(Inside Front Cover)
Contents Unique Selling Proposition Logo Color Font Tagline Brainstorming Me! Features & Benefits Establishing ‘Brand Me!’ Career Board of Directors
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Unique Selling Proposition (USP) “Rejection is my greatest strength”
I have been fortunate enough in my life to experience a number of heartbreaking rejections. I say fortunate because it made me a mentally stronger person. On 3 separate occasions in my soccer career I have had my contract terminated by a soccer club. Each time, it tore me apart, and each time I came back stronger. Without these negatives in my life, I do not think I would be the person I am today. I would have plodded on at the same pace as everyone else, accepting myself as everybody else’s equal. Being told I wasn’t good enough just propelled me and my desire to achieve significance above everyone else; it has given me the drive and determination to be able to apply myself correctly in any situation in order to succeed.
Unique Selling Proposition Continued... Coming from the United Kingdom, I bring experience that not many other candidates can offer. I have seen the way that both European business and American business in handled. Like most things, there is similarities and differences. I can offer the ability to be able to pluck the best of both worlds and put them into my work. If I think that a technique I have seen in the UK would be more beneficial than a technique being used in the US, then I can adapt to provide the highest quality work. I am scared of the thought of failure. Since I can remember, the thought of failure has struck me with anxiety. As I have grown up and become more cultured, I have realized the cause of this; it is my parents. It is not that my parents have ever punished me for failure, but the sheer thought of letting them down has always played on my mind. Whether it is playing a soccer match, taking an exam, even just trying to beat my best time running around the local park, reporting back to my parents that I had not succeeded always alarmed me. If I ever worked for you, that is the attitude I will bring. It is not a nervousness that holds me back, it is not a fear that will I fail. It is a determination that I will succeed, and be able to tell me parents that I did my coach, employer, but more importantly, myself proud! 2
Logo For my logo, I chose a soccer ball with a tie and a briefcase. This reiterates my desire for soccer, accompanied by my dedication to work. While soccer will always be in my heart, I know when it’s time to play, and when it is time to work. It incorporates the three colors that represent me for a more personal touch.
Colors My brand has 3 distinct colors that will consistently depict me. • Royal Blue • Black • White − Royal blue represents my pride. I take great honor in everything I do, and I have never accepted failure as an option. I believe that this color has a passion that other colors do not have, and I stand by this rule in my daily life. Although I may not always be the most talented or skilled person for the job, I firmly believe that no other job applicant can boast a higher work ethic, or determination to succeed than me. − Black and white go hand in hand to depict my personality in a sense that I know when it is necessary to knuckle down and work; and when it is suitable to have fun. I believe that this is a fundamental quality in today’s world, where time is off the essence, and people want instant gratification. 4
Font •
Meiryo – The Meiryo font does a splendid job of defining me as a brand. It has no frills to it; unlike many other fonts with wisps and curls, my font gets straight to the point. At the same time, it is by no means boring, it is an unusual and unique font with an interesting formation. It is not the type of font you would particularly recognize, but it stands out, and is likeable once you begin to use it regularly.
AaBbCcDdEe FfGgHhIIJj KkLlMmNnOo PpQqRrSsTt UuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789
Tagline “That little spark you’ve been looking for” When the chips are down, sometimes it takes a little something to raise the bar. I pride myself on having that little spring in my step when things are looking down. Just to get everyone going again. Because time spent feeling sorry for ourselves is time wasted; and time wasting isn’t what I do.
Brainstorming Me! What I want people to think of when they hear my name
Never goes down without a fight.
Punctual Well-presented
Utility player
Rob Vincent
Sense of humor
Focused Quick learner
Brainstorming Me! What I want people to visualize of when they hear my name
Polo Shirts
Soccer Ball
Well-dressed Color Blue
Rob Vincent Everton F.C.
UC logo Puma Cleats Awards/Trophies
Features & Benefits Soccer plays a huge part in my life. It always has. It is the reason I am in the USA. I am willing to admit that, prior to attending university, I was never motivated to do anything but soccer. I always gave 100% in school, but it always came second. Now I am older, I am mature enough to understand that there is a chance I might not be the next David Beckham. However, I believe that the fundamental principles of playing such a sport have helped me become the person I am today. As I have developed I have realized how soccer, and the way I conduct myself in a societal environment, go hand in hand. − Feature: I have the ability and capacity to work well on a team. − Benefit: If I am put into a team environment, I will be able to share and consider ideas, before working towards a team decision and producing a quality end result. − Feature: Discipline − Benefit: I will show up on time, get work done on time, and abide by policies and rules. 9
Features & Benefits Continued... − Feature: I am a leader. − Benefit: I can instruct and help people and I can be trusted to look after a particular group and ensure that the work will be done. − Feature: Passion. − Benefit: I treat whatever I do as a matter of life or death. Whatever I do, I can assure you that I will be putting a maximum amount of effort in. − Feature: Intelligence. − Benefit: I can adapt quickly to any situation, and begin working to quickly and effectively get the job done. − Feature: Always have a presentable appearance. − Benefit: I am always ready to take on what is front of me. If I met our next client, I would be more than prepared to take the time to sit down and do business with him or her.
Establishing ‘Brand Me!’ •
I think that one of the best ways is to get my logo and slogan out into the open. Once people start seeing them, if they are as effective as I think they will be, they will create a curiosity that will leave people wanting to know more. I plan to graduate with a double major of sports and business administration from the University of Charleston in 2013. Before I graduate, I plan to take internships which will boost my resume and earn some credibility to put myself above other potential candidates. I recently signed up to LinkedIn, as well as being signed up to various other social networks, as a way to network my attributes to other people in the sports industry. As a rule of thumb, I propose to make a point of introducing myself to, talking to and meeting with new people, whenever I am in an environment with other professionals. When I begin working, whether it be internships or a full time job, I am going to start a blog, to document my experiences so that others can see what types of work I am doing.
Establishing ‘Brand Me!’ Continued... •
Being from England, I am willing to admit that my knowledge of football, basketball, hockey and baseball, among other sports, is limited. I have only been in the US for around 18 months, but I understand that to work in the sports industry, it is going to be necessary to broaden my knowledge of the more common American sports. I will do this by watching them, talking to students have played these particular sports. I have worked on multiple projects at UC which I wish to use to establish my brand. For example, I worked on a media guide, and I have helped with putting on of events on campus. I am in the process of creating a business card which I am going to circulate in the local soccer community. I have built up a reputation as a soccer coach in the Charleston area, however I feel with the addition of a business card which can be passed around, it will increase my recognition, and earn me more coaching opportunities.
Career Board of Directors •
Michelle Wells – Sports administration program coordinator at the University of Charleston, WV. – I am a student and advisee of Michelle’s.
Chad Duernberger – Head men’s soccer coach at University of Charleston, WV. – I have played under Chad as a player throughout my time at UC, as well as working alongside him in coaching at summer soccer camps in Charleston, WV.
Todd Diuguid – Head women’s soccer coach at University of Charleston, WV. – I have worked with Todd on a number of projects including coaching, putting together coaching guides and I have worked an internship under Todd’s guidance.
(Inside Back Cover)
Created by Rob Vincent Sports Administration student at the University of Charleston, WV On 02/21/2011