DAFFODIL NEWS Puyallup, WA Aerie #2308
Volume 59, No. 1
Happy ear! New Y
January 2010
From Your Madam President
Yes, 2010 is here! Happy New Year! Wow, it is hard to believe 2010 is here! Well, we have to go back to the end of November and say thank you to the volunteers who came out for “Deck the Halls.” The Aerie looked very nice. Thank you to all who helped. Now, thank you to Cathi Mahan and Terry Gregory, for being in charge of making Christmas good for some other family and thanks to the ones who donated. Thank you all. Now we can get on with 2010. In February, we have the Grand Madam President coming On Saturday, February 2. We are excited as this is a great honor to have her. Meetings in January are on the 14th and the 28th. Please come out for a meeting. Our meetings are short, sweet and fun. Thanks again to all the volunteers for all you do!! — Loni Andrews P.S. Remember Laughter is the Best Kind of Medicine!!!
December Oyster Dinner raised more than $2,200! The oyster dinner and silent auction went great in December thanks to you as members for supporting it. This was our 30th year for doing this dinner. The Dinner made more than $1,000 for the Aerie Diabetes Fund and the silent auction made more than $1,200. for the Auxiliary Diabetes Fund. See what the Aerie and Auxiliary can do working together. Thank you again for the help and making this a great success. Watch for the mini-oyster dinners again in January on the second and fourth Wednesdays. — Leonard and Ellen
Web Site: www.puyallupeagles2308.org
From Your Worthy President
Happy New Year! Hello brothers and Sisters, I trust and hope that all of you had a very happy and enjoyable holiday season, and that everyone got what you wanted. New Year’s always seems to be a time for resolutions and wishes for things that we would like to change. Some resolve to stop smoking, exercise more, lose weight, or even just to make time for themselves. This year will bring many new challenges for all of us, as well as our nation. For the Eagles, the District #7 Meetings will be starting up again on Sunday, January 10 at Mt. Rainier Aerie in Eatonville. The meeting starts at 10 a.m. and is open for all members to attend. Our Aerie will be hosting the meeting in a couple of months, on Sunday, March 14. I hope to see some of you there. We’ll also be getting ready to check the calendar to plan for the events that we put on for our charities. So, if you or your club has any events that you would like to use the social room for, don’t forget to talk to the Trustees to get your event scheduled. In closing, I would like to share one of my favorite quotes that seems to fit the Eagles’ philosophy of “People Helping People” pretty well. Mahatma Gandhi said, “We must become the change we want to see.” This may mean working harder, giving more, helping others or just doing the right thing when needed. I’m both happy and proud of all of you who work so hard and give so much for our community. Thank you! — Fraternally, Jonas White, Worthy President
A Prosperous 2010 To All Our Brothers & Sisters!