Miguel Vega - Architecture Portfolio

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Portfolio Miguel Vega architecture selected works 2023

24.10.1996, Madrid

Miguel Vega

Throughout my career I have acquired an extent skillset and the ability to apply it to different professional environments. I consider myself a proactive, resourceful, troubleshooting and self-disciplined individual that carries out my duties well under pressure in a multitasking setting whilst remaining creative and precise.

Master of Architecture - MArch Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM)

Bachelor of Architecture - BArch Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM)

Hesco Engineering Services | ID Project Coordinator - QAQC Supervisor

Responsible for interior design projects coordination, from procurement and logistics to installation, whilst managing diverse teams in small to large scale projects. Simultaneously supervising and executing the complete QAQC process for multiple large scale interior design projects. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Valum | Instituto de Valoraciones - Real Estate Valuation Technician

Valuation Quality Control Technician for Bank Asset Portfolios. Madrid, Spain

Thinkids Project - Coordinator

ThinKids Project is an educational program created to encourage entrepreneurship in ages 8-16. I am part of the coordination of IFEMA CAMPUS and the development of groups and activities following the Thinkids 3i project methodology developed at MIT. Madrid, Spain

Mettro Arquitectos - Project Assistant

In charge of preparing and presenting the graphic content for a document of previous analysis on the urban situation of the area “Ciudad Santo Domingo” of the municipality of Algete. Madrid, Spain

Estudio Arkipelago - Architect

Design assistant. Interrupted by Covid. Manila, Philippines

BeChic Catering - Maître

Responsible for directing, coordinating and supervising the food and beverage service for private events. In charge of managing resources and personnel, as well as direct contact with the client. Madrid, Spain

Oceans World Exhibition - Project Assistant

Participated in the design and assembly of the Oceans World Exhibition at the National Museum of Natural Sciences and La Vaguada Shopping Center, while also contributing to the necessary documentation. Madrid, Spain

Banco Santander Grant for International Cooperation & Mobility

Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Finalist in Open International competition

Tube 8x8x300 Conceptual design competition

Objects & Environments, text publication

9/10 Final Thesis, Archivo digital UPM

Andrea Branzi, text publication

9/10 Design studio intensification

Revit 2021 (certified)

Rhinoceros 6.0


Photoshop CC

Illustrator CC Indesign CC

Vray (certified)

Microsoft Office

Bilingual, C1 Cambridge Advanced Certificate

Architecture Portfolio
Spanish Native
Professional Experience Publications and awards Languages Software 2021 - 2022 2020 2020 - 2022 2022 - 2023 20232021 2017 - 2022 2017-2018
2014 -
2020 2020 2020 2020 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993

06 - 13


14 - 21

Mercedes Center Mixed-use building, Vitoria, Spain 2022, Master’s thesis project

Camden Conference Hall Conference Hall, Bloomsbury, London, England 2020, International competition

22 - 29


Masterplan, “La España Vacía” 2019, Academic project, ETSAM

30 - 33


Adaptive reuse, Kunming, Yunnan, China 2020, International competition (Finalist)

34 - 41

Welcome to Fabulous MATABUENA Masterplan, Matabuena, Segovia, Spain 2019, Academic project, ETSAM

42 - 49

Habitar Alepo

Collective housing, Aleppo, Syria 2018, Academic project, ETSAM

50 - 51


Architectural installation, Madrid, Spain 2021, Personal project

52 - 53

Objects & Environments: Mecanismos arquitectónicos de interacción

Final Thesis 2020, ETSAM

Contents Architecture Portfolio 05 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993
Miguel Vega
Architecture Portfolio 04

Mercedes Center

Tipology Location Year Type

- Mixed-use building - Vitoria, Spain - 2022

- Final Thesis Project

Due to its strategic location, Vitoria is the primary logistics hub in northern Spain. The incompatibility of uses between the industrial and urban fabrics of the city creates ‘boundaries’ that divide and fragment it. By identifying the stakeholders involved in logistical processes at the local, national, and European scales, the goal is to address these ‘boundaries’ in a way that integrates the entire industrial and logistical infrastructure, along with its processes, into the city’s dynamics.

On the site of the Mercedes-Benz factory, we find the new Mercedes Center, a building that, both due to its geometry and its program, becomes an urban infrastructure and a new ‘hot spot’ for the city. It aspires to directly impact its surroundings and play a role on an urban scale, altering movement patterns and generating attraction in an area that has been peripheral and underutilized until now

The dimensions, geometry, and location allow for the development of various programs, creating a physical framework that articulates and directs its flows and functions

07 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993 Architecture Portfolio 06
The industrial footprint in Vitoria encompasses over 20% of its surface area; however, the entirety of activities and associated flows remains independent of the urban fabric
Sección programática

The ground plan is surrendered to the city, capturing the entire urban flow of the surroundings. The exterior blends with the interior, creating a space capable of hosting various activities, generic and reprogrammable

miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993 Architecture Portfolio Mercedes Center
(01) Exterior View of the Mercedes Center Ground floor (0,00m)

The main floor is configured as a continuous succession of spaces and programs that interact, overlap, and adapt to constant changes and movements. It establishes itself as a ‘new ground,’ rising to bridge over the train tracks and unifying the site.

The Mercedes Center is an urban infrastructure that embraces the pathways of its surroundings, incorporating them as integral components of the building and its program

miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993 1212 Mercedes Center
Main floor (+5,95m) (03) Exhibition areas Section (2) Torre museo Mercedes-Benz

Camden Conference Hall

Candem Concert Hall aims through its materiality to acquire a presence on a local scale, establishing a dialogue that avoids rivaling the icons of the urban plot that surround it such as the British Museum or the Senate House

Heavy materials such as concrete are endowed with monumentality at a horizontal volume that rises subtly releasing the ground floor. The slightly hollowed-out garden attracts the public to a space that opens to the city inviting its users to participate in its activities. Under a universal deck appears the “square” that takes advantage of the temporality of the events it hosts to establish as the new meeting place of the neighborhood

Tipology Location Year Type - Conference Hall - Bloomsbury, London, England - 2020 - International Competition 50 m 15 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993 Architecture Portfolio - 2 3 5 7 10 11 12 14 16 13 17 15 8 9 6 4 2 - 1 0 + 1 + 2 1 Parking 2 Facilities 3 Showroom 1 4 Conference room 5 Dressing rooms 6 WC 7 Auditorium (400pax) 8 Reception 9 Restaurant 10 Main hall 11 Library/Gallery 12 Workshops 13 Offices 14 Control room 15 Classrooms 16 Dressing room 17 Main showroom
17 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993 Architecture Portfolio 16 Camden Conference Hall Exterior render Longitudinal section 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5 m 29.43 0.31 5.06 0.54 2.20 2.29 0.10 17.03 0.80 4.87 9.80 10.00 10.00 2.26 7.93 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.15 2.69 .8 1 1.70 1.41 3.57 0.10 2.65 1.20 0.10 3.81 0.79 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.20 3.57 5.16 0.19 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.09 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.10 1.10 DFHJL B B M K I G E C A M L K J I H G F E D C A

Inside, the vacuum defines space compositionally. The boundaries are blurred on the ground floor making interior and exterior the same place. By manipulating the floor plan, all uses are organized under a universal roof that lets in the light. The rest of the program is organized around the main auditorium, bringing offices and classrooms to the perimeter to leave large flexible open spaces capable of hosting workshops or exhibitions

19 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993 18 A A A C C C E E E G G G K K K M M M 01 01 01 02 02 02 06 06 06 03 03 03 04 04 04 05 05 05 07 07 07 01 01 01 02 02 02 06 06 06 03 03 03 04 04 04 05 05 05 07 07 07 A A A C C C E E E G G G K K K M M M 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 9.10 9.10 9.10 12.14 12.14 12.14 12.14 9.10 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 5 m DFHJL M K G E C A 07 05 04 03 06 02 01 07 05 04 03 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL 06 02 01 M K G E C A AC E G K M 01 02 06 03 04 05 01 02 06 03 04 05 ACEGIKM -1 -2 0 + 1 + 2
1 m 0.065 1.17 0.165 0.165 1.095 0.40 0.16 0.16 0.115 0.225 0.225 0.11 1.40 1.40 1.095 0.28 0.065 0.40 0.14 0.82 008 0.16 0.115 0.225 0.25 0.195 0.70 2.53 EXTERIORINTERIOR Cuña de apoyo y ajuste Sistema de cuelgue de panel Albaradilla chapa metálica Poliuretano proyectado Panel sandwich GRC Claraboya Viga principal Pilar P-A01 (8Ø12) Detailed concrete beams & enclosure Main Hall render Architecture Portfolio Camden Conference Hall


Sección de cerramiento con doble vidrio y cámara activa intermedia; sección parcial de sala de control de auditorio

The architecture of the Conference Hall aspires to float and weigh at the same time. The nudity in which the texture of the concrete is expressed and the way in which sunlight activates it contribute to the creation of tiny shadows along its surface so that its condition of heaviness is emphasized

reticular de bloque perdido Tabiquería de hormigón

de hormigón pulido

exterior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 24,4 mm

Cámara activa semiventilada (ancho variable según curvatura) Camden Conference Hall

interior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 20 mm Pilar

Hidden carpentry in false ceiling

de arena de nivelación

para hormigonado Lecho

Encachado drenante de grava (20cm)

Hidden crpenty in technical floor

Auditorium detailed glass enclosure

Constructive section of under level patio

21 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993 Architecture Portfolio 0.178 0.70 0.08 5.60 5.67 R0.07 5.53 2.00 0.90 (altura barandilla) 0.40 3.83 2.12 0.75 4.85 1.90 0.03 7.00 ancho de sala 1 m Acabado de hormigón Membrana impermeabilizante Capa drenante de grava Lámina filtrante Falso techo Forjado bidireccional casetón perdido Proyección costilla de carpintería Fachada de vidrio tipo "Stick" (Riventi R50T) Barandilla (rejilla metálica) Pilar DET.30 SECCIÓN PATIO BAJO RASANTE Sección de patio exterior y sala de conferencias bajo rasante Losa de cimentación Relleno compactado Solado de piedra con tratamiento endurecedor (losas 45x45x3cm matajuntas s/plano) Lámina antipunzonamiento Membrana impermeabilizante Carpintería oculta (RIVENTI R50T) Hormigón de limpieza Solado de piedra (losas 45x45x3cm) Mortero de protección Lecho de arena de nivelación Lámina drenante 0.0450.30 0.10 0.085 0.024 0.02 ancho variable según curvatura de vidrio 0,02 0.40 0.087 0,110,077 0.20 ancho variable según curvatura de vidrio 0.30 0.20 0.002 0.01 0.138 0,1 m 0,1 m Panel acústico microperforado (Ø0,5mm paso 2,7mm) chapa de nogal Aislante térmico Aislante acústico SAM FOAM Perfil acero inoxidable Hoja exterior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 24,4 mm Hoja interior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 20 mm Holgura de regulación 10mm Taladro rasgado para ajuste horizontal Hoja exterior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 24,4 mm Hoja interior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 20 mm Perfil Capa de compresión Acabado de Parquet Contracerco perfil tubular 80.40.5 Losa de piedra con tratamiento endurecedor dimensiones variables según curvatura de vidrio Pilar (P-L00 0,50x0,40) Solape remate de impermeabilización Apoyo de carpintería sobre banda de neopreno Perfil L sujeción de losas Perfil T adherido mediante silicona estructural Sellado Pilar (P-L00 0,50x0,40) Tapajuntas 0.045 0.30 0.10 0.085 0.024 0.02 ancho variable según curvatura de vidrio 0,02 0.40 0.087 0,11 0,077 0.20 ancho variable según curvatura de vidrio 0.30 0.20 0.002 0.01 0.138 0,1 m 0,1 m Panel acústico microperforado (Ø0,5mm paso 2,7mm) chapa de nogal Aislante térmico Aislante acústico SAM FOAM Perfil acero inoxidable Hoja exterior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 24,4 mm Hoja interior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 20 mm Holgura de regulación 10mm Taladro rasgado para ajuste horizontal Hoja exterior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 24,4 mm Hoja interior de vidrio laminado extraclaro 20 mm Perfil Capa de compresión Acabado de Parquet Contracerco perfil tubular 80.40.5 Losa de piedra con tratamiento endurecedor dimensiones variables según curvatura de vidrio Pilar (P-L00 0,50x0,40) Solape remate de impermeabilización Apoyo de carpintería sobre banda de neopreno Perfil L sujeción de losas Perfil T adherido mediante silicona estructural Sellado Pilar (P-L00 0,50x0,40) Tapajuntas 0.05 0.40 0.09 8.50 hasta cota de aparcamiento 1.07 1.08 0 06 2.20 0.90 0.10 1.05 0.50 2.50 2.05 2.20 0.02 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 1.48 2.55 0.024 2.14 hasta pilar 1.20 0 08 0.10 0.10 0.40 0.70 0.62 0 35 0.30 0.065 1.40 0.195 0.40 1 m Panel acústico microperforado (Ø0,5mm paso 2,7mm) chapa de nogal Puerta doble hoja de vidrio Butaca AUDIT30 Lecho
de arena de nivelación
Aislante acústico SAM FOAM Relleno
Acabado de Parquet Capa de compresión
Plancha de madera
Losa de H.A estructural
Solado de piedra con tratamiento endurecedor (losas 45x45x3cm matajuntas s/plano) 20
de hormigón armado

- Masterplan

- “La España Vacía”

- 2019

- Academic project


Rural City: post-ocupation of depleted territories

The proposal arises from detecting how, despite not participating in the socio-economic processes of the city, settlements scattered throughout the depleted territory of Empty Spain produce synergies and mutualisms between them. A “RED” is generated that works by proximity and survival, but deteriorates with rural exodus. The goal is to reverse this process of exhaustion, acting on the “network” so that it begins to grow, creating a territory of renewed opportunities

The “village´s network” allows them to work together, generating a system in which each one forms a link and assumes a concrete role generating mutualisms with each other
Location Year Type
- Juan Herreros, Lina Toro

The first scale of intervention will be the delimitation of areas called “Sectors” with dimensions to obtain affordable maximum times and distances. These will be provided with a “Base Operational Network” consisting of a series of basic endowments and services to live with all the needs covered, which will be located in the villages according to their exhaustion and position on the Network with respect to the other settlements

24 RE(D) Miguel Vega +34 664155993 25
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% Total state of abandonment, absence of economic activities and population Partial state of abandonment, progressive population loss and economic activity Start of the depopulation and abandonment process Disappearance of population and economic growth and stagnation trends Reducing economic activity and growth

Once the territory of the basic infrastructure necessary to live has been endowed, the process of exhaustion of the Network begins to reverse and act on it. Through a program in which uses, being devoid of the limitations of the lack of population and services, disperse throughout the territory, the Network begins to grow becoming a real alternative to life in large cities

In “Emptied Spain”, human habitat becomes an alliance between “objects and territories”, in which the leading role is played by the small scale of consumer objects and goods and the large scale of the territories networks and flows. There is a process of dissolving the architecture in which functional zoning disappears and spaces are in a constant process of reprogramming

26 RE(D)
27 Miguel Vega +34 664155993 Architecture Portfolio
The territory, as exhausted, homogeneous, is established as a fund, a non-restrictive support that defines open frameworks of action
Farm fields aerial view, Segovia Physical model Objectual habitat collage

The necessary functional support that we find in the “Base Operational Network” frees us from typologies, and allows us to project a use, a generic habitat in which the building becomes an element of mediation between man and the environment. It materializes with the few elements that configure the lowest common denominator that allows to host the maximum of vital functions and that have remained unchanged throughout the evolution: a structure of pillars, air conditioning and lighting installations, and electrical and information networks housed in false modular ceilings and under a technical floor

Miguel Vega +34 664155993 29
Programmatic adequacy is no longer the responsibility of architecture, and it is the system of objects and mobile partitions that functionally qualifies the spaces


Location Year Type

BNKR is a new cultural center for the city of Kunming, which transforms the evacuation tunnel of an underground shopping center into a flexible and dynamic space capable of harboring everything from art exhibitions to night events, concerts or conferences. The minimum interventions performed and the geometry of the passageway allow to create different environments capable of functioning independently or together

- Reuse

- Kunming, Yunnan, China

- 2020

- International Competition Tube 8x8x300 (Finalist)

31 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993
Architecture Portfolio BNKR
Main exhibition gallery render

The versatility and ability to group and independent the spaces makes BNKR a new centrality in continuous transformation

Exhibition: July-August 2020

Daren Industry Group

Hong Kong Research Center

24°58’30.9”N 102°44’32.5”E 24.975249, 102.742351

33 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993
Architecture Portfolio
Nightclub render Temporary exhibition hall render

Welcome to Fabulous MATABUENA

Matabuena is one of the municipalities of the Rural Spanish periphery that has been reduced to virtually disappear due to the exodus of its population to the big cities. However, its road connections with main cores and the existence of an operational quarry 2km from its center make it a stage for the development of a new economy that revives its growth

A strategic plan of 3 phases (Quarry, Strip, Housing) with which to put Matabuena back on the map

Tipology Location Year Type Teachers

- Masterplan

- Matabuena, Segovia, Spain

- 2019

- Academic project

- Ángel Borrego, Juan Herreros

34 35 Miguel Vega +34 664155993 Architecture Portfolio
Matabuena, 1983
(01) Quarry (02) Strip (A) Matabuena (B) Matamala 01 02 A B

03 Housing

A complete regeneration of the residential plot is carried out. Existing buildings adapt to conditions of architectural quality and comfort starting a new life. New affordable housing is planned to attract population from urban centers. European grants and grants such as Leader 2014-20 fund actions that favour new forms of building in small population centres

A new Plaza Mayor is created that is established as a core of social activity and tertiary commerce. The training, research, innovation and business park spaces are located in the existing holm oak with the aim of hosting students, workspaces, sports areas, etc.

40 Welcome to Fabulous MATABUENA

Inhabit Aleppo

Tipology Location Year Type Teachers

New housing settlements intended to accommodate both the inhabitants of Aleppo and those who have been forced to emigrate. Emergency housing will initially be addressed and stable clustered residences will be raised, which, taking into account the peculiarities of their way of life, restore the layout or consolidate new urban areas

- Collective housing

- Aleppo, Syria

- 2018

- Academic project

- Emilio Tuñón, María Langarita

With the example of the old urban structure of the souks, a new urban model is proposed to inhabit that completes the fabric damaged by the Syrian war

Both housing typologies and housing units are established as “cells” from which an organism will grow. A 9x8.30m module is generated capable of adapting to the existing urban fabric and grouping vertically increasing its density. The proposal does not seek an answer for a specific location, but a “projecting method” capable of meeting needs and flexibly generating new contexts at each site

45 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993 Architecture Portfolio 2.40 4.60 3.875 2.40 2.20 0.80 2.20 0.80 2.20 1.425 2.20 0.80 2.40 2.40 2.20 3.75 1.80 0.80 2.20 44 Inhabit Aleppo
1m 1m
Ground Floor, Paris25 model First floor, Paris25 model Ground floor, Onda model
46 Inhabit Aleppo 10m 0 + 1 + 2 + 3

The street level is always transferred to the city. Markets have historically vertebrated the urban fabric and underlined the open condition that proclaims its status as a public service. The objective is, in addition to the commercial function, to strengthen citizen appropriation by offering scenarios for daily life and collective cohesion by establishing new meeting places for the population

49 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993
48 Inhabit Aleppo
Architecture Portfolio
Shopping gallery render Exterior facade render

Título proyecto

pretende mediante su materialidad adquirir presencia a escala local, estableciendo un diálogo que evite rivalizar con los iconos de la trama urbana que lo rodean como el British Museum o el Senate House

Mediante materiales pesados como hormigón se dota de monumentalidad a un volumen horizontal que se eleva de forma sutil liberando la planta baja. El jardín ligeramente rehundido atrae al público a un espacio que se abre a la ciudad invitando a sus usuarios a participar de sus actividades. Bajo una cubierta universal aparece la “plaza” que aprovecha la temporalidad de los eventos que alberga para establecerse como nuevo lugar de reunión del barrio

Una instalación arquitectónica para una residencia privada que propone un nuevo espacio integrado y respetuoso con la naturaleza. Una estructura desmontable crea el plano elevado de tramex de 2x3m generando una sensación de flotar sobre la vegetación existente.

Tipología Lugar Año Tipo -
- Bloomsbury, Londres, Inglaterra - 2020 - Concurso internacional 50
Centro cultural
arquitectónica Madrid, España 2021 - Proyecto personal

Objects & Environments: Mecanismos arquitectónicos de interacción


Objects and Environments, were the sections in which the exhibition Italy: The New Domestic Landscape was divided, used in 1968, among other things, as a platform to criticize the embrace of the discipline to consumerism and try to recover the social function of the design object. The research and proposals presented did not focus on the object itself, but on its role as a sign (link between man and his environment) and his ability to define its context. These were explorations around the new ways of inhabiting, in which objects and design were understood as tools for the development of new possibilities for interaction between them and the user.

The main objective of this TFG is to lay the foundation for exploring the emotional effects that different architectural elements have on setting environments. It is based on the premise that movements or ways of interacting with “architecture”, understood in its broadest sense, prefigure our ways of knowing, and therefore are directly related to our feelings. Perception allows the subject to navigate in his environment and act in it, taking control of it and, consequently, control of other aspects of his daily life.

The man´s condition of belonging to a society determines its behavior, and the set of contextual influences prefigure the content and how it interacts with its environment. Through the proposals and approaches of the second half of the twentieth century framed in the scenario of Radical Architecture, we will draw parallels with current situations, which serve as a tool, through examples and their temporal developments, to study the different perspectives from which discipline addresses relations with the subject including the set of sociocultural factors of its context.

In this process, we will include disparate actors such as Superstudio, Hollein or Banham, whose work is connected by the shared vision of architecture as a destabilizing agent, with the capacity to influence the cultural customs of society and alter the way people live. New forms of life and relationship claim to revisit the limits of discipline and carry out a critical reflection that determines their degree of influence on society as a whole, and people as a whole.

Keywords: perception, interaction, environment, society, Radical architecture, domesticity

53 miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993 Architecture Portfolio
Type Year Tutor University - Final Thesis - 2020
Oscar Rueda Jiménez
- Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
miguelvega96@gmail.com +34 664155993
selected works

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