1 minute read
The Story Of Your Sales Page
by muthosh
products for eBay. These are the people who made money due to a controversy that they didn't even start.
The Story Of Your Sales Page
You do want to tell a simple story to get your point across, but remember this is still a sales page. After you've hooked your reader, you want to start selling the benefits of your product or services. You want to make it easy for them to envision themselves as the hero on a hero's journey that ends at buying your products or services. You want to be entertaining, educational, and dramatic. You don't want to be too long-winded, but say as much as you need to in order to overcome any objections someone might have to buying your product. How long should your sales page be? It should be as long as it needs to be to close the deal. There's no set length. There are some people who say the longer the better, and there are others that suggest brevity and mystery work too. Try out both types and see what works on your audience.
At the point that someone becomes engaged in the story, you've already won half the battle. If the sales page then becomes less story and more of an offer, the shift may not even be noticed. Your reader will be so engaged, they will think it was their brilliance that led them to your page, their luck that they happened on some solution that is going to set them apart from their peers, and they will be thoroughly seduced into taking action by signing up for your free report or actually buying a product at that time. It's up to you what you want to build with that particular sales page. If you are confident the offer is so good that an instant sale can be made, ask your buyer to take action NOW in order to benefit from this stroke of luck.
You don't want them to go away and think about it. You don't want them to check out your competitor's products or prices. You want to have a sense of urgency in the sales letter that makes it imperative for them to take action right now, while the offer is still up or while it can do them some good. If you