marketing tools available when done correctly. Your e-mail strategy is the foundation for relationship marketing. You can achieve outstanding results with email marketing while investing only a small amount of time and an even smaller amount of money. Email marketing is inexpensive. There’s no production, materials or postage costs, and, it’s 20 times more cost effective than direct mail. The major selling point about e-mail marketing is you are proactively talking to your prospects and existing team members. You’re waiting for them to come back to your web site or blog. It’s also IMMEDIATE communication. Your call to action is clear: "Click here to take advantage of this offer", or "to learn more about this service". On average, responses to this type of e-mail occur within 48 hours of being sent.
Types Of Emails And Examples Opt-In direct e-mail is sending e-mail to recipients that have already approved of and are asking to receive commercial e-mail. They’ve agreed to receive (opted in) offers like yours. You can pay for a service like this, but why would you when you can write your own opt-in e-mail. If you do not know how to write one of these, or any of the other examples here, talk to your upline. Any company you are acting as an affiliate for will have examples you can use for marketing your business. Promotional Postcards are efficient, easy-to-create powerful marketing tools and are useful for customer up sells and cross sells, direct purchase, lead 36