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Haul Roads are the life blood of any mine. Every part of a haul vehicle is subjected to stresses that result in wear or damage. This can ofen be caused by badly designed and or badly maintained haul roads. The easiest way to reduce those stresses is to improve the road surface, reduce rolling resistance and liming dust. This is the value of strong, smooth, clean haul road surfaces. Astute miners focus on removing the cause of problems before they add to downstream costs. Haul roads are the arteries of every mine, and the condionof the running surface influences much of the cost of moving product. If you build good roads, you want them to work and you want them to last. CLAYCRETE is the answer to Road Stabalisaon and to dust and mud problems. CLAYCRETE is a liquid chemical soil stabiliser which increases road pavement strength by changing the propertes of clay parrcles to improve compacon,weather resistance and trracon. By ulizingthe unique chemistry of clay, the density and bending resistance of pavements are increased without the need for expensive cement treatments. The treatment is economical and efficient. CLAYCRETE is a liquid which is simply added to the water used for road construconor surface maintenance. During the process of mixing with the soil CLAYCRETE reacts with the clay fracon and the rreaco consumes all the product. Treated clay has different prroperes to untreated clay. The changes to clay are permanent and irreversible, no further treatment is required. The chemically altered clay becomes the binder and the perfect void filler. Properes th t make clay cause mud and dust are evidence of the unique nature of clay, which atracts water because of an over nega e charge on the surface of the clay platelet. Balancing that chemical property is the process of stabilisaonwith CLAYCRETE. Older forms of stabilisaonaaempt to restrain the forces and fight the problem of clay by adding as much as 5% of the volume in cement or other expensive materials. CLAYCRETE simply treats the problem. CLAYCRETE is efficient, one drum of 200 litres will replace 150 tonnes of cement which is commonly used to stabilise road pavements. One twenty-foot container of CLAYCRETE is enough to stabilise 80,000m3 of clay soil or build 400,000m2 of 200mm pavement. (Equivalent cement stabilisaonat 5% would require 7,200tonnes of cement which would fill more than 250 containers). CLAYCRETE is safe to use in all environments. It is cerfie by SGS as no threat to fauna. This is partly due to the unique chemistry and partly due to the complete exhausonof the product in reaconwith the soil. Wherever produconis adversely impacted by dust in dry weather, mud in wet weather, high rolling resistance, high maintenance costs, high suspension maintenance, short tyre life, ru , corrugagaonhigh fuel cl consumpon, or other haul road related problems the answer is stabilisaonwith CLAYCRETE. CLAYCRETE is also suitable for access roads, hardstands, storage areas, workshop floors, ramps, helipads, runways, taxiways, and any area where high strength low-cost pavement is needed. The largest haul packs in the world are already running on CLAYCRETE stabilised haul roads. It costs nothing to find out what CLAYCRETE can offer. Phone, or email, we have access to experience in more than thirty countries and your problems have already been experienced on one of the sites where we have helped.

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· POTHOLES - One litre of CLAYCRETE will treat 5 cubic meters of Road Material.►

· GRAIN STAGE – Whether it is open air or emergency storage having a proper floor CLAYCRETE allows you to keep more product and lose less. Claycrete is environmentally safe and will not contaminate the food product. · STRUCTURAL FLOORS – CLAYCRETE will stabilize the ground that your foundaons will o on. This leads to less issues around the foundaon s elingeducing foundadaonacking. · AIR STRIPS & HELIPADS – CLAYCRETE drama ally reduce dust and leave a smooth surface eradicang “Bown Outs” · FLOCCULANT FOR TAILING PONDS – When CLAYCRETE bonds with free clay parcles th y take on hydrophobic properes. These n w water repellent prroperes helpo rapidly separate any water from the treated materials. · DAMS, DIKES & LEVEES – Small leaks lead to big leaks and big leaks lead to failure. Stop leaks in the first place and keep water at bay with CLAYCRETE.


Jack James CLAYCRETE Johannesburg - Email: jack@claycreteglobal.com (Johannesburg South Africa) – Mobile Number: +27 (0) 796175328 Brian JackmanCLAYCRETE Global – Email: info@claycreteglobal.com

Lifting mechanisms in mines- Hoists

Hoist by definion means to haul or to raise an object to higher altudes. Hoists are mechanical or electromechanical devices used to move an object from one point to another, which would be otherwise physically challenging. The object can be raised, lowered or moved depending on the necessity. The hoist work on the basic principle of balance of forces where an equal and opposite force is applied on the load force. The applied force can be reduced by using a pulley system. The hoist technology is believed to originate from the lever system where a large force can be countered using small force by proper placement of the fulcrum. The block and tackle pulley invented by Archimedes allowed sailors to move heavy objects with ease that would otherwise be very difficult. This invenon is considered as a precursor to the modern hoist technology.


The hoists can be classified based on the liing medium, and the source of powering the hoist. Liing medium: · Manual: The load is hoisted using manual operaon. It is the oldest type of hoist where humans, and animals where used to haul the loads. Such schemes where used during ancient period for the construcon of buildings. Nowadays these hoists are used to li light loads. · Electric: Electric power is used to hoist the load. This technology overtook the manual operaon during the industrial development.

Such hoists are faster and more powerful and thus forms a huge percentage of the hoists used in the industries. · Pneumac: The powering of these hoists is through pneumac medium. Compressed air is used to run the motor or the engine to deliver a liing torque. These hoists have an advantage of being lighter, safer and use less energy to do the same task.

Powering source:

Chain: Ulizes link or roller chain as its liing medium. Wire rope: Ulizes wire rope as the liing medium Strap: Ulizes polyester or nylon straps as the liing medium

The hoist can be further classified into drum, fricon, and Blair mul-rope type.

Drum type:

In Drum type hoisng devices, the liing medium is connuously wrapped around a drum. Unlike the fricon type where the load is directly hoisted from the top, in drum type hoist the pulling mechanism is connected to a drum, which is to the other side of load across the headframe and sheaves. The headframe and sheaves are required to center the hoisng medium in the sha compartment. Drum hoists are the most common hoists used in North America, South Africa and South America. They also require the least amount of maintenance among all hoist types.

Single drum:

In a single drum hoist, a rope is aached to a drum and wound and is used to hoist the load through an overhead pulley. Single drum hoists are found to be more efficient than double drum hoists for most of the applicaons.

Fricon (Koepe) type

Unlike drum hoists, fricon hoists are economic opons for shallow shas. They are mounted right above the mine sha or at the top of headframe, thus requiring less space than drum hoists. The liing medium is passed over a pulley with the load connected to the one end of the liing medium. The fricon between the pulley and the liing medium aids the hoisng. The fricon between the pulley and the liing medium prevents the load from sliding in the opposite direcon when the weight is pulled up using gears and pulleys. Developed by Frederick Koepe in 1877, the liing medium is not wound on a drum, and hence mulple hoists can be used near to each other. Fricon hoists require more roune maintenance than drum hoists and are not suitable for hoisng from mulple loading pockets on different horizons within a sha.

Blair mul-rope type

The Blair mul-rope hoist system is used for accessing much deeper mines and can be found in many of the world's deeper mines, such as in South Africa. One of the mines that use this type is the Moab Khotsong Mine where it is used up to 3,150m. It has a capacity to access a depth of up to 5,000m.

Mining Transportation Shipping & Logistics

The mining industry faces logiscs challenges such as moving copper, silver, iron or other mined products from remote mining sites. They also face the challenge of requiring transport for heavy mining equipment to and from remote sites which adds expense and complicaons that some other industries don't have to deal with. Transportaon within the mining industry commonly involves managing shipping by rail, which can be costly and difficult without a relaonship with rail companies. It's also necessary to properly track rail cars with the product to ensure they aren't sing for long periods of me and to find the best cargo insurance to minimize the expensive risk of the. Working with a third-party logiscs provider that focuses on industrial shipments, such as Global Shipping Services, can help companies save up to 12% on costs and manage cargo insurance and freight tracking. Mulmodal transportaon is oen required to move mining equipment on and offsite as well as to ship the product out to customers from remote desnaons. Global Shipping Services has over 15 years of experience shipping mining freight to and from remote desnaons and handling heavy haul and project cargo through mulmodal transport.

Benefits of Using Global Shipping for Mining Cargo

· Management of Cargo Insurance · Mulmodal Transportaon Opons · Personnel Cerfied to Deal with

Hazardous Materials & Dangerous

Goods · Specialized in Industrial Shipping · Experts in the Movement of

Oversized or OOG Shipments, Including

Heavy Mining Equipment · Access to 24/7 Tracking Portal · Ability to Transport Cargo to

Remote Desnaons · Management of Import & Export

Documentaon · Access to a Global Network of

Freight Forwarders · Experts in Heavy Haul & Project

Cargo Management for Transporng

Large Equipment · Excellent Customer Service, We

Always Pick Up the Phone · Turnkey Transportaon Soluons for Heavy Equipment & Machinery

About Global Shipping Services

Global Shipping Services is a global freight forwarder with offices based in the U.S. We are members of Lognet and the WCA Family which allows us to offer compeve pricing and local experse no maer where our clients need to ship goods or transport equipment. We specialize in industrial shipping, and we have proven ourselves me and me again when it comes to transporng heavy, oversized cargo across the country and

around the globe on ght deadlines. See our case studies for more informaon. We offer mulmodal transportaon opons that provide me-saving and cost advantages; we have the capacity to ship products by truck, rail, ship and plane. We also manage cargo insurance, perming and import and export documentaon. Our clients know that they can count on our highly trained staff that always answers the phone and has the knowledge and capabilies to manage transportaon and logiscs projects from beginning to end.

Contact Global Shipping Services Today

Make your operaons more cost-effecve and take the headache out of mining logiscs with Global Shipping Services. Contact us today by calling us at (908) 232 – 0505 to learn more about our transport services for the mining industry. You can also request a

namibia@nmtshipping.com www.nmtshipping.com

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