The C.H.A.T. Volume 2-Winter 2014

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C.H.A.T. Conversations, Highlights/Happenings and Thoughts



Greetings from Regional Director


MWRC Save the Date


Conversations: 17th Supreme Basileus Larzette Golden Hale-Wilson


Highlights: Undergraduate Round Up


Highlights: Clusters Recap


Highlights: Elected Officers


News You Can Use


Happenings: Delta Tau’s 50th Celebration

Soror Jan Carpenter-Baker,


Happenings: Delta Chapter Plans Centennial

Mid-Western Regional Director


Happenings: Soror Jan’s Regional Director Reception

Soror Rhonda Harris, Chairman


Happenings: Soror Dorothy King Tucker turns 90


Happenings: MW Social Scene


Undergraduate/Graduate Chapter News


Acknowledgements Received


Thoughts: Pray Before We Start Meeting



Special Christmas Message from Soror Jan

Soror Angela N. Stevens


Mid-Western Regional Director’s Itinerary

Soror Jennifer Stevenson

The C.H.A.T Editorial Staff:

Mid-Western Communications Committee Soror Kjulonda Ogles, Co-Chairman Soror Joy Barnes,

Soror Cree Enna Articles need to be submitted by the Ivy Leaf Reporter to . Newsletter Submission Deadline: Fall Issue - September 5 Winter Issue – December 5

Spring Issue - March 5 2

Summer Issue – May 5

Greetings Sorors!

It is again a true delight to bring you the second edition of The C.H.A.T. (Conversations, Highlights, Happenings and Thoughts). Soror Joy and the entire editorial staff have worked extremely hard in making this edition especially nice for you and I thank each of them for providing our region with this outstanding newsletter! This edition contains several features of interest including an article regarding Mid-Western’s very own 17th Supreme Basileus Larzette Golden Hale-Wilson in celebration on becoming the second living Supreme Basileus to reach the pinnacle of Diamond Soror! There are also feature articles on Delta Tau’s 50th Anniversary and Delta Chapter’s upcoming Centennial Celebration to be held February 13-15, 2015 in Lawrence, Kansas. Of course you will find “news you can use” along with chapter and soror highlights and happenings and a thought provoking meditation.

We received an abundance of chapter news for this edition and we are so pleased to share what we can in this edition. If your story didn’t make it this time, stay tuned for the third edition of The C.H.A.T. coming your way on March 15!

Your input and feedback is always welcome and appreciated so please feel free to submit your news about your chapter, sorors, photos and meditations to for consideration in the next edition of The C.H.A.T. We would love to hear from you! Please enjoy this second edition brought to you with sisterly love and gratitude. Sisterly Blessings,

Soror Jan

SAVE THE DATE March 19-22, 2015 85th Mid-Western Regional Conference March 19-22, 2015 Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center 2501 Conference Dr. Norman, Oklahoma (405) 364-8040

AKA Take Over Oklahoma Visit MW Website for more info: 4



Spotlight: 17th Supreme Basileus Larzette Golden Hale-Wilson

The 17th Supreme Basileus Larzette Golden Hale-Wilson continues to break ground in everything she sets out to accomplish. Soror HaleWilson was born in Idabel, Oklahoma to Thomas and Mary Golden. She was initiated into Alpha Zeta Chapter at Langston University in 1937. Soror Hale-Wilson graduated summa cum laude her B.S. degree in business administration and secondary education in 1937. In 1940 she married Dr. Henry William Hale. 1943 she received her M.A. degree in accounting and finance from the University of WisconsinMadison. In 1951 she was certified as a public accountant. After obtaining a Ph.D in accounting in 1955 she went into business for herself as a CPA. It was in 1958 that Soror Hale-Wilson was elected to the position of Supreme Tamichous. It was during this time she worked to help establish the centralized accounting system that Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. uses

today. In 1966 Soror Hale-Wilson was elected the 17th Supreme Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Another passion of Soror Hale-Wilson was the establishment of the Heritage Series during her administration. While serving as a col- Soror Carolyn House Stewart, 28th Supreme Basileus with othlege professor in 1971 er Sorors honoring Diamond SoUtah State University ror Larzette G. Hale Wilson she continued to publish various works and journal articles on accounting. There is also a scholarship available for graduate research in her honor. It is open to all undergraduate and graduate Sorors in the Mid-Western Region. To add to the list of accomplishments in 2014 Soror Hale-Wilson became a Diamond Soror. Soror Hale-Wilson has maintained the values of our sisterhood and continues to improve the operations of our sorority. Soror Angela N. Stevens Regional Communication Committee Member




ndergraduate and Graduate Sorors from Western Regional Diacross the Mid-Western Region gathered in rector, Soror Jan M. Overland Park, KS at the KU Edwards CamCarpenter-Baker, celepus Conference Center for the 2014 Underbrated September graduate Round-Up on September 19-20, 2014. The sobirthdays and led the rors of the Univerattendees in a round of sity of Kansas DelHappy Birthday “Stevie ta Chapter who Wonder” style, Reprewill be celebrating sentatives from Buffalo their Centennial Dallas out of St. Louis, Soror Jan gives encouraging Anniversary FebMissouri were this talk to the sorors ruary 13-15, 2015 year’s vendor who proserved as this vided a wonderful array of AKA paraphernalia, and no one year’s host chapter to 168 registrants and 4 Former Midcan come to Kansas City without having Gates BBQ which Western Regional Directors in attendance. The theme was served for lunch making a big hit! for the occasion was “All Systems Go! Launching into Sorors were introduced to Launching New Dimensions of Sisterhood, Service & Scholarship.” Soror Karrie HarService, the new program platform grave, International Member-Atof Supreme Basileus Dorothy BuckLarge and member of Epsilon Sighanan Wilson presented by regional ma Chapter at Texas A & M Univerrepresentatives of International Prosity was the special guest for the gram Committee Soror Zelia Wiley, entire weekend and enjoyed her Sisterly Relations by Soror Anika Wiltime bonding with the undergraduson, Protocol by Soror Armisha Walkates of the region. The first ever er Harrison, Rituals by International “PaJanAJam” was held on Friday Rituals Committee Chairman Soror evening where the undergraduBrenda A. Lewis and brief overview ates had fun playing games and Host Chapter: Delta on Technology by Soror Danielle Siddeveloping a regional stroll led by ney. A special presentation on AntiSoror Karrie. Saturday was filled with lots of excitement, Hazing was conducted by Dr. Tamara Durham, Vice Provfun, and memorable moments as new Midost at University of Kansas (also a soror).





The Regional Community Service Project: “Midintroduced Soror Karrie who delivered the UnWestern Backpacking for the Weekend” which is dergraduate Charge “K.A.R.R.I.E. On”. Thanks part of the Target I – Million Backpack and Tarto Delta Chapter lead by Sorors Erika Jackson, get III Childhood Hunger Initiative, brought a Basileus, Sydney Jamison, Camille Douglas, total of 74 food filled backpacks and three large Taylor Rice, Kamilah Sharpe, Adeola Adewale, boxes of non-perishable food items. All donatLani Sigler, Graduate Advisor and Delta Chaped goods were presented to the Lawrence Comter’s Graduate Advisory Council for making the munity Center for distribution to school aged 2014 Mid-Western Undergraduate Round Up children. Soror Ashley Murphy, of Kappa Pi one to remember! Chapter at Kansas State University and representative to the International UnderInternational Undergraduate Member At Large, graduate Activities Committee Soror Karrie Hargrave tells undergraduates to K.A.R.R.I.E. On with sisterhood and service

Mid-Western Region Undergraduates gather at the KU Edwards Campus for UG Round-Up


HIGHLIGHTS 2014 Mid-Western Cluster Meetings: “L.A.U.N.C.H.”


he 2014 Mid-Western Region’s Cluster Meetings under the leadership of the new Mid-Western Regional Director, Soror Jan M. Carpenter-Baker was launched in Omaha, Nebraska on October 11th, with Cluster B & C hosted by Delta Epsilon Omega Chapter. Sorors representing the States of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska,

Cluster B & C kicked off Mid-Western Backpacking for the Weekend with donations to Lothrop Center

totaled 178 in attendance. Cluster A meeting followed on October 18th in Denver, Colorado cohosted by Epsilon Nu Omega, Denver, Colorado, Iota Beta Omega, Colorado Springs, Colorado and Alpha Kappa of Denver, Colorado with 72 sorors in attendance. Rounding out the cluster meetings was Cluster D & E hosted by Sigma Sigma Omega of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on October 25th, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with 143 sorors in attendance.


The theme for this year’s cluster meetings was

“Mid-Western L.A.U.N.C.H.: Leadership, Action, Unification, Networking, and Communication.” where each began with a”Brief Chat” by Soror Jan Carpenter Baker, who shared her vision and goals for the region followed by a video message from the Supreme Basileus Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson. The call of the day was sisterly relations as was demonstrated by the many fun and sisterly activities enjoyed by all such as birthday celebrations, hoola hoop contest, scavenger hunts, karaoke singing, and raffle prizes. Soror Zelia Wiley, Regional Program Chairman, shared many details about the new program platform “ Launching New Dimensions of Service”. Sorors Anika Wilson, Representative to the International Sisterly Relations Committee, Armisha Walker Harrison, member of the International Protocol Committee and Brenda A. Lewis, International Rituals Committee, Chairman, made engaging presentations which allowed sorors to participate and interact while learning. Additional presentations on Technology and Communications were presented by Technology Chairman, Soror Danielle Sidney, for Cluster A via skype and Cluster D & E in Oklahoma City, Soror Angela Stevens, member of the Mid-Western Region Communications Committee presented during the Cluster A meeting.


HIGHLIGHTS 2014 Mid-Western Cluster Meetings: “L.A.U.N.C.H.”

The Regional Signature Community Service Project “Mid-Western Backpacking for the Weekend” kicked off with a great start at the Cluster meetings with 397 backpacks donated filled with non-perishable food and/or school supplies totaling 3086 items distributed to local schools or community agencies at the Cluster sites. This pre-launch effort supports the International Program Target I Million Backpacks and Target III Childhood Hunger. The Cluster Coordinators, Sorors Alicia Harvey, Cluster A, Michelle Simpson, Cluster B, Tanesha Thompson, Cluster C, Michele Purvey, Cluster D, and Colleen Venters, Cluster E engaged in a friendly challenge to see which cluster could bring in the most donations. The winning cluster will be announced during the 85th Mid-Western Regional Conference and will earn bragging rights for 2014. The donated backpacks were presented to Lothrop Magnet & Technology Center in Omaha, Nebraska, Hallett Fundamental Academy in Denver Colorado, and the Food for Kids Program Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. Additionally during the B & C Cluster meeting, the Upsilon Rho Omega Chapter of Overland Park, Kansas presented a $2000 check to benefit Heifer International.

Soror Jan thanked all sorors for their donations and encouraged them to move the Mid-Western Region Service Project to a higher level of giving by making monthly Cluster A Chapter Basilei and donations of backpacks filled with Madam Regional Director non-perishable food items and/or school supplies to organizations in their respective communities. She concluded each meeting with brief remarks revitalizing the clusters’ commitment to service to their communities, their chapters, the region, the sorority, and to all mankind.

Cluster D & E outside University of Oklahoma Health & Science Center.



Congratulations to Mid-Western Regions Newly Elected or Re-elected Public Officials. 

Soror Anatasia Pittman - Elected

Soror Rhonda Fields – Re-Elected

Oklahoma State Senator  District 48

Beta Sigma Omega Chapter – Oklahoma City, OK

Colorado House of Representatives District 42

Soror Gail Finney – Re-  Elected

Kansas House of Representative District 84

Beta Kappa Omega Chapter – Wichita, KS

Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter — Aurora, CO

Soror Sharon Holmes - Elected

Oklahoma District Judge District 14 Office 2

Alpha Chi Omega Chapter – Tulsa, OK

Read additional information about these remarkable women on the Mid-Western Region Website. 10

NEWS YOU CAN USE EAF Donations for 2015

Message from 2014 – 2016 International Nominating Committee (INC) Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Greetings Soror! Members of the International Greetings! Just wanted to take the opportunity to wish Nominating Committee are excited about the task everyone a Happy Holiday and remind Sorors and all ahead of us during the 2014 – 2016 term. We chapters to remember EAF donations for 2015. The have been working enthusiastically and tirelessly deadline to be recognized at our Regional conference since the 66th Boule to produce the current issue is February 15th. Each chapter is being asked to conof So You Want To Run For Office (November tribute to EAF at the Silver Level or better! Silver Level 2014). means a donation of as little as $100.00 for graduate chapters and as little as $25.00 for Undergrad chapPlease take the time to read and become familiar with So You ters. A contribution at the Gold and Platinum level Want To Run For Office (November 2014) if you are considering running works also. Remember our Region’s goal is 100% chap- for office on the regional or international level. The International Leadter contributions at the at Silver Level for 2015! ership Training Program (2014 – 2018) Candidate Certification Require-

Sorors can individually contribute thru mobile giving at You can lead the Region by donating at the “Women of Distinction” level with a $500.00 contribution or the “Women of Excellence” level with a $1,000 contribution.2015 is a year of celebration for EAF. We will be celebrating 35 years of existence. Let’s all join the celebration with chapters contributing at the Silver Level! Chapters are asked to forward your EAF captain names to me at Thank you for your support of EAF and Midwestern Region. Sisterly

Soror Jacqueline Bass MWR EAF Coordinator 405.740.2462

ments are outlined as defined by the International Leadership Training Committee. Don’t miss this great opportunity to take advantage of opportunities to take the required courses offered at Regional Conference, Leadership Conference, Undergraduate Roundup and Cluster Meetings. The International Nominating Committee will present a workshop at the Regional Conference and Leadership Seminar entitled So You Want To Run For Office: Electing Leaders to Launch New Dimensions of Service. The workshop will ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the changes in the newest edition as well as the guidelines for nomination, certification and the campaign process. Please feel free to address any questions or concerns to your regional representative to the International Nominating Committee or to Chairman of the committee at the information listed below. Sorors, your International Nominating Committee is committed to “Launching New Dimensions of Service” by providing you with information necessary to run for office. Sisterly

Soror Carolyn G. Randolph, Chairman International Nominating Committee South Atlantic Region Representative Barbara Anne Washington, Esq. Midwestern Regional Representative to the International Nominating Committee Mu Omega Chapter International Nominating Committee

NEWS YOU CAN USE SAVE THE DATE Let’s take A.C.T.I.O.N. with the Mid-Western Region Connection Committee

2015 Day at the Capitol

AKA Day at the Iowa State Capitol Thursday February 12, Des Moines, IA Collaboration with NAACP, Delta Sigma Theta & The Links

AKA Day at the Kansas State Capitol Tuesday March 10, Topeka, KS  ASCEND Student Pages

AKA Day at the Oklahoma State Capitol – Pre-Regional Conference, Wednesday March 18, Oklahoma City, OK

AKA Day at the Missouri State Capitol Monday, March 30, Jefferson City, MO

AKA Day at the Nebraska State Capitol TBD – Omaha, NE

AKA Day at the Colorado State Capitol Monday April 6, Denver, CO

Soror Twyla Woods Buford Mid-Western Region Representative International Connection Committee, Iota Zeta Omega Chapter Des Moines, IA


A Message from The Midwestern Region Representative to the International Program Committee

Calling All Chapters! Get ready to Launch New Dimensions of Service at your January Chapter Meetings!

We want your Launch pictures so please send to For more information, contact Soror Zelia at or call 785-532-8136.

Soror Zelia Wiley Mid-Western Region Representative International Program Committee, Mu Eta Omega Manhattan, KS


13 Sorors should wear their Launching New Dimensions of Service Scarf & Pin at the January Chapter Meeting as part of the Launch Party.














Delta Tau Chapter’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

of Columbia. The celebrants then headed to the The Delta Tau Chapter recently celebrated their 50th reunion luncheon at the Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Anniversary themed, “One Love, One Sisterhood, One Center on the campus of the Delta Tau,” in a moving, inspiring, University of Missouri-Columbia. and electrifying reunion that drew Charter members in attendance were over 150 sorors from across the honored with recognition and gifts. globe. Alumni of the chapter Delta Tau Alum, Soror Kimberly Riley, converged on Columbia, Missouri on delivered a stirring and heartfelt the weekend of November 14th to address about the importance of honor each other and current sisterhood in these changing and chapter members. Receiving special uncertain times. Following the recognition at the reunion were the luncheon, sorors from each decade or 15 charter members of Delta Tau. era from 1964 to 2014 gathered to Seven Charter members on-hand to Delta Tau Sorors in reunion t-shirts participate in a sing-along to share share in the festivities were Sorors surrounding Kappa Chi Omega Basilieus, those sorority songs special to Delta Jacqueline Wright Coleman, Ella Ruth Soror Linda Garth Tau chapter members during each Daniels Doran, Sandra Whayne Gautt, time period. There were tears and cheers. Mable Jones Grimes, Peggye Hill Mezile, Jacqueline Reeves Moore, and Patricia Hooper Saunders. That evening, sorors and family members attended a The weekend began with a registration and happy hour formal banquet at the Courtyard by Marriott in reception held at the Stoney Creek Inn Hotel on Friday Columbia. Attendees were serenaded by Delta Tau night. The atmosphere was warm, cheerful and alum, Soror Suzanne Palmer, and the Keith Johnson melodious as sorors from every Trio. Following a processional of the decade gathered to sing songs and current Delta Tau members and the chants heralding their love and chapter charter members, Former allegiance to Alpha Kappa Alpha Regional Director, Soror Maggie A. Green, Sorority, Inc and to Delta Tau. gave the meditation and blessing. Charter Following a brief program featuring Soror Peggye Hill Mezile gave beautiful the Mid-Western Regional Director words of wisdom and additional reflections and Delta Tau alum, Soror Jan were provided by Sorors Sandra Whayne Carpenter-Baker, the room was Gautt, Mable Jones Grimes, and Patricia ablaze with the flash of cameras, Hooper Saunders. Sorors Suzanne Palmer, excited shrieks, and ecstatic hugs Loren Stevenson Wilson, Lyah LeFlore, as sorors initiated in Delta Tau over Madam Regional Director and Delta Tau Nikel Cleaves, and Kimberly Henderson the past 50 years gathered to pose Charter Members enjoyed a grand time! presented a moving musical tribute. for pictures and tell their stories. After a Saturday night of celebration, Sorors On Saturday, Delta Tau alums and current chapter participated in a morning of praise and worship at sorors sported their reunion t-shirts to take part in a Second Baptist Church on Sunday. The reunion ended community service project at the Boys’ and Girls’ Club with a brunch and a tender farewell.

Congratulations to the Delta Tau 50th Anniversary Committee Soror Audrianna Higginbotham (Chair), Soror Kelsey Harris (Basileus), Soror Jordyn Archie, Soror Aubrey Miller, Soror Brittani Remi, and Soror Erika Fadel (Graduate Advisor). Special thanks to the Alumni Planning Committee led by Soror Barbara Anne Washington and Soror Jennifer Coleman. Photo highlights can be viewed on


HAPPENINGS: Delta Chapter’s upcoming Centennial Celebration

Delta Chapter Centennial: Theme- “1915- 2015 Delta Chapter: 100 Years Standing – Standing for Service, Standing for Sisterhood, Standing for Scholarship

February 13-15, 2015 University of Kansas Lawrence, KS Online Registration:

Deadline January 15, 2015. Contact us:

Members of the Delta Chapter, University of Kansas

For details and ticket information for all the events which include a luncheon, banquet, tours, and step show with a $1000 Grand prize go to:


In addition to this link, you can follow Delta Chapter on Twitter: @DeltaChapterAKA or add us as a friend on Facebook at: Delta Chapter AKAs for more information on upcoming events!


HAPPENINGS: Soror Jan’s Regional Director Reception

Mu Omega Chapter of Kansas City, Kansas, and the home chapter of Mid-Western Regional Director, Soror Jan M. Carpenter Baker, hosted a reception in her honor at the Memorial Hall in downtown Kansas City, Ks. on Saturday, November 1, 2014. As you walked into the building you were met with pink and green flood lights which shone on the buildings pillars stretching up to the sky. The room was filled with a festive yet heartwarming atmosphere. Mistress of ceremony for the evening was Soror Barbara Anne Washington. Blessing on the event were rendered by Rev. Theodore Collier, Assistant to University of Missouri Columbia Bishop for Leadership Development. Greetings were delivered by Greater Kansas City Metropolitan AKA Basileus, Soror Carla Gunner, Beta Omega Chapter, Soror Jamie Braden, Xi Tau Omega Chapter, and Soror Kelly Loeb, Upsilon Omega Chapter. Guest were entertained by Violinist Adrienne King and dined on a variety of culinary delights. The theme for the evening was “An Alpha Kappa Alpha Life for Me” and included remarks from a variety of special guest and family members, including Soror Jan’s sister’s, Soror Sandra Carpenter and Soror Martha Carpenter, and a video presentation of Soror Jan’s life from birth. Wonderful musical selections were rendered by Soror Ozanna Obasi, and Soror Jan’s nephew, Julius Carpenter. Special guest who traveled to Kansas for the occasion was 25th Mid-Western Regional Director Soror Brenda Lewis, and International Protocol Committee, Armisha Harrison-Walker. Both presented on the program. Soror Armisha Harrison-Walker introduced the special guest, and Soror Brenda Lewis presented Soror Jan’s work and dedication to AKA. Madam Regional Director was introduced to attendees by her own chapter Basileus, Soror Tanesha Thompson, Mu Omega Chapter. After heartfelt remarks and thanks by Soror Jan, the charge was delivered by 19th Mid-Western Regional Director Soror Delorise Gines and blessings on her journey by Soror, Rev. Laurice A. Valentine. Photo highlights on courtesy of Soror Gerri Jenkins-Hopkins.


HAPPENINGS: Soror Dorothy King Tucker recognized as the oldest living Mid-West Regional Director, Celebrates 90th Birthday

(Left to Right): Olajide Danmola, Kia Tucker-Neville, Soror Dorothy King Tucker, Adella Smith, Odette Scobey.


oror Dorothy King Tucker, our 15th Mid-Western Regional Director, was honored on her 90th birthday at a special dinner party hosted by her daughter Kia Tucker Neville, in the Eclipse Room of Remington Park in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The honoree was a long-time teacher and principal at Northeast High School, Oklahoma City, OK, who retired in 1986. She moved to Atlanta to live with her daughter. They now live in Pawtucket, R.I. Soror Dorothy was a member of Beta Sigma Omega Chapter. She shared the event with family, friends, former students, teachers and staff from Northeast High School. She recognized a friend and co-worker, Ruth Allen who is 100 years old. Also in attendance was Maggie Green, 28th Mid-Western Regional Director, Vicki Miles-LaGrange, 27th MidWestern Regional Director, Wanda Johnson, 18th Mid-Western Regional Director, Joyce Henderson, Barbara Brooks, Betty Mason, Cheryl Booth, Mary Lou Miles, Georgetta James, Priscilla Metoyer, Mary Breshers, Rhoda and Larry Marshall, Antoinette Roach, Rosette Culpepper as well as many other Sorors from the Greater Oklahoma City community. She received special recognition as the oldest living Mid-West Regional Director of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.




Beta Omega Crowns Miss Traci Adrianna Blue Miss Debutante 2014

Beta Omega Chapter presented twenty lovely and talented young ladies to society on Friday, November 28th at the 62nd Annual Debutante Ball entitled “Beauty, Elegance, & Royalty” at the Sheraton Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri. Miss Debutante 2013, Kiara Lynne Lewis, daughter of Soror Kimberlyn Jones and granddaughter of Soror Virginia Jones, crowned Miss Traci Adrianna Blue, senior at Olathe North High School as the new 2014 Miss Debutante. Book scholarships were presented to all 2014 Debutantes. The breathtaking traditional waltz was performed by Presenters and Debutantes. The Debutantes and Escorts did unique and intricate steps for the second waltz in the sophisticated style and trademark of Soror Kimberlyn Jones owner of Kansas City Metropolitan Dance Theatre. A Royal Grand Finale! Soror Marshaun Butlter served as this year’s general chairperson and Soror Mary Burroughs served as general co-chairperson. Carla J. Gunner is Basileus of Beta Omega.

Miss Debutante 2014, Miss Traci Adrianna Blue Miss Debutante 1st Runner-Up, Miss Myia Michell Dickerson. Tied for 2nd Runner-Up, Miss Arayah Patrice Lewis, and Miss Mary Grace Wright. Miss Scholarship, Miss Clark Sykes. Miss Scholarship Runner-Up, Miss Kori Blaine Hines. Miss Congeniality, Miss Cydney Leigh Edwards. Miss Fundraising, Miss MacKenzie Monique Patterson.


HAPPENINGS: Alpha Iota Omega Crowns Alexandria Williams “Miss Fashionetta 2014”

Motown: Pearls of Vision & Purpose The Alpha Iota Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. of Topeka/Lawrence Kansas presented their Annual Scholarship Ball on Saturday, November 15, 2014. This illustrious event was held at the Maner Conference Center in Topeka, Kansas where Ten Pearls of Topeka and Lawrence participated in the program, “ Motown: Pearls of Vision & Purpose”.

The 2014 Pearls are ; Imani Hugins , Jhailyn Johnson, Dalyla Jordan, Lydeah Kearse, Julissa McCall, Morgan Mitchiner, Marissa Pope, Alicea Thompson, Alexandria Williams, and T’Keyah Williamson. Escorts participating in this year’s event were; D’Anthony Andrews, Langston Carper, Lesane Carter, Miles Dortch, Kobe Goudeau, Tyrece Parker, Phillip White, William White, and Ahmad Winston. Several Pearls and one escort were awarded numerous scholarships. Scholarships were funded by Soror Barbara Davis, the family of Soror Marian Henderson, Capital Federal, and Security Benefit. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. presented the Mr. Essay Award to Miles Dortch. The Katherine Rainbow Earhart Award was presented to Alexandria Williams. Miss Congeniality was awarded to Dalyla Jordan. Miss Community Service was awarded to Julissa McCall. Miss ACT was presented to Morgan Mitchiner. Miss GPA had three recipients; Honorable Mention was presented to Lydeah Kearse, Miss GPA Junior was T’Keyah Williamson, and Miss GPA Senior was presented to Imani Huggins. Miss Essay had three recipients too which included 2nd Runner up Julissa McCall, 1st Runner Up Alexandria Williams, and Miss Essay was presented to Dalyla Jordan. Miss Talent was awarded to two Pearls, 1st Runner Up was Dalyla Jordan and Miss Talent was Lydeah Kearse. The Runner-Up for Fashionetta 2014 was presented to Julissa McCall. Miss Fashionetta 2014 was presented to Alexandria Williams.



HAPPENINGS: Xi Tau Omega Crowns Miss Alivia Tolbert, Little Miss AKA

The Xi Tau Omega Chapter presented their 23rd Little Miss AKA Pageant, “A Dream for Tomorrow Shining Brightly Today” on November 9, 2014 at the Paseo Academy of Fine Arts in Kansas City, Mo. The Little Miss AKA Pageant is one of Xi Tau Omegas signature programs for girls in the 4th and 5th grades. It is a twelve week program designed to help girls become contributing members of society by focusing on self development, talent, presentation skills, socialization and self respect. Soror Jasmine Fields and Soror Ashley Arnold served as this year’s pageant Chairman and Co-Chairman. The pageant which included eight energetic young ladies opened with an exciting dance routine to the song; “Happy”, by Pharrell, choreographed by Xi Tau Omega member, Soror Renita Shelton. Afterwards, each contestant shared their talent numbers, and ended with a question posed to them for the benefit of the judges. Miss Alivia Tolbert was crowned Little Miss AKA, Miss Finance, and 1st Runner Up for Miss Talent. Miss Javaughn Miller was Little Miss AKA 1st Runner Up, Miss Talent, and Miss Congeniality. Little Miss AKA 2nd Runner Up and 2nd Runner Up Miss Talent was Miss Kiara Odums. Miss JaNae McKelvy was awarded Miss Citizenship. The other participants were Aaliyah Davis, Raven Jenkins, Sami Neal, and De’Yunna Roby In addition to the awards for the Royal Court, all participants received a trophy, gift bags and certificates.

Little Miss AKA Alivia Tolbert and Royal Court, left to right Kendall Murff, LMAKA 2013, Kiara Odums, 2nd runner up and 2nd runner up Miss Talent, Little Miss AKA, Alivia Tolbert and Miss Finance, 1st runner up and Miss Talent, Javaughn Miller, Miss Citizenship JaNae McKelvy. Back row: Sorors Ashley Arnold, Jamie Braden, Basileus, and Tarena Terry.



Since 1984, the members of the Beta Kappa Omega Chapter have presented Wichita's outstanding young women. With the theme “CHAMPIONS”, which is an acronym for “Creative, Happy, Ambitions, Motivated, Phenomenal, Intelligent, Open Minded, Noteworthy, and Service Orientated”, BKO celebrated their 30th Fashionetta ®

Fourteen beautiful pearls, took the spotlight and soared to heights that will aid them in becoming champions. On Saturday, November 1st, BKO crowned Miss Shayla Johnson Miss Fashionetta 2014. Miss Allyce Harrison was crowned Miss AKA Pearl 2014, granddaughter of Soror Claudette Harrison. BKO 2014 Fashionetta Pearls had over $50,000 in scholarships. Fashionetta Chairmen were Soror Atha Briley and Soror Krista Lovette.






Pi Xi holds AKA Week at UCM-The Preeminent Pi Xi Chapter of University of Central, Mo. held their AKA Week “AmerAKA’s Most Wanted” on November 17-22. Sorors Chelsea White, Basileus, Janice Stalling, Anti-Basileus, Ashley Procter and Jazmine Spencer, hosted several events during the week, which included a scholarship informational forum, Step Show & Stroll Off Competition, Brest Cancer Awareness session where attendees engaged in discussion about loving themselves enough to do breast exams regularly. The highlight of the session was each attendee creating their own hand painted bra. They ended the week with community service at Ridge Crest Nursing home. The sorors along with 13 student volunteers put up Christmas decorations, helped serve lunch to the residents, and raked leaves. The director Peggy Hawthorne , who runs the center by herself, was so grateful for their help.

Alpha Iota Participates In Campus Beautification The Alpha Iota Chapter, on the campus of Lincoln University, has centered many community service events this semester on the beautification of their campus. August 29th kicked off their initiative with “Campus Cleanup.” Members purchased trash bags and gloves and put their pretty hands to work making sure all litter was picked up and disposed. On Oct 25th AI in collaboration with Lincoln University’s NPHC planned a “Greek Sweep” where representatives from every organization volunteered their Saturday morning to also improve the look of their University. Three days later the chapter teamed up with the men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Psi Chapter, for cafeteria clean cleanup, by wiping down tables, sweeping and throwing away trash, in LUs new renovated cafeteria. The latest campus beautification event involvement was November 8th where AI once again teamed up with the NPHC to pick up trash after LU’s last home football game. Alpha Iota understands how important it is to sustain a clean campus and environment, and hope to be an example to students on how important it is to keep “our home” clean.





Theta Beta & Friends Volunteer at the Stillwater Humane Society and hold Think Pink Week The Fall 2014 has been a very productive year for the Theta Beta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Beta attended the 2014 Undergraduate Round-Up, Hosted a Welcoming Tea with approx. 45 young ladies in attendance, Think Pink Week, Theta Beta Reunion, Male Appreciation Day which included an all male pageant, a Fashion Show and Breast Cancer Awareness tabling. Theta Beta volunteered at the local Humane Society, hosted several canned food drives and donated backpacks to the local battered woman's shelter as well as local homeless shelter. Theta Beta also took first place in the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Stroll Off. Theta Beta has a strong sisterhood (like no other) that strives to make a major impact on the OSU campus as well as the Stillwater community. Theta Beta's proud to announce our graduating sorors to graduate December 13, 2014: Terri Grayson and Ashlee Jefferson. Go Pokes!!!!!!!!!!!

Kappa Psi Supports Childhood Hunger Initiatives The Kappa Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc packed over 280 boxes of food, for the Feed the Children, Oklahoma City location in October. The ladies of Kappa Psi invited other students from the University of Oklahoma to join the efforts.The aim of “Feed the Children” is to end childhood hunger and we participated in the cause. Captured in the photos are Sorors Regennia Johnson, Caroline Bennett, Yetunde Obasade and Kiana King and Sorors Marla Bailey and Soror Sha-Ree Wrice. Kappa Psi provided a fun and uplifting environment for everyone volunteering that evening. This was a pleasurable way to target Family strengthening and support the Childhood Hunger Initiatives.”




The Extravagant Epsilon Theta Chapter is only two years old since their rechartering date on November 11, 2012. In spite of a young age, the Sorors have already placed the Alpha Kappa Alpha stamp through the yard at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA. In being the Alpha Women they are, they continue to hold leadership positions on their campus to affect the community in a positive way. Sorors Porscha Brown and Chloe Robertson hold executive position within their campus’ National Pan-Hellenic Counsel as Director of Programs and Director of Finance and Operation. This helps in pushing the Divine 9 in the right direction within the confines of a predominantly white institution. Soror Ahyanna Tolbert is the Vice President of Marketing for the Multicultural Business Student Association in the Tippie College of Business at the university. She creates flyers, manages social media, and serves as a delegate for the organization. Here are some highlights of events that The Extravagant Epsilon Theta chapter have done this year. The chapter held a “Unity for Dark Girls” event in February earlier this year where they discussed issues of colorism that we face in the black community. For the event they invited other sororities on campus to join in the discussion. In April, the chapter participated in “Relay for Life” for a second year to raise money for cancer prevention and awareness, they raised over $500. In September, the chapter held a “Get Pretty” event where they watched movies, did nails, and collected over 300 ounces of food which



they brought to Roundup conference in Overland Park, KS to be donated. In October, the chapter also held a bake sale where they raised over $100 to buy winter clothing for those in need. Pictured are Sorors at the National PanHellenic Council event “Meet the Greeks”.

Undergraduate Sorors of the Mid-Western Region

We want to know what you are doing on your campus! The C.H.A.T. is the official newsletter of the MidWestern Region, published quarterly. Be Sure to Submit articles to:

On Sunday, Oct 12, 2014 in Jefferson City, MO. on the campus of Lincoln University, Alpha Iota welcomed three phenomenal women to our illustrious organization. This was Alpha Iota's first Fall Initiation in over 10 years! Pictured is Soror Alexis Wells a Senior, Journalism Major from Southeast, MO., Soror Nakeisha Holden, Senior Business Administration Major from Ft. Hood, Texas, and Soror Melanie Brown, Senior Business Marketing Major, from St. Paul, MN.

Beta Beta gained 10 new members this past fall! On December 1st, 2014 they made their campus introduction at the University of Central Oklahoma

On November 16, 2014 in Lawrence, Kansas at the University of Kansas, Delta Chapter welcomed SS. Harmonic Fall 2014 Soror Jhenay Curry, Senior Neurobiology Major, Soror Mykala Sandifer, Senior Sociology Major, Soror Leigha Sledge in 5 year Professional Masters of Architecture program, Soror Brooke Buckner, Sophomore Nursing Major with a human sexuality minor. These diverse women have skills and talents that will be a great asset to our chapter, and the organization as a whole. Theta Beta w elcomed Seven Dynamic Sorors in Spring 2014 to the campus of Oklahoma State University


HAPPENINGS: THINK HBCU! Mid-Western Region Supports Historically Black Colleges and Universities Chapters across the Mid-Western Region participated in HBCU Awareness Week held September 22 to 29, 2014 to kick off Launching New Dimensions of Service Target I: Educational Enrichment initiative. In a show of support for our Historically Black Colleges and Universities and how they have contributed to our sorority and society, members donated to their favorite institution in the “08” campaign, showed their pride by wearing HBCU paraphernalia and posted pictures to their social media pages. If you attended an HBCU, we encourage you to update your membership profile in the members’ only section of the

Sigma Sigma Omega, Lawton, OK

Gamma Upsilon Omega, Jefferson City, MO

Alpha Iota, Lincoln University

Mu Omega, Kansas City, KS

Beta Omega. Kansas City, MO

Alpha Chi Omega, Tulsa, OK

Upsilon Rho Omega, Overland Park, KS

Xi Tau Omega, Grandview, Mo.



Beta Omicron Omega Chapter Sorors Cheryl Booth and Deborah Owens giving out school supplies at the Back-to-School Block Party



Xi Tau Omega Host 4th Women of Worth (W.O.W.) Conference

Xi Tau Omega Chapter, in partnership with the Women’s Foundation of Kansas City, Missouri hosted their 4th Women Of Worth (W.O.W.) Conference on October 4th, where over 150 women attended. This year’s FREE conference surrounding the theme “Helping Women Help Themselves for a Brighter Tomorrow” was held at the Mary Kelly Center in Kansas City, Missouri. The chapter has begun the mission of Launching New Dimensions of Service and through the conference was able to provide several pre-launch activities. The workshop topics encompassed many of the International Program Target areas including Target I - Educational Enrichment, Target II – Health Promotions, and Target III -Family Strengthening with such areas as Moody Me! Balancing Your Mental Health lead by Soror Penny Rice, Obtaining Your Financial Freedom Now! Empowering Your Lifestyle By Bridging the Digital Divide lead by Soror Pauline Johnson, and Fit Four U by Soror Estelle Brooks. During the day of empowerment, attendees were able to shop and visit with our all women owned business gallery. One highlight was the Seasonal Wrap Clothing Drive in support of Target III, where four laundry baskets full of coats, gloves, scarves, and hats was collected for families in need and presented to the Rose Brook Women’s Shelter and Mary Kelly Center. The event coordinator was Soror Jennifer Malone. Xi Tau Omega appreciated the opportunity to bring a little beacon of light to the women of the Greater Kansas City Missouri Community, and look forward Beta Omicron Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, to continuing our services to all mankind. Soror Jamie Braden is the chapter Incorporated had its beginnings in Okmulgee, Oklahoma in 1937 Basileus. Pictured are committee members . as a vision of seven graduate sorors. The chapter now has a membership of 14 members. Their current programs are the Martin Luther King Observance, support of breast cancer and mammograms, hunger, diabetes, autism, Alzheimer’s, literacy, a “can-can” social where middle school students bring can goods to enter the social and to contribute to the Food Bank, mothers and infants, children of incarcerated parents, senior citizens and a Back-toSchool Block Party which fed over 500 children and parents and gave out more than 400 bags of school supplies.




Alpha Chi Omega Held 15th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and Health Fair Tulsa, OK – Alpha Chi Omega Chapter held 15th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and Health Fair on October 25, 2014 at the Tulsa Health Department North Regional Health and Wellness Center. This year’s event brought awareness to breast cancer and other types of cancers that impact the African American community. Cancer survivors were recognized along with those fighting the battle. In addition, the community was encouraged to honor family members who have won or lost the battle to cancer. The proceeds supported Oklahoma Project Woman which is a program that provides free mammograms and assistance for those with little or no health care and Soulful Survivors which is a local support group for African American women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The health fair consisted of various groups and volunteers, and the Tulsa community was provided with a wealth of information including but not limited to the new health care laws, stroke risks, blood pressure and blood sugar, CPR, and breast cancer facts and tips. There was also a healthy food and cooking demonstration. The following helped make this event successful: Tulsa Health Department North Regional Health and Wellness Center, Oklahoma Project Woman, Soulful Survivors, Tulsa Police and Fire Departments, Morton Comprehensive Health Services, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Be Covered Oklahoma, Guiding Right, Transitions Life Care, American Heart Association, Alzheimer’s Association, St. Francis Hospital, Food on the Move and Omega Psi Phi.



Pictured are Basileus Delaina Holmes and members of Alpha Chi Omega.

Pictured are participants of the walk and health fair.

Pictured are Award Recipient Soror Priscilla Haynes and Members of Omega Psi Phi.

Alpha Chi Omega Supporting Omega Annual Achievement Week and Awards Banquet

Tulsa, OK – Alpha Chi Omega Chapter attended the Omega Annual Achievement Week and Awards Banquet. This event recognizes those who have made significant contributions toward improving the quality of life for African Americans and proceeds benefit the fraternity’s scholarship funds. Our very own Priscilla Hayes was one of the award recipients.




Mu Omega Donates Toiletry Packages to Friends of Yates Domestic Violence Shelter Mu Omega chapter donated more than 100 bags of toiletries that will be given to incoming residents at the Friends of Yates Domestic Violence Shelter in Kansas City, Kansas. Mu Omega has partnered with Friends of Yates all of 2014 by conducting several workshops at the facility as well as donating items. The bags of toiletries each contained soap, shampoo, lotion, deodorant, and other toiletries needed for individuals in the shelter. Members of Mu Omega collected the items during their summer vacations to donate. Friends of Yates, Inc. is a community based agency with a full continuum of services including domestic violence prevention and intervention programming, community response to crime, youth development, and many other supportive services to thousands of persons each year. Friends of Yates, Inc. reach out to people across our community each year. Their focus and service programs have allowed them to meet the needs of the community at a variety of different levels. Though the cause may be domestic violence and/or poverty; they are helping individuals to rebuild their integrity, reclaim their independence, and foster an empowered level of self-esteem. This initiative supports our Family Strengthening program target designed to target critical issues facing many families. Tanesha Thompson is Basileus of Mu Omega chapter. Ingrid Hubbard is Anti-Basileus and Program Chairman. Jamila Edwards served as chairman of this program target. Pictured are Sorors Jamila Edwards and Salatha Jones.



Mu Omega Participated in American Cancer Relay For Life

Mu Omega Chapter strives to uphold the purpose of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. by providing service to all mankind. Through our chapter’s successful programs, Mu Omega has managed to give back to the community through a number of fundraisers such as Relay for Life. At Relay For Life events, communities across the globe come together to honor cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that has already taken too much. This year we walked in honor of Sorors Sandra Boyd, Kelly Connor-Wilson, and Eva Whitmire. The funds we raised truly make a difference in the fight against cancer. Mu Omega is doing its part to create a future in which cancer doesn’t steal another year of anyone’s life. The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life supported the Global Leadership Through Timeless Service Health initiatives designed to supports organizations which advance access to treatment and coordinate awareness and advocacy campaigns to reduce health disparities, save lives and impact health related legislation and will continue to support Target II Health Promotions initiatives.




Theta Upsilon Omega


The Theta Upsilon Omega Chapter’s Pearls of Purpose Team participated in the 2014 Southwest Oklahoma Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Saturday, November 1, 2014 at Elmer Thomas Park in Lawton, Oklahoma. The chapter members were among 400 participants and walkers who raised more than $35,000 in the effort of finding a cure for Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia. This event was also to increase the awareness of this disease. Participants held up blue, yellow, purple, and orange flowers all with meanings of how the disease has touched them.

On Sunday, October 26, the sorors of Psi Chi Omega participated in the Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk at Holmes Lake in Lincoln, NE. Six sorors walked the 5k, and others participated financially. Team “Pink and Green Divas” raised $500 for breast cancer research. .

On Sunday, October 12, 9 individuals ventured out into the Lincoln community to raise funds and awareness for local victims of domestic violence. The Safe Quarters campaign is an annual initiative by Friendship Home, the only local shelter that provides a safe living space to women and their children who are escaping domestic abuse. The event, which is highly anticipated each year, sends volunteers door-to-door in their designated precincts asking for donations of quarters, dollars, checks and change. The Psi Chi Omega team collected over $600 cash in less than 3 hours. The 2014 Safe Quarters event raised more than $110,000 for Friendship Home.





Upsilon Rho Omega Chapter of Overland Park, KS makes an uplifting, remarkable and outstanding $2,000.00 donation to Heifer International in support of the sorority's commitment to eradicating poverty around the world and its program of Global Leadership through Timeless Service. Presenting check is Soror Diane West, Anti-Basileus, Soror Kelly Loeb, Basileus, and Soror Lenora Ivy.

Beta Kappa Omega supports the 95th Annual Wichita Branch NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet held at the Marriott Hotel at 6:00 p.m. in Wichita, KS. Sorors Mildred Edwards, Gail Finney and Carrie Jones-Williams, were recognized. Soror Angela Smith & ‘Honey Do’ John Wright (Soror Karen) of Channel 12 were the Emcees. Soror Crystal Turner designed our AKA page in the Souvenir Book. Sorors Sandra Rankin and Lavonta Williams serve on the Executive Committee of the NAAACP Wichita Branch.


BKO Sorors 2014"Honoring our Vision" Award recipients Janett Jackson Community Service: Carrie Jones-Williams Theo Cribbs Political Action: Rep. Gail Finney Chester I Lewis Distinguished Service: Dr. Mildred Edwards





Beta Omega Connection Committee Serves Mankind “Service to all mankind” has been the mantra of the Beta Omega Chapter of Kansas City, Missouri Connections Committee. They have spent the year focused on social justice, human rights, and supporting the community through service. The Connection committee focus on service has lead them to build relationships with other orMost recently the Connections Committee partganizations through out the year such as the nered with the Harvesters Community Food NAACP, the Salvation Army, local alternative Network of Kansas City to support its Operation schools, other Missouri Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror Carol Graves with Soror Anita Breadbasket food drive. The drive is held anchapters, Hope House (a local women’s shel- Russell, NAAACP KC President nually to increase the inventory of the food ter), and the non-profit Children of Incarcerbank before the Thanksgiving and Christmas ated Parents. holidays. According to Harvester’s, “one in seven people is in its support area is food inse- The connection committee is ending its year cure. Food insecurity means that a person or with a potluck dinner and each committee household may have food today, but does not member making a donation toward sponknow if there will be food tomorrow or enough soring a family for the holidays. food for everyone in the household.” Partnerships, connecting with organizations Beta Omega Chapter members spent the day and people, are key to the connection comon Saturday, November 8 at a local grocery mittee truly providing “Service to All Mancollecting cash and food items for the pantry. kind.” The day was a great success! Several barrels of The Basileus of the Beta Omega Chapter is food were collected and sorors linked with one Carla Gunner. The chairman of the Connecanother for a wonderful day. tion Committee is Carol Graves



Beta Omega Soror Marshaun Butler wins prestigious honor from Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce



Achievers Society of Kansas City (current President), Leadership Overland Park, Centurions Leadership Development Program, the University of Kansas (KU) Alumni Ambassador and KU Health Care Executive of the Future Award. Soror Julia T. Brown Receives Trailblazer Award

Soror Marshaun Butler, MHSA, Vice President of Children's Mercy South and Regional Medical Practices, was honored this fall by the KC Chamber with the ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award, which recognizes emerging women leaders for their personal and professional success. She was among a record-high 25 nominees and received the award Oct. 15 at a reception at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. The ATHENA awards (ATHENA Leadership Award and the Young ATHENA Leadership Award) are granted to women who have displayed exemplary leadership across professional sectors, given their time and talent to the community, and who actively assist women in their attainment of professional excellence.

Congratulations to Soror Julia T. Brown Esq, on receiving the OSU Black Alumni Society’s Trailblazer Award. This year’s award emphasized efforts by female trailblazers who had made their mark in Business and Industry, Education, Government and Community Service, Health, etc. She is a graduate Oklahoma State University, and a 1975 Graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Law where she served as her law class president. She is a former Assistant District Attorney and Assistant Attorney General in Oklahoma, Soror Julia also served both as an enlisted soldier and an Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps officer. Julia retired at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy Commander of the 75th Legal Support Organization. She serves as the national vice-president of the American Association of University Women, and is also a member of the OSU Alumni Association, NAACP, in addition to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Soror Julia is now the Dona Ana County Manager in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

An active contributor to the Kansas City metro community, Soror Marshaun is a member of the Overland Park Chamber and currently serves as Vice Chair for the Overland Park Economic Development Council. She also is on the Board of Directors for Johnson County Community College Foundation, Mattie Rhodes, Swope Ridge Geriatric Center, Reach Out and Read-Kansas City and Concord Fortress of Hope Church, and is also a member of American College of Health Care Executives and an alumna of the Leadership Overland Park and Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce’s Centurions Leadership Programs. She also is an influential member of the Beta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and the Greater Kansas City Chapter of Links. Her honors include Who’s Who in Black Kansas City, Black


Pictured Soror Jacqueline Bass, Soror Julia T. Brown, and Former Mid-Western Regional Director, Soror Maggie Green






her to teach at Whittier Elementary School in 1935, Greenwood became one of the first African American school teachers in Denver. In 1943, Greenwood married, and two years later, in 1945, she took a hiatus from teaching in order to raise a family. One of her four children became the first African American student to attend Newlon Elementary School. In 1953, Greenwood returned to teaching part-time as a substitute also at Newlon Elementary School. At this time, African American teachers were assigned only to schools in the predominantly African American northeast neighborhood of Denver. However, the parents of Newlon students realized Greenwood’s proficiency at teaching, and in 1955, she was accepted as a full-time teacher.

Educator Marie Louise Greenwood, a member of the Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter, was born on November 24, 1912 in Los Angeles, California. Her parents, a railroad chef and a domestic worker, moved the family to Denver, Colorado in 1925 searching for better opportunities. Having parents who stressed education, Greenwood decided to pursue teaching as a career. Upon graduating from West High School, her academic record as one of Colorado’s top students earned her a scholarship. This enabled her to enroll in Colorado Teacher’s College in Greeley where she was confronted with blatant racism. She was prevented from living on campus or joining any student organizations. In 1935, Greenwood was encouraged by the minister of her church to take the Colorado State Teacher’s Examination. She successfully passed the written examination and oral interview. Upon receiving a letter of assignment entitling

Greenwood has donated The Marie Greenwood Papers to the Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library in Denver. This bequest contains materials spanning from the 1930s and 1940s and from the 1980s to 2001. She accumulated these documents during her years as a teacher and community volunteer. Greenwood was interviewed by The HistoryMakers on April 19, 2007. She is the author of two books, Every Child Can Learn and By the Grace of God: The True Life Journey of 100 Years.

IVIES BEYOND THE WALL Soror Maxine Garrett Myers (Silver Star)

lic Church, where she served three terms as the Co-Chairman of the Pastoral Council, a team member of the Generations of Faith Program, the Director of Religious Education, and many other organizations in the faith community.

Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Beta Omega Chapter; John Knox Village Auxiliary; member of Book Lovers’ Club of Kansas City, MO .

Soror Enid Marsh

Soror Mary Louise Milner Phillips (Golden Soror)

2 42

Soror Maxine was an educator with the Kansas City, MO School District for 42 years. She taught both elementary and secondary students at Kumpf Elementary, Central High School, Lincoln High School, The Kansas City Technical Education Center and Westport High School. She attended Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO and received a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration; as well as her teaching certification. She later obtained her Master’s Degree from Emporia State College in Emporia, KS and Vocational Education Certification from the Missouri Department of Vocational Education in Sedalia, MO Soror Maxine was initiated into Mu Omega Chapter in 1968 and remained a proud and active member of the Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated until her death. She enjoyed her affiliation with the chapter as she did as a member of the Kansas City Lincoln University Alumni Association, and the national chapter. Soror Maxine was an active member of the St. Monica Catho-

Soror Mary Louise Milner Phillips, 88, passed away peacefully October 28, 2014. She earned BA from Fisk University, Nashville, TN, MS from Butler University, Indianapolis, IN, postgraduate studies, Indiana State University, CMSU and University of Missouri at Columbia, MO. Soror Mary Louise was an elementary teacher and administrator in Indiana and Missouri for approximately 30 years. Community involvement: Elder First Presbyterian Church, Liberty, MO; served on Planning and Review for Heartland Presbytery; Liberty Planning and Zoning Commission; Liberty School Board; Board of Directors for Immacolata Manor; Synergy Service, Inc.; Northland Shepherd Center; Volunteer Director for AARP; life member National Education Association; Golden Soror and life member of Alpha Kappa

Soror Enid departed this life to the embrace of the Lord on October 8, 2014, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Soror Enid earned Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology in 1997 from Howard University in Washington, D.C. She also earned a Medical Preparatory Certificate from Southern Illinois University and a GEME Certificate from St. Louis University in 2000. In 1999, Soror Enid became a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated; Gamma Kappa Omega Chapter. She continued to serve for many years in the Mu Omega Omega Chapter of Aurora, Colorado. She held an office and volunteered on various committees including wellness and finance in pursuit of the sorority’s mission. By profession, Soror Enid was a Manager for Cox Communications Wireless in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She was hard working and dedicated.


Recognitions Congratulations Sentiments 

Soror Lessie Rodriguez, Nebraska State Connection Coordinator, Delta Epsilon Omega Chapter, in the loss of her brother Leon Davis on November 7, 2014.

Soror Colleen Venters, Cluster E Coordinator, Beta Omicron Omega Chapter, in the loss of her father Mr. Hulin Mixon on November 8, 2014.

Sorors Nelsonna Barnes and Patricia Potts, and Sorors Joy Barnes, Beta Kappa Omega Chapter, Sorors Tanika Harding and Megan Smith, in the loss of their father and grandfather Mr. Nelson Grubbs, Jr. on October 14, 2014.

Soror Tia Alexander, Beta Omega Chapter, in the loss of her father Isaac “Ike” Gardner on December 4, 2014.

Soror Emily Miller, Delta Epsilon Omega Chapter in the loss of her brother Earnest Wheatfall on November 19, 2014. He was the husband of Soror Pinkie Wheatfall who passed just recently.

Soror Regina Baker, Alpha Chi Omega for the loss of her sister in law.

Soror LaTonya Scott, Alpha Chi Omega for recuperating from surgery.

Soror Alberta Jones, Alpha Chi Omega for continued healing.

Soror Felicia Jones-Senter, Alpha Chi Omega for the caring of her mother Soror Alberta Jones.

Soror Glenda DuBoise, a proud member of Alpha Iota Omega of Topeka, Kansas was recently among the first six women recognized by the Women's Initiative of Go Topeka's Entrepreneurial and Minority Business Development Council for outstanding contributions to the Topeka Community. Soror Glenda was given the Community Service Award for her service at the Antioch Family Life Center, as well as her service as interim executive director of the Marian Clinic.

Soror Lavonta Williams of Beta Kappa Omega received a National Leadership Award. She has been honored as the national winner of the annual Women in Municipal Government (WIMG) Leadership Award. WIMG is a constituency group of the National League of Cities (NLC). The award recognizes a female local official for her unique and outstanding leadership in local government, including individual achievement in initiating creative and successful programs in local government.

Soror Kaye Monk Morgan, Beta Kappa Omega, was installed as the 40th President of the Mid America Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel (MAEOPP) in Bloomington, MN on November 12, 2014. MAEOPP is an organization of college access and success professionals in ten midwestern states. The primary purposes of MAEOPP are professional development and advocacy.

Soror Tamarah Danzy, Alpha Chi Omega for being the recipient of the Teacher of the Year Award for Union Public Schools 8th Grade Center.

Soror Alicia Harvey, Basileus of Epsilon Nu Omega and Cluster A Coordinator, graduated from the Denver Chamber Connect 2014 Graduate of the Leadership Program.



Soror Sally Mims, Alpha Chi Omega, on becoming a 2014 Golden Soror

Soror Kathy Nesbitt Esq, Mu Omega Omega, Aurora Colorado, was named as the Vice President of Employee and Information Systems for the University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado by Governor John Hickenlooper. Nesbitt is responsible for the efficient and effective management of four divisions: Human Resources; Central Services, including the fleet, printing operations, mail delivery and document scanning; the Office of the State Controller, including the State Purchasing Office; and Administrative Courts.

Soror Tracye Love, Alpha Chi Omega for her recent engagement.

Congratulations to Soror Angela Smith, Beta Kappa Omega, on her engagement and wedding.

Soror Brittany Page, Xi Tau Omega, received her Master’s Degree in Management-Healthcare Administration from Baker University on December 14th. She also received a Management promotion at Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, Mo.

Career and Internship Opportunities: Please check the Mid-Western Region website:

Congratulations to our December College Graduates Lincoln University – 1) Soror Asia Sharpe, Sociology Major from Las Vegas Nevada, 2) Soror Kamaria Braye, Journalism Major from Minneapolis, MN, 3) Soror Ta’Quinta Manning, Journalism Major from Memphis, TN, 4) Soror Cierra Griffin, Liberal Studies with emphasis in Elementary Education from St. Louis, MO., 5) Soror Ashley Wells, Marketing Major from Madrid, MO., 6) Alexis Wells, Journalism Major from Madrid, MO.

Oklahoma State University - Soror Terri Grayson and Soror Ashlee Jefferson University of Kansas—Soror Kamilah Sharpe, Wichita, Kansas, received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Wichita State University– Soror Kira Giles and Soror Cree Enna



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Mid-Western Region Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.




My Heavenly Father, as we enter this meeting place, We bring Your presence with us. We speak Your peace, Your grace, Your mercy, and Your perfect order into this meeting. We acknowledge Your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls. Let us all love each other, work together and get along for YOUR sake! Lord, we thank You for the gifts You have blessed us with. We commit to using them responsibly in Your honor. Give us a fresh supply of strength to do our jobs. Anoint our projects, ideas, and energy, so that even our smallest accomplishments may bring You glory. Lord, when we don’t understand, guide us. When we are weary, energize us. When we are burned out, infuse us with the light of the Holy Spirit! May the work that we do and the way we do it bring faith, joy, and a smile to all that we come in contact with today. And oh Lord, when we leave this place, give us traveling mercy. Bless our families and home to be in order as we left them. Lord, we thank you for everything You’ve done, everything You’re doing, and everything You’re going to do. In the Name of Jesus we pray, with much love and thanksgiving.


Submitted by: Soror Cynthia Lartigue Eubanks Alpha Iota Omega Chapter 46

A Special Christmas Message From the Mid-Western Regional Director

Soror Jan M. Carpenter-Baker One of my most favorite Christmas movies is “It’s a Wonderful Life” starring Jimmy Stewart. I anxiously wait every year for the Christmas season so I can watch the movie every time it airs. I love it because I’m a huge Jimmy Stewart fan and because of the special spirit of Christmas message it tells.

The movie threads several messages symbolizing the triumph of good over evil, people coming together to rally around a fellow man in his time of great need, and God’s grace and mercy as demonstrated through the presence of an angel trying to earn his wings. The overriding theme is one of caring, giving and love for all mankind. It is am analytical glimpse of how life could be without one’s presence as though they were never born.

As I reflect on the “reason for the season”, I share with you the greatest gift of love found in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” Now that’s what I call a gift! Aren’t we glad that He was born? Have you ever considered that if God had not loved us so, how life would be without His presence? This should compel each of us to raise the bar in our personal lives through “Launching New Dimensions of Service” by committing to give of ourselves, our time and resources, by committing to New Dimensions of love, peace and joy through acts of kindness not just during Christmas but throughout the year, and by committing to New Dimensions of sisterliness and sisterhood through our interactions with one another.

And my prayer for you is that you and yours will enjoy all of the fullness of Christmas throughout the season. May each of you be blessed immeasurably with the true spirit, knowledge and realization that Jesus the gift to the world is our reason to celebrate His birth so that each of us may say, “It’s a Wonderful Life!”

Sisterly Blessings,

Soror Jan

January – March 2015 Tentative Itinerary Mid-Western Regional Director Jan. 3: Mu Omega Monthly Chapter Meeting, Kansas City, MO

Mar. 14: Founders Day Celebration – Delta Epsilon Omega Chapter, Omaha, NE

Jan. 13: Soror Jan’s Milestone Birthday!

Mar. 18: AKA Day at the Oklahoma State Capitol, Oklahoma City, OK

Jan. 19: MLK Day of Service and Celebration, Kansas City, KS Jan. 23-24: 85th Mid-Western Regional Conference Steering Committee Meeting, Norman, OK Jan. 31: Founders Day Celebration – Alpha Chi Omega Chapter, Tulsa, OK Feb. 7: Mu Omega Monthly Chapter Meeting, Kansas City, MO Feb. 12: AKA Day at the Iowa State Capitol, Des Moines, IA Feb. 13 – 15: Delta Chapter Centennial Celebration, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Feb. 20 – 21: 85th Mid-Western Regional Conference Steering Committee Meeting, Norman, OK Feb. 25 – Mar. 1: Directorate Meeting, Las Vegas, NV Mar. 7: Mu Omega Monthly Chapter Meeting, Kansas City, MO Mar. 10: AKA Day at the Kansas State Capitol, Topeka, KS 48

Mar. 17-22: 85th Mid-Western Regional Conference, Embassy Suites Hotel, Norman, Oklahoma Mar. 30: AKA Day at the Missouri State Capitol with Central Region (St. Louis Chapters), Jefferson City, MO

Happy Holidays

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