By Kerry Angelbuer | k.angelbuer@mycityjournals.comWhen Sweetgrass covered the plains and the buffalo were plentiful, enough food and warm clothing could be obtained to bless the peaceful Hopi and Navajo tribes. The Buffalo dance held early in the year on the reservation pleads for enough snow and rain to nourish the land to support the plantings of beans, corn and squash. Since no irrigation is available to the tribes, this blessing is sorely needed. Anna Bennett, who lives in North Salt Lake and is the founder of “Buffalo Blessings” tries to answer the call of the dance by providing the basic needs for the Native Americans no matter the weather.
Many years ago, Bennett and her husband travelled to the reservations and were filled with compassion for the lack of water, electricity and other basic needs they saw all around them. Many women walked for miles to obtain water and a man plowed his field with a metal disk attached to a stick. They found a sponsor within the tribe named White Eagle who was also striving to help his people and began to augment his efforts. Bennett applied for the federally recognized status for her charity so that all donations could be written off on taxes and began to raise funds and advocate for basic needs. Sundance Film festival donated high quality clothing left from promotional events, and Smith’s Marketplace allows shoppers to designate “Buffalo Blessings” so that a portion of all shopping done in the store will go to this charity. She has collected many individual volunteers and donors over the years who loyally contribute to her charity. A working, used tractor was provided to the man with only a plow stick, a bed for a couple suffering greatly from ravages of diabetes, a wood stove for a family struggling to stay warm in the winter and many

plastic containers to store ample water and corn to protect from vermin. Bennett’s husband, who passed away in 2020, organized all the transportation of thousands of pounds of healthy foods and other goods to the reservations.
Bennett was not sure that the charity could go on without her husband, but recognized that needs during the pandemic, combined with drought, were even more dire. She hit upon the idea of a grocery gift certificate that could only be exchanged for food at local stores. During the pandemic, certificates, clothing and hygiene kits were handed out at outdoor locations with masks worn by both givers and receivers. She is especially generous to the grandmothers on the reservations that are often raising three to six of their grandchildren on very limited means.

“It is the greatest feeling in the world,” said Bennett, “to be on the reservation, and be invited in to eat as the people express their gratitude and often cry.” Although she feels that her efforts “are only a drop in the bucket,” she finds the work “quite fulfilling.” Donations are accepted at and on their Facebook page. Bennett’s phone number and email address are also available on the website allow -
ing interested donors and volunteers to speak to her. Bennett makes jewelry to sell on Etsy along with other donated items – like a huge online yard sale. All donations and money from sales go directly to those in need. Volunteers pay their own travel, lodging and incidental costs so the 100% of donations go to Native Americans. l
By Tom Haraldsen | t.haraldsen@mycityjournals.comM
ore than 400 middle school students from 10 Davis District schools participated in the Unified Golf Field Day on May 16. The event, sponsored by the Davis Education Foundation and the Rich Day Group at Valley View golf course in Layton, helped students learn fundamentals about golf and promoted a spirit of inclusion and camaraderie.
“Local golfers helped teach the kids pitching, driving and putting,” said Scott Foster, the marketing coordinator for the Foundation. “This is the first time we’ve done a golf event, though other districts have used it in their unified sports programs in the past.”
He said the program encourages middle school students, both with and without disabilities, to learn skills and foster friendships.
“It was just a lot of fun,” Foster said. “The kids come together and it’s great to see students that normally might not interact with each other get to know new friends. Hopefully, there will be friendships that will last for years to come.” The event was a clinic – students

worked on the driving range, then chipped and putted as well, introducing themselves in many cases to a sport they weren’t familiar with or hadn’t played before. “Unified Sports programs are crucial to building a
community where all students feel valued and included,” DEF Director Jodi Lunt said. “We are proud to see such enthusiasm and participation from our students.”
The event was part of the broader
“Show Up for Unified Sports” initiative championed by Utah First Lady Abby Cox and the Special Olympics of Utah. Foundation officials thanked Rich Day for its support and co-sponsorship of the program.
“Supporting the Unified Golf Field Day aligns perfectly with our vision of investing in the potential greatness of every child,” RDG founder Rich Day said in a statement.
This won’t be the last golf event for the Foundation, who intends to do it annually.
“We’ve been doing Unified Sports for years,” Foster said. “Through the Foundation we’ve done soccer and basketball, and other Field Days, and we’re working to expand the program in any way we can, so we can introduce them to as many things as we can. This was just sort of a kickoff where we have these larger groups of students. Some of these kids will be invited back for a later tournament with smaller groups, and there will be clinics this summer. It’s such a positive thing for students.” l

WXHS girls golfers sixth at state
The Woods Cross girls golf team placed sixth at the 5A state tournament at Soldier Hollow May 20-21.
“What a year! It was a great accomplishment for our team to finish sixth overall in 5A,” said head coach Brandon Pearson. “We finished two shots behind Spanish Fork, who took fifth. Top five was our goal, and we were really close.”
The Wildcats were led by Kennedee Pearson who finished 11th with rounds of 87 and 76. “Her second round was fantastic and she closed it out with a one-under on the back nine,” coach Pearson said.
Vivian Oaks tied for 15th with scores of 89 and 84 on her two rounds. “Vivian played well,” coach Pearson said.
Also competing at state for Woods Cross was senior Avree Clark, who tied for 46th place, Katelyn Norman, who came in 61st, and Charli Judd, who was 63rd.
“The weather was cold and rainy. All of the girls played hard and battled through some difficult conditions.”
The Wildcats return three of their top four varsity players for next season in Kennedee Pearson, Oaks and Tess Poulsen. “We hope to be competitive for the state title next year,” said coach Pearson.
Viewmont placed 10th at the 5A state tournament at Soldier Hollow May 20-21. The Vikings were led by Karissa Goff, who placed 25th, with scores of 91 and 89.
Also competing for Viewmont at state were Halle Salmon, who was 48th, Lily Archibald (29th), Berklie Fox (tied for 54th), Lily Hawker (57th) and Grace Fabrizio (62nd).
Bountiful’s Cambria Ohlson was the
By Catherine Garrett |
lone Redhawks player to make the cut after Day One at the 5A state tournament, shooting an 88. Her second round was an 85, tying her for 15th place.
Farmington High senior Brooke Belnap shot a 93 on Day One of the 6A state tournament at Solider Hollow May 20 to advance to Day Two while the rest of the Phoenix squad failed to make the cut. A 97 on her second round placed her 39th out of 108 golfers.
“It was a tough course to walk and to play,” said head coach Stephanie Belnap. “These high school golf girls are resilient and tough! They play in weather conditions that are not fun, and most play with positive attitudes and a smile. The players of high school girls golf of Utah are amazing, and I learn so much from them every year!”
Also on the FHS state team were Kate Deswnup, Claire Norton, Ellie Baugh, Brinklee Bradshaw and Kenzie Baron.
“Our team didn’t perform as well as
we hoped at state, but overall, we are happy with our season,” said coach Belnap.
Following Region 1 play, Deswsnup was named First Team All-Region with Brooke Belnap and Norton recognized on the All-Region Second Team.
“We have a bunch of girls that are new to the sport,” said coach Belnap. “We had lots of personal bests and look forward to some practice over the summer and hopefully lots of improvement before tryouts next year. It has been a fun year with lots of memories made! Let’s Go Phoenix!”
Farmington loses two seniors and a junior who are graduating in Brooke Belnap, Baron and Carrington Hendry.
The Davis High girls golf team entered the 6A state tournament at Soldier Hollow May 20-21 as the sixth-place team in Region 1. The Darts missed the cut after Day One of play. l
1924 School mass meeting
Tues. night
A mass meeting of taxpayers and school patrons will be held in the Bountiful Tabernacle, next Tuesday, June 3, at 8 p.m., to hear the report of the committee appointed at a like meeting held the week before to ascertain, if possible the present needs of the county in the high school line.
A committee of fifteen was appointed to thoroughly consider the advisability of having more than one high school in the county and the mass meeting called for next Tuesday night is to hear the committee’s report.
Housing survey shows needs in Utah
Utah homes will require an expenditure of more than $81,000,000 if they are placed in condition to meet the needs of rural families. This estimate was made by architect-engineers following a rural housing survey recently conducted with CWA funds under the supervision of Mrs. Renn B. Maycock, assistant director for home economics of the U.S.A.C.E.S.
Results of the survey are being studied in Washington, D.C. by officials who have charge of the federal plan to make funds available for improving rural homes in the United States.

Remembering long-time columnist Bryan Gray
By Tom Haraldsen | t.haraldsen@mycityjournals.comLong-time columnist Bryan Gray passed away on Saturday, May 25 at his home. He had fought a long and valiant battle with ocular cancer, something he was diagnosed with and given six months to live. He defied the odds and outlived that prediction by 12 years.
The first time I met Bryan Gray, it was in the office at the Davis County Clipper in 1984, just shortly after we both were hired. Bryan’s role was as a columnist – a humorist – someone designed to look at life not from the sunshiny, “never anything bad happens here in Utah” perspective to the unseen, sometimes darker overtones. His column was called “Cyclops,” – a tribute to the other eye that sees things as they really are, not just how we want or think them to be.
In those early years writing for the Clipper, he spent many mornings at Sils Cafe in Layton, enjoying coffee and sharing gossip with the regulars. He learned a lot from those folks. It was hard for him when the cafe was torn down and moved to a new location, and many regulars never returned. But there were still plenty of stories to tell – some positive ones, some not so positive.
He had the ability, as good columnists do, to look at people and politics and make comments or suggestions without taking himself too seriously. He offended some readers, since columns are simply opinions of their authors, but he was also endearing to many, many readers who agreed with his take on the idiosyncrasies, and just plain idiocy, of politicians and public figures and the decisions they make. Some say he leaned too far left, but I think he more accurately leaned toward trying to make things right.
According to his wife Dawn Brandvold, Bryan was a Highland High School alum, received his undergraduate degree at Westminster College and later moved on

to the University of Utah for his master’s degree in journalism. His career began as a teacher at Layton High School. For many years while writing his Cyclops column, he also ran his Shades of Gray Communications and Gray Print Media businesses. In the last two decades of his life, right up until his last days, Bryan worked as a salesman for AlphaGraphics, helping many candidates with their print campaigns. He was also active in supporting the Davis Arts Council.
One of the last times my wife and I saw Bryan and Dawn was at a concert at Kenley Amphitheatre in Layton. It rained on all of us that night, but the show went on and it was great. Of course we all stayed and sat in the rain, because as Bryan showed us and so many of us through the years, there was always something good coming through even the darkest of days or nights. He made us laugh, he made us think, he made us look at our lives. He made us better for looking at things from a different point of view. He will be greatly missed. Thanks, Bryan, for all you contributed to the Clipper and the Davis Journal through the years. l

Compiled by Peri KinderBRIEFS

Two injured in rollover
One individual was transported to a local trauma center and a second person was evaluated and released last week from a single-vehicle rollover crash near Kaysville.
The accident took place on northbound Highway 177 at mile marker 5. Crews from Kaysville Fire and Farmington Fire responded to the accident and had to remove the passenger side front door to remove one of the patients. The Utah Highway Patrol is investigating the accident.
Martha Hughes Cannon statue headed to Washington, D.C.
The Dr. Martha Hughes Cannon statue currently at the Utah State Capitol is ready to make its way to Washington, D.C. where it will be installed later this summer in the U.S. Capitol. Please join the League of Women Voters of Utah to celebrate the momentous occasion. The group will have a table at an event to be held Wednesday, June
Compiled by Becky Ginos5 from 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Utah State Capitol. Enjoy live music, food trucks, lawn games and a short program.
Safe Kids Day set for June 1
Bring the family out to Safe Kids Day, Saturday, June 1 at Northridge High School in Layton from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. There will be helmets, fire trucks, prizes and more at this free event. The Davis County Health Department will have information about their Vehicle Repair and Replacement Assistance Program, radon testing vouchers, and other services.

Police departments join in torch run
The Bountiful, Centerville, and Farmington Police Departments participated in the Special Olympics Torch Run this week. The departments joined forces for a leg of the race. “It’s a highlight of the year,” a CPD Facebook post said. “These athletes are truly remarkable!”

A Night at the Nursery with Porches & Planters
Monday, June 3, 4-8 p.m.
Garden vendors, food trucks, free photo booth Country Gardens Nursery, 395 Deseret Dr., Kaysville
North Salt Lake Food Trucks
Monday, June 3, 5-8 p.m. Legacy Park, 1140 W. 1100 North
Unity in Our Community – Pride Event
Monday, June 3, 5-8 p.m.
Live music, vendors, food trucks Legacy Park, 1140 W. 1100 North, North Salt Lake
Family First Mondays – Beach Party
Monday, June 3, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Fountain Square at Station Park, 140 N. Union Ave., Farmington
Create Better Health Series Monday, June 3, 7-8 p.m., FREE MyPlate & Physical Activities
Recipe Demo: Create a salad Bountiful Library, 725 S. Main Street
Nature Journaling
Wednesday, June 5, 1-2 p.m.
Journal about birds in the wetlands Eccles Wildlife Education Center, 1157 S. Waterfowl Way, Farmington
Kaysville’s First Friday Festival Friday, June 7, 4-8 p.m.
Live music, talent show, food
trucks and vendors
Heritage Park, 250 N. Fairfield Road
Free Friday Film Series: Pirates of the Caribbean – Curse of the Black Pearl Friday, June 7, 7 p.m.
Ed Kenley Amphitheater, 403 N. Wasatch Drive, Layton
Inclusive Family Fun Run/Autism Acceptance Fundraiser
Saturday, June 8, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Register at Legacy Park, 1140 W. 1100 North, North Salt Lake
Whitaker Tea Party
Saturday, June 8, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., $20
Elizabeth's Victorian Tea at the Whitaker Museum
Registration is required at
Whitaker Museum, 168 N. Main St., Centerville
Antelope Island Star Party
Saturday, June 8, 7-10 p.m.
Meet at the White Rock Bay/Back Country Trailhead
Antelope Island State Park, 4528 W. 1700 South, Syracuse
Free Sunday Concert Series: SYNKÕFA
Sunday, June 9, 7 p.m.
Ed Kenley Amphitheater, 403 N. Wasatch Drive, Layton
Send event info to for inclusion in the Davis Journal community calendar.
Two Flame Tango teaches dance of love
By Shania Emmett | s.emmett@davisjournal.comTango. It is known as one of many ballroom dances. But yet, it doesn’t exactly fit the mold so to speak of regular ballroom dances. It has been described as romantic, passionate, or even a chess game between partners. But from asking around Davis County it turns out a majority of both those experienced in dancing and those who aren’t don’t know how to dance the tango. But those who want to be able to learn can go to the new classes being offered in Bountiful at 197 E. 500 South by Two Flame Tango.
They currently have two instructors but are looking to get more as they grow. Christopher Neville who is also the Creative Director and Sophie Turner, the main administrator of Two Flame Tango are among the instructors.
“We've been living in Bountiful so it’s nice to hold them here near where we live,” Sophie Turner, Two Flame Tango’s main administrator said. “We always loved Tango, it’s a magnet for interesting people. In fact, most of what makes Tango, Tango is the fact that it’s 70 percent social. It’s a place where you can meet interesting people and have a relaxed space for everyone to meet. It’s a place for everybody, really. Artists to hang out with artists. Couples hang out with couples and singles hang out with singles – people of all backgrounds.”
Turner said they started right before the pandemic. “Then we were shut down, but right as we were able to reopen we’ve
been going strong for three years so far.” Out of all of the different styles of Tango Argentine, Salon, Orillero, Milonguero, Club, Nuevo, Fantasia and Canyengue Two Flame Tango mainly teaches Argentine Tango.
“We like to call Tango the dance of chess, so we love that you can be dancing for 20 years, or have no experience at all but you can still learn something new about the dance and yourself,” Christopher Neville, Two Flame Tango’s Creative Director said. “Your experience matures as you go.”
Tango has been around for a very long time. It got its start around the 1800s in La Boca, Buenos Ares Argentina. It is one of the oldest Spanish ballroom dances. In a way, it is like Flamenco but slower and more sensual.
“We really like to offer high-level technique in a very soft comfortable dance,” Neville said. “A lot of our dancers have been former dancers.”
“We offer a lot of techniques,” Turner said. “People who fall in love with dance are people who want to be taught how to dance properly. We spend so much time teaching people how to rediscover how to dance.”
Classes go for six weeks. For those who aren’t able to attend the classes in Bountiful, they also have a studio in Salt Lake City but currently, their most popular location is the one in Bountiful. l
Darts lose to Corner Canyon, finish second in 6A boys lacrosse
In the four years that high school lacrosse has been contested as a sanctioned sport in Utah, Corner Canyon has never lost a state 6A boys championship. But Davis came oh-so-close to rewriting that narrative last Friday.
The Darts came back from a four-goal deficit in the final quarter to force overtime. In fact, two overtimes before Kampton Dutton scored to give the Chargers their fourth straight title in a 12-11 final. Davis, which finished the year with a record of 15-4, took home the silver trophy as second-place finisher.
Davis made it to Friday’s finals against the top-seeded Chargers by upsetting second seed Fremont 11-9 on Wednesday. The Darts pulled to an 8-2 halftime lead and held on to advance. Junior Luke Donigan led the way with three goals, juniors Rocky Edelman and Dawson Draper added two each, and single goals came from junior Ashton Wood, senior Ben Roylance, junior Christian Bott and junior Brek Jen-
By Tom Haraldsen | t.haraldsen@mycityjournals.comsen. Keeper Hunter Keller made six saves for Davis.
In Wednesday’s other semi, the Chargers ended Farmington’s season with an 11-3 win. The Phoenix finished 14-5 on the year. Freshman Kai Beynon scored two of Farmington’s three goals, with Charlie DeAnda getting the other goal.
It was a solid year for boys and girls lacrosse for Davis County teams. Here’s a look at each school and their top performers.
In 6A, Davis went 15-4 led by Donigan with 41 goals, and Roylance and Draper with 31 each. Keller had 153 saves and one shutout.
Farmington ran to its 14-5 record largely on the strength of freshman Kai Beynon, who led the team with 47 goals. Junior Mitchel Milne had 35 goals and senior Kai Leavitt scored 33. Sophomore

goalies Brandon Barrus (110 saves) and Tyson Hoskins (60 saves) secured the nets.
The top 5A team was Bountiful (11-8).
The Redhawks had brothers Carter Terry (sophomore) and Tate Terry (senior) pace the scoring with 49 and 38 goals respectively. Senior Michael Kasper also added 38 goals. Junior Thorin Carlile made 140 saves in goal.
Viewmont was 8-11 on the year. The Vikings’ leading scorers were seniors Sam Terroeros (49 goals), Parley Shupe (28) and Nate Delgado (25). Junior Alex Elizando had 84 saves on the year.
Woods Cross (6-9) was led by junior Carter Dunn with 25 goals. Junior Carter Kringlen had 16 and junior Jared Cannon had 15. Junior Noah Lake made 192 saves in goal.
Woods Cross (15-3) was the top local team, winning 14 in a row at one point.
Junior Rylee Linton led scoring with 59 goals, senior Ella Mathews had 58 and
freshman Lila Dunn had 54. Keeper Olivia Mathews, a sophomore, made 101 saves. Viewmont (13-4) was led by sophomore Cecelia Walton with an incredible 102 goals. Senior Alexis Lee had 61 goals, and junior Brienna Wallis had 28. Junior goalie Makalee Sample made 135 saves. Farmington finished 13-6 on the year, led by junior Alexandra MacAuley with 77 goals. Juniors Kate Carter (44 goals) and Hailey Larsen (43) also led the Phoenix charge. In goal, junior Elle Erickson made 164 saves.
Bountiful had an 11-7 record. Top scorers for the Redhawks were senior Naomi Brice with 63 goals, sophomore Claire Jensen with 29 and senior Veronica Loveless with 20. Senior Kennedy Johnson had 166 saves in goal. Davis finished 10-8. Junior Eshter Facer had 43 goals, senior Olivia Lifferth had 42 and senior MacKenzie Coleman had 24. Senior Jacey Compton made 87 saves for the Darts.l

Layton woman travels to The Gambia to share art with students
By Peri Kinder | peri.k@davisjournal.comT
ara Creed, a host mom and local coordinator for the high school exchange program Educatius, was selected to travel to The Gambia to teach art and possibly ignite a lifelong love for creativity and self-expression in the African community.
As part of the Aiducatius Creativity Internship, Creed will join three other artistic interns who will work with more than 1,000 students at St. Martin’s Basic Cycle School in Kartong, introducing them to the joys of drawing and painting.
It will be the first time the Layton resident has visited the African continent but she has always been a champion of cultural exchange and diversity in Utah, hosting international high school students in the Davis and Morgan School Districts, and Layton Christian Academy.
“I’m thrilled to join this internship and connect with the students and teachers in The Gambia through the shared language of art,” said Creed. “While we’ll be introducing the students to new creative outlets like drawing and painting, I am equally excited to learn about their local traditions and culture.”
Along with Adam Gooder, an art teacher from Arlington High School in Massachusetts; Serena Pelizzari, a former exchange student from Italy; and Norun Igeltjørn-Brænd, a former exchange student from Norway, Creed was selected for the internship because of her skills in creating engaging activities for students. She will also train local teachers to incorporate art into regular school lessons.
Following the two-week internship, from June 15-30, Educatius will host an online gallery to showcase the students’ artwork from the program, highlighting the creativity of Gambian students. Aiducatius supports St. Mar-

tin’s Basic Cycle School with annual funding for essential materials such as textbooks and uniforms.
“Cross-cultural exchange happens most authentically through shared experiences,” said Carla Kearns, Educatius vice president of communications.
“Our interns will not only support the arts curriculum at St. Martin’s School but will also immerse themselves in the vibrant Gambian culture.”
Creed works as an aide at Layton’s Ellison Park Elementary (800 Cold Creek Way), so she has lots of experience working with school-aged children. As a lifelong resident of Davis County, she has enjoyed helping

kids and experience the culture.”
For anyone interested in hosting international high school students through Educatius, contact Creed at
“We’re always looking for host families and if it’s something they’d love to do, to bring other cultures into their own homes, it’s a wonderful way to do that,” Creed said. “To bring a different culture into your home and have that experience is amazing.” l

international students learn about the culture and beauty of Utah.
When she applied for the internship last December, she knew the odds were stacked against her because of the number of applicants. She was shocked when she was contacted to be part of the experience. Each person selected to participate in the internship brings specific skills to the program and while she doesn’t know what to expect, she’s excited to get started.
“We will be in a small village which is close to the coast,” Creed said. “I’m expecting lots of hotness and mosquitoes. But I’m expecting to go and have fun and get to know these

LAYTON—The custom of tattooing has been an integral part of world culture for thousands of years if not more, and while the practice, methods, and designs have evolved over the years, tattooing is alive and well in Davis County. This was very evident at the recent Classic Tattoo Show in Layton at the Davis Conference Center May 17-19.
Celebrating its inaugural year, the Classic Tattoo Show featured dozens of tattoo artists from around the area, all practicing their craft in a safe, welcoming, and hygienic environment. Attendees could get ideas for designs, pick up merchandise, or even get a tattoo for themselves at many of the booths during the convention. It was a celebration of all things tattoo, and that’s just the way event organizer Tyler Bloomingdale wanted it.
“It’s a necessary thing in the area,” Bloomingdale said. Bloomingdale, who is himself a tattoo artist and shop owner at Warhawk Tattoo in Layton. He was “never a promoter prior to this,” but was pleased with how things came together, especially to help promote local artists. That, more than anything, was what the Classic Tattoo Show was all about: community. And Bloomingdale intends to keep it that way.
By Braden NelsenBloomingdale’s business model for both his shop, and the tattoo show may seem counterintuitive to business, but it’s one that enhances that feeling of community, and trust when it comes to tattoo artists. “If we don’t feel like we have the right artist for you,” he said, “we can find the right artist for you, even if they’re not in our shop.” Events like the Classic Tattoo Show allow for that kind of networking all in one spot.
Despite an impressive inaugural year, including tattoo artists of many different styles, vendor booths for all ages, classic cars, and a motorcycle ride with Hell Monkey Cycles, there’s more to come next year, and Bloomingdale wants to keep it local, right here in Davis. While there was plenty of opportunity to get a tattoo at the show, Bloomingdale’s advice for those thinking about their first was to wait, “If you find an idea you like, wait a year.”
That may just be the perfect opportunity for attendees who saw the amazing designs this year to think about it, let it sit, and come back to the Classic Tattoo Show next year. Those who missed the show can still find Bloomingdale and his team at Warhawk Tattoo at 1596 N. Hill Field Rd. Suite E, in Layton. l

News stories from yesteryear in Davis County
Compiled by Braden Nelsen
Memorial Day service set for Tuesday
Charles R. Mabey, ex-governor of Utah, will be the speaker at Memorial Day services planned for Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at the bandstand in the north section of Bountiful Cemetery, weather permitting, announced Haven D. Barlow, retiring commander of George R. Day post in Bountiful.
South Davis Youth Center Board plans future activities

The board in cooperation with the Twin Star Riding Club have plans well under way for the annual Rope-T-O Saturday, June 26. This unusual community fundraising program for the Youth Center will far surpass the Rope-T-O shows of the past. Professional rodeo performers, riding clubs, novelty stunt and fun makers and church organizations, and civic clubs are combining to make this year's Rope-T-O a 2000 spectator affair.
Learn makeup, be in a play

Those who are interested in one-act play production may receive valuable experience during the summer drama class taught without cost to anyone interested. A class in stage makeup will also be taught with a small fee of $1 charged to cover the cost of material used.

Matt Brady

Meet MATT BRADY– a man of integrity. After 15 years with Utah’s state retirement system, Matt joined Davis County Government in 2022, where he currently serves as Chief Deputy Treasurer. Matt is focused on cost-efficient property tax collection and administration, and is committed to upholding statutory requirements and standards of practice. He serves taxpayers with kindness, efficiency, and transparency. Matt holds a Master of Public Administration from BYU and an Economics degree from the University of Utah. BANK ON BRADY to serve as our next county treasurer! Visit to learn more and to view local endorsements.
Blake Woodall

Blake Woodall brings over two decades of experience in audit and finance to his candidacy for Davis County Treasurer. With a career spanning public accounting, corporate finance (including roles at Deseret Management Corporation), and complex government entities, where Blake has honed his skills in financial analysis and process improvement. For the past seven years, he has served as the Internal Auditor in the Davis County Auditor’s Office, collaborating with various departments, including the Treasurer’s Office. This comprehensive experience has equipped Blake with a deep understanding of the Challenges facing the Treasurer’s Office and the insight needed to implement effective solutions.
Alex Densley

I was born and raised in Bountiful.
I attended all public schools in the district and was a custodian for many years for them. I am the middle child. I am married with two kids that are entering the school system. I like being involved and do multiple things in the community. I enjoy spending time with my family and doing activities with them.
Alisa Mercer

As a mother of three children in the Davis School District, I am grateful for our exceptional teachers and staff. My commitment to our community includes serving as a parent representative on school Community Councils and on the PTA. As the former Director of Client Services at the Bountiful Food Pantry, I have demonstrated organizational leadership, community bridge-building, and fiscal responsibility. I also have experience as an instructor, helping adults complete their high school diplomas and training teachers in literacy methodologies. As your representative on the Davis School Board, I commit to ensuring high-quality education for ALL students.
Melanie Mortensen
Melanie is a mother of four and a former teacher with a deep passion for education. She has worked at every level of public education, council and committee, including parent outreach and administrative liaison. Melanie loves teaching and her children were involved in charter and homeschool education at different times in their educational careers. She has spent the past few years working with the state legislature and state board of education, and has a concrete knowledge of how the education process works.
Melanie has many gifts, including a special talent for empathy, communication and understanding. She is honest and trustworthy, and is committed to being accountable and transparent with her research and decisions. Melanie was raised in Farmington and has raised her family in Bountiful. She is truly the best fit to represent south Davis County on the Davis School Board.
Ricky Hatch

Ricky Hatch is the only CPA and certified auditor in this race. He’s been Weber County’s Auditor since 2010 and has unmatched expertise and real conservative values. A BYU grad, Hatch has twice been recognized as County Auditor of the Year. Ricky represents the nation’s counties on a board that helps establish national governmental accounting standards. He’s testified before Congress twice. A CPA for 26 years with an unwavering commitment to root out waste, fraud and abuse, Ricky is the ideal candidate for Utah’s State Auditor. It just makes sense that our State Auditor should be … an auditor!

I am a Vietnam era veteran, retired diplomat and humanitarian having served under eight presidents; a Trustee of the South Davis Water District working to preserve the aquifers that provide our drinking water; a defender of Utah’s children against illegal immigrant driven, job-related child identity theft and I am able to build consensus in challenging situations. I am running because legislators pass hundreds of bills that they do not read or understand and because they listen to the elites more than to us. I will always listen to you and will only serve one term. Website:
Todd Weiler

I have lived in Woods Cross City for 27 years, and my wife and I have raised our family here in Davis County. After serving on the Woods Cross City Council, I was elected as the Davis County Republican Party Chair and the Davis Chamber of Commerce Chair. I’ve served on the boards of Lakeview Hospital and United Way as well as the Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum. I am pro-life, pro-family, and pro Second Amendment.
Stewart Barlow Dist. 17

As a fiscal conservative, surgeon, and businessman, I prioritize economic growth, job creation, and defending limited government. Currently, I chair the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Sub-Appropriations in the House, also serving on Revenue and Taxation, and Health and Human Services committees. A lifelong Davis County resident, happily married to my wife for four decades, and proud parent of six, I hold degrees from the University of Utah and Georgetown Medical School. Advocating for healthcare, business, and Utah’s prosperity, I ensure your voice resonates in Capitol Hill for a better-managed state.
Daniela Harding Dist. 16

Daniela Harding, a lifelong Republican, calls Layton home with her husband and three teenagers. Her involvement in the Layton community has been extensive. She has served as a Layton Planning Commissioner and as a Central Davis Junior High Community Council member. She most recently served as the Davis County Republican Party Chair from 2019-2023. Daniela believes local control by local citizens with minimal intrusion from government is the best way to govern. She is also a strong advocate for responsible development, lowering the tax burdens on families, and ensuring we have a strong infrastructure. For more information, please visit
Tenna Hartman Dist 19

Tenna Hartman, Bountiful resident for 27 years, epitomizes resilience and determination. Her husband, Audie, is a Hill Air Force Base employee. They have raised five children and enjoy four wonderful grandchildren. Tenna’s journey from single mother to successful entrepreneur and business owner reflects her unwavering spirit. A University of Utah graduate, she has 35 years of expertise in business, health insurance, sales, and marketing. Beyond business, Tenna’s roles as Joan of Arc, President of the United Women’s Forum, Director of Utah Patriot Camp, and motivational speaker exemplify her commitment to empowering others. A dedicated leader, she enriches the community she loves.

Trevor Lee Dist. 16

Trevor lives in Layton with his wife Kaitlin and four kids. He graduated from Davis high school and has a degree from Weber state university. Trevor’s professional background is in business, management, finance, loans and insurance.
As the current representative, and Republican Party Endorsed candidate, he’s dedicated to upholding our conservative values, closely listening to the districts needs, and helping lead the charge on tough issues. On Capitol Hill, he’s proven to be a team player, bringing stakeholders together to get results. He’s honored to served district 16, and always here to help.
Ray Ward Dist. 19

Ray Ward represents Bountiful and West Bountiful in the Utah House of Representatives, where he currently serves as the House Chair of the Social Services Appropriations Committee. Important issues for him are reducing health care costs, battling the opioid epidemic, supporting public education, maintaining a favorable environment for families and businesses, and keeping a healthy Great Salt Lake.
Ray is a family physician at Cope Family Medicine/Ogden Clinic in Bountiful. He received an MD-PhD degree from the University of Washington. He and his wife, Beverly, raised their three children in Bountiful and they enjoy playing Pickleball with friends.

on’t get me wrong. I’m all for men beating each other with sticks but the ice-palooza circus we’ve experienced as the National Hockey League moved a team to Utah has been a bit much.
My sports-crazed husband is in hockey high-heaven, and he’s not alone. The former Arizona Coyotes (but currently unnamed Utah team) was welcomed by a multitude of rabid hockey fans as the team arrived in Salt Lake. The Utah Snow Angels (?) will now undergo a terrifying assimilation into the
Utah’s Miracle on Ice

state’s culture.
Ryan Smith, new owner of the Utah Iceholes (?), spent $1.2 billion to bring the NHL team here and he has Big Plans! Plans that include restructuring a

mall to create a hockey training center, reconfiguring the Delta Center so fans can see all the bloody hockey fights and gaining extreme control over three city blocks in downtown Salt Lake, although he promised not to blast the beloved Abravanel Hall to rubble. Yet.
In the ultimate power play, Smith asked lawmakers to contribute another $1 billion to the project, which includes a sales tax increase, so everyone can help finance the Utah Snowplows’ (?) salvation of the state’s pro sports scene.
(Sidenote: Sales tax? Really? Have our lawmakers seen the lines outside of food banks? People can’t afford Cheerios, let alone tickets to a hockey game.)
But it’s not just hockey. Government and business groups are willing to toss billions (BILLIONS) of dollars around to fund baseball stadiums in Daybreak and, potentially, Salt Lake’s west side.
This is a slap-shot to the face for women’s sports in Utah. If we’re going to invest billions, can legislators squeak the wallet open a bit more to give a portion to female teams? A survey showed overwhelming support for a redesign of the current Salt Lake Bees stadium to become a female-focused sports center. Where are the billions of dollars for that project?
Did you know our state has a championship female/non-binary Pro Ultimate Frisbee team, the Utah Wild? We also host the Utah Falconz, part of the Women’s National Football Conference. Where do they play? On high school football fields. The only reason the Utah Royal’s soccer team has a beautiful venue is because it was built for Real, a men’s team.
Don’t whine and say, “But nobody cares about women’s sports.” For its opening game this year, the Royals set a record for the highest-attended women’s sporting event in Utah history.
Millions of fans watched the wom -

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en’s college final as Caitlin Clark played her last game before being drafted into the WNBA with a four-year, $338,000 contract. I’m sure she was offered the same amount as her male counterpart, the first overall draft pick in last year’s NBA.
Record scratch! Hold up! Last year, top draft pick Victor Wembanyama signed a four-year contract with the Spurs worth $55.2 million. Sigh.
Acquiring the Utah Frostbite (?) was a great accomplishment, but the state has a chance to pull off a phenomenal hat trick: develop a hockey fan base, build a baseball utopia and create a haven for women’s sports. How cool would it be, for a state that ranks last in women’s pay equality, to invest in women’s athletics? What message would that send to our daughters and granddaughters?
I don’t know much about hockey but its success shouldn’t come with a sales tax increase, carte blanche control over a key center of downtown or at the expense of women’s sports.
With its shiny new logo and sparkly Zambonis, the Utah Windchill (?) could have a great first season as fans get behind them. But don’t be fooled. Hockey isn’t the only game in town.

Hollywood Q&A
By Adam Thomlison TV MediaQ: What’s Danny McBride doing now? I feel like I haven’t seen him much since “Eastbound & Down” ended.
A: You just haven’t been looking in the right places — and you haven’t been watching “The Righteous Gemstones.” HBO’s “The Righteous Gemstones” stars McBride as part of a family of worldfamous televangelists. It’s been taking up a lot of his time since it debuted in
2019 — he also serves as a writer, executive producer and occasional director.
Those who know McBride for his motormouthed, larger-than-life comedy persona might be surprised to know he also has a pretty busy sideline as a horror movie writer, alongside his old film school buddy David Gordon Green (“Halloween,” 2018). Together, they wrote the scripts for last year’s “The Exorcist: Believer” and Green’s modern trilogy of Halloween movies (in 2018, 2021 and 2022).
All this means McBride may have seemed a little less unavoidable lately — certainly less than when he exploded onto the comedy scene in the late ‘00s.
For a while, it seemed like every slightly juvenile, male-centric comedy film featured McBride in some way — including hits such as “Tropic Thunder” and “Pineapple Express” (both 2008) and
“This Is the End” (2013). His distinctive, gravelly voice also showed up in numerous, more family-friendly animated hits, including “Despicable Me” (2010) and “Kung Fu Panda 2” (2011).
Q: It just came to my attention that “Jersey Shore” is still on. How is it possible that a reality show has been going for this long with the same people?
A: To be fair to the show and its cast, they’ve evolved quite a bit.
For starters, they’re no longer just going to a house in coastal New Jersey to party (and also squabble) for a few weeks every year. And they also aren’t doing it alone.
The pioneering MTV reality show has featured the same core cast since it
launched in 2009 — Mike Sorrentino, Nicole Polizzi, Paul DelVecchio, Sammi Giancola, Vinny Guadagnino, Jenni Farley, Ronnie Magro, Angelina Pivarnick and Deena Cortese. But now many of them are married and have kids, and they often bring their families along to be on the show. It’s still party-based, but they now travel to different destinations together each season — the show’s been rebranded “Jersey Shore: Family Vacation” to reflect both this traveling aspect and the fact that things will only get so wild with kids around.
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Kaye Bradford
March 16, 1926 ~ May 24, 2024
Kaye Bradford concluded her 98 years of faithful devotion with her quick and peaceful passing on May 24, 2024.
Born on March 16, 1926, she was given the name Kathryn Jane by her beloved parents, Ray and Kitty Cutler, from whom she learned the traits of kindness, generosity, and faithfulness. She grew up in Salt Lake City as the third child with her two brothers, Bill and Joe, and two sisters, Marge and Sylvia.
In an act of love and courage, Kaye married Ted Bradford, a new Marine recruit on his way to fight in the Pacific theater during World War II. She was a prolific letter writer while he was away and was grateful to be rewarded for her choice of husband by his safe return after the war. Their union produced nine children: Dave, Doug, Dee, Toni, Daron, Dan, Teri, Tina, and Tami. She and Ted had a lively sense of family which allowed the children to grow up close to their many cousins. After Ted graduated from law school, the family moved to Bountiful where Ted and Kaye lived out their lives.
Kaye cultivated a wide range of talents needed to raise her large brood - cooking, baking bread, gardening, sewing, wrestling her children into orderliness at church, and serving in a wide range of church callings. She had a beautiful singing voice and performed frequently with three similarly talented friends at a host of church and other gatherings.
Kaye was a lifelong, faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She honored her commitment to the Savior by showing love and extending compassion and generosity to all she came in contact with. When Ted had a stroke resulting in aphasia and cognitive decline, she took unstinting care of him for his final eight years. Proverbs 31:28 could have been written about her: "Her children arise up and call her blessed." Her children in turn

have been blessed by her example of goodness, purity, and faithfulness and by her positive demeanor. Even in her final years, when her memory began to fail her, she was always cheerful and positive – a delight to be around. We'll all miss her calm presence and cheerful outlook.
When she died, she joined her husband and three of her daughters who had preceded her. We can only imagine the joy she felt in being reunited with them, her parents, and a host of progenitors and friends.
We'll celebrate her life at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 1, at the Bountiful South Stake Center, 1250 S. Main, Bountiful. Friends are welcome to join the family for a viewing just prior to the funeral, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. She will be buried next to her husband and her youngest daughter in the Bountiful City Cemetery.
Thanks to the Russon Mortuary and the North Canyon 5 Ward Relief Society for their service.
Services will be streamed live on Russon Mortuary Live Facebook page and her obituary page at

530 West 1500 South Suite I Woods Cross, UT 84087 • 801-298-1414
Stephen Randall Hirst
Sept.13, 1943 ~ May 24, 2024
Stephen Randall Hirst, longtime resident of Farmington, Utah, age 80, passed away peacefully at home on Friday May 24, 2024. He was born on Sept.13, 1943 to Edward Elliott and Una Sarah (Hathaway) Hirst in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was the oldest son of eight children. He graduated from Jordan High School in 1961 and later joined the US Navy in March of 1964. He attended technical school in Chicago, IL. where he finished in 1965. He was then sent to San Diego, CA and assigned to the USS Chicago CG-11, a guided missile cruiser, as an electronics technician specializing in radar. The ship was sent to Vietnam in 1966 serving in the Gulf of Tonkin for about seven months off the coast of Vietnam. The ship had stops at port in the Philippines to refuel and resupply. The ship was stationed back in San Diego after the seven month deployment then sent back to the Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam in September of 1967 until May of 1968. He was honorably discharged from the Navy on May 20, 1968.
He met his wife Linda shortly after returning to Utah from the Navy and they were married on March 14, 1969; their marriage was later solemnized in the Salt Lake Temple. They have four children, Randall Jay, Sarah Jane, James Wylie and Jeffrey Elliot, six grandchildren, Katelynn Hirst, Kiley Hirst, Alyssa (Shawn) Smoot, Graclyn Hirst, Lyla Vogel, and Samantha Rodriguez. They have seven great-grandchildren Bentlee, Emmett, Anylah, Isla, Izeyah, Lindee Stevie and Lilli.
He enjoyed camping, hunting, fishing, riding dirt bikes and old cars as a hobby. He retired at age 57 after nearly 30 years working at Hill Air Force Base. He made the most of his retirement years, traveling the country buying old cars to fix and sell, hauling cars for friends, and finding hidden treasures for himself (sometimes his wife Linda had some questions for him when he got home). He took any opportunity he could to get out on the road and meet and talk to people. He cruised Route 66 in his 55 Buick more than once. He was a regular at local car shows and swap meets. His favorite being Burger Stop Cruises in Layton.
He was a self-taught expert mechanic, he performed a full frame-up restoration on two of his old cars. He was able to fix just about anything, he went out of his way to help people, and he was a father figure to more than just his family.
He was preceded in death by his Mother and Father, his wife Linda and son Jeff. The family would like to express their appreciation to his neighbors and Farmington City Fire for all the times they helped in his later years and their appreciation for the various hospitals and care workers that assisted

him these last few years. He especially enjoyed going to the hospital to be “waited on” by ‘the staff.”
Funeral services will be held at the Farmington South Stake Center, 695 South 200 East, Farmington UT 84025 on Saturday June 1 at 11 a.m. A visitation for friends and family will be held on Friday evening May 31 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Russon Farmington Mortuary, 1941 North Main Street, Farmington, Utah and at the Church on Saturday morning from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. prior to the services. Interment will follow at the Farmington City Cemetery. The family would like to send Old Car Nut Steve off with as many old cars in attendance as possible, any and all are welcome. Services will be streamed live on the Russon Mortuary & Crematory Facebook page and his online guestbook at

JAY KARTCHNER, an individual, Plaintiff, vs, SPENCER BRADY TOWNSEND , Defendant.
herewith served upon you. Publishing: 5/31/2024

Case Number: 240700075
Honorable Judge: David J. Williams

Celebrating an anniversary or a 70th, 80th or 90th birthday? Are you planning a wedding or have you just had one? How cute is that 1-year-old child or grandchild of yours? The Davis Journal wants to help you spread the word. Please submit a photo and a short writeup of whatever you are celebrating or planning to our editor at This is a great way to let the community know what’s happening in your world. Our publications go into mailboxes each Friday and are produced on Mondays and Tuesdays of that week. So your deadline would be Monday at 5 p.m. Let us help you tell the world! From your friends and neighbors at the Davis Journal!

A Treatment Plan that Gets

Dr. Jared R. Heaton Board Certified Dermatologist
Jared Heaton is an attentive and thorough dermatologist & MOHs surgeon, serving his patients in Bountiful, Centerville, North Salt Lake, Woods Cross, Farmington, Kaysville and West Bountiful.
Dr. Heaton is board-certified in dermatology and is currently a member of the American Society of MOHs Surgeons.
Dr. Heaton prides himself in serving all patient populations and treating all areas of dermatology from children through retirement age. Dr. Heaton performs skin cancer diagnosis and treatment, MOHS surgery, mole exam and removal, acne, warts, cyst removal, spider vein treatment, CO2 laser resurfacing, microneedling and many other skin and cosmetic related procedures.
Dr. Heaton received his undergraduate degree in International Relations with a minor in Asian Studies from Brigham Young University (BYU). He earned his medical degree from Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine (AZCOM) in Glendale, AZ. And completed both his internship and medical residency in Tampa, Florida.
In his spare time, Dr. Heaton enjoys snowboarding, mountain biking, vacations to Bear Lake, movies, grilling and spending time with his wife and three children at home in Bountiful.

W 500 S, Ste 210 Bountiful, Utah above Ski ‘N See
Dr. Marc Mitton Board Certified Dermatologist
Marc Mitton is a Utah native and cherishes the opportunity to serve the people of this beautiful state. His passion for dermatology began after receiving his own skin cancer diagnosis as a medical student. He believes that listening and being thorough are the keys to successfully practicing medicine. He specializes in skin cancer detection and removal, rashes, acne, warts and molluscum, as well as several other skin conditions. Dr. Mitton has specific interests in complex dermatological conditions and dermoscopy (the use of a light-based tool for classifying skin lesions and certain rashes). He prioritizes staying up to date on recent research, best medical practices and surgical techniques, and enjoys applying them into his practice.
Dr. Mitton received his undergraduate degree in biology at the University of Utah and graduated with his medical degree from Rocky Vista University in Parker, CO. He completed his intern year of residency at LewisGale Hospital Montgomery in Blacksburg, VA and his dermatology residency at Lehigh Valley Health Network in Allentown, PA. His residency provided many opportunities for specialized training including treating potentially life-threatening skin conditions at one of the state’s burn units, training with a nationally-renowned pediatric dermatologist, and countless exposures to rare and difficult-to-treat cases at conferences on a nearweekly basis through Lehigh Valley and the University of Pennsylvania.
In his free time, Dr. Mitton enjoys spending time with his wife and two kids, being outdoors, biking, board games, and especially making weekend breakfasts with specialty pancakes.