3 minute read
The Wolf (and Badger) of Mare Street
from MMM #001
Not many who complete the Malle Mile have over 13 years’ experience producing and directing fashion photography and film. With work featured and profiled in leading publications including Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Rolling Stone, GQ, Esquire, Men’s Style, Fashion Journal and more, this is a true lifestyle fashion expert.
Now the head of studios at worldwide independent fashion giant Wolf and Badger, Timothy Turner-Sutton produces photography and film for hundreds of brands and is at the forefront of creative content and fashion production.

Photography Credit: Shane Benson
Tim holds key values to heart when riding: “I ride for efficiency, fun, the camaraderie and in equal parts, the solitude, but most of all, for freedom.” Core beliefs that maketh the rider out on the open road. Riding enables you to get away from it all on your own or ride with your pals sharing the love, confirmation that there’s plenty of variation to be had from owning a Mutt.

Something that comes up often in our chats with friends of Mutt is the way that riding has changed their outlook on cities. Seeing more of the place you live in from ground level, rather than taking subways and trains. It’s exactly the same for Tim. “Riding has changed London travel from a chore to a good time”, we love to see Mutts buzzing from place to place around town. Tim summed up the balance between the two scenarios; “City ride to beat the traffic. Country ride for the love of it.” Good shout.
He talks about the best ride he’s ever been on with fond memories. “It was a very short ride that meant a lot, with a bunch of dudes I love, that I hadn’t seen in a long time. All my boys flew in from all over the world and we punched it out of town together this year to The Malle Mile.” Getting pals together for a ride runs deep, especially when your mates are flying in from around the globe to get out on their bikes.
Being a London-based creative, using a Mutt to get around town is the quickest and best form of transport for sure. “Running fashion labels, photography and film studios, I am often at meetings and shoots all over London. There’s just no other way I’d get around.”

The sense of freedom on a bike is unreal, although Tim talks of his creative life throwing epic goals in addition. “Successfully pulling off a serious achievement that you’ve worked really hard on. Once your pieces are walking a runway or you wrap a massive campaign shoot, those few moments when the weight falls away are reminiscent of the freedom you feel on an open road. It’s a moment you have to yourself that brings a smile to your face and it’s just for you.”
Summing up our chat with Tim he looked back on his greatest achievement this year with a laugh and a smile; “Not breaking any bones at the Malle Mile this year which was in-fact also my bucks weekend. Made it to the wedding in Ibiza in one piece after a very messy, high-speed weekend.”