Cultural Heritage and the Interpretation Conference 18th and 19th of October 2013, Slovene Ethnographic Museum Because of an exceptional interest in the heritage of the past decades, the Slovenian Ethnological Society (SED) organized and conducted scientific-technical conference on ethnological and anthropological interpretations of heritage. The conference consisted of 25 contributions in the five thematic areas: • Cultural heritage and interpretation, • Interpretation of cultural heritage and education • Interpretation of the music and film heritage • Interpretation of cultural heritage conservation and museum work, • Interpretation of the local cultural heritage. The main purpose of the conference was to clarify and deepen the practical issues, which occur in our everyday professional practice in relations between the scientific, technical and nonconfessional (i.e. amateur) views of heritage, but at the same time the conference wanted to draw attention to heritage use and methods of protection. In the scientific and technical aspects the heritage interpretation changes with time and the theoretical starting points; the interpretations are different according to the type of heritage, professional mission and according to the doctrine of institutions that are engaged in, or take care of the heritage. Heritage interpretations differ not only in the capacity and power of its interpreters, but also according to the target audience and media intervention. Initial questions - that we wanted to highlight - what anyone construed as a heritage, how and with what aims and objectives is it interpreted. The National Museum of Contemporary History has attended the conference with a contribution on the work of the EMEE project:
(Re) interpretation of museum collections heritage Designing the images of the past in the European context Traditionally designed layouts of the national museums in Europe are changing. Oneway historical presentations of the past are faced with new counterpoints in multidimensional views at the history and cultural heritage in the individual countries and Europe as a whole. In the context of the EU Culture Program we are a part of the project " Eurovision - Museums Exhibiting Europe '(EMEE), which introduces a new form of case studies and museum approaches. The aim is to make museums accessible and affordable to a wider range of visitors. With an interdisciplinary approach, which was developed in the field of didactics of history, the project reinterprets museum objects and the heritage of space – by doing so we are trying to put this in a broader context of national and international historiographies. Exhibits are presented not only in a regional or national shaped historical discourse, but in a broader, multifaceted international and European perspective, and with the use of new methods of presentation, and the possibilities of direct participation for the visitors (i.e. participatory element). At the same time the project develops creative concepts for the
With the support of the Culture Program of the European Union
promotion of engaged visitors - by mobilizing and involving guests in the exhibition - project strives to museums being able to reach and attract those visitors, who do not come in museums often, or even non-visitors. Keywords: contemporary museology, multidimensional, (re) interpretation of heritage, visitors, participation
With the support of the Culture Program of the European Union