My Child Magazine May 2018 Issue

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide


Raising Healthy Kids ISSUE 80 - MAY 2018


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My Child magazine and are wholly owned by MyChild Magazine (ABN 79 167 787 662). No other parties or individuals have any financial interest in the company or in My Child or My Child contains general information only and does not purport to be a substitute for health and parenting advice. Readers are advised to seek a doctor for all medical and health matters. The publisher and authors do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of an action taken by readers in reliance on the recommendations set out in this magazine. Reproduction of any material without written permission by the publisher is strictly forbidden. We cannot accept responsibility for material lost or damaged in the post or for any unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders.


may 2018 | mychild

Peace of mind for every mum Now it’s even easier to care for your baby with the all-in-one Secure870 baby monitor. Video monitoring, lullabies, white noise and even a starry night lightshow to sooth your baby to sleep!


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High quality 3.5” touchscreen with split screen view Multi camera capable (up to four cameras) Motorised pan-tilt camera 19 lullabies, white noise, nature and womb sounds

Oricom’s leading range of baby monitors is always growing. See the extensive range in store now.

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Letter Hi Everyone, Now I know I have been writing a lot about the struggles of toddlers lately, but I really am ready to give up with my three-year-old. Max is such a headstrong, independent and fearless child which some of are her greatest qualities but are unfortunately are my greatest undoing’s as a parent. I feel like I am either constantly repeating myself or better yet, speaking in an entire other language, I swear I said the same thing 5 mins ago, yesterday, last week, actually I said this last month and it still hasn’t registered – HELP!!! Max is constantly questioning me about everything. If I ask her to put on her shoes, she will start with “but why mummy?”. It’s kind of cute at first, sitting down and explaining all your requests and actions, but that’s only until you have had to explain just about every step it takes to get out of the house with a toddler, every single day, that in the end, you just seem to get annoyed by hearing your own voice on repeat. This cheeky little monster has me up every night to get her milk (it’s usually a 3am milk run at my place) and goodness forbid that the milk isn’t the right temperature, that could lead to a total 3am meltdown that you pray you’re going to avoid, so you do your best to keep the boss happy and the house sleeping. I love and miss the newborn stage. Sure, it has it cons, but it took until the toddler years to learn that was the easy part. Now let’s take a look at what’s in the May Issue. This month is Raising Healthy Children month. This month’s themed articles are: 5 Tips To Take Care of Your Child’s Wellbeing, What You Need To Know About Childhood Immunisations, Vegan Parenting: Benefits of Raising Your Kids on A Plant-Based Diet, The Importance of Teaching Your Kids Self-Care Skills and Eat Your Vegetables: Ways To Combat The Picky Eater. We also have: 5 Reasons To Join A Pregnancy Support Group, The Health Risks & Complications of Giving Birth in Your 40s, Pumping vs. Breastfeeding - Pros and Cons, Sugar: Is it the Enemy?, The Benefits of Having A Hobby, How To Play With Your Baby in the First Year, Laugh More, Worry Less: Sharing A Sense of Humour All the usuals, interior, reviews blog and much more can also be found in this issue too. Until Next Month

Bianca xxx

Bianca and the My Child Team xxxnca and the mychild Team xxx 6

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Written by Karli Steenkamp Childhood Immunisations may be one of those things that you might not have thought of yet. You were probably preoccupied with birth, nurseries and all the exciting things of becoming a parent. It can be daunting for a first time parent to think about immunisations, because you might not know all the facts about immunisations and it can be scary to let your child go through that. The benefits of the vaccines outshine the few seconds your baby might cry because of the prick of a needle. Vaccinations save about 3 million people per year worldwide.


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WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO VACCINATE YOUR CHILD? It is the best way of protecting your child against diseases. There is a possibility that these diseases can cause damage to a child that can be permanent or even cause death. The more people that gets vaccinated the less chance there are for diseases to spread. It also protects vulnerable people like the aged, pregnant women and babies with weakened immune systems. To enroll your child at a school or receive benefits like Medicare and Family benefits, it is important that your child’s immunisation records are up to date. WHAT ARE VACCINATIONS? Vaccinations are usually given through a needle in the arm or leg or drops in the mouth. It all depends on the type of vaccine and the age or size of a child. Vaccines contain weakened or killed germs to help make your immune system stronger. If your body gets into contact with the particular disease your immune system recognizes it and knows it should start fighting. These vaccines have been through strict testing and are safe. Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you won’t ever get the disease, but if you do it will not be as severe and you should heal faster than people that weren’t vaccinated. Are there side effects to vaccinations? Most children have very little side effects to vaccinations. The injected spot might be red for a while and your child might have a mild fever. For a day or two a child might not feel quite like his or her self. A parecetomal can be giving to make them feel a little better. Some kids have no side-effects.


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WHEN DO CHILDREN GET VACCINATED? Children usually get their first injection not long after being born. Thereafter the next injections are at two months, four months, six months, twelve months, eighteen months, four years and then between ten and fifteen years. It is important to keep track of these timelines so that your child doesn’t miss a vaccination.

WHAT INJECTIONS DOES YOUR CHILD NEED? The AIR (Australian Immunisation Register) keeps track of everyone’s vaccinations. You can ask them for a copy of this if it is needed for enrolling your child into a school. The National Immunisation Program Schedule covers the following: • Hepatitis A & B

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Whooping cough Diphteria Polio Tetanus Rotavirus Measles & German Measles (Rubella) Mumps Chicken pox Pneumophilus disease Haemophilus influenza type B Meningcoccal C Human Papillo Mavirus

Many injections are combined, so they are given together. These vaccinations are entirely free to you as it is subsidized by the government. If you are travelling it is important to seek advice if any immunisations are needed for the country you are going to. Different countries have different diseases. You have to inform the AIR, so that they can add these immunisations to your child’s records if it was done outside of Australia. Immunisations don’t have to be an overwhelming thought. Your doctor or immunisation provider will answer all your questions and concerns. They are trained to do the vaccines as fast and painless as possible and as soon as your child is distracted after the injection, the memory of the injection will be something of the past. Vaccinating helps them stay healthy and help their bodies to fight diseases. It helps them in ways they can’t understand yet, but as the saying goes ‘no pain, no gain’. If you need any information regarding immunisations you can phone The National Immunisation Program Info line at 1800 671 811. Reference: Better Health / Australian Government – Department of Human Services / My

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5 Tips To Take Care of Your Child’s Wellbeing Written by Jana Angeles A child’s wellbeing is something we can’t neglect as parents. When they grow older, we need to show them the real values of life and avoid raising kids that lack emotional intelligence when it comes to big adult decision-making. It’s hard enough as a parent to manage our kids behaviour but it’s important that we take the time to get to know our child, especially at the critical age when they are young. They are curious creatures and we must treasure every moment we have with them. There are no shortcuts when it comes to taking care of their wellbeing so here are some ways you can show them love and care as they grow up:

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REMIND THEM OF THEIR BEST QUALITIES Children love being reminded of their best qualities. Whether it’s their generosity, sense of humour and ability to read, showing appreciation to these qualities that make up their personality can make a difference. It’s always great to remind them every now and then on what makes them unique as human beings. Simply saying that you love a quality in them can boost their self-confidence and can make all the difference. They will learn that these make them likeable as people and can help nurture the relationships they have with friends and family.


SHOW THEM PRAISE FOR SOMETHING THEY’VE DONE WELL If your child has done an awesome drawing or created something handmade for you, give them praise for their efforts. Having a great self-esteem will help your child be aware of their talents and encourage them to work on what they’re good at, leading them to bigger and brighter things in the future. If you show your child praise and provide them with constructive feedback every now and then (the white lies can get a little out of hand sometimes...), they will value your honesty and can help them work even harder to not only impress you and the family but for themselves!


MODEL A GOOD RELATIONSHIP TO YOUR CHILD It’s important that you have a good relationship with your spouse or partner. Taking care of them and showing respect can go a long way when it comes to your child’s wellbeing. How you treat your partner says a lot about you and what you value most in life. It’s not about handing them materialistic gifts just to avoid the fights and keeping them “happy”. Even if it’s once a month, schedule a date night with them and


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show that you genuinely love their company. Your child will respect you and your partner for building a relationship of trust, love and support. In return, they will feel protected and happy that their parents have a healthy connection with each other, despite how busy life can get.


PLAY BOARD GAMES This is a great way to spend time with the family as you can have a laugh over it (while also being lowkey competitive). Playing board games will teach your child critical skills and help them learn the key aspects of teamwork, collaboration and problem-solving. Games like Monopoly or UNO provide great entertainment for your child. They will also be away from any technological gadget, giving them time to spend with family. However, you don’t need to play board games if they don’t interest you. It could be playing games outdoors or going to the nearby amusement park as a family.


SHOW THEM HAPPINESS Whether it’s getting a promotion for work, travelling, adopting a dog from the shelter or even eating at your favourite restaurant, showing your child that you’re happy can really make a positive impact. When you show them the value of self-care, they will try and model that and see that in themselves. The most important thing is to show your child that happiness is subjective. It has different meanings to all kinds of people so teach them that. Overall, your child’s wellbeing is something that is built upon the environment in which they grow up in. As parents, you should be modelling respect, empathy and love in the household. In return, this will increase their emotional intelligence and encourage them to build meaningful relationships in the future as adults.


Favourite Baby Sleep Aid / Favourite Nursery Product Ollie the Owl – Sound and Light Grofriend

Favourite Baby Sleep Aid Groclock

Favourite Baby Sleep Bag / Favourite Baby Safety Product Groromper

Favourite Baby Sleep Bag / Favourite Baby Safety Product Grobag

Favourite Baby Swaddle Swaddle Grobag

Favourite Baby Sleep Aid / Favourite Nursery Product Groegg2

The Health Risks & Complications Of Giving Birth In Your 40’s By Karli Steenkamp Times have considerably changed and in an era where the biggest moral fight is about equality in the workplace more and more women have babies later in life. Whether the decision is to travel, focus on a career or waiting to find ‘the one’, many women don’t have babies in their 20’s anymore. This is proven by Live science that states that the number of woman having babies over 30 have nearly doubled since1993. A pregnancy takes its toll on any woman, doesn’t matter what her age. Many women over 40 are lucky to be pregnant as fertility has severely dropped at this age. Many women over 40 have had healthy babies and beautiful pregnancies, however over 35 the risks for you and your baby significantly increases. It is important to not be scared of the facts, but aware so that you can go into your pregnancy ready and know what your doctor’s are concerned about.


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HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Any pre-existing medical condition that you might have had before you fell pregnant, can cause problems during your pregnancy. It is important to tell your doctor about these so that it can be monitored. One of these pre-existing conditions can be high blood pressure. Over 35 women are twice likely to have high blood pressure even though it might not even be a pre-existing condition. High blood pressure can lead to preeclampsia which affects your organs. It can put your baby into danger as well, because the fetus will not be able to receive all the nutrients and oxygen he or she needs to grow. The only treatment for this condition is to deliver your baby even though your baby might not be ready for the big world. PLACENTA PREVIA Problems with your placenta can be monitored during the pregnancy. Placenta previa is when your placenta is lying unusually low and covering your cervix. This can eventually lead to bleeding and a c-section will need to be done. This condition can correct itself during the pregnancy. GESTATIONAL DIABETES Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes some women get during pregnancy, most of the time it usually disappears after birth. Diabetes can have complications for you and your baby, however with the advice of your doctor it can be managed. DOWN SYNDROME The risk of Down syndrome increases significantly with age. Down syndrome is a chromosome disorder which causes children to have an intellectual disability. For women in their 30’s the chances of having a Down syndrome baby are 1/1000. For women over 40 the numbers are 1/100. There are tests your doctor can do very early in your pregnancy, if you wish, to detect Down syndrome. 18

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OTHER RISKS Having a baby in your 40’s increases your risk of having a miscarriage or stillbirth. Your doctor will monitor your baby closely within the last few weeks of the pregnancy. The risk to you after childbirth is just as high even if there weren’t any complications during the pregnancy itself. These risks include blood clots or bleeding, overall health and damage to organs. Ectopic pregnancies, where the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, is common in women that are older. Unfortunately in this case the pregnancy will most likely be terminated as it is too dangerous to carry the baby to term. Another risk is that there is a good chance your baby can be delivered prematurely or have a low birth weight. It is important to remember as we age, so does our bodies. Over 40 you most likely will have a caesarean birth. In every pregnancy there are risks, doesn’t matter what your age. Doctor’s are trained to deal with worst case scenarios and there are many women who have babies later in life. It is important to know the risk, but not to let it consume you and keep you from enjoying the miracle of carrying your child. It is essential to have good antenatal care and be aware of your body as well as the movements of your baby. Many older women have successfully delivered healthy babies. The reassurance that you are older and wiser makes many women enjoy this experience more and be tolerant of the symptoms and sleepless nights. It has its pros and cons, but know your facts and know your body and take it easy. Resources: Live Science: Hannah Brown Better health Channel/ABC Health & Wellbeing /Babycentre

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Favourite Baby Sleep Aid Category My Child Magazine Excellence Awards 2018

Book Reviews


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Book Reviews WHEN I’M OLDER Written by Isa Flory & Neil Flory, Illustrated by Somak Chaudhary This gorgeous book is a literal take on the idea of children being a lump of clay, to be moulded into whatever they choose - the illustrations accompanying the text are actually photographs of clay models. Readers follow as on each page, the clay takes a different form - from a bear, to a chair, to an unruly mop of hair! Children aged 2-6 will love the funny rhyming text, and be left with the message that their future is full of options, but for now they can just enjoy being kids.

SUPERHERO MUM Written by Timothy Knapman, Illustrated by Joe Berger Just in time for Mother’s Day, this story captures a young girl’s impression that her mother is invincible. She makes up super fun games, sticks on bubble beards in the bath, and always manages to find lost teddies. But as much as the little girl believes that her mum is better than all the rest, the book leaves readers with the idea that “Every mum’s a superhero and so is every girl!” This is an empowering book to share with readers aged 2-5, and is a great reminder to both kids and grown-ups that sometimes being a parent really does require superpowers! 22

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CAR, CAR, TRUCK, JEEP Written by Katrina Charman, Illustrated by Nick Sharratt This ingenious book takes everyone’s favourite nursery rhyme, Baa Baa Black Sheep, and modifies the lyrics into a catchy song about every form of transport imaginable, from fourwheeled road vehicles to trains, planes, and even a hovercraft. Coupled with bold, bright illustrations, this book is sure to be a hit for transport-loving readers aged 2-5.

CANNONBALL CORALIE AND THE LION Written & Illustrated by Grace Easton Coralie lived happily alone in the woods, until a troupe of circus performers and a friendly lion showed her what had been missing from her life. When Coralie discovered she was brave enough to be shot out of a canon, she knew the circus troupe were just the family she needed. This is a quirky tale of friendship and courage that will be enjoyed by readers aged 3-7.


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VEGAN PARENTING: BENEFITS OF RAISING YOUR KIDS ON A PLANT-BASED DIET Written by Jana Angeles Veganism is growing at a fast rate and whether you agree or not, raising kids on a plant-based diet is possible. As long as they take multivitamins that may be missing while on a vegan diet, they are also making ethical choices without knowing it. Whether you’ve turned vegan recently or have raised your children on a vegan diet from the start, you’d be happy to know that there are benefits to raising them on a complete plant-based diet.


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Making good food choices is what we want our children to do and it’s important that we encourage them to take care when it comes to their health as well. Here are the benefits of raising your kids on a vegan diet: TEACHES THEM THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES With the growing demands of veganism, there are so many recipes that have a strong focus on fruits and vegetables. You may have eaten meat in the past but did you know you can recreate the meaty meals you used to love and make them vegan? Otherwise, parents that raise their kids on a plant-based diet are ahead of everyone else as they’re already teaching kids to be creative when it comes to making recipes using fruits and veggies. Your children will realise that you can make delicious meals that are completely plantbased, encouraging them to eat meals with high nutritional value. HELPS THEM MAKE ETHICAL CHOICES Gone are the days where being vegan was a “hippie” or “cool” thing as more and more are realising that being vegan also helps you make informed and ethical choices. Eliminating meat and dairy from your diet is not only benefiting your physical health, but you also stop contributing to animal cruelty. Although your children may not understand this at first, you can explain to them that animals are friends, not food. You can take them to a sanctuary farm and show them the compassionate treatment of the animals and that being vegan is what makes this possible. It will be a fun day out for the kids and they will learn to appreciate all the animals. REDUCES THEIR CARBON FOOTPRINT Eating meat and dairy contributes to the carbon footprint. When it comes to raising farmstock, animals that are raised and sold off to factory farms need to be fed grains in order


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to grow quickly. Factory farms are crowded and because these animals produce faeces constantly, a lot of waste is produced. When you eliminate meat and dairy products from your diet, you’re not only making an ethical choice but you’re also contributing to a better environment. You can teach your kids that being on a plant-based diet means emitting less toxic chemicals for the planet and improving the state of the environment for future individuals. VEGAN MEALS ARE DELICIOUS AND SUPER CREATIVE! Want a burger? Pizza? Pasta? You got it! As a vegan, you don’t have to miss out on all the food you love. It just means you have to be creative and buy ingredients that are crueltyfree. More and more vegan products are being created and by now, vegans and vegetarians have the option to purchase different mock meats and dairy-free products at their local supermarket. Since your kids are vegan and assuming they have not eaten meat before, they will appreciate the cruelty-free version of meals you’ve prepared for them. Also, if you’re too lazy to cook for the family, there are plenty of restaurants offering vegan alternatives and if you go to a vegetarian restaurant, most of what you order is vegan. You just need to double check and call ahead just incase. If you’re a vegan and are raising your kids as vegans, not only are you doing them a solid when it comes to their health, but you’re also making a compassionate and positive choice eliminating meat and dairy from their diet. With the alarming rates of cruelty in factory farms and the toxic chemicals that are produced by the mass of farm animals, you’re not only looking after their health but you’re also showing them creative ways to eat plants!

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Drama drama drama Every day there’s some kind of world-ending problem with my girls. Apparently, it isn’t fair if we can’t have what we want. I want, I want, I want...I hear it all the time, like I’m sure all you other mummas out there do as well! The worst one I feel is “I want chocolate.” I secretly think, so do I kiddo, but if I eat some then you’ll know and want some and I couldn’t do that to you when I’ve already told you “no”, plus eating in front of you would be mean. So, in turn we both suffer! And this mumma doesn’t cope too well without a hit of chocolate!

I often think I’m probably the cranky Mum (especially without my chocolate or wine, haha!). I always seem to have things to do (washing, cleaning, tidying up, you know the “fun” grown up chores) and it never goes down well with my girls of course. I’ve quite often mentioned they could do it for me but that never goes down well either. Cleaning up the mess they made is “too hard”. What do you do?! Is it time to start using bribery? The younger you start them, the better, right?! Life sure is tough when you’re only two and four years old. To be fair, it’s been quite a roller coaster this past year and I’d probably be throwing some drama my way if I was them. It’s hard enough dealing with things as a grown up, let alone as a little person still working out the world and also where their own face is! But sometimes, tantrums over where we sit or who has a shower or bath, makes me wonder how I’m still sane.

What I have learnt is there definitely no right time to do anything. Life, and well kids, will still throw everything.... toys and tantrums you no matter what. They don’t care if you feel tired, worn down or just don’t want to adult, if they need you, you’re on mummy duty. Yep there are days I don’t want to adult, let alone be mummy, but my girls always have other ideas. Their built-in radar clicks into gear the minute I sit or lie down. There’s no pause, rewind or fast forward button when you want to take it easy, that’s for sure. I always say they’re lucky I love them. I really shouldn’t say that. Those two little cheeky bundles of energy are the best thing I’ve ever done. Yes, I know I’m being sentimental. I’m sure all mums out there would agree. There’s something about your own kids, they just take over your well as your life, bed, shower, toilet time....and no matter how old they get I will still want to shower them in cuddles and kisses. I can just them picture pushing me away saying “stop Mum you’re embarrassing me”, I can’t wait (Hahahaha). It’s like a rite of passage isn’t it?! What your parents did to embarrass you as a child, you can do it to your own children? Passing it down the line, so to speak.

I didn’t always know if I really wanted to be a Mum. It’s not exactly something everyone thinks about as a kid. As a teenager you’re too busy trying to survive the “joys” of puberty and high school and well just life in general. The idea of children becomes a bit more of a reality as you head into your 20’s and depending on where you are in your life (settled down or SHEREE ECHLIN not) whether it happens or not. BY: I guess it’s At the end of the day it’s always good to not for everyone and it’s definitely a life know you aren’t alone and you definitely changer! aren’t the only one on this roller coaster of bringing up kids. Always interesting But I’m glad I had my girls when I did. No and certainly never boring. Head over to matter how much they drive me crazy/ and enjoy some more insane/up the wall, they are my two most light-hearted reading about the joys/fun/ favourite people in the whole world, most drama of parenting. days anyway. Plus, I’m not sure I could have handled them if I was a bit older at the starting point.


may 2018 | mychild

Pumping vs. Breastfeeding - Pros and Cons Written By Jana Angeles As a mother, you’re faced with the tough decision of making the “right” choice for your baby. But no matter what choice you pick, you feel like you’re being scrutinised by making it in the first place. You will come across people with different opinions on things and one of the ones you’ll hear more about is how you should be feeding your baby. Whether you like to believe it or not, it all depends on circumstance and what your preference is.


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Nobody should be judged by how they choose to feed the baby. Either way, we should stick to what we know as mothers and not feel like we have to place so much pressure on ourselves from societal expectations. We’re just doing our best, right? As a guide only, this article informs you about the pros and cons of breastfeeding. In the end, it’s all about prioritising what you believe is best for you and your baby.

PUMPING Pros • You can monitor it easily - when you’re feeding your baby after you have pumped some milk from your breast, you can see how they have consumed and keep track of it. You’ll know how much milk they require for each feeding session. • You save time - team work has never been so easy. While you have those mid-dawn shifts when attending the hunger of your baby, you can ask your partner to bottle-feed your child while you pump for the next bottle. You get more minutes of sleep out of it, which is always a plus. • Get family and friends involved - having a bottle of breastmilk already comes handy, so if you’re visiting relatives or close friends, you can hand them the bottle for a feeding session while you pump breastmilk. It gives them the opportunity to bond with your baby as well. Cons • Contamination - unfortunately, the milk you produce is not directly coming from the breast and there’s a possibility that contamination can happen either from the pump parts and bottles.


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• You still need to clean up - washing more bottles on top of your own dishes is not fun. • It can feel isolating - unlike breastfeeding, you can’t multitask when you’re pumping. You have to do this to maintain your privacy and it can feel lonely sometimes, especially if you want to keep talking to your friend but you baby needs feeding and you haven’t pumped milk yet.

BREASTFEEDING Pros • You don’t need to carry the extra weight - it saves you from dragging around heavy pump equipment and ice packs. All you need to bring is your breastfeeding wrap and you’re all set. • You don’t need to use bottles - imagine the time and water you’ll save by not

having to wash and sterilise them because you’re breastfeeding! • You’ll feel a closer bond with your baby - breastfeeding is great for bonding with your baby. You can’t resist their cuteness, plus skin-to-skin contact does them good! You’ll feel the bonds between you and your baby form while breastfeeding. Cons • Nobody can help you - when you’re breastfeeding, you’re on-the-clock every few hours when it comes to feeding your hungry baby. You have to arrange your appointments and errands that suit your feeding schedule of your child, which can be challenging. You are the food supplier after all! • It takes a lot of time - compared to pumping, breastfeeding will feel like an eternity. You don’t know when it’ll end. When you’re feeding on the bottle, it’s much easier to keep track of when they’ll be finished and satisfied from their hunger. • Difficult to do it in a public setting believe it or not, there are still places/ individuals who shame mothers for breastfeeding in public. Let’s face it, it’s hard to be discrete and people know when you’re doing it. Even though we’ve addressed the pros and cons of pumping and breastfeeding, it honestly depends on the mother and her decision on what works for her. If you feel that you like one option more than the other, don’t let another person’s opinion change how you feel about it. Both come with great benefits, so make a decision that sits right with you.

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What is at Stake in Nutritional Variety? What is at Stake in Nutritional Variety? When your baby needs more nourishment than breast milk or formula can offer, that’s when it’s time to start adding not so solid foods to your little one’s diet. Babies typically start on solids between 4 and 6 months and it’s a crucial step for not only for your baby but for you as a parent as well. Adding in nutritional variety to your baby’s diet isn’t hard. You just have to offer them a range of food from the five food groups right from the start. Healthy foods include a wide range of fresh foods from the five healthy food groups: • vegetables • fruit • grain foods –breakfast cereals, bread, rice, pasta, corn and so on • dairy – milk, cheese, yoghurt and so on • protein – meat, chicken, fish, eggs, beans, chickpeas, lentils, tofu, nuts and so on. Each of the food groups provide different nutrients, which your child’s body needs for growth, development and learning. That’s why you need to ensure that they eat a range of foods from across all of the five food groups. For baby, nutritional variety is on the whole a way for them to move forward and discover the world. By stimulating their taste buds, they can start building up their own list of food preferences. In general, the transition is

PRODUCT REVIEW well received if you do it with care. For the parents, ensuring nutritional variety is a way of accepting that your baby is growing. The loss of this interdependent state is compensated by the act of transmitting a food culture, an education, a sharing of taste sensations and learning to discover who this little eater is in front of you. Most of the time, either a paediatrician or maternal health nurse will help you set the pace at which you introduce solids. The first solids that are introduced, need to be smooth in texture, a little sloppy with no lumps and mild in taste. Baby rice cereal is an excellent first solid food because of its smooth texture and high iron content. It easy to make, all you have to do is mix it with a little human milk, formula or cool, boiled water, presto and you’re done. Other pureed foods such as vegetables and fruits can be introduced next, starting with approx. 1-2 teaspoons and then gradually increasing to 2-3 tablespoons, building eventually to three meals per day at your baby’s pace. Traditionally, the very first vegetables to be introduced are beetroot, leeks, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, squash, zucchini (without skin or seed), extra fine green beans, parsnips, pumpkin. To choose, stick with seasonal vegetables picked when ripe as they are richer in vitamins and minerals. Concerning fruit, choose fruit which has a smooth texture when cooked and is more digestible. We want to avoid bloating and flatulence so that baby is calm but also in the hope that the intestinal transit is facilitated. Initially,

we will not go towards exotic fruit and berries to limit the risk of allergy. The earliest fruits are: banana, apricot, plum, nectarine, peach, apple and pear (skinless and seedless). Once again, prefer seasonal fruits, better in taste and for health. When you are ready to transition your baby to solids you may want to consider the beaba Babycook®. It is a quick and convenient way to prepare your baby’s food and allows you to select the desired texture dependant on the stage of your weaning journey. This device also helps retain all the food’s flavours and vitamins. You can add some of the water that the food was cooked in (rich in vitamins and minerals) to the meal prior to blitzing to desired texture. RRP: $289 @beaba_aus

How having a hobby benefits your child Written by Genie Price Does your child have a fascination with collecting stamps? Or, is building model aeroplanes more their thing? If so, they may have developed a hobby. If not, then you may wish to help them find one.


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The significance of hobbies in a child’s life cannot be underestimated. Not only are hobbies a way to mould personalities, promote freedom of expression and give your child a sense of purpose, there is an array of other reasons why having a hobby is a good idea, here’s five of them. REST AND RELAXATION: Everyone needs an outlet and an interest for both physical and mental reasons. Children especially need at least one interest outside of school. Having a hobby, particularly a sporty one, helps children to relax and get away from the rush and routines of school, all the while giving them a physical arena for channelling all that pent-up energy. Furthermore, a recent survey conducted by Beyond Blue indicates 6.9% of children aged 4-17 have experienced an anxiety disorder. Having a hobby can give your child the opportunity to lose themselves in an enjoyable activity while supporting their mental health as well. It also supports them socially, as they meet new people and make friends too! IGNITES CREATIVITY: Poetry and story writing, painting and sketching, clay modelling or pottery, are all hobbies which invoke creativity. Creative hobbies encourage children to use their imagination, to visualise a concept, create new ideas and problem solve. These types of hobbies support individual freedom of expression, where they make something unique, something that’s their own - that they can later be shared with others.


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ENTICES INTELLIGENCE: Being involved in hobbies can help sharpen the intellectual abilities of your child. Reading books, for example, increases your child’s language and vocabulary skills as well as helps them to develop an awareness of the world around them. Books are also a wonderful way to unravel the various styles of writing. Reading a book takes time and patience to finish, supporting concentration and focus. Being involved in regular hobbies can contribute to predictable routines and schedules, which makes for children who are less troublesome or moody, too. Hobbies, such as board games and card games like Uno, encourage your child to think fast and efficiently while being positively involved with another person. PROMOTES TEAM BUILDING: By involving your child in hobbies such as sports, they will learn team skills, such as respect and kindness and good sportsmanship. Participation in sporty hobbies also means your child; • Will develop an understanding of the many shades of team spirit and leadership within these games • They will learn to not boast about their achievements but to share in those successes as a group, including with the other team • Sports hobbies can help children learn about positive competition while at the same time, learning that winning is not everything! • NURTURES THEIR SKILLS: We all have that one thing that we love

and that we are good at. And why not? This helps to build self-esteem and a sense of achievement. By nurturing your child’s interest or passion, you give them the opportunity to do what they love and to stick to it! The simple things that your child learns through exploring various hobbies can develop into full-fledged skills and possibly, careers later in life.

• Be available to provide guidance, support and encouragement. Whatever they choose to do- they want to share this with you. Make your child know you are there to share this journey, too. It’s evident that hobbies are not only rewarding and satisfying, they are also an enriching part of our lives, so encourage your child to explore and find out what makes them tick, to find a hobby they can call their own.

For example: Is your child a creative writer? They may wish to work on these skills and attend regular writing classes, working towards having their own stories published as a professional writer. Work with your child’s strengths and talents! How to support your child to find a hobby: With so many choices for hobbies these days, the best way to find one for your child is: • Listen to what they want. While trialling various hobbies may be an extensive as well as expensive exercise, when you find what your child is looking for – it will be well worth the effort. • Watch for what they love. Observe your child in play and see if you can pick up on cues for their interests. • Let them know they can have some space. Tell your child you will be happy to support them by giving them some space at home to experiment with. • Build on your own strengths and hobbies. As parents, you are your child’s role model. Set a good example. • Look in your local paper for junior classes or beginner’s classes in your chosen hobby. This will help your child get a feel for if they like this particular hobby.

References: https://www.youthbeyondblue. com/footer/stats-and-facts About the author: I’m a 34 year old Mum of two busy and rambunctious boys! We are currently heading into the trial and error of hobbies at the moment and all I can say is, while there are so many variations - try one and see which fits for your child!. You can see more at my blog:

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The Importance of Teaching Your Kids Self-Care Skills Written by Jana Angeles Teaching your child a thing or two about independence can go a long way. Even though they may be tiny humans in your eyes right now, they will eventually grow into fullgrown adults later in life. As a parent, teaching them basic self-care skills can allow them to develop important skills they need in life. This could be as simple as cleaning and feeding themselves, allowing them to get their first taste of independence and realise the great perks there are when it comes to taking care of themselves.


The real learning takes place from experience, so being able to teach your children how to do such simple things will leave you in awe at how much they can actually do. Here are some of the benefits you’ll gain from teaching your kids skills on self-care: THEY CAN FEED THEMSELVES AND YOU CAN TEACH THEM ABOUT HEALTHY EATING We’ve all been there before… trying to chase your little one when it comes to lunch or dinner time when they refuse to eat that brussel sprout you’ve been offering them for the tenth time. It’s not easy trying to feed a child, but once they learn, they will grow into liking foods that are accustomed to their taste. During this time, you can slowly introduce cuisines you’ve never had the chance to and this could bring them into a whole new world of food. Not only that, but you can teach them how to appreciate foods that are actually good for you! If you’re clever, you can prepare delicious meals with a healthy twist. THEY CAN CLEAN UP WHEN THERE’S MESS AND LEARN THE IMPORTANCE OF HYGIENE It’s a disaster in the household when you’re trying to raise kids who have different toys given by different people from previous birthdays. It can get quite exhausting when you have to constantly clean up. When you teach your child how to clean when they see mess, you’ll allow them to appreciate the satisfaction of having a clean room. From that, you can teach them the importance of hygiene and how it contributes to their health. If you find that they’ve been playing with dirt, you can also teach them about self-hygiene and how it’s important to clean ourselves to avoid mess in the household. This will not only do good for them (and us) but it can help keep the house a little tidy and stable for once.


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THEY CAN FEEL GOOD WHEN THEY DRESS NICELY As parents, we personally think they look good in anything they wear, but have you ever thought of the potential? Although children are young and don’t really care what they wear, you can boost their confidence when it comes to self-image by buying them the clothes they want to wear. You don’t necessarily have to coordinate outfits for them, but it will help them see how good it feels to be well-groomed and presentable. Whether it’s just for a simple children’s party or picnic, teaching them how to dress well can help them gain some independence and can surely boost their self-esteem in the long run too. YOU CAN HELP THEM THINK ABOUT MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICES AND ACTIONS It can get tricky once your child grows older. You can’t protect them from any of the choices they make, even ones that can negatively impact their life. What you can do is teach them early when it comes to making the right choices and actions in life. This can help them grow into healthy individuals, avoiding any activities that can self-sabotage their lifestyle or goals. Having a high self-esteem is a combination of taking care of yourself by making good choices. Teach them the concept of happiness and how making a good choice can put them on a good path when it comes to their future. Although it’s a long and challenging journey for us parents, teaching the importance of self-care skills to your kids will not only contribute to their long-term development, but it can also boost their self-esteem and independence. Remember, you can only teach to the best of your ability and hopefully along the way, they become the strong and healthy individuals they were meant to be.

may 2018 | mychild


The Redsbaby Limited Edition Carbon is Here!


Redsbaby have a simple mission, to create prams that combine thoughtful design with stylish, practical and innovative features. Which is why their range of prams are fast becoming an Australian favourite for mums and dads.

builds upon their signature JIVE2 and METRO2 features. The limited edition Carbon is inspired by precious Australian stones and minerals and features a unique monochrome palette and refined geometric pattern, stylish matte detailing and accented gloss elements.

To continue on with the success that Redsbaby has had, they have recently released a limited edition JIVE2²and METRO2 Carbon that

There are so many highlights to love about the JIVE2 Carbon and METRO2 Carbon, including a sophisticated black colour palette,

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PRODUCT REVIEW accented with tonal stitching that has been applied to the seat and shopping basket. A refined geometric pattern has been used on the extendable canopy and matte black chassis which also features gloss elements. The smooth leatherette used on the handsewn handle bar and bumper bar provide a luxurious touch and the matte wheels complete this truly distinctive look.

As a special gift, exclusive to the limited edition Carbon Range, Redsbaby are including a Pram Organiser and combination Seat Liner / Foot Cover which also features the unique Carbon design with embroidered geometric detailing and black metal logo treatments. These exclusive accessories truly complete the distinctive Carbon look. This gift is valued at $150 and you’ll pay absolutely nothing!

Redsbaby prams comfortably accommodate newborns to toddler-sized passengers ensuring that you will have a pram that will last. All Redsbaby prams come with a list of outstanding features, some you might not even realise that you need, making it an easy choice when looking for that perfect pram. The adjustable handle bar suits a range of heights and can extend from 95cm to 108cm and the pivoting bumper bar makes taking your child out of the stroller so easy. You can easily store your baby’s essentials in the generous shopping baskets and stroll in confidence with low maintenance punctureproof foam-filled wheels. If your bub is under 6 months the Redsbaby bassinet will let them lie flat, which is the perfect position for them while their spine is developing. The freestanding bassinet also has a stylish leatherette carry handle for easy lifting and carrying. Once your child is ready to transition the seat, they will be comfortable and able to sit fully upright or can sleep easily with the reversible and three-position recline seat. The JIVE Carbon and METRO Carbon are now available for pre-order, with expected dispatch mid-July 2018. 2


Limited Edition Carbon Pram Organiser

Limited Edition Carbon Combination Seat Liner / Foot Cover

For more information and to secure yourself one of these amazing limited edition prams, visit:

METRO2 Pram - $849 JIVE2 Pram - $999 JIVE2 Tandem Pram - $1199

may 2018 | mychild


How To Play With Your Baby in Your First Year Written by Lance Green Having a baby is all fun games until you have to change nappies, take turns with the mid-dawn shifts of when they get upset or getting vomited and peed on. It’s the norm really and that’s what parenting is about - knowing that before you had a kid, you had it much easier and more free time than you could ever imagine. It’s tough figuring out this parenting thing and essentially, you’re juggling a full-time workload with just one tiny human.


It’s crazy to think that the simplicity of life flashes before our eyes when we have our first child and it’s crucial that fathers understand that the first year of your baby’s life is important. Yeah, we’re often labelled the “fun” parent, but we can also create an experience worthwhile to make our child laugh and what better way to do this through play! If you’re having trouble forming a bond with your baby, here are some things to consider when trying to engage them in play during their first year... BE IMAGINATIVE Imagination is possible. Look at all the films, books and music created because of it. It is a wonderful gift to have and just because we like our details concrete and make things simple for ourselves, it doesn’t mean we should remove the imagination that comes from play. Being imaginative can help you engage with your baby more, whether it means acting out characters from a book or saying your favourite line from a children’s movie you watched together. In time, they will appreciate the effort as they get older. BE MUSICAL Oh, the joys of music! Singing and dancing are just part of the fun when you have a baby. When they’re in the early stages of their life, it’s fun to see them smile and marvel over the fact that they’re so tiny and delicate little things. It’s almost a crime not to enjoy some of the children’s songs that are available for us parents to sing. Some of the songs are even better than the mainstream music they play on the radio. The gift of music is incredible when you’re trying to create a bond with your baby and close that disconnect. HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR Whether it means dressing in a silly mask or pretending to hurt yourself, the best laughter


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you can hear is from your baby. Let’s face it it can be addictive hearing your baby laugh. It helps to have a sense of humour while engaging in play because it shows that you want to make them laugh forever. Laughter is the best medicine after all! BE ENTHUSIASTIC Even if your baby is small and maybe a few months old, it doesn’t mean you should lay off the enthusiasm when it comes to play. You need to be incredibly active and engaged in what you do too, not just because they like it themselves. Fathers bonding with their babies is incredibly rewarding and it’s wonderful being able

to establish this through play. It helps to be comfortable in your own skin and feel enthusiastic about the play time that you share with your child.

your baby truly bonded. It’s special being a father and these moments you spend with them are the ones you’ll cherish for the rest of your life!

BE CREATIVE Everyone has a creative side, no matter what they say. Fathers can be creative with the simplest things. You can show meaning in what you do when you play an active role in your baby’s life. It could mean pulling silly faces, tickling or making a toy that you know they’ll love. You can put together a memory box and document these as a sentimental way of remembering the first year where you and

All fathers are encouraged to make the most of engaging in play with their baby during their first year. Although they may be tiny and are unlikely to remember anything, just be mindful that you can establish a strong bond with them at the very beginning of their life. This is a crucial time to bond with your baby, so make the most of every opportunity to play with them and be an active person in their life. You won’t regret it if you do.

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Little Nappies for Little Babies There are more than 25,000 premature babies born in Australia each year. This is a very overwhelming experience for the parents of premmies and they have so much to take into consideration including finding the right size nappy for their little one. The key factors are softness, comfort and fit and being able to change their baby easily. BabyLove have developed a range of nappies that specifically targets the development of premature babies and make it easy for premmie parents to make a choice with a trusted brand that thousands of Australian parents love and recommend. With a unique 3D design that fits premmies body perfectly, soft stretchy gathers that are secure but not too tight and silky light materials, BabyLove has taken the stress out of choosing an essential item that every premmie baby need’s. You will feel safer knowing that you are providing your baby with only the very best in comfort and care. Here are the key highlights of the BabyLove Premmie Nappy Range that make it stand out from the rest: • Unique 3D Design - Gently cups your premature baby’s body to avoid cramping and swelling around legs. • Ultra-soft and Gentle - Soft stretchy gathers and silky light material, specially designed for a premature baby’s delicate skin.


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• Umbilical Cord Notch - No discomfort around the navel area. • Breathable Cover - Reduces dampness to help prevent nappy rash. • Wetness Indicator - Alerts mum and dad when baby’s nappy is wet. BabyLove Premmie nappy range has been specially designed to meet the delicate needs of your premature baby. The premmie nappy range is available in three sizes: less than 1000g and 1000g-1500g which are both exclusive to Australian hospitals. The third size is the 1.5kg – 3kgs giving parents a peace of mind when choosing a premium premmie nappy range that they too can use when they return home with their precious bundle of joy. Several My Child Magazine readers reviewed the BabyLove Premmie Nappies and here’ s what they had to say: “I’ve used other premmie brands and was mostly disappointed with leakage that


occurred. After receiving my BabyLove Nappies, I was excited to see what they would be like. Firstly, the nappy itself felt super soft and I could tell it was a quality product. I used the nappy for a week and was impressed with the absorbency of the product and am happy to report that there was no leakage. The fitting around the legs was also a highlight for us as it didn’t irritate bub or leave any nasty marks on his sensitive skin. Thanks, BabyLove. We will be purchasing your nappies and recommending to anyone we know that has a premmie” “Even though my baby wasn’t a premmie, she arrived 10 days before her due date and was born weighing only 2.663kgs. I wasn’t happy with her in the newborn fit nappies and I had my husband buy the BabyLove premmie nappies and they were beyond anything I could have asked for. I loved how soft they were and the design of the nappy around the legs meant baby has no red marks around her tiny little legs. The umbilical cord cut out put my mind a rest knowing I wasn’t irritating her soon to be belly button. The wetness indicator is a lifesaver and kept us on track for nappy

changes and although we didn’t use these nappies for long, I would recommend them to any parent that has a low birth weight child as well as a premmie” BabyLove Premmie range should be your first choice because thousands of Australians love and recommend them. With comfort and absorption at the core of everything BabyLove do, they have you and your little one covered. BabyLove is strongly committed to caring for premmies and contributes to research and support services for premature babies, their families and hospitals. For more information, please visit:

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EAT YOUR VEGETABLES: WAYS TO COMBAT THE PICKY EATER Written by Jana Angeles It can be tough trying to feed the children, especially if they’ve grown accustomed to eating chicken nuggets, mac and cheese and other unhealthy goodies we like to indulge in once in a while. When you’re a parent, you feel like you’re in a war when it comes to your child spitting out their food they don’t like and this can be draining if you’ve spent hours cooking a meal for them. It’s time for all of us to take one for the team and battle this war together, so we give you the best ways to combat the dreaded picky eater:


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PREPARE MEALS THEY ACTUALLY LIKE AND SLOWLY OFFER THEM NEW FOOD TO EAT If you’re having trouble introducing new food to your child, slowly start this process by preparing meals they love and start putting the new food to the side while they eat. Children are after all curious people and they can’t help but be inquisitive when it comes to something new. If you’re having pasta one night, you can always put a side of salad near them if they haven’t had one before. This will encourage them to try the salad after eating some pasta - the curiosity will get the best of them! OFFER HEALTHY DIPS/CONDIMENTS WHEN IT COMES TO EATING FOOD With different yoghurts, sauces and dips available, it’s not hard to encourage healthy eating from your children. If you’re struggling to get them to eat their vegetables, make them a cheese and veggie board that has all the veggies with delicious dips. From hummus, garlic and tomato sauces to avocado dips, you can offer them a variety of tastes and textures when feeding them their veggies. It’s also fun to dip, so if your child is still a growing toddler, they will take interest in the different flavours and might even be motivated to try all of them! GET THEM INVOLVED IN THE FOOD PREPARATION Although they’ll be prone to mess in the kitchen, it’s always a good idea to get your child involved when it comes to food prepping. With close supervision, you can help them appreciate the effort it takes to cook family meals. It will also give you time to bond with each other. If your child is a picky eater, this can motivate them to eat meals they’ve already prepared. Besides, they’ll realise it’s a lot of work when it comes to cooking, right?!

Keep in mind of your child’s food sensitivities If you know that your child hates mushy food or doesn’t like anything that is the colour green, etc, take notes of these food sensitivities and think about how you can incorporate these into meals they love. Being able to note these can be extremely helpful when it comes to preparing food they will actually eat. Maybe they don’t like potatoes mashed, but they loved bake potatoes, or they might hate stir-fried veggies but love them in their raw form. Be creative and knowledgeable when it comes to the food they can and can’t eat. When you be mindful of these, you’ll start to notice your picky eater child will have better eating habits! AVOID SHOWING DISGUST TO NEW FOODS If you hate brussel sprouts, celery, etc, try not to show disgust to foods you know that are actually good for you and your child. Always show enthusiasm to the food you eat and your child will do the same. Be mindful of the fact that they mimic your every move when you’re eating and want to be like you. If you know your child’s a picky eater, always show (or even pretend) that the food you’re feeding is delicious! Sometimes, having a change in attitude and turning it into a positive experience can make all the difference when it comes introducing them to new foods, even if you don’t like them personally. Dealing with a picky eater has its battles, but when you actually win during the war of food, you feel good and you can add it to the chapter of ‘Feeling Good About My Child Eating Carrots” in the parenting section of your life. With a little creativity and genius, you can keep track of your child’s eating habits and surely enough, they’ll be on the path where deciding what food to eat will be the only problem!


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5 Reasons To Join A Pregnancy Support Group Written by Jana Angeles When you’re pregnant for the first time, there will be moments where you’ll feel alone and wonder why there are some challenging times during this journey. From the morning sickness to the hormonal mood swings, pregnancy gets the best of all of us sometimes. It’s not an easy task to take care of your body, especially when you have another human growing inside of you. Even with the support of our family and friends, it can be difficult trying to get through the pregnancy journey, especially if you don’t have somebody that you can relate to. If you’ve ever considered joining a pregnancy group, why not start now? There are so many great reasons to join one, especially if you are about to be a mother for the first time. Here are some reasons why you should join one: may 2018 | mychild


YOU CAN LEARN FROM OTHER MOTHERS Joining a pregnancy group can be a good way to learn from other mothers and their experiences with pregnancy. If you’re a firsttime mum, it can be difficult trying to explain to people how pregnancy works and why you can’t control your emotions or new habits you’ve adapted. On the days where you feel deflated, it’s good to talk to other mothers and just vent about your frustrations whether it’s something to do emotionally or physically. You can learn from their journey, especially if they’ve been pregnant before, making you feel less isolated and confused. YOU WILL FEEL SUPPORTED There are a lot of weird things that happen during pregnancy, besides eating a lot and crying for no reason. You can feel alienated at times, especially when you can’t explain how you feel to someone who hasn’t been pregnant before. When you join a pregnancy group, you can share your thoughts and concerns without feeling judged and it feels good! This in return makes you feel supported and loved. Not only that, being in a pregnancy group gives you the opportunity to establish great long-term friendships, even after you’ve given birth to your child. YOU CAN CONNECT WITH OTHER MOTHERS AND THEIR EXPERIENCES Pregnancy isn’t about just the baby itself but it’s also about understanding the physical changes that are happening in the body and how it all shapes you as a person. Before you even thought of having children, how surreal is it that the human body is able to carry another human? When you’re part of a pregnancy group, you can talk about how much the experience has changed you and you will hear other mothers talking similar experiences and emotions. There’s a lot you need to take in but at least you can breathe easier knowing you can connect with other


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mothers on a deeper level throughout your pregnancy. YOU CAN RELATE TO EACH OTHER It helps to have a sense of humour when you’re growing another human inside of you, so being part of a pregnancy group can allow you and others to share the journey while cherishing the good and complaining about the ugly parts to pregnancy. When hearing the first heartbeat of your baby or feeling them kick for the first time, these are the moments

you can share that will make you feel connected to each other. BEING IN ONE WILL EASE YOUR FEARS AND CONCERNS Pregnancy can be a scary journey for all of us. If this is your first time being pregnant, you can feel the pressure sometimes, wanting to do right by you and your child. There will be a lot of criticism when it comes to the choices you make and this can lead to fears and concerns that can cloud your mind. Being part of a pregnancy group can

help you make sense of these fears and concerns. Since you have that extra support from other mothers, you feel calm and less stressed, even if something unusual happens during the term of your pregnancy. Overall, being in a pregnancy group is about being part of a community of mothers sharing the same journey as you. It can make you feel less isolated and help you be supported throughout your pregnancy. Though it is a hard journey, the end result will help you see why it was worth it all in the end!

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What to Do About Nipple Pain When Starting the Breastfeeding Journey Breastfeeding is a skill that we learn on the job and it can take some time to get use to. It is the most natural way to feed your baby. In the early weeks of breastfeeding, sore, cracked and bleeding nipples are a common complaint that most mothers will experience. This can be due to a number of reasons. While nipple damage as a result of breastfeeding can be expected, the pain associated with it is one of the reasons that mothers give up breastfeeding. Now feed is best, but if you want to continue with the breastfeeding journey and give yourself and your baby some time to learn how to self-attach correctly, there are a few things that you can do to help reduce the nipple pain that’s associated with breastfeeding. Here are a few tips to help deal with sore nipples: BEFORE PLACING BABY ON THE BREAST: • Know your Baby’s Feeding Cues – Early hunger signs include sucking on their hands, turning head from side to side, rooting, wriggling and being restless and smacking or licking their lips. Crying is a late hunger signal. • Get Comfortable - Find a comfortable position. Breastfeeding can take time. • Relax - Try and be as relaxed as possible when breastfeeding. Your baby will take cues from you and this will also positively impact your breast milk supply. • Warm Your Breasts - Apply a warm washer or compound and gently massage your breasts to help get your milk flowing and drain more milk from the breast.

PRODUCT REVIEW • Express Some Milk - This will help to soften the areola and lubricate the nipple naturally. • Choose the Right Breast - Choose the breast that is least sore first. WHILE BABY IS FEEDING: • Latching to The Breast - Make sure baby has latched correctly. If you’re not sure contact a health professional for guidance and support. • Attachment - If it doesn’t feel right after 30 secs, gently break the suction by placing your finger in corner of your baby’s mouth and try again. • Different Feeding Positions - Experiment with different positions so that both you and baby are comfortable. ONCE BABY HAS FINISHED FEEDING • Check Your Nipples - Always check your nipple for signs of stress, such as redness or a squashed appearance. • Express Some Milk - Express a few drops of milk and smear on the nipple. • Let your Nipple Dry - Leave your bra open for a few minutes until nipples are dry. • Use Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs - Once your nipples are dry, use the Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs over tender nipples to stop clothes rubbing and allow your nipple to heal. SO, WHAT ARE RITE AID HYDROGEL BREAST DISCS? Hydrogel dressings are water-based treatments designed to provide a moist environment to accelerate the healing process. When applied to a wound, the hydrogel creates a barrier to protect against bacteria and excessive fluid loss. Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs provide instant relief to discomfort and pain experienced with breastfeeding and have been used by breastfeeding mothers with great success.

A first-time mother of one used the Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs and here’s what she had to say about them: “I found breastfeeding really hard. Within the first 48hrs of my daughters birth, my nipples were so sore, they were cracked and bleeding and it seemed it was only getting worse once I got home. I was about to give up on breastfeeding when my sister popped in for a visit with the Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs. I was in so much pain I was a little sceptical that they would work as I had tried everything from creams, ointments and cabbage leaves eventually giving up and walking around the house all day braless and shirtless. The first day I used the Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs, I was so surprised by the instant relief that they provided. I used them every day, after every feed and within 3 days my nipples had made a 90% recovery. I didn’t take them off except when I was about to breastfeed, I’d removed the Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs, give my nipples a wash, feed my daughter and quickly grab a new pack to place on after her feed. I’m so grateful that my sister suggested this wonderful product and have recommend it to many mum’s that have had nipple pain or damage” Adding Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs as part of your breast care when breastfeeding can make all the difference with sore tender nipples and can help you with continuing your breastfeeding journey. Recommended by breastfeeding mothers and lactation consultants Australia-wide, the Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs cool and soothe sore nipples, creating the optimal environment for healing broken and inflamed skin. Rite Aid products are available in Woolworths, Big W, Toys R Us, Amcal, Chemist Warehouse, Guardian Pharmacy, Priceline, TerryWhite Chemmart, and local pharmacies Australiawide. Visit:

Sugar ? Written by Genie Price Are you guilty of giving your toddler the odd lollipop or piece of candy as a reward or motivation? As they bat their precious eyelids - how can you say no? Ice cream, chocolate chip cookies and birthday cakes are typical treats in our kid’s diets. But, what do you really know about these sugary delights and how they affect your children? Chances are they are causing more harm than good. THE GOOD: Sugar receives a bit of bad press and is to blame for many health problems, but without it, the body would cease to function properly.


Paediatricians indicate how the naturally occurring sugars, like those found in fresh fruit and lactose (milk sugars), are of benefit to your toddler’s health: • Lactose encourages friendly bacteria to grow, which helps our stomach defend itself against unwanted organisms and promotes a healthy digestive system and gut health • Sugars like lactose, play an important role in the natural process that takes place in the gut • Small amounts of sugar can increase your toddler’s energy levels • These sugars are essential in promoting healthy development in brain and nerve tissue THE BAD: With the good, often comes the bad. Sugar can impact negatively on your toddler’s health. The concern however, is not those naturally occurring sugars but instead, it’s the “added” sugars and syrups you need to be aware of. EVIDENCE ALSO SUGGESTS: • Sugar encourages bacteria growth on the surface of your toddler’s teeth – causing tooth decay • After an increase in sugar consumption physical symptoms such as shakiness, sweating, and altered thinking and behaviours as well as mood changes can occur – thus giving you a cranky and unreasonable 2-year-old • Sugar can lower your child’s vitamin “B” levels • There are genuine concerns that excess sugar can lead to addiction – yes, even at age two • High sugar consumption can contribute to osteoporosis as it depletes calcium • It is associated with eczema in toddler’s and young children • Can lead to obesity, it’s not fat that makes us fat – it’s sugar!


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The world sure does love sugar! Wherever we look, it’s there. And, with the suggested amount of sugar for a child under two being zip, nothing, no sugar at all, parents have little room to move when it comes to food choices. How frustrating is that? EXPERT INSIGHT AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR: Paediatricians observe that reducing excess sugar is not as hard as it might sound. Simple steps such as: • Replace fruit juice with water or switch to high-fibre snacks – this can help • Offer your toddler more whole foods such as lean meats, fruits and vegetables – yes, it can work – persistence is key • Avoid “takeaway” foods, and cook more for your children • Read the labels on sauces, fruit and veggie pouches and cereals to avoid grabbing food with high sugar content • When looking at labels watch for added honey, maple syrup, cane sugars and fructose As much as our toddler’s love sugar and we do too, (for how well it works for the purposes of parental bribes), when it’s consumed in large amounts, you are at risk of preventing normal growth and development. Leading to serious, ongoing health issues. Understandably, a lolly here and there and the odd bowl of ice cream won’t hurt your baby, be mindful of how much sugar is too much, for better control of your child’s sugar intake in the future. References: http://www.rediscoverdairy. health-benefits-of-sugar/

e l b a s u e R s e i p p a N SAVE $1000’s per child • ENVIRONMENTALLY Friendly EASY to Use • BAMBOO Absorber Included



GOLD 2017









Bamboo Liners • • • •

Makes nappy changes easier Made from 100% bamboo Antibacterial 100% Biodegradable and compostable


Bamboo Nursing Pads

Toilet Training Pants

• Pack of 6 pads • Environmentally friendly • Made from absorbent bamboo • Waterproof, soft & breathable • FREE washable mesh bag

• Soft bamboo lining & outer • Waterproof & breathable inner • Built-in absorbency • Allows your child to feel wetness for speedy training

may 2018 | mychild


LAUGH MORE, WORRY LESS: SHARING A SENSE OF HUMOUR Written by Jana Angeles Laughter really is the best medicine when it comes to relationships. You’ll feel closer to your partner and there are moments where you can reflect back and point out and say, ‘those were the best times with my partner, I can’t wait to make more.’ While the craziness of parenting can get the best of us, it’s important to have each other’s backs and not take things too seriously sometimes.


Just because you have children to manage, doesn’t mean your relationship priorities deserve to be on hold. You need to maintain the bond with your partner and laughing helps keep that spark going. Here are the key benefits of how laughing benefits your relationship: CAN EASE THE TENSION When you’ve had a massive fight over something tiny, you could blow it out of proportion and feel like an idiot for bringing it up in the first place. Sometimes when you’re in the middle of hysterics, trying to come up with the best comebacks, it doesn’t really work for either of you. Getting angry or frustrated could be from tiredness or having a long day at work. Laughing a little can ease the tension and make you look back at the ridiculous things you said to your partner. It will make you realise how both of you were just caught in the moment and forgot to look at the bigger picture for a bit! CREATES INTIMACY IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP Laughing brings you closer to your partner and that’s guaranteed. When you laugh, you share a meaningful moment with each other. How good does it feel to hear your partner’s laugh after they’ve had a bad day at work? It’s the best feeling and one you’ll never regret! As parents, it can often feel dry to change nappies, dropping off kids to school and cleaning and cooking. When you have a decent one-on-one conversation with your partner after the madness is all over, making them laugh is what you need to hear to feel closer again! STRENGTHEN YOUR FEELINGS FOR ONE ANOTHER Do you remember the feeling when you realised that you were in love with your partner? You want to be able to hold on to it for as long as you can and strengthen your


may 2018 | mychild

bond along the way. Laughing is another indication of that feeling. When you’re smiling and giggling together over a random thing or memory, it only makes you fond of each other even more! Laughing brings joy, happiness and good memories in one, you get more than what you asked for. INSIDE JOKES ARE THE BEST! Sharing inside jokes are awesome, no doubt. When you’ve had a bit of an embarrassing moment or you’ve said a word but it didn’t sound quite right, your partner was there to witness it all and create an inside joke from it. This will keep your relationship fresh and bring the best in both of you. Inside jokes are also extremely helpful on the days where your partner feels low about something in their life. Even if they give you a wry smile during those tough days, they’ll remember the laughter you shared together associated with that joke. YOU’LL ENJOY EACH OTHER’S COMPANY EVEN MORE As mentioned above, laughing allows you to strengthen your relationship ties with you partner but it also means that you love being around them, which is always a good sign. As a parent, it can often feel like you don’t have enough time to do anything fun. Things feel a little stale at times and it’s like you’re living in a box. Laughing with your partner will help you feel worthy of their company. Although they’ll have their annoying and frustrating moments, you can feel good energy coming from one another and that’s what you want out of the relationship! Overall, sharing a sense of humour is an important aspect in your relationship with you partner. It creates unforgettable memories, inside jokes and will bring you closer together. You need to laugh to keep each other sane because what’s the fun in parenting if you can’t laugh once in a while?

may 2018 | mychild


WE LIKE TO MOVE IT, MOVE IT. The first five years of a child’s life is arguably the most important of their lives; emotionally and physically. When it comes to their physical development children use their bodies to explore and communicate, which also provides them with the exercise they need to grow healthy and strong. Physical movement is also an essential means of communication and is one of the earliest ways in which children express their thoughts and feelings. For instance, sixteen-month-old Archie takes mum’s hand, leads her to the kitchen and points to the sippy cup he wants to her to get for him. Your response to your child’s movements helps them learn about communication and makes them feel loved, heard and of course, important. These early years can pass by quickly. So too can the use by dates on items like clothes, nappies and toys, as children outgrow things fast! Which means the first five years can be costly. The list of essential items that constantly need


updating is long. With this in mind, Globber Australia has launched the new EVO Comfort, the product that grows along with your child (15 months old, up to 9+ years) – from pushchair, to walking bike to a pre-schooler’s scooter and eventually an older child’s scooter. Here are the GLOBBER EVO COMFORT features that will save you money and adapt to the movement stages of your child. LONGER USAGE • 3 seat height positions for growing legs • 4 handlebar height positions means this scooter can service your child for several years • Converts from pushchair to walking bike to scooter of varying sizes quickly and easily • Great quality parts increase the likelihood of passing the Globber Evo Comfort to a sibling • Rear brake covered to ensure longer lasting rear wheel • Can carry a child up to 50kgs • Steering lock button prevents wheels turning for easy learning MORE COMFORTABLE • In push chair and walking bike, an extra wide oval-shaped seat with high rise back makes for a super comfy ride • Comfortable handles for mum and dad when in pushchair and walking bike mode • Adjustable t-bar handle to suit

parents of all heights • Good quality wheels and bearings make for a smooth ride • Extra low deck for better stability in scooter mode • Footrest in pushchair mode for additional comfort STYLE • French designed Globber scooters look great • Great range of colours • Option to upgrade to front wheels that contain flashing lights – every kid’s dream! The EVO Comfort also solves the problem of wastage. Poorly made products rarely stand the ‘hand me down’ test and end up as landfill. Globber scooters however are built to outlast even the most robust kid. The new EVO Comfort also allows you to adjust the product to the exact height, comfort and movement stages for each of your children, giving it even more longevity. Now, that’s a good reason to consider a Globber scooter. EVO Comfort has been nominated for My Child Magazine’s Favourite Outdoor Product. To see find out about more Globber products, head to www.

Mother’s Day Gift Guide


may 2018 | mychild


may 2018 | mychild


Gifts under $50 FLORENCE - WILD PEONIES & LILY $42.95




CHLOE & LOLA $29.95



may 2018 | mychild



Gifts $100 - $250






Gifts $250 - $500


IPOD TOUCH 32GB $299.00 may 2018 | mychild


Gifts $250 - $500



PRADA - PR 65TS $430.00

Spoil Her


may 2018 | mychild



Goodbye lunchbox mother guilt! We all start the school year with the intention to be perfect mums with a fridge, freezer and pantry full of healthy goodies with our happy, golden children marching off to school bursting with excitement to open their lunchboxes full of nutritious and delicious home- made goodies ...or not?? Yes, it is on the New Year resolution list every year and some great attempts have been made, but alas the “packet rat pack� is still making an appearance in the lunchbox and by mid-term they have completed their hostile take-over.

Thankfully there is a whole universe out there dedicated to making it much easier for parents to take back control of what their children eat and especially healthy lunchbox options. Facebook is full of wonderful closed groups (be careful some are quite nasty if you don’t use their preferred style of lunchbox...) with literally thousands of parents happy to share their wins via daily updates of their creations. They are generous with recipes and tips and are a great way to find inspiration. Who knew there were so many ways to make healthy food look appealing to kids that are barraged with sugar and fat laden options on every screen and supermarket shelf? Some of my favourite groups are Bento Lunchbox Mums, Kids Lunchbox Ideas and Little Bento World Lunchbox Australia. If you are looking for a bit more structure, there are even courses you can take like the 5-minute healthy lunch box system from the This company is so committed to healthy eating transformations they have taken their family on the road to educate schools and children across Australia. Amazing! If you are already part-way there and just need the tools to get your children excited about opening their lunch box, there is no shortage of gorgeous lunch box sets available. We at My Family Kids Brand launched our coordinated range in 2016 when our retail customers constantly told us there was huge demand for a coordinated (think matchy matchy) quality reusable lunch range, with a 12-month warranty at an affordable price. Our stainless-steel drink bottles were the first cab off the rank and with so much love pouring in for our exclusive custom designs we decided to complete the range with a

backpack, lunch bag and finally the cherry on top – the bento box. Our reusable stainless-steel drink bottles are food grade stainless steel, keeping water crisp and cool with no nasties in the pop top no-spill lid. With food wrap not permitted in most childcare centres and kindergartens, the bento box has become the go to choice for parents. With Bento lunchboxes hitting $50+ we got to work to find a tried and tested quality design but at a reasonable price. Kids tell us the twin clips are so easy to use and they are an extra level of safety should little fingers leave one clip only half closed! The My Family Super Bento lunchbox is made from high quality BPA free materials and the inner 4 compartment tray is made from safe and durable Tritan material making it long lasting and all-important dishwasher safe (top tray). The Super Bento is durable, drop tested and ready to handle all the “rough play” your kids have to offer! With airtight silicon seals the Super Bento is 100% leakproof and prevents spillage between compartments. This means no more yogurt on your sambo and food wrap is a thing of the

past, so the planet will love you too! The Super Bento fits perfectly into the My Family Lunchbag by Fridge to Go so the contents will stay cold and safe for 8+ hours! My Family lunch bags by Fridge to Go is a joint project between the two brands combining the fun of My Family prints with the patented 8-hour cold technology of Fridge to Go. Fridge to Go is an iconic brand with loyal customers returning year on year to buy one quality lunch bag for their child. Fridge to Go cools warm items to safe temperatures and keeps cool items fresh for 8 hours. No more soggy sandwiches or off yoghurts and breastmilk after a day out. A zip lock pocket keeps the ultra-thin ice pack in place and provides a generous space for maximum storage. An internal pocket keeps dry items secure and the external clip connects your lunchbag to your My Family Backpack in a snap. The My Family Backpack is the goldilocks size for toddlers..not to big not too small. Toddlers will be begging to carry their own bags in our super cute designs. Our backpacks are made from super safe linen with an essential wipe clean exterior. The backpacks are jam packed full of features like, insulated pockets for drink bottles, inner mesh pockets for medicines, outside front pocket for the wipes and quick essentials, name tags sewn inside backpacks, wide comfy adjustable straps for little bodies, quality zippers and all designed to last with a 12-month warranty.

What’s new for Winter and Spring 2018? We are glad you asked... There is nothing better than last night’s scrumptious leftovers kept warm for lunch. Our fantastic Foxy and much-loved Unicorn are going to appear on new Stainless-Steel food jars this winter so yummy warm lunch just got fun. The food jars will also come with a matching spork that clips to the container for quick access. You told us you wanted to fit more snacks into your My Family by Fridge to Go. With that in mind we have sourced new super safe and BPA free reusable slidelock snack and sandwich bags in our best-selling prints. The pockets in our lunch bag keep them safely in place and super cool for 8 hours. Our Bentos have been hugely popular but we know everyone has different needs. To cater for younger kids the My Family bentos will come standard with a 6-compartment tray for even more surprises for all day grazing. The 4-compartment tray will be available as an add on accessory. Find out what’s landing and when plus nonstop giveaways follow us on Facebook @ myfamilykidsbrand

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10 years ago, the City Mini changed the way the world strolls. Help us celebrate this award winning range with a new anniversary fashion featuring new knit fabric and leatherette acents.

Available now from specialty baby retailers, David Jones and Qantas Store. Visit to find your closest stockist. BabyJoggerAustralia



may 2018 | mychild


KIDS fashion

may 2018 | mychild



may 2018 | mychild




Girls Elite Active Hoodie $15.00 rrp Rose Denim Look Legging $12.00 rrp Girls Snake High Top $15.00 rrp

Long Sleeve Top $2.50 rrp Knitted Denim Jeans $14.00 rrp Buckled Boots $15.00 rrp










Lady Bug Windcheater $29.95 rrp Lady Bug Trackpant $39.95 rrp Pink Suede Mary Janes $44.95 rrp SEEDHERITAGE.COM

Kids Fuzzy Bomber $36.95 rrp Denim Terry Trackie $34.95 rrp BONDS.COM

Clarks FiFi $44.96 rrp CLARKS.COM

Stella McCartney Kids Embroidered Jean Shirt $150.00 rrp Stella McCartney Kids Cotton Tracksuit Pants 140.00 rrp Burberry Tied Sneakers $244.00 rrp


Polo Ralph Lauren Quilted Barn Jacket $169.00 rrp Chloé Trousseau Ballerina Shoes $175.00 rrp Polo Ralph Lauren Stretch Corduroy Pant $79.00 rrp SHOP.DAVIDJONES.COM


may 2018 | mychild






Spliced Hoodie $10.00 rrp Double Strap Sneakers $12.00 rrp Basic Trackpants $4.00 rrp




Boys Check Flannelette Shirt With Hood $15.00 rrp Boys Dress Pants $25.00 rrp Toddler Boy High Top $15.00 rrp



MOLO Giraffe T-shirt & Top $59.95 rrp Country Road Pocket Pant $49.95 rrp Clarks Liam Casual Shoe $49.95 rrp




Star Wars Kids Zip Hoodie $39.95 rrp Kids Woven Pant $34.95 rrp NORTON Strap Shoes $59.95 rrp



Burberry Logo Windbreaker $259.00 rrp Stella McCartney Kids baby boy jeans $90.00 rrp BOSS Canvas Trainers $109.00 rrp MELIJOE.COM


Kenzo Tiger Sweatshirt $259.95 rrp Armani Junior Night 5 Pockets $210.00 rrp Hugo Boss Trainers $185.00 rrp SHOP.DAVIDJONES.COM.AU


may 2018 | mychild

may 2018 | mychild




may 2018 | mychild


interiors Leah Shannon is a designer and owner of Parade and Company, a lifestyle brand specialising in decor for children’s rooms. She has 15+ years experience in design and a passion for creating children’s spaces that inspire, educate and spark the imagination.

may 2018 | mychild



may 2018 | mychild

Artwork $35.00 rrp

Nordic cushion $265.00 rrp

Cushion $41.99 rrp

Throw $69.00 rrp

Mural from $4.09/sq ft rrp Desk $59.00 rrp

Lantern $10.00 rrp

Heirloom Doll $220.00 rrp

may 2018 | mychild


Adventure Prints $8.00 rrp claresprintables

Moon night light $32.00 rrp

Bedside Buddy $34.95 rrp

Bunkbed $899.00 rrp

Rug $45.00 rrp

Decorative Pillow $27.99 rrp Toy Box $79.00+ rrp


may 2018 | mychild

Credit: Kelly McDonough, @thestylingmama

may 2018 | mychild




may 2018 march 2016 | mychild | mychild

may 2018 | mychild



VTECH BABY PULL & POP AEROPLANE some catchy playful songs. Bright, colourful Encourage your own future little pilot or and zooming-ly entertaining for little ones! aeroplane enthusiast and save your own “plane” arms from tiring with this fun little number. Press the light up cockpit window button to pop the beads or turn the propeller for a fun mechanical sound. There are three chunky learning buttons to teach about things you see in the sky like the sun, clouds or stars. Includes four sing-along songs and 15 melodies. All you have to do is pull or push to trigger interactive sounds and watch the beads pop around.

Our verdict It lights up, makes plenty of noises and you can push or pull it around, there’s not much the littlest member of your household won’t like about this plane. They can use their imagination and jet off to any destination they like; promote motor skill development with pushing and pulling the plane or learn all about the weather, numbers and enjoy

3/5 106

may 2018 | mychild

rrp $24.95 Available from: Mr Toys Toyworld and other leading toy retailers


VTECH KIDIZOOM DUO CAMERA It’s time to let your little ones loose to take their own selfies and pictures of family and friends. This extremely robust and versatile camera has a long list of features and will keep even the most snap happy member of the family entertained for ages. It has a 4x digital zoom, You and Me photo effects and editor, 5 games, Silly Face detector, a 2.4-inch colour screen, a built-in automatic flash and two camera lenses (one forward and one back facing) which can easily be changed over. You can also film movies and add animations along the way. On top of that, you can record your voice and add funny effects to it! The VTech Kidizoom DUO Camera has been built to be simple to operate and intuitive for kids to use. The outer case has been built to withstand the inevitable drops to the ground and is protected from normal bumps and drops.

your photo. Instead they can have their own fun with their very own camera. Two very excited little girls in my house have been running around snapping pictures of everything in their path, giggling about their efforts and then coming to show Mummy how it all works. The camera has been dropped a few times but thanks to its child-friendly design, it’s not a worry and we keep taking more and more pictures, especially selfies. While the camera supports a microSD card for memory expansion (which is not included), there isn’t much need unless you think your kids will take a million photos. Otherwise the camera itself has an internal memory storage of about 200 photos, plenty of room. There’s hours and hours of fun in this little device and it is well worth it to literally see the smiles and fun your kids can create!

Our Verdict No more handing over your precious mobile phone when your kids start begging to take

rrp $99.00

Available from: Dick Smith, Toy Universe, Toys R Us

may 2018 | mychild




Learn all about the alphabet, animals and musical melodies with the LeapFrog Spin & Sing Alphabet Zoo. With an original song played for every spin of the ball, your child will be entertained for hours on end. There are three modes of play to teach letters, animal names and music. Music and lights respond to the spinning wheel teaching cause and effect. Spin the wheel to activate responses and develop gross and fine motor skills. Dance along to the ABC song or everyone’s favourite Old MacDonald tune.

course the fun part, spinning the ball, the main attraction for my two girls! A great way to teach the ABC while learning about different animals (each letter has a different animal, which is great if you know what they all are!) and of course having fun! As with every bright, noisy toy it can get a little overwhelming (for the parents I mean), if on repeat too much so a little bit can go a long way.

Our verdict Light up noisy toys are always fascinating to little ones and this bright little jiggy number is no exception. Perfect for fine and gross motor skills, it has plenty of buttons to push and of

Available from: Big W, Toys R Us, Dick Smith, My Toys Toyworld


may 2018 | mychild

rrp $34.95

VTECH PJ MASKS SUPER CATBOY LEARNING WATCH It’s time to go into the night to save the day with the PJ Masks Super Catboy Learning Watch. Play four exciting games that explore numbers, counting, addition and shapes while trying to defeat Romeo, Luna Girl and the Ninjalinos. Pretend to transform into Catboy using the amulet and play four mini games that include Catboy, Owlette and Gekko’s real voices. The watch also includes nine different PJ Masks clock faces: an alarm clock with three alarm tones, timer, stopwatch and cuckoo clock all add to the experience. It’s your time to be a hero!

Our verdict With two little PJ Masks fans in the house, it didn’t take long for this watch to become “superhero” popular. Great games featuring some favourite characters along with the opportunity to learn more about telling the time, we have found this a great addition to the toy collection. The only downside is the watch is a little top heavy and doesn’t have a great latch so you spend a lot of time putting it back on your little one’s wrist because it keeps coming undone.


rrp $25.00 Available from: Target, Mr Toys Toyworld, Big W

may 2018 | mychild





capsicum, basil and mozzarella bruschetta

Ingredients 0.15 Prep 0.20 Cook Servings 4

Photo Credit: Ian Wallace

• 3 red capsicums, quartered

into pieces

• 2 tablespoons basil leaves, roughly torn

• 2-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

• 1 tablespoon lemon juice

• 4 thick slices sourdough bread

• 1 buffalo mozzarella ball (see note) or 4 bocconcini, torn

• 1 garlic clove, halved

Method Step 1: Preheat the grill to high. Place the capsicum pieces on a baking sheet, then grill for 15 minutes or until the skin is charred. Transfer to a plastic bag, seal and set aside for about 5 minutes to sweat. Peel capsicums, then cut into 2cm pieces. Place in a bowl with basil, lemon juice, mozzarella, 1 tablespoon olive oil, then season with sea salt and pepper and toss to combine.

Step 2: Toast the bread under the hot grill for 1-2 minutes on each side until golden. Rub each piece of bread with the cut side of the garlic, then brush with remaining oil. Top each piece of toast with capsicum mixture, then season with freshly ground black pepper and serve immediately.

rhubarb & pear compote

Ingredients 0.15 Prep 0.15 Cook Serves 6


Photo Credit: Ian Wallace

• 60ml (1/4 cup) fresh orange juice • 55g (1/4 cup) caster sugar

• 1 x 3cm-wide strip orange rind, pith removed

• 1 bunch (about 700g) rhubarb, trimmed, washed, cut into 4cm lengths

• 1 x 7cm cinnamon stick

• 4 ripe pears, peeled, cored, halved, each half cut into 3 wedges

• 80g (1/2 cup) bought toasted muesli, to serve

Step 1: Place the orange juice and sugar in a large saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes or until sugar dissolves. Step 2: Add the rhubarb, pear, orange rind and cinnamon stick. Bring to a simmer and cook, covered, for 5 minutes. Uncover and cook for a further 5 minutes or until fruit is tender and liquid thickens slightly. Remove from heat and set aside for 15 minutes to cool.

• 260g (1 cup) vanilla-flavoured yoghurt, to serve

Step 3: Spoon compote among serving bowls. Top with a dollop of yoghurt and sprinkle with muesli. Serve immediately.

roasted fennel and baby carrots with quinoa


Photo Credit: William Meppem

• 4 bulbs baby fennel

note) rinsed, drained

0.15 Prep 0.40 Cook

• 2 bunches Dutch (baby) carrots, trimmed, peeled

• 60ml (1/4 cup) extra virgin olive oil

Servings 8

• 1 bulb garlic, cloves separated, unpeeled

• 75g soft goat’s cheese, crumbled

• 6 sprigs lemon thyme • 50g (1/4 cup) quinoa, (see

Method Step 1: Preheat oven to 200C. Trim fennel stems to 2cm. Pick fronds from the trimmings, then discard the stems. Cut fennel bulbs into 1cmthick slices, cutting lengthwise through the root end to keep slices intact. Step 2: Place the fennel, carrots, garlic and thyme in a large roasting pan. Scatter with

quinoa, drizzle with oil, then pour over 180ml (3/4 cup) water. Season with salt and pepper. Roast for 40 minutes, turning halfway, or until the vegetables are tender and the quinoa is soft. Step 3: Spoon onto a platter. Scatter with reserved fennel fronds and goat’s cheese. Serve at room temperature.

cottage cheese and walnut fritters with roasted cherry truss tomatoes

Ingredients 0.10 Prep 0.15 Cook Makes 15


Photo Credit: John Paul Urizar

• 1 x 500g ctn Low-Fat Creamed Cottage Cheese • 50g (1/2 cup) Quick Cooking Oats • 1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs • 30g (1/4 cup) walnut halves, coarsely chopped

• 1 egg white • 70g (3/4 cup) cornflake crumbs • Extra virgin olive oil spray • 2 x 240g pkts cherry truss tomatoes

Step 1: Preheat oven to 180°C. Line 2 baking trays with non-stick baking paper.

tray. Repeat with the remaining cottage cheese mixture and cornflake crumbs.

Step 2: Combine the cottage cheese, oats, herbs, walnut, egg white and 25g (1/4 cup) of cornflake crumbs in a large bowl. Season with pepper.

Step 4: Spray the patties with olive oil spray. Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until golden. Set aside to cool slightly.

Step 3: Place the remaining cornflake crumbs on a large plate. Roll 1 heaped tablespoonful of the cottage cheese mixture into a ball. Flatten slightly to form a patty. Gently press in the cornflake crumbs to evenly coat. Place on 1 lined

Step 5: Use scissors to divide the tomatoes into 6 portions, leaving the stems intact. Place on the remaining lined tray. Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until the tomatoes soften slightly. Serve with the fritters.

chicken and cashew stir-fry with thai rice

Ingredients 0.10 Prep 0.15 Cook Servings 4

Photo Credit:

• 115g pkt Continental Thai Coconut & Lemongrass Rice • 1 teaspoon Continental Chicken Stock Powder • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil • 500g Coles RSCPA Approved Chicken Breast Fillets, thinly sliced


sliced • 150g green beans, ends trimmed, halved horizontally • 30g pkt Continental Chicken & Cashew Stir Fry Recipe Base • 1/2 cup (75g) unsalted cashews, toasted

• 1 brown onion, thinly sliced

• 1/3 cup coriander leaves

• 1 red capsicum, seeded, thinly

• Lime wedges, to serve

Step 1: Cook the rice with stock powder, 1 tsp of the oil and 1 1/4 cups (310ml) water in a saucepan following packet directions. Step 2: Meanwhile, heat half the remaining oil in a wok or pan over high heat. Stir-fry chicken, in batches, for 2-3 mins or until just cooked through. Transfer to a plate. Heat remaining oil in wok over medium-high heat. Stir-fry onion for 2 mins or until soft. Add capsicum and beans. Stir-fry for 2 mins or until beans are just tender.

Combine stir-fry recipe base and a cup (125ml) water in a jug. Return chicken to wok with recipe base mixture and cashews. Stir-fry for 2 mins or until sauce thickens. Serve with rice, coriander and lime wedges.

speedy spaghetti and meatballs

Ingredients 0.15 Prep 0.10 Cook Servings 4

Photo Credit:

• 420g Coles classic beef meatballs

• 100g baby spinach leaves • 40g parmesan, shaved

• 1 tablespoon olive oil • 420g jar Sacla cherry tomato & basil sauce • 1/4 cup water • 350g dried spaghetti pasta

Method Step 1: Halve and re-roll each meatball to make smaller meatballs. Heat the oil in a large, deep frying pan over medium-high heat. Cook the meatballs, shaking the pan occasionally, for 5 mins or until browned. Step 2: Add the pasta sauce and water, and bring to a simmer. Cook for 5 mins or until the meatballs are cooked through. Step 3: Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in a large saucepan of salted boiling water following packet directions, or until al dente. Drain.

Step 4: Add the spaghetti and spinach to the meatball mixture. Toss to combine. Serve with parmesan.

apple sponge pudding


Photo Credit: Louise Lister

• 6 Granny Smith apples 0.15 Prep 0.30 Cook

• 1/2 cup caster sugar

• 1/2 teaspoon mixed spice icing sugar, to serve • Ice-cream, to serve

Servings 6

• 2 tablespoons water • 2 eggs, at room temperature

• Whipped cream, to serve

• 1 teaspoon vanilla essence • 1/2 cup self-raising flour

Method Step 1: Preheat oven to 180°C. Lightly grease a 5-cup capacity ovenproof dish. Step 2: Peel, core and chop apples. Place in a saucepan with 1/4 cup sugar and water. Cook, partially covered, over medium heat for 5 to 8 minutes or until apple is tender. Drain excess liquid. Spoon apple into prepared dish. Cover to keep warm. Step 3: Using an electric mixer, beat eggs until light and fluffy. Add remaining 1/4 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating until thick and

creamy. Stir in vanilla. Step 4: Sift flour and mixed spice over batter. Using a metal spoon, fold through batter. Pour over hot stewed apple. Step 5: Bake for 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the sponge comes out clean. Dust with icing sugar. Serve pudding hot with icecream and cream.

microwave bread and butter pudding

Ingredients 0.20 Prep 0.15 Cook Servings 4

Photo Credit: Guy Bailey

• 5 slices spicy fruit bread

• 1 cup milk

• 50g butter, softened

• 1/2 cup caster sugar

• 1/4 cup dried figs, quartered (see note)

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • Icing sugar mixture, to serve

• 2 egg yolks • 4 eggs

Method Step 1: Spread both sides of bread with butter. Cut into quarters to make triangles. Arrange bread triangles, slightly overlapping, in a 5 cupcapacity, 16cm x 25cm heatproof, microwavesafe dish. Sprinkle with figs. Step 2: Whisk egg yolks, eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla together in a large jug. Pour egg mixture over bread. Press bread down gently into egg mixture. Set aside for 10 minutes to allow egg mixture to be absorbed.

Step 3: Microwave, uncovered, on MEDIUM (50%) for 10 minutes or until egg mixture has just set. Step 4: Meanwhile, preheat grill on medium. Place bread and butter pudding under grill. Grill for 5 minutes or until top is golden. Serve dusted with icing sugar.

All recipes sourced from

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