Riverton Man Is Mr. Christmas
andy Peck of Riverton describes himself as Mr. Christmas. He loves everything about the holiday and started setting up a Christmas village under his tree the year he married his wife Diane. The couple has been married for 35 years now, and the village has expanded to fill about a quarter of his rather sizable living room. Peck said he can’t begin to estimate exactly how many pieces he possesses. His village this year takes up about three 10-footlong folding tables, and Peck insists that this is the least amount
new police digs
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lady mustangs’ year?
By Shawna Meyer
of pieces he’s ever used. Due to a deer hunt and an anniversary trip to Las Vegas, Peck is a little behind this year, so he decided to shrink his display down a bit. “I probably have the amount that’s out this year times about five; it’s sick,” he said. Peck’s grandmother and mother played an important role in fostering his love for all the holidays, but Christmas is especially
Mr. Christmas continued on page 4
quotable community:
“We want to be the change because some people can’t do it on their own.”
page 12
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