at two or more levels Networking: making connections with people to create a mutually beneficial affiliation Network marketing: used by the MLM industry to denote their businesses operate at more than one level Powerline: beware the powerline as it's a system to build MLM businesses by telling those that join the company will give people sign-ups. They don't! The above terms are just some of the ones you will run into fairly frequently. If you run into others, do some research on the Internet.
Knowledge Is Indeed Power! And now that you have some the basics at your fingertips, you need to figure out what your market potential is and then know it inside out. You have obviously chosen your particular product or service because you feel it appeals to people. You have likely also chosen your product or service with an eye to building a team under you. Bravo for you if that is your goal, as team building with a good program or product/service dynamically increases your market potential. This is important because the larger your market, the wider your target markets become. The wider your target markets, the better the growth for your business. 11