Tornadoes by Eleanor

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Tornadoes By.Eleanor Lee


Do you know about November Tornado Out Break?Do you know where tornadoes happens?Do you know how tornadoes form? Do you want to know more about tornadoes flip the page!

Do you know how a tornadoes begin!Cold air form up above,and hot air from the ground meet together and form into a tornadoes. Tornadoes can even form in the sea.

Where the Tornadoes Location Tornadoes happen at Austria,Europe,South America, India,or United States.Also Tornadoes happen a lot in Tornado Alley.Tornado Alley is the states of North Dakota,South Dakota,Nebraska,Kansas,Oklahoma, Texas, Lowa,Missouri,and Arkansas.A tornado is form by cold air form the sky,and hot air form the ground, when they meet togther they form in to an tornado. The tornado can pick up a house,and trees also it can turn a car over.You can tell how the tornado went because he destoryed everything in it's path.

Climate Where Tornadoes Occur!

The weather for a tornado is dark clouds.Crack!Crack!Crack! My house fell down!The wind is fast and loud.People run and hide.Tornadoes are scary.

Statistics about Tornadoes Do you know what F0 to F5 means?F0 means that the winds are going 40 to 72 mph,F1-73 to 112,F2-113 to 157,f3-158 to 207 to 260, F5_261 to 318.This is call the Fujita Scale.

Tornadoes Tornadoes can be deadly.A tornado can make a car turn over,make a tree fall down,it can also destory a highway.

Now you know what to do when a tornado comes.

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