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BMG's new slogging tools for efcient tightening and loosening of bolts and nuts

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The open air range is constructed with an aluminium tube and steel impact head, while the spark-free design uses a copper impact head.

Theundergroundrangeisavailableinstandard with stainless steel tube and steel impact head and also in spark-free with stainless steel tube and copper impact head, ensuring a safe soluonforuseinpotenallyexplosiveareasin underground mining, power staons and petrochemicalindustries.


The underwater configuraon for marine enterprises and offshore oil rig operaons has a stainless steel tube, handle and impact head and a nylon nut. Only one diver is required to completethetask,

Slogging Hammers are supplied by BMG in an oponalconvenientcarry bag.ArangeofOEM compliant spanners and accessories, including ¾”and1”socketextensionsisalsoavailable,as wellaswearingpartspares,includingbobbins, retainingrings,pinsandimpactheads. When a Slogging Hammer is applied in the Wheel Slogger variaon, a single operator is abletosafelyloosen,ghtenandtorquewheel nuts for the quick release and replacement of the damaged tyre. The operator can also be confident that the torque applied meets the manufacturer's specificaons and the risks associated with overghtening are migated. Standardtorquesengsare450,550,600and 650 Nm, but custom torques up to 1 000 Nm canbeaccommodatedonrequest. Thissystemhasbeenwellreceivedbyallfacets of the transport sector, parcularly on large trucks, buses, long distance haulers, agriculturalandmilitaryvehicles.

With this system, there is minimal downme andthereisnoneedtoincurthecostsofcalling for assistance to change wheels. The Wheel Sloggerhasabuilt-infootplateforoperaonon any surface. All torque sengs on the tool are controlled by OEM specified torque clips, which means no calibraon is required, even aeryearsofusage.

BMG's extensive range of tools and related equipment is used to enhance reliability of equipment in all industries. The company's extensive branch network offers a technical advisory and support service to ensure the correct product is selected for each specific applicaon.

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