was asked by MXP to write an article for the upcoming photo annual about GDR and our 2014 season. With social media outlets, such as Instagram and Twitter, now giving the world access to our daily lives, and media outlets such as MXP covering the series with such detail, it would be all too easy to regurgitate stories and details you’ve all heard before. The fans on race day see a clean rig in the pits, race bikes that they dream of one day throwing a leg over, fresh TLD gear, and our mechanics Justin and Kyle going over every last detail in meticulous fashion. But what got us here? How does it all come together? Race day is the focus of the outside world, it is when the cameras turn on and the “Twitterverse” explodes with photos and interviews, but in all honesty that’s the easy day for us. The real story that defines our team is unfolding behind the scenes each and every day when the spotlight is gathering dust in the corner. At the end of the day we are human, we make mistakes, we argue, we bounce back, we make it happen…we are GDR. Enjoy.
Regardless of the track conditions in 2014, Colton Facciotti powered his Honda through it all en route to the MX1 title.
I’ve discussed in the past how the whole Honda deal came together, but as I sat there watching the ink dry on that contract, I had one of those “oh damn” moments that will stick with me throughout my life. We’ve all had them; it’s that mixture of excitement, a feeling of accomplishment and pride, but with a big serving of anxiety and fear just to bring you back down to earth. It is one thing to put all these great ideas and promises down on paper, but it’s quite another to assemble the right team and deliver on them. Let’s face it, the 2013 season was a tough one for GDR. We had the basic framework of a team but myself and my go-to people behind the scenes knew it was not nearly enough. The right mix of riders, team members, sponsors and support staff was simply not quite right.
These are a few of my favourite things. I’ve mentioned this in the past but our contract and working relationship with Honda Canada is one in which any team north or south of the border would be envious. I’m not talking about dollars and cents here, rather it’s that mutual trust and understanding we have with one another that is so critical. It’s that unwavering confidence in one another that each knows they are going to do what
While other riders were making costly mistakes, Colton kept himself clean and out of trouble in 2014.
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2015-01-16 11:20 AM