SLO Living 2023

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Editor’s Note Trevor Baumgardner


ousing plays a crucial role in a student’s

of my friends and peers, I can understand

life, it impacts academic success,

the stresses and uncertainty that come with

personal growth and their overall college experience. I started my college experience like many other first-years at Cal Poly in the dorms. I moved from a town about thirty minutes east of Sacramento to San Luis Obispo in January of 2021. After that school year, I continued my education at Cal Poly living out of the Cerro Vista apartments on campus. For the past two years, I have worked as a resident adviser living on campus, so for the entirety of my college career I have lived on campus. Although I have never had to deal with landlords, manage utilities or sign leases, I was an active participant in the housing search for a brief time during the winter quarter of my sophomore year, and through the voice

finding housing throughout college. This booklet serves as a starting point for students seeking housing for next year. From how to source furniture in an eco-friendly fashion, to how to get around SLO using a variety of different transportation options, this publication is a guide on how to live within San Luis Obispo. It also includes some anecdotes from students who live in the different off-campus communities, to give you an idea of what living in different neighborhoods may be like.

04 08 12

SLO Housing Summarized

Green Living

Finding Roommate Solutions


Noise Ordinance in SLO: Why it exists and how to avoid getting a citation in your new home


Take It From US: Housing in SLO from students’ perspectives


Need to get around SLO? Here are a few options for you

Table of Contents Cover designed by Tristan Naoe Layout designed by Jenna Yost

SLO Housing Summarized By Romina Montemurro Martin


s the saying goes, home is where the heart

of scams. Networking with other students

is. But finding that home can be difficult,

about reliable places to live can be a great way

particularly if you’re a student. If you’re looking

to gain more insight into specific homes and

to switch from the dormitories to living in a

recommendations for where to live.

house or apartment in SLO, here are the basics you should know about the change!

Start Looking Early Many houses or apartments can fill up months before the actual move-in date. A great time to start looking is in fall quarter, so you can ideally sign a lease in winter quarter. Often properties will be completely booked

The specific application process will differ slightly for each property; it all depends on what you’re looking at. However, the general application will look similar. They’ll want to know your contact information and rental history. If you’ve lived in dormitories before, you can list Cal Poly University Housing as rental history. There is also typically an application fee.

by spring quarter. You can also sign up for

Think about applying to multiple places and

waiting lists on certain properties, which will

different property management to ensure

give you a heads-up when leasing begins.

housing. Many properties, such as apartment

Where to Look for Housing

complexes with multiple rooms or places available, will allow you to apply to multiple rooms under the same application, which will cut down on application fees.

When looking for housing, check property

You’ll likely need a cosigner, such as a

management websites since they tend to be

parent/family member/financial supporter.

more reliable. While sites like Craigslist do

Many properties require this as part of the

have some homes listed, you should be wary

application and will be considered incomplete

4 — Mustang Media Group

if you don’t. If so, you’ll be moved to the

have a joint rent to their landlord regardless of

bottom of the list and be considered less

how it is divided up among those living in the


house. If someone leaves during the year, the

Budget Knowing your budget is also key when looking for housing. It’s a good idea to create a budgeting worksheet so you’re aware of the obvious expenses, but also ones that you may not think about, like food and other general living expenses. Housing often includes monthly expenses, but also quarterly or one-time expenses. Along with your budget, you should also manage your expectations. It’s common for students to want a larger space or to live in a specific place, but plans can fall through due to expenses or other issues.

Roommates To avoid roommate issues, try to have a roommate (or multiple) in mind. Considering you’ll be spending a large chunk of time with this person/people, you should try to look for people that you can coexist with peacefully. Think lifestyle choices, personality, cleanliness and general respectfulness. If plans for your roommate don’t work out or you just don’t have anyone in mind, try joining existing roommate searches online. You can

other roommates pick up their share of rent to ensure payment to the landlord. In any case, you should always review your lease and be aware if it is individual or for the whole house. If you’re going to be gone for a quarter, such as with a leave of absence or studying abroad, houses will give you more flexibility in terms of subleasing. You can usually work something out with a subletter to rent for a shorter period of time. When touring homes, be aware of certain key things to look for. There can be many little things that students often overlook. Be sure to check for things like water damage, mildew and mold. Also, ensure that doors lock properly, windows close all the way and utilities work properly, especially if you’re paying for full utilities. It can be important for your health. Many homes for rent in San Luis Obispo are historical to the area and have interesting/ unusual layouts. Be aware of things like how many closets, bathrooms, and rooms there are, as well as their sizes. For more information or if you have any questions, reach out to Cal Poly’s Off-Campus Housing Program.

also conduct roommate interviews to see if you would be potentially compatible with living together.

Apartments vs. Houses While the application process for renting a house and renting an apartment is similar, the differences typically come down to payment. Apartments are usually rented per student, per lease. As such, roommates living in the same apartment will have individual leases and will not be penalized if the other roommate breaks their lease. However, when living in a house, it’s typically one lease for the whole house. Tenants will

SLO Living­— 5




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Green Living By Tori Gordon


urating a space to your liking can be

gaming keyboard on this platform. You can

challenging- from searching for the

also easily list items that you are no longer

perfect bathmat to the desk chair you will

interested in on the platform in hopes of

be sitting in every day. Not to mention, the

finding a new home for them.

revamp of your wardrobe which seems different elements that go into creating a


space that is not only livable but also one that

What is a sustainable SLO piece without

reflects your style and personality. In doing

mentioning thrift stores? SLO has an

so, being intentional with where you shop

abundance of thrift stores including the local

can have a huge impact on the environment

Fred & Betty’s and Goodwill Bins. These places

(and your wallet). These options are great

hold numerous options for not only updating

ways to find affordable and unique pieces

your living space but also your wardrobe.

to happen every year. There are so many

to incorporate into your new living space while also having a positive impact on our surrounding community.

Goodwill Bins The infamous Goodwill Bins, approximately a

Facebook Marketplace

15-minute drive from campus, is the perfect

Facebook Marketplace is the way to go when

outfits. Unlike all other thrift stores located

on the hunt for affordable furniture. The

in SLO, the setup is quite literally multiple

platform allows users to find secondhand

large bins placed in one large warehouse. As

items listed in nearby locations. Many of

many of my friends coin it, it is a free-for-all.

my friends living off-campus have found

When visiting the Goodwill Bins, you have to

everything from their dining table to their

be prepared to get your hands a little dirty

8 — Mustang Media Group

place to source fashionable and affordable

because you will be digging through large

Instagram account to stay up to date with

bins of secondhand clothing. Although this

their upcoming events and how to become

may not be ideal for everyone, I myself can

a member yourself. As a member, you have

testify to how many amazing treasures you

access to educational opportunities

can find in these bins for a (very) inexpensive

surrounding the climate crisis, access to

price. Among the multiple bins filled with

resources to build a sustainable business, sell

clothing, there are also bins filled with

at their events, and much more. You can find

accessories and even furniture pieces. Also,

more information on the organization through

in contrast to other thrift stores, the bins are

their Instagram account: @thriftcalpoly.

priced based on weight rather than by the actual item, making this such an affordable outlet for college students.

Garage Sales You may not have seen many garage sales pop up around SLO yet, but nearing the end of the school year is when they start to ramp up. With many students moving and graduating, garage sales are a popular way students like to give away their furniture. These garage sales can sometimes be difficult to find, but be on the lookout for social media posts, signs in surrounding neighborhoods, and even through word-of-mouth.

Repurpose Your Furniture and Clothing You do not always have to go out in search of new furniture and even clothing- sometimes you already have everything you need; you just have to be a little creative with it. Just giving your old furniture or pair of jeans a little makeover can change something that is easily forgettable into a statement piece that adds something entirely new and refreshing to your space and closet. For example, wooden chairs and tables can be sanded down and repainted, giving them a whole new look.

On Campus There are many ways to become involved in clubs and organizations rooted in sustainability on campus. Many of these clubs hold events year-round selling second-hand clothing and small business handmade products. One of these on-campus organizations is Thrift Cal Poly.

Thrift Cal Poly Thrift Cal Poly is an on-campus organization that promotes everything from clothes to art pieces which are all sold by Cal Poly students. The organization’s overarching mission is to save the planet by providing numerous ways in which students can purchase second-hand clothing or handmade products at events like clothing swaps and thrift fairs. Many of their events are held at locations like Dexter Lawn and Sequoia Lawn. To become more involved with the organization, you can check out their

SLO Living­— 9

Live on campus next year REQUIRED GROUPS - STARTING JAN. 31:

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Add your name to our initial interest list open Feb. 15-21, 2024. About 400 spaces will be awarded by lottery.

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Info session Dates 11/7/23: In-Person 11:10am - 12pm in 03-207 12/4/23: Virtual 5pm - 5:30pm 1/18/24: In-Person 11:10am -12am in 03-207 1/31/24: Virtual 4pm - 5pm 2/22/24: Virtual 4pm - 5pm 3/5/24: Virtual 5pm - 6pm


Register for an info session


Finding Roommate Solutions By Trevor Baumgardner


electing your roommates is one of the

sooner you begin to ask around and search for

most impactful decisions you will make

potential roommates the easier the process

along your journey through college. There are a variety of resources available to help you select people you can not only be friends with, but compatible with when living together. Once you have found your future roommates, it is important to come to an understanding of what your expectations are for sharing a living space. This mutual agreement is essential to fostering a healthy relationship between roommates. This guide will provide some information on how to navigate some of the

will be. If you already have a group of close friends, or a couple of people you have decided you want to live with, then this step is done. But if you’re still looking, websites and apps like Roomies, Roomster and Roomsurf can be a good start. Another area where a lot of students find success is through joining the Cal Poly (CP) Housing, Sublets & Roommates Facebook group.

challenges that come with living

Once you find someone you are thinking

with roommates.

about living with, it’s a good idea to set up

How to Find Your Roommates It’s always good to start early. Many people begin to look for housing and roommates

a time to meet and get to know them a bit. Whether it’s getting a quick cup of coffee or chatting between classes, it’s good to get a sense of their personality so you can gauge whether you will be compatible with them or not.

toward the end of the fall quarter and the

As a last resort, if you truly cannot find a

beginning of the winter quarter. So the

roommate, housing complexes like Mustang

12 — Mustang Media Group

Village can match you with a random roommate, although options like this always

“ ” come with the risk that you may be matched with someone you don’t get along with.

The sooner you begin to ask around and search for potential roommates the easier the process...

Living in Peace

After you’ve found your new roommates there are a few guidelines you can follow to help maintain a positive relationship in your new home.


Set Guidelines: After you move in it’s

important to be clear on your expectations

for living with each other. Even taking the time to write down and create a physical roommate agreement can be useful. Some good things to include might be your policy on guests, what things can you share or what the noise levels in your home should be.


Bring Up Your Issues Early: Disagreements and misunderstandings

are inevitable in any roommate situation. When these issues come up it is best to bring them up earlier before they develop into something worse. It’s important to find a time when both you and your roommate(s) can meet and discuss your living conditions.


Spend Time Together: It may be obvious, but becoming friends with your

roommate is a good way to make your living situation not just tolerable, but fun. The closer you become to your roommates, the easier it will be to address conflicts when they arise. Small gestures like helping them with tasks or asking them to hang out are a great first step to forming that relationship. Most people, especially college students, live with roommates. It’s not just a great way to save on living expenses, but a great way to meet new friends and learn what it’s like to live with others.

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Noise Ordinance in SLO Why it exists and how to avoid getting a citation in your new home By Sydnie Bierma


etting your own home as a young

The noise ordinance for the City of San Luis

adult can feel like the keys to your own

Obispo is year-round, and the regulation runs

freedom, which in a sense, it is, it literally

from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. It is adopted by the city

comes with keys. This means paying your own

council as a municipal code, then enforced by

rent, keeping your space clean, doing yard

the police department according to Christine

work and hosting your own events.

Wallace, the Police Public Affairs Manager of

Any college student’s worst fear is getting a

San Luis Obispo.

noise complaint. In order to help you avoid

These are enacted if any noise or disturbance

getting a citation, I’m going to breakdown the

can be heard from the property line.

noise ordinance of San Luis Obispo and share

If a disturbance is reported a Student

some tips to help keep your parties under

Neighborhood Assistance Program, or SNAP

control and most importantly debt-free.

member will appear on site.

14 — Mustang Media Group

These members are either students from Cal

it without being a nuisance or negatively

Poly or Cuesta College hired by the San Luis

impacting the folks that are around them,”

Obispo Police Department. “We have a variety

Wallace said.

of students,” Wallace said when referring to the array of different majors that apply for the position. After a SNAP member arrives they can either give out a warning or a citation. According to the police website, a warning is not guaranteed for the first time a complaint is filed.

“ ”

These enhancement zones were originally put in place surrounding Mardi Gras after it got out of hand in 2004. The city council “found that the safety enhancement zone for Mardi Gras was really effective in managing the behaviors,” Wallace said and shortly after St Patty’s Day and Halloween were both added to the list in 2010

Fees for these citations range from

along with the first week of school for


Cal Poly Students.

The noise ordinance for the City of San Luis Obispo is year-round, and regulation runs from 10p.m. to 7.a.m


To avoid these hefty fees, you can take some precautions. These include either physically

telling your neighbors beforehand or sending a text to alert them of the event. If a noise

complaint is called in, it gives you an extra foot in the door and probable evidence to

appeal a citation. You can also register your party a week in advance at the City of San

Luis Obispo website. Registered parties will receive a courtesy call to end the noise within 20 minutes. “In 2022 we had 55 appeals; a third of those were dismissed,” Wallace said. To be extra careful about not getting a citation it’s important to know that San Luis Obispo also has Safety Enhancement Zones surrounding different holidays. During these times fines for noise, public urination and open containers are doubled. “We want folks to be able to enjoy spending social time the way they want to spend

SLO Living­— 15



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Take It From US Housing in SLO from students’ perspectives By Myrna Waddle



like parking situations, managing utilities, and

his experiences so far living in the Valencia

s the time comes for first-year students to begin looking at housing, there are

many important things to consider. Things

Second-year student Dario Cavaliere explains

calculating commute times, can be stressful

Apartment community.

to take all sides into account.

“Valencia is honestly very quiet, that’s a big

Cal Poly gives options to sophomores to live

bonus...we might be the ones who make the

in Poly Canyon Village if they have an allowed major, or students can enter into a lottery to

most noise… it isn’t around a lot of houses or residential areas where most of the partying

get housing there as well. Besides that option,


many students live off-campus in places like

Cavaliere explains that the walk to and from

Mustang Village, Cedar Creek Apartments, and Valencia Apartments. Take it from the students, there is a lot to like and dislike about living off campus, but as some of the closest options that can house large numbers of tenants, these places will most likely be on a new student list of where to rent.

20 — Mustang Media Group

school is quite easy, but because it’s about 20 minutes he sometimes will take the bus. He and his roommates often leave their front door open to increase the chance of meeting new people. “You see people walking around a this guy from two doors down walked over to our

open 11 p.m. and said hey do u want

minutes. The distance between us and food

to watch my coms speech...and so we did.”

is really good, like I didn’t have a car so…the

Cedar Creek Valencia is a bit further than apartment complexes like Cedar Creek Apartments, which is at the end of Stenner Street. These

location is perfect.” With about 38 buildings under Mustang Village and Mustang 2, that makes for a lot of people living in this community, it’s understandable that some problems can arise.

apartments encompass 25,35,45,55,65, and 85

“It was rough at times, the communication

Stenner Street. Tenant Cassidy Wells speaks

between us and them(leasing office) wasn’t

on how she normally gets to campus from

really there…besides that…but there were never

the apartments.

any crazy situations or frustrating moments.”

“I would walk, and I’d go through the tunnel...

Take it from students who have lived

it’s about 10-15 minutes.”

there, but if you need more advice there

This Tunnel goes underneath the railroad track that parallels a long span of California Avenue and is often used by students throughout the day as a shortcut to get to their homes.

are many housing platforms on places like Reddit, and Facebook, and each apartment complex has a website where all other information is accessible as well as contacts to reach out to. Cal Poly students can visit

“Some people would be in the tunnel too,

offcampushousing to learn more about

and it could be a bit concerning if you run

off-campus housing options.

into someone living down there at night. But otherwise…I had no big concerns.” Wells expressed her concern for the homeless living near or in their complex with one instance last year of lock changes due to someone living in the laundry room. She mentioned the security guards that often watch the property being around to bring concerns to. “It’s a lively place to live, it felt like you were on campus but you aren’t…and it’s a cheaper alternative to campus which is nice.”

Mustang Village Cal Poly offers an extension of off-campus housing through Mustang Village. It has 12 different choices of square footage and the range of tenant occupancy is between one to four beds. Junior Eve experienced living in one of Mustang Villages townhomes in Mustang 2 and had three other roommates. “I biked every day…about 5 minutes, it’s so quick. And then walking it’s maybe 10-15

SLO Living­— 21

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Need to get around SLO? Here are a few options for you By Xiomara Lopez


iving off-campus can be a journey, there is

Chorro and more. Some routes can provide

a lot to figure out and explore in San Luis

direct transportation from living complexes

Obispo. While having a car may seem the only

to campus. Living off-campus doesn’t restrict

way to travel, it’s not the only option, there

transportation options to get to campus for

are various methods of transportation to get

classes and events. The different routes and

around town and travel even further.

stops can be viewed on the SLO Transit app,

Bus One of the most popular ways to get around town is with the San Luis Obispo bus. The main bus and transit option is with San Luis Obispo’s SLO Transit. SLO Transit, the buses in blue, yellow and white, travel around San Luis Obispo from Cal Poly to Madonna, Downtown and more. Cal Poly students can ride the bus for free with their Cal Poly student ID. There are various stops around town, specifically near apartment complexes. There are bus stops by student-living complexes such as Valencia Apartments and the Academy

26 — Mustang Media Group

which displays the various routes and realtime location of the buses. There’s also the SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA) which travels beyond San Luis Obispo, going to San Simeon, Paso Robles, Los Osos and Santa Maria. Although there is a fee for students when riding these buses, prices range from $1.75 to $3.25, depending on the route and destination. The various routes and destinations with these buses, along with more information about these specific services can be found on the website at Whether you want to explore San Luis Obispo or go to campus, the San Luis Obispo buses have you covered.


Common as a means of transportation for the

As you might have noticed around town,

frequently seen making the most of Amtrak

bicycles are a frequent sight here in San Luis

riders on certain days. While it may take a

Obispo. With bike lanes, racks and shops,

few hours longer to get to the destination,

San Luis Obispo is a bicycle-friendly town.

the train allows people to sit back, relax and

Whether to get to campus or travel around

enjoy the ride. Additionally, if traveling to San

town, bicycles are one way to get there. Riding

Luis Obispo on the Amtrak train, there is a

a bike can also be a recreational activity, SLO

bus that can take you specifically to the Cal

has numerous biking trails around town. There

Poly campus if desired. Don’t forget to look

are also various bike repair shops if one’s bike

for student discounts as Amtrak offers various

requires repairs to get the bike back to being

discounts online at their website.

top-shape. While SLO is a bicycle-friendly town, it is still important to have safety gear and wear a helmet while biking around town.


holidays and school breaks, students can be

Airplane Now for farther and faster travel options, there is the San Luis Obispo airport. Located on Airport Drive, the SLO airport is another

Getting around in a personal automobile

option available for travel. With direct and

could be a fun way to get around town. Even if

connecting flights across the United States

you don’t have a car, carpooling can be a fun,

and internationally, the airport is one way to

and fuel-efficient way to navigate the roads.

travel home for breaks or to attend events.

During the school year, some friends have cars

While some airports can be confusing about

and can take others around town, creating

where the terminal or gate is, San Luis Obispo

fun memories as everyone is in one car

has one terminal with all the gates inside,

enjoying and experiencing San Luis Obispo

making it a simple convenient way to find

and neighboring towns. When schedules

one’s destination. The airport also contains

line up or are similar, carpooling to campus

Wi-Fi, charging stations and a cafe within

with friends or roommates can be an option

the terminal. While the airport is for farther

since everyone will be heading to campus at a

destinations and travel, it is an option to take.

similar time. For breaks during the school year, there are groups like the Cal Poly Rideshare Facebook group that can help students carpool back home or away from SLO for a bit. Planning and doing research is key, not having a car doesn’t mean you are limited to one area in SLO, and carpooling is just one of the many ways you can get around while at school.

Train The sound of a conductor pulling the horn of a train can be heard at certain times near campus, this is the Amtrak train. For longer travels across the California coast, Amtrak is available as a means of transportation. With direct and connecting transportation to the north and south of San Luis Obispo, you can ride the train to experience the coastal views and enjoy cafe and food options on board.

SLO Living­— 27

A Home Grown Community Centered In SLO San Luis Ranch has a home style for every lifestyle with farmland in your backyard, a vibrant downtown, and Cal Poly just a stone’s throw away. On-site shopping and dining create a walkable community with easy bike and bus transportation built right in.








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