Africa Mining Insight May-June 2023

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Value Added Solutions by Design: Empowering the Mining Industry and Allied Sectors

Becker Mining South Africa and verope mining team up to supply mine winding ropes AF RI CA MI NI NG I NS I GHT Pg06 18 COVER Pg14 Africa’sOwn MiningJournal May-June2023>Issue3.Vol#5
PJ Tech Dust Suppression Systems



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Goodwill Sibanda

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There is absolutely no doubt that the growing applicaon of digital soluons is the right answer to many of the challenges facing the mining industry

Advanced digital technologies, whether arficial intelligence (AI), machine learning or robocs, can potenally disrupt convenonal mining operaons in a posive manner Mining is crucial to retrieving the ores and minerals that keep important industries running smoothly, but retrieving those products isn't always simple or straighorward. Mining innovaons do more than increase efficiency; they also protect workers and ensure consistent yield that supports further mining exploraons.

In a volale market, you need to ensure your mining operaons perform as efficiently as possible to be successful, you need a strategy that spans your global porolio across the asset lifecycle. This means managing your assets in a safe and secure way, maximising producon and increasing profitability. Digital technology can help you unite, analyse, and manage your engineering data, processes, and supply chain in an intelligent and efficient way. It can also help you operate with the highest levels of corporate social responsibility

As important as on-site technologies are, entering mining efforts with a plan in hand minimizes issues and maximizes targeng for rich ore and lucrave veins. 3-D mapping helps the enrety of the mining team - from administrators to miners - get on the same page instantly. By highlighng the most promising areas for excavaon before the machinery is ever powered up, resources are intelligently used to zero in on the best mining areas in the least amount of me.

As Africa Mining Insight connues to grow and evolve, we strive to give you informave arcles on the mining industry, equipment, developments, innovaons and technology. In this issue we shed light on mines with Led Luner Lights, Becker Mining South Africa and verope mining team up to supply mine winding ropes, PJ Tech with environmentally friendly dust suppression systems, Interconnect Systems, an innovave company which specialises in supplying and installing structured technological infrastructure soluons and much more. Over the coming pages, we invite you to discover the potenal of mining innovaons and soluons. Enjoy reading Africa Mining Insight.

Best regards Goodwill Sibanda

Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without writen permission from the publisher: - Africa

Mining Insight welcomes material submied for publicaon but retains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publicaon are not considered those of the publisher, which accepts no liability of any nature arising out of or in connecon with the contents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publicaon, the publisher does not give warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from.

Editor’s Note
04 Pg06 18 COVER Pg14 Africa’sOwn MiningJournal May June2023>Issue3 Vol#5 Value Added Solutions by Design: Empowering the Mining Industry and Allied Sectors Becker Mining South Africa and verope mining team up to supply mine winding ropes PJ Tech Dust Suppression Systems

















Value Added Solutions by Design p06

GPR Coverage p09

Becker Mining and verope mining p14

Fuel Management Solution p22

Airless Tyres for Underground Mining p24

/APRIL 2023

Value Added Solutions by Design: Empowering the Mining Industry and Allied Sectors

In the compelling world of the mining industry, staying connected and opmising operaons is paramount to success. Enter Interconnect Systems, an innovave company founded in 1986 that specialises in supplying and installing structured technological infrastructure soluons. As one of South Africa's largest privately owned, black economically empowered network infrastructure providers, Interconnect has emerged as a trusted partner for organisaons seeking reliable connecvity soluons. With a commitment to operaonal excellence and a focus on long-term partnerships, Interconnect Systems stands at the forefront of delivering value-added soluons to the mining industry and its key players.

Driving Operaonal Excellence:

At Interconnect, the core essence is to be the market leader in connecvity soluons by delivering operaonal excellence and fostering innovaon. With over three decades of experience, the company has honed its experse in understanding the unique challenges faced by the mining industry and allied sectors. By adopng a design thinking approach, Interconnect addresses each project as a unique challenge, following a structured process that encompasses the Design Phase, Supply Phase, Installaon Phase, and Maintenance Phase. This approach ensures that soluons are tailored to specific requirements and backed by years of industry knowledge.

Cerfied Excellence:

Interconnect takes pride in its comprehensive cerficaon porolio, which includes all required trade cerficaons, equipment cerficaons, and staff cerficaons. These cerficaons guarantee the consistent delivery of high-quality services to local and internaonal clients. The company holds accreditaons from reputable organisaons such as the Communicaons Cabling Associaon of SA and ISO cerficaons

including ISO45001, ISO9001, and ISO14001. Addionally, Interconnect Systems is a CIDB Level 6 cerfied provider, qualified to issue Electrical Cerficates of Compliance (COC) and Opcal Time-Domain Reflectometers (OTDRs). Furthermore, their partnership with Lantro Global Alliance reinforces their commitment to delivering excellence on a global scale.

Comprehensive Services:

Interconnect offers a diverse range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of the mining industry and its allied sectors. Their experse encompasses Cabling & Connecvity, Data Centres (including Mobile Data Centres), Advanced Electrical Services, and Facilies Monitoring & Response Soluons. By integrang these services, Interconnect Systems empowers organisaons to achieve seamless connecvity, efficient data management, and effecve facility monitoring, enabling them to focus on core operaons while maximising producvity

The Power of Accreditaon:

As an accredited partner with all major product suppliers, Interconnect has the unique advantage of providing full-spectrum infrastructure soluons. Their collaboraons with industry-leading manufacturers such as Commscope, Corning, Molex, Telegärtner, and Siemon ensure that clients benefit from top-quality products backed by system performance and comprehensive warranes. What sets Interconnect Systems apart is their ability to test soluons according to manufacturing and industry standards, thanks to their highly trained workforce. This commitment to quality and adherence to industry best pracces are fundamental to the success of their clients' operaons. In the fast-paced and what should be a technology-driven world of the mining

industry, Interconnect emerges as a trusted partner, offering value-added soluons by design. With their extensive experience, commitment to operaonal excellence, and experse in connecvity and infrastructure soluons, Interconnect empowers organisaons to opmise their operaons, enhance producvity, and stay ahead in a compeve landscape. As the mining industry connues to evolve, Interconnect stands ready to deliver tailored soluons, foster long-term partnerships, and contribute to the growth and success of their clients in the mining industry and its allied sectors.

Mining-Solutions 06

GPR Coverage

Groundradar is the world leader in deep GPR technology, having worked in over 110 countries, every connent and spanning 32 years. UltraGPR uses real-me sampling receivers and coded transmiers to ensure the deepest possible imaging conducted with safe, legal, and lightweight (< 3 kgs) equipment. Each site is unique, and radar penetraon is a funcon of ground conducvity. In regions with > 100 Ohm m, penetraon to 120 m is possible. Contact us today to discuss your subsurface mapping needs. 09 Mining-Solutions

Basics of electrowinning

Electrowinning has become a widely adopted technology in various industries such as metal recovery, mining, refining, and wastewater treatment. It is an electrolyc process that has been in use since 1807 when it was introduced by English chemist Humphry Davy However, it took 66 years for the first commercial refinery, Balbach and Sons Refining and Smelng Company, to embrace electrowinning and subsequently become the second-largest metal processing company in the United States.

To understand electrowinning beer, let's first look at electrolyc processes in general, as electrowinning falls under this category. An electrolyc process is based on the principles of electrolysis. It involves creang an electrically conducve soluon by dissolving an electrolyte in water or other polar solvents. Electrolytes contain posively and negavely charged ions (caons and anions). When a direct current (DC) voltage is applied to the soluon, the caons move towards the cathode, while the anions move towards the anode. This movement of ions is known as electrolyc, and electrowinning is based on this principle.

In the electrowinning process, the electrolyte includes dissolved metals that need to be recovered. Electrorefining is a similar process used specifically for refining applicaons to enhance the purity of metals. Both processes employ electroplang and are commonly used to purify non-ferrous metals like copper and silver.

A typical electrowinning unit consists of a tank, recfier, and pump. Cathodes and anodes are placed inside the tank, which is filled with an electrolyc soluon by the pump. The electrowinning recfier supplies electrical current to the cathodes and anodes, creang a difference in electrical potenal that drives the movement of caons

towards the cathode. Over me, posively charged ions plate onto the cathodes. It's important to note that as the metal builds up on the cathode, the metal deposion in the soluon decreases, slowing down the plang process. Once the metal deposion rate becomes insufficient for electroplang, the cathodes with the pure deposited metal are harvested. In the case of wastewater treatment, the soluon (wastewater) is cleaned or significantly purified of nonferrous metals and can undergo further treatment through chemical precipitaon or be reused in the industrial process.

The field of electrowinning remained relavely unchanged unl about 20 years ago when advanced electrowinning technologies emerged. These technologies ulize cylindrical cells with high flow rates to enhance mass transfer rates, overcoming issues associated with depleon zones. They enable the producon of high-purity metals, even in the presence of impuries. The first cylindrical electrowinning cell, known as emew (short for Electrometals electrowinning), was developed and commercialized by Electrometals, marking a significant advancement in electrowinning technology. The introducon of cylindrical electrowinning cells expanded the

applicability of electrowinning beyond metal refining to recycling, waste and wastewater treatment, and even high-tech industries like semiconductors.

While electrowinning primarily focuses on recovering non-ferrous metals such as copper, nickel, n, cadmium, gold, silver, and planum, it also finds applicaon in industries that require wastewater treatment. An electrowinning facility can operate connuously, offering benefits such as waste and water use reducon, enhanced process control, compliance with environmental permits, and the ability to sell recovered metals for profit. It remains a stable and recognized technology in mining, refining, and metal finishing industries, providing significant financial and environmental advantages.


Light on the mine site

At a surface mine covering many square kilometres of land; where work is carried out round the clock; systemac arficial lighng is necessary in order to provide a safe and efficient working environment.

Haul roads within the pit are one of the most crical areas for lighng at an open cut mine. One of the most important issues is that haul road lighng installaons are not permanent due to regular advancement of the working face.

Another major problem is dark surroundings and low surface reflectance. Due to these reasons it is very difficult to maintain lighng standards specified by various regulatory bodies. A good lighng system is one which can distribute an appropriate amount of light evenly with uniformity values from 0.25 to 0.40 and with a colour rendering index of at least 60. Good lighng will use energy efficient lamps in suitable luminaries.

Mine safety guidelines suggest a minimum horizontal illuminance level of 0.5 lux in haul roads however in reality uniformity rao is also essenal in the design of illuminaon systems for uniform distribuon of light and to provide sufficient illuminaon for visual tasks.

In these condions, the use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) with a stand-alone lighng system is perfectly acceptable. Standalone photovoltaic lighng systems provide flexibility for changing the locaon of poles according to changes to surface mine haul roads. However CFL's electrical requirements are not easily met by hard-switched inverters due to higher switching losses at higher frequencies.

The difficulty in meeng the complex electrical requirements, such as preheat and ignion voltage of CFL, results in lower efficiency. In order to make a successful photovoltaic lighng system, the first step is to select a well-suited high-frequency inverter and a series interrupng type charge controller for producing good light while maintaining reliability


Luminaire mounng height depends on the lighng arrangement and effecve road width. The effecve width is the horizontal distance between the luminaire and the far curb. To achieve a good distribuon of light across the roadway, mounng height in general is kept equal to the road width or around it.


Luminaire or pole spacing for a given lighng arrangement and luminaire light distribuon is dependent on the mounng height and the longitudinal uniformity planned for the installaon. The greater the mounng height, the larger can be the spacing for a given longitudinal uniformity

Longitudinal uniformity is the rao of minimum to maximum illuminance along a line parallel to the road axis through the observer's posion. However, in pracce, excellent illuminaon is considered to be when pole spacing is not more than 8 mes the mounng height.


Poles are generally installed somewhat off-set from the road edge (curb) to provide clearance to the vehicle. Luminaire is mounted on the ranging arm to adjust the distance between it and the curb. Somemes, projecon of the luminaire lies inside the road from the curb, which is known as overhang.

The main purpose of overhang is to provide beer uniformity of light across the road.


Inclining or lng the luminaires up from the horizontal is done to increase light coverage across the road width at a given mounng height. However too much lng will diffuse the light and reduce its distribuon along the longitudinal direcon of the road. It is recommended that the angle of lt, with

respect to the normal height of mounng, be limited to an absolute maximum of 10°, a top limit of 5° being preferable. In general the angle varies from 10° to 15°.


The even and uniform distribuon of light across the area being illuminated is known as uniformity. It is represented on lighng plans by the symbol UO and is a rao of the minimum illuminance level to the average illuminance level. A UO value of 0.4 or 40% is recommended to ensure that lighng installaons do not create dark patches next to lighter patches. The evenness of light distribuon is almost always more important than the levels of illuminaon being achieved by the system.


Colour rendering indicates the extent to which a light source is capable of making objects appear their true colour. Colour rendering is determined by the spectral power distribuon or spectrum of the light source. The colour rendering ability of lamps is measured on the Colour Rendering Index (CRI) or Ra scale. The scale varies from 0 to 100, where poor colour rendering lamps have lower values while good colour rendering lamps have high values. One hundred is as good as a black body radiator of the same colour temperature.


Lamp selecon should be made mainly based on efficacy and suitability to each situaon. A series parallel resonant mode sine wave inverter is well suited for meeng a compact fluorescent lamp's complex characteriscs. To ensure uniform light output throughout the operang voltage range on input DC baery voltage variaon from full charge voltage to lower charge limit voltage, inverter frequency will change automacally by voltage to frequency converter, towards the resonant frequency

Mining-Solutions 11

Becker Mining South Africa and verope mining team up to supply mine winding ropes

Becker Mining South Africa and verope mining are the first OEM's to partner and supply the full package of rope aachments, with high-performance mining winder ropes, to the South African mining sector, as well as neighbouring states.

Becker Mining - a leading provider of custommade, quality mining rope aachments - in a joint venture with verope mining, now offers the latest steel wire rope design suited for

both drum and fricon winders.

“Through our collaboraon with global specialists in steel mine winder ropes, verope mining, we have introduced an unmatched cost-to-performance rao product into the South African market,” explains Tom Searle, Senior General Manager: Capital, Becker Mining South Africa (Pty) Ltd. “This advanced rope aachment system, which meets stringent quality and safety standards, is custom-designed to suit the specific winding

requirements of each mine.”

The verodeep 8 is an eight-strand full steel rope, with an extruded plasc layer between the outer strands and the rope core. Compared to a convenonal winder rope construcon, the verodeep 8 has important benefits in performance and safety. The eight compacted outer strands provide a larger contact area in the sheave wheels and in the cross-over secon on the mul-layer drum,

14 Mining-Solutions
Becker Mining SA- a leading provider of custom-made, quality mining rope aachments - in a joint venture with verope mining, now offers the latest steel wire rope design suited for both drum and fricon winders

which decreases the localised pressure and significantly increases wear resistance.

The full-steel rope construcon, in conjuncon with the plasc layer, ensures a stable rope structure for improved spooling behaviour for high-speed applicaons, as well as in high lateral-pressure mul-layer hoists. In addion, corkscrew deformaon, or sunken strands, especially in deep winding operaons, are significantly reduced.

Besides the support of the structural stability, the plasc layer also keeps the lubricant locked within the rope and prevents the infiltraon of water, dust, or any other parcles, which can impact the rope's lifeme or cause internal corrosion and wear. The plasc layer prevents steel to-steel contact between the single wires to avoid internal wire breaks. verodeep 8 also has plasc between the outer strands to prevent valley breaks between strands.

With an eight strand construcon, the core size is bigger compared to a convenonal winder rope construcon. A rope core acts as a counterpart to the outer strands. The bigger the core, the beer the balance within the rope, which improves rope safety, rope lifeme, and rotaonal behavior. The greater number of single wires making up the verodeep 8 allows for more wire breaks before discard criteria of the rope is reached.

verope mining, which is part of the verope group, was established to focus on mining wire ropes and has proven its performance capabilies, whilst maintaining an effecve cost/performance rao at mines all over the world, including in South Africa.

Becker Mining has state-of-the art facilies to design and manufacture rope aachments

required for any type of mine winder. All equipment is proof load tested to two and a half mes the safe working loads it will be subjected to in service. Both the rope aachment and mine winding rope offerings fully comply with South African and internaonal standards.

Becker Mining's specialist services to the mining sector include energy distribuon, communicaons and automaon soluons, mechanical and transportaon systems, steel arch roof supports and as the exclusive distributors of verope's special mining wire ropes.

Every system is fully supported by the highlyexperienced Becker Mining and verope mining team, which is able to provide on the ground product support.

The verodeep 8 is an eight-strand full steel rope, with an extruded plastic layer between the outer strands and the rope core. Compared to a conventional winder rope construction, the verodeep 8 has important benefits in performance and safety 15
Becker Mining South Africa and verope mining team up to supply mine winding ropes

Dust Suppression

Based on what PJ Tech is experiencing, Peter Nowakowski, PJ Tech's Technical Manager, acknowledges that while strict legislaon might have played a role in the increase of demand for dust suppression systems, it could have more to do with increasing mine management concern and care for workforce's well being as well as occupaonal health hazards.

Jersey Miszczyk, Head Chief Design Engineer, describes PJ Tech Dust Suppression Systems as robustly designed and made for the

demanding applicaons within harsh environments. Miszczyk, says that automac water fog spray systems are more effecve, easier to operate and easier to maintain. These systems operate and sll manage to capture dust without the necessity of the area being enclosed. This structural difference results in a savings of installaon costs. Miszczyk maintains that the water spray system also results in 95% dust suppression. Generally, cluster, dome & reflector type stainless steel water spray

assemblies are used. They are strategically posioned at e.g. pping bays, crushers, feeders, screens, conveyor transfer chutes to create water fog. The droplets of water catch parcles of dust, which sele back onto e.g. conveyor with product. This means there is no extra collecon point needed, as there is with extractors, and what the spray system looses in the use of water, it makes up in system price and electricity savings, as a small water pump draws less electricity than large fans.

Mining-Solutions 18

The company's supplies its products to the mining sector only (gold, planum, manganese, coal, copper, iron ore, manganese, chrome, lithium, etc).

Nowakowski says customers respect PJ Tech's systems for being effecve, robust/long lasng, automac, user & environmentally friendly and low maintenance. “Due to the success and cost effecveness of our systems we are known to be a benchmark for other companies to follow. In the past, other ineffecve systems have been replaced with our systems.

The other, less cost effecve technologies in dust suppression like scrubbing/extracon systems or structural enclosures.

'Green' applicaons

With growing demand for environmental friendly systems in the mining sector, Nowakowski believes the ideal soluon uses only raw water to suppress the dust effecvely, low power consumpon, and use no chemicals. Environmentally friendly water soeners are only required in some of the hydrophobic applicaons where a dust parcle would bounce off a water parcle

without the aid of a soener

PJ Tech is a company whose dust suppression systems are all environmentally friendly While most of its competors require potable

water or addion of chemicals for the dust suppression, its unique systems are designed to ulise commonly available raw water (saving environment).

Powerful chains for individual
applications. pewag tire protection chains are used on all 5 continents from -35 °C in mining applications to +1.200 degrees in hot slag. Dust Suppression

Manufacturer of “Made in Italy” lubricants and anti-friction agents for fibre optic cables and power cables.


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is a leading company on the European market in the production and formulation of water-based lubricants, for the installation of optical
and electrical cables.

Mines Have A Lot To Benet From A Fuel Management Solution

Fuel accounts to about 3% - 10% of a mine's totaloperangexpendituresandinsomecases exceeding the cost of electrical power for the overall cost of the mining operaon, this is according to Fabio Miellie and Shaikh BadiujzamafromSchneiderElectric

The big challenges around fuel is quanfying the precise level of fuel consumpon, gaining visibility of fuel, mismanagement of fuel and reconciling between fuel slips and the fuel usage. The me is more important than ever beforefortheminingsectorinZambiatomake use of fuel management systems to effecvely managethewayfuelisused. Thisalsoensures that the inventories around fuel are managed properly so that the machinery do not run out of fuel and that the cost of fuel is managed properlyandalignedwiththemonthlybudget.

A Fuel Management system is designed to use various methods and technologies to manage fuel purchases and consumpon per asset. This informaon assists management to make informed business decisions and serves as a key component to ensuring the effecve runningofmachinery

Globaltrack's Fuel Management Soluon is designed with the mining industry in mind, offeringfeaturessuchastrackingenginehours, fuel usage, pper on/off alerts and driver ID's to track individual's operang hours At Globaltrack we believe in a partnership; providing tracking and fuel management soluons suited to our clients' business model and working together to consistently reach their KPI's. Our cross-border tracking soluon for mining and construcon makes it ideal for mining companies operang in quarry areas. If GPRS signal is out of reach, it switches over to Satellite using Iridium, making it a costeffecve and accurate soluon in terms of trackingoperanghours.

We recently added the fuel reconciliaon and fuel dashboard feature to exisng clients' fuel soluon package, at no extra cost. This allows clients to reconcile the fuel slips with our fuel probe readings. Simply import the informaon

from an excel spreadsheet into Webtrack and the fuel data will be reconciled. The fuel reconciliaon's feature saves me to maintaining accurate fuel data Our fuel dashboard allows fleet managers to make informed decisions about the fuel expenditures and to use one system to maintainaccuratedata.

With our Fuel Management Soluon, we can offer mining companies an integrated soluon tomanagingtheirfuelfortheeffecverunning of machinery Our Fuel Management Soluon is extended to generators. Across Africa there has been an increased usage of generators as electricity is in short supply Most business firms must provide their own generators

among other infrastructural requirements. Power remains a high business expense and in markets like Nigeria, mega size generators are a common sight. The major operaonal cost for a generator is fuel and it is important to monitor this resource. Globaltrack's soluon for generators provides businesses with informaon on refilling levels as well as detecngpossiblefuelthe.

With Globaltrack's Generator Soluon you will be able to see the actual amount of fuel used per hour, schedule maintenance services and set up event management noficaons. Our Generator Soluon is designed to save cost, offer peace of mind and increase the operaonalefficiencyofbusinesses.

22 Mining- Solutions

Offering The Mining Industry With Specialised Products For A Competitive Price, With A Guarantee Of Service

Services Include:

Delivery within a 60 kilometre radius or depending on order valve

Cut to size: Steel and Pipes

Free issue welding

Products Include:

Sand blasting of all steel pipes, fittings and structural steel

Insulating and cladding of steel pipes

Galvanizing of all steel products and pipe

Coating and painting steel pipes and fittings

Fabrication of steel pipes and fittings



We strive to ensure that our product selection is tailored to our patrons' needs and the markets they serve. We take pride in our commitment to comprehending the specific details of your orders, which is paired with our broad inventory of items and elevated levels of personalised service from start to finish of the steel supply chain. Tel: (011) 827 7250 Email: 161 Galjoen Road, Wadeville, Gauteng, SouthAfrica
HMTInternational operates with a quality management system that complies with SANS ISO 9000:2014 and all piping is manufactured to the requirements of the relevant SANS & ISO specification Mild steel Stainless-steel Structural steel Plates Nuts & bolts Valves PVC pipe & fittings HDPE pipe & fittings pipes, fittings & coatings carbon steel & stainless steel Gaskets Carbon steel seamless pipe & Stainless-steel pipe Sans 719/62 pipes Galvanized pipes & fitting

Airless Tyres for Underground Mining

Tyresusedinundergroundminingarereplaced frequently as they are prone to punctures, sidewall damage and fast tyre wear due to harsh underfoot condions, ght working spaces, high loads & overall severe operang environment. The frequent repair & related downme results in increased operang costs and safety risks Tyre related costs are esmated to be among the top five operang costsforminingequipment.

It is therefore imperave for mine operators to explore opons such as Airless Tyres that have the following advantages over pneumac tyres:

- Airless–henceare100%punctureproof

- Increased Safety – There is no risk of tyre blowouts

- Extended Limp-in Capability – machine doesn'tgetstuckinsideamine

- Reduced Tyre Maintenance – Periodic inflaonpressurechecksareeliminated

There are 2 major prevalent alternaves for airless tyres i.e. Solid Tyres and Foam-filled PneumacTyres Solidtyresaregenerallyused for high load, short haul and low speed applicaons whereas Foam-filled tyres are suitable for longer haul cycles, higher speeds and where ride comfort is required It is important for users to select the right product based on their applicaon, equipment and operang condions to reduce cost per hour (CPH) and bring down total cost of ownership (TCO).


Solid tyres have a full rubber construcon and thusareairless&punctureproof,haveanextra deep tread for long, uninterrupted service, with specially designed sidewall apertures for shock absorpon. However, these are not suitable for speeds beyond 25 kmph & have a firmride.

Solidtyresareavailableinarangeofpaerns liketosuitvariousoperangcondions&can alsobesuppliedasreadytofit.

Solid tyres are suitable for equipment operangatlowspeedssuchas:

- LoadHaulDumpers(LHDs)

- JumboDrills/RoofBolters

- ShieldHaulers

- ShuleCars/RamCars

- UlityVehicles

In addion to the advantages of airless tyres menonedabove,thesolidtyresare:

- Highlydamageresistant

- Have a Long Life – typically 2-4 mes that offoamfilledpneumactyres

- Readytouse


Tyre Filling (or Foam Filling) is a process in which a pneumac tyre is injected & pressurized with a two or three component urethane polymer in a precise proporon using a special metering pump The polyurethane cures into a resilient and synthec rubber core replacing the air in the

tyre. The resultant filled tyre is thus rendered puncture proof and maintains the required pressure throughout its service life Foamfilledtyreshaveafullfootprint&arecapableof carrying their rated load at all mes. Tyre Fill Compounds are available in different grades basedonapplicaon.

Foam filled tyres are recommended for vehicles that operate at speeds upto 50 kmph & for machines for which solid tyres are not suitablee.g.

- LowProfileDumpTrucks(LPDT's)

- PersonnelCarriers

While these can also be used on LHD's, Shule Cars,UlityVehiclesetc.itneedstobebornein mind that although foam filled tyres are airless & puncture proof they may sll suffer irreparable damage & may have to replaced prematurely

Equipment owners should evaluate various parameters (see table 1) and select the right airless tyre depending on their equipment and applicaon for lowest operang costs & opmumcapitalefficiency

Mining- Solutions

Benefits of Clamp-on flow metering in Mining and Metallurgical Operations

Clamp-on flow measurement using the ultrasonic transit me technique has matured and is now a preferable technology for control and monitoring in many metallurgical and mining applicaons. In general, if any two of the following are present then Ultrasonic Clamp On (USCO) should be considered or even preferred.

We at Flexim, as the leader in this field has seen an increase in requests parcularly in the following areas:

Water monitoring and stewardship

Mines and minerals use water in various ways, from high pressure hydro power lines

in underground mines to drive drilling equipment, to a solvent in hydrometallurgical operaons to dust suppression, the common denominator is a requirement to responsibly and efficiently use and account for the water to do the least harm to the environment and nearby communies. Flexim's rugged portable meters are ideal for audits and reporng while the fixed meters are in many cases beer suited than the tradional mag meter

SO Abatement 2

Sulphuric acid producon as a method to reduce SO emissions is increasingly 2

becoming a preferred route to reduce this pollutant. The benefits are no addional waste streams, a saleable product and, depending on the technology, low addional water and other input requirements. A unique feature of metallurgical SO fed 2 Sulphuric acid plants is the fluctuaon of the feed SO concentraons and the resulng 2 affect it has on the stable operaon of the plant. Flexim meters are an ideal soluon as they can be retrofied with no shutdown (no fines or risk to equipment during start up) give both flow and concentraon measurement and work on both metal and GRP pipes. “We have recently installed meters on plants in Zambia, the DRC, South

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Africa and Namibia”, says Mark Middelhoven the Africa Sales Manager, and all our customers have seen improvement in their plant performance.

Solvent Extracon

SX circuits both water and hydrocarbon mediums and USCO is a good measurement technique as it can measure both phases. Typically these are installed on the organic side, recently Flexim has been involved in a project to provide metering on SX cells as part of an automaon project. Previously this had been done by manually adjusng the valves, but as the trend to more automaon

and reduced personnel connues the need to automaon and the benefits of beer control and efficiency the scope and usefulness of USCO is a key enabler

Energy efficiency

As the world moves towards a Net Zero future mining is key both in reducing its carbon emissions but also providing the raw materials for baeries, electrical infrastructure and catalysts for hydrogen producon. It is not surprise then the mines are invesng in improving their energy efficiency. Flexim again can help whether it is measuring steam in the processing plants or

compressed air, addional metering points can be safely added hassle free. One aspect holding back the adopon of Clamp-on is previous bad experience, either through cheap portables or incorrect specificaon. Since the meters are able to be installed outside the pipe, with no interrupon, it is easy to de-risk the decision through a trial or demonstraon. At Flexim we are happy to stand behind our product and a try before you buy approach is usually enough to convince scepcal stakeholders. The technology has matured and should be the first choice of technology in many instances.

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Benefits of Clamp-on flow metering
Mining and Metallurgical Operaons
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Seals and sealing systems for extreme process applications

BMG's Garlock seals and sealing systems, which are manufactured in the USA and Europe according to stringent quality and safety specificaons, have been developed by Garlock Sealing Technologies for safe and dependable performance in extreme operang condions.

“The demands of modern engineering have made the selecon of suitable sealing components a crical consideraon – both in the design of new equipment and in the correct installaon of products to replace those that are no longer suitable. Failure to install the correct sealing system is highly dangerous, parcularly in extreme condions,” says Marc Grave, BMG's business unit manager, Seals and Gaskets. “The BMG team gives careful consideraon to the correct selecon of seals and gaskets, to ensure opmum safety, reliable fluid sealing soluons and care for the environment.

“The company's commitment to supplying only quality branded products that meet stringent specificaons in terms of performance and uniformity, results in unvarying, dependable performance, even in the most demanding process applicaons.

“Garlock sealing products, with a user-friendly design and advanced materials, ensure dependable sealing in all sectors. These industries include chemical and petrochemical, pulp and paper, power generaon, electronics, food and pharmaceucals, as well as steel mills, mining and OEMs.”

Garlock seals and sealing systems include metallic and Gylon gaskets, oil seals, bearing isolators, expansion joints and buerfly valves. Components extend from a standard sealing ring, available from BMG stock and ready to install, to customised designs, which are fabricated to specific requirements.

Garlock Klozure oil seals and bearing isolators are designed to retain lubricants, but exclude contaminants, like moisture, dust and dirt, from penetrang the primary seal or bearing houses. These components play an important role in protecng bearings, prevenng downme and extending the service life of the system, even in

arduous operang condions.

Klozure oil seals are available from BMG in numerous sha sizes, materials and designs, including solid and split configuraons. Seals with a reverse bevel lip allow installaon in either direcon without rollover and Stainless Steel garter springs provide tension to create an effecve seal against the sha. Klozure oil seals with a GLYON® lip material offer reduced creep and cold flow, compared with the standard PTFE material.

Garlock ISO-GARD® bearing isolators, with a unised two-piece PTFE construcon, provide excellent chemical and temperature resistance. The non-contact design eliminates sha scoring, as well as drag and friconal heat, which means no lubricaon is required. These bearing isolators are the ideal alternave to lip seals in non-flooded oil or grease applicaons.

The glass-filled PTFE material provides excellent chemical resistance and can withstand operaon in a wide temperature range (- 30ºC to + 204 ºC). These bearing isolators, which are available with FDA-compliant O-rings, have a press-fit design, which means installaon is easy and no tools are necessary

GUARDIAN™ metallic bearing isolators provide bidireconal sealing, offering both ingress and egress protecon and are suitable for electric motors, pumps, gearboxes and pillow-blocks used in dirty, dusty and wet environments. These bearing isolators. have a cam-lock system and an internal PTFE unising seal feature.

Included in BMG's Garlock range are non-asbestos gasket materials, which comply with strict environmental regulaons.

New to the range, are GYLON EPIX™ gaskets, which have been designed for improved funconal performance, increased compressibility and a broader range of applicaons than convenonal PTFE gaskets used in worn and pied flanges. These gaskets, with advanced PTFE materials, have a hexagonal surface profile that provides the torque retenon and blowout resistance of a thin gasket and the conformability of a thicker gasket. GYLON EPIX materials are available in one universal

thickness (2,4 mm) eliminang the need to stock a variety of material thicknesses for different stress requirements.

Various high-performance sheet materials in this range are suitable for use in different applicaons, including acids, steam, chlorine, water, solvents, gases, refrigerants and hydrocarbons. Metallic gaskets for extreme condions are available in a wide selecon of materials and designs to suit exact process requirements. These gaskets include a new spiral wound design that eliminates the radial buckling problems of convenonal spiral wound gaskets.

Metal gaskets with a corrugated metal core, encapsulated by so sealing elements, offer resistance to high temperatures and corrosive chemicals. This range is parcularly well suited for imperfect flanges and thermocycling applicaons. Compression packings ensure reliable sealing in valves, pumps, agitators and other rotary equipment. Expansion joints are engineered to absorb movement and dampen vibraon, reducing stress on pumps, pipes and anchoring systems.

All Garlock seals and sealing systems undergo stringent field and in-house tesng to ensure safe and reliable use, as well as extended service life in all industries.

BMG is hosng training workshops in Johannesburg and Cape Town in August, which will be presented by the Garlock technical team.

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