1 minute read
Using The Five Elements In Your Sales Page
by muthosh
Using The Five Elements In Your Sales Page
After you write your hook title and list you main benefit, you can start the sales page that tells the story as to why your reader should buy your product or service. A good example of this is an ad the Wall Street Journal ran that went on to bring in over $1 billion dollars for them. It was simply titled:”Two Young Men.”
The story begins with two young men who graduate from the same college to go out into the world to make their name. After 25 years, their school has a reunion and they meet up. There, they find out both had very similar lives in that they both married, both had three children, and they even went to work for the same company after graduation. In all respects, except one, they appeared to have taken the exact same road. The difference? One was the president of the company and the other was a manager.
Of course, the telling of the story is done with more passion, but for the sake of brevity it has been condensed for this ebook. Here, we have two protagonists, each appearing to make the exact same choices, but one is highly successful and the other isn't so much so. What was the difference? According to the Wall Street Journal it was that one was a loyal reader of the Wall Street and the other didn't. That's the moment of awareness, not just for the protagonist who met the same set of challenges as his college buddy, but also for the reader of this story. That's what led one to be transformed from an ordinary life to an extraordinary life. And, of course, as the reader who has traveled along this road through the eyes of the hero, the hook is captivating. Who wouldn't want to invest in a copy of the Wall Street Journal with a payback that big? Who wouldn't want to be transformed overnight by using this easy solution? However, in order for them to envision how that transformation is possible in their own lives, you will need to activate their power of imagination to sell your products.