2024: Riverton City Highlights and Awards

By Mayor Trent Staggs
Riverton’s success and progress in 2024 instills confidence that 2025 and beyond will also bring great things to come. Our city received some awards and recognitions and completed major projects that will be of great benefit to the residents. Not all our highlights were featured on the nightly news or your social media feed, so I thought it would be helpful to list some significant achievements from this past year here:
Sandra N. Lloyd Community Center Reopening
Last May, we completed renovations of the Sandra N. Lloyd Community Center and reopened it to the public. This is a beautiful, historic building once again opened for all sorts of events. Elected officials had the vision of maintaining its historic charm while giving it a 21st century makeover. We’ve already held city events in this building and it’s great to see it being used by our community once more. Riverton City sought to offset the $2.7 million cost to refurbish the auditorium and nearby plaza by partnering with Salt Lake County. The County generously awarded the City a TRCC grant of $1.2 million to help with this project.
New City Hall Plaza
The new plaza behind city hall was also completed in conjunction with the community center. This plaza offers a
wonderful outdoor gathering spot for families and others. It features a small amphitheater with two-tier seating. And look out for a statue of a tiger and her cub that was graciously donated by the family of Dollores B. Shelledy. The cost of the plaza was mitigated through provision of grants provided by Salt Lake County.
Peggy Green Park Pavillion
Riverton City staff added a beautiful, new pavilion to the Peggy Green Park. Increasing the amenities at our parks is a priority for the city. Proper upkeep and maintenance at our park keep our public spaces clean and perfect for use by families.
Canyon View Park’s New ADA Playground
In addition to park maintenance, city staff recently constructed Riverton’s first ADA compliant playground at Canyon View Park. This park enables children of all abilities to engage in the power of play.
Two Financial Recognition Awards from the Government Finance Officers Association
Riverton City takes pride in our fiscal discipline and it’s nice for our staff to be recognized for their efforts. This past year, Riverton City received two financial recognition awards from the Government Finance Officers Association. The first is a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The second is an Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting.
Eliminated 85 Fees from City Code
Riverton City Council approved my
recommendation to eliminate 85 fees from city code to better reduce unnecessary bureaucratic costs. This is part of an ongoing initiative I commenced to regularly require our government to review its fees and regulations. For example, Riverton taxpayers have saved millions since we created our own fire and police taxing district. Since 2018, the Riverton Law Enforcement Service Area has reached over $21 million in cumulative savings, while the Riverton Fire Service Area has totaled nearly $2 million in cumulative savings since 2021. Additionally, Riverton City maintains the lowest utility fees in the Salt Lake Valley due to our determination to live up to our fiscal principles.
Groundbreaking of Paige Retail Center Across from
City Hall
Riverton City continues to grow and improve in ways that will benefit generations. I was pleased to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the Paige Retail Plaza that will be built on Redwood Road across from city hall. The plaza will consist of 20 nearly 2,000 square-foot retail spaces in 4 buildings. It will also provide residents with greater access to a variety of retail and dining options, making Riverton a more convenient and attractive place to live, work, and play.
Utah Taxpayers Association Recognition
The Utah Taxpayers Association recognized Riverton City for having one of the lowest city tax burdens in the state per capita, and the lowest in the southern Salt Lake County Area. I am proud of our city’s fiscally conservative principles and the courage demonstrated by our elected officials and staff to live them.

Christmas Tree Composting
Properly dispose of live Christmas trees at one of three free drop-off locations through the end of January.

Trent Staggs - Mayor
Andy Pierucci - District 1
Troy McDougal - District 2
Tawnee McCay - District 3
Tish Buroker - District 4
Spencer Haymond - District 5
January 7 & 21, 7 p.m.
January 9 & 23, 6:30 p.m.

CONTACT US rivertonutah.gov 801-254-0704
Report a problem at rivertonutah.gov/report

Public Input Wanted for Riverton’s Strategic Plan

By Councilmember Troy McDougal
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said, “The government closest to the people serves the people best.” I agree with that statement, political leaders can make better decisions for their community when they have the feedback of the community. With that in mind, this year the City Council will be reviewing the Riverton City General Plan for land use. Perhaps no issue affects our citizens more than the development of open land and protecting the existing zoning in our current neighborhoods.
I believe that when a person invests in buying a home, they do so with the expectation that with few exceptions, the properties around them will continue to reflect the existing zoning. I am a strong supporter of individual property rights, but that does not mean people can have free reign to do anything on their
property. When you buy into a community, it is with the expectation that there will be some standards to maintain the integrity of the community. This allows us all the quiet enjoyment of our investment and lifestyle, without it being decreased, by an individual who wants to alter the existing plan to meet their personal desires.

keep its current financial strength and unique smalltown lifestyle.
“I invite everyone to review the General Plan found on the city

I along with several of my Council Members would like to involve the public to a greater degree in the General Plan process. It is our goal to meet with residents of each individual district to get feedback from residents on concerns and desires for their specific areas. With his feedback, we can better maintain and design a plan that will help Riverton
As we prepare for the review process, I invite everyone to review the General Plan found on the city website (rivertonutah.gov/planning/maps.php) Carefully consider what you would like our city to look like, not just five years from now, but 15-20 years from now. Attend the meetings and let your voice be heard.
I can promise that not everyone will be happy, with such a wide variety of opinions that is just not possible. But what we can do is better represent the residents who have invested financially and emotionally into this community. As Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
2025 Riverton City Calendar Has Arrived!
The new 2025 Riverton Calendar will keep you in the know on events and happenings this year.
You should have received it in your mailbox already. If you haven’t received one, you can pick one up for free at the Recreation & Events window at Riverton City Hall.


Our Community’s Role in Ensuring Traffic Safety

By Chief Shane Taylor
I encourage all motorists to allow more time to commute to and from their homes. Please be considerate and patient with one another, especially with the road closure of 13400 South and Bangerter Highway for the following year.
Friendly reminders: Use your signals to let everyone know your intentions for safe travel. The center dividing lane of the roadway is not designed for legal travel. Please make sure to yield at signs and come to a complete stop at stop signs. Go back through your driver’s exam book and know vehicular right of way. Remember, obeying traffic laws is not just a suggestion; it’s a responsibility. We should all know the finer points of operating a motor vehicle and adhere to the regulations.
Street racing, reckless driving, and not obeying the posted speed limits are not just dangerous but illegal. Remember, these actions will not go unnoticed and will result in a citation to correct the behavior. The consequences are real and severe; not obeying the posted speed limits can lead to accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. We must all understand and respect them.

anticipating potential hazards, and avoiding distractions.
With the inclement weather approaching, I must stress the importance of maintaining a safe driving distance between you and other motorists. This caution can prevent unnecessary accidents.
“Remember, obeying traffic laws is not just a suggestion; it’s a responsibility.”
Road rage has led drivers to do the unthinkable to others in our community. It is the leading cause of violent behavior on the road. I ask you to be an example for your family and community.
with bad news about a family member injured by careless motorists or poor choices. Unfortunately, this occurs way too often.
I would ask all of you to partner with the Riverton Police Department and report irresponsible driving to the non-emergency VECC dispatch center. This center is staffed with trained professionals who can take your report and dispatch an officer if necessary. You can reach them by calling 801-840-4000. Your vigilance and willingness to report can help us keep our roads safe for everyone. Remember, you are not just a driver but a guardian of road safety in our community.

important traffic alerts, emergency updates, and city info with Riverton’s all new text alerts. Text JOIN (and your email) to 530-456-9523

n rivertonutah.gov/subscribe Get the latest city updates, e-newsletters, event information and other news delivered right to your inbox.


Careless driving results in a high volume of unnecessary traffic accidents that can be prevented with intelligent thinking, such as maintaining a safe following distance,
Let’s not forget that operating a motor vehicle is a privilege and not a right. We all play an essential role in ensuring safe travel.
No one likes a knock on the door
The Riverton Police Department is deeply committed to enhancing the quality of life in our community and partnering with you to ensure safety. We value your cooperation and vigilance in maintaining road safety. Together, we can make a difference and keep our roads safe for everyone.

n rivertonutah.gov/app Report a problem, see the city calendar, get directions to parks and city facilities, and find city information right from your mobile device.
Trans-Jordan Landfill Disposal Vouchers

Pick up a free voucher to the TransJordan Landfill at the Utility Billing Office at Riverton City Hall when you begin your spring cleaning.
• Limit of two vouchers per household per year.

Art Submissions Needed
Young artists and creators age 18 and younger are invited submit artwork entries in the Not Your Parent’s Art Show February 3-26, 2025. This non-judged event gives young artists the opportunity to showcase their artwork in an exhibition at the Old Dome Meeting Hall.
• Artwork Entry Period: January 13-24
• Find details at rivertonutah.gov/exhibits.
Register: Couch to 5K

Gradually build up your running ability as part of our Couch to 5K training program! Program begins January 29 and continues for 8 weeks.
• Register online at rivertonutah.gov/couch-to-5k.
Arts and Museums Exhibition 125 Years of Collecting

This traveling exhibition showcases artworks collected over the decades. From recent acquisitions of living artists to artworks illustrating the state’s early history from a variety of some of Utah’s finest artists.
• January 6-29, Old Dome Meeting Hall
Reserve a Facility

Old Dome Meeting Hall & Plaza • Community Center Hamilton Event Center • City Park Pavilions
Riverton City has many wonderful facilities available for rent for residents and non-residents. To make reservations visit rivertonutah.gov/reserve or call us at 801-208-3101.
The following snow removal protocol and winter parking policy is in effect in Riverton:
• Between November 1 and March 1, no vehicle may be parked on city streets during a snow storm OR where snow has accumulated on road shoulders.
For additional details, visit rivertonutah.gov/snow

Register: Just You & I Daddy-Daughter Date

This daddy-daughter date night near Valentine’s Day is a hit and sells out early! Suitable for girls ages 3-12. Register at rivertonutah.gov/date-night.
• Friday, February 7, 6 p.m., JATC Building

Half Marathon, 10K & 5K
Be part of a Riverton tradition and come participate in one of the valley’s best races. The race is designed for all ages and abilities with medals and prizes awarded for participants and winners.
General registration opens January 1 for the Riverton Half Marathon, 10K & 5K
• Race Day is Saturday, March 22
• Register at: rivertonutah.gov/half