During the Winter Months
ecovering from our post-holiday festivities and the colder months can be a struggle for many people. For some, this slump comes with the changing of the seasons. Do you experience mood changes, lack of energy, low motivation to socialize, no desire to exercise, or less motivation at work? If so, you may experience the “winter blues.” The winter blues are very common, with many of us experiencing mood shifts during the colder, darker days of winter. You may find yourself feeling more lethargic. Below are some suggestions that could assist with your motivation.
Winter 2022
One of the most effective ways to boost your happiness is to simply go outside. Fresh air helps to send plenty of oxygen through your blood and allows your lungs to work at full capacity. Oxygen to your brain also means more brain power. With less daylight in the winter, it’s important to make sure you get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D is connected to your mood, and low levels may affect your mood. (Please talk to your doctor if you think you have low vitamin D levels.)