RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’sown RiskManagementJournal Mar-Apr 2023>Issue2>Vol.#9 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za R I S K MA N A G E ME N T I N S I G H T 7 Radiation Risk, Safety and Security in Wireline Logging Pg22 GEOGROUP: SONIC DRILLING SERVICE PROVIDER Pg26 The leap to Level 9 –'Zero-Harm' and maximum productivity with integrated CAS solutions RISK MANAGEMENT Insight Pg16
Where's the re?
Gas Sensing Technology Improves Safety
The leap to Level 9 – 'Zero-Harm' and maximum productivity with integrated CAS solutions
Water-based lubricants for both optical bers and electrical cables
Radiation Risk, Safety and Security in Wireline Logging
10 14
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Mar - Apr 2023
Editor Goodwill Sibanda editor@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Lenox Marufu lenox@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Kelvin Nkonhla kelvin@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Frank Spick
Muthulisi Nkiwa muthulisi@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Kennedy Chama kennedy@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Design & layout
Qhawe Maphosa
Risk Management Insight
Although Africa's growth prospects are bright, they differ not only country-by-country but also sector-by-sector. Many local and multinational consumer companies are already thriving in Africa and delivering handsome returns to their shareholders.
The face of Africa is changing and the growing industries in the continent prove it all. Thanks to structural changes in many African countries, productivity revolution is helping many companies to achieve greater economies of scale. Changing rigid policies in Africa and the fall of hostile regimes has led to a more energized market. Fueling the African economy, the oil and gas industry has boomed owing it to rising commodity prices. Following all these good happenings, industries in Africa are denitely growing
Entrepreneurs across Africa are taking up challenges by creating innovative healthcare solutions like telemedicine, e-prescriptions, m-health applications, which will help to free up congested health facilities. Did you know that Africa has become an international test base for innovative renewable energy solutions? For example, the solar energy revolution is in full swing and many businesses have chosen to be associated with climate-friendly energy solutions.
A technology-driven Africa is no surprise to anyone. Sectors like the nance and mobile telecommunications have witnessed revolution over the years. Many people now have access to mobile phones even in remote areas of Africa. In this issue, radiation risk, safety and security, gas sensing technology, sonic drilling services, and as you thumb through the pages, you will note more news and insights – paralleling industry trends.
We are excited to be bringing very special editions of our magazine as well as an all time favourite for boardroom and hands-on decision-makers across a wide range of industries on the African continent.
As always, many thanks to our contributors, and advertisers for working with us. Hope you enjoy this issue.
Editor’s Comments www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 05 G. Sibanda Front cover Probe IMT Accounts Sharon Moyo accounts@riskmanagementinsight.co.za Subscription
Ndlovu subscription@riskmanagementinsight.co.za Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without writen permission from the publisher: Risk Management Insight welcomes material submi ed for publica on retains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publica on not considered those of the publisher (CLEOPAS PROJECTS), which accepts no liability of any nature arising out of or in connec on with the contents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publica on, the publisher does not gi e warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from. info@riskmanagementinsight.co.za sales@riskmanagement.co.za landline +27 11 058 0879 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Like us on our facebook page RISKMANAGEMENT ManagementJournal July-August Issue ol.6# www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za RISKMANAGEMENT RiskManagementJournal July-August2017 Issue2> www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Seaco Tank Containers For Liquids And Gases Pg20 Beyond complexity customized through and
RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’ RiskManagementJournal Jan-Feb Issue5> Biological Infectious Waste Disposal Systems Pg10 tank for liquids gases RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’ own RiskManagementJournal Mar-Apr2018 Issue ol.#7 Weighing up risk Pg10 Building design must incorporate effective disaster management Pg18 Previous publications RISK MANAGEMENT Insight
Mar - Apr 2023
Africa’ RiskManagementJournal Jan-Feb2023 Issue Vol.#9 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Great Western Manufacturing Sifters, Sieves, and Screens Pg10 INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS Pg27 WATER-BASED LUBRICANTS FOR BOTH OPTICAL BERS AND ELECTRICAL CABLES PG14 www.imtmining.co.za RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’sown RiskManagementJournal Mar-Apr 2023>Issue2>Vol.#9 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Radiation Risk, Safety and Security in Wireline Logging Pg22 GEOGROUP: SONIC DRILLING SERVICE PROVIDER Pg26 The leap to Level 9 –'Zero-Harm' and maximum productivity with integrated CAS solutions RISK Insight Pg16
In a bid to curtail vehicles from being burnt during accidents or mishaps on the road, the Ministry of Roads and Transport introduced Statutory Instrument 154/2010 which makes it mandatory for motorists to carry fire ex nguishers in their motor vehicles. The instrument made it also mandatory for all motorists to carry the following accessories in the vehicles, jack, spare wheel, triangle portable red reflectors. This was a move meant to reduce vehicles from being completely gu ed by fire.
With the large influx of motor vehicles imported into the country, with most of them automa c transmi ed work mostly on electrics. This has made them to be prone to fire in the case of accidents or electrical faults. Again the vehicles use highly pressurised fuel passed through to the engine through the fuel injec on system. This makes the vehicles vulnerable to fire should they be involved in accidents. One has to travel on some of the highways in the country to see the remains of some of this vehicles on the side of the roads. These could have been prevented from destruc on had the motorists carried with them fire ex nguishers. Apart from the destruc on of the vehicles, roads and the areas affected the fire caused by these accidents has resulted in millions of dollars in damages.
The same Statutory Instrument made it
mandatory to carry a spare wheel, jack and reflec ve triangle reflectors. This was seen as act to siphon money from motorists by government through the traffic cops. This instrument though not poplar with motorists has played a big role in the reduc on of road accidents on the countries' roads. Red reflec ve triangles at night warn other road users of the vehicle breakdown in front making them to approach the same with cau on. Some vehicles a er a break down could not be pulled of the road as one of their wheels may be damaged since they
would not have had a spare wheel. This has led to accidents with innocent people losing their lives simply because a motorist failed to move the vehicle to the side of the road. Most accidents occur at night when motorists fail to move their vehicles of the road and fail to put reflec ve triangles to warn other road users. In line with the SADC Traffic guide lines which, call for all members states to conform to the SADC traffic regula on Zimbabwe had to introduce this instrument to conform to the regional guide lines on traffic safety
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Mar - Apr 2023
Where's the re?
Ever mindful of customer needs and the environment, Goscor Power Products offers a high quality range of powerful, water-friendly Fire Fighters that are ideally suited to handle anything from small grass fires to larger forestryapplica ons.
With over 30 years of experience in the development of Fire Figh ng equipment, the company's rugged and reliable low, medium and high pressure Fire Fighters are designed and engineered to deliver important cost saving and safety benefits that enable farmers torealisearapidreturnontheirinvestment.
“We empathise with our farmers who are under extreme pressure having been dealt a double blow – the protracted weak economic climate as well as the severe drought that is gripping our country,” says Managing Director, Mark Bester “In an effort to come to the aid of our farmers we have decided to introduce a low cost high pressure Fire Fighter Delivering on quality and performance at an affordable
price, this unit is kind on the farmer's pocket and on the environment, boas ng impressively low water consump on. Ideal for grass fires, the unit is powered by the new rugged and durable 7 HP Rato engine, a compact,efficientandeconomicalpowerpack that does not compromise on performance.
“In fact,” says Bester, “when it comes to performance this unit is more powerful than most of its closest rivals! Pu ng customers first is part of our value proposi on and we trust that by offering farmers this unit at a reduced cost will assist them in protec ng theirlivestockandcrops.”
The Fire Fighters feature a Polyethylene 620 litrelowprofilewatertankwithalarge450mm diameter lid for fast filling and easy cleaning. Alongside struts on the tank ceiling and sides as well as baffles on the bo om of the tank interior, the step tank's low centre of gravity limit water movement for enhanced vehicle stability during transporta on. Corner struts
facilitate safe and secure e-down of the unit on the back of the vehicle. The black tank interior blocks UV rays to prevent algae buildupwhichcanleadtopumpblockage.
TheFireFightersarealsoextremelyversa leas their rugged pumps are equipped with stainless steel pistons and acid resistant seals makingtheunitssuitableforca ledipandfruit treesprayinginsec cides.
Goscor Power Products is part of the Goscor Group of Companies and leads the Southern African market as a specialist distributor of a holis c range of compact power equipment including pumps, generators, welders, firefighters, engines, rammers,rollersandcompactors. Theproduct por olio, including parts and spares, are readily available from the company's dealer support network across South and southern Africa including Botswana, Mozambique, NamibiaandZambia
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Mar - Apr 2023
The South African Qualifica on & Cer fica on Commi ee (SAQCC) Fire is a non-profit and industry-elected body, ini ally established to ensure that servicing and maintenance of fire protec on equipment is conducted according to the specifica ons laid out in SANS 1475 and soon a er following a direc ve given to the SAQCC Fire, by the Department of Labour, an addi onal SAQCC Fire Detec on and Gas Suppression (D&GS) commi ee was set up. Both the SAQCC Fire1475 and the SAQCC Fire – D&GS commi ees collec vely under SAQCC FIRE, aimed to establish and implement procedures for the qualifica on and cer fica on of authorized persons in order to ensure safety, quality of work and high standards of excellence within the industry
In terms of the Occupa onal Health and Safety Act (act 85 of 1993) maintenance of all
fire protec on equipment and systems must be conducted by SAQCC Fire registered competent persons.
SAQCC Fire ensures that persons conduc ng any work on the respec ve fire protec on disciplines have the appropriate qualifica ons and experience to be registered under the different levels that they are deemed competent for SAQCC Fire 1475 - Portable fire ex nguishers, fire hose reels and fire hydrants must be serviced and maintained by persons registered with the SAQCC Fire - 1475 and in order for competent persons to be registered they have to be employed by a company that is a SANS
1475 permit mark holder
The SAQCC Fire - 1475 division has one competency level and a trainee level:
SAQCC Fire 1475 Trainee –Are persons who have firstly undergone a
SAQCC Fire - 1475 course and are therea er required to be registered as a trainee for a period of six (6) months under the supervision and mentorship of an SAQCC registered technician. Once the six (6) months appren ceship has been successfully completed the trainee is eligible to apply for registra on to be an SAQCC Fire - 1475 technician.
SAQCC Fire 1475 Technician –Are registered persons who have successfully completed the SAQCC Fire course and six (6) months trainee appren ceship.
SAQCC Fire D & GS –Fire detec on and gaseous fire suppression systems must be maintained by persons registered at serviceman level with the SAQCC Fire - D & GS division.
SAQCC Fire – D & GS are subdivided into 2
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categories namely; Fire Detec on and Gas Suppression.
Fire Detec on has five (5) competency levels:
- Cabler
- Installer
- Serviceman
- Commissioner
- Designer
Gas Suppression has four (4) competency levels:
- Pipefi er
- Installer
- Serviceman
- Designer
Trainees are now accepted for all levels under Fire Detec on and Gas Suppression, subject to an appren ceship being done under a qualified registered technician for that specific level .Trainee registra ons are limited for a 24 month period. During this period he/she is obliged to complete the necessary training courses to qualify for full registra on. The maintenance of fire protec on equipment and systems must be carried out
at the intervals required by legisla on and all aspects must be tested and verified against the requirements as set out in the relevant Na onal Standards.
The registered competent SAQCC persons are knowledgeable as they have undergone the necessary training to provide clients with the necessary basic informa on on the opera onal requirements for the equipment.
All SAQCC - Fire registered persons are issued annually with a registra on card indica ng the competency level of the registered person. SAQCC - Fire works closely with the SABS and the Department of Labour (DOL) to ensure standards are met and technicians and servicing companies adhere to the law
For more informa on and to view all registered competent persons and approved companies visit our website on www.saqccfire.co.za – SAQCC offices can be reached via email on saqccfire@ scali.co.za / dgs@ scali.co.za or via telephone on +27 11
455 31457
09 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Mar - Apr 2023
Gas Sensing Technology Improves Safety
An underground mine is an inhospitable place in which to work. Gas poisoning and explosion is a major hazard, with many different types of gas commonly present in mines. Black damp, a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, is formed as the result of corrosion in enclosed spaces so removing oxygen from the atmosphere and poten ally causing suffoca on. Fire damp mainly consists of methane, a highly flammable gas that explodes at concentra ons between 5% and 15% or, if it does not explode, at 25% concentra on it causes asphyxia on.
Methane igni on can trigger the much more dangerous coal dust explosions because the shock wave raises coal dust from the floor of the mine galleries to make an explosive mixture that is highly suscep ble to spontaneous combus on. S nk damp, so called because of the ro en egg smell of the hydrogen sulphide gas, can explode and is also very toxic. Carbon monoxide, toxic even at low concentra ons, is another major hazard.
Gas sensors are the cri cal opera ng
component of all gas detec on instruments. They transform a gaseous concentra on, typically measured in ppm, into a change in electrical voltage or current that provides a reliable, stable and repeatable input for the detec on instrument. With so many different gaseous hazards poten ally present, effec ve gas detec on is cri cal in protec ng life and equipment underground.
Apart from gas-related hazards, underground mining dangers include suffoca on, gas poisoning, roof collapse and gas explosions, while open cut hazards are principally mine wall failures and vehicle collisions. Most risks are greatly reduced in modern mines, and mul ple fatality incidents are now rare in most parts of the developed world. However, according to the Bureau of Labour Sta s cs, mining remains the second most dangerous occupa on in America, with 30 deaths in a typical year due to mine accidents.
The Beneficial Impact of Modern Technology on Fatality Rates
Modern technology employed in mines throughout the developed world, has
drama cally improved safety. Improvements in mining methods such as automated longwall mining, effec ve hazardous gas monitoring, gas drainage, be er electrical equipment and improved ven la on have reduced many of the risks of rock falls, explosions, and unhealthy air quality
In less developed and developing countries, many more miners con nue to die annually, either directly as the result of accidents in mines, or indirectly as the result of illnesses contracted from working under poor condi ons.
The Challenges Facing Gas Sensor Manufacturers
In deep coalmines, extreme temperature changes, rapid humidity varia ons and significant pressure changes are experienced as miners travel down from the surface. In both deep and open cast coal mines methane gas is an ever-present hazard. Specific regional issues are a further complica on, for example, in South African mines, hydrogen cross-sensi vity is a par cular concern.
Superficially, a gas sensor might appear to the untrained eye to be no more than a simple
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Mar - Apr 2023
Gas Sensing Technology Improves Safety
small cylinder, 20mm in diameter and 17mm high, with two or three electrodes. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Such an unremarkable looking component is the opera ng heart of all gas detec on equipment, which saves countless lives and prevents damage to property worth billions of dollars.
Oxygen Sensors
Gas sensors are in fact complex pieces of equipment: 4OXV, the new oxygen sensor, is constructed from more than 20 individual components, which are manufactured to exceedingly ght tolerances and assembled to create the finished product on an automated assembly and test line. As an example of the technology behind the design of gas sensors, consider the 4OXV oxygen sensor that is used in portable gas detectors in mines. Humidity changes are another significant cause of false alarms. 4OXV features an integrated moisture protec on membrane to prevent the ingress of humid air into the chamber. The implica ons in the mining environment are self-evident. Bump
tes ng for personal gas detec on equipment, in which the instrument is exposed to its target gas to check for correct opera on, would normally take place on the surface. Descending in high speed li s to the working levels will result in rapid increases in temperature and humidity, poten ally causing the instrument to false alarm, with a consequent loss of me and confidence while the issue is sorted out. Instruments fi ed with 4OXV do not suffer from such issues, improving efficiency and reducing down me.
Carbon Monoxide Sensors
“Speed is of the essence”. A truism applied to many different situa ons, but a statement that is arguably cri cal in mining life safety applica ons, where delay can literally prove to be fatal. Carbon monoxide, a colourless, odourless, tasteless, and ini ally nonirrita ng gas is very difficult for people to detect. Exposure to 100 ppm or greater can be dangerous to human health, and as the symptoms of mild exposure include lightheadedness and confusion, while larger exposures can lead to death, the provision of
an effec ve CO detector is an impera ve for personnel who may encounter it during the course of their work. CO is commonly found in mines, so a fast and effec ve CO detector is an essen al piece of equipment.
The Future
Without doubt, today's sophis cated gas detec on technology has saved many lives in what is s ll one of the world's most dangerous industries. Gas detec on instrument manufacturers typically rely on gas sensors from specialist manufacturers. Typically based on electrochemical technology, the characteris cs of the gas sensor itself determine, to a great extent, the instrument's performance and reliability in use. To offer their users reduced life me cost of ownership, enhanced performance and features that improve the func onality, reliability and effec veness of personal and fixed gas detec on, OEMs require the gas sensor manufacturers to innovate sensors that have be er stability, greater resistance to cross-contamina on, longer life and faster response.
11 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Mar - Apr 2023
Water-based lubricants for both optical bers and electrical cables
Who we are
Carima is a leading company on the European market in the production and formulation of water-based lubricants, for the installation of optical bers and electrical cables.
Carima is a chemical company located in Gessate, near Milan (Italy), which has always tried to satisfy its customers with innovative products and short delivery times, in a continuous process of quality assessment and improvement.
Our philosophy
We support our customers by producing various types of lubricants that meet the working methods of each installer. For example, if a technician has always worked with a gel lubricant, Carima will make sure to provide him with the most correct gel for his needs. We don't want to change the habits of technical installers, on the contrary we want to help them in their daily activities. We can offer an optimal solution for every request. All our products are Made in Italy and, through a qualied industrial process, they are a guarantee of optimal performances in all sectors: industrial, civil and construction. Still with regard to our awareness of the environment that surrounds us, we take all the energy we need from the sun; numerous photovoltaic panels have been installed on our roofs in order to give energy to our daily work.
We also care a lot about the environment: that's why all our products are water-based and do not contain petroleum derivatives. Furthermore, all the electricity
that CARIMA needs comes from the sun. For transparency, the production data of our photovoltaic system is updated in real time every 15 minutes on our website at the link http://fv.carima.biz.
Carima produces and sells different products: Slips and lubricants
Specic slips and lubricants for laying electric cables and optical bers such as GLISS® F, GLISS® GEL, GLISS® W, or S LUB 20, S LUB 100XL, etc. They allow to reduce the friction generated during installation operations of cables and bers in pipelines
Electrical insulation products
Mono and bi-component products for electrical insulation, such as SOFT SIL GEL 32, SOFT GUM, etc.
Solvents and cleaners
Solvents and detergents for removing plugging grease (jelly) from cables and for cleaning the bers before splicing, such as FO Cleaner, Biosol 19
Spray Products
Technical spray products and water-based marking paints for usual work operations, such as IDRO SPRAY, etc.
Various accessories for a better and simpler use and application of our products, such as Duct Cleaner, ICE
Melting, Mass effect etc…
Special Products
Chemical products developed, produced and sold by us for special needs, Green Glass, solar and photovoltaic panel cleaner, silicone and PAG-based greases, etc.
Why so many products?
Why do you need so many different types of slips and lubricants to solve a seemingly simple problem?
The answer is simple and precise
Carima is able to offer the best solutions for every need. To do this, it supports the customer by producing various types of products to satisfy the "modus operandi" of each installer
So if a technician has always worked with a gel product, Carima will certainly have the right gel product in its wide range for him.
Carima does not want to change the installation technician's work habits, but to help him in his daily activities.
The production lines are able to package the various products from the 100ml tube, up to the 1000kg IBC, passing through 500ml and 1lt bottles, 5, 10, 20 and 25 liter tanks and buckets also including 50 liter drums, 100 and 200lt.
Special packaging requested by customers is possible.
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Mar - Apr 2023
Manufacturer of “Made in Italy” lubricants and anti-friction
agents for
and power cables.
bers and electrical
OUR PRODUCTS INCLUDE: SLIPS AND LUBRICANTS GLISS F GLISS GEL GLISS W S LUB 20 S LUB 100XL ELECTRICAL INSULATION PRODUCTS SOFT SIL GEL 32 SOFT GUM SOLVENTS AND CLEANERS FO CLEANER BIOSOL 19 SPRAY PRODUCTS IDRO SPRAY ACCESSORIES Duct Cleaner Ice Melting Mass Effect SPECIAL PRODUCTS Silicone PAG-based greases www.carima.biz. email: carima@carima.biz Tel: +39 (0)2 9538 4225 Cer fica ons CARIMA is an ISO 9001 cer fied company We have biodegradable and IEEE 1210 cer fied products scan for web ® ® ®
is a leading company on the
market in the production and formulation of water-based
for the installation of optical
The leap to Level 9 –'Zero-Harm' and maximum productivity with integrated CAS solutions
Proximity detec on and collision awareness is a crucial focus area in the drive to reduce fatali es in mining, contribu ng to the levels of protec on against the risks associated with vehicle interac ons on a mine. Collision avoidance ranked top of 13 different technologies iden fied by 47% of mines globally and 57% of mines in Africa as expec ng to see significant investment in the coming two years, based on the 2022 GlobalData survey.
South Africa is leading the way in the drive to implement the highest levels of collision awareness systems (CAS) to the Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table (EMESRT)
Vehicle Interac on Defensive Controls Model Level 9 (interven on controls), where electronic systems automa cally slow down the machine and apply a controlled stop if a dangerous interac on is detected when the operator has failed to take evasive ac on to
the prior Level 7 (Operator Awareness) alarm and Level 8 (Advisory Controls) alerts. Level 9 Collision Awareness (CAS) vehicle interven on for both underground and surface mining became mandatory in South Africa in December 2022. Companies that are not compliant, must submit a plan on becoming compliant. There is a strong need for future-proof solu ons that can be rapidly implemented.”
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Mar - Apr 2023
The leap to Level 9 – 'Zero-Harm' and maximum productivity with integrated CAS solutions
The Level 9 standard is a major leap from Level 8, which required systems to deliver an advisory instruc on to operators. Now, electronic systems must automa cally take mechanical control of the vehicle and slow down and apply the brakes at any mine where there is a significant risk of such collisions.
Implemen ng reliable integrated systems that can comply with Level 9 requires long term commitment and solid investment in sophis cated CAS systems that provide high integrity object detec on, operator warning and automa c interven on, when necessary, in order to prevent an accident. It must be far more than a box cking exercise, with integrated technology implemented in a holis c way that avoids the challenges of operator alarm fa gue, sensing technology inaccuracies, unnecessary alarms during normal opera ons and reduced system availability – all of which can impact produc on.
The data collected from mul ple sensors
related to the poten al incidents drives enormous value for safety and produc vity, especially when Ar ficial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (MI) can be applied. For example, traffic flows can be managed and op mised to maximise produc on.
At Probe IMT, we have been working with carefully selected industry-leading solu ons to help our clients ensure that they can meet the requirements of Level 9 interven on controls. Evolving CAS solu ons set new standards for workplace safety and facilitate 'zero-harm' objec ves and produc vity objec ves through effec ve, reliable and intui ve opera on. CAS Level 9 enables the safety of all personal in mines, and safer mines become more produc ve mines in the long run.
New Wabtec CAS Genera on 3 Solu on is a gamechanger for Level 9 compliance
The Wabtec Collision Awareness Solu ons Suite is a sophis cated and adaptable collision awareness and repor ng system
developed specifically for the mining industry with the aim of making mining opera ons safer, while helping to ensure op mal performance at a lower sustainable cost. Using advanced technology field hardware and communica ons so ware, with real- me system health monitoring and event repor ng, the Wabtec Digital Mine's safety technology provides industry-proven reduc on in vehicle interac on risk. With the right repor ng and analy cs tools to monitor and manage operator behaviour, safety culture and compliance can rapidly be improved.
Wabtec has announced the launch of its nextgenera on Collision Awareness (CAS) Genera on 3 solu on, represen ng significant advances in sensing accuracy, user experience, and EMESRT Level 9 vehicle controls. Implemented by mining solu ons company Probe IMT across Southern Africa, this proven technology sets the standards for mining safety and is an ideal solu on for mines striving to achieve their zero-harm goals. Fleet-wide implementa on is
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The leap to Level 9 – 'Zero-Harm' and maximum productivity with integrated CAS solutions
underway at key sites.“CAS Genera on 3 has been developed to provide game changing performance and user experience," says Gert Roselt, CEO of Probe IMT. “This breakthrough from Wabtec is the result of mul ple years of field and produc on tes ng, leveraging the invaluable insights of Wabtec customers and the industry. CAS Genera on 3 offers unique func onality and is the only system to include real- me health monitoring. Powerful intelligence delivers up to fi y mes be er alarm performance, compared to the market. Wabtec's intensive produc on tes ng has ensured a lower nuisance alarms rate, meaning there is less impact on produc vity.”
The Wabtec CAS Genera on 3 solu on is designed to reduce cri cal vehicle interac on risk through features including smart rules and intelligence, remote monitoring, troubleshoo ng, 360-degree situa onal awareness, ultra-high accuracy sensing, produc vity monitoring, machine data acquisi on, cri cal vehicle interac on threat advisories, and detailed repor ng and analy cs. The solu on offers a user-friendly, intui ve interface and is fully configurable with adaptable se ngs to fit site-specific requirements. CAS extensions can include integra on with Driver Fa gue Monitoring Systems, Fleet Management / Dispatch Systems, machine vision and Asset
Performance Management for mobile equipment.
The surface offering can be deployed with a variety of proximity detec on methods including GNSS, radio frequency (RF), VLF magne c and cameras to provide one of the most effec ve high integrity systems on the market. The vehicle display unit includes touchscreen HMI, with graphics display of remote objects showing ID, range, speed and heading with configurable audible, voice and visual alarms. Robust wide-view cameras eliminate blind spots with auto switching on direc on of travel and to zones of object detec on. Further features include equipment health monitoring, maintenance tracking, blending, and produc on repor ng. A strong differen ator is the high integrity proximity detec on using high accuracy GNSS augmented with me of flight (ToF) RF combined with real- me monitoring and connec vity provides 360˚ protec on for vehicles, equipment, and personnel. Strategically placed proximity units afford operators unparalleled situa onal awareness—contribu ng to improved safety levels on-site. Back-to-base repor ng provides interac on reports, journey replay, hot-spo ng, geofenced exclusion zones and alarm events, safety adherence reports and
system health monitoring.
Roselt explains that recent rapid advances in technology, such as satellite posi oning, LiDAR, intelligent vision systems and fa guedetec ng solu ons, have all had a major impact on collision avoidance systems and the level of so ware that is available to mining companies. “With proper system integra on and a whole-of-mine safety approach, mines can reap huge benefits from implemen ng high-performing solu ons.”
While South Africa has over 30 CAS suppliers, varying from established providers to small new entrants, few can offer the proven track record of mul na onal players, says Roselt. “Mines should carefully select implementa on partners and technology to ensure a smooth transi on to Level 9. Wabtec solu ons help our clients comply with Level 9 regula ons, but also avoid the pi alls of sensing technology inaccuracies, unnecessary alarms during normal opera ons and reduced system availability that can impact produc on. Fi een years of opera ons with no fatali es or unreported events prove Wabtec's commitment to safety and reliability. We're proud to be implemen ng these solu ons in a rapidly evolving arena.”
18 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Mar - Apr 2023
Benets of Clamp-on ow metering in Mining and Metallurgical Operations
Clamp-on flow measurement using the ultrasonic transit me technique has matured and is now a preferable technology for control and monitoring in many metallurgical and mining applica ons. In general, if any two of the following are present then Ultrasonic Clamp On (USCO) should be considered or even preferred.
We at Flexim, as the leader in this field has seen an increase in requests par cularly in the following areas:
Water monitoring and stewardship
Mines and minerals use water in various ways, from high pressure hydro power lines
in underground mines to drive drilling equipment, to a solvent in hydrometallurgical opera ons to dust suppression, the common denominator is a requirement to responsibly and efficiently use and account for the water to do the least harm to the environment and nearby communi es. Flexim's rugged portable meters are ideal for audits and repor ng while the fixed meters are in many cases be er suited than the tradi onal mag meter
SO Abatement 2
Sulphuric acid produc on as a method to reduce SO emissions is increasingly 2
becoming a preferred route to reduce this pollutant. The benefits are no addi onal waste streams, a saleable product and, depending on the technology, low addi onal water and other input requirements. A unique feature of metallurgical SO fed 2 Sulphuric acid plants is the fluctua on of the feed SO concentra ons and the resul ng 2 affect it has on the stable opera on of the plant. Flexim meters are an ideal solu on as they can be retrofi ed with no shutdown (no fines or risk to equipment during start up) give both flow and concentra on measurement and work on both metal and GRP pipes. “We have recently installed meters on plants in Zambia, the DRC, South
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Benets of Clamp-on ow metering in Mining and Metallurgical Operations
Africa and Namibia”, says Mark Middelhoven the Africa Sales Manager, and all our customers have seen improvement in their plant performance.
Solvent Extrac on
SX circuits both water and hydrocarbon mediums and USCO is a good measurement technique as it can measure both phases. Typically these are installed on the organic side, recently Flexim has been involved in a project to provide metering on SX cells as part of an automa on project. Previously this had been done by manually adjus ng the valves, but as the trend to more automa on
and reduced personnel con nues the need to automa on and the benefits of be er control and efficiency the scope and usefulness of USCO is a key enabler
Energy efficiency
As the world moves towards a Net Zero future mining is key both in reducing its carbon emissions but also providing the raw materials for ba eries, electrical infrastructure and catalysts for hydrogen produc on. It is not surprise then the mines are inves ng in improving their energy efficiency. Flexim again can help whether it is measuring steam in the processing plants or
compressed air, addi onal metering points can be safely added hassle free.
One aspect holding back the adop on of Clamp-on is previous bad experience, either through cheap portables or incorrect specifica on. Since the meters are able to be installed outside the pipe, with no interrup on, it is easy to de-risk the decision through a trial or demonstra on. At Flexim we are happy to stand behind our product and a try before you buy approach is usually enough to convince scep cal stakeholders. The technology has matured and should be the first choice of technology in many instances.
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Mar - Apr 2023
Radiation Risk, Safety and Security in Wireline Logging
22 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Mar - Apr 2023
23 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Mar - Apr 2023
The Tailings Recovery System (TRS) is a technology developed specifically for recovering tailings from mine tailings pond deposits, to facilitate tailings pond reclaim opera ons and management of tailings storage facili es within an opera ng mine site. TRS can also be u lized for the remedia on of legacy tailings ponds, and reprocessing mine tailings to extract valuable minerals.
TRS has been developed by Technika Engineering Ltd., a company based in Calgary, AB, Canada.
TRS effec vely addresses the opera ng limita ons of the technologies tradi onally u lized for mine tailings reclaim opera ons, including CSD dredges and submersible pumps. The limita ons of these technologies include inconsistent tailings supply density and the need for frequent reloca on on the pond. Dredging causes high turbidity of the pond surface water, which is o en reclaimed
for the process requirements. Dredges and pumps are suscep ble to plugging by various debris that is commonly found in tailings deposits.
Dredging is a crewed opera on requiring people to be deployed on the pond, and may also be affected by seasonal weather condi ons.
TRS technology is an unmanned, remotely controlled opera on. Its control can be effec vely integrated into the overall control system of the tailings treatment facili es, which enables the supply of tailings at a density and flow rate that is op mum for the performance of the tailings treatment processes.
TRS can operate from a single loca on for an extended period of me without a need to relocate.
TRS opera on is based on a balance of parameters that include its geometry, tailings rheology and recovery rate. The opera on of the technology is based on the principles of the hydraulic pressure balance within the tailings pond deposits and the TRS caisson structure. The opera ng interface between TRS and tailings deposits effec vely mobilizes the tailings within the pond deposits crea ng the tailings draw zone. The mobilized tailings are brought to the surface within the TRS caisson envelope.
The tailings of the required density are
accessible from the surface for collec ng and transport to the shore-based facili es.
The TRS caisson typically comprises two telescoping shells that allow easy adjustment of the pumping depth. The telescoping shells can be elevated to facilitate the system's launching, deployment, and reloca on.
The TRS assembly is of a modular design. The modules, which are designed to fit shipping envelopes, facilitate transporta on and minimize me to assemble the system onsite. This also enables easy reloca ons between different tailings ponds or the mine sites.
An ini al set of TRS units was developed by the Technika Engineering team and successfully deployed in large-scale tailings recovery opera ons in the Canadian oil sands industry
The Company is now looking for opportuni es to expand into other mining areas where the TRS technology can provide a valuable contribu on to mine tailings reclaim and tailings management opera ons.
The TRS technology is patented and proprietary to Technika Engineering Ltd. For addi onal informa on, please visit h ps://wwwtechnikaeng.com/technology/tailings-recoverysystem-trs.html
25 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Mar - Apr 2023
Over the years, sonic drilling has con nued to evolve, with improvements in vibra on frequency, power output, and drill bit design. Today, sonic drilling is a widely used technique for a range of drilling applica ons, from mineral explora on and geotechnical surveys to environmental monitoring and geothermal energy produc on Its advantages over conven onal drilling methods include faster drilling rates, reduced waste material, and be ercorerecoveryrates.
Sonic drilling is par cularly effec ve in so er materials such as clay and sand, which can be difficult to drill using tradi onal rotary core drilling methods. The sonic drill head allows the soil sample to enter the single tube core barrel by liquefying the ground on the sidewall ofthesampleenteringthecorebarrel,without disturbing the sample, thus providing very good core recoveries in the so er more friable ground in which is tradi onally more difficult toprovidegoodcoresamples. Sample
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Mar - Apr 2023
Geogroup: sonic drilling service provider
recoveries using sonic technology are usually over95%.
To date, the GeoGroup is a preferred supplier of sonic drilling services to the African con nent.Outofthe3Sonicrigsintheirfleet,2 of these rigs are equipped with dual head masts able to switch between sonic and rotary core drilling. This eliminates the need to have mul ple rigs on site as the mast head can quickly transi on between Sonic and Rotary core.
The GeoGroup recently introduced the Secon Compact Sonic Crawler 190kN to their por olio which can be operated remotely by two drill operators with wireless controllers. Using a wireless control system to operate a drill has several advantages over tradi onal wired controls. Here are some reasons why wirelesscontrolmaybepreferred:
Mobility and flexibility:With a wireless control system, the operator can move around the drilling site more freely, without being tetheredtoacontrolpanelorconsole.Thiscan be par cularly useful in drilling projects where the operator needs to move around the rig to access different drilling loca ons or perform othertasks.
Increased safety: By elimina ng the need for cables and wires, wireless control systems can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries caused by tripping over cablesorge ngtangledinwires.Thiscan be especially important in drilling projectswheresafetyisatoppriority.
3 .
Improved efficiency: With a wireless control system, the operator can control
the drill from a distance, which can be more efficient and faster than manually adjus ng controls at the drill site. Addi onally, some wireless control systems offer advanced features such as automa on and remote monitoring, which can further improve efficiency and produc vity
Overall, sonic drilling is a versa le drilling methodthatcanbeusedinawiderangeofsoil and rock forma ons. Its efficiency makes it a popularchoiceformanydrillingprojects.
The Geogroup has 10 years of extensive experience in sonic drilling for various esteemed clients in the mining and geotechnical industries since our first sonic waspurchasedin2013.
For more informa on about GeoGroup, visit www geogroup.co.za.
27 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Mar - Apr 2023
Self-Closing Industrial Safety Gates
EDGE Fall Protec on, LLC, focuses on providing simple and effec ve fall protec on solu ons for workers at heights. Our solu ons seek to increase worker safety, diminish employer risk, enhance accessibility, and maintain flow of material and personnel. We con nue to develop products and methods of implementa on that are simple, effec ve, and, most importantly, mi gate risk so everyone can safely go home at the end of the workday
Access openings are some of the most dangerous loca ons for personnel working at heights. Le unguarded, they expose workers to risks that can lead to serious injury, or even death. Luckily, many of these access points can be quickly and easily protected using an EDGE selfclosing industrial safety gates provided by EDGE Fall Protec on, LLC.
Advantages of the EDGE Self-Closing Industrial Safety Gate Construc on
Everything at EDGE Fall Protec on, LLC, starts with material quality. All our products, including our EDGE safety gates are
constructed of high quality material that is sourced and manufactured in the USA. With op ons including powder coated safety yellow mild steel, hot-dipped galvanized mild steel, aluminum, 304 stainless steel, or 316 stainless steel safety gates, we have the right type of material to suit any need whether it be general industry or an extremely corrosive environment.
The self-closing feature of the EDGE SelfClosing Safety Gate is one of the most important aspects to our safety gate. This ensures that, a er every use, our gate shuts in place to eliminate the hazard. Unlike placing a chain over an access point that can be forgo en to be put back in place, our durable stainless-steel springs shut the gate every me.
Installa on
Providing a safe work environment can some mes be difficult and me intensive. The EDGE Self-Closing Safety Gate was designed with simplicity and effec veness in mind. Our gate quickly mounts to 2” round pipe or 1.5” x 1.5” square tubing via U-bolts or can be mounted directly to flat iron, angle iron, or wall mounted with fasteners. This allows for standardiza on across facili es or job sites, and installa on mes of just 20 minutes.
Tes ng
EDGE Fall Protec on, LLC, only provides products that meet certain tes ng requirements. Every product we manufacture will meet or exceed OSHA (Occupa onal Safety and Health Administra on) requirements requiring a concentrated load test of 200 pounds (90.7 Kilograms). In addi on, all guardrail systems and self-closing safety gates have a top rail at 42 inches (106 cm) and a mid-rail at 21” (53 cm) from the working surface.
Duty to Protect
While every individual must be responsible for his or her own safety, it is the employer's responsibility to ensure that they create a workplace that allows employees to complete their work in the safest and most effec ve manner possible. Simple and costeffec ve solu ons to safety exist all over the workplace, and the EDGE Self-Closing Industrial Safety gate is one such solu on to protect the most valuable asset on the jobsite, the employee.
For more informa on on our EDGE SelfClosing Industrial Safety Gate, Guardrail systems, or any other custom solu on, please visit us at our website or send us an e-mail: www.EDGEfallprotec on.com
30 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Mar - Apr 2023
and avoid falling objects says expert
Falling objects can deliver a he y blow to the head, resul ng in injury or even death warns a safety authority
This is why WorkSafe is cracking down on companies that fail to control the risk of falling objects, with a round of almost 1000 inspec ons throughout the next three weeks. Top targets will be construc on companies opera ng in the industrial, residen al and commercial sectors.
According to WorkSafe sta s cs, more than 860 construc on workers have been injured since 2010 by falling objects. Injuries are commonly caused by falling building materials such as bricks, les, concrete and mber.
WorkSafe says simple steps to avoid falling objects include securing loose building materials and tools at building sites, and could make the difference between life and death.
“Each year WorkSafe inves gates serious injuries and countless near-misses involving
falling objects at construc on sites,” WorkSafe health and safety execu ve director Marnie Williams says.
“We know that even a small tool or a bolt falling from a building site can cause lifethreatening injuries. That's why every builder must assess their site throughout the day and iden fy materials or objects that could fall in or outside of the site boundaries.” Materials placed close to the edge of an incomplete upper level or le unsecured pose a very high risk.
“Materials that are blown from structures by wind or tools and equipment knocked or dropped from ledges not only pose a risk to workers but the general public in the streets below,” Williams says.
“Any object, no ma er how small, can be deadly if it falls from a height so builders need to constantly assess the work being undertaken to ensure these kinds of materials are secured.”
Protect your noggin
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Fire & Security Techniques CEO Neil Hughes
Mar - Apr 2023
www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 33 Mar - Apr 2023
SewTreat To Provide Eco-Friendly Innovations In Onsite Wastewater Treatment
By making use of the latest advancements in sustainable wastewater treatment combined with the crea on of their own bacterial strains developed in-house, SewTreat are able to answer the needs of industrial, construc on and mining opera ons with efficient, affordable and eco-friendly waste water treatment solu ons.
SewTreat is a proudly South African company offering specialized, modular biological waste water treatment plant designs tailor-made for the South African and African market. Their approach is based on return ac vated sludge technology incorpora ng submersed aera on media. This enhanced bacterial ac on ensures a highly effec ve treatment process boas ng a very low carbon footprint, minimal capital input and low maintenance requirements.
Understanding the Needs of the Market
“Our approach is to treat nature with nature through sustainable engineering solu ons
that are evident in our superior proprietary biological technology. The modular design of our treatment plants makes us a leader in providing waste water treatment solu ons for the African con nent,” says SewTreat Managing Director and spokesman, Theunis Coetzer.
Although the company is newly formed, SewTreat has already become an established name synonymous with interna onal exper se in providing quality products and services to all sectors throughout SubSaharan Africa and especially in the SADC region. The SewTreat team consists of process and civil and process engineers, microbiologists, project planners and a network of distributors with over 35 years of experience in the field.
“We have developed our products and services to embrace our customers' opera ng environments and the ongoing demand for environmental, social and financial
sustainable solu ons,” Coetzer explains. “The team at SewTreat has extensive exper se throughout various disciplines and so we are able to offer turnkey services which incorporate consulta on, design, manufacturing, installa on, construc on and opera onal support to our clients that meet all legal and industry related compliance.”
Product Offering
SewTreat offers several modular waste water treatment plants tailored to meet the needs of industrial sized, mining and construc on opera ons.
1. Plas c HDPE Tank Waste water treatment plant
The plas c range makes use of plas c 'Jo-Jo' type tanks that are connected in series or parallel depending on site space requirements or layout. The plant is wholly constructed and cold commissioned before
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Mar - Apr 2023
SewTreat To Provide Eco-Friendly Innovations In Onsite Wastewater Treatment
delivery to client premises. The installa on me required onsite is minimal – a 50kl per day plant can be assembled on site in less than five days. A guarantee of up to 20 years is offered on the tanks depending on the type of tanks used in the plant. “We developed this range based on a need we saw in the market for a more cost effec ve solu on for sewage treatment.,” Coetzer explains, although he notes that while the plas c plants are cost effec ve in term if capital expenditure, the do carry very high shipping costs and so he does not recommend them for installa ons outside of South Africa.
2. Containerized Waste water treatment plant
The containerized plant is well suited to rugged African condi ons. The concept is based on a 'plug and play' design, Coetzer explains, saying that they are designed for ease of transport, security and modularity, taking into considera on that the plant may be moved to various loca ons. “The complete WWTP is built into ISO High Cube Containers. The plants are can be easily moved from site to site, can be easily expanded and have a once off cost to the client as they can be moved from site to site as needed,” says Coetzer
“Our recent upgrade of our design makes this a very compe ve op on for onsite waste water treatment. The plant is wholly constructed and tested at our 5000m² underroof facili es which ensures that all boxes are cked in terms of quality control procedures. The containerized plant offers a life span of 15 to 20 years which is excellent for a plug
and play solu on,” says Coetzer explaining that installa on literally requires only connec ng of pipes to the waste water treatment plant.
3. Civil Constructed Waste water treatment plant
Their civil constructed plants are designed and constructed mostly for large flow industrial and housing development applica ons. The plants are aesthe cally pleasing as they are constructed underground and can be covered with vegeta on and are en rely civil designed and constructed to exact civil engineering requirements. These plants boast several advantages for clients including the fact that the civil construc on can be subcontracted to local contractors to reduce construc on costs.
Coetzer explains that provision can also be made for easy plant expansion through simple modular and common wall construc on and that if the plant is gravityfed, the system can operate without electricity for up to 48 hours. This makes the product an effec ve alterna ve for remote opera ons, for countries with unreliable power supply, or where no municipal connec on is available.
A Greener Approach
Biological waste water treatment is an accepted prac ce used worldwide. The process involves confining naturally occurring bacteria at a very high concentra on in the treatment process, whether it is plas c type, containerized type of civil constructed type. From here this bacteria, together with some
protozoa and other microbes (collec vely referred to as ac vated sludge) are treated in an anaerobic and an aerobic process. They are then returned to the anaerobic phase to eliminate sludge accumula on and waste genera on.
“In a nutshell, the bacteria digest all impuri es and the wastewater is then cleansed. The treated wastewater or effluent can then be discharged to receiving waters –normally a river or the sea – or alterna vely used for irriga on, flushing of toilets or general non-potable uses,” explains Coetzer. “SewTreat has developed a highly effec ve mul ple strain bacteria range that gets added to our plants, this specifically bred bacteria feed on the complex substances in the wastewater, conver ng them into simpler substances, improving final effluent on a reduced footprint.”
He notes that globally, the composi on of effluents discharged to receiving waters is regulated by the na onal environment agencies. The legisla on is concerned with the preven on of pollu on, and therefore sets concentra on limits on dissolved organic carbon (as BOD or COD), nitrogen and phosphates and other compounds which cause eutrophica on in receiving waters. It also a empts to limit the discharge of known toxic chemicals by se ng allowable concentra on limits in the effluent. “If we consider that 100% of the effluent can be recycled, if done properly, there is no doubt that through this we are providing large bank of water, which previously may not have been considered as 'safe' for the environment or community”
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Combine Performance with Security 36 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Mar - Apr 2023
Waste Water Treatment
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Mar - Apr 2023
Waste Water Treatment
Polypipe partners with Rare Group providing distributorship for Polypipe Civils products
Complete pipeline solu ons provider, Rare Group, recently a ained exclusive distributorship for the Polypipe Civils range of Ridgidrain, Ridgiduct and Ridgistorm XL HDPE structured wall pipes into the South African and Zambian markets.
With over 20,000 product lines, Polypipe is the UK's largest plas c piping manufacturer Polypipe manufactures plas c pipe systems for a variety of gravity and pressurised applica ons, providing solu ons to a number of mining processes, storm water and sewer pipe installa ons. The piping products can also be used for transport infrastructure, water delivery and distribu on, de-watering and storage, processing, water treatment, as well as welfare infrastructure.
Polypipe views the rela onship with Rare as an integral part of their overseas business and in addi on, Rare will act as installa on partner where projects require supply and install turnkey solu ons. The companies will work closely together to further develop and improve market awareness of the Polypipe products. This partnership will enable Rare to extend its product offering to the Mining and Infrastructure market segments with the supply of large diameter, up to 3000mm, structured wall pipes and fi ngs which are not yet manufactured in Southern Africa.
To learn more about Polypipe products visit or contact The www.polypipe.com Rare Group.
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Mar - Apr 2023
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Company Listings
Company Name: Seguro
Contact: Cynthia Mundy
Telephone: 011 027 9153
Mobile: 076 329 7708
Email: cynthia.mundy@seguro4sure.co.za
Website: www.seguro4sure.co.za
Ultimate Washer, Inc.
Company Name:Cestus Line
Contact: Jennifer Choi
Mobile: 503-961-4922
Email: jennifer@cestusline.com
Website: www.cestusline.com
Company Name: Ultimate Washer, Inc.
Contact: Kevin Netzer
Company Name: Explosion Power GmbH
Contact: Kasper Ninck
Telephone: +41 62 886 50 89
Mobile: +41 79 735 55 19
Email: kaspar.ninck@explosionpower.ch
Website: www.explosionpower.ch
Telephone: (561)277-1635
Skype: ultimatewasher
Email: kevin@ultimatewasher.com
Website: www.ultimatewasher.com
Company Name: COBAAfrica (Pty) Ltd
Contact: Morne van der Westhuuizen
Telephone: +27 (0) 11 452 7961
Fax to email: 086 759-8948 Matting.co.za
Email: mvdw@matco.co.za
Website: www.matco.co.za
Company Name: Carima
Contact: Mr Eberardo Pipani
+39 (0)2 9538 4225 carima@carima.biz www.carima.biz.
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Website: Mar - Apr 2023
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