Logo-4 Color-4 Font-4 Tagline-5 Terms-5 Features-6 Benefits-6 Association-6 Legitmacy-7 Advancement-7 Board of Directors-8
Logo: (see cover page) 7KH ORJR LV -XOLDQQH·V LQLWLDOV LQ D IRQW DQG color that fits her personality. The pattern JUDEV RQH·V DWWHQWLRQ EXW LVQ·W REQR[LRXV The circles represent all the different DVSHFWV RI -XOLDQQH·V OLIH 6RPH RYHU ODS while others stand alone yet they are all distinct but are all important. Color: Hot Pink Red 255 Green 0 Blue 102 7KLV LV -XOLDQQH·V IDYRULWH FRORU ,W LV EULJKW DQG VWDQGV RXW 7KDW·V ZKDW VKH ZDQWV IRU her brand to stand for as well, something SRVLWLYH WKDW VWDQGV RXW IURP WKH UHVW ,W·V exciting but not overbearing and aggressive like red. Font: Curlz 07 LV WKH IRQW ZLWK -XOLDQQH·V EUDQG It is different. It looks good but it is not simple, straight and boring like most fonts.
JULIANNE SMITH Unique Selling Proposition: Julianne wants to learn as much as possible. She loves to read everything from magazines to text books. Julianne is a good listener, and wants to absorb all she can. She loves to try new things and wants to experience as much as possible in life. Julianne loves to travel and meet new people. She has worked with all types of people from recovering drug addicts to professional athletes. She can teach basketball to anyone much better than she can play it. Julianne loves math and will solve any riddle no matter how long it takes her. She is from a family of six kids, family is very important to her. She is very protective of anything that matters to her. Helping others is her passion. Anything from helping tutor someone with homework or holding the door for someone behind her. Julianne plans to go to Kenya this summer. It has always been a dream of hers. She hopes to touch the lives of as many children as possible. She can find something positive in any situation. She wants to make the most of each day and schedules as much as possible each day to achieve that. Tagline:
If you want your work done right, you want me.
Terms Associated with Julianne: Diligent Honest Organized Dependable Persistent Positive Thorough Charismatic Compassionate Energetic Eager Curious Ambitious Loyal
BRAND Features: Self-starter Time Management Good With People Eager and Quick to learn Leader
Benefits: Julianne is motivated on her on to achieve any goal presented to her. After telling her to do something RQFH VKH GRHVQ¡W QHHG FRQVWDQW PRQLWRULQJ WR SURGXFH the highest quality of work. She can balance many different projects at one time to achieve many goals for her company. She is able to portray information to a wide variety of people on a level they will understand. Julianne is always helping others and giving back. She takes the lead in projects and is always trying to grow and improve herself and those around her.
Associations: Caring Big Heart Smart
Giving Thoughtful Hardworking
Thinker Creative Easy Going
Created first University of Charleston :RPHQ·V 7HQQLV 0HGLD *XLGH
Worked as ticket office intern for Western DQG 6RXWKHUQ )LQDQFLDO :RPHQ V DQG 0DVWHU·V Tournament Graduating from University of Charleston in May 2011 with bachelorette degrees in Sports Administration and Business Administration
Advancement: Julianne plans to advance her brand by pursuing an internship during the summer of 2011 after she returns from Kenya where she will be using sport to help the people, especially children then. Upon completion of this internship Julianne will continue her education in a masters of Sports Administration program in the fall of 2011. Through these endeavors she aims to gain both intellectual and experiential growth in the sports industry.
Assistant Professor Program Coordinator, Sport Administration
University of Charleston Jones Division of Business, #305 2300 MacCorkle Ave., SE Charleston, WV 25304 (304)357-4958 michellewells@ucwv.edu Dr. Bren Stevens
Assistant Professor Associate Athletic Director Head Volleyball Coach Senior Women Administrator University of Charleston PE 106 2300 MacCorkle Ave., SE Charleston, WV 25304 (304)357-4911 bstevens@ucwv.edu Anne Brackley
Assistant Professor
University of Charleston Jones Division of Business, #305 2300 MacCorkle Ave., SE Charleston, WV 25304 (304)357-4864 annebrackley@ucwv.edu
Janice Borth
Subway Manager
3516 MacCorkle Ave., SE Charleston, WV 25304 (304)239-6119 Sherry Winn
+HDG :RPHQ路V %DVNHWEDOO &RDFK 2300 MacCorkle Ave., SE Charleston, WV 25304 (304) 357-4821 sherrywinn@ucwv.edu Charles Williams
Director of C. Williams Athletics 1228 E. McMillian Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45206 (513)652-5881 Cwilliamsathletics@hotmail.com John Weilbacher
Cincy Swish Director Hyde Park Pizzeria Owner 3801 Camden Ave Cincinnati, OH 45227 (513)283-4475 jweilbacher@cinci.rr.com
Julianne Smith julianneEsmith@hotmail.com 513.675.5979