Murray City Journal - November 2014 - Vol. 14 Iss. 11

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firefighters remembered 2

high school musicals

Murray’s SWAT Team: Trained To Protect


n his early days with the Murray City Police Department, SWAT team leader Sgt. Erik Lindquist learned a lesson that could have had fatal results. While responding to a suspicious activity call, a man pulled a gun on Lindquist. Instead of shooting, Lindquist hesitated. During that hesitation, the perpetrator pulled the trigger. Luckily, the gun misfired and Lindquist was able to subdue the suspect, but it’s a lesson many officers don’t get a second chance to learn. “I don’t know a single officer who wants to shoot, but it’s our job. We’re trained to shoot if necessary,” Lindquist said. “Being in the SWAT team has made me a better officer. I want to retire


By Peri Kinder

safely from the forceWe’re working together as a team, and I really like that aspect.” The Special Weapons and Tactics team specializes in dangerous operations such as high-risk search warrants, hostage situations or dealing with a suspect who might be armed. Of the 73 Murray police officers, there are only 15 trained specialists who make up the city’s SWAT team. They are carefully selected through an application and try-out process. While their primary roles include regular patrol duties and investigation, the SWAT officers’ secondary responsibilities

SWAT Team continued on page 4

spartans shine


fair game


q u o ta b l e c o m m u n i t y :

“This community is amazing; it is a little hidden secret... There are good people and hope in the world.”

page 6

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Murray City Journal - November 2014 - Vol. 14 Iss. 11 by The City Journals - Issuu