My Child Magazine Issue 125 February 2022

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Bianca Medina ART DIRECTOR



Sheree Hoddinett Amy Adeney Lance Green Liza John Nathan Dumlao William Fortunato Tuấn Kiệt Jr. Tatiana Syrikova Taryn Elliott Cottonbro Zara Hamdane Enrique Hoyos Helena Lopes Meruyert Gonullu Anna Shvets Jonathan Borba Elina Fairytale CONTACT

My Child Magazine Newcastle NSW Australia +614 11 572 877

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146 MY CHILD DIRECTORY DISCLAIMER: It My Child Magazine and are wholly owned by My Child Magazine (ABN 79 167 787 662). No other parties or individuals have any financial interest in the company or in My Child or My Child contains general information only and does not purport to be a substitute for health and parenting advice. Readers are advised to seek a doctor for all medical and health matters. The publisher and authors do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of an action taken by readers in reliance on the recommendations set out in this magazine. Reproduction of any material without written permission by the publisher is strictly forbidden. We cannot accept responsibility for material lost or damaged in the post or for any unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders.

Bianca Medina editor-in-chief Editor’s Letter

Hello My Child Mamma’s and Papa’s Here we go, it’s going to be another crazy year, I can already feel it! January was a dream, I swear. I blinked and we were already back at school and it all happened way too fast! I enjoy the summer holidays, that’s what my sweet little 6-year-old calls them and I’ll admit, it is totally rubbing off on me. I love how those words make me feel, it reminds me that there will be no alarm bells us to get up and do the crazy rush to school, no bed time fights as I don’t have many bedtime rules in school holidays. It’s just a breezy time of the year, were we get to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Spend days at the beach, if only for a quick dip and thoroughly chill out to our favourite movies and playlist. Oh, Summer Holiday’s why must you depart us? Well, it was fun while it lasted. Now here we are the start of a new school year and it is already chaos! I cling to the knowledge that we only have 10 weeks to go before we are having fun again! Always be kind to others, love deeply and let your inner child live! Bianca and the team xoxox

Bianca oxo




Padgett Table Lamp $240








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Acquisition of language is a milestone in the process of development. Since communication and interpersonal interaction is vital to leading a social life, it is imperative that your child progresses through the natural course of language development. Many parents get concerned when their child does not start uttering words within 18-24 months. While you need to keep an eye on how well your child can communicate, remember that development looks different for each child. Factors like having siblings, a multilingual family, attending day cares, and exposure to media have a significant impact on the pace at which your child learns to speak.

Laying The Foundation for Language Acquisition You might be tempted to believe that a child learns the use of language from reading, listening, or even writing new words. However, these are only ways to develop the vocabulary after the concept of language has been established in a child’s mind. Children are often expected to utter words or close approximations by the 12th or 13th month. For this to occur without a hitch, the child should have been given the opportunity to engage in symbolic play. Symbolic play refers to the time when a child uses one object to represent something else while playing. This is a key element of language development because language itself is symbolic, that is, a word is used to represent one or more objects. If your child has enough opportunities for symbolic play, language will come to them easily. Training your child in nonverbal communication is also important to boost their verbal communication skills. Maintaining eye contact, taking turns while interacting, and responding to external stimuli are all related to the development of language in a child. 8

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Boosting Language Development in Children Narrating events One of the best ways to teach your child about the syntax of a language and to improve their vocabulary is by describing each activity as you are executing it. For instance, if you are giving your child a glass of milk, make them pay attention by saying, ‘I’m pouring the milk into the glass’ or ‘this large glass of milk is cold’. In this way, your child can associate words with objects and actions, which leads to quicker learning. I Spy The game of I Spy is one of the most effective ways to get your child to notice and label the objects in their surroundings. When you are on a walk with your child, point out a ‘big brown dog’ or a ‘small baby bird’ to widen your child’s word bank. Engaging with the environment they are in will make children more attentive, and the novel situations will make them grasp concepts better.

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Parroting If your child is not old enough to say full words but can imitate your speech, reinforcing the behaviour can help with language development. When your child babbles something, parrot it back at them. Imitate their facial expressions and any sound that they produce, this will give them a chance to learn how conversations work. It will also boost their desire to attempt imitating you and your speech. Rhymes and stories Nursery rhymes are always a hit with children because they convey a small story with the help of a rhythm. From rhymes and board books to picture books and songs, your child gradually gets an idea of how words need to be strung together to make the best sense. Studies have shown that children who were read to during a young age get a quicker start at reading and spelling as they grow older. Taking turns Giving your child a chance to give their input into the conversation can equip them with better 10

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communication skills. For example, while reciting their favourite rhyme, stop after the first few words and prompt them to continue. Alternate between the both of you to see if your child remembers the lyrics and knows how to repeat them. Another way to include your child in the conversation is by responding to their requests only if they use proper words or sentences. If your child wants some juice, prompt them into saying ‘can I have some juice?’ instead of simply pointing to it or saying ‘juice’. This can introduce your child to etiquette while conversing with people. Final Thoughts Gaining mastery over a language is a tedious process. As a developing child, language acquisition indicates the development in aspects like neural connections, psychological wellbeing, and even intellectual abilities. Punishing or harshly criticising your child for making mistakes during language development can have adverse effects, so try to be patient if they are not making progress. If you see that your child is way behind in their language development by the age of 2, be sure to consult a specialist. FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125




















Once your child becomes a toddler, tantrums are going to be more common than you think. Understanding how to help your toddler through one of their fits is an integral part of parenting because it is easy to give in or lose your cool when the toddler is yelling and screaming. However, parents also need to understand that tantrums are not a result of bad parenting. Temper tantrums arise when children are not able to get what they want. Toddlers of the age 1 to 4 have many desires, for example, they need to open a container, tie their shoelaces, grab a treat from a higher shelf, the list goes on. At the same time, the toddlers lack the physical ability to act on their desires and their language skills are not developed enough for them to ask for help. The frustration arising from this turn of events leads them to sit down and wail or roll on the ground screaming. Ways To Deal with Temper Tantrums Most of the time, minor incidents result in large-scale tantrums because toddlers don’t have the right kind of coping mechanisms. As they pass through these developmental stages, they usually learn how to manage the big emotions that arise within them and the frequency of temper tantrums decreases. Here are a few ways to help you deal with a toddler’s temper tantrums in the best possible manner: 14

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Calm In the Face of Chaos When your toddler is throwing a fit, especially in a public place, chances are that they have become overwhelmed by everything around them. The emotions, sounds, people, and everything around them can weigh on their mental resources and their distress can exaggerate the tantrum. You can provide reassurance and feelings of security to your distraught toddler through touch. Pat their back or hold their hand as they get the frustration out of the system. If you don’t give in to their desire and prevent them from getting too aggressive, this method should help your child to find an anchor. Heed The Early Warning Signs While tantrums seem to appear out of nowhere, it is usually never the case. Tantrums are a result of the slow build-up of big emotions in your toddler that erupts at a random incident. If your toddler is hungry, sleep-deprived, tired, or overstimulated, they tend to react strongly to even the most inconsequential things. Since prevention is always better than cure, make sure that your toddler is well-fed and rested before you take them to places that might trigger tantrums in them. Have something on your hand to keep them engaged FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


while you are getting things done. Avoid Suppressing It When you are at the grocery store and your toddler is having one of the biggest and loudest tantrums they have ever thrown, you might be tempted to end it by compromising or trying to work out what they want. While you should attempt to figure out what caused the tantrum, never do that while the tantrum is going on. When you give your attention to the screaming toddler, it reinforces that screaming and crying can get everyone’s attention and that way, the toddler feels like they have gained control. Wait out tantrums, let it run its course and when the storm subsides, try to talk it out with your toddler. Keep Your Cool More than your distressed toddler, the fear of judgement by strangers in the public is what causes panic in parents. While it may feel like everyone is judging you for your bad parenting skills, understand that when a child is throwing a fit in a public space, people are looking at how the parent reacts to the situation and not the child’s hysterics itself. If you stay away from escalating the situation by screaming and yelling at 16

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the child, you are halfway done to resolving the situation. Find An Escape Route If you are at your wit’s end trying to calm your

“While tantrums

toddler, there is only one solution that you can use now. Pick your agitated toddler up and

seem to appear out

flee the scene. Since tantrums only last for a

of nowhere, it is

maximum of 15 minutes, wait for everyone to

usually never the case.

calm down and then get talking to the toddler

Tantrums are a result of the slow build-

about how unfair their response was. Final Thoughts

up of big emotions in your toddler that

Temper tantrums are a vital part of growth and

erupts at a random

development. It helps children understand


how to deal with frustration and find ways to express their emotions in a socially acceptable manner. If you feel like your toddler’s tantrums only surface in highly specific settings or last longer than an appropriate time, be sure to consult a specialist.

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A happily playing toddler is such a pleasure to watch. However, any parent can attest to the fact that keeping toddlers engaged and entertained is not a task meant for the weak of heart. When a child utters “I’m bored,” it means that without a quick solution, you are going to have a handful of a toddler with boundless energy. Planning ahead can mostly work in your favour, but constantly organising your child’s playtime can be taxing for you and stressful for the child. In fact, you need to allow your

child to find their own means of entertainment. This can enable them to explore their interests and be more independent when it comes to occupying their time. Fun Indoor Activities Sometimes life may force you and your family into closed spaces and you will have to make peace with it. It is most likely that you had a tough time keeping your toddler engaged during the quarantine. Without enough stimulation, curious minds are bound to run wild. Here are a few ways in which you can let your toddler have fun indoors without causing too much trouble. Reading It might seem difficult to get your bundle of energy to settle down and pick up a book, however, the activity can be beneficial to them in the long run. Starting with picture books and fairy tales, if your child’s introduction to reading is done right, they will have a lifelong friend in books.

Since toddlers are in the process of language acquisition reading to them and gradually teaching them to read can boost their language skills tremendously. You can also take your child to the local library and interact with the community there or even have some role-play to make things interesting. Mock Concerts Having a make-believe tea party is fun but what if your toddler has too much energy to simply sip on tea. Let them expend the best of their energy by singing and dancing to their heart’s content. You can join them and even get a workout session out of it. If you feel like you haven’t been spending enough time together as a family, this can be your weekly bonding activity. Obstacle Courses If you have enough space indoors, arrange furniture in such a way that it becomes an obstacle course for your child. Give them the necessary instructions to move through it as well. For example, if your child has not yet picked up the appropriate use of prepositions, this can be of great use. Instructions like ‘go over the chair’, ‘crawl under the table’, and ‘stand next to the vase’ can teach your child how to follow directions as well. Scavenger Hunt Toddlers are more prone to spend their time looking at screens these days. The lack of physical activity can hinder their growth and development drastically, so it is up to you to get them moving. Capture their attention by giving them clues to find a surprise. If you have a backyard or enough floor space, you can get creative and keep your toddler hooked to solving clues and working their grey cells for a long time. Conquering the outdoors Fresh air and physical activity make people feel better regardless of 20

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their age. While ensuring that your child gets the required physical activity, you can join in the fun and keep your child entertained for a while. An advantage of outdoor activity is that your toddler will be out like a light the moment you put them to bed since they got all that excess energy out of the system. Here are a few things you should try the next time your child is lacking for things to occupy their day: Cycling Learning how to ride a bike is often described as a core childhood memory. Let your toddler have some fun on the wheels by teaching them how to ride a bike. While it may take some time and tears before they can ride on their own, it will be worth it. Once they get a hang of it, you can ride your bikes as a family every weekend as a bonding activity. Hiking Interaction with the environment is imperative for the holistic growth of your child. Let your toddler get familiar with the nature around them by taking them on a hiking trail. The activity can engage your child physically and mentally as they take in everything they experience. Playing with Pets If you have a pet at home, especially a dog, taking them out to walk can be a fun activity for your child. Visit a dog park with your child and pet and see how much fun the two can have. After getting back home, you can also teach your child how to feed and care for your pet. Final Thoughts Toddlers need constant stimulation, or they simply get bored and throw tantrums. Make sure that your toddler develops well in every aspect by keeping them engaged in various ways. Let them explore various indoor and outdoor activities so that they can have a wholesome childhood. FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


If your child had a tough first day at school, being a shoulder to lean on is highly important. Supporting your child in the right way after an unfavourable start at school can help them overcome the reluctance to attend school in the following days. Here are a few tips on how to handle a tough first day at school. Err On the Side of Caution The first thing you can do to handle a tough first day at school is by telling your child what to expect from a school day. If your child knows what is in store for them at school, the roles they need to play, the people they will interact with, and so on, they have lower chances of getting overwhelmed by school. Being familiar with the morning routine for a school day and being able to recognize what is going on at school can reduce a lot of anxiety and stress on the first day, thereby making your child’s first day of school so much easier. Positive Affirmation For this technique to work, you need to start early and stay persistent. Teaching your children to affirm themselves can take time but once your child picks up this habit, having a bad day at school will not impact them as hard as one might expect it to. By starting their day with a positive affirmation such as “I am going learn new things and meet new people today,” the child is primed to look at incidents with an optimistic outlook. They do not get easily disheartened and even if they do, they can change the negative pattern of thoughts by affirming themselves. Showering Support The best way you can show your support to your child is by expressing your confidence in them. If they had a tough first day at school, tell them how some days might seem longer and harder than others. Assure them that you believe that they can get through anything if they put in the effort. When you express your confidence in your child’s 22

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abilities, they feel more anchored and stronger when they face various obstacles. While showing your confidence in them, be sure to remind them that they can lean on you anytime. Having a parent to rely on, especially emotionally, can make your child feel more secure when they get back to school after a tough day. Secure Enough Downtime While starting school, it is easy for children to get overexcited about even the smallest of things. When your child is riding the high of emotions, even a slight inconvenience can bring them crashing down. Hence, building an after-school routine can help you manage all the excess energy. After their time at school, make sure that your child gets something to snack on and takes a nap. Following this, if your child is comfortable to open up about the difficult day that they had at school, lend an ear. Being hungry or tired will only worsen their mood and ruin the joy of having a new experience. Connect With the Teacher If you feel that your little one needs some extra attention from the teacher, get in touch with them. Don’t wait for a teacher-parent conference to discuss your child’s needs and progress at school. A good rapport between the teacher and the parent will always be beneficial to a child. Final Thoughts Your child may not always have a great day at school. Understanding this, you should always be prepared to help through a bad day and process the emotions that come with it. Getting adjusted to school life and various experiences that come with it are an integral part of growing up, all you need to do is provide a positive environment to facilitate growth.

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Every child has a unique feature that makes them a brilliant addition to this world. Some children are highly creative while others are cheerful and some may be quick to have an emotional response. A highly sensitive child is someone who perceives everything at a deeper level than others and responds strongly to it. While this may lead to quite a few tantrums, screaming, crying, and yelling, highly sensitive children are also equally empathic, kind, and helpful most of the time. If you are wondering why some children are more sensitive than others, the answer is that some individuals have their nervous system attuned to being more receptive to stimuli than others. So certain sounds, textures, events, or even tastes can send a highly sensitive child spiralling into a meltdown. Signs of a Sensitive Toddler The foremost thing you notice about highly sensitive children is that they respond so strongly to situations that might as well be irrelevant to others of the same age. This means that a bit of spilt milk can bring on tears, or not finding a favourite sweater can send the contents of the cupboard flying across the room. Apart from this side of their behaviour, highly sensitive children are prone to feeling lonely.

At the same time, they also wish for downtime frequently. They have deep thoughts and incessant questions that can both amuse and frustrate adults. Highly sensitive children have an affinity towards animals and have lots of empathy. Most of the time, highly sensitive children only have strong emotional reactions when they are overstimulated. Prepping A Sensitive Toddler for The World Parenting is no cakewalk for anyone. Adding a highly sensitive toddler to the equation can make things a little tricky for the parents. With dedication and determination, parents can tackle the negative effects brought on by the toddler being highly sensitive. Word of advice, lots of patience is the best way to approach any form of parenting, especially with a sensitive toddler. Here are a few tips to equip your sensitive toddler to deal with an overwhelming world: Accept The Sensitivity Most of the time, parents are tempted to apologise for their sensitive child’s responses in a public setting. While you may have to smooth over things if your toddler has caused some damage, never apologise for their emotion. This tells your toddler that emotional expression is something to be ashamed about or to feel guilty about. Practice a concept of no shaming when it comes to emotions. Conveying a message to your children that emotional expression is bad can encourage them to repress their feelings, which has repercussions further down the lane. Establishing Boundaries Children always need some structure in their life, and discipline is one way to provide it. However, when it comes to sensitive children, parents overlook certain things to avoid an episode. While it may provide a temporary escape for you and your child, this practice 26

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can set your toddler in their rigid ways. To make your sensitive toddler more flexible and open, convey to them that their actions have consequences. For instance, if a toddler screams for not being given a chance at a game first, let them know that it is a fair game and everyone will get a chance. Follow this by ignoring the child if they keep screaming and praising them for waiting patiently if they stop making a scene. Labelling Emotions Sensitive toddlers act impulsively when they become emotional. The best way to prevent rash actions in such situations is to teach them to determine what they are feeling. If the toddler can say that they are feeling sad because the mother is being attentive towards the new baby or if they feel irritated by the seams of their socks, they can take the next step to deal with these emotions in an acceptable way. Downtime Too much excitement can cause a sensitive toddler’s emotions to erupt at a random point in the day. As a parent, what you need to do is to provide enough downtime or ‘me time’ for sensitive kids. For instance, if the toddler has just returned from a play date or a day-care, give them some time to recuperate. Let them take a nap to recharge before you approach them with anything. Final Thoughts Having the ability to feel things at a deeper level can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, your child can experience rich emotions and connect with people whereas, on the other hand, they get easily distressed and overstimulated. As you coach your sensitive child to deal with the world, let them problem-solve their own issues. Doing everything for them is not going to have the desired results. Give your sensitive child a way to manage their emotions and nothing can stop them. FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

B O O K r e v i e w s by: Amy Adeney from Busy Bookwor ms





Baby b ro t h e r, I can’t w ai t u n ti l y o u’re older.

T h e pe rfe ct book for growi ng fa mi l i es e ve ryw h e re ...

J u st im a g i n e t h e ad v e n tures th at l i e a head... Be au tifu l , w a r m a nd e v o c ati v e , th i s s t unning pi c t u re b o o k re veal s an o l d er b ro th e r’s hopes f o r th e a ma z i n g ex p e ri e n c es he w i ll share with h is n e w b a b y b ro the r – w h e n h e ’s older. Reade rs j o i n t h e bro the rs as th e y ex p lore t he f ar re ac h e s o f t h i s w i l d and am az i ng wor ld, si de by s i d e e ve ry s tep o f the w ay. A n e x q u i s i t e l y i l l us trated and d e e p l y joyful c e le bra t i o n o f t he b o nd b etw e e n b rot her s, th is is a p e r fe ct c h o i c e f o r read ers aged 3 an d u p.


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I t hought I could not love ano ther, not a sist er, nor a brot her. But just like magic, my love t h en g rew when I was blessed wit h more o f y o u. T his is an ode t o t he hear t - ex p a nd i ng l o v e t hat swells and over flows wi th ea c h new member of a family. Told in l i l ti ng rhy me, and accompanied by gent le i l l us tra ti o ns i n ear t hy t ones, t his is a lovely c ho i c e to s ha re wit h young reader s from b i rth o nw a rd s , and especially before t he addi ti o n o f a new sibling.





All o v e r t h e co u n t ry I m ee t l o ts o f i n terest ing cats. Cats of a l l s h a p e s and s i z e s , i n m any d ifferent gu ise s… Noth in g i s q u i t e l i k e a c at. The re are br at cats an d fa t ca t s , rat c ats and m at c at s . .but i f th e re ’s o n e ca t ev ery o ne k n o w s , i t’s T HAT CAT. To l d w i t h h um o ur and h e art, this is an utte rly d e l i g h t fu l rh y m i ng b o o k , p u rrfect for the w h o l e fa mi l y. The h i l ari o us i l l us t r at ions w ill m a ke t h i s a n i n s tant h i t w i th c at - lover s a ge d tw o a n d u p .

You know how t o count , ri g ht? GR E AT! T here are LOA DS of fun t hi ng s to c o unt in t his book. W hales, baboons , ra i nb o w s , pyr amids...T here’s just r ule. Yo u mus t ONLY ever count t o ONE. So don’t ev en TH I NK about bigger number s. O K?! Get ready t o show off your s k i l l s i n thi s fun new count ing book! But a l l i s no t a s it t his book reall y o nl y a b o ut count ing t o ONE? Because there a re SO MA NY fun t hings t hat you cou l d c o unt. Thi s is a hilar iously bossy book ab o ut c o unti ng t hat children will love t o out s ma rt. M a y b e t hey can even count all t he wa y up to 100! A fun and int er act ive read- aloud ex p eri enc e, per fect for reader s aged t hree a nd up .

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



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Independence is a concept that must be learned early in life to be a functional adult. As your infant gains more control over their faculties and develops into a toddler, they are likely to want to use all the abilities that they possess now in a way they please. This transition time is difficult for both the caregivers and the children because of the power struggles that arise. The key to effectively parenting children in this stage is to maintain a balance between being restrictive and negligent. Since toddlerhood is most likened to adolescence due to the similarity in developmentally appropriate issues, resolving dependence and promoting independence with a healthy attachment is what you should aim for. Starting Early While your child may only visibly strive for independence from their terrible twos, you can get started on easing the process earlier. To be an independent child without feeling neglected by the parents, a child needs to know that their parents will be there for them even if they are not physically present. An exercise to see if your child is separation-sensitive or securely attached to you is by playing a game of hide-andseek. Around the age of nine months is the best time to try this out because babies of this age can be easily taught that their 34

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parent exists even if they are not facing each other. Directions vs. Statements During the age of 3 and 4, children make steady progress in their language acquisition. More words enter their vocabulary and children are not afraid to speak out their minds. This leads to most requests by parents being met with a resounding ‘NO!’ One way to work around this issue without smothering your toddler is by framing your requests correctly. If your request is something that has to be done, frame it as a statement that offers no out whereas if your request can involve some compromise, frame it as a question with choices. For example, you

can say, ‘Put on your coat before leaving,’ and it brooks no argument. At the same time, you can ask if the child wants to wear a blue shirt or a red one before going out. This can give them a sense of control over things. Limited Choices Every parent hope’s that their child has endless opportunities and unlimited choices in life. While that is an understandable wish, your toddler will not function well with too many options. If you need your child to be independent without giving over too much power, you need to give your child a few desirable options from which they can choose. For instance, if you have FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


established that your child must have fruit at breakfast, when they try to get out of eating it, you can make them choose between apples, grapes, or plums, but they must pick one. This way your child feels like they have control of the situation without being overly restricted or smothered. Establishing Connections


Some children have slow development of independence from their parents or primary caregivers. This can be because the caregiver provides them with comfort that is much needed while dealing with stressful situations. So, when the parents drop their child off at the day-care centre or 36

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school, they get distressed because they have no source of comfort in the highly stressful condition. Combating this issue is relatively easy but can be timeconsuming. What you need to do as a parent is to make sure that the child has good relationships with people apart from the parents. Take an instance of dropping off your child to spend some time with their grandparents. They can build a rapport with someone other than their primary caregivers and this can reduce the distress they face when separated from each other. Learning to depend on various members of society for different purposes is important in the emotional growth of a child.

Hand Over Responsibilities Learning occurs best when there is some practical aspect attached to it and being independent is no different. Once you see that your child has enough skills to perform a chore or complete a task, assign to them after directing them on how to do it. If your toddler can pick up their toys and put them back in place, make sure that they clean their playpen on their own. If you have a pet, your child can be taught how to feed the pet and this can be their chore. No matter how the results turn out to be, always appreciate the efforts or your child’s self-esteem will take a hit. You can also collaborate with your child on tasks so that your relationship remains healthy. Final Thoughts Learning to be independent can be tough. More than being a disciplinarian who enforces rules, try to be a facilitator in this endeavour. Create a safe environment in which your child feels safe enough to attempt new things on their own. Let them voice their thoughts about the process of learning and you can make improvements from there.

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Motherhood is one of the most wonderful miracles of nature. It is a journey like no other, which starts even before the baby is born and continues till the very end of her life. It’s cemented on love and sacrifice, among many other things. Through motherhood, the mother unlocks a new self of her that learns to put her child before everything else, and this child becomes the source of her fulfilment and joy.

Being a mother is a full-time job. Often, we underestimate the responsibilities of being a mother. Be it the way she effectively handles both the household chores and attends to the needs of her child; the presence of a mother is integral to the way a child develops as an independent and empathetic individual. A mother plays a pivotal role in the life of her child. She shares a deep connection with her children which can’t be equalled by anyone else. Nothing remains hidden from her; even their silent words never go unheard. In times of hardships and distress, she is the emotional backbone they can rely on, and her guidance and support always shines through. She is also the perfect judge of her child’s personality and behaviour and ensures that they are brought up appropriately. She is solely responsible for creating a safe and healthy environment for her child to thrive in.

There Are Different Stages of Motherhood:


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

The Pre-Baby Preparation Stage Which involves all the excitement and preparations required to welcome a baby into the family. In this stage, the mother usually experiences a roller coaster of sentiments and emotions. Then Comes the New Mother Stage Which usually occurs a few months after the baby is born, this is the stage when the mother has just settled down and is becoming aware of the reality and her responsibilities as a mother. The Pro-Mother Stage By this stage, the mother becomes an expert in recognising her child’s needs, motherhood is a lot more fun now, she starts eagerly waiting for the little things like each time her baby reaches a milestone be it just smiling, rolling over, taking its first step, or saying the word “mama” for the very FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


first time. It fills her heart with joy, and she starts to derive her purpose and satisfaction from looking after the baby. But you should always remember to never let these obligations take a toll on your mental or physical health or let it be a hindrance to your personal dreams, achievements, or career. Never hesitate to ask for help when you require it as these tasks may seem hectic at times, and it’s completely normal to accept help and advice from others, this will not only relieve you of your stress but also help you be rejuvenated and energetic for the rest of the day. Keep pursuing your interests and passions; allow taking time for yourself to do something that you like, try talking and reconnecting with friends and family if that helps. Prioritise your happiness and well-being as well because it’s just as important as your child’s. It’s ok to make mistakes, everything you do needn’t be perfect or done in a certain way only. Do whatever works 42

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for you, and that’s totally fine. Stop comparing yourself with others because you only see one side of theirs, and you are all different in your own ways with different strengths and weaknesses. Adjusting to the struggles of motherhood may seem hard at first but is at the same time a highly rewarding one, just remember that it’s all temporary, your child will eventually grow up and will be able to look after themselves. While trying to do what is best for your children, remember to take care of yourself and not lose all that you are in the process. Try balancing the needs of your child and the things that truly make you happy and content. Take time to relish all the happy moments with your little one and don’t let one of them go unnoticed. It’s an honour to have a mother and even more so to get the chance to be one. Enjoy this beautiful journey called motherhood to its fullest.

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When you’re celebrating any occasion, a celebration, or a marriage, for some purpose we will think of the music which will enhance the event. Many people use music as a companion in their long journeys. In the same way, playing music during labour and childbirth have many advantages. Listening to music on your big day helps you in relaxing. Listening to music throughout labour and birth is not a brand-new plan, but it is typically not noted as a most preferred one. This also costs you nothing when compared to alternate sorts of pain relief. People’s musical tastes vary widely. However, most of the people have favourite tunes that energise, relax, or simply elevate our mood. All of those may be helpful in labour. Trials show that music will lower perception of pain and reduce the number of pain pills medicine required. Music can also reduce anxiety that can help you feel calm and relaxed. What Do You Have to Place on Your Birth Playlist? Something To Block Out Distractions On a busy labour ward, the primary thought is that there can be alternative distracting sounds, therefore taking on some music may be helpful to block these out; the sound of decision bells and buzzers isn’t significantly quiet.


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Something Acquainted In addition to the present, your own acquainted tunes will facilitate to individualise the birth house, set the tone, and create the area you desire your own. These acquainted tunes will stimulate endorphins and hormones that are a unit useful in labour, acting as natural pain relief, particularly within the early stages of labour. Something To Relax You Think of the music you would like to play on a long journey, or what music causes you to feel relaxed. This music will make you feel comfortable, which helps you in making the labour progress easier. Something That Makes You Want to Dance Generally, what causes you to dance? Though you will not be in a state to dance, staying mobile will help you in your labour. This kind of music helps you to stay off the bed. Page Break The Key Advantages of Being Attentive to Music Throughout Labour and Birth: Music Will Cut Back Pain Using music throughout your labour will help you in reducing back

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pain. Cutting back your perception of pain through an inspiration known as “The Gate management Theory of Pain.” Additionally, music will facilitate relaxation that aids in pain reduction. Music will distract and facilitate passing the time. Labour will last an extended time. So, listening to music helps you pass the time. Music Will Facilitate Regulated Respiration Breathing will become unregulated whenever you are in stress or pain. Taking deep, regular breaths will bring calmness through stressful times. By matching breaths to musical phrases, you can have regulated respiration. Music Will Improve the Flexibility to Manage Stress Similarly, to how music will minimise pain, music will cut back stress by supplying you with one thing to concentrate on outside the anxiety state. By focusing on music, one begins to shift their concentration far away from the stressful situation. Additionally, taking note of music has the flexibility to calm a person, which might lower pulse and pressure level. Music Will Influence Your Hormones Hormones play an enormous role in birth! They’re basically what gets the ball rolling throughout labour. Music throughout labour

has been shown to extend internal secretion and beta-endorphins that helps with moving labour forward and with pain management. Music Will Influence Emotions and Supply Emotional Support Have you ever listened to a bit of music and felt your emotions change to match the music’s emotions? This impact may be therefore useful to be used throughout labour and birth. Whenever labour may be tougher, you’ll play some empowering music. If you’re excited concerning the baby’s imminent arrival throughout early labour, you’ll play music that may support these emotions of pleasure. This is simply a touch of what music can do for your emotional support throughout labour! Music Will Build Bond Between You and Your Baby Lullabies or love songs will encourage closeness along with your partner or baby. As declared earlier, music enhances internal secretion, which produces positive feelings. These feelings facilitate bonding. In addition, music will become the backcloth for activities like slow recreation along with your partner throughout early labour. As a bonus, if you or your birth partner sing to the baby within the female internal reproductive organ, the baby can acknowledge your voice later! You’ll use this to promote bonding throughout and once the Golden Hour.


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

get the look


nursery photo:

Mocka Aspiring Cot - White $249.95

Living Textiles Grey Clouds Cosy Chenille Pram Blanket $24.95

bkb Chevron Toddler Sheet Set, Grey $113


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Winter Branch with Stars Fabric Wall Sticker $59

Wide Wale Corduroy Yellow $219.95

Bamboo Decorative Wall Ladder $28

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k i d s

Edinburgh Black Single Bed $229

Cross White On Black Throw Blankets $39.99

Black Wooden Bedside Table with Slatted Drawers $99


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Törslev Rug, Flatwoven, Stripe White/Black $29

Sail Away - Black and White Yacht Boating Sailing Framed $230

Grey Watercolour Birch Tree Forest Wallpaper Mural $70 /m2

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



B y :

L i z a

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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS is the unexpected death of an infant with no prior warnings or symptoms. It is often referred to as Cot death or crib death, as infants often die in their cribs.

The exact reason behind SIDS is yet unknown. Hence, parents who know about SIDS, consider it as their worst nightmare. Research suggests that SIDS might be linked to improper development in the part of the brain that deals with arousal from sleep and controls breathing. Studies indicate that certain factors might increase the risks of SIDS and have also been able to identify methods to protect your bundle of joy from it.

Factors Associated With SIDS: Brain Defects As aforementioned, some babies are born with problems that make them more likely to contract SIDS. What is mostly seen is that the portion of the brain that deals with breathing and controls arousal from sleep is underdeveloped. Low Birth Weight Premature birth can increase the chances of an underdeveloped brain, thus babies with low birth weights may have less control over their breathing. Respiratory Infection Many infants who died due to SIDS reportedly had a cold and or other respiratory issues. Preventing SIDS - Experts suggest that these tips might help reduce the chances of SIDS:


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Sleeping Positions Take care to ensure that your baby sleeps on their backs, rather than stomach or side, every time during the first year. Others may not place your baby in the correct position, so tell them. Premature babies should be put on their backs to sleep as soon as possible after birth. Once the baby is old enough to roll over by themselves, then you don’t have to worry about their sleeping positions. Safety in The Crib Don’t let the baby’s head be covered, so prevent putting soft toys, quilts, wedges, bedding rolls, pillows, or other soft materials in the crib. Prevent the baby from wriggling around by placing their feet at the end of the crib or cot. Place the baby on a firm, flat and waterproof baby mattress. Tuck their covers in under their arms to prevent it from slipping over their heads.

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Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is beneficial to both the mother and baby. Experts suggest that babies who are breastfed are at a lower risk of SIDS than babies who were not breastfed. Breastfeeding exclusively for longer durations have been linked to lowered risks of SIDS. Be sure to put your baby back in the crib or separate sleeping area after feeding. Don’t Let Your Baby Overheat or Be Cold Overheating can lead to a higher chance of SIDS. Overheating can be due to too much bedding, clothing or because the room is too hot. Check if your baby is overheating from time to time. If you feel they are heating up, remove some bedding or clothing. Keep the room at a comfortable temperature of around 16 to 20 degrees. Ensure that your baby doesn’t sleep near a heat radiator, heater, or fire, or directly in sunshine. Don’t Share a Bed with Your Baby Adult beds aren’t safe for your baby. The baby can suffocate if a parent accidentally rolls over in their sleep, covering the baby’s nose and mouth. 64

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Try to set up the crib or sleeping area in your room with you. This separate sleeping area reduces chances of suffocation or strangulation as well. You might think it’s a cute idea to take a nap or cuddle with your baby on the armchair or couch. However, this might lead to a higher risk of SIDS. It is safer to put your baby back into their cot before you go to sleep. Don’t Let Anyone Smoke Around the Baby Smoking during pregnancy can increase chances of premature birth, low birth weight, and can damage the developing organs, thus increasing the chances of contracting SIDS. Don’t smoke in the house and don’t let others smoke in the house. Do not share the bed with your baby especially after you smoke. Avoid taking the baby to common smoking spots. Final Thoughts There is no sure shot way to prevent SIDS, however these tips can help you lower the risks. Follow up with your health care provider on the baby’s vaccination and check-ups regularly. FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



B y :

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Breastfeeding has obvious positive effects on an infant. Institutions like the WHO, NHS, and AAP recommend strictly breastfeeding for at least six months, followed by a combination of solid foods and breastmilk until the child weans off on their own. Since breastmilk has numerous benefits and owing to the effects that the process of nursing has on the parent-child relationship, some parents breastfeed their children well into toddlerhood and even up to the age of 6 and 7.

Admittedly there is no given upper age limit on breastfeeding a child but beyond 12-18 months, most people frown upon this practice. This negative view on breastfeeding toddlers often leads new mothers to question the normalcy of extended breastfeeding. Is It Normal to Breastfeed Toddlers? Simply put, no. It is not considered odd or abnormal in many cultures to nurse a child who is older than 18-24 months. Countries like the US and UK are leading cultures in which breastfeeding a child whose teeth has come in or can eat solid food is discouraged, even by medical professionals. Concerns raised against extended breastfeeding range from psychological to social difficulties. One such concern is that breastfeeding a toddler can hinder their emotional independence and make them unhealthily attached to the parent. However, this claim has been negated by multiple scientific research. In a few words, if you feel comfortable nursing your toddler and your


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child expresses a need for it, there is no reason why you shouldn’t do it. Benefits Of Breastfeeding Toddlers: Boosts Immunity In the light of recent events, researchers have suggested breastmilk as the best form of immunity boosters in children. Toddlers who are nursed tend to have lesser colds, allergies, and upset stomachs. Since breastmilk forms the foundation of the immune system in a human being, extended nursing is only going to strengthen the system. Nutritional Value Myths suggest that breastmilk loses its nutritional value with time but this is not entirely true. With time, the nutrient contents in the breastmilk change. The total protein content of the milk increases with time while other constituents like lactose, fat, and iron remain the same. Adding breastmilk to your toddler’s diet can be that one

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step that helps meet all the dietary requirements the child has. Parent-Child Time Recent trends show that an infant’s chances of forming a healthy attachment with parents are much lower than before. With working parents who have highly demanding jobs, the amount of time that a parent gets to spend with their babies, is simply not enough. However, with extended breastfeeding, parents and toddlers get more bonding time and have better chances of building a stronger relationship. Children who have been breastfed until the age of 4 and 5 tend to be more securely attached to their parents and are more likely to be independent. Comfort Finding comfort while being nursed is one of the primitive human instincts. If your child is weaned off too early, they face setbacks like anxiety and insecurity in the future because they abruptly lost a source of comfort in their early years. On the other hand, when toddlers are breastfed, they come to see nursing as a source of comfort and seek out breastmilk when the world gets too overwhelming. 70

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Benefits For the Mother Extended breastfeeding is not exclusively beneficial for children. Parents who breastfeed toddlers show much lower risks for ovarian and breast cancer. Additionally, since the process of feeding burns calories, the maternal weight is regulated during extended breastfeeding. Since most parents complain that their children grow apart from them too quickly, extended breastfeeding can be a time to exclusively spend with the child and create memories. Final Thoughts Most people put an end to breastfeeding their babies by the end of 12 months. More than being a decision made by the child and the parent, social disapproval influences the decision. Factors like the inability to breastfeed in public and the inability to pump and store breastmilk at the workplace also led to earlier weaning off in children. If you find that breastfeeding your toddler is appropriate, it is a personal choice that no one else should make for you. If you and your toddler face no harm from nursing, continue it until you think otherwise. FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

T O Y r e v i e w s b y :

S h e r e e

H o d d i n e t t


$24.95 4/5

S u it ab l e f o r a g e s: fo r b ab i e s fro m 3 months to 2 years M y 1s t D o l l E mm a o r Mi a are t he per fect play t ime and sleepy t ime compa ni ons . Thes e sof t l it t l e b a b y do l l s e as i l y c han g e bet w een Day and Night modes t o prov ide t he p er fect f rie n d fo r y o u r b ab y. In Day m o d e t he t w o soft but t ons t r igger nur t ur ing play, fun mel od i es an d si n g - a l o n g s o ng s ; an d i n N i g ht mode t r igger soot hing lul labies and na t ure s ound s to giv e y o u r l i t t l e o ne c o m f o rt wh e n it ’s t ime t o go t o sleep. T he cut e t ur t le on t he b a b y d o l l ’s cl o t h e s w i l l l i g ht u p wi t h t he sing- along songs, sounds and melod i es a nd w i l l c almly fa d e i n an d o u t wi t h t h e l ul l abies and nat ure sounds. Ou r Ve rd i ct – T h i s i s t he typ e o f toy t hat makes you go “aw w w w w w ”. As for your l i t t l e on e , t h i s d o l l wi l l p ro b ab l y b e c o m e t heir fav our it e t hing in t he w hole w or ld , a p a r t from y ou o f co u r s e ! A s o o t h i ng c o m f o rt for w hen t hey need it most , sleep t ime or t hei r ver y own l i t t l e b a b y t he y c an h ave as p a r t of t heir playt ime, w hichev er w ay y ou l ook a t i t M y 1st Do l l i s a g reat c ho i c e f o r an y l i t t le one ready t o hav e a dol l join t heir l ife for t he fi r s t t im e . S h e ’s cu t e, c u d d l y, s o f t an d easily fit s int o a bag w herev er y ou need t o g o, j us t i n c ase yo u we re wo n d eri n g . Availa b l e f ro m: vtec h.c o m .au, Targ et, Myer good toy s tores & online retai l ers 74

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$79.95 5/5

S u it ab l e f o r a g es: 6 -11 ye ars K e e p y o u r s e crets s af e wi t h t he S e cret Safe Diar y Light Show ! T his beaut ifu l l y d es i g ned d iary h a s a l a rg e 2.4” c o l o u r s c re e n , great for w r it ing d iar y ent r ies and playin g g a mes on. Un loc k t h e d i a r y us i ng t h e am az i ng face recognit ion t echnology. A dd a numb er p a s s w ord f o r e x t r a s e cu r i t y to k e e p t ho s e p e s ky younger sibl ings out . Have fun w it h t he l i g ht effect c o v e r t h a t s y n chro n i s es wi t h m u s i c , record v oice memos and apply funny effect s t o t hem. Tak e c a re o f y o u r ve ry o wn vi rtu al pet unicor n and play great lear ning a ct i vi t i es t ha t c o v e r s p e l l i n g , typ i n g , m at hs , l o g i c and more. W it h an alar m clock and a se cret d r a w er, t h is aw e s o me S ec ret Saf e Di ary has it al l. . Ou r v e rd i ct – Youn g g i rl s have t h e ir pick of aw esome t oys t hese day s. Back i n my d a y (I ’ m n o t t h a t o l d e i t h e r!) yo ur d i ary was a book and a pen and a fl imsy lock t ha t d i d n’t d o m u c h t o ke e p a nyo n e o ut, es p ec i al l y my older brot her. Now w e l ive in t he d i g i t a l a g e, a d iary i s s o mu ch m o re t h an j u s t a p l a ce t o w r it e y our deepest dar kest secret s, i t ’s a p l a ce of f u n , g a me s an d e ven l e ar ni ng , w ho w ould have t hought ? ! Am I jealous? A l i t t l e b i t , h ah a! I’m p ro b a b l y a l i t t l e to o o l d for a d iar y l ike t his now but it ’s alw ay s fun t o d rea m. T h is is t h e p e r fec t g i f t o r “j us t b ecause” present for any young gir l looking t o ha ve a l it t le me t i m e a way f ro m t h e res t o f t he w or ld. Availa b l e f ro m : vtec h.c o m .au, BIg W, Myer, good toy s tores & online retail ers 76

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$49.00 5/5

Suitable for ages: 6+ years Dive into t he world of Mermaid High, where legendry tales of mermaid sight ings roam t he hal ls! Best friends Finly, Searra, Oceanna and Mari are making waves wit h t heir unique styles, but t hey’ve got a big secret. They’re mermaids! Meet Searra - t he group’s glam girl. This 10.5-inch toy fashion dol l features a fabulous removable mermaid tail wit h gl it tery lace and ruffle details, a shimmery gold top, flowing hair wit h magenta highl ights and six dol l accessories, includ ing a bracelet, styl ish sunglasses and a surprise accessory hidden in t he seashel l. Drop t he shel l into a bowl of warm water and watch as it magical ly pops open, reveal ing an accessory to add to Searra’s look! W it h her gorgeous mermaid tail, plus extra dol l clot hes for land, Searra is ready for excit ing 2-in-1 play. Use your imaginat ion to create your own mermaid adventures, t hen swap Searra’s fin for her Mermaid High look: a ruffled pleat her mini, knee-highs and super cute clamshel l-inspired plat forms! The seashel l even becomes a laptop, t he perfect way to enhance your high school storytel l ing play. Featuring nine points of art iculat ion, pose Searra as you play out end less mermazing stories. Style Searra’s beaut iful hair wit h t he comb and learn more about your figure on her Mermaid High Student ID! Mermaid High fashion dol ls make great mermaid gifts for girls ages 4 and up. Col lect al l t he deluxe Mermaid High girls toys (dol ls each sold separately) and experience fins, fashion, and friendship as deep as t he ocean! These mermaid dol ls are intended for pretend play and are not suitable for use in water. Make a splash at Mermaid High wit h t he deluxe Searra dol l ! . Our Verd ict – Is it sad for me to say I wish I had a mermaid l ike t his when I was growing up?! I was l it t le in a t ime where Ariel (aka The Lit t le Mermaid) was t he most popular mermaid we al l knew about. Mermaid High is definitely a world away from Ariel and her fairytale l ife, al t hough t here are some paral lels wit h t he mix of sea and land l ife.

Available from: Big W, Target, Kmart and good toy stores & online retailers 78

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$39.99 3/5

S u it a b l e f o r a ges: 6+ ye ars G e o g a n h a v e r i s en f ro m t he d e p t h s of Vest roia! T hese my st er ious and pow er ful B a kug a n are un l i ke a n y yo u ’ve s e e n b ef o re, w it h new shapes, Fact ion sy mbols a nd a w es ome tran s l u ce n t d e tai l s ! U n l eas h t h e pow er of y our Geogan! Drop it ont o t he Ga t e- C a rd ( in c lu d e d ) t o watc h i t p o p o p e n and t r ansfor m from it s shape for m int o a fierce crea t ure! A rmed wi t h B a k u g an and yo u r n e w Geogan, face off against fr iends! For a sur p r i s e a t t a ck, su mm o n a G e o g an to e m p o we r y our Bakugan and conquer your opponent ! B a kug a n G e o g a n a re a g reat g i f t. U n l eas h t he pow er of Bakugan Geogan! O u r v e rd i ct – I ’l l b e ho ne s t h e re, a s a mum of gir ls, t oy s l ike t his are a l it t l e l os t on me. D o n ’t g e t m e wro n g , m y g i rl s wi l l give any t oy a go, it doesn’t bot her t hem! B ut , i f l i ke me , y o u h a d n o i d e a t hat t h e s e c o ol l it t le t oys are act ual ly based on a t elevi s i on s er i es , do n ’t wo r r y we c an al l b e b eh i nd t he t imes t oget her ! Eit her w ay, t he kids st i l l l ove t hem an d t h e y a re p re t ty c o o l l o o k i n g c har act er s w hen t hey unfold. W hat y ou ac t ua l l y d o w i t h t h e m, I h a v e n o real i d e a, b u t I’m sure t he kids w il l know exact ly w hat t o d o w i t h t hem an d ho w t o p l ay t h e b at t l e! Avail a b l e f ro m: Bi g W, To ys r Us,K mart and good toy s tores & online reta i l ers 80

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$10.00 5/5

S u it ab l e f o r a g e s: 3+ ye ars Tak e t h e K i d s O n Stag e c harad e s game w herev er y ou go, in t his conv enie nt t r a vel t i n. Ev e ry p l a y e r g e ts i n o n t h e ac t o n ever y t ur n, making t he game ideal for fun a t home or to k e e p ki d s e n tertai ne d whi l e travel l ing. Fun and easy t o lear n and play, t hi s g a me i s g re at fo r t h e wh o l e f am i l y. Ou r Ve rd i ct – W ho d o es n ’t l o ve a game of char ades? A l t hough t he kids st il l d on’t q ui t e g e t t h e co n ce p t o f t h e g am e b e i ng a quiet one for t he per son act ing out t he ca rd , i t s t i l l m ak e s fo r p l e n t y o f l au g hs . Pl u s i t ’s a great oppor t unit y for t hem t o develop confi d ence, f u rt h e r t h e i r re a d i ng s k i l l s an d l ear n how t o w or k t oget her or against each o t her i n a fun g ame e n v i ro n m en t. N o t j u s t p e rf ec t for kids, but adul t s can join in t oo and i t ma kes t he k ids g i g g l e wh en t he y k n o w what ’s being act ed out but t he big people don ’t . Availa b l e f ro m: Bi g W, H arve y N o rman, good toy s tores & online retailers 82

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$29.99 4/5

S u it ab l e f o r a g e s: 6+ ye ars T h e E xt re me S n ak e s o f t h e Wo rl d k it is one of a ser ies of col lect able animal s ci ence a nd c raf t k i t s fo r creat i ve yo u n g h an d s and minds. Make and cust om paint and va r ni s h your own Di a mo n d Pyt h o n an d l i f e s i z e hat ching pyt hon eggs. A ssemble a det a i l ed t i mb er sk e le t o n m o d e l o f a c o b ra. Bu i l d and decor at e y our museum qual it y jungle d i or a ma . Put u p t h e b e a u t i fu l p o s ter and l e arn t he amazing secret s of 10 of t he w or ld ’s mos t ext reme sn ak e s . B e a u t i ful l y wri t ten an d i l l u s t r at ed ful l- colour inspir at ion booklet . Ou r v e rd i ct – T h e y m i g h t s ee m l i k e some of t he scar iest creat ures on t h e p l a net b ut it ’s act u a l l y fa s ci n at i n g to l ear n ab out snakes. Okay, so it may not be ever y one’s cup of te a, b u t I’m s u re t h e re ’s a f e w k i d s (and bigger kids) out t here t hat l ike t hes e s l i t her i ng re pt ile s . I t ’s fu n to b ui l d t he c o b ra skelet on and paint y our ow n d iamond p yt hon, b ut w o rd o f a d v i ce , d o n ’t l e ave t h e m any w here t hat ’s l ikely t o scare t he you- kn ow - w ha t out of y ou r s e l f! B u t en j o y i t al l f o r wh at it is, a great lear ning oppor t unit y ab out s ome of t h e wo r l d ’s m i s u n d ers to o d c reatures. A t least you know t hese ones aren’t t h e rea l t hi ng , h ah a! Availa b l e f ro m: M yer, Ye l l o w Oc to pus , good toy s tores & online retailers 84

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B y :

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If you have a child going through adolescence, you must be familiar with the tumultuous transitions that come along with it. The constant rebellion, anger, fashion experiments and mood swings could make you want to go back to toddler temper tantrums and 2 a.m. feeds.

Statistically speaking, one out of every five adolescents around the world suffer from depression. It is very easy for your child to fall prey to a never-ending cycle of depression and anxiety while your child tries to cope with their raging hormones.

However, with the right support system, depression is treatable. Teenagers are highly absorbent and are capable at learning strategies that help them build their mental health.

Is Your Teen Depressed?

It is vital for you to figure out if your teenager is suffering from clinical depression or regular hormonal spikes. Teen depression is a serious health disorder, it goes far beyond the constant trance of melancholy your child might be in.

Feeling numb, social isolation, constant streams of negative thoughts and angry outbursts are all indicators of underlying issues. They could even turn to drugs or alcohol in an attempt to relieve their momentary distress which eventually worsens the situation.

Another factor you should consider is low self-esteem and confidence in your child. Children who are depressed radiate a sense of hopelessness with a lack of enthusiasm and motivation. They could even fail to do even the simplest of tasks like daily chores and taking care of themselves.

They would at times display sudden reckless behaviour or hostility. This emotional outburst might often end up in tearfulness and frequent crying. They might try to withdraw from friends and family, however pleasant the occasion might be. A change in eating and sleeping habits is another indicator you need to look out for.


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Is The Problem Worse?

The problem, if not treated on time, can turn out to be drastic before you even realise it.

“I wish I could leave this world forever”, “I do not find living worth”, “I do not find a way out to any of my problems”, etc. are all statements that need to be taken seriously. They might speak positively about death or romanticize it as the ultimate pain killer. In the worst-case scenario, they might even seek potential weapons, pills or other ways to kill themselves.

What’s The Solution?

The only solution during initial stages is communication. Depression isn’t a phase, it’s an issue that needs to be handled with care. Your child is not a kid any more who’s angry over something you didn’t get them at the grocery store. Your teenager is in a stage where their physical, hormonal, social and intellectual capacities are growing.

Open a dialogue with your child, make them feel comfortable, assure them you can help, ask what’s going on in their life. Ask them if there’s anything they need help with, let them know they aren’t alone in this walk of life. Talk to them with an open mind, hold back from intruding too much. Let them talk with an open-heart, listen patiently and willingly, assure them you are always there for them, no matter what. FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


Get them involved in activities they love and enjoy. Promote volunteering programs and help your youngster find and support causes they are interested in. This will give them a sense of purpose.

Make physical activity a priority. Persuade them to move, dance, run, swim or do whatever they love. Limit screen time and switch off their phones for at least an hour before bedtime. Get them nutritious and balanced meals. Work on an ideal healthy diet. This will bring down the midnight fridge raids which could help them get plenty of sleep.

Immediately get anything harmful, like a potential weapon or sleeping pills, out of the house or out of reach.

It is highly unlikely for depression to fade away on its own without any dire consequences. Most teenagers don’t reach out for help by themselves, you will probably need to take the first step. Talking to a healthcare professional helps your child understand that they aren’t alone.

However hard it becomes, always support your teen throughout treatment and therapy. Be patient and understanding. Being beside them throughout this stage of life can work wonders. Overcoming depression takes time and effort, all you need to do is to give your child assurance and support, even though the toughest times. 90

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

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B y :

L a n c e

G r e e n

First off, congratulations, you’re about to be a dad to a cute little bundle of joy. You’re about to begin a new chapter of your life where you are going to experience excitement and an array of emotions you’ve never had to deal with before. So, it is very normal for new dad’s to be anxious or feel unprepared. Mothers are generally touted as the caregivers for their babies, while dads’ associations to their babies are limited to fertilisation. However, this narrative has started to change drastically over the past few years. After 9 months of turmoil, a painful delivery, physical weakness, and possible postpartum depression, your spouse or partner needs some well-deserved rest. It is time for you to step up and take the reins now. Paternity Leaves Paternity leaves are the new dope. From celebs like Prince Harry, and Virat Kohli taking paternity leaves to take care of their juniors. Paternity leaves can help make things a tad bit easier. Try to get at least an extra week of leave, this will help with stuff that will pop up later.


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Buckle Up to Be Dirty Wet diapers are going to be your worst enemies for the immediate foreseeable future. Expect about five diaper changes per day. Usually, as a thumb of rule, you need to change one diaper for each day the baby’s been alive. Learn to change the baby’s diapers. For boys, you need to create a shield with the front of the diaper so that you don’t get a shower of pee. For girls, you’ll need to wipe their private parts to prevent any faecal matter in their genital area. Holding The Baby Holding the baby is a necessary skill that all parents must possess. You cannot be a perfect dad as soon as your baby is born. You can get better at it by asking for baby holding instructions from your wife’s guide. There is no shortage for tutorials on YouTube on how to hold your baby. Holding the baby close to your chest, helps you foster the bonds magically. Burping Babies are gas machines! They need to be burped frequently after each

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


feeding session. Your wife or spouse or partner is putting in a lot of work every day and is probably exhausted. So, every bit of help counts. Hold the baby upright by supporting their butt and rub their backs softly until you hear the burp sound. Pretty sure your partner will breathe a sigh of relief when they hear the burp. Compliment Your Partner Your partner is exhausted both emotionally and physically. A pregnancy and delivery can leave the mom anxious, scared and with body image issues. After delivery, moms may sometime think that they’d always look pregnant thereafter. Don’t give her a compliment right off the first page of the Google search results. Be genuine while trying to compliment her. Even a simple, “You look more beautiful than ever.” genuinely from the bottom of your heart goes a long way. Sex Can Wait Sex is probably the last thing on your partner’s mind right after delivery. Moreover, breastfeeding causes a drastic drop in libido. Your partner needs to be assured that it is safe for her to engage in any sexual activity because her womb, cervix, the vagina, and incision wounds need to be healed.


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Date Again No! Definitely not dating another woman! As we mentioned before, your partner needs your support and needs to be shown that you love her more than ever. A month or so in, the baby’s routines are a bit more

“One piece

fixed, and you’d feel that the passion is coming back in. Dirty diapers, spit ups and incessant cries

of final advice

are not what you have in mind when you hear

would be to stay

romantic. An Indoor picnic, Staycation, or just a

patient. The next

movie night can be just what you need to rekindle

few months are going to push your patience to the edge. ”

the spark in your relationship. Final Thoughts One piece of final advice would be to stay patient. The next few months are going to push your patience to the edge. Communicate openly to your partner. Talk to them when you feel stressed and are struggling. We all make mistakes and that is ok. We all make mistakes, just don’t be too hard on yourself. FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



B y :

F e b a

M a r y a n n

“I, take you, to be my lawfully wedded, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part” The vow we have all heard and stumbled across at least a hundred times, be it movies, television shows, social media reminiscing the beautiful journey to forever. A solemn promise, something to be cherished and kept for the rest of our lives. Vows are significant

because they represent both a pledge to oneself and to others. Vow Renewal Vow renewal ceremonies should be one-of-a-kind and meaningful, as well as a complete re-commitment to each other. Vow renewals are a heartfelt way to celebrate your love and reaffirm the promises you made to each other on your wedding day. This is a celebration to cherish and honour the love that has been through ups and downs and yet remains stronger or maybe a form of reconciliation that would connect the innate selves of people, binding them as a family. A vow renewal ceremony is not intended to constitute a remarriage. Instead, it is intended to be a more personal and intimate gathering of close friends and family. Now questions arise, why do you need a vow renewal as a family if you’ve already taken the vows and devoted your entire lives to each other? The day of your vow renewal would be as exquisite as the day of your wedding, and it would be a heart-warming gathering for family and friends, as well as an intimate gesture for your own narrative of


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

forever. A marriage vow renewal is the ideal way to start if you couldn’t have a suitable ceremony in the first place. If you had difficulties and challenges in your relationship that you conquered and want to display your family’s unity, wedding vow renewal is a fantastic idea. If you just want to treasure your relationship and be more joyous, this would be an ideal way to go about it. It may seem unnecessary and add to the ever-growing celebrations associated with marriage but, it can also be a haven to cherish a relationship and be thankful for the bond you have. The Next Question Would Be How To Incorporate Your Family Into Vow Renewals:

Even if the vow is renewed between two people, it can also be a family affair. It’s also a good occasion to recognise the support you’ve received from various generations of your family and close friends, as well as the beneficial influence they’ve had on the success of your marriage. It’s time to get creative with your preparation and discover methods to integrate these very special folks into your

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


vow renewal ceremony, whether you’re celebrating a milestone anniversary, cementing an elopement, or meant to symbolise the end of a tough time.

Ask your kids or close family to officiate the ceremony, making it more personal and intimate. You can also ask friends, or even the best man or bridesmaids, to officiate the ceremony. You won’t have to seek help from professionals or even legally certify the ceremony.

Incorporating an elderly couple into the family would be a great idea because there is nothing more heart-warming than an elderly couple in love. Seeking their blessings and maybe a few tips for a happy marriage would be entertaining and eye-watering at the same time.

Involving younger children in holding bouquets or even giving them the flower bearer position would be ideal. Collecting wishes from other couples and maybe even a few speeches from close people would make the ceremony brighter and more eventful.


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Remembering deceased ones in the family or in the close group would also be ideal.

How To Make The Ceremony More Eventful:

It would be fantastic to plan the celebration ahead of time and focus on rituals that would make the gathering more joyous. Making the gathering fun-packed and engaging for every guest would be more fulfilling. Focusing on the positives and acknowledging the strong bond between the couple would be inspiring to young couples. There could be a bouquet, a bachelor and bachelorette parties, and even a bridal shower. The location could be even personal to the couple.

There is no better joy in the world than celebrating love and trust. Celebrating that with people whom you adore and trust would be euphoric.

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


keeping up appearances! WRITTEN BY: SHEREE HODDINETT

I do my best to be a positive influence on my girls. But sometimes they come out with the strangest words or concepts and I have to hide so they don’t see me laughing. That doesn’t make me a bad mum, right?! Honestly if you can’t laugh at your kids, what else have you got? Especially if you’re the lucky one spending a big chunk of the day with them. But on the other hand, I think I also do take the cake for being a horrible mum. Hear me out. This is one of those situations in life where I have to be a bit of the nice mum and a bit of the mean mum. I don’t like it but, my kids are driving me around the bend! Every little thing they can do to drive me bonkers, they have done it. It probably doesn’t help that we have had the longest school holidays ever here in Queensland!! I’ve decided I’m changing my name too. I’m no longer known as mum or Sheree, they’re both long gone. Don’t ask me what I’m changing it to, I haven’t decided yet, ha-ha! You probably don’t need to ask why. In fact, most mums would likely feel the same. “Mum, mum, mummmmmmm, MUM, MUMMY.….” on constant repeat and getting louder wears a bit thin over time. Mind you, it doesn’t seem to have the same effect in the kids in reverse, does it?! Whyyyyyyyyy????!!!! I think I’m almost as bad as them, I wonder where they get it from? I’m going to say their father! I know I complain/whinge/carry on about my kids and their behaviour. Hey, it gives me a lot of my writing material, ha-ha! I know I’m responsible for them and therefore do my absolute best with everything. But I also fail. I’m not perfect (never have been!) and I can’t win all the time or ever, I think. I definitely don’t always get it right. I don’t know what “it” is really. Does anyone? Plus I have days where I make what feels like all the right decisions and yet it all goes to poop still. But what do I do? I put on my big girl pants, smile like nothing has happened and get on with things. Why? Because it seems that’s what we mums do!


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

I’ve been told I’m the

Who knows? I’m not on

smile, probably because

“worst mum in the world”

the outside looking in. If I

they have either done it

about 100 times lately.

was, maybe I’d do things

themselves or they really

That’s probably only a

differently. In saying that,

want to!

slight exaggeration too.

would I change how I

Am I really the worst mum

do things as a mum?

Parenting is hard and

in the world? You’d have

Nah, probably not. I love

without a rulebook, no

to ask my dearest darling

being able to use humour

one knows the right or

angels (sarcasm intended)

in my parenting and the

wrong way to do things,

but they’ll put on their

way I relay things. I feel

you just have to wing it. I

biggest smiles, bat their

it keeps life interesting.

look at that as my style….

eyelashes at you and say

Had a bad day? Lock the

most of the time. Yes I get

I’m the “best mummy in

kids in the toy room and

it right sometimes and I

the whole world”. Am I?

hide or better yet jump

most definitely get things

Definitely not and I will



wrong a lot of other

never win any Mother of

and scare the life out of

times. I get sad about it

the Year awards. Maybe

them. It’ll make you feel

and I talk to my friends

an “Average Mother of

better for a few minutes

(you know who you are!),

the Year” award would

at least! Or another really

we laugh together and

be better suited for me?!

good one….if you’re out

then we do it all again.

with the kids and they are


Look I make all the jokes in




the world about my kids,



blog at :



away and pretend you

and of course my skills as

don’t know them. Trust

Until next time….

a mum. In reality, I may

me other parents know

not be as bad as I think.

what you’re doing and







FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



g ir ls F A S H IO N



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FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



BABY Jack & Milly Pearl Woven Dress & Bloomer Set Mustard $34.95 Kicks Katie Mary Jane White Shoes $24.95


GIRL Milkshake Woven Button Down Dress $36.95 Clarks Lizzie Girls Sneakers $39.95


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


BABY Mayoral Pink Embroidered Outfit $70.00 Converse White Glitter Star Player Trainers $74.00


BABY Molo Tiger White Candy Dress $140.00 Chloé Brown Sandals $416.00

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


b o y s F A S H IO N


BABY Stripe Dungaree Set $19.00 Baby Shoes $8.00


BOY Australian Cotton Henley T-shirt $3.00 Pull On Linen Shorts $15.00

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



BABY Sprout Whale Overall Set Tan $29.95 Kicks Kian Loafer Navy Shoes $24.95


BOY Milkshake Essentials Print T-Shirt $15.00 Essentials Cobalt Chino Pull On $20.00 Ciao Mario Boys Sneaker $39.95


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


BABY Play Up 2-Pack Baby Set Dandelion $96.00 Adidas Originals White Superstar Crib Shoes $62.00


BOY Dal Lago Plain T-Shirt $72.00 Bonpoint Checkered Shorts Blue $210.00 Converse Navy Chuck Taylor All Star Trainers $106.00

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


Short Sleeve Graphic Bodysuit $49.95

Wanderlust Pant $18.00

Twirly Pocket Dress $52.00

Ruffle Long Sleeve Dress $61.00

Shortstop Raglan Graphic Tee $35.00

Everybody’s Friend Graphic Tee $35.00

Hand-Me-Down Hoodie $52.00

Go-Go-Graphics Sweatshirt $43.00

Twirly Pocket Skirt $52.00

Softie Shorts $35.00

wea r p act

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


H E A L T H Y r e c i p e s

sourced from:

D e l i c i o u s

Blueberry Scones

prep time: 35 mins serves: 30




heat oven to 200c (180c fan-forced) and line an oven tray with baking paper.


in a large bowl, add flour, salt and margarine. mix with your hands until it resembles breadcrumbs.


make a well in the center, add honey, vanilla and gradually add the milk. stir until just incorporated. gently fold in the blueberries.


gently knead a few times and flatten into a disc approx. 2cm thick.


cut the dough into desired shapes and place on the prepared baking sheet. brush with the remaining milk.


bake for 18-22 minutes, or until the tops are lightly golden. cool on the tray for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack.

NOTE freezes well, microwave with damp cloth to reheat. serve with some spread of jam or margarine (optional). 134

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

6 cups

wholemeal self-raising flour

130g margarine 1 3/4 cups milk 1 tsp salt 9 tbsp honey 3 tsp vanilla extract 2 cups blueberries (frozen)

Quick & Easy

Cereal Slice

prep time: 25 mins serves: 10




combine all ingredients. mix thoroughly.


line a 25cm shallow pan with baking paper. press mixture flat in the pan.


bake at 180˚c for 15-20 minutes, or until golden.


cool in pan and cut when cold.

1 cup dried fruit 1 cup self-raising flour 1 cup

dates (or a mixture of dried fruit)

1 cup

oats (or any other cereal like cornflakes)

slithered almonds (any 125g nuts or other dried fruit can be used) * 125g margarine 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 egg, beaten

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Pumpkin, Spinach And Feta Savoury Twist prep & cook time: 45 mins serves: 4 INSTRUCTIONS 1

preheat oven to 200 degrees.


mash about half the pumpkin, dicing the remainder up into small pieces.


place 2 1/2 cups flour and a pinch of salt into a large bowl. add margarine, using your finger tips to rub it into the flour until the mixtures consistency resembles fine breadcrumbs.


add mashed pumpkin, feta, rosemary, spinach and yoghurt. knead until it forms a dough.


use the remaining flour to coat a chopping board. split dough into 3 even pieces and roll each into a log.


place on a greased tray and plait dough together. top with diced pumpkin.


bake for 20 minutes or until slightly brown and crispy.


pumpkin (peeled and steamed or baked)

3 cups self raising flour margarine or 70g vegetable oil based spread 150g feta (crumbled) Large handful of chopped rocket or spinach of dried rosemary (or 2 tsp 1-2 sprigs of fresh rosemary) 1/2 cup

natural or Greek yoghurt Pinch of salt

NOTE serve warm or freeze as a lunchbox snack.

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Stir Fried Rice prep & cook time: 45 mins serves: 4


chop all the vegetables

INGREDIENTS 1 carrot 1 sml red capsicum


put oil into wok or pan and heat


cook onion, garlic and carrot for 3 minutes

1 lrg onion


add capsicum and cabbage. cook for a further 5 minutes stirring occasionally

1 tsp oil


push the vegetables to one side and add eggs. cook through then break up and stir into vegetables


add peas, soy sauce, chilli sauce and rice


stir over high heat until heated through

1/4 sml cabbage

1 cup frozen peas 2 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp

sweet chilli sauce (optional)

3 eggs 3 cups

cooked rice, preferably brown

OPTIONAL cooked chicken, ham or tofu

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125


Quick & Easy

Green Goodness Patties

prep time: 55 mins serves: 4-6





place peas and half the spinach in a bowl and cover with boiling water for 1 minute. drain water away and squeeze out excess liquid from mixture. place pea mixture, spring onions, garlic, chickpeas, cheese, egg and oats / breadcrumbs in a food processor or blender. blitz until combined. shape mixture into 4-6 patties. using wet hands may help!


chill patties in the fridge for 10 minutes or until they begin to firm.


heat a large, non stick frying pan over medium heat. cook patties for 5 minutes on each side or until golden and heated through. add a tablespoon of oil to the frypan if required.


2 cups frozen peas 100g baby spinach 2

2 cloves of garlic, peeled 400g


FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained

parmesan cheese, finely 2/3 cup grated (can replace with tasty cheese) 1 egg 3/4 cup

these patties are great with a salad, cucumber, lime and yoghurt, on a burger or wrap or by themselves in a lunchbox

spring onions, roughly chopped

fresh breadcrumbs or oats

Quick & Easy

Mac ‘N’ Cheese Corn & Zucchini Slice

prep time: 65 mins serves: 4-6




grease a 20cm x 30cm baking dish and line with baking paper.


cook macaroni in water as per packet instructions.

1 1/2 cups macaroni 2 zucchinis 1 sml

tin corn kernals or kernals cut from 1 cob

put the cooked pasta, zucchini, corn, ricotta, 1 cup of cheddar, oil, eggs, self-raising flour and salt into a large mixing bowl and mix with a spoon until combined.

1 cup ricotta


spoon the mixture into baking dish and sprinkle top with the extra cheddar cheese or crumble over feta.

1/4 cup olive oil


bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes or until golden.


allow to cool and then cut into squares.


1 cup cheddar cheese

5 eggs 1 cup self-raising flour 1 tsp salt 1/4 cup

cheddar cheese (or 100gr feta cheese)

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Sweet Potato Brownies prep & chill time: 6 hrs+ serves: 6


peel and chop sweet potato, then steam or cook in microwave until very soft.


place sweet potato, almond meal, flour, cinnamon, dates, cacao powder and maple syrup in bowl of a food processor and process until a smooth batter.


pour batter into a lined 20 cm square tin and bake at 180 degrees for approx 25 mins (or until skewer comes out clean).


leave in tin for 10 mins before removing to cut into even squares.


store in refrigerator.

INGREDIENTS 2 med sweet potatoes 3/4 cup almond meal 3/4 cup wholemeal flour medjool dates, pitted and chopped (or 15 10 dried dates soaked in warm water for 15 mins) 1 tsp cinnamon 1/3 cup cacao powder 1/4 cup pure maple syrup

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125



FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125

Beet Chocolate Muffins prep & cook time: 30 mins serves: 12


INGREDIENTS beetroot (250g), peeled and trimmed


preheat oven to 160°c (325°f).


3 eggs


grate the beetroot (you should have 1¾ cups). place the beetroot, eggs, sugar, cacao, almond meal, flour, buttermilk and baking powder in a large bowl. mix to combine.



divide the mixture between 12 lightly greased muffin holes (cupcake size tray). bake for 18 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer. set aside for 5 minutes. turn out onto a wire rack to cool. freezes well, reheat in microwave.

3/4 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1/2 cup

almond meal (ground almonds)*

1/2 cup plain flour 1/2 cup

buttermilk (or natural yoghurt)

2 tsp baking powder

NOTE almond meal can be replaced with whole-wheat plain flour.

FEBRUARY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #125







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