cbeBookstore is a ministry of CBE International
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“CBE is a pioneer in educating Christian men and women to learn to work together fully utilizing God-given gifts.” — Jewel Hyun, founder and president of Matthew 28 Ministries.
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Welcome to CBE International’s (CBE) 2017 Bookstore Catalog. We hope you enjoy browsing the resources. Each resource we carry has been evaluated by our team of reviewers to ensure that it furthers CBE’s mission and vision. CBE Bookstore has long been a prominent part of CBE’s ministry, promoting CBE’s mission by providing a place to find egalitarian resources. And, it has helped sustain CBE’s ministry financially. However, the publishing and retail landscape have changed, and after years of conversation and prayer, we have concluded that the bookstore ministry is in need of a new direction. To be better stewards of CBE resources, CBE Bookstore is moving to Amazon. CBE will continue to review and recommend egalitarian resources to the Christian community, and your purchase through CBE’s Amazon bookstore will continue to generate support for CBE’s ministry. Even the website address will remain the same: cbebookstore.org. CBE International (CBE) is a nonprofit organization of Christian men and women who believe that the Bible, properly interpreted, teaches the fundamental equality of men and women of all ethnic groups, all economic classes, and all age groups, based on the teachings of Scriptures such as Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (NIV 2011).
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CBE exists to promote biblical justice and community by educating Christians that the Bible calls women and men to share authority equally in service and leadership in the home, church, and world.
CBE envisions a future where all believers are freed to exercise their gifts for God’s glory and purposes, with the full support of their Christian communities.
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We believe in one God, creator and sustainer of the universe, eternally existing as three persons equal in power and glory. We believe in the full deity and the full humanity of Jesus Christ. We believe that eternal salvation and restored relationships are only possible through faith in Jesus Christ who died for us, rose from the dead, and is coming again. This salvation is offered to all people. We believe the Holy Spirit equips us for service and sanctifies us from sin. We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, is reliable, and is the final authority for faith and practice. We believe that women and men are equally created in God’s image and given equal authority and stewardship of God’s creation. We believe that men and women are equally responsible for and distorted by sin, resulting in shattered relationships with God, self, and others.
CBE’s ministry revolves around several core components. Publications. We publish an academic journal, Priscilla Papers, and a popular magazine, Mutuality, quarterly. These award-winning publications are available by mail with a paid subscription or for free on CBE’s website. In addition, we publish a blog with a weekly e-newsletter, Arise. Bookstore. CBE Bookstore is the place to find the best resources on the biblical perspective on the equal service and authority of men and women. Each book we carry or recommend has been reviewed for quality and relevance to CBE’s mission. Conferences. Each year, we host an international conference with some of the top scholars and speakers in the world. Our conferences educate, encourage, and equip our community to share about the biblical basis for the shared authority of men and women in their homes, churches, and cultures. Organizational Membership. Whether your church or organization is exploring biblical equality or is already committed to it, CBE membership provides you with resources and support. CBE organizational members receive free subscriptions to our publications and conference registration discounts, as well as other benefits. Chapters. Chapters are CBE’s hands and feet in communities around the world. Chapters are a way for local CBE members and supporters to connect and minister together. They often host lectures, meet for mutual encouragement, represent CBE at regional conferences, and serve their communities together.
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Paul and Gender Reclaiming the Apostle’s Vision for Men and Women in Christ Cynthia Long Westfall Baker Academic 2016 | 368 pages
Respected New Testament scholar Cynthia Long Westfall offers a coherent Pauline theology of gender which includes fresh perspectives on the most controverted texts, offering viable alternatives for some notorious interpretive problems in certain Pauline passages. The author reframes gender issues in a way that stimulates thinking, promotes discussion, and moves the conversation forward. This book is a call for all who study Paul and gender to learn to distinguish between their assumptions and the presuppositions they use to make sense of the texts. Price: $32.99 9780801097942
R E L AT E D P R O D U C T S Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes Cultural Studies in 1 Corinthians Kenneth E. Bailey IVP Academic 2011 560 pages Price: $35.00 9780830839346
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Man and Woman, One in Christ An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul’s Letters Philip B. Payne Zondervan 2009 512 pages Price: $32.99 9780310219880
Women in Pentecostal and Charismatic Ministry Informing a Dialogue on Gender, Church, and Ministry Margaret English De Alminana, Lois E. Olena, eds. Brill 2016 | 410 pages Women have shaped and been shaped by the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement from its beginning, and have received a wide variety of responses regarding their opportunities and limitations in the movement. In this book, scholars, activists, leaders, and exemplars from a variety of disciplines reflect on the question: How have women responded to a religious context that has depended upon their gifts while, at the same time, limited their voices and perspectives? This volume offers missing and/or silent voices, an important corrective, and a way forward to shape gender-focused discussions. Price: $95.00 9789004332522
R E L AT E D P R O D U C T S Philip’s Daughters Women in Pentecostal Charismatic Leadership Estrelda Alexander and Amos Yong Pickwick Publications 2009 260 pages Price: $29.00 9781556358326
The Women of Azusa Street Estrelda Alexander Seymour Press 2012 204 pages Price: $20.00 9781938373008
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Black and White Bible, Black and Blue Wife My Story of Finding Hope after Domestic Abuse Ruth A. Tucker Zondervan 2016 | 206 pages
Ruth Tucker recounts a harrowing story of abuse at the hands of her husband, a well-educated, charming preacher no less, in hope that her story would help other women caught in a cycle of domestic violence and offer a balanced biblical approach to counter such abuse for pastors and counselors. Weaving together stories with reflection on biblical, theological, historical, and contemporary issues surrounding domestic violence, she makes a compelling case for mutuality in marriage and helps women and men become more aware of potential dangers in a doctrine of male headship.
Price: $16.99 9780310524984
R E L AT E D P R O D U C T S Not Marked Finding Hope & Healing After Sexual Abuse Mary DeMuth CreateSpace 2015 268 pages Price: $14.97 9781522966388
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Scars Across Humanity Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women Elaine Storkey SPCK Publishing 2015 276 pages Price: $15.00 9781498282321
Healing Voices Women of Faith Who Survived Abuse Speak Out, Volume 1 J. Harris Tapestry Ministries, Inc. 2016| 402 pages
Healing Voices consists of 11 real-life stories of women who survived various forms of violence (domestic violence, rape, incest, and other violent acts), with their “common thread” being the realization they survived because of their faith in God. Some of the women have chosen to remain anonymous, but all want their stories to be heard to inspire hope and renewal for other women who may be in abusive relationships, or who are recovering from such experiences. Each woman’s story is followed by a spiritual reflection written by a female clergy person to help discern the message of hope that each story reveals. Price: $16.95 9780997265606
R E L AT E D P R O D U C T S Female Identity Formation and Response to Intimate Trauma A Case Study of Domestic Violence in Kenya Anne Kiome-Gatobu Wipf & Stock 2013 234 pages Price: $28.00 9781610973434
Ending Violence in Teen Dating Relationships A Resource Guide for Parents and Pastors Al Miles Augsburg Fortress 2005 176 pages Price: $13.99 9780806651316
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An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation Nyasha Junior Westminster John Knox 2016 | 176 pages
This book offers a much-needed introduction to womanist approaches to biblical interpretation. It argues that womanist biblical interpretation is not simply a by-product of feminist biblical interpretation, but part of a distinctive tradition of African American women’s engagement with biblical texts. While womanist biblical interpretation is relatively new in the development of academic biblical studies, African American women are not newcomers to biblical interpretation. This excellent and accessible resource is perfect for introducing readers to the development and applications of womanist biblical interpretation. Price: $30.00 9780664259877
R E L AT E D P R O D U C T S God in Her Midst Preaching Healing to Wounded Women Elaine M. Flake Judson Press 200 93 Pages
Too Heavy a Yoke Black Women and the Burden of Strength Chanequa Walker-Barnes Cascade Books 2014 232 pages
Price: $12.99 9780817015060
Price: $28.00 9781620320662
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Colossians & Philemon The Two Horizons New Testament Commentary Marianne Meye Thompson Eerdmans 2005 | 297 pages Marianne Meye Thompson shows how Colossians and Philemon provide a unique formulation of the gospel in terms of creation and reconciliation rather than justification by faith. In Colossians she finds an overarching narrative of the Bible’s grand creation-redemption story and an important emphasis on the relationship between creation and Christology, while her exploration of Philemon casts brighter light on the significance of Paul’s familial metaphors for the church and the meaning of new humanity in Christ. Price: $26.00 9780802827159
R E L AT E D P R O D U C T S I Timothy New Covenant Commentary Series Aída Besançon Spencer Cascade Books 2013 192 pages
Ephesians New Covenant Commentary Series Lynn H. Cohick Cascade Books 2010 190 pages
Price: $24.00 9781556359910
Price: $24.00 9781606081419
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A Little Handbook for Preachers Ten Practical Ways to a Better Sermon by Sunday Mary S. Hulst IVP Praxis 2016 | 208 pages Mary Hulst knows what it takes to preach well. Forged by her experiences as a pastor, preaching professor, and college chaplain, she recognizes the challenges of the pulpit. In this uniquely practical book, Hulst provides foundational concepts and tips that all pastors can use, whether they are ministry newcomers or seasoned professionals. Preaching can bring both you and your congregation great joy and satisfaction, week after week. And A Little Handbook for Preachers can help you deliver a better sermon by Sunday. Price: $16.00 9780830841288
R E L AT E D P R O D U C T S Beyond the Stained Glass Ceiling Equipping & Encouraging Female Pastors Christine A. Smith Judson Press 2013 224 Pages Price: $16.99 9780817017279
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Finding Their Voices Sermons by Women in the Church of Christ D’esta Love Abilene Christian University Press 253 pages Price: $19.99 9780891125884
Coming Soon! August 2017
Women and Men One in Christ Denise Cooper-Clarke, Kevin Giles, eds. CBE Melbourne 2017 | 82 pages
While in many countries, women have been granted equality in law, serving as heads of state, judges, professors, army generals and more, they are still excluded from leadership in many churches. This exclusion is based on an appeal to the Bible where it is claimed women were set under men in creation before the fall, and thus their subordination is a God-given ideal. Many of the most able and well-known evangelical scholars have argued that this is simply a misreading of the Scriptures. In this book, speakers from the CBE conference in Melbourne, Australia, “Better Together,” explore women leaders in the Old Testament, Jesus’ relationship with women, Paul’s writing on women, and the Trinity as grounds for subordination. Price: $5.00 9780986458583
R E L AT E D P R O D U C T S Reconsidering Gender Evangelical Perspectives Myk Habets and Beulah Wood, eds. Pickwick 2011 248 pages Price: $29.00 9781608995479
Women, Authority & the Bible Some of Today’s Leading Evangelicals Seek to Break Through a Critical Impasse Alvera Mickelsen, ed. IVP Books 1986 304 pages Price: $22.00 9780877846086
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Daughters of Deliverance Lorry Lutz Heritage Beacon Fiction 2016 | 300 pages
Bone of My Bones Cynthia Gaw Resource Publications 2015 | 168 pages
Based on the life of activist and scholar Katharine Bushnell, Lutz combines solid research and gripping storytelling to present the story of a woman who changed the world.
Bone of My Bones fictionalizes biblical equality and mutuality. The “complementarian” debate usually focuses on the realm of theory, and stereotypes the lived experience and the people who suffer from the contemporary church’s brand of sexism. This novel fleshes out many popular gender ideas, and explores how and why these conflict with biblical truth.
In 1886, thirty-one-year-old Katharine Bushnell gives up her medical practice to work with women living on Hell’s Half Acre in Chicago and in the brutal lumber camps of Wisconsin. Motivated by her passion to see women released from bondage, Kate prepares a report on her findings of the women’s trials and torments. When Wisconsin’s governor demands Kate defend her report to the state legislature, will they believe her or brand her a liar? Price: $14.95 9781938499821
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Price: $22.00 9781498225526
Preaching the Women of the Old Testament Who They Were and Why They Matter Lynn Japinga Westminster John Knox Press 2017 | 232 pages Preaching the Women of the Old Testament takes an in-depth look at over forty fierce, faithful, and strong women featured in the Old Testament. Author Lynn Japinga interprets the stories of various biblical women, including Eve, Rebekah, Dinah, Tamar, Miriam, Deborah, Jael, Abigail, Bathsheba, and Vashti. Along with providing an interpretation, Japinga demonstrates how the character’s story has been read in Christian tradition and offers sermon ideas that connect contemporary issues to each story. This book is ideal for pastors who want to know more about the many women of the Old Testament and learn how to better incorporate them into their sermons. Price: $20.00 9780664259693
Wealth in Ancient Ephesus and the First Letter to Timothy Fresh Insights from Ephesiaca by Xenophon of Ephesus Gary G. Hoag Eisenbrauns 2015 | 258 pages In this volume, Hoag introduces Ephesiaca and employs a socio-rhetorical methodology to explore it alongside other ancient evidence and five passages in 1 Timothy (2:9–15; 3:1–13; 6:1–2a; 6:2b–10; and 6:17–19). His findings augment our modern conception of the Sitz im Leben of the wealthy in Ephesus. Additionally, because Ephesiaca contains some rare terms and themes that are found in 1 Timothy, this groundbreaking research offers fresh insight for biblical reading and interpretation. Price: $49.50 9781575068299
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CEB Women’s Bible Jaime Clark-Soles, Judy L. Fentress-Williams, Ginger Gaines-Cirelli, Christine Chakoian, and Rachel Baughman, eds. Common English Bible 2016 | 1680 pages
NIV, God’s Justice Bible The Flourishing of Creation and the Destruction of Evil Tim Stafford, ed. Zondervan 2016 | 1792 pages
Full-featured, readable, and reliable, The CEB Women’s Bible is intended for women in church leadership, women in the pews, and women who value spiritual practice in their lives. It includes articles, reflections, and profiles on topics and biblical characters from women’s studies and women’s religious experience that are not typically found in Bibles for a non-academic audience. It is ideal for women who value equality and discussions related to issues of gender and justice and how those ideas are lived out through their faith.
Written by a team of international writers who bring a global perspective to these issues, NIV God’s Justice: The Holy Bible is designed to fire readers’ passion for social justice and take positive steps to bring justice issues to light in their own circle of influence. The writers come from every continent, representing organizations such as the International Justice Mission, Compassion, and World Vision. Contributors include Elizabeth Sendek, Miranda Pillay, Richard Howell, Havilah Dharamraj, Kirsh Kandiah, Lynn Cohick, Tim Stafford, Ron Sider, and Joel Edwards.
Price: $49.99 9781609261887
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Price: $39.99 9780310437130
New Testament Theology and Ethics Volume Two Ben Witherington III IVP Academic 2016 | 838 pages
Insight into Two Biblical Passages Anatomy of a Prohibition 1 Timothy 2:12, the TLG Computer, and the Christian Church by Leland E. Wilshire UPA 2010 | 154 pages
In the second volume of his two-volume comprehensive overview of the theological and ethical thought world of the New Testament, Ben Witherington III focuses on the collective witness of New Testament writers. The New Testament, says Ben Witherington, is “like a smallish choir. All are singing the same cantata, but each has an individual voice and is singing its own parts and notes. If we fail to pay attention to all the voices in the choir, we do not get the entire effect. . . . [this] volume will attempt to re-create what it might have sounded like had they ever gotten together and performed their scores to produce a single masterful cantata.”
This work comprises new insights into two Biblical passages. The author provides support for the interpretation of the key word “authentein” from 1 Timothy 2:12 as “committing violent action,” not “having authority.” He then explores the effect of this interpretation on exegesis, gender pronouncements, hermeneutics, tradition, theology, and relevance. The second insight study discusses seeing the “suffering servant” of Isaiah 40–66 as the city of Jerusalem. Price: $31.99 9780761852070
Price: $40.00 9780830851348
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If Eve Only Knew Freeing Yourself from Biblical Womanhood and Becoming All God Means for You to Be Kendra Weddle Irons, Melanie Springer Mock Chalice Press 2015 | 224 pages
A Woman’s Place A Christian Vision for Your Calling in the Office, the Home, and the World Katelyn Beaty Howard Books 2016 | 272 pages
“She is a godly woman.” “True love waits.” Are these phrases and many others about gender truly based in Scripture, or based on dusty, outdated stereotypes? If Eve Only Knew offers a fresh perspective on gender and the Bible with the freeing proclamation grounded in Jesus’ ministry and found everywhere in Scripture: that we are all created in God’s image, and by relying on our gifts and skills—rather than on genderdesigned roles—we become all God means for us to be.
Women today inhabit and excel in every profession, yet many Christian women wonder about the value of work outside the home. Katelyn Beaty insists it’s time to reconsider women’s work. Starting with the Bible’s approach to work—including the creation story, the Proverbs 31 woman, and New Testament models—Beaty shows how women’s roles in Western society have changed; how the workhome divide came to exist; and how the Bible offers models of women in leadership. Beaty urges all believers into a better framework for imagining career, ambition, and calling.
Price: $24.99 9780827216709
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Price: $14.99 9781476794099
Mentor for Life Finding Purpose through Intentional Discipleship Natasha Sistrunk Robinson Zondervan 2016 | 272 pages
The Gender Conversation Evangelical Perspectives on Gender, Scripture, and the Christian Life Edwina Murphy, David Starling, eds. Wipf & Stock 2016 | 438 pages
Christian women want to mentor and to be mentored. Laying a solid foundation for mentoring that is based on God’s kingdom vision, Sistrunk challenges women to consider the cost of discipleship, and the high calling they have received in Christ. Filled with examples from Robinson’s experience in the military and business world, this resource shows how to develop mentoring relationships that function in existing small groups that are diverse and inclusive. It proves an invaluable resource for pastors, small group leaders, seminary professors, and those who desire to mentor others well.
In September 2015, Morling College hosted a one day symposium entitled “The Gender Conversation.” This book brings together the papers from a rich and diverse mix of contributors who met to discuss issues of gender, theology, and Christian living, within a shared framework of evangelical conviction. The aim of their work is to deepen mutual understanding and respect, highlight common ground, and clarify points of difference, all in a quest to learn from the Scriptures and live in the light of the gospel. Price: $54.00 9781498298957
Price: $16.99 9780310522355
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Christian-based Gender Equality Curriculum Children Aged 7–12 Years Xana McCauley, Bronwyn Stanford, Jenni Ring 2015 | 42 pages Christian-based Gender Equality Curriculum was developed in South Africa to correct biblical gender stereotyping taught to children in church. Ten lessons focus on God’s original plan for humanity; one of mutual submission and love rather than hierarchy. Beautifully illustrated and filled with creative activities, its message is subtle but clear. The curriculum can be adapted to a classroom or home group environment. Price: $19.00 9780620658294
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Good News about Gender A Bible Study for Young Adults Hannah Rasmussen CBE 2016 | 115 pages What if those tricky Scriptures about women actually held a message of freedom? What if the Bible told a story of a radically inclusive God out to change the world—using us? Find a group of friends and discover for yourselves what the Bible has to say about your identity, relationships, and calling. Who knows, the whole story just might be better than you imagined! Price: $12.00 9781939971203
Underdogs and Outsiders A Bible Study on the Untold Stories of Advent Tom Fuerst Abingdon Press 2016 | 96 pages
The Equality Workbook Freedom in Christ from the Oppression of Patriarchy Helga Edwards, Bob Edwards CreateSpace 2016 | 174 pages
Matthew names five women in the family tree of Jesus: Tamar, a forgotten daughter-in-law and widow; Rahab, a prostitute; Ruth, a foreigner; the wife of Uriah, an adulteress; and of course Mary, a young virgin. This Advent study explores the stories of each of these five women, showing how they all played a pivotal role in God’s purposes. This Bible study is designed to be used by individuals and small groups during Advent. In addition to the main content, each chapter offers questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, and a focus for the week. Price: $12.99 9781501824289
Influenced by the patriarchy of Roman culture and ancient Greek philosophy, church leaders in the 3rd and 4th centuries began to translate and interpret the Bible with a systematic bias against women. This bias was carried over into the Protestant Reformation, and it continues to influence how the Bible is read and understood today. Written to help readers identify and remove patriarchal bias from Bible translation and commentary, this workbook also focuses on helping women to recover from the harmful effects of patriarchy. Price: $20.00 9781541090002
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Eminent Missionary Women Mrs. J. T. Gracey Forgotten Books 2016 | 229 pages Eminent Missionary Women, first published in 1898, contains the biographical sketches of prominent women who have been leaders or creators of missionary thought and works. It also represents the types of work which women have been able to conduct on the field—educational, evangelistic, literary, medical, or charitable. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page while digitally enhancing the quality of the aged text. Price: $11.57 9781331859000
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Twentieth-Century Apostles Contemporary Spirituality in Action Phyllis Zagano Liturgical Press 1999 | 192 pages Who is an apostle? While the New Testament specifies Paul and the Twelve, several passages expand the definition. Phyllis Zagano explains that many apostles never received their commission from Jesus in the flesh, but are apostles called and sent by the living Jesus in their souls. Zagano selects twelve apostles from the twentieth century whose lives and writings portray their deep relationship with God and their intense involvement with the world around them as they carried on the apostolic tradition. Price: $19.95 9780814625545
Coming Soon! August 2017
Extraordinary Women of Christian History What We Can Learn from Their Struggles and Triumphs Ruth A. Tucker Baker 2016 | 288 pages
Christian Women in the Patristic World Their Influence, Authority, and Legacy in the Second through Fifth Centuries Lynn Cohick, Amy Brown Hughes Baker Academic 2017 | 336 pages
With gracious irreverence, Ruth A. Tucker offers engaging and candid profiles of some of the most fascinating women of Christian history. From the famous to the infamous to the obscure, martyrs and nuns, mystics and scholars, writers and reformers, preachers and missionaries, abolitionists and evangelists, all come to vivid life. These portraits of women who changed the world—some in small ways, some in significant ways—will spark lively discussion and inspire you to a life of faithful witness.
From facing wild beasts in the arena to governing the Roman Empire, Christian women—as preachers and philosophers, martyrs and empresses, virgins and mothers—influenced the shape of the church in its formative centuries. This book provides in a single volume a nearly complete compendium of extant evidence about Christian women in the second through fifth centuries. It highlights the social and theological contributions they made to shaping early Christian beliefs and practices, integrating their influence into the history of the patristic church and showing how their achievements can be edifying for contemporary Christians.
Price: $16.99 9780801016721
Price: $34.99 9780801039553
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Women and Leadership Around the World Susan R. Madsen, Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Karen A. Longman, Cynthia Cherrey, eds. Information Age Publishing 2015 | 299 pages The third volume in the Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice series, Women and Leadership around the World explores areas of women’s leadership in four regions around the world: the Middle East, Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific. The book contributes interpretations of the status of women in various countries, presenting the stories behind the numbers and statistics and uncovering not only challenges but also opportunities for resiliency and effectiveness as leaders. It is rare to find a book with such a diverse array of topics and countries, making this a timely contribution to the literature on women and leadership. Price: $45.99 9781681231495
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Theorizing Women and Leadership New Insights and Contributions from Multiple Perspectives Julia Storberg-Walker, Paige Haber-Curran, eds. Information Age Publishing 2017 | 326 pages The fifth volume in the Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice series, Theorizing Women and Leadership provides a forum for women to theorize about women’s leadership in multiple ways and in multiple contexts. Theorizing has been viewed as a gendered activity (Swedberg, 2014), and this series of chapters seeks to upend that imbalance. The chapters are written by women who represent multiple disciplines, cultures, races, and subject positions. The diversity extends into research paradigm and method, and the chapters combine to illuminate the multiple ways of knowing about and being a woman leader. Price: $45.99 9781681236827
The Quest for Gender Equity in Leadership Biblical Teachings on Gender Equity and Illustrations of Transformation in Africa KeumJu Jewel Hyun, Diphus C. Chemorion, eds. Wipf & Stock 2016 | 260 pages With a specific reference to the African context, this book explores the phenomenon of equity in leadership from various dimensions, such as African culture and traditional religion, church tradition, biblical interpretation, as well as from the perspective of contemporary socioeconomic and political realities in Africa. By giving vivid examples of success stories of men and women working together, the authors have demythologized the view that women cannot be leaders.
Women Deacons? Essays with Answers Phyllis Zagano, ed. Liturgical Press 2016 | 270 pages The question of restoring women to the ordained diaconate surfaced during the Second Vatican Council and continued to resound in academic and pastoral circles well after the diaconate was restored as a permanent order in the church in the West. This volume contains twelve essays—five translated from Italian, three translated from French, and four in their original English— that answer the questions about the history and possible future of women deacons. Price: $24.95 9780814683125
Price: $31.00 9781498293334
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PUB LI S HED Coming Soon Marriage Resource CBE 2017 This resource offers biblical and practical tools for couples desiring to build an egalitarian marriage. Beginning with a biblical exegesis about the nature of Christian marriage, the book explores issues of headship and submission, marital roles and decision making, friendship and intimacy, communication, finances, abuse, and divorce. Ideal for individuals, couples, counselors, and groups looking for a resource on the theory and practice of egalitarian marriage. Cover image designed by Freepik.
Called Out! Kingdom Living for Missional Teens Jenny Rae Armstrong and Aaron Armstrong CBE 2013| 60 pages | Print, PDF, Kindle, Nook, Apple iBook, and Google Play Designed to be used with students ages twelve to sixteen, this theologically rich curriculum traces the missional metanarrative woven throughout Scripture, from creation and the call of Abraham to Christ’s revolutionary kingdom and the Spirit-empowered church. Students will be equipped with practical ideas on how to live purposefully as part of the body of Christ, and challenged to go “all in,” developing their gifts and pursuing God’s calling on their life, regardless of gender. Price: $8.00 9781939971012
Called Out! East Africa Godly Living for Missional Teens Jenny Rae Armstrong and Aaron Armstrong CBE 2014| 62 pages | Print or PDF | English Updated by CBE’s African partners to be relevant to an African context, this theologically rich curriculum traces the missional meta-narrative woven throughout Scripture, from creation and the call of Abraham to Christ’s revolutionary kingdom and the Spirit-empowered church. Students will be equipped with practical ideas on how to live purposefully as part of the body of Christ, and challenged to go “all in,” developing their gifts and pursuing God’s calling on their life, regardless of gender. Price: $8.00 9781939971159
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Carrying On the Great Tradition Rediscovering Strong Christian Women of History Jennifer Dunham CBE 2012 | 36 pages | PDF, Kindle, Nook, Apple iBook, and Google Play The rich history of the church is built on the shoulders not only of men, but also of countless women, most of whose stories are rarely told. The lives of such women testify to the power of the gospel to shatter the barriers that divide us by gender, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity. In Carrying On the Great Tradition, you will meet six heroic women. Their stories represent only a miniscule portion of the cloud of witnesses that surrounds us—women and men who have answered God’s call no matter the cost. Price: $4.00 B009HDNBS4
Egalitarians and the Bible An Exposition and Defense of the Egalitarian View Francis H. Geis II CBE 2011 | 80 pages | Print, PDF, Coming soon: Kindle, Nook, Apple iBook, and Google Play Egalitarians and the Bible is a well-researched discussion of how egalitarians view Scripture, and examines a wide range of topics in the fields of history, theology, and biblical studies. As noted in the preface, Geis saw a need for a “small booklet which showed that egalitarians, contrary to frequent charges otherwise, have a very high view of the Bible’s inspiration, trustworthiness, and authority. This booklet serves as a ready reference to share with people who want to know and understand how egalitarians view and use Scripture.” Price: $7.00 9780977890958
God’s Word to Women One Hundred Bible Studies on Woman’s Place in the Church and Home Katharine C. Bushnell CBE 2003 | 408 pages | Print, PDF, and Kindle From Genesis to Revelation, Katharine C. Bushnell provides a thorough explanation of every Bible passage that touches on women. As a scholar of Hebrew and Greek, she studies the passages in their original languages and in their historical context, discovering insights sometimes obscured by Bible translators. First published in 1921, scholars have deemed God’s Word to Women one of the best whole-Bible approaches to the question of women’s place in the church and home. Price: $14.99 9780974303109
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PUB LI S HED Good News about Gender A Bible Study for Young Adults Hannah Rasmussen CBE 2016 | 115 pages | Print, PDF, Coming soon: Kindle, Nook, Apple iBook, and Google Play What if those tricky Scriptures about women actually held a message of freedom? What if the Bible told a story of a radically inclusive God out to change the world—using us? Good News about Gender explores what the Bible has to say about identity, community, and calling for women and men in God’s kingdom. Designed for group study, this guide includes discussion questions, activities, challenges for practical application, and appendixes for those who want to dig deeper. Price: $12.00 9781939971203
Is Gender Equality a Biblical Ideal? Five-part DVD Series and Study Guide Mimi Haddad, Sean Callaghan CBE 2015| 2 discs plus workbook Should women be allowed to lead in the church and the home? What does the Bible mean when it calls Eve “helper”? How do cultural beliefs devalue women? How can we foster egalitarian beliefs in other cultures? Over five lectures, the series provides a comprehensive overview on the Bible’s teaching of shared leadership between men and women. Specific topics include the Old and New Testaments, church history, strategies for justice, and working cross culturally. Originally developed for NGOs, this lecture series is perfect for individuals, small groups, or organization-wide training. Price: $24.00 9781939971265 No Time for Silence Evangelical Women in Public Ministry Around the Turn of the Century Janette Hassey CBE 2008 | 272 pages | Print, PDF, Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Apple iBook, and Google Play Hassey counters the popular but misleading claim that evangelical feminism is simply an adaptation to recent secular feminist and theologically liberal movements for women’s rights. Rather, evangelical feminism in America first surfaced in the mid-nineteenth century. Hassey documents evangelical women who taught at Bible institutes, preached at Bible conferences, pastored churches, and led revivals more than 100 years ago. Price: $15.99 9780310294511
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Partners in Marriage and Ministry A Biblical Picture of Gender Equality Ronald W. Pierce CBE 2011 | 120 pages | Print, PDF, Kindle, Nook, Apple iBook, and Google Play Without the usual argument and rhetoric of the current debate, Partners in Marriage and Ministry presents the biblical tenets of gender equality. Drawing on thirty years of teaching classes on gender and the Bible, Pierce examines Scripture to present a biblical picture of gender equality in both marriage and ministry. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection and study, making Partners in Marriage and Ministry a great resource for individual or small group study. Price: $12.99 9780982046524
Still Side by Side A Concise Explanation of Biblical Equality Janet George Available in Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, English, Finnish, French, German, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Khmer, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Tamil, Urdu, Xhosa, and Zulu. CBE 2009 | 36 pages Available in 20 languages, Still Side by Side is an introduction to biblical equality. Each chapter is introduced with a question and brief answer, followed by a more in depth explanation. It is a valuable resource for individuals or groups who are seeking answers to the questions surrounding gender and the church. Price: $7.00 9780982046517 (English)
Studies on Biblical Equality 12 Lesson Outlines for Personal or Group Study A. Berkeley and Alvera Mickelsen CBE 2013 | 44 pages | Print, PDF, Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Apple iBook, and Google Play | English Studies on Biblical Equality includes outlines for twelve lessons designed to aid readers in understanding biblical passages regarding men and women. Lessons address women in the Old and New Testaments, the meaning of “head,” Jesus’ attitude toward women and men, and more. Price: $5.00 9780974303116
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Recordings now available on YouTube and SoundCloud! To find CBE recordings, search for “CBE International” on YouTube and SoundCloud For the Bible Tells Me So A Reflection on Gender Power Relations Miranda Pillay YouTube | SoundCloud Gift Based Ministry Wayne Chafunya YouTube | SoundCloud Gender Equality in Marriage Christina Landman YouTube | SoundCloud When God is SIlent Pelham Lessing YouTube | SoundCloud Brave New World Xana McCauley YouTube | SoundCloud
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Ideas Have Consequences Justice Begins with a Consistent Reading of Scripture Mimi Haddad YouTube | SoundCloud Special Guest Lecture Thuli Madonsela YouTube | SoundCloud Change in the Church Ray McCauley YouTube | SoundCloud Equitable Relationship The First Steps Maclean Dlodlo YouTube | SoundCloud Working Towards Achieving SDGs By Combating Gender Based Violence Keketso Maema YouTube | SoundCloud
Gender Equality and Human Rights Stanley Arumugam SoundCloud
Jesus and Women Alan McCauley SoundCloud
The African Way to Healing the Gender Divide Esme Bowers SoundCloud
The Challenges of Gender Based Violence in Kenya and the Response of the Church Emily Onyango SoundCloud
Women Pastors’ Experiences in the Church Antoinette Erasmus SoundCloud Unseen Women in the Bible Janice Kaufmann-Chafunya SoundCloud By Men, For Men, Through Men Desmond Lesejane SoundCloud How We Communicate Gender Equality Marianne Louw SoundCloud The Son Shines Through Broken Wilma Luimes SoundCloud
Wounded Women in the Bible Ethel Schultz Pittaway SoundCloud Women - So What? Jacqui Rivas SoundCloud Confident Kids Created in His Image Bronwyn Stanford SoundCloud Two Sides of the Same Coin The Twin Epidemics of HIV and GBV Lyn van Rooyen SoundCloud
CBE Recommends Cultural Context of Ephesians 5:18–6:9 Gordon D. Fee YouTube | SoundCloud
The Symbol of the Veil in the Ancient Near East and Today Cynthia Long Westfall YouTube | SoundCloud
Biblical Basis for Women’s Service in the Church N. T. Wright YouTube | SoundCloud
Misogyny and the Church Eugene Cho YouTube | SoundCloud
Does God Have Gender? Aída Besançon Spencer YouTube | SoundCloud
Circumcise Your Hearts Lisa L. Thompson SoundCloud
Why Gender Hierarchy is at Odds with Christian Faith Mimi Haddad YouTube | SoundCloud
Interpreting Paul’s Instructions in 1 Timothy Frank Ritchel Ames SoundCloud
Examining the Twelve Pillars of Male Hierarchy Philip B. Payne YouTube | SoundCloud
Women’s Ordination as Pastors: A Middle Eastern Perspective Anne Zaki YouTube | SoundCloud
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Mutuality is the award-winning popular magazine of CBE International, providing inspiration, encouragement, and information on topics related to a biblical view of mutuality between men and women in the home, church, and world. Mutuality is published quarterly in print and digital formats. The print format is available by subscription or with CBE membership.
CBE publications are available by subscription and are included in CBE membership (see p. 31). All articles are available online for free.
Priscilla Papers is the award-winning academic journal of CBE International, providing interdisciplinary evangelical scholarship on topics related to a biblical view of gender equality and justice in the home, church, and world. Priscilla Papers is published quarterly in print and digital formats. The print format is available by subscription or with CBE membership.
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Abuse & Healing Abuse and Remedy The Abuse of Christian Women in India and 12 Studies on Biblical Equality Jane McNally, Alvera and Berkeley Mickelsen Battered into Submission James and Phyllis Alsdurf Battered without Bruises A Survivor’s Story Marjorie Zook Breaking the Silence The Church Responds to Domestic Violence Anne O. Weatherholt C.A.R.E. Created for Wholeness Patricia Warford Christian Men Who Hate Women Healing Hurting Relationships Margaret J. Rinck
Female Identity Formation and Response to Intimate Trauma Anne Kiome-Gatobu God in Her Midst Elaine M. Flake Healing the Hurting Giving Hope and Help to Abused Women James R. Beck, Catherine Clark Kroeger Is It My Fault? Hope and Healing for Those Suffering Domestic Violence Lindsey A. and Justin S. Holcomb Joy Through the Night Aida Besancon and William David Spencer Keeping the Faith Marie M. Fortune The Long Journey Home Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused Andrew J. Schmutzer
Mending the Soul The Cross and Gendercide Steven R. Tracy A Theological Response to Global Violence Against Women and Girls Men’s Work in Preventing Elizabeth Gerhardt Violence Against Women James Newton Polig, Christie Dangerous Dating Cozad Neuger, eds. Helping Young Women Say No to Abusive Relationships No Place for Abuse Patricia Riddles Gaddis Catherine Clark Kroeger, Nancy Nason-Clark Domestic Violence What Every Pastor Needs to Know Not Marked Al MIles Finding Hope & Healing After Sexual Abuse The Emotionally Destructive Mary DeMuth Marriage How to Find Your Voice and Quivering Daughters Reclaim Your Hope Hope and Healing for the Leslie Vernick Daughters of Patriarchy Hillary McFarland Ending Violence in Teen Dating Relationships Al Miles
32 | call us at 612-872-6898
Refuge from Abuse Nancy Nason-Clark, Catherine Clark Kroeger Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes Nancy Nason-Clark, Catherine Clark Kroeger, Barbara FisherTownsend Scars Across Humanity Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women Elaine Storkey Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse Churches and Their Leaders Look to the Future Nancy Nason-Clark, Barbara Fisher-Townsend, Victoria Fahlberg, eds. Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority within the Church David Johnson, Jeff VanVonderen Verbally Abusive Relationship The Expanded Third Edition Patricia Evans Violence Among Us Ministry to Families in Crisis Brenda Branson, Paula J. Silva We Were the Least of These Reading the Bible with Survivors of Sexual Abuse Elaine A. Heath When Love Hurts A Woman’s Guide to Understanding Abuse in Relationships Jill Cory, Karen McAndless-Davis Women, Abuse, and the Bible Catherine Clark Kroeger, James R. Beck, eds.
Bibles CEB Women’s Bible Jaime Clark-Soles, Judy FentressWilliams, Ginger Gaines-Cirelli, Christine Chakoian, Rachel Baughman, eds. Common English Bible Little Boys Bible Storybook for Mothers and Sons Carolyn Larsen, Caron Turk Little Girls Bible Storybook for Mothers and Daughters Carolyn Larsen, Caron Turk NIV, God’s Justice Bible Tim Stafford, ed. The People’s Bible Curtiss Paul Deyoung, Wilda C. Gafney, Leticia GuardiolaSaenz, George E. Tinker, Frank M. Yamada, eds. Study Bible for Women New Testament (NRSV) Mary Evans, Elaine Storkey, and Catherine Clark Kroeger, eds. TNIV Bibles The Women’s Study Bible 3100 Nancy Nason-Clark, Catherine Clark Kroeger
Biblical & Theological 1 Corinthians (Studies) 13 Studies for Individuals and Groups N.T. Wright 1 Corinthians Commentary IVP New Testament Commentary Series Alan F. Johnson
1 & 2 Timothy and Titus 12 Studies for Individuals and Groups N.T. Wright 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus IVP New Testament Commentary Series Gordon D. Fee 1 Timothy New Covenant Commentary Series Aída Besançon Spencer 2 Timothy and Titus New Covenant Commentary Series Aída Besançon Spencer; Michael Bird, Craig S. Keener, eds. 95 More for the Door A Layman’s Layperson’s Biblical Guide to Today’s Gender Reformation Austin H. Stouffer Abusing Scripture The Consequences of Misreading the Bible Manfred T. Brauch
R ECO MM E ND Biblical Women Submissive? Joe E. Lunceford Biographical Bible Exploring the Biblical Narrative from Adam and Eve to John of Patmos Ruth A. Tucker The Blue Parakeet Rethinking How You Read the Bible Scot McKnight Book of Genesis, Chapters 1-17 New International Commentary on the Old Testament Victor P. Hamilton A Case For Female Deacons Jamin Hübner Christian Theology Third Edition Millard J. Erickson Destiny Denied Barbara Boone Wooten
Africa and the Bible Edwin Yamauchi
Dethroning Male Headship Shirley Taylor
All of the Women of the Bible Edith Deen
Dignity and Destiny Humanity in the Image of God John F. Kilner
As Christ Submits to the Church A Biblical Understanding of Leadership and Mutual Submission Alan G. Padgett
Discovering Biblical Equality Complementarity without Hierarchy Ronald W. Pierce, Rebecca Merrill Groothuis, eds.
Beyond Reasonable Doubt 95 Theses Which Dispute the Church’s Conviction Against Women Distorting Scripture? The Challenge of Bible T. Scott Womble Translation and Gender Accuracy Mark L. Strauss Biblical Equality in Christ’s Service, Vol. 1 Divorce and Remarriage in G. J. A. Sitther the Bible The Social and Literary Context Biblical Gender Equality David Instone-Brewer A Summary Philip B. Payne
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Divorce and Remarriage in the Church Biblical Solutions for Pastoral Realities David Instone-Brewer Does God Really Prefer Men? Leslie and Gary Johnson Egalitarians and the Bible An Exposition and Defense of the Egalitarian View Francis H. Geis II Ephesians New Covenant Commentary Series Lynn H. Cohick Ephesians Volume 10 , The IVP New Testament Commentary Series Walter L. Liefeld Equally Yoked What the Bible Really Teaches About God’s Ideal for the Genders Rick McKinniss The Eternal Generation of the Son Maintaining Orthodoxy in Trinitarian Theology Kevin Giles The Fall of Patriarchy Its Broken Legacy Judged by Jesus and the Apostolic House Church Communities Del Birkey Familiar “Leadership” Heresies Uncovered Bruce C. E. Fleming Feminist Theology from the Third World Ursula King, ed. Finally Feminist A Pragmatic Christian Understanding of Gender John Stackhouse
From Bondage to Blessing The Redemption, Restoration, and Release of God’s Women Dee Alei
Jesus and the Father Modern Evangelicals Reinvent the Doctrine of the Trinity Kevin Giles
God’s Women, Then and Now Deborah M. Gill, Barbara Caveness
Jesus Feminist An Invitation to Revisit the Bible’s View of Women Sarah Bessey
God’s Word to Women One Hundred Bible Studies on Woman’s Place in the Church and Home Katharine C. Bushnell Good News for Women Biblical Picture of Gender Equality Rebecca Merrill Groothuis
Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul? A Narrative Approach to the Problem of Pauline Christianity J. R. Daniel Kirk The Jesus Scandals David Instone-Brewer
Handbook of Women Biblical Interpreters A Historical and Biographical Guide Marion Ann Taylor, Agnes Choi, eds.
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes Cultural Studies in the Gospels Kenneth E. Bailey
Hidden Voices Biblical Women and Our Christian Heritage Heidi Bright Parales
The Journey Back to Eden Restoring the Creator’s Design for Women and Men Glen G. Scorgie
An Historian Looks at 1 Timothy 2:11-14 J. G. Brown
Latina Evangélicas A Theological Survey from the Margins Loida I. Martell-Otero, Zaida Maldonado Perez, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier
I Suffer Not a Woman Rethinking 1 Tim. 2:11-15 in Light of Ancient Evidence Catherine and Richard Clark Kroeger In the Spirit We’re Equal The Spirit, The Bible, and Women—A Revival Perspective Susan C. Hyatt
Let Her Be Right Relationships and the Southern Baptist Conundrum Over Woman’s Role Charles O. Knowles
Letters and Homilies for Introducing Christian Doctrine Hellenized Christians, Vol. 1 A Socio-Rhetorical Third Edition Commentary on Titus, 1-2 Millard Erickson Timothy and 1-3 John Ben Witherington III IVP Bible Background Commentary Letters and Homilies for Second Edition Hellenized Christians, Vol. 2 Craig S. Keener A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1-2 Peter The IVP Women’s Bible Ben Witherington III Commentary Catherine Clark Kroeger, Mary J. Evans
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WE Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Hebrews, James and Jude Ben Witherington III Liberating Tradition Women’s Identity and Vocation in Christian Perspective Kristina LaCelle-Peterson Listening to the Spirit in the Text Gordon D. Fee
New International Commentary on the New Testament (18 volumes) Gordon D. Fee
Putting Women in Their Place Moving Beyond Stereotypes in Church and Home Audra and Joe Trull, eds.
New International Commentary on the Old Testament (26 volumes) Robert L. Hubbard, Jr.
Raised from Obscurity A Narratival and Theological Study of the Characterization of Women in Luke-Acts Greg W. Forbes, Scott D. Harrower
NIV Bible Concordance John R. Kohlenberger III
NIV Exhaustive Bible Man and Woman in Biblical Unity Concordance, Third Edition John R. Kohlenberger III Theology from Genesis 2-3 Joy Elasky Fleming Partners in Christ Man and Woman, One in Christ A Conservative Case for Egalitarianism An Exegetical and Theological John G. Stackhouse Jr. Study of Paul’s Letters Philip B. Payne Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes Mark Cultural Studies in 1 Corinthians The IVP New Testament Kenneth E. Bailey Commentary Series Ronald J. Kernaghan Paul, Women, and Wives Marriage and Women’s Ministry Matthew in the Letters of Paul The IVP New Testament Craig S. Keener Commentary Series Craig S. Keener Paul’s Idea of Community The Early House Churches in Mirrored Reflections Their Cultural Setting Reframing Biblical Characters Young Lee Hertig, Chloe Sun, eds. Robert J. Banks Moral Vision of the New Testament A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics Richard B. Hays The New Evangelical Subordinationism? Dennis W. Jowers, H. Wayne House, eds.
The People Paul Admired The House Church Leaders of the New Testament Beulah Wood Priscilla’s Letter Finding the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews Ruth Hoppin
The Promise of the Father Jesus and God in the New A New Gospel for Women Testament Katharine Bushnell and the Challenge of Christian Feminism Marianne Meye Thompson Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Reading the Bible with the Dead What You Can Learn from the History of Exegesis that You Can’t Learn from Exegesis Alone John L. Thompson Reconsidering Gender Evangelical Perspectives Myk Habets, Beulah Wood, eds. Reflective Faith A Theological Toolbox for Women Susan M. Shaw The Second Eve Understanding Biblical Equality Bette Boersma Side by Side Gender from a Christian Perspective Beulah Wood, ed. Slavery, Sabbath, War, and Women Case Studies in Biblical Interpretation Willard M. Swartley Song of Songs Richard S. Hess A Sword Between the Sexes? C. S. Lewis and the Gender Debates Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen Tamar’s Tears Evangelical Engagements with Feminist Old Testament Hermeneutics Andrew Sloane, ed. The Trinity and Subordinationism Kevin Giles
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Woman Be Free The Trinity Roger E. Olson, Christopher A. Hall Biblical Equality for Women Patricia Gundry The Truth Sets Women Free Woman in the Bible 25 Tough Questions about Mary Evans Women and the Church J. Lee Grady Women and Men in the Light of Eden Understanding Scripture How to Read and Study the Bible A Practical Commentary on the Three “Eden Passages” A. Berkeley, Alvera M. Mickelsen Bruce C.E. Fleming Users Guide to Bible Translation Women and Worship at Corinth David Dewey Paul’s Rhetorical Arguments in 1 Corinthians Veiled and Silenced Lucy Peppiatt How Culture Shaped Sexist Theology Women, Authority, and Alvin J. Schmidt the Bible Some of Today’s Leading The Very Good Gospel Evangelicals Seek to Break How Everything Wrong Can Be Through a Critical Impasse Made Right Alvera Mickelsen, ed. Lisa Sharon Harper
Zondervan TNIV Compact Concordance John R. Kohlenberger III
Biography 50 Women Every Christian Should Know Learning from Heroines of the Faith Michelle DeRusha Building the Old Time Religion Women Evangelists in the Progressive Era Priscilla Pope-Levison Call Me Blessed The Emerging Christian Woman Faith Martin Carrying On the Great Tradition Rediscovering Strong Christian Women of History Jennifer Dunham
Were You There? Finding Ourselves at the Foot of the Cross Erik Kolbell
Women in the Church A Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry Stanley J. Grenz, Denise Muir Kjesbo
What Paul Really Said About Women An Apostle’s Liberating Views on Equality in Marriage, Leadership, and Love John Temple Bristow
Women in the Church Reclaiming the Ideal Carroll D. Osburn
What’s With Paul and Women? Unlocking the Cultural Background to 1 Timothy 2 Jon Zens
Creed without Chaos Exploring Theology in the Women Leaders and the Church Writings of Dorothy L. Sayers Three Crucial Questions Laura K. Simmons Linda L. Belleville Daughters of Hope Women, Leadership, and the Bible Stories of Witness and Courage How Do I Know What to Believe? in the Face of Persecution Natalie R. Wilson Eastman Kay Marshall Strom, Michele Rickett Women, Men, and the Trinity What Does it Mean to be Equal? Daughters of the Church Nancy Hedberg Women and Ministry from New Testament Times to the Present Women’s Bible Commentary Ruth A. Tucker, Walter L. Liefeld Third Edition Carol A. Newsom and Sharon H. Ringe
Who’s Tampering With the Trinity? An Assessment of the Subordination Debate Millard J. Erickson Why Not Women? A Fresh Look at Scripture on Women in Missions, Ministry, and Leadership Loren Cunningham, David Joel Hamilton, Janice Rogers
Women in the Maze Questions & Answers on Biblical Equality Ruth A. Tucker
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Catherine Booth Laying the Theological Foundations of a Radical Movement John Read Courage and Hope The Stories of Ten Baptist Women Ministers Pamela R. Durso, Keith E. Durso
WE Dorothy Day Friend of the Forgotten Deborah Kent
Her Story Women in Christian Tradition Barbara J. MacHaffie
Early Methodist Spirituality Selected Women’s Writings Paul Wesley Chilcote, ed.
Here I Am Stories of Korean American Clergywomen Grace Ji-Sun Kim, ed.
Five Women of the English Reformation Paul F. M. Zahl Forgotten Girls Stories of Hope and Courage Kay Marshall Strom, Michele Rickett From Her Heart Selections from the Preaching and Teaching of Helen Clifton Shaw Clifton Gateway to Iraq A Chaplain’s Story Rachel Coggins God in a Brothel An Undercover Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue Daniel Walker
Interpreting Life Christian Women’s Roles in the Church and Home Patricia C. Burke
Hannah More The Artist as Reformer Mary Anne Phemister
Itoko Maeda Woman of Mission Marilynne Hill
Harriet Beecher Stowe A Spiritual Life Nancy Koester
No Time for Silence Evangelical Women in Public Ministry Around the Turn of the Century Janette Hassey
Her Heart Can See The Life and Hymns of Fanny J. Crosby Edith L. Blumhofer Her Own Story Autobiographical Portraits of Early Methodist Women Paul Wesley Chilcote, ed.
The Power of Woman The Life and Writings of Sarah Moore Grimke (1792-1873) Pamela R. Durso Princess Ka’iulani Hope of a Nation, Heart of a People Sharon Linnea
The Hidden History of Sacred Legacy Women’s Ordination Female Clergy in the Medieval World Ancient Writings from Nine Women of Strength and Honor Gary Macy Myrna Grant Hidden Sorrow, Lasting Joy Southern Baptist Sisters The Forgotten Women of the In Search of Status, 1845-2000 Persecuted Church David Morgan Anneke Companjen Indian and Christian The Life and Legacy of Pandita Ramabai Roger E. Hedlund, Sebastian Kim, Rajkumar Boaz Johnson, eds.
Hearts of Fire Eight Women in the Underground Church and Their Stories of Costly Faith Voice of the Martyrs
Strangers and Pilgrims Female Preaching in America, 1740-1845 Catherine A. Brekus Terms of Empowerment Salvation Army Women in Ministry Catherine Mumford Booth, Evangeline Cory Booth, and Kay F. Rader Water From a Deep Well Christian Spirituality from Early Martyrs to Modern Missionaries Gerald L. Sittser Western Daughters in Eastern Lands British Missionary Women in Asia Rosemary Seton
Not Less Than Everything The Courageous Women Who Carried the Christian Gospel to China Whatever Happened to Kathy Keay? Valerie Griffiths Marion Osgood Oh Thou Woman that Bringest When God Says Go Good Tidings The Amazing Journey of a The Life and Work of Katharine Slave’s Daughter C. Bushnell Lorry Lutz Dana Hardwick Passion for the Impossible The Life of Lilias Trotter Miriam Huffman Rockness
Women & Christianity, Vol. 1 The First Thousand Years Mary T. Malone
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Women & Christianity, Vol. 2 From 1000 to the Reformation Mary T. Malone Women & Christianity, Vol.3 From the Reformation to the 21st Century Mary T. Malone Women in the World of the Earliest Christians Lynn H. Cohick Women of Azusa Street Estrelda Alexander Women of Christianity Julia Kavanagh Women of Sacred Song Margaret and Daniel Partner
Christian Living
Community 101 Reclaiming the Local Church as a Community of Oneness Gilbert Bilezikian Complete Woman Living Beyond Total Womanhood Patricia Gundry The Dating Dilemma A Romance Revolution Rachel Gardner, Andre Adefope The End of Sexual Identity Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are Jenell Williams Paris Eve’s Revenge Women and a Spirituality of the Body Lilian Calles Barger
Getting Naked Later 10 Lies the Church Tells Women A Guide for the Fully Clothed Kate Hurley J. Lee Grady Accepted in the Beloved A Devotional Bible Study for Women on Finding Healing and Wholeness in God’s Love Leslie Ann McKinney Authentic Human Sexuality Second Edition Judith K. and Jack O. Balswick Beautiful Feet Unleashing Women to Everyday Witness Jessica Leep Fick Bonding Relationships in the Image of God Donald M. Joy The Book of Womanhood Amy F. Davis Abdallah Bound and Determined Christian Men and Women in Partnership Jeanene Reese
Goddess Revival Aída Besançon Spencer, Donna F. G. Hailson, Catherine Clark Kroeger, William David Spencer In the Sanctuary of Women A Companion for Reflection and Prayer Jan L. Richardson The Liberating Truth How Jesus Empowers Women Danielle Strickland Longing for More Ruth Haley Barton Looking Forward to the Rest of Your Life? Lorry Lutz Mirror, Mirror Reflections on Who You Are and Who You’ll Become Kara Powell, Kendall Payne
38 | call us at 612-872-6898
The Myth of the Submissive Christian Woman Brenda Waggoner Nice Girls Don’t Change the World Lynne Hybels Prayerbook for Husbands and Wives Ruthanne and Walter Wangerin, Jr. The Reciprocating Self Human Develpment in Theological Perspective Jack Balswick, Pamela Ebstyne King Redeeming Eve Heather P. Webb The Resignation of Eve Jim Henderson Saving Women From the Church Susan McLeod-Harrison Singled Out Why Celibacy Must Be Reinvented in Today’s Church Christine A. Colón and Bonnie E. Field Stronger Than You Think Kim Gaines Eckert Teenage Girls Exploring Issues Adolescent Girls Face and Strategies to Help Them Ginny Olson Too Heavy a Yoke Black Women and the Burden of Strength Chanequa Walker-Barnes True You Overcoming Self-Doubt and Using Your Voice Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Tracey D. Bianchi
WE Truths that Free Us Ruth Haley Barton Unsqueezed Springing Free from Skinny Jeans, Nose Jobs, Highlights and Stilettos Margot Starbuck Wanting to Be Her Michelle Graham Woman—The Full Story Michele Guinness Women at the Crossroads A Path Beyond Feminism and Tradition Kari Torjesen Malcolm Women at the Well Meditations for Quenching Our Thirst Linda-Marie Delloff, Bernadette Glover-Williams, eds. Women Caught in the Conflict The Culture War Between Traditionalism and Feminism Rebecca Merrill Groothuis
Called & Gifted (Student Guide) Sharon Cairns Mann Called Out! Kingdom Living for Missional Teens Jenny Rae and Aaron Armstrong Called Out! (East Africa) Godly Living for Missional Teens Jenny Rae and Aaron Armstrong Face to Face A Bible-based Discovery of Self and Relationships Carrie A. Miles Handbook for Battered Leaders Janis Bragan Balda, Wesley D. Balda Handbook for Engaged Couples Alice and Robert Fryling Handbook for Married Couples Alice and Robert Fryling
Justice A Call to Action Women, Religion, Violence, and Power Jimmy Carter The Black Swan Effect A Response to Gender Hierarchy in the Church Felicity Dale, ed. Good News About Injustice Gary Haugen Good News About Injustice Youth Edition Gary Haugen Half a Piece of Cloth The Courage of Africa’s Countless Widows Jane L. Crane In Our Backyard A Christian Perspective on Human Trafficking in the United States Nita Belles
Is Gender Equality a Biblical Ideal? (video and study guide) Let My People Go Bob Edwards Women’s Liberation Jesus Style Mimi Haddad, Sean Callaghan Stephanie F. Bibb, ed. Unladylike The Spirit, the Bible, and Resisting the Injustice of A Year of Biblical Womanhood Women Inequality in the Church Susan C. Hyatt Rachel Held Evans Pam Hogeweide
Curriculum Beyond Sex Roles Third Edition Greg Forbes, Scott Harrower Beyond Sex Roles (Student Guide) Kaye McMillan Called & Gifted (Facilitator Guide) Sharon Cairns Mann
Still Side by Side A Concise Explanation of Biblical Equality Janet George Studies on Biblical Equality A. Berkeley, Alvera Mickelsen Underdogs and Outsiders A Bible Study on the Untold Stories of Advent Tom Fuerst
Woman This is War! Gender, Slavery, and the Evangelical Caste System Jocelyn Andersen Women, HIV, and the Church Arthur J. Ammann, Julie Ponsford Holland What’s Right with Feminism Elaine Storkey Women I Can’t Forget Winnie V. Williams
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Leadership & Ministry All God’s People John E. Phelan, Jr. American Women in Mission Dana L. Robert Are Women Human? Dorothy Sayers Being Feminist, Being Christian Allyson Jule, Bettina Tate Pedersen
Finding Their Voices Sermons by Women in the Church of Christ D’esta Love Gifted to Lead Nancy Beach Global Voices on Biblical Equality Women and Men Ministering Together in the Church Aída Besançon Spencer, William David Spencer, Mimi Haddad, eds.
Beyond the Curse Aída Besançon Spencer
How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadership Alan F. Johnson, ed.
Beyond the Stained Glass Ceiling Christine A. Smith
Leading Ladies Jeanne Porter
Called & Gifted Sharon Cairns Mann, David P. Nystrom Costly Obedience Elizabeth Smith Bellinger, ed. Dismantling the Dualisms for American Pentecostal Women in Ministry Lisa P. Stephenson Eldership and the Mission of God J. R. Briggs, Bob Hyatt Equal to Serve Gretchen Gaebelein Hull Equal to the Task Ruth Haley Barton
Leading Lessons Jeanne Porter Leading with Passion and Grace Joyce Strong Let Her Lead Creating a Better Future for Women in the Church Brady Boyd Lime Green Reshaping Our View of Women in the Church Jackie Roese Living on the Boundaries Evangelical Women, Feminism, and the Theological Academy Nicola Hoggard Creegan, Christine D. Pohl
Equipped for Every Good Work Dan R. and Barbara A. Dick
Making Room for Leadership MaryKate Morse
The Equipping Church Sue Mallory
Ministry at the Margins The Prophetic Mission of Women, Youth, & the Poor Cheryl Sanders
Equipping Church Guidebook Sue Mallory, Brad Smith
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More Than Enchanting Jo Saxton More Than Serving Tea Asian American Women on Expectations, Relationships, Leadership, and Faith Kathy Khang, Christie Heller de Leon, Asifa Dean Ordaining Women Benjamin Titus Robertsr Philip’s Daughters Women in PentecostalCharismatic Leadership Estrelda Alexander, Amos Yong, eds. Preaching that Speaks to Women Alice P. Mathews Raising Up Young Heroes Developing a Revolutionary Youth Ministry Efrem Smith Rise Up A Call to Leadership for African American Women Sylvia Rose This Is My Story Testimonies & Sermons of Black Women in Ministry Cleophus J. LaRue, ed. This is What a Preacher Looks Like Sermons by Baptist Women in Ministry Pamela R. Durso, ed. Thriving in Leadership Strategies for Making a Difference in Christian Higher Education Karen Longman Two Views on Women in Ministry, Revised Edition James R. Beck, Craig L. Blomberg, eds.
W E What Women Want Kimberly Ervin Alexander, James P. Bowers Women and the Landscape of American Higher Education Abraham Ruelas Women & Leadership in Higher Education Karen A. Longman, Susan R. Madsen, eds.
Before the Ring William L. Coleman
It Takes Two Andrew D. and Judith L. Lester
Beyond ‘I Do’ Douglas J. Brouwer
Marriage Building Real Intimacy Bill Hybels
Building Your Family to Last Kari Torjesen Malcolm Christian Family in Changing Times Robert M. Hicks
Women as Global Leaders Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Susan R. Madsen, eds.
Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible David Instone-Brewer
Women as Risk-Takers for God Lorry Lutz
Divorce and Remarriage in the Church David Instone-Brewer
Women in Ministry An Historical and Biblical Look at the Role of Women in Christian Leadership L.E. Maxwell, Ruth C. Dearing Women in Ministry Four Views Bonnidell and Robert G. Clouse, eds. Women, Ministry, and the Gospel Mark Husbands, Timothy Larsen The World is Waiting for You Celebrating the 50th Ordination Anniversary of Addie Davis Pamela R. Durso, LeAnn Gunter Johns, eds.
Marriage & Family And Marries Another Divorce and Remarriage in the Teaching of the New Testament Craig S. Keener As For Me and My House Crafting Your Marriage to Last Walter Wangerin, Jr.
Faith Tango A Liberating Approach to Spiritual Growth in Marriage Carolyn and Craig Williard Families Where Grace is in Place Building a Home Free of Manipulation, Legalism, and Shame Jeff VanVonderen The Family Jack O. and Judith K. Balswick Gender & Grace Love, Work, and Parenting in a Changing World Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen Growing Strong Daughters Revised Edition Lisa Graham McMinn
Marriage at the Crossroads Aída Besançon Spencer, William David Spencer, Celestia Tracy, Steven R. Tracy Marriage Made in Eden A Pre-Modern Perspective for a Post-Christian World Alice P. Mathews, M. Gay Hubbard Model for Marriage Covenant, Grace, Empowerment and Intimacy Jack O. and Judith K. Balswick The Myth of the Perfect Mother Rethinking the Spirituality of Women by Carla Barnhill Not Your Parents’ Marriage Jerome and Kellie Daley Ordinary People, ExtraOrdinary Marriages Brian Nystrom Partners in Marriage and Ministry A Biblical Picture of Gender Equality Ronald W. Pierce
Preparing Couples for Love and Marriage Handbook for Engaged Couples A Pastor’s Resource Cameron Lee, James. L. Furrow Alice and Robert Fryling Handbook for Married Couples Redemption of Love Rescuing Marriage and Alice and Robert Fryling Sexuality from the Economics of a Fallen World Heirs Together Carrie A. Miles Applying the Biblical Principle of Mutual Submission in Your Marriage Patricia Gundry
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Relationship Empowerment Parenting Building Formative and Fulfilling Relationships With Your Children Judy and Jack Balswick, Boni and Don Piper Surprised by Motherhood Everything I Never Expected about Being a Mom Lisa-Jo Baker Sweet Surrender How Cultural Mandates Shape Christian Marriage Dennis Hiebert Together Reclaiming Co-Leadership in Marriage Tim and Anne Evans Two Become One God’s Blueprint for Couples Donald M. and Robbie B. Joy What the Bible Really Says about Love, Marriage, and Family John Temple Bristow
Masculinity 10 Lies Men Believe The Truth About Women, Power, Sex, and God and Why it Matters J. Lee Grady Man Enough How Jesus Redefines Manhood Nate Pyle Men at the Crossroads Beyond Traditional Roles and Modern Options Jack O. Balswick My Brother’s Keeper What the Social Sciences Do (and Don’t) Tell Us About Masculinity Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen
A New Man Luke Reynolds Some Men Are Our Heroes Stories by Women About the Men Who Have Greatly Influenced Their Lives KeumJu Jewel Hyun, Cynthia Davis Lathrop, eds. Teenage Guys Exploring Issues Adolescent Guys Face and Strategies to Help Them Steve Gerali Under Construction Reframing Men’s Spirituality Gareth Brandt
Non-English 10 Mentiras que la Iglesia le Dice a las Mujeres / 10 Lies the Church Tells Women (Spanish) J. Lee Grady 10 Mentiras que los Hombres Creen / 10 Lies Men Believe (Spanish) J. Lee Grady El Evangelio de Rut / The Gospel of Ruth (Spanish) Carolyn Custis James El Lugar de la Mujer en la Iglesia y la Familia / Beyond Sex Roles Gilbert Bilezikian
Masomo Juu ya Usawa wa KiBiblia / Studies on Biblical Equality (Swahili) A. Berkeley, Alvera Mickelsen Mujeres de Dios Ayer y Hoy / God’s Women: Then and Now Deborah M. Gill, Barbara Caveness A Passion for Fullness (Chinese Language) 2004 edition Cecilia Yau, Dora Wang, Lily Lee Por Qué no la Mujer? / Why Not Women? (Spanish) Loren Cunningham, David J. Hamilton, Janice Rogers La Carta de Priscila / Priscilla’s Letter (Spanish edition) Ruth Hoppin Refugio del Abuso / Refuge from Abuse Nancy Nason-Clark, Catherine Clark Kroeger Teologia Sistemática (Portuguese, Brazilian) uma análise histórica, bíblica e apologética para o contexto atual Franklin Ferreira, Alan Myatt Why Not Women? (Arabic) Loren Cunningham, David J. Hamilton, Janice Rogers
Women of the Bible
Las Intrépidas Hijas de la Biblia / Fearless Daughters of the Bible (Spanish) J. Lee Grady
Bible Women All Their Words and Why They Matter Lindsay Hardin Freeman
Más Allá de la Maldición / Beyond the Curse (Spanish) Mujeres Llamadas al Ministerio / Women Called to Ministry Aída Besançon Spencer
Bold Girls Speak Girls of the Bible Come Alive Today Mary Stromer Hanson
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W E Daughters of Miriam Women Prophets in Ancient Israel Wilda C. Gafney Desperate Women of the Bible Lessons on Passion from the Gospels Jo Kadlecek Dynamic Women of the Bible What We Can Learn From Their Surprising Stories Ruth A. Tucker
Unveiling Mary Magdalene Lost Apostle Searching for the Truth about Junia Liz Curtis Higgs Rena Pederson Who Are You, My Daughter? Ellen F. Davis, Margaret Lost Women of the Bible Adams Parker Carolyn Custis James Magdalene Gospel Mary Ellen Ashcroft
A Woman God Can Lead Alice Mathews
Mary Magdalene and Many Others Carla Ricci
A Woman God Can Use Alice Mathews
Every Woman in the Bible Sue and Larry Richards
Meet Bathsheba Rosanne Gartner
Fearless Daughters of the Bible What You Can Learn from 22 Women Who Challenged Tradition, Fought Injustice and Dared to Lead J. Lee Grady
Meet the Queen of Sheba Rosanne Gartner
The Gospel of Ruth Loving God Enough to Break the Rules Carolyn Custis James
Modeling Mary John Burns
Gospel Women Studies of the Named Women in the Gospels Richard Bauckham Jeroboam’s Wife The Enduring Contributions of the Old Testament’s LeastKnown Women Robin Gallaher Branch Junia The First Woman Apostle Eldon Jay Epp Junia A Woman, An Apostle David Williams Junia Is Not Alone Breaking Our Silence About Women in the Bible and the Church Today Scot McKnight
The Message of Women Derek and Dianne Tidball
Women in Scripture Carol Meyers, Toni Craven, Ross S. Kraemer, eds. Women of the Bible (young readers) Trudy Spoor
The New Perspective on Mary and Martha Mary Stromer Hanson On Their Way to Wonderful Linda H. Hollies Preaching in Two Voices Suzan D. Johnson Cook, William D. Watley Reading Women’s Stories Female Characters in the Hebrew Bible John Petersen Real Mary Scot McKnight Spirited Women Mary Ellen Ashcroft Through Her Eyes Bible Studies on Women in Scripture Deborah Winters
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