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Over the years, sonic drilling has connued to evolve, with improvements in vibraon frequency, power output, and drill bit design. Today, sonic drilling is a widely used technique for a range of drilling applicaons, from mineral exploraon and geotechnical surveys to environmental monitoring and geothermal energy producon Its advantages over convenonal drilling methods include faster drilling rates, reduced waste material, and beercorerecoveryrates.

Sonic drilling is parcularly effecve in soer materials such as clay and sand, which can be difficult to drill using tradional rotary core drilling methods. The sonic drill head allows the soil sample to enter the single tube core barrel by liquefying the ground on the sidewall ofthesampleenteringthecorebarrel,without disturbing the sample, thus providing very good core recoveries in the soer more friable ground in which is tradionally more difficult to provide good core samples Sample recoveries using sonic technology are usually over95%.


To date, the GeoGroup is a preferred supplier of sonic drilling services to the African connent.Outofthe3Sonicrigsintheirfleet,2 of these rigs are equipped with dual head masts able to switch between sonic and rotary core drilling. This eliminates the need to have mulple rigs on site as the mast head can quickly transion between Sonic and Rotary core.

The GeoGroup recently introduced the Secon Compact Sonic Crawler 190kN to their porolio which can be operated remotely by two drill operators with wireless controllers. Using a wireless control system to operate a drill has several advantages over tradional wired controls. Here are some reasons why wirelesscontrolmaybepreferred:


Mobility and flexibility:With a wireless control system, the operator can move around the drilling site more freely, without being tetheredtoacontrolpanelorconsole.Thiscan be parcularly useful in drilling projects where the operator needs to move around the rig to access different drilling locaons or perform othertasks.


Increased safety: By eliminang the need for cables and wires, wireless control systems can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries caused by tripping over cablesorgengtangledinwires.Thiscan be especially important in drilling projectswheresafetyisatoppriority.

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Improved efficiency: With a wireless control system, the operator can control

Geogroup: sonic drilling service provider the drill from a distance, which can be more efficient and faster than manually adjusng controls at the drill site. Addionally, some wireless control systems offer advanced features such as automaon and remote monitoring, which can further improve efficiency and producvity

Overall, sonic drilling is a versale drilling methodthatcanbeusedinawiderangeofsoil and rock formaons. Its efficiency makes it a popularchoiceformanydrillingprojects.

The Geogroup has 10 years of extensive experience in sonic drilling for various esteemed clients in the mining and geotechnical industries since our first sonic waspurchasedin2013.

For more informaon about GeoGroup, visit www geogroup.co.za.

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