Sciences was

fertilizing, transplanting seedlings, organizing

awarded a four-year, $820,000 grant from

volunteer workdays, and making labels. There

the California Department of Parks and

are a lot of skills you just can’t learn in class

Recreation in December 2019 to help restore

such as time-management, team-work, long-

native plant habitat to the area. Steinmaus,

term commitment, horticultural techniques,

who has a doctorate in plant biology, is

and the general wisdom that comes from

overseeing the project, while Bush, who has

working on a real life project.”

Church Directory





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Go SLO 2020 33

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Go SLO 2020 37

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