and the medium term would be yearly. The dailies can be simple, like call two new prospects today. The medium monthly kind of goal could be sign up 5 new team members. With your goals in mind, you will get started in a positive frame of mind, and write them down. There is nothing like seeing them in writing to mobilize you. You will quantify your goals – meaning measure them by setting dates, times and details. Why? This is so you can measure your achievements. Goals also need priorities, the most important to the least. Lets you get a handle on things needing to be done without feeling to overwhelmed. One thing to also remember is to keep your goals realistic and make your shortterm goals something you can achieve. Then you start building in increments – short-term goals build to medium goals build to long term. Much like a map – and it IS a map, a map of your business.
The Road To Success Along the road to your business success you will find points on the map where it's a good idea to try and set goals you can control. And, above all else, make sure you DO your goals YOUR way. Don't let someone else set your goals for you. Your road map to achievement means you need to set goals based on your needs and skills. Be smart and set your destination goals just a touch further than you think feels safe, not right out of reach. Set them just far enough to make you stretch to reach these goals. Bravo, you're learning how to read that map and get to your destination.